Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 13:07:20 -0700 (PDT) From: sean P Subject: For Max Chapter 1: The realization First, let me introduce myself. My name is Sean.. I'm about 5'6", 120lbs. . I have short spiky blonde hair that most girls are obsessed with. I have really tanned skin for a blonde. Probably because I'm outside skateboarding constantly. I have freckles, which aren't really the coolest things. I come from a pretty rich family. My dad is a professor at the local university, and my mom is a lawyer for a huge electronics company. Even though my parents mean well, they try a little too hard to be "cool". We live in a large house outside of town in neat little neighborhood called Stone Gate. This "community" is the type of place you need a code to get in the front gate of. I say "community" because most of the people that live in this neighborhood work with my father at the college. I was in eighth grade. The year was just about over. All of my friends want to have a Halloween party but their parents aren't going to let them have a party in their house. I am blessed however, in the fact that my parents are extremely cool. They don't really care if my friends drink or if we occasionally smoke a little bud. So, when I went to my parents and asked if I could possibly have a Halloween party they were very receptive... "Mom, Can I have a Halloween party with like, "hella people?" I questioned. "Watch the language." She corrected. "Sorry. Can I?" "How many people is 'hella'?" "I dunno.25." I squinted. Knowing that 25 was pushing it. "25 huh? Well, I don't know why not. 25 is an awful lot. I say yes. But, don't hold me to that. You should wait for your father to come home, then ask him." Giving the look that moms give when they tell you to ask your father. "What's goin on dork face?" my little brother squeaked as he walked down the stairs into the kitchen, wearing his usual denim shorts and t-shirt -- his perpetual outfit. Max, my little brother. He has the same blonde hair and blue eyes that I have. He is 11. All the girlfriends that I have had seem to spend more time with him than me. You know, ' oh he's soooo cute,' or, 'I just want to hug him.' I guess you could say I "love" my little brother. I mean, we never fight like a lot of my friends and their siblings do (except for the calling of names (playfully). "Nothing, retard. I'm gonna have a Halloween party." I said giving him a teasing smirk. "Oh are you?", My mother rebuked, " hopefully your father will say yes. Then maybe we can have a night out. Without you devils." My mother added that final shot after she noticed that Max and I had stopped paying attention and had started to wrestle with each other. We finally noticed her again after she finished talking and stood staring at us. "What are you talking about?" both of us giving her the innocent look that boys give when they do something wrong. "Get out of the kitchen and do your homework." She chuckled, as she waved the knife she was chopping vegetables with. We both ran out of the kitchen heading upstairs to our bedrooms. I sat and thought about how great the party would be, If my father gave it the "o.k.". Max walked into the room and stood in the doorway as I sat on my bed. "Hey, Sean, can I go to your party? I promise I won't do anything dorky." He gave me a pleading look that he normally wouldn't bother with. "Come in, shut the door," he closed the door behind him and sat on my bed "why do you want to go so bad?" I questioned him because normally he wouldn't care to go to one of my parties. He hesitated and looked around, stared at my Playstation and my TV, then returned to me. "I dunno. You're gonna be in high school next year and I'm gonna be in junior high. I know it's not cool for high school kids to hang out with seventh graders. So, I figured this would be the last chance I would get to go to one of your parties." I shrugged my shoulders in agreement with his statement. "Sure you can go. I didn't know that you wanted to go to my parties before. You never really showed any interest. If you go though, you have to promise not to tell mom and dad anything that goes on there. " I gave him the look that older brothers give that means if you tell I'll kill you. "I won't tell them. I swear." I grew tired of talking and suggested that we play Playstation until dad got home. My father got home and before he was even through the foyer I was on him like white on rice. "Hey dad! What do you have planned for Halloween? Maybe you and mom can go out to dinner or something, eh?" I knew that he'd catch on quickly. " want to have a Halloween party with. How many people was it? Hella? Sure why not. Don't tell your mom but I was actually planning on taking her out to dinner." He gave me a rub on my head messing up my hair. In the past couple moths I'd noticed that I was gaining on my dad's height of 6'. I also noticed that my arms were getting bigger and my stomach was developing into an eight-pack from the sit-ups I did. I could now see about nine or ten light-brown hairs under my arms, in addition to the growing collection around my dick, when I looked in my bathroom mirror my dad had walked by and seen me looking and chuckled, 'my son is growing up'. My dad walked into the kitchen to greet my mother. I followed him closely. Max was already in there helping my mom cook. I stood in the door way watching my family. My little brother Max was always eager to help out. My mom, a middle aged lawyer named Darlene who lived for her family. My dad, Professor Michael Peters, stood a good 6 inches taller than me with brown hair, I noticed some gray appearing just over his ears. I have always worshipped my father. He was the greatest man in the world. One minute he was the Superman, the next he was the almighty dispenser of punishment. Harsh but never undeserved. As I stood and watched, my dad picked up Max's small body and twirled him around to take his place next to my mother. Right then I realized how lucky I was to have such a great family. Chapter 2: Unbroken bond The next day at school I began to spread the word that the party was on. I'd spent the whole night planning and scheming to make this party the best I've ever had. Later that night, after dinner, I went into my dad's study and asked if it could be a sleepover party. "You know. you are kinda young to be having a co-ed sleepover." He sat staring at his work and occasionally glancing up at me. "Yeah I guess so." I wasn't really sure about that but most of the time it was better to agree with my dad on some subjects. "Maybe it's time that I talked to you about something," he stood up and closed the door to his study "You know, Sean, sometimes when a guy...and a do I say this." He trailed off. Clearly at a loss for words. "Do it?" I helped him out. Seeing him struggle was killing me. he was always so sure of himself. I'd never seen him so lost. Never. Why is it that parents can talk to their kids about drugs, alcohol, and violence but when it comes to sex they freeze up? "Yeah, do it." He hesitated, collecting his thoughts, "You see. it's not always good to just 'do it'." Again he collected his thoughts. "Yeah dad. I know all about diseases and stuff." I really did. We learned all about Herpes and stuff from our science teachers. "Sean, I'm not just talking about diseases. I'm talking about feelings. If you rush into doing something with a girl," he paused, "or a guy. you have to worry about the way they, and you, feel about it." A guy!? Honestly, I'd thought about guys before but not that way. "Dad, I'm not gay." I said, sounding very sure of myself. "I didn't say you where," he shifted in his chair " but if you were, your mother and I would be completely supportive of you." I was completely blown out of the water. Did my mom and dad think I was gay? Or was he just covering all the bases? "Dad, I know you'd support me in anything I chose to do." I trailed off, again thinking of how lucky I was to have great parents. "And I know that you two love me. we really don't need to have this conversation. Besides, I only expect the guys to spend the night." My dad had realized that he had scared me off the subject, so he decided in his infinite wisdom to drop it. "Hey, buddy, I have to get back to work. And you, were supposed to be in bed 5 minutes ago." He scooped me out of his office chair and carried me down the hall to my bedroom. The whole way he was tickling me on my sides. We passed my mom in the hall. She stepped out of the way as my dad carried me kicking and screaming in just my boxer shorts. He threw me on my bed and got me in one of his many wrestling moves he remembered from college. He eventually let me go and tucked me into my covers. He leaned over and kissed me on my forehead, the stubble of his chin rubbing against me. "See you in the morning." He slowly walked to the door and turned off my light. I don't remember the last time he tucked me in at night. The feeling was very comforting. "Dad!" I tried to say before he left. "Yeah kiddo?" He spun before closing my door "I love you." I stared from behind my covers as I had when I was younger. "I know buddy...I know." he shut my door and I heard his footsteps go down the hall. I sat and slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about how much I loved my family, until finally I fell into darkness. Chapter 3: The Countdown Continues I was slow to rise the next morning. I was still tired from the weekend. I walked across the hall to Max and I's bathroom. He was in the shower, so I decided to brush my teeth while I waited. Just as I began Max shut the water and stepped out. "It's all yours." He said through his towel as he began to dry himself off. "thanx." I mottled around my toothbrush. I spit the minty concoction that had developed inside my mouth into the sink and slipped my boxers off, making my way to the shower. Max and I were very used to seeing each other naked. We lived in a very open household. We thought nothing of it. The warm water hitting my body was the only thing that stood between first period and sleep, so I melted into it. When I was done I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I stood in front of the mirrors with max as we got ready. I leaned in close to the mirror. "Hey Max, is that a hair on my chin?" I squinted to see the minute hair hanging from my chin. "Dude, it is." Max, clearly impressed looked at my chin closely. "Dad tried to give me 'The Talk' last night. I told him I already knew about 'it'." I spoke openly about it because he frequently came to me with questions regarding puberty and such things that sixth graders only hear rumors about. "He'll probably try and give it to me next." He raised his eyebrows in a matter-of-fact manner. I was ready for the day having spiked my hair and dressed. I rubbed Max's half-done hair, messing it up, and walked to my room. "Dude! You messed my hair up!" He said. I could only hear him distantly from the bathroom. "Dude! You messed his hair up! That's whack!" My dad said mockingly as he straightened his tie and walked through the hall to go to work. "Shut-up dad!" We both yelled to our father. "Love you boys! Love you honey! I'll pick up Max from soccer today! I'm getting off early!" he yelled through the house as he walked out the door. I grabbed my backpack and my board and walked downstairs, and kissed my mom on the cheek as I headed for the door. I skated to school and put my board in my locker. I got to homeroom just before the bell rang. The day went by quickly. More and more people said that they would be going to my party.4 more days. The days flew by, and before I knew it was Friday. All 20 people I invited could go. Well, almost all of the people. The only person that couldn't go was Francis. That's o.k. though because no one really liked her. My mom and I had gone to the store every night that week to buy the food and stuff for the party. We had sooooo much food. Everything was set up Saturday. We had everything ready by Nine with Max's help. Max and I sat and waited around watching TV. My mom and dad left around five o'clock to go to dinner. They said that they would be home around midnight, and that they would take all of the girls and the boys that weren't spending the night home. After they left, Max and I got our costumes on and waited for everyone to show. Chapter 4: Kryptonite Finally, around six o'clock, people started showing up and the party started. The first to show was Kelly-D .I think she was supposed to be some kind of princess. After Kelly, people started showing up in groups. Jenna came dressed as Elvis. what's new? Claire came as a racecar driver, Jeannine showed up as Satan. The costumes were really cool. I was dressed as the grim reaper, and Max was the dead guy I was after. After everyone was there we started having fun. We began by playing Playstation and stuff. The party was awesome except for the million people making out around the house. Max was having a field-day. So many girls were hanging out with him and saying how cute he was and how much they wanted to hug him. I would watch him flirt with the girls and I was almost proud. Soon it was eleven o'clock so I told everyone they had to behave themselves because my mom and dad would be home soon. So, for the last half hour or so we sat and watched the "MTV retro Halloween special.", mostly it was the girls talking about how cool Michael Jackson's Thriller video was. Right at midnight my parents got home. "o.k.! Quit swappin' spit the old folks are home!" My dad yelled from the garage entrance. "Quick! Hide the Weed!" My mom chimed in. See what I mean when I said my parents tried to be cool? My mom walked in wearing a tight black dress she had bought from Versace. My dad freaked out when he saw how much it cost but now he likes it. She was wearing a pair of high heals and carried only a small purse with her. Her naturally curly blonde hair hung down to her shoulders and framed her face. My dad was wearing a black tuxedo. They had apparently gone to the theater to see a play. The only time my dad could be seen in a 'tux' was when he went to the theater with my mother. His Brown hair was parted in the middle covering the slight patches of gray developing over his ears. He was smoking one of his cigars that he claimed to be from Cuba. "How are my boys? What have you all been doing all night?" My mom questioned as she walked through the house to inspect the damage to the kitchen. "Mmm, MTV. Oh, that Video is tight!" My dad said between puffs of his cigar. Max and I turned a deep shade of red and acted as if my father didn't exist. However, when my father noticed this he quickly bent over the back of the couch where Max and I sat and said, "What? You two are too ashamed of your old dad to introduce him?" Quickly Max an I chimed in "Yes!" My mother, having returned from the kitchen, her heels clicking on the granite floor said," Let us change real quick and we'll give you rides home." My dad followed her off to their bedroom to change. My friend Erik leaned over and said, "Dude, your mom is hot!" I just looked at him and said, "Shut-up, ass! I hate you!" When my mom and dad returned they were in more casual attire. My dad wore some blue jeans and a Stanford sweater. My mother was wearing jeans, a red long sleeve shirt and her leather jacket over it. My mother's hair had been pulled back into a pony tail. My parents began rounding up the 11 girls that needed rides home and piling them into our cars. My mom took 7 girls in her Black Volvo station wagon and pulled out of the drive way. My dad piled 4 girls into our green Land Rover and also backed out of the driveway. We stood waving to my dad as he finally backed out of the drive way. My remaining friends and I began to clean up the house. which was no easy task. It took is a good forty-five minutes just to get the kitchen presentable. My mother had told us that before we retired to my room for hours of Playstation and eventually sleep, we had to return the house to its original cleanliness. About an hour later, my mother arrived back home from unloading her cargo of girls. We had just finished cleaning downstairs and were about to go upstairs when she walked in the door. She applied her stamp of approval to the cleaning job that we had done and we headed upstairs. She said that she had heard from my dad on his cell phone that he was on his way back. He went to the store to replenish the drained fridge. Max and my friends played Playstation while is sat back and thought about the party I had just thrown. It was awesome. We had make-outs, we had some sex. that was only my friend and his girlfriend...the stripper, we had some alcohol, then we had a chill session with MTV. Good times! Soon, an hour had passed and many games had been played on the Playstation. I decided to go downstairs and check on my mom. As I walked down the stairs, I had a feeling something was wrong. My mom was talking with someone and she was crying. But the person wasn't there, it was over the phone. As I walked down the stairs my uneasiness increased as I heard the phone hit the granite floor and watched it skid to my feet. I looked up and walked into the living room. My mother was no where to be seen, but I heard her crying. I walked around the couch and on the floor she was sitting with her hands on her face. "What's wrong mom?!" I almost had to yell to get her to acknowledge me. She snapped out of her blank stare like she was waking up. She slowly looked up at me through her teary eyes. Their piercing blueness staring into mine. "It's your father." she choked out, " He's been in an accident." She reached for my hand. And held it. "He's alright though...right?", I said through a half smile, "Right? Mom?" She had looked away, "No." She choked back her tears again, "Honey. They couldn't save him. They tried real hard but they couldn't save him." She had obviously talked to her friend Darlene whom worked at the local hospital. Her words didn't connect with me. They simply passed through me. The suddenly what she had said registered. A look of horror apparently swept across my face. My mother reached out to bring me, her oldest son, close to her. I stepped back away from her. Refusing to believe what she was saying. She reached for me again. "NO! You're wrong!" I screamed "Honey. they took him to the hospital!" she said gently back "SHUT-UP! You're lying!" "They couldn't save." "NO!" I interrupted her "They couldn't save him." she continued, tears streaming her face. I fell back on the cold granite floor of the liviing room. A thousand thoughts ran through my head. I could see my mother pleading with me, but I couldn't hear her. Finally, the news began to sink in. My eyes filled with tears. I looked around waiting for my dad to walk in the door and say 'it was all just a joke'. He never came. I looked up at the stairs, my friends were standing at the bottom. They were brought by my screams of hatred. Max was standing between my mother and me. My head cleared for a second to hear my mother to speak. "They did the best they could honey. He was too badly injured. Darlene; at the hospital, said, the last thing he said was, 'Tell my wife and sons I love them very, very much." Once again my mind filled with thousands of thoughts. 'He can't be dead!' it's not possible. I once again lost what my mother and Max were saying in the confusion of my mind arguing with itself, as it struggled to grasp what had happened. 'He can't be dead.' 'She just said he was!' 'She's wrong. he can't die. He's Superman to me!' 'There's always kryptonite.' With that last thought my brain shut itself down and I refused to think. The last thing I remember is calmly lying down on the floor and seeing my mom and Max all alone. Chapter 5: Final Rest As I awoke I'd forgotten the events of last night. I heard the rain hitting the gable of my window. I was still half asleep when I realized that someone was in my bed. As I looked down in my sleep derived stupor I recognized the head of hair as being Max's. At that moment, the memory of last night flooded out of my subconscious. An extreme sense of panic swept through me...Had last night all been a bad dream? As I looked to my right the reality finally sunk in. It was true, all of it was true. My mother sat curled up on the couch in my room. Her mascara had run from tears shed in the night. She slept there the whole night watching her boys. Just then I remembered more of last night... I remembered waking up on the floor with my mother in tears. She was talking on the phone to the parents of my friends. Apparently informing them of the tragedy and asking them to come and get their children. I got up off of the floor and slowly walked up the stairs towards my room. Max was always with me. He followed me up the stairs to my room and climbed in the bed after me, slowly laying his head on top of my chest. As I dozed off to sleep I realized he was crying. I stroked his head as we both fell asleep. * * * The rain fell in large drops onto the many black umbrellas that surrounded the eventual resting place of my father. I stood at my mother's side as she wept, with my hand on her shoulder. It was a typical Northern California, Autumn day. The sky was a dark shade of gray and the tops of the trees slightly swayed with the force of the wind. It rained each of the three days since my father's death. It never stopped. Since the morning after, when I woke up, I haven't said a word. I felt as if my whole world had collapsed around me. My entire belief in the fact that my father would always be with me was completely shattered. Max stood to my left, facing the grave. His eyes were red and puffy from constant crying. It was strange, I seemed to be the only person not crying. I guess I was trying to be strong now that I was "the man of the family". It also seemed odd to think of myself as the man of the family being not quite 14. I was snapped back to attention when my mother gently squeezed the hand I had left on her shoulder. I looked forward to see the priest finish the ceremony and walk quietly to the back of the crowd. I stood with my mouth open wide, unable to move, as the mourners walked off towards their respective cars. My normally very perky blonde spikes drooped into my eyes, either from the weight of the rain or the weight on my heart. "Good-bye, Michael." My mother whispered as she closed her eyes. Her blonde hair also sagging due to the rain, her fit-for-her-age body shook from the cold and the loss. She warily stood and walked towards the coffin and leaned over to kiss the final resting place of her husband. She broke down into sobs before remembering Max and I were still there and regaining her composure. "Mom." I stammered out, my voice squeaking from the cold. "I'll leave you three alone." As she walked off towards the limo she stopped only once to watch us. Chapter 6: Last Goodbyes Max and I stood, dumbfounded, for a moment. I took the first shaky steps towards my fathers tomb. Max was always one step behind, his equally wet hair in his blue eyes. As we arrived at the coffin I reached down and laid a hand upon the top of the gray box. " Well dad, I guess this is it." my throat growing tight " I know that whatever I say here you can hear, and that you will always be with me. I just wish that we could have had a little more time together." I paused to regain my slipping composure. I felt Max's wet hand slide into mine. "I want you to know a couple things before you go. first, I thought that I should tell you that when I was 9 I hit the baseball through the front window and blamed it on Max, but you probably already knew that. Second, I'll do my best to take care of mom and Max. I don't really know all that much about being a man but I guess you have to learn sometime." A feint smile crossed my face as I pictured the look on my dad's face after that remark. "last, I want you to know that I love you more than any other person in the world." I looked down at max and saw that he was crying now, his tears mixing with the rain that fell at a constant pace. I put my arm around his neck and pulled him close to me. " Do you wanna say anything to him?" I questioned max. " I love you dad. I want you to know that I'll always miss you." max choked out between sobs. I began to walk towards the car with Max, stopping occasionally to look back. Chapter 7 The ride home in the limo was possibly the longest I'd ever been on. It was 3:30 when we pulled up to our house. I stepped out and raised the umbrella for my mother who stepped out after Max. We walked into the house slowly and unsteadily. "Are you guys hungry? I'll make you some soup." My mother looked as though she needed something to do. I walked towards my room pausing only to look at the spot on the living- room floor where I had collapsed 3 days earlier. Going up the stairs I untied my tie and unbuckled my belt. I changed into a much need pair of sweatpants and shirt. I emerged from my room to see max going down the stairs in a like outfit. "the soup is on the table guys," my mother stated as she headed for the sanctuary of her bedroom " You guys should take a bath you'll feel better. That's what I'm doing then I'm going to sleep. I love you boys" After Max and I finished up our soup I cleared the table and headed back upstairs towards our bathroom. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Max leaning against the doorjam of our bathroom. " I feel dizzy..." Max slurred out as he slipped towards the floor. I caught him before he made it all the way down. " You should take a bath, you don't look so good." I helped Max into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat as I drew the bath. I turned around and pulled the white socks off of his feet, then motioned for him to lift his arms, which he did. I pulled the gray sweatshirt over his head carefully so not to upset his balance. I then had him steady himself on my shoulder as I untied the drawstring on his sweatpants. The Black sweatpants fell to his ankles revealing his nakedness to me fully. Max sat again while I undressed and climbed into he tub. Max stood facing away from me and sat between my legs with his head resting on my chest. At first, I felt a little weird having my little brother sitting between my legs with my dick pressed against his back. I gently began washing his hair while he rested. "Max..." he paused. " How do you know when you're a man?" " I dunno...I guess you just do. Why?" I questioned while beginning to soap his shoulders up with a bar. "Never was a stupid question" Max shied away from the question. I continued soaping up Max's body until I reached his belly button. I stopped, unsure of his reaction. Max turned his head questioningly. "It's ok...I don't mind." I continued down and soaped his sparse pubic hairs then continued further. I released the soap when the area was as well lathered as I could get it under water. I began cleaning the area. I reached down and wrapped three fingers around his semi-hard dick and pulled his foreskin back, making sure I cleaned under there. That elicited a slight moan from Max, which made me feel a little wierd. After I had cleaned both of us, I stood and helped max from the tub and into a large bath sheet. I walked him towards his room, but he stopped just short of the door. He looked across the hall at my door. "Sean can I sleep with you tonight?" Max had a pleading look on his face. "I don't see why not, Max," I appeased him. We walked into my room. I was naked and max wore only a towel. I climbed into my queen size bed and scooted under my "Down" comforter. Max snuggled in the bed next to me. I was on my back with his head on my chest and a leg thrown over mine his soft penis rested against my upper-thigh. I could smell the soft scent of his clean body and his hair in front of my nose. I reached down and stroked his hair. Max began to softly cry into my chest. I was unsure of what to do. "Max, everything is going to be okay. Yeah, dad Is gone but we still have mom...and each other." I added the each other to reassure him the I would love him no matter what. Max rolled over onto his back with his head facing me. He had a sad look on his face that almost made me cry. I had to do something to make him feel better. I took a huge chance. I leaned forward and slowly placed my lips on his. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds. I leaned back and brushed some of Max's blonde hair from his eyes. I looked into his eyes and saw how much love he had for me. Again, I leaned forward and placed my lips on his this time he began to kiss back. I could tell this was his first real kiss by how sloppy the were, but the were good all the same. I reached up and placed my hand behind his neck and lightly stoked his hair with the other. I decided to take another risk and slid my tongue out slowly towards his mouth. Up until that moment his eyes had been shut. The look on them was one of uncertainty. I stopped my advance long enough to say something. "It's ok max." very reassuringly After that comment, I resumed the kiss and again pushed my tongue slightly out of my lips. This time, however, it met Max's. I pushed his tongue and mine into his mouth and began to explore. Up until this point, I was a completely heterosexual young teenager who had a very limited amount of sexual participation with the opposite sex. Although my experience was limited to fondling and a great blow-job I was using what I remembered. I decided to take another gamble just then. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes. Max's eyes stared into mine. My left hand stayed behind his neck and my right hand moved down to his chest. Max's eyes changed to one of surprise. As I made contact with his chest, Goosebumps covered him. I slowly slid my hand down his abdomen to his belly button then continued further. Soon, my hand came in contact with my little brother's 11 year old penis. Max's dick was about 4.5 to 5 inches in length and had a very small patch of developing pubic hair above it. As my hand came in contact with Max's cock he jumped slightly then an unsure look struck his ice-blue eyes. He opened his mouth to say something. I responded by wrapping my hand around his stiffy and slightly pulling the foreskin back to expose the head. His mouth hung open slightly and his eyes closed partly. I pushed him down so the he was lying flat on his back on the bed. I pulled the covers of the bed back to reveal his small frame to me. His skinny stomach moved up and down with every breath. I touched his chest, his heart was beating like a drum. I now could see his body at it's finest. I straddled his legs and began to slowly pull his foreskin over the sensitive head of his cock then back down again. I developed a slow rhythm that I continued to use. I watched his face as I slowly jacked him off. It filled with ecstasy. His eyes closed and his head leaned back into the pillow. He moaned slightly as I pulled his foreskin all the way down, past the head of his cock. I moved forward so that we were face to face. I once again began to kiss him. This time his tongue responded and I let him enter my mouth. He explored my mouth while I slowly jacked him off. I broke our kiss and kissed him on the forehead. I looked into his eyes. "Max I love you so much. I wanna give you something." I whispered into his ear. I kissed his neck the moved down slightly to his chest and kissed directly where his pecs would one day form completely. I then moved down to his belly button and kissed the hairless hole. I once again slid down, this time I was face to face with his four and a half inch cock. Max propped himself up on his elbows in anticipation. I looked down at the penis in fron of me. I slid the foreskin as far down as it would go then slipped the head into my mouth. Max gasped in a deep breath as my warm saliva-filled mouth slid down the length of his cock. I continued down until my nose touched his small amount of pubic hair then started back up. Max began to stroke my hair and thrust his pelvis towards my mouth with each downward trip of my mouth. After about 20 strokes Max began to tense up. I knew what was about to happen. However, I wasn't sure of what to expect exactly or what to do, so I stayed where I was and took his cock deep into my mouth. My motion downward was helped by Max's hips thrusting forward while pressing down on the back of my head with his hands. " God Sean...I think I'm gonna cum...ohhhh...gooooddd." Max breathed between Pants. Suddenly I felt a small amount of warm liquid squirt into the back of my throat. I tried to not swallow it but there was such a small amount I figured it wasn't so bad. I released Max's still hard cock from my lips and let it rest on his hip. I scooted up to Max's head and watched as he came down from his young orgasmic bliss. His eyes opened slowly as he laid there still slightly shaking. "Oh my god...I've never done that before." Max exclaimed. "You've never cum before?" I said while stroking his chest and lying down on the pillow next to him. "I've come close but never actually done it. That was great." He smiled at me. I leaned forward and kissed him once again on the lips. Shortly after he fell asleep cuddled close to my chest. That's it for part 1: good stuff? Comments? E-mail me: This story is true. I did lose my father 4 years ago exactly how it happened in the story. the following events are also true.