Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 09:52:53 -0500 From: Dylan Subject: Dylan and Jonny Part 2 Chapter 4 (GMale) CHAPTER FOUR - GOOD OR BAD? That night, as I held my twin in my arms, I kept imagining what could have happened to Jonny that night. Strangly enough, what I imagined I knew to be truth, it was that strange bond that we shared, the ones only twins, brothers, and lovers can share. It was so dark, and my head hurt so much, someone had hit me over the head, someone was touching me.. "stop please" I said suddenly. I was blindfolded and tied up on a bed or something. "Ah.. He's awake, now it will start to get fun." a voice I recognized to be Paul's. "Jonny?" Matt's voice asked. "Matt.." I whimpered, scared. I could hear Jonny's voice in my head, as clear as my own. "Oh god.. please....Dylan... save me. Dylan... I'm so scared..." I felt a heaviness in my chest, the same heaviness one always got when we were about to cry. I could hear Jonny's mind fighting back the tears and emitting a sense of courage. "This is My school understand?" Paul shouted somewhere from in the room. I wanted to run but I couldnt, my legs, they were tied up, my arms cuffed to something. Someone grabbed my chin, "Well aren't you a pretty boy?" a hand landed on my cheek. I took a deep breath in and in a flash Paul slapped me. "Bitch" his voice had turned spiteful, evil and hurtful. Jonny's fear was so strong, his mind kept calling out for me. "Dylan.... Dylan!?" it rang. I heard Matt grunting and suddenly hearing him say "Leave my shirt alone!" In an instant Jonny's mind shouted "Oh please.. dont rape me...dont hurt me... please" I felt two hands on my body, running down my chest and someone undoing the bonds around my wrists and taking my shirt off. "Please... stop!" I begged, nothing I said seemed to affect them. "Dylan.. someone... save me please" Jonny thought. Just as the hands were working on my pants I heard a phone ring, someone talking, then an angry Paul saying "Fine, dress him and keep him in there, I'll be back" Someone carried me as if I were some weak child, and in a sense.... to them.. I was. They put my shirt back on and threw me on the ground. "Give him these" Paul's voice said. The person who carried me stuffed two pills into my mouth. I choked on them as they traveled down my throat. I felt the room get colder as the few rays of light I could see through my blindfold dissapeared. "Matt?" I called into the endless void. "Jonny?" Came the response. My hand shot forth and pressed against his chest. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah... I think" Matt said. I could tell Jonny really cared for Matt, and there was something else in his mind that I tried desperately to avoid, a feeling for Matt, a feeling of I... or Jonny hugged Matt, slowly my eyelids grew heavy, my body felt so... tired..... and I fought to stay awake. It was then that I woke up. It was late at night and Jonny was still laying beside me, sleeping. My entire body was on the verge of sweating through my clothes. Luckily I calmed down, and brought down my heartbeat. After some calming down I laid back to sleep, only to have another dream..... this time it was me and Jonny, I was... a horrible person in this dream. This dream.... was my dream... it was horrible. It was me... I was... grabbing Jonny and throwing him around the room, I threw him onto my bed, his head hitting the headboard. "Dylan stop!" He begged me, but I didnt. I grabbed Jonny and tore off his shirt, and I started jerking him off. "Dylan" Jonny cried. "Dylan... I hate you" Jonny said. It was then that I woke up again. I understood what my mind was telling me. Not being there for Jonny was just as bad as me raping him. I would change, I promise I will change, for Jonny. In all my thoughts, I didnt notice that Jonny wasnt in the bed. He was already up and out in the living room, sitting in the window alcove, with his knees drawn up. When I got closer to him, I heard sniffling, he was crying. I hugged him and I felt him jump a little before turning to see me. "Jonny? Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me with those beautiful green eyes and I could tell he had been crying for a long time. "Dylan... Why do they always have to go for me? Why do they always come for me? I want it to.. end" Jonny sobbed. I felt a sudden weight on my heart. He was so hurt, and in so much pain. "Jonny... things happen because.. they make you stronger. They make you.. greater in life" I was stumbling over my own words. "Dylan... it hurts... so much...I want it to end...I want... to end" He cried, his head falling into my chest. "Jonny, It'll be okay..." I comforted him. I couldn't take looking at him like this. I went into the kitchen and on the counter I saw something that caught my eye. It was the perscription that we had found in Paul's room. I guess Leon had takin it back here. My original plan was to get Jonny some water to calm him down.. but.. I felt so bad.. I grabbed a cup and poured some iced tea. "Im so sorry Jonny..." I said to myself as I took two pills from the container and stirred them into the tea, breaking them apart with the spoon and watching them dissolve in the liquid. I gave the cup to Jonny and my trusting twin drank the tea. The medicine was stronger than I thought it was, immediately Jonny started getting drowsy. "Dylan.. I feel so tired... I'm going back to bed.." Jonny stood up but soon collapsed into my arms. He was out cold. I was a horrible person.... I had just drugged my very own twin! He was so light, I carried Jonny to my bed and covered him with a blanket. Just sitting there staring at Jonny gave me time to think. The entire time.... my mind screamed at me for what I had just done. The tears in my eyes came with a fury. My tears hit the floor, wetting the carpet. I ran to my room and I pulled out the box I kept under my bed. Inside, was a smaller box, this one.... Jonny made for me when he was six, on the lid, "Best #1 Brother" was carved in. "I dont deserve it" I said, and I threw the box on the floor, the fragile work of a six year old broke, the lid broke off the box and the rest of it was in pieces. It hurt so just hurt... I returned to Jonny's side and held his hand. "God... what have I done? Im so sorry"' I cried into the bedsheets. Once again.. I fell asleep, this time... my vision was of happyness. Both Jonny and I were... in a feild, a clear feild, both of us naked, and free. I saw him running towards me, his skin shining where the sun rays hit. He hugged me, and I could tell he was so happy. I kissed him, and in return, he tackled me onto the thick grass. He snuggled up against me, and it seemed the sky fast forwarded 12 hours into the night. We were star-gazing the grass formed a blanket and a bed for us, while we looked at the beautiful comets and moons. "I Love you Dylan..." Jonny whispered. This time... when I woke up... my hand had found its way into Jonny's and they were in an embrace. "I Love you too Jonny" I said to his sleeping body. Dylan: Its funny how we do things we wouldnt normally do for loved ones. But what if one day, what your loved one wanted... or needed was an end.. and end to pain... or an end to life. Would you do it? In the end.... does the end really justify the means? AUTHOR's NOTE Sorry if this chapter's weird...ish... I've been busy so I just had to write a little something for yall. Keep reading! Thanks More to come? I will try to write a new chapter as soon as possible. Be sure to check! Comments and Suggestions arent required but always appreciated! Please feel free to e-mail me at I do write back! Thanks ~Dylan