Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0800 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Charlie Chapter 54 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 16, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 54 "I'm so glad we did this," Justin said after pulling into Charlie's driveway. "It was a fantasy come true. You were perfect, by the way, and so fucking tight. I wish I could've stayed in you forever. Did you like it?" Charlie continued to sit in silence. He hadn't really said a word since after Justin pulled out of him. Justin, on the other hand, wouldn't shut up. All he did was reminisce about the encounter. All Charlie wanted was to take another shower. Justin had insisted that they take a shower together. At first, Charlie was kind of okay with it, but then, Justin was overly insistent that he clean his cum out of the quiet boy. Charlie's lower half was already hurting, but it was made worse when Justin used a small hose and his fingers to flush him out. "Can't leave any evidence behind, right?" Justin mused. Charlie was just glad the water hid his tears. "I can't wait to do it again," Justin added, breathlessly, ignoring Charlie's utter lack of communication. "I can still feel your body wrapped around my cock. You definitely have the best boy pussy I've ever been in." Justin thought back to Brian, Joey and a few other boys from the trailer park. Of course, that was before his dad moved back home and stopped all of his fun. "It doesn't look like anyone's home, you know, if you want a round two?" Justin said, as he reached over and rubbed the front of Charlie's jeans. Charlie flinched and pulled away. Bitter, Justin spat, "You don't need to be like that, you know? You wanted it just as much as I did. If you didn't, you would've said. I mean, you've had no problem saying no before." He reached over and opened Charlie's door. "Get out." Charlie unbuckled himself and slowly got out of the vehicle. His legs were still shaky and his asshole burned. "By the way," Justin added, "Don't you dare tell anyone what he did. Got it?" Charlie only nodded and closed the door. He watched Justin pull out of the driveway and drive down the road. Charlie wanted to make sure that Justin was really gone before went into the house. Once inside, Charlie re-locked the front door and made sure all the others were secured before going to his room. He wanted to cry again, but he had cried himself dry. He removed his clothes and got back in the shower. He turned the heat up until he could barely stand it. He covered himself in soap and tried to scrub Justin off of him. Some of the foaming body wash slid down his spine and down between his butt cheeks. When it came in contact with his anus, Charlie let out a cry of agony, as the soap burned his anus. He hastily rinsed himself but the spray of the shower head hurt, too. Once he was as clean as his body could handle--though still not enough to feel truly clean, yet--Charlie stepped from the shower and dried himself off. He crossed the hall, towel around his waist, grabbed his clothes and went to the garage. He knew he couldn't throw them away without someone noticing, but he could no longer wear them. Little Joey bounced around, barking at seeing his boy. Charlie found an empty box. He put the clothes in it and hid the box behind the hot water heater. Charlie grabbed the leash and took his puppy outside. He didn't care that he was only wearing a towel. He wouldn't have cared if it dropped and his neighbors saw him naked. Nothing could be worse than the violation he had just suffered. After his puppy had finished going potty, Charlie took his dog to his room. He got on his bed and watched as the puppy roamed the space sniffing at everything. Periodically, the dog would try to jump onto the bed and tumble down in his efforts. Charlie picked him up and tried to hold Little Joey, but the pup was too full of energy to hold still. Charlie grew tired of dealing with the puppy trying to get into everything. He wanted quiet, and he could feel anger roiling inside of him. The last thing he wanted was to take his aggression out on the innocent pup, who didn't know any better. Charlie heard Billy's car pull into the driveway, as he closed the garage door. He looked out the kitchen window and saw Billy with Trevor, though he didn't see his dad's truck. Charlie assumed that Rick was still with Brenda. He imagined Brenda laughing about how stupid Charlie and his brothers were for thinking that she was finally out of their lives, and Rick was laughing with her, bragging about how he had finally gained their trust, just to pull the rug out from under them. He closed his door as Billy came into the house. Charlie wanted to hide but there was nowhere for him to go. He got back on his bed, still wrapped in the towel, faced the wall, with his back to the door, and waited. There was a soft knock on the door and the knob turned. "Hey Charlie," Billy quietly said. Charlie heard his half-brother enter and close the door behind him. He felt Billy get on the bed. Every muscle in Charlie's body went rigid. He involuntarily twitched as Billy wrapped an arm around him. "We've been looking all over for you. Dad's still looking, in fact." His throat still very dry, Charlie said with a rasp, "I hate him." Billy didn't know what to say. He felt a little betrayed when he heard that Rick met with Brenda again, but he was all too familiar with the loathing Charlie felt for the manipulative bitch. "They're not back together, Charlie." Billy said at last. "She was on her knee and he had a ring in his hand. She wants to marry him." Billy heard the pain and desperation in his brother's voice. He hugged Charlie a little tighter, which caused Charlie to tense and twitch even more. "He turned down her proposal. He hates her just as much as we do, even if she's pregnant--" Charlie spun around, nearly elbowing Billy in the face, which also loosened his towel. "The Bitch is pregnant?!" Charlie's simmering rage began to boil over. "She's having his fucking kid?!" "Calm down, Charlie," Billy said, genuinely shocked at his baby brother's anger. "Dad says she's lying. Apparently, she didn't come with any proof, so he demanded she prove it or fuck off." Charlie broke free of Billy's hold and jumped off his bed. He grabbed the nearest items, blind to what it even was and threw it across the room. He acknowledged that something shattered and that Billy was yelling, but he couldn't do anything to stop himself...not that he wanted to. Anger was the only true emotion in him, and rage was the only way to express it. He grabbed object after object and threw them, not caring what it was or where it went. He felt two sets of hands grab at him. Charlie threw punches and kicked out, not giving any fucks who he hit. Billy and Trevor struggled to hold Charlie, not wanting to actually hurt him. It didn't help that Charlie bit Billy's arm hard enough to draw blood. Despite Billy's anger, he was far more concerned for Charlie, since he had never seen the usually happy kid so full of hate. "Charlie, stop it!" Billy cried out. He managed to wrap both arms and legs around his much smaller brother, pinning Charlie against him on the floor. Not knowing what else to do, Trevor grabbed the towel from the bed and did his best to cover Charlie's nakedness. "Calm the fuck down, will you?" Billy demanded. Trevor thought that Charlie looked like a rabid animal. He had never seen anything like it. He looked at the destruction around them and started to clean up. "LET ME GO!" Charlie shouted. "Not till you calm down," Billy said, struggling to hold the boy. "I SAID, 'LET ME GO,' BILLY! NOW!" "What the fuck is going on here?" Rick said from the doorway. Charlie threw his head back to get a look at his father. Unfortunately, the back of his head slammed into Billy's nose, breaking it. Billy cried out and reflexively let go of Charlie, as blood gushed out. Charlie stood and ran at his father; his anger renewed. "I hate you!" Charlie shouted, swinging at his father. "Charlie, stop it now!" Rick said, backing away from his little boy. He was barely able to see the mess in the room and Trevor over and balled up Billy. "I said, 'Stop it'!" Rick said, grabbing Charlie's arms. Charlie did his best to kick his father, but his legs weren't long enough. Again, the towel fell but it didn't deter him. Rick used Charlie's momentum against the smaller boy. He spun Charlie around and wrapped the boy in his arms and pinned him. Charlie did his best to fight back, but it was futile. "What's gotten into you?" For the first time in his life, Rick wished Will was around. Normally, his co-parent had shown up at the most inopportune times; however, with Will out of the state, there was no chance for a rescue. A thought occurred to him. "Trevor!" Rick called out. When he saw the boy step out of Charlie's room, blood covering his hands, he said, "Get Billy's phone and call Justin. Maybe he can calm Charlie down." Upon hearing Justin's name, Charlie broke down crying. His legs gave out, and he became dead weight in his father's arms, nearly taking them both to the ground by the unexpected weight shift. He had no more fight in him. "What's going on, Charlie?" Rick gasped at this son's dramatic mood change. "What's wrong, Little Man?" Rick didn't bother hiding the confusion and desperation in his voice, as Charlie began to hard sob. He picked his youngest child up and cradled him. Charlie was inconsolable and nearly incoherent. "Do you still want me to call Justin, Mr. Barton?" Trevor asked, holding his boyfriend's phone. Rick thought about it and changed his mind. He didn't know what was wrong with his son, but he didn't think Charlie was going to be a problem any further nor did he want a larger audience. "No, I think we're finally good here. Thanks, Trevor. Why don't you check on Billy, while I deal with Charlie, okay?" "Yes, Sir," Trevor said and went back into Charlie's room. Rick walked towards his room, but decided that Ry's room would be better. He laid down with his naked and vulnerable child. Instinctively, Charlie curled up against his father, wanting the pain to stop, for his father to make it go away, even though Rick was the cause of half of it. Trevor came in a few minutes later and said he was going to take Billy to the emergency room. Rick asked if he could pick up Joey, who was still at David's. Trevor agreed and left the room. "I love you, Charlie," Rick said. "I'm sorry you saw what you did earlier, but you got it all wrong. I'm not back with Brenda. She surprised me with the ring, but I was never going to say yes. I promise you that. She's out of our lives for good." Rick looked down at his boy and saw that Charlie had cried himself to sleep. He continued to lay with Charlie for a while, but thought it was best to get his son's room cleaned up before Joey got home. Rick put Charlie under the blankets and put Ry's bear next to him. He figured that it was the best substitute for his oldest son. He closed the door and crossed the hall to Charlie's room. The devastation wasn't as bad as he had initially thought. Rick did the best he could to straighten the room. Charlie had smashed his computer monitor but that was the worst of the damage. Billy's blood had gotten on the carpet and would likely leave a stain, but Rick got the carpet cleaner out, anyway. After making sure there was no broken glass in the rug and everything was put away, Rick brought some clothes to Ry's room for Charlie. He wept as Charlie snored. As much as he didn't want it, he knew that his relationship with Charlie was broken again. Rick hadn't thought to tell his boys about meeting with Brenda, because he didn't want to start another argument, but that decision led to one boy having a breakdown and another at the hospital with a broken nose. Trevor pulled into the driveway around six. Joey was the first in the door. He asked if Charlie was okay, and Rick did his best to assure him that Charlie was fine and still asleep in Ry's room. Next in, was Billy, followed closely by Trevor. Both of Billy's eyes were bruised and blackened. Rick hadn't seen his middle child look that bad since Billy's fight in the sixth grade. "I take it your nose is broken then?" "What would give you that idea?" Billy said. His voice was nasally and very bitter. If the situation hadn't been so distressing, Rick would've laughed. "How's he doing?" Billy asked. "Charlie's asleep in Ry's room. I think he can stay there for the night. The last thing any of us need is a fist fight with Joey." "Good call," Billy said, taking a seat next to his dad on the couch with Trevor sitting next to Billy. "Any idea why he freaked out?" "I was actually going to ask you that." Billy told Rick about the conversation he had with his brother. "And he lost his mind when I told him that Brenda said she was pregnant." "I see," Rick said. "Charlie ran from the restaurant before Brenda got to that lie." "Ah," Billy replied. "I didn't know that. It might have been nice to have known that before I talked to the little psycho." Trevor said, "So you think she's lying then?" "No doubt about it," Rick replied. "She has a long history of lying and manipulating. She'd do anything to make sure we stayed together, except actually be kind to Charlie. Until she brings me legitimate proof, she can fuck herself. "I knew Charlie was going to be upset, but I didn't think he was going to lose his mind. And, when I told Trevor to call Justin, he just fell out." To Billy, Rick added, "I wish your dad and Ry were here." Billy gave Rick a very puzzled look and asked, "Did you seriously just say you wished my other dad was here?" "Yes," Rick said, glaring at Billy, "and don't you EVER tell him I said it, either. He's insufferable as it is. I can't imagine how bad he'd be after knowing that." Rick got up to check on the younger boys and to order dinner, before going back to the hospital to see Ry. Charlie woke up a few hours after Rick left for the hospital. He put on the pair of underwear at the foot of Ry's bed and crossed the hall to his room. Joey looked up and had a concerned expression on his face. "What happened?" Joey asked. "I don't wanna talk about it," Charlie said, as he grabbed his phone. He had several messages, mostly voicemails from his dad. "Trevor said you broke Billy's nose," Joey continued. "He deserved it." And with that, Charlie left the room and went to use the toilet. Charlie debated whether or not to take another shower but decided that he just wanted to go back to bed instead. As he sat on the toilet, he checked his messages. His father sounded desperate, trying to explain what happened with Brenda, while begging Charlie to answer. He deleted all the voicemails concluding that his dad was a liar. There were several text messages from Billy asking where he was and that he and Trevor were out looking for him. The rest were from Joey and David wondering what had happened to him. Pooping hurt a lot. He assumed he was badly bruised from Justin fucking him. The pain wasn't as intense had it had been at the time Justin was in him; however, baring down nearly brought him to tears. Once he was finally finished he stood and pulled up his boxer briefs. Heturned to flush the toilet and saw the bowl filled with blood. Charlie almost dropped his phone in the toilet but caught it at the last second. In a panic, Charlie called Justin. "He sexy boy," Justin said, giggling. "Ready for round two after all." "I'm bleeding," Charlie said, trying to keep his voice down. "Bleeding?" Justin asked, confused. "Yeah. I took a shit and there's blood everywhere," Charlie exclaimed, as tears welled up once more. His fear shifted to anger as Justin laughed. "You're not dying if that's what you're thinking," Justin mocked. "It's normal. It happens to everyone." "It's never happened to me before!" "Oh my God, Charlie. Stop being a little drama queen. It's a consequence from fucking. Billy used to bleed a lot too, after I fucked him. Why can't you be more like him. He never called me bitching like a little girl when it happened." "Why are you being so mean?" Charlie demanded, still with hushed tones, not wanting anyone to hear him. "I'm not being mean," Justin spat back. "I just telling you how it is. That's why you called after all, isn't it? You're freaking out over nothing." Justin passed to let his words soak in. He then said, "I can come over tomorrow if you want and show you how to deal with it." Charlie thought about it for a few minutes. He was pissed at the way Justin was treating him, but he couldn't think of how else to deal with it, without telling Billy or his dad. Despite how mad and upset with Justin he was, he didn't want Justin to get in trouble. "Fine," Charlie relented. "I'll tell my dad that I'm not feeling good, so I can stay home from school." "Great," Justin said, excitedly. "Tell him that I'll watch you, since I don't have any classes. I'm sure he won't mind us spending some alone time together." The way Justin phrased everything made Charlie's stomach churn. He said okay and hung up. He flushed the toilet several times, making sure all the blood was gone, before going back to Ry's room. He got back under the blankets and pulled the bear into his arms, wishing that the day had never happened...or that he was dead. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 55***