Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 01:00:00 -0800 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Charlie Chapter 49 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 16, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 49 The news of the day for Ry's surgery came the day before his birthday. It was to be done during mid-February. Ry was nervous, though glad that he should be healed by Charlie's birthday, which was a little over a month later. He hated surgeries. The whole ritual of washing with special soap, shaving the areas to be cut into, the pain and rehabilitation was just very daunting. The few upsides were not being able to go to school for a few weeks and Charlie doting over him. Ry smiled to himself remembering his last surgery. Charlie brought him canned tomato soup and a poorly made grilled cheese sandwich. The eight-year-old was very proud of his efforts, even though the soup was pretty much a bisque and the sandwich was soggy and hardly cooked. Ry had no choice but to eat and pretend to like it. Charlie smiled and watched with bated breath the entire time, waiting for his big brother's approval. Ry couldn't break Charlie's heart with even the smallest bit of criticism. Thankfully, Charlie was becoming a much better cook. Ry's birthday was the same day as New Year's Eve. When he was growing up, his bio-parents usually merged his birthday with Christmas; something Ry later guessed was a way to cheat him out of presents. Of course, that's when they bothered to remember. When Ry turned ten, they left him with some friends of his mother's, so the rest of the family could go to Las Vegas. They claimed to be seeing a sick friend, but James later confirmed that he actually met with some drug dealers, while the adults went to a few casinos. After that, Ry decided to never celebrate his birthday again; however, that all changed during his first birthday with his new, real family, despite the tragedy associated with that particular day. "Where do you want to go for your birthday dinner?" Kenny asked the night before. He was heading back to Canada the day after and was determined to honor his commitment to buy everyone dinner. "I don't know," Ry said. "Dad usually orders a pizza." "I think we can do better than that, don't you?" Ry thought about it and said, "Anything Italian will work." "Italian, so long as it's not pizza?" Kenny mused with a wink. "Deal." "Alright, time to get up," Rick said. Charlie had crawled onto his lap, but Rick needed to use the bathroom. "I don't want to," Charlie said, clinging to his father. "Seriously, Charlie," Rick said, attempting to sound patient, despite not feeling so. "I mean it." "Fine," the boy pouted, as he got to his feet. Rick was loving all the attention and affection from his youngest son, but at times, it was getting to be too much. Whenever he sat down, except at the dinner table, Charlie sat down right next to him or on his lap, while also leaning or laying on him. Rick was tired of feeling cramped and pinned down, but he didn't want Charlie to think he was mad again. At bedtime, Rick had to tell Charlie more than once to sleep with Joey, just to get some alone time, which seemed to annoy Charlie. Joey, who was over his cold, was also feeling left out. He loved being with the Bartons, but he knew he wasn't one of them. It didn't help that Charlie wanted to spend all of his time with Rick, which often left Joey alone in their room. He was grateful for the new computer and spent most of his time on it playing games (and watching the video he took of Rick), though he wished that Charlie would play a game with him every once in a while. Ry and Billy were also nice, but they had their own lives, so they didn't spend much time with him, either. Ry woke up the next morning with a smile. Someone had managed to enter his room without waking him and put up a small display of balloons and flowers. Clad only in his underwear, he got out of bed and crossed the room. In the middle of the arrangement was a white bear holding a card. It was Charlie's tradition to get Ry a teddy bear for his birthday. Ry picked up the plushy and hugged it. He then opened the card, which wished him a happy 17th and was signed by everyone. He laughed out loud when he saw Billy's untidy scrawl down the fold. "To many more years of me being in your crack." "Perv," Ry said. He opened the envelope to put the card back when he saw a check. It struck him odd, since most people stopped using paper checks and relied on debit cards. His eyes grew huge as he saw the amount. Kenny had written him a check for $1,000. "The fuck?" He said just above a whisper. His door banged open and before he could more than turn his head, he saw Charlie moving quickly towards him. The brothers hugged, as Charlie wished him a happy birthday. "Thank you," Ry said. "I love the bear, by the way." "I thought you would," Charlie said, kissing Ry on the cheek. "Happy Birthday," Joey said, entering the room. "Thanks," Ry said, pulling the boy into his arms. "Hey, share the wealth," Billy said, entering the room. He made to give Ry a hug; however, Ry looked at him rather seriously, catching Billy off guard. "You have to make me a promise first." Confused and a little hurt, Billy asked, "What kind of promise?" "You have to stay out of my crack," Ry said, breaking with a smile. "Never," Billy said, pulling his ex into his arms. Ry was left alone to get dressed. As he came downstairs, he smelled something...good...coming from the kitchen. Curious to see what was ordered, he made his way to the dining room table. "Surprise," his family said. "What's going on?" Ry said, smiling at everyone. "I've made you breakfast," Billy said. Ry stopped dead in his tracks. Billy, like Rick, was a notoriously bad cook. He had personally witnessed Billy fail at making the simplest dishes. He even failed at making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. "Really?" Ry said, unable to hide his skepticism. "Sit your ass down," Billy said, annoyed at his brother's tone. "Language," Billy's fathers said. Ry sat between Rick and Charlie, who were both looking as uneasy as Ry was feeling. To his father and brother, Ry said, under his breath, "If I get sick, you're cleaning it up, regardless of which end it comes out of." "You'll be fine," Rick said, not quite reassuringly. "He's been practicing." "Here," Billy said, setting down a stack of French toast. Everyone at the table looked at Ry. It didn't escape Ry that he was the only one with food in front of him. Bastards, Ry thought. He reached for the maple syrup but was stopped by Billy. "Hold on." Billy grabbed a jar of what looked like a dark, berry syrup. "Made this myself," Billy said. Ry took the unmarked jar and smelled. He was surprised by how good it smelled. Ry could tell it was made with black berries and maybe raspberries. He poured some on his toast. It seemed to be the right consistency, which was impressive. He cut himself a mouth full with his fork. Ry took a deep breath and put the bread in his mouth. "Oh my god," Ry muttered while chewing, trying not to be rude. "This is really good." "You sound surprised," Billy said, as if wounded. "I am," Ry said. "This is like really, really good, Billy. Good job." He wasn't lying. Billy somehow managed to find the perfect balance of vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. The berry syrup was very flavorful, too. It almost tasted like store bought. Billy made almost everyone breakfast, and they were just as impressed as Ry was. The only person who didn't eat was Will, who said that he had grown tired of French toast, having been Billy's guinea pig for the last several weeks. There was a knock at the door, and Joey got up to answer it. The din of conversation kept Ry from hearing who it was; however, it all became clear when he heard Amanda saying his name. "Happy Birthday, Ry," she said entering the room. Amanda was dressed very nicely. She wore white pants with an off-white sweater and black boots. She held a large, wrapped package. "What to join us?" Rick offered, failing to read the tension between the former couple. "No thank you, Mr. Barton," she said. "I just came by to drop this off...and have a word with Ry...if that's alright with you?" She said to her ex. "Sure," Ry said, getting up from the table. Knowing that his brothers would try to overhear the conversation, Ry took Amanda to the garage. Little Joey barked relentlessly at the sight of people to keep him company. "Cute puppy," Amanda said, going over to pet the bouncy pup. "What do you want?" Ry said flatly. "So it's going to be like then, huh?" "Afraid so." Amanda walked towards Ry and said, "I miss you." "That makes one of us." Ry held up a hand stopping Amanda from walking any closer. "I thought I made it clear that we were over." "Well, I thought that giving you some space would make you come around," she said with some attitude. Ry snorted and said, "You thought wrong. I'm not interested in dating you, and at this point, I'm not interested in being friends." "I'm sorry for the way I've acted and behaved." Ry sighed and said, "I appreciate that, and I'm sorry for how I also reacted. But, that doesn't change how I feel. The fact you thought I would be in a threesome with some rando--" "--He's wasn't a rando," Amanda said, clearly annoyed. "Tyler and I have been friends for years." "But, that was the first time I met him," Ry clarified. "He tried insulting me, which you found funny, until I called him out, and somehow, you thought I would want to have sex with him. Of course, there's also the fact that I can't have sex, which always seemed to escape your mind. How do you think all of that made me feel? Hell, how do you think it makes me feel? Present tense? "As much as I appreciate the gift and apology, you still seem clueless to how I think and feel. If you really knew me, you would know that I need space and time, and that it might not ever change anything for me. Look at me and Billy? He cheated on me, which ended our relationship, and we're only starting to get along after living together for four years! Yet, you think that a week or two is enough time? It might be for you, but it's not enough for me." "Tell me what you want!" Amanda said, tearing up. "Name it!" Ry laughed. "I just did, Amanda, and you clearly weren't listening. So, let me make this as clear as I can: Leave. Go. Don't come back. Don't talk to me. Leave me and my family alone. Don't ever come back. Don't talk to me at school or anywhere else. I'm done with you. Got it this time? We are done!" "I got it," she said, wiping tears from her face. She left through the side door in the garage, so nobody would see her crying. Ry entered the kitchen carrying his unwrapped present. Without opening it, he handed it to Joey and said the boy could have it. Rick tried telling Ry how unfair it was, but Ry didn't want to hear it. "What's this?" Joey said, looking confused. "I'll take that!" Rick said, quickly snagging the box of miscellaneous sex toys from the fourth grader. "You could add my massager to your growing collection," Billy said, laughing, nudging Charlie. "Don't be a dick," Charlie said, turning red, which was made worse when everyone laughed, aside from Joey, who seemed confused. Ry spent most of the day gaming with the younger boys. Occasionally, Billy came in to give advice or just to hang out. That stopped when Trevor came over around mid-afternoon. Kenny took everyone out to dinner at a very posh, Italian restaurant downtown. Rick nearly choked when he saw the prices and hoped the food was worth it. It took several tries, but Kenny finally convinced everyone to not worry about the cost. He managed to close his deal, giving him plenty of money to cover the meal. Ry took the opportunity to thank Kenny for the check. "Of course. You and Charlie are my nephews, even if there's no actual DNA involved." The food was very decadent and rich. Everyone left very full and satisfied. Only Will and Kenny had ever experienced authentic Italian cuisine, and Ry wasn't sure if he could go back to Americanized spaghetti and meatballs. It most certainly was a push towards culinary school. Billy went to Will's for the night, since his uncle was going back to Canada in the morning and Will didn't want to go to the airport alone. Hugs were exchanged along with goodbyes to and from Kenny. The Bartons and Joey were quiet on the way home. Charlie had been working on a plan most of the day, so he wasn't very talkative, which made Joey feel depressed. "Charlie," Rick said, as they pulled into the driveway, "make sure you take your dog out for a walk." "Will you come with me?" Charlie asked, hoping for more time with his dad. "How about you and Joey do it? I need to get some things for work taken care of before bed." "But I want you to go," Charlie whined, unaware of how it made Joey feel. Rick saw the pained look on Joey's face and felt bad for the boy. "What did I say?" Rick asked. "You have work to do," Charlie said, crestfallen. "That's right," Rick said. "Don't you also think that you should be spending time with your friend?" "We're together all the time, though," Charlie said, defensively, still oblivious to Joey. "It's fine, Mr. Barton," Joey said, just before getting out of the truck and closing the door. Ry hopped out and followed Joey into the house, giving his dad time to set Charlie straight. Ry closed the door and walked over to Joey, who had stopped at the stairs. He put an arm around the boy and hugged him. "Why does Charlie hate me?" Joey asked, hugging Ry. "Charlie doesn't hate you," Ry said. "I think he's trying to make up for lost time with our dad. It has nothing to do with you, I promise." "Then why is he ignoring me all the time?" "I don't know, but that's his problem." Ry held Joey until Rick came into the house. Rick picked up Joey and held him. Like Ry, Rick explained that Charlie's attitude is his problem and not Joey's. Rick told the boys that he sent Charlie to the backyard to take care of Little Joey. Charlie was upset with his father. All he wanted was to have more time with him, and he felt that he was owed it after all the months of neglect. He loved his dad and thought his dad loved him, too. After cleaning up Little Joey's pen and making sure the puppy had enough food and water for the night, Charlie went inside and went to Rick's office. "I'm sorry for how I acted," Charlie said from the open doorway. Rick turned around and saw that Charlie was being honest. He motioned for his son to come to him and gave the boy a hug. "You also owe Joey an apology. He thinks you hate him." "I don't hate him," Charlie said defensively. "I know that and you know that, however, with the way you've been behaving towards Joey, I can see why he thinks you do. I get that you two spend a lot of time together, but there'll be a time when he isn't here and you'll miss that crap out of him. You should take advantage of him being here while you can." "Okay," Charlie said. He got off of his dad's lap and went to his room. He saw Joey on his computer with headphones on. Charlie called out, but Joey either couldn't hear him or was ignoring him. Deciding that Joey couldn't hear him, Charlie came up behind his friend and hugged him. As expected, Joey jumped but was happy to see his friend. "I'm sorry for being a dick to you," Charlie said, kissing Joey's neck, which made the boy giggle. "It's okay," Joey said, opting to kiss Charlie on the lips. Charlie got up in the middle of the night to check on Little Joey. He still wasn't used to the schedule, but his puppy had started making noise enough to wake Ry and Billy. The withering look his brothers gave him, when he suggested that they could take his dog out, was enough to convince him that he had better take care of the pup before they found Little Joey (or Charlie) a new home. Sure enough, as Charlie got to the ground floor, he could hear the pup howling. "Shut up!" Charlie commanded to no avail; however, instead of howling, Little Joey barked relentlessly. It wasn't until Charlie took the pup outside that the fur-ball calmed down. Charlie's toes were freezing despite his slippers, as he watched Little Joey look for places to poop. When it became clear that the dog didn't have to go, Charlie pulled the pup back into the garage. The second he closed the door, Little Joey peed. "Damn you, dog," Charlie scolded. He put the pup in his area and cleaned up the mess, thankful that it didn't get on him. Just as Charlie reached the door, Little Joey began to howl. Charlie gritted his teeth in frustration. He had plans he wanted to attend to, but he also felt bad for Little Joey. Charlie knew the puppy was cold and lonely, but Little Joey wasn't taking to potty training. No matter what, he couldn't stay with his dog. Charlie went into the kitchen and got a large spoonful of peanut butter. "Here you go," Charlie said. Little Joey didn't take to it immediately. It wasn't until Charlie put some on his finger and smeared all over the pup's gums that Little Joey wanted some of the gewy substance. Charlie chuckled to himself as he looked back and saw the dog trying to swallow the mound of sticky peanut butter. He had no idea how long it would last, but he was certain it would be enough time. Charlie paused outside of his door. He didn't want to wake Joey up but also wanted to make sure that his friend was sound asleep. Unable to figure out a compromise, Charlie removed his hand from the doorknob and walked to his father's room. He carefully opened the door, making sure that the door didn't squeak. Charlie could hear Rick's soft snoring and knew he was safe to enter. Just as Charlie closed the door behind him, Joey stepped out of the boys' bathroom. His heart sank knowing that Charlie wasn't planning to come back to bed. His heart hurt as thoughts of Charlie no longer wanting to be his friend whirled through his brain. He didn't want to be alone any longer, at least tonight, so he went to Ry's door, softly knocked and waited. "Hey," Ry said, groggily looking at Joey. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry I woke you up," Joey said, choking up a little, "but Charlie went in your Dad's room, and I...I--" "Come on," Ry said, opening the door to let the little boy in. Charlie crossed the dark room, removing his clothes as he went, including his underwear. He took his time to let his eyes adjust to the near total darkness. The glare off of the snow outside gave just enough lumination through the curtains to just be able to see the mound that was his father's body. Steadying himself, Charlie walked over to the bed, pulled back the blankets and got in. He waited for his body to warm up, since his feet were still very cold. Charlie tugged at his small dick, making sure it stayed hard. He was glad that his dad was facing him. He was prepared to go to the other side of the bed, but it was going to make things easier laying down, Charlie reasoned. Once he was sure his feet were warm enough, Charlie moved in against his father as he did the last time they slept together. He smiled as the scent of the cologne filled his nose. Charlie was in heaven once more, with his naked body pressed against his dad's nearly naked form. Charlie lightly kissed his father's neck, making sure to taste him. He wanted to go full on with his tongue but worried that it would wake Rick. However, Charlie did rub his foreskin clad hard-on against his dad's hairy belly. It felt so good, he almost moaned out loud. Charlie shimmied down the mattress till he was at the desired location. Charlie's face laid against his father's furry, toned chest. He reached down and meticulously fished out his father's penis once more. He gave the mass of flesh a couple squeezes and stroked it, until the penis was erect. Charlie carefully moved his hips back and docked himself inside Rick's foreskin. It wasn't as wet as Justin's, but Charlie knew from his last few sexual encounters that it was only a matter of time and patience. He gently fucked his dad's dick while kissing the man's chest, inhaling every bit of the intoxicating cologne that he could. Charlie felt Rick's nipple with his lips. Instinctively, Charlie licked it. He loved how his father tasted, so he did it again and again and again. Soon, Charlie was suckling and fucking his father. Some part of his brain told him what he was doing was wrong. It was the same voice that warned him against Justin, but like with his brother's ex, Charlie ignored the voice. This time he would get what he wanted. Rick's foreskin became well-lubed once Charlie sucked on his dad's nipple long enough. Charlie firmed his grip on the head of Rick's penis, bringing Charlie much more ecstasy. He remained cautious, however. Charlie wanted to fuck faster and harder, but he didn't dare risk waking his father. The fear of Rick's reaction was both a potent aphrodisiac and deterrent. Charlie felt the familiar jolt of orgasm wash over him. He twitched a little against his control, but Rick remained sound asleep and snoring. Not wanting to be selfish, Charlie moved further down the bed till he was once more mouth-to-tip with his father's leaking dick. As the first time he did it, Charlie barely managed to fit his father's penis into his salivating mouth. He worked his tongue in and around the head and foreskin, while softly sucking on the thick piece of meat. Charlie felt the tension of his father's body and readied himself for the sweet, white fluid to fill his hungry belly. Rick's hand once more held Charlie's head steady as his balls unleashed their contents into his baby boy's body. His hand went limp the moment the orgasm passed, and Charlie diligently yet carefully cleaned up his father's mess with tongue and lips. Unlike before, however, Charlie kept his father's dick in his mouth until it was soft enough to put back in his boxers. Charlie finished up their time by stealthily getting out of bed, putting his underwear back on, and climbing back in to join his father for the rest of the night. He kissed his father's lips before rolling over and wrapping himself in Rick's arms. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 50***