Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 11:54:20 -0700 From: Joey Martin Subject: Grandpa cums to my rescue (1 of ?) Grandpa Cums to the Rescue By J Martin Everything seemed to change so quickly that spring of 6th grade. My father had left us months ago and Mom was drinking all day most days. I'd been fending for myself for a while now but I at least had my mom. I was being sent away to my grandpas since my mother was in hot water with CPS over criminal charges related to drinking. She felt it was best for me that I stay with her father until she got her life together. I am 12 years old and an all around feminine boy. I did have a couple of friends that I was sad to leave but I wouldn't miss all of the bullying. I had never visited grandpa in Alabama, so I had no idea what to expect. I hoped that there would be a place for me to fit in - I enjoyed things most boys didn't like drama, dance, art and creative writing. I was good at sports but didn't much enjoy them - my body was feminine and I felt more comfortable around girls and women. I had a "killer butt" as the girls in my class would tell me - I have pale white skin and almost no body hair. My mom said I could pass for a porcelain cherub statue if I donned a loin cloth, hahahah. My hair was golden blonde and almost shoulder length, complimented by my cool blue eyes and full pouty red lips. I'm not sure when I realized it, but I grew to love my body which I know is rare for a young boy. I'd look into my mirror admiring my pale pink penis and cute medium pink coin purse ball sack. My butt was my favorite and certainly my best asset - my butt cheeks were the size of half soccer balls that protruded sharply out from my lower back, glowing moist and white, the bottom of my cheeks parted from my butthole down to my thighs - my hole was always exposed because of this. I would bend over and look at my hole - bright pink folds made a flower shape and I loved massaging it because it was so soft. I loved being nude when I was at home and my mom never seemed to mind. I'm not sure how that would play at grandpa Jim's house - he was a bachelor so it might be alright since it'll be our bachelor pad. Grandpa visited us in Ohio a few times a year and he was always so patient, kind and affectionate with me - I loved him very much and I was optimistic about going to stay with him for the summer... maybe longer. Let me start by describing my grandpa - "Gramps" as I call him, is 78 and a retired salesman (major household appliances) who eventually owned and operated his own store - "Paws Appliance". The name came about because everyone called him "Paw" like grandpa because he was kind and caring and that reminded people of a gentle grandfather. He still owns the store but has since hired a trustworthy staff to run the business for him. Gramps still visits the store regularly to visit with customers whom he shares close friendships with - he's the man everyone loves in the community and I'm so proud he's my gramps. He's of average build, about 5'10" and 180 lbs, balding white hair he comes over from the sides and back. Despite his size and gentle nature, gramps is incredibly strong from moving and lifting appliances over the years - his hugs and touch remain tender and soft though. His soft blue eyes match his joyfully infectious smile - he's quite handsome and was a knockout in his youth. To me, gramps walked on water and I'm pretty sure he felt the same about me. +++++ Gramps met me at the bus station after a boring ride from Ohio - I did manage to pass the time by daydreaming sexual escapades with my friend Pat, which was fun. Pat and I had played around together for the past year - touching each other and eventually sucking penises. He was most certainly gay like me and we had so much fun together - I was sad to leave him. I ran into gramp's arms and hugged and kissed him next to his brand new 1984 black camaro - his senior-life crisis purchase I assumed. "Oh Joey. I've missed you terribly. It's a dream that you've come to live with me - I get to see you everyday now! Come come, I have a surprise for you at home." Gramps greeted me with elation. It was a short drive to his, our, house which was a gorgeous white farmhouse on several budding acres - a kids dream with trees, creeks and even a stone bottom pond. We walked up the steps to the large front porch, gramps opened the old creaky screen door and we entered our home - I was home! I was instantly in love with gramps house - it had old world charm, like a western prairie farmhouse. The rooms were bright and flooded with natural light - the floors creaked but felt sturdy. "Right down here is your surprise, Joey... your new bedroom. There's not much in there yet, but I'll take you shopping so you can buy whatever you'd like to make it your own." I loved my new room and hugged and kissed gramps on the lips - he held me firmly in his strong arms which felt amazing and made my body limp and submissive. "Thank you gramps! It's so wonderful - the windows are great, I can see the front yard and all the way over to the pond through this one." I said, setting my bags next to the dresser. I'd put my clothes away later, I didn't want gramps seeing the girly panties I packed for myself - my secret and a gift from Pat whose stole them from his sister for me. "What say we have some lunch and then I'll take you into town for some shopping?" Gramps asked me. "Sure gramps. Sounds good to me. Thank you so much!" I replied. "No thanks needed. You're my grandson and I am happy to give you anything you need - I'm going to take excellent care of you. I love you my sweet boy. You being here is my biggest blessing." He said... "I love you so much gramps" While gramps made lunch, I unpacked my bags - saving the panties for last. There were 4 pair and they were silky pale white and pink - a very skimpy bikini shape that rode up my butt crack. I loved how the felt hugging my butt cheeks and penis. I stood there touching them, wishing I had them on when I heard my gramps behind me "time for lunch kiddo... oh. Those are nice Joey. They yours? Or a momento from Ohio?" He asked as I froze into a mortified state of mumbling. "Uhhhh... yes... I mean... I uh... I didn't steal them... Pat gave me them..." I tended to pour the truth out of my mouth when I was nervous - I was a terrible liar and always had been... "sorry. I didn't think you'd see them gramps. They're mine and I do wear them. Are you mad?" I said in a cowering tone "No no Joey. You're a wonderful boy and I couldn't be mad at you. You're safe here with me and you don't have to hide anything from me - I respect your privacy but just know that I accept you fully. Never feel ashamed with me - I want to know all of you." He responded, placing his hands on my shoulders and raising my chin up to meet his loving eyes. Geez, I've been here 10 minutes and already jumping into the awkward moments with my perfect gramps - he must think I'm a weirdo. I began to cry - I think everything that happened over the past year had bottled up and I burst out into his arms. He consoled me with his warmest embrace as I cried into him for the next minute. After I calmed down, I wiped my tears and thanked gramps again. "Do you want to talk through anything Joey? I'm a great listener and please know that I will never judge you, only listen to you and offer guidance and acceptance. Ok kiddo?" Gramps lovingly replied. "Ok gramps. I would like to talk but maybe not right now. Let's have some fun first." I said, eager to go into town for some shopping. We chatted small talk over lunch and into the car. The stores were 20 minutes away and I felt much better after eating and talking with gramps. He made me feel comfortable and free - I decided to "talk" during our car ride. I told him about Pat... everything... including the panties... how I felt guilty about keeping it a secret and for taking the stolen panties... about how I missed Pat and that I was afraid I'd be picked on for being girly. And afraid I'd embarrass him since he was so admired and loved in the community. He listened carefully and, true to his word, wasn't judgmental or mad and he assured me that everything I am is natural and nothing to be ashamed of and brought no shame to him. He was proud of me and delighted that Pat and I cared for each other and expressed our love. He told me that what he always admired about me was my loving and affectionate nature and that he hoped I'd never change. I felt such relief and even more free now that there was no secrets between us. I felt so close to gramps and happier than I'd ever felt in my life. Gramps and I picked out sheets, bedding, posters, pillows, stuffed animals, a cool bean bag chair and a bunch of new toys. I wasn't self-conscious in my choices which were pretty girly but not too overtly so. We loaded the car, strapping some stuff to the roof and tied the trunk down. "One more store before we head back... clothes." Gramps said pointing across the Main Street to a department store. Then he whispered to me "let's get you some of your very own panties and whatever else you'd like. Ok kiddo?" He said. I beamed a big smile and side hugged him I shopped the usual boy stuff first - shorts, jeans, shirts and a bathing suit. Then I casually slipped over to the girls section and scoped the panties. There were so many kinds! I managed to zero in on the silky ones and got a few of each shape - some looked as if they didn't cover anything, but my curious mind grabbed them anyway. Then, a pair of shorts caught my eye - they were very short and khaki. I imagined how flattering they'd look on my supple behind and grabbed them. This set off an uncontrollable desire within me and I picked out mini skirts, frilly dresses, crop tops and a small makeup kit. Did I go overboard? I looked over to gramps for his affirmative to which he smiled brightly and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. People in the store were none the wiser and probably assumed gramps had a granddaughter as well. When we got home, I spent the rest of the afternoon setting up my room and putting my new clothes away. I put all of my girly stuff in the closet, hung and folded very neatly and stuffed my boy clothes into the dresser. My room looked amazing! Gramps came into the doorway to let me know he was starting dinner. I asked if he'd like me to do a fashion show? Of course he clapped yes! I put one outfit on after another, only the girly stuff, and pranced into the kitchen each time to receive the "wow" expression and approval from gramps. The last outfit, the best, were my khaki shorts and crop top. They fit high above my waist and covered my belly button almost. The back rain bowed up around my butt cheeks, exposing the bottom half of them. You could clearly see the crease where my thigh met my full round globes. My heavens, I felt sexy in them. I couldn't stop turning in the mirror to see my rear. I wish Pat were here to see me. I finally walked to show gramps, and when I turned around to show him my behind, he dropped the ladle and gasped. "Wow! I mean wow, Joey. Those are the bees knees. You look fantastic. Wearing that to dinner I hope?" He flirted I winked and blew a kiss "well since you're practically begging me to, I suppose I will." I flirted back. He said dinner would be ready in 10 so I went back to my room to play with my new makeup. I'd never done it before but I always admired my mothers makeup and I knew what looked good. I didn't overdo it, light pink lips, subtle rosy glow on my cheeks and a little mascara. With my long hair, I looked pretty good - passable as a flat chested, pre pubescent girl with a killer behind for sure! Gramps and I enjoyed our dinner and sat on the porch swing for a while after - talking about everything under the sun. I went into more detail about my sex with Pat in hopes that gramps would help she'd some light on my pubescent naiveté - especially with regards to butt play. Pat and I had dabbled a bit - he rubbed my butthole and would kiss my butt cheeks and even hump in my crack which felt great having his penis touch my hole. Pat and I knew we didn't do much correctly, but it didn't matter to us because it still felt good and it was so much fun! I was pretty confident sucking Pats penis however - I had a lot of practice and he let me know what felt good or not, so after a few times I could give him a great blowjob. He developed a bit faster than me - he had a few pubes to my peach fuzz and he even could sperm which was cool, albeit surprising to us at first. I liked drinking his sperm when he put it in my mouth and he said it felt like a really intense tickle in his whole body. That made me happy that I could make him feel so good. After spouting on and on about Pat, gramps did offer me some enlightening information about sex. He taught me nomenclature like "cum", "anal", "rimming", "bottom and top", "submissive" and so on. He and gran apparently had anal sex regularly and unlike most women of her time, loved giving blowjobs. Gramps was a very satisfied man when gran was alive. She's been gone for over 10 years and I don't remember her much. I listened intently and asked probing questions as gramps revealed to world of sex to me - I was specifically curious about anal and how a penis could get in my butt. I learned about enemas, lubricant, fingering, toys like dildos and plugs. Too bad Pat wasn't there with me because I'd surely be trying all of it tonight!! It had gotten dark and we headed inside, gramps asked if I'd like to shower and watch tv in his room for a while - emphatically yes to that! The bathroom was across the house from my room. I cleaned my body very thoroughly to get off all of the bud grime, yuck. I reluctantly washed the makeup off as well. I was thinking of all the new info gramps gave me as I washed my behind and soaped my hole very well - inserting a finger inside my rectum (fancy anatomy term, he he) and washing around inside. Then "enema" popped into my head. Gramps described it as a bag with water and a tube - water squeezed into your butt and rinsed out your insides. I really wanted to try it and, after checking the bathroom for one and finding nothing, I figured I could improvise. There was an empty shampoo bottle in the shower - I rinsed it out, then filled it with water at the shower head. The opening on the bottle was small enough to cup my hole. With two hands, I squeezed the bottle tightly and water rushed into my butt, which felt incredible - almost like being penetrated. I squeezed and squeezed until the bottle was crushed and nearly empty. I could feel the fullness within me and stood upright for several seconds until I felt I the sensation of having to poop. I squatted over the drain and water flowed from within me. Only a few tiny pieces came out and the water was slightly tan colored. I repeated the exercise two more times until the water was clear. I felt so refreshed and sexy. I turned the shower off and walked my nude, hairless and smooth body across the house to air dry in my room. I loved to air dry and since I felt so at home and free at gramps, I went for it. We passed each other in the living room and high-fived - gramps was on his way to shower as well. I'd always slept naked since a young age but I knew I should at least wear panties to bed with gramps. I rummaged through my new prized possessions and found a thong that I was mesmerized by in the store. It was a cranberry color, silky with lace detail, and barely covered my penis. I tried every new pair I got but I was most excited for the thong. I sauntered in the mirror while gramps showered, taking mental snapshots of how great my behind looked in the thongs. Once gramps finished showering and dressed, he called for me to come in his room. When i strolled into his room, his mouth dropped wide open and his eyes popped! I gave him quite the eye full, twirling around to show all, what little there was, of my new thongs. Gramps really drank me in, staring at my rear and barely covered penis - he made me feel so sexy! Gramps slept in his underwear as well which were loose fitting boxer shorts - they were the cheap kind that didn't have a button on the pee hole, that always spread open, and I could see most of his penis. I didn't get a great look but from what I did see, gramps was packing a big penis! He looked sexy to me - moderate amounts of gray chest hair, a barrel chest and not much of a gut, and nicely toned arms. The only tv in the house was in his bedroom so I knew I'd be spending lots of time in there, especially at night when I loved watching tv the most. I got under the covers and cuddled up close to him and we discussed what to watch. It had gotten late, and since we couldn't decide, gramps suggested the Tonight Show. We both lost interest in the episode pretty quickly as began talking again. Of course, I diverted the discussion back to sex stuff since gramps had given me so much new info to process. I told him how much I wished Pat were here so I could try everything with him and that I hoped I could find a friend here that I could be with. Gramps was so accommodating to me and engaged in whatever talk I wanted - he was "just happy I was there" he would say to me. Snuggling with gramps and talking sex was getting me very horny. I loved the feeling of being in his arms and was starting to look at him differently. He was becoming quite sexy in my eyes and my thoughts were drifting to seduction. All I could think about as he talked was "maybe gramps would try some sex stuff with me... is it out of the question? He seemed to like my body in my new panties, and even if he says no, I'm sure he wouldn't be offended by my advances... right?" I was getting hotter and hotter laying there with him. When there was a break in the conversation for a few seconds, I went for it and just said it, "hey gramps? All this new sex stuff is really got me curious and I'm just dying to try it. I think it's best that I try with someone I love and trust right?" I boldly asked him. "Yes Joey. You should only be with someone who cares for you and will be happy with your limits, someone you fully trust. There are some bad people in the world and I don't want you getting hurt or worse. You're a very attractive young man - prey for the wicked." He responded What he said made a lot of sense and it certainly fit with my idea of becoming his lover. Our love making would be meaningful and full of love and care - it seemed perfect - it had to be. "I understand gramps and I agree with you completely. So... what would you say... if ... if ... if I told you I wanted you to be my lover? It seems so right! I love you so much and you love me, we care for each other and you know me better than anyone... I think you're sexy and you think I'm cute. Plus, you must be starving for sex - no partner for over 10 years?! I can be an amazing lover to you gramps. I love you." Well, it was out there now - no take backs. Gramps tilted his head and gave me the most tender look as he stroked my face with his hand. I rubbed his chest and stomach while meeting his eye line. "Oh Joey. You flatter me above all. Your gesture is kind but I don't think you'd want to be lovers with an old timer like me. You're far too beautiful to waste your sexual desires on me - I'm sure you'll find a nice boy here eventually. I do love you so much and thank you for making me feel desired again. You're magical my sweet boy." Gramps responded I quickly rebutted, "don't be silly! I really am attracted to you and I already love you so much - I know it will only strengthen our bond. Plus, the sex will be incredible because of our strong love we already have. I'm sure that this is what I want. If you would rather not, I respect that, but don't say no on my account. I'm all in!" I switched into sensual mode at that point and stroked his chest and stomach in a sexy manner - even moving my hips in closer to him so he could feel my hard penis on his leg. I looked into his eyes passionately and kissed his lips over and over - until he opened his mouth and kissed back. I couldn't believe it was happening. A rush of adrenaline shot down through my body and I shivered in ecstasy. I moved in top of him, straddling his waist and making out with more lust than I'd ever experienced. I was dry humping his lower stomach when I felt his hard penis poke into my behind. His cock had come out through his boxer hole and was touching my bare ass - it made me wild. We kissed for several minutes and I could tell he was letting me lead the way this time - our first time. The thoughts that raced through me - I'm going to lose my virginity! I'm going to suck off gramps! I'm going to be living with my lover and having sex all of the time! I was in heaven. I couldn't wait any longer so I kissed his body all the way down to his penis. His cock was all the way out of his boxers but I wanted him naked so I pulled them off. I marveled at his manhood - a good 8" uncut cock with big low hanging balls - he'd have been the farm's stallion for sure. His balls tasted clean like soap with a masculine-savory beef after taste - as I licked and sucked them while grasping his penis with both hands. I felt so powerful and grown up while worshipping gramps penis - I was a big gurl now. Pat is circumcised, so gramps penis was a new experience for me. I rolled his foreskin down, revealing his tip - it was shiny, soft and dark pink with a big opening. He had a lot of precum which made his tip slippery - I licked it all up before putting him into my mouth. I opened as wide as I could and slid my tongue on the underside of his penis - I know that under the tip is the most sensitive so I focused my tongue lapping there. I grasped the base of his penis with one hand and cupped his soft droopy balls with my other hand. Sucking penis is so magical. I really missed having penis in my mouth, tasting it, feeling the wonderful texture and savoring the sperm. Gramps was really enjoying my services judging from his moaning as I sucked expertly and passionately for over 15 minutes. I was conflicted about where to go next - I wanted to drink his cum but I also wanted to have him cum in my butt. It occurred to me that I was in control and I could just ask gramps anything. I paused my sucking but continued stroking him as I asked "gramps? I want to swallowing your cum but I also want you in my bum. Can we do anal sex tonight too if I finish sucking you? Will that be ok?" I didn't know how it worked with older men - could they go multiple times? I imagined that after so many years, gramps would have a lot pent up. "Oh yes Joey. I don't have any problems with going multiple rounds, especially with my beautiful little gurl." He answered. He called me his gurl! I loved that! Ugh... I couldn't be more turned on and dove back into sucking lustfully. Another 2 minutes of really sucking him - slow and steady with lots of saliva and tongue pressure - gramps was cumming in my mouth. When Pat would cum, it would squirt out like a rocket and hit my throat over and over. But gramps cum flowed out of his penis in a steady stream of thick warm sperm onto my tongue - more and more poured from his penis as he howled quietly and braced the sides of my head. There was so much cum that it overfilled my cupped tongue spilling over onto my teeth and eventually coating my cheeks. He gave me a huge mouthful as I continued milking him with my tongue and tugging gently with my hand. I kept his penis in my mouth long after he'd cum - lapping at his tip and penis hole. I savored every second that I had him in my mouth before swallowing the mouthful of sweet grandpa nectar. His cum was dense and flavorful - the thick texture had a meaty flavor with a hint of sweetness that flowed into me slowly like sap dripping from a tree. I let his penis get soft in my mouth before removing it and laying up next to him. He held me on top of him and whispered lovely sentiments into my ear. He grasped my butt firmly and fondled me as I moaned for more - running his finger gently over my hole, massaging it firmly and spreading my cheeks open. It felt amazing laying on top of him, our bodies smushed together. We kissed and he groped my ass for a long time until he told me to flip around and bring my butt to his face - I guess it was the 69 position I think. My butt opened up into his face and he kissed my cheeks and then began licking my hole hungrily. He licked and poked his tongue into my hole and I was weak with pleasure. I laid flat on him and took his balls into my mouth - I couldn't resist his testicles and scrotum, they looked so delicious just hanging there so loose and smooth. We both went at each other, eating furiously - we craved each other and wanted to sexually devour the other. I wanted him in my ass so I sucked his semi hard cock back to life - slobbering, licking and rubbing. Once he was up again, I told gramps I wanted him to make love to me. I climbed off of him and onto my stomach, raising my hips up to spread my cheeks open for better access to my hole. The cool air felt amazing against my saliva drenched bottom but not nearly as amazing as what came next. Gramps came between my legs and rubbed his penis all over my anus - it slid up and down easily over my slippery hole. He leaned over me, putting his mouth to my ear and told me to relax and push out as if I were pooping - that would allow his penis to enter me more easily. I exhaled and released my body - submitting to gramps completely. His cock slid in slowly over the next few minutes as he patiently pushed his glorious meat into me. There were brief moments of pain that quickly subsided as I stretched open more and more. And once he was all the way inside, a wave of pleasure washed over me as I laid there impaled by my greatest love of all. It only got better after he bottomed me out - as he gently pumped back and forth, his balls smacked into the underside of my balls. He rocked his hips up and down into me, his chest on my back and his mouth breathing heavy on my neck and ear. I opened my eyes and caught our reflection in the standing mirror - I could only see our mid sections, my ass perked up into his pelvis and gramps gyrating his hips into me. I watched him expertly make love to my ass and began calling out "I love you gramps. Make love to me, I want you in me always. I love you, I love your penis, I need it, please don't stop. I'm your good gurl and I always will be. I love you I love you!!!" The pleasure I felt was almost too much to bare - I felt weightless and lightheaded. He gave me longer strokes now that I was opened up and his deep thrusts sent jolts to my penis and testicles. With almost no build up, I burst out an orgasm more intense than I'd ever experienced. Cum shot from my penis - my first wet orgasm - it wasn't a lot of cum but the sensation was exhilarating. I went completely limp and felt so sexy and vulnerable being stuffed with gramps cock. He fucked me with passion and love, making sure not to hurt me or over do it. His cock stayed rock hard as he pumped and pumped into me for over 30 minutes. I never wanted him to stop. His penis stayed inside me as he rolled us onto our sides into the spooning position, where he continued pumping into me. He pet my hairless penis and fondled my smooth balls while sucking and licking my ear. I had chills and came again into his hand. He pulled his cock out to the tip and wiped my cum on his cock for lubrication and continued making love to my little gurl bum. He whispered that he was going to cum and drained another load in me, this time it was deep into my ass. Gramps held his cock as deep into me as it could go as he deposited his love juice. I could feel the little squirts of cum hitting the walls inside of me. He held me tightly as his orgasm subsided and relaxed into me. I asked him to stay inside me as I pushed my hips back into him to get his cock deeper inside me. We both fell asleep... gramps still inside me and we remained like that until the late morning when we awoke. My whole life has changed in just one day and I couldn't have been happier. My new magical life had begun and I couldn't wait to see what came next. +++++++++++ Chapter 2 and many more of Grandpa cums to rescue are on the way! Please email me your thoughts - I love hearing from you all! If you're of grandpa age and you live in NY or CT, I'm looking for my grandpa to love and bottom for. I have quite the imagination and love roleplay. Be my gramps won't you?! Joey