Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:00:42 -0700 From: Boy Mercury X Subject: Go Home (Revised) This story is an entirely fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between related persons. Copyright me 2017. Nifty is free service that depends on your donations to survive. Please help them to keep providing this awesome resource for all of us by giving at You can find my tumblr at Email Boy Mercury X at - I really love to hear from you. This is a REVISED AND EXPANDED version of an earlier story. Thank you to Jeff for helping me rework what I didn't like in this story. <3 GO HOME by Boy Mercury X 1. I told Boon it was hard to explain my Dad and our difficult relationship. "He's just -- he's a narcissist I guess. Everything has to be about him." "Like how?" "Like when I got pissed at him and unfriended him on Facebook. You'd think I committed a capital crime. He went on about it for days, saying I was punishing him for a difference of opinion. I explained it was not about him, that I wanted a Facebook that was about friends and not about arguments, but he said he wasn't buying it. I explained again and he said I needed to get over Facebook and stop talking about it. As if he wasn't the one who started it and kept it up!" Boon laughed. "Everyone has problems with their parents." "You're minimizing this, Boon." I hoped I was using the right words to convey the situation. Boon's English was impeccable, but every now and then he'd remind me it wasn't his first language. Like saying "younger" to describe an object rather than "newer". "Hey look, he's okay with his only son being gay, he WANTS a relationship with you, and is cool with you bringing your fiancé for a visit. Seems pretty okay to me." "I don't think he wants a relationship." "What does he want then?" "A relationship implies some kind of, I don't know, equal stakes or whatever. He wants to do what he wants to do, and for me to go along with it." "It's just one night, Saturday and then we leave Sunday. We got this." Boon took one hand off the steering wheel, tapped his fist once on the dash and held it up for me to tap with my own fist. "Well?" he asked, "Ready to go home?" I half rolled my eyes. But I made a fist, tapped it once on the dash and then tapped my knuckles to his. That was our stupid signal to remind us we're in it together, on the same side always. 2. I admit I didn't tell Boon everything. Mom left us when I was a kid, after years of frustration. I could have resented her for leaving, and for leaving me with him, but the truth is I understood. He wanted her to be a wife and joyfully clean and cook ands iron, and she had her own interests that he undermined at every turn, from night classes to her own art. "He wants me to iron everything. Even his underwear. His UNDERWEAR. Who does that?" I remember her saying. She married too young, and Dad would have been a handful for anyone, much less an 18-year-old girl. I always assumed when she left me with him she thought I'd fare better, because I was his son, and because I was a boy and we'd work it out in a way that she couldn't. Unfortunately, Dad's physical appeal was not lost on me. His thick blonde hair framed an effortlessly handsome face. He played around as an amateur bodybuilder, more for his appearance than the love or art of it. And this he did very effectively, sporting a thick muscled body with a furry chest and a back like Thor. I admit sometimes enjoyed a fantasy that we were together, married. He was the focus of life anyway, and I was young enough to shape myself to the gravity of our household. He would now and then bring women home, who I'd see on their way in or their way out. Rarely both, because although infrequent Dad's fuck sessions were epic. "Oh Sam -- SAM!!!" I'd hear his women shriek, as Dad's bed slammed against the wall, but by the time he really got pounding they would be calling on God, God! GOD!!! He'd come out to the kitchen, sometimes with boxers fully tented on his erection, sometimes with nothing but his slimy wet cock, gather up food and water bottles and go back to his room for the next round. If he'd even notice me there he'd smirk and say something like "Epic. Fucking epic." Listening to his conquests play out I'd hold out as long as I could on my own erection so that I could cum in sync with Dad. I developed quite an ear for his pattern, and could identify the speed up, the hardest thrust and then three to five shorter thrusts in the after quake of his climax. It was impossible to not imagine him, with his thick muscled body and that fucking grin when he was on top of a situation. And when he and whateverhername were done we'd have dinner and I'd stew angrily. "What's up with you, sourpuss?" he'd say between bites, "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" You could say he was oblivious. 3. Pulling up at the house I caught my first sight of Dad in a decade, out working on his car. The years had been good to him. In his chinos and snug gray Henley shirt, he was as built as ever, with that slight arch to his back that made his round ass seem permanently hiked up, and gave his chest some extra lift. Even his belly seemed perfectly proportioned and manly. As if he needed it. Fuck, I have to admit I inarticulately wished he'd gotten older and fatter. But there he was, at 55 looking better than I did at 30. He was older looking, sporting grey in the dark blond of his scruffy short beard. He hair is a little thinner too, but on him it's just more masculine. My strongest impulse was to turn the car around and head straight back the other way. "I'm out of shape," I said softly into the air, "I need to work out." "Remember," said Boon, sensing my low-key panic, "transitions are the hardest. It'll get better." We pull up and step out, and Dad I swear waits till we're close so he can turn up from under his car hood, to give us his best dazzling smile, resting his weight back so his muscles all set into place just so. "Hello boys," he says. "Hello Mr. Rogers," said Boon, bravely launching forward, a hand naively extended for a manly handshake, "Boon-Nam Sangprathum. Please call me Boon." Dad was silent, leaving Boon standing there with his hand held out alone. He sized up the younger man with a discerning eye, and said, "So -- Boon? - you're the one fucking my boy." After five long beats, with Boon's had still awkwardly suspended, he said "Ah I'm just fucking with you," and pulled Boon into a big bear hug, slapping him hard on the back and holding him firm. "Welcome to the family." "Jesus, Dad," I muttered. "Don't be such an asshole," He looked up to me, still wrapped around Boon, and said "Its hard, son." With eyes focused on mine, he cast aside Boon as if he were nothing and made his way to me. "Maybe if I wasn't a pariah I'd be better socialized," he said. "But when even your own son unfriends you on Facebook, what can you expect?" "Not fucking Facebook again." "Forget Facebook. Stop bringing it up." "Bringing it up? YOU just brought it up! You're the one who..." I couldn't finish the sentence as Dad gripped me a vice-like hug, like being buried under a ton of rock. "Shhhh," he said, rocking me back and forth. My erection accepted this peace offering even if my mind refused. 4. After a welcome home dinner of steak and greens, Boon and I settled into my old bed. He rapped his knuckles once and held them up for me, and I tapped mine against his. "He's not that bad," Boon whispered. "He just has that stupid macho shit going on." "You don't even know," I whispered back. "I can handle him," Boon responded, "just watch. Did you see how I introduced myself and told him what to call me?" The bedroom door suddenly swung open, Dad standing there in just his red flannel pajamas bottoms. Boon and my eyes immediately fell on his big pecs, covered with soft blond fur that spread down his belly inviting all curiosity into his low-riding pjs.

"Eyes up here," Dad said, pointing at his face. "You ladies need anything? Warm milk?" "Please Dad," I said, "Learn to knock. Go to bed." "Afraid I'll see something I haven't seen before?" Dad asked. "Okay Duchess." "DAD." "Thanks Mr. Rogers," said Boon, "Goodnight sir." Dad shut the door and the room went dark and silent. "You have to admit," said Boon, "it's not every guy his age who would be that comfortable seeing his son and his son's boyfriend in bed together. Try to find the good in this." "Wasn't always that way," I said. Then I noticed the sheets tenting up. "Boon, you're hard as fuck!" "So what?" he said "It's hot to be with you in your childhood bed." "You sure that's what's doing it?" "Come on, first time with a hot boyfriend in your childhood bed, your crazy dad a few feet away?" "I hate to break it to you but this isn't the first time." "WHAT? Dish. Now. I need to know." So I told Boon about Jake. 5. "When I was seventeen I started hanging out with Jake. He was hot in the way a lot of high school jocks are. Y'know, young and athletic enough, on the short side like 5'8", kind of part-boy part-man. He was blonde and good looking enough for high school. "No one would have pegged us as friends, not even me. He was a year younger, but more worldly than me. He had a shitty home life with parents always screaming at each other. He didn't talk about it but I guessed he'd been roughed up by his asshole father more than a few times and probably his brother too. "It should go without saying his rough life, jock body and pretty face seemed very romantic to me at the time, and I thought I could rescue him. In retrospect his family made my asshole dad seem like father of the year, and he probably needed CPS to intervene, not some lusty gay teenager. "Anyway, we both liked the same comic books and movies and music and shit. We both made some concessions in order to hang out, maybe. Me, because I had a crush on him, and I guess him because he could get away from his shitty family. It must not have been easy for him to hang out with the obviously gay kid even though I was closeted. It's a small town and people talk, especially in high school. "He started sleeping over a lot, a few nights a week every week. And its not like we had a guest room -- he just slept in my bed with me, which now seems kind of amazing but then seemed normal. "Nothing EVER happened, no matter how much I hoped it would. I hate those straight guys who have homoerotic experiences as teens, because I sure as fuck never did. But it was good enough to be near him for me, and I just kept hoping, and as often as I could I'd jerk off thinking of scenarios in which we gave each other hand jobs or better. "So one day my dad tells me he doesn't want Jake sleeping over anymore. I asked why and he gave some BS about his privacy. Like he ever gave a shit about my privacy, making the place into a whorehouse every chance he got. So I pushed back and said if he could have people over why couldn't I, and Tim was my best friend, and what did it hurt anyone anyway? "So he says I'm just a kid and not an adult, and then -- this is the big thing -- then he says if I was into girls he wouldn't let me have a 16 year old girl in my bed either. "So yeah, the situational ethics thing is there. But the big thing is I never told him I was gay. He just said that. And that's how I knew he knew. "But because I was so horny and Jake was straight and nothing ever happened I was just furious. I said `Well you don't have anything to worry about because Jake only likes girls and not me'. I was probably looking daggers at him when I said it, because he kind of backed down. "I thought things could just keep going the way they were. But one night when Jake was over I woke up in the middle of the night, alone. I assumed he went to the bathroom, but then I could hear talking. I got up and found Jake and my dad sitting in the living room talking. "Dad told me immediately to go back to bed. I said no way, but he was as serious as I ever saw him, and even Jake gave me a look that said he had it, scram. "So I did, and even though I was upset and curious, I somehow fell back asleep. In the morning I asked Jake what that was about, and he just said Dad wanted to know about his home life, and said he could keep staying over, but no more than three nights a week. "That didn't seem like such a bad deal because that was about what he did anyway. But I guess things were never quite the same after that. Jake got more distant, and our differences became more pronounced. He stayed over less often and then we were almost strangers again. After I left high school we never talked again." "What happened to him?" asked Boon. "Last I heard he did a year at a community college and then moved to Alaska, the universal choice of people too fucked up to deal with being normal." "Weird," determined Boon. "I'm beat. I'm going to sleep." He flipped over on his side, and I curled up behind him, my erection against his hairy crack, the way I longed to do with Jake so many nights in the same bed. 6. On Saturday Dad wanted to take with him on his errands. Because that's his idea of a visit with him: He goes to Home Depot, we go to Home Depot. Of course Dad being himself, a trip to Home Depot was an exercise is asserting superiority. He wears his Carhartts, a worn John Deere cap and a ribbed white tank stretching to contain his chest, and demanding attention to his beefy biceps and shoulders. Any poor employee who tries to offer him help got a withering stare and a stony assessment by eye that none could pass. I swear he reached the highest shelves himself to expose his armpits, like he's declaring his territory through his musky scent. At the checkout he was sweet as could be to the cashier. She's plump, heavy on the hips, with poorly applied make-up and plain brown hair pulled into a clumsy ponytail. But he treated her like Miss America, and as he took his receipt from her hand said "Thanks darling" and winked at her. Then he slow walked out, with rebar and lumber over his shoulder so everyone could admire his form. Next we went to Dad's mechanic to pick up some repairs. Dad was outraged at the cost. "It's parts, Sam," said the mechanic, "Just passing on my costs. Don't make it personal." "Gee thanks," said Dad, "but do me a favor, I like a little reach around when I'm getting fucked, y'know?" "Shut the fuck up Sam. See you for poker next week." I was embarrassed for Boon to know I grew up like this. Dad took us to his favorite diner for lunch. Naturally he didn't ask if there was anywhere I wanted to go, after being gone for ten years. At the table I made sure to roll up my shirtsleeves to the elbows, exposing the half sleeve tattoos on both arms, intertwining pink cherry blossoms. "So you had to get flower tattoos?" he asked. "Yup Dad, flowers," I said, propping up both arms on the elbows. "I don't judge," he said. "You got your body. I got mine." He gracelessly scratched his side with his meaty hand. "I like them," said Boon. "Ever see my appendectomy scar?" asked Dad, lifting his tank top on the side to show the horizontal scar on one side of his belly. "Dad, I was there when it happened." "Now that was pain," he said, "What happened was this one day..." "Dad, I was there. I know the story." "He was -- Junior was -- he was so tough getting inked," said Boon, "You should have seen. He barely winced." "Junior?" I asked, "Don't YOU start calling me that now." "Samuel Ulysses Rogers Junior," said Dad, "I gave you my name." I rolled my eyes, thinking how dumb it is to give someone your name instead of giving them a name of their own. "He really was amazing," said Boon. "Well I know how to take it," I said, "Right Boon?" "Ah Jesus," said Dad, "Let me guess. You mean in the rear?" "Yeah Dad. That's what I mean." "Whatever," Dad said, rolling his eyes, "I'd faint but I forgot my smelling salts." Our lunch arrived and Dad ate his sandwich in silence. I had no appetite for the purported Greek Salad I ordered. I looked at Boon, and tried to plead with my eyes: I want to be back in a place where people don't talk like this. I want to watch Drag Race. I want to eat rice noodles. I want to sleep in our bed. Boon blinked back at me with his thick dark lashes, and I feared some part of my message was lost in translation. 7. "What kind of name is Boon anyway?" Dad asked over dinner. "It's Thai," I said quickly. "I know that," said Dad, cocking an eyebrow, holding his burger still midair for dramatic effect, "what's it mean?" "It's short for Boon-Nam," said Boon, "it means good fortune." "So let me ask you something Boon-Nam," began Dad, knitting his eyebrows in mock thoughtfulness. "Please, call me Boon." "No, I don't think I will. I like Boon-Nam. It's... lyrical." "Mr. Rogers, I insist..." Dad dropped a fist like a hammer on the dinner table, jolting Boon nearly out of his chair. "Son, DO NOT TRY TO DOMINATE ME IN MY HOUSE! Now, Boon-Nam... are you friends with your parents on Facebook?" "Jesus CHRIST!" I fumed. "Well Mr. Rogers," said Boon, calmly, "I am, but my parents and I have a bit of a different relationship than you and your son." "Now what the fuck is THAT supposed to mean?' "Dad," I said, exasperated, "in the election you- " "I. Did. Not. Vote." Dad declared. "I know! That's the point! There are policies that will effect me and Boon and you didn't even care!" "Neither candidate deserved my vote." "Jesus Dad, what about ME? Did I deserve your vote?" "That's pathetic. I refuse to accept that you would do this to me over POLITICS. What is this really about?" Boon cleared his throat and said, "I think if you could just..." "SHUT UP BOON!" Dad and I barked simultaneously. I turned back on my father, saying, "Dad this IS it! You just -- everything is about you." "What pussy shit is this? I didn't raise you like this." "See? You think this is about how YOU did something, You didn't raise me ANY way. I raised myself. You don't even know who I am!" "Oh man, what a shitty dad I am!" Dad wailed sarcastically, "Boon, you're so lucky to have my prince of a son, never does anything wrong!" "Leave him out of it," I hissed. "You already ---" The room was still and silent. "Already what? What did I do that was so bad?" "I DON'T EVEN KNOW!" I shouted, "But whatever you did with Jake." "Jake who?" "JAKE! Jake, my best friend when I was 17." Dad chuckled and seemed to draw all the air in the room to himself as everything went silent. "Oh Jake. Jake, Jake, sweet as cake. That one." "Yes Dad, that one." "Yeah, I fucked him," said Dad. "And he loved it." "You WHAT?" "I think you heard me, Junior." I dropped my face in my hands. I knew it. I always knew it. "Asshole," I said without looking at Dad, "He had a shitty home and just wanted to stay here. He would have done anything- " I gasped "-you used him." "You got it wrong," Dad said, "If I'm so bad, why was he coming around here after high school, you weren't even here anymore?" Boon watched us in silence. "Dad, tell me what happened. Dad, please." 8. "You had this kid staying over all the time," Dad began. "Jake, whatever, kid has a few strikes against him. Tough enough kid, but his dad and brother rough him up. Could be better, could be worse. "So the kid is making fuck eyes at me all the time. Takes a shower and walks around in his towel cinched around his waist, makes sure he's in sight. `Good morning, Mr. Rogers.' Or in the kitchen he squeezes past me just so, getting his ass against my johnson. Opens the door to the bathroom when I'm taking a leak and says he didn't know I was in there. He knew. He knew. "Where the fuck you were during this I don't know. Most oblivious kid I ever knew. Your best friend's making the moves on me every day he's here, you got your head in the clouds. So I try to do the decent thing, and tell you to make him scarce. You get pissed because I don't know, you're a horndog who wants the kid yourself. "So one night you're sleeping and Jakey comes out to get some water or whatever made up shit. Truth is he heard me in the kitchen, comes out in his drawers and a t-shirt to be a flirt. `What are you doing Mr. Rogers, can I help?' And I say, Jake, let's talk. "I been around enough to see what's going on here, so start shooting straight with me, I say. He tells me he doesn't know, maybe he's bisexual, but he wants to be with me, doesn't want to go home. We both know you don't know shit about it. And what the fuck ever, kid had sweet looking lips. Just my type, but he's a boy. "He drops on his knees and gets on my pecker, and if you close your eyes it could be Marilyn Monroe for all it matters. I don't know where he learned it or was a natural, but that kid sucked cock like nobody's business. You don't know how hard it was to be quiet to not wake you up. Sucked a huge load out of me right here in the kitchen. Over the lips, past the gums, look out stomach here I comes. "I knew right off that wasn't the end. I wasn't done, and I sure as fuck knew he wasn't. So we sat down to have a talk about terms. I told him he could blow me now and then, but it had to be so you wouldn't know. Shit, anyone could see you were in love with the kid, and he had it bad for me. No way that was gonna' end with anything but you pissed at me for something I didn't even do. "You walked in on that. Maybe you don't remember. But I was looking out for you, you ungrateful shit. "So from there we kept doing it. God, what a sweet mouth. That kid knew what he wanted and how to take it. He was coming around more and more. I kept telling him to keep it cool, because I don't want him to break your fucking heart. But he's too far gone, all I love you Sam, I want to be with you. I figure he's an inch from blowing it all, so I tell him I'm done. "When I cut off access to my dick, he stopped coming around so much. When he did he'd tell me about some other asshole he sucked off, but I'm not the jealous type, so he figures out this shit's not working. So he stops coming around all together. I don't mind telling you, I missed that mouth, but easy come easy go, right? And all without you noticing a thing, so you can keep your dreamy vision of your boyfriend. "After you went to college he shows up one day. Figures you're gone so maybe, who knows. So sure, what the fuck. That's when we break in his ass, what a slice, like cake. And we start that on the regular. But he falls for me again, and fuck I don't want to be tied down. He's supposed to be some fun on the side. "Kid's not dumb. He's got it bad for me, but stupid he's not. So he goes, I don't know -- to Alaska? Far as I know he's sucked off every lumberjack from here to the North Pole and back. "So that's the story. That what you wanted Junior?" 9. I struggled to process what he told me. "You want me to believe Jake was in love with you the whole time he was my friend?" I asked. "Love lust, what the fuck ever," he said. "God, you're such an insane narcissist." I muttered. Dad reached over to the countertop to pick up a green apple. He pointed at me with it, and said "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Then he tossed it up in air, and on its descent popped it back up off his bicep. He caught it midair, too a loud crunching bite, sucked the juice out hard, and as he chewed it said, "Not everything's about you, Junior." "Dad, the idea that you kept it from me to protect my feelings is just - implausible. You never did a fucking thing for anyone but yourself. I admire the restraint of the character in your story, but I don't buy it for a minute." "Don't believe me," he said, biting off another piece of apple, "Ask Boon-Nam here. I haven't made a move on him." "Me?" yelped Boon, "I wasn't here for any of this." "Nope," said Dad, "But you've been here making fuck eyes at me since you pulled up in my driveway. Isn't that right, boy?" Boon looked down, speechless. "Boon?" I asked, "What is he talking about?" "I didn't do anything," said Boon, still refusing to look me in the eye. "But... if I'm to be honest, there is an attraction."
 "Well that's great," I said, "That's just fucking great. That's just what I needed, Boon. This has been a fucking ice cream sundae of a trip, and that is the cherry on top." "See?" asked Dad, "You're oblivious as fuck." The three of us sat in silence, except for the sound of Dad sucking the juice of the core of his apple. He stood up and threw the core across the kitchen, landing it in the kitchen sink. He stood up to step closer to run his thick fingers through Boon's springy black hair, and said "So, are we gonna' have a hen party all night or are we gonna' fuck?" Boon rose to his feet, and Dad wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him in, but Boon shoved him away, saying, "Hold on." Surprised, Dad spread his arms to show off his muscle, and said, "You saying you don't want some of this?" "Yeah," Boon answered. "Yeah, I do. But so what?" "Whoa," I said. This was suddenly the most interesting conversation I'd ever seen in this house. "Of course I'm attracted to you," said Boon. "You look just like the man I love -- same face, plus another hundred pounds of muscle. I'm into you because I'm into him. I hope he still looks like you when he's your age. I'll have the hottest husband in town." "Glad you see it that way," said Dad, running his hand up and down Boon's back. "But -" Boon interrupted, reaching out to take my hand and pulling me closet "you call us here, treat us like shit. You torture your son with that awful story -" "Okay boys," said Dad, "enough drama -- why don't we --" Boon held up his free hand, silencing Dad. Fuck, I've never seen that before in my life. "You son isn't as boy, he's a man. The smartest, funniest most decent man I know, even though I haven't seen a lot of any of that since we got here. How he turned out that way growing up with you is a mystery. But unless you want me to walk him out of this house right this minute and drive away forever, you are going to stop treating us like this. Now." I must have stopped breathing, in anticipation of Dad's psycho reaction. Instead he looked down, then slowly up again and asked, "Then how should I treat you, gentlemen?" "Unless I misread the situation," said Boon, "you haven't been with anyone in a long time. Small town, you probably finished the low hanging fruit a while ago. Now you're in your late 50s -" "Early 50s," corrected Dad. "Fine, mid-50s," continued Boon. "Maybe you're not what you used to be, maybe you have a reputation. You're flirting like crazy even with women you wouldn't have looked at twice once upon a time." "Fuck, I don't know," said Dad. "I just do my shit. You saying you're not into it?" "That's up to your son," said Boon, winking at me. I stepped closer and Dad did too, till our faces were al drawing nearly he same breath. "Go on," Boon said to me. "Or you'll always wish you did." I took a deep breath, and pressed my mouth to Dad's, sliding my tongue between his lips. After a few seconds his tongue responded in kind. I pulled Boon in closer, and his mouth met ours. All three of our cocks went from hard to aching. My heart raced so hard I almost couldn't take it, so I dropped my head into the space between Dad's jaw and collarbone and snuggled against his hard body, thinking of the countless times I fantasized about him in me, on me, kissing me.
 "This what you want, Junior?" he asked, and I could feel his heart beating as I nodded Yes. "Maybe we never see clearly the people who matter most to us," he said, and kissed the top of my head. 10. In Dad's bedroom, the setting of so many of my fantasies, we stripped Dad of his clothes, sat his down and then undressed ourselves. He looked on with fascination and stroked his cock. I ran my hands over his shoulders and thick chest, and he ran his fingers over my abs. He took my arm and kissed the flowers tattooed there. Boon looked to me with his eyebrows raised, and together we looked down to Dad's swollen dripping cock. "Go ahead," I whispered. Boon dropped to his knees and swallowed Dad's cock whole. He gasped and grabbed at me reflexively. I know how good Boon is at this, so it was no surprise when Dad's eyes rolled back as his cockhead was lodged deep in that tight throat for longer than he'd have thought possible, and he shouted "Jesus FUCK!" Then I plunged my tongue deep into his open mouth. I could have kissed him all night while Boon worked him, but pulled back long enough to ask, "How long has it been since you got head like this?" Struggling to speak as Boon choked on his girth, Dad almost whimpered "So long." I joined Boon between Dad's legs, and at long last had my lips on that cock. It was so smeared from Boon that it slid easily down my throat and I felt Dad's thighs quiver as my lips locked at the root. We took turns deep throating Dad, sometimes locking our lips together around his thick shaft, sliding up and down to mouthing the oozing head. He just sat back and let us work, so there wasn't a second when there wasn't a wet mouth on him, sucking, licking, swallowing and his cock was in sensory overload. "Sweet Jesus," I heard him moan. Pulling off Dad's cock, wiping my wet eyes and nose, I asked "Boon, can you do the thing?" Boon smirked and nodded yes. He took Dad's balls firmly in hand, and gulped down on his cock, lodging the head in his throat and slowly swallowing, teasing the head again and again. I pawed at Dad's furry pecs as he was taken to the brink. He trembled and Boon went down all the way, locking his lips at the base, and Dad lost his breath. "I'm cumming... I'm cummming...." he groaned and began to quake -- but before he could unload, Boon detached and sat back. "Boon, you gotta' let me finish like that," Dad said, still twitching. "Not yet," I said. "But Dad, I get that all the time. All. The. Time." Boon turned to me and I gave him the wettest sloppiest kiss of my life. I loved him so much right then, and it got me off more for Dad to see it. I pulled him tight and we rolled onto the bed, kissing and sliding against each other's bodies slick with sweat and precum. Dad reached over and rested a hand on Boon's back, promoting me to stop everything. "You want to join me and my fiancé?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. "Well fuck," said Dad, "What the fuck else are we doing here?" "What do you think?" I asked Boon. As Boon hmmed, Dad got frustrated and barked, "AW COME ON!" "You can join in," said Boon, "But I want to see your boy here tit fuck you." Dad shrugged and said "What the fuck ever, as he wriggled in to join us." We flipped Dad on his back and I straddled his belly, and I could feel his fur under my balls. I dropped down on all fours, letting my cock flop down into the space between his pecs. "Oh Jesus," I said, before even taking a stroke. I thought I could handle this but my balls were churning. "You want to titty fuck your old man?" asked Dad, wrapping his hand around the top of my cock, so it was surrounded on all sides by his flesh, and I thrust. My whole body trembled and Boon whispered "Oh my god," as he stroked himself. "Get in there between those thick pecs," Dad groaned, and pushed up against me as I rode his chest. "OhIcant..." I breathed, and my hips bucked, and I shot hot white cum onto his chest and shoulders, and streaked it across his face making him flinch. Boon instantly came too, his cum flying on us both. He leaned into me and locked his lips on mine for a long deep breathless kiss. After a minute Dad cleared his throat, and said "If you boys--uh, fellas, are done, I got something here needs taking care of too," and he gave one strong stroke to his rigid cock. I looked down on him, my semen splattered on his beefy chest and handsome face. "Okay," I said. "But first I'm hungry." I lifted my legs off him, and went to the kitchen, Boon a few steps behind. I could hear dad roar from his room "YOU GUYS! WHAT THE FUCK?" 11. Food always tastes better after sex, and even Dad's now room temperature burgers seemed like a good choice. But Boon had a better idea. He pulled a dozen eggs out of the refrigerator, and began to heat a skillet. The he pulled the burger patties out from their half eaten buns and had me crumble the meat. He found the Greek Salad I didn't eat at lunch, and tried to split into its component parts, while I cracked eggs into a mixing bowl. Then he diced red onions and tomatoes intended for burgers. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" Dad asked, standing there naked. Hair tussled, sweaty, messy with my load, blinking under the fluorescent lights, he still looked incredibly hot. Boon quickly cooked the ground beef and spinach from my salad, and wiped the pan. He poured the eggs into the skillet and filled the spreading yellow with the beef and spinach, and the feta cheese extracted from the salad. He skillfully flipped each and turned them out onto plates, topped each with tomato and onions, handing one to me and one to Dad. "Have an omelet," said Boon. "Fuck an omelet," said Dad, "I thought we were gonna' fuck." "Dad," I said, "just eat." He watched us as we ate our omelets, sighing with satisfaction. "This is so good," I said. "Thanks babe. Mmm, you should be on Chopped." "Those were perfectly good burgers," said Dad. "That's not even an omelet," he answered, "the way you make an omelet is..." "Dad!" I interrupted, "This isn't a crappy Denny's omelet. It's French. Jesus, you eat like shit." "I've had omelets five times the size of this at the diner," he said, but neither Boon nor I took the bait. After eating, Boon and I downed glasses of water, while Dad watched on. I felt better. In fact, I almost felt like myself again. "If we're done with tea time, are you -- fellas -- ready to get back to business?" asked Dad. I looked to Boon, and we tapped our knuckles together. "Yeah," I said. "Well its about fucking time," said Dad, rolling his eyes. He picked up is omelet in his fingers, kicked back his head and dropped it into his mouth whole. He gnashed and swallowed, then licked off his fingers, wiped his mouth with his hairy forearm, and said, "Lets go!" 12. In his bedroom we started by kissing again, in turns and then all three at the same time. Dad was still hard as steel, and Boon and I were getting hard again too. "Fuck, I'm dying here," Dad finally said. "Who's the bottom?" "Don't look at me," said Boon. "I'm not here to be your Asian stereotype." Dad looked at me, and I almost weakened as I looked at his handsome face, but said "Not that it wouldn't be epic, but not today." "Well don't look at me," he said. But we did. Look at him. Seriously. "Aw fuck," he said. In resignation he slowly turned around on all fours and hiked his ass up. "Be gentle, boys," he said, "Uh, fellas." I kissed Boon, and his beautiful thick lips were wet and delicious. Then I bent down to plant mouth on my father's beefy blond furred ass. They say straight men have nasty asses and I can't say otherwise, but I ate him out with zero regret. It was worth hearing his every gasp and groan as I licked his hole and tongue fucked him. I wanted to touch him for so long, nothing could have stopped me. Finally, up on my knees I rested my cock against his dripping wet hole, and hesitated. I look at Boon, and said, "You're up." Dad firmed up his position on hands and knees, his arms spread wide, and Boon knelt behind him. He began to slide into that beefy ass, slowly but with intent. Dad grunted, but stayed in place, until Boon was in to the root. He gave Dad a moment to adjust to having his ass filled and started a nice steady stroke. Dad groaned at first but got into it, roaring "Yeah FUCK that ass!" as he slammed back against Boon, almost toppling him. I thought Boon would cum instantly, but he held on, even though every time Dad growled he quivered. I couldn't resist getting in front of Dad and wagging my dick in front of his face, wondering what he'd do. To my shock, he licked it and then took it in his mouth. "Fuckkkk," I groaned as I sank into his hot wet mouth. I kissed Boon as we arched over my kneeling, penetrated, sucking father. I mouthed the words "I love you" to him and kissed him, then said, "Do it." Boon thrust hard into Dad, who again roared as Boon pumped a load of cum into his beefy hole, catching his breath with every gush. When Boon pulled out, Dad flopped onto his back, breathing hard. "Oh man," he laughed, running one hand over his furry chest and stroking his erection with the other. Then he ran a hand between his ass cheeks tracing his sore hole, and had a whole body shudder. "God DAMN!" he barked. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm okay, Junior. Are YOU okay?" Dad asked, looking at my dripping dick in my hand. "Or are you waiting for an engraved invitation?" He hooked his hands around the back of his thighs, and pulled back his heavy legs to open his ass wide for me. I could hardly breathe as I positioned myself between his muscular thighs and cheeks. I stroked my cock and looked at his gaping hole. "Man up," said Dad, "Unless you're not into that shit." "Fuck, I'm into it," I said as I eased my head into him, "I am SO into it." "That's what I'm talking about," Dad groaned and let his head drop back as my length sunk into him. As tough and gruff as he was outside, inside he was soft and smooth as silk. The load Boon left in him slicked his insides so my cock could glide in and almost out again. It was so good but I knew I couldn't last. I had two strokes, three, five, maybe nine before I saw the look in Dad's face, equal parts strain and pleasure. My cock tickled. "Do you want it?" I asked. Dad nodded yes. "Do you WANT it?" I asked again, through gritted teeth, holding my flood of semen back. "Yes," he said, quivering, and my cock erupted. "Daddy," I whimpered, pumping white lava into him as his hole seized up. His tight ass milked my cock for everything in me, straight from my balls. Even after I came I couldn't bring myself to pull out, he was so warm inside. He couldn't wait any more and started beating his cock, with me still inside him. I did my best to stay hard sand pump into him, while Boon played with his chest. "Fuck, you look so hot," I whispered to him, grabbing his hair as his strokes picked up speed. "I'm gonna' cum," he gasped, once, twice, three times, and then spewed a hot load onto both our bellies. He had at least five jets, and then slower gushes. My cock felt freshly hard and I got three deep thrusts in him, to force his load out, making him groan out loud. He winced as I pulled out of him, and we lie there breathing hard together, streaked with each other's cum, spit and sweat. He scratched the top of my head with his fingers, and with his free arm pulled Boon in close to us. "Epic, fucking epic" he said, just before we fell asleep. 13. On Sunday we packed up and got ready for the long drive back to the city. Dad walked us out in his red flannel pajamas, shirtless of course. It was hard to not ogle his chest. Boon could hardly look at Dad, and barely spoke to me. He sat in the car while we said our goodbyes. "So this beef between us is over?" Dad asked. "Are you fucking kidding me? You wanted to fuck my fiancé right under my nose." "Well we know how that turned out," Dad said, and with his thumb point over to his shoulder to his backside. "Yeah Dad. I gotta' go." "What about Facebook?" "What about it?" "You going to accept my friend request again?" "I'm thinking of getting off Facebook altogether," I answered, looking off in the distance. "You treat all your relationships this way son?" "Relationships? Dad, are you fucking kidding?" "Get it out boy -- say what you need to say." "Look, you were married for like five minutes in your twenties. You never had a significant relationship again. Mom left you. I left you. You have no real friends. Between us, I AM NOT THE ONE who has a problem with relationships." "Tell you what sport," said Dad, standing back, "You take a punch." He gestured to his face. "I won't even defend myself. You give it to me, get this shit out of your system." "I'm not going to punch you Dad. It's not going to solve anything." "Lotta' guys would take this chance," he said shrugging with his arms spread wide. "I'm not most guys," I said, turning to face the car. I paused for two beats, and felt my hand curl into a fist. I spun around fast and landed a crack right on his cheekbone, making him stumble back and trip, landing flat on the lawn. "You are such an asshole," I said, standing over him. "Why are you such an asshole all the time?' "I yam what I yam," he answered, running his hand over the cheekbone I hit. "Jesus, that hurts," I said, shaking my hand, the knuckles already throbbing. "Time to go," Boon announced, his patience wearing thin. "That's some tiger you got there, Boon," Dad said, propping himself up on one elbow. "I know," said Boon, throwing his bag into the trunk, barely look at Dad or me. As Boon turned the car around Dad got up on his feet, and waved at me to roll down the window. "See you on Facebook!" he said. "NO YOU WON'T!" I yelled, rolling down the window to be sure he heard me. He shook his head and chucked. "Yes I will, Junior! You're not done with me! HA!" Boon angled the car, and took the transmission from reverse to drive. "You saved me," I said to him. "We just have to keep saving each other," Boon replied. I tapped my aching knuckles on the dash and held them up for Boon to tap back. As always, he did. I sat back in my seat and said, "Let's go home." END