Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 22:25:57 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Charlie Chapter 70 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 16, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. THANK YOU: Thank you to all my readers who have been patiently waiting for this and the remaining chapters of this book. I have read your emails and I appreciate your concerns. Things going on in my life at the moment are largely preventing me from writing like I had been, so each chapter is taking a rather long time to complete; however, I'm still committed to completing this book, though it will take longer than I anticipated. Please, remain patient, and I will do my best to publish when I can. Thank you, again. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 70 Charlie opened his eyes. His head spun and his vision was blurred. He looked about and saw Justin. His heart pounded almost as hard as his head. Charlie got a good look at his surroundings and saw that he was in a gas station and Justin was pumping his gas. Without thinking, Charlie opened the car door and tried to run, but his legs gave out from under him and he fell, face first, to the pavement. He let out a cry of pain just before he felt Justin lift him back into the car. "How stupid do you think I am?" Justin softly spat through gritted teeth. He reached down and grabbed a pair of handcuffs wrapped around Charlie's ankles. "I bought these for another reason," Justin grinned, "but they'll do for now. However, if you try to run again...." Justin let his threat hang as he exposed the hand gun hidden under his shirt. "Everything alright?" An attendant called out. "Yeah," Justin replied. "Just helping my brother. He's got special needs." "Okay," the young man said, as he went to help another customer. Justin slammed Charlie's door, finished pumping the gas, and got into the driver's side. He grabbed an open bottle of water and held it out to Charlie. "Drink this. I don't know when you'll get another." Thirsty and not wanting to upset Justin further, Charlie took the water and drank deeply. It had a funny taste to it, but his mouth was too dry to care. He looked around and quietly asked. "Can I have something to eat?" Justin's grin widened as he grabbed his crotch. "I've got plenty for you to eat right here." Charlie started to cry as Justin laughed at his joke. Charlie was unable to keep his eyes open before they reached the unfamiliar street before them. *** Charlie opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and his head hurt. The light around him was bright and disorienting. As his eyes began to focus, he discovered that he was in the front passenger seat of an unfamiliar car. His brain was still fuzzy from whatever knocked him out, but he did recognize Justin driving next to him, muttering to himself. Charlie let out a soft groan of discomfort, which snapped the teen out of his troubled thoughts. "Morning, Baby," Justin said with a wicked smile. He reached over and grabbed Charlie's crotch. Charlie tried slapping his captor's hand away, but couldn't muster the strength to do more than lightly tap the hand feeling him up. "Glad to see the diaper his holding up." Justin pulled his hand back to the steering wheel. "Diaper?" Charlie mumbled. He hadn't worn a diaper since he was a baby. It didn't make sense. "Don't you remember? After the last time you lied about needing to use the restroom and tried running away, I put you in diapers." "What?" Nothing was making sense. Pain in his head was really bad and the fuzziness wasn't going away. "Where are we?" "Somewhere in Kansas, I think," Justin said, looking around. "I stopped paying attention a while ago." Charlie started sobbing. The fog was starting to lift and a few memories from his ordeal were seeping in. "I want my dad." "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Justin shorted. He violently pulled the car over and slapped Charlie across the face. "HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO FUCKING TELL YOU?!" Charlie let out a wail of pain. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Justin screamed, slamming his fist onto the steering wheel. He did this till Charlie quieted down, though the young boy still sobbed. "You can't go home, Charlie," Justin said through gritted teeth. "Why not?" "You know why? How many times do I have to tell you before you believe me?!" "I don't know what you're talking about." Justin drew in a deep breath, hoping it would calm him down; it didn't. "I killed your dad, Charlie." "What?!" Charlie croaked between sobs. "No you didn't!" "Yes, I did!" Justin growled defiantly. "I killed your dad and brothers, so they wouldn't take you from me. Don't you remember?" Nothing came to Charlie's mind. Even with his head pounding and spinning, he knew he'd remember that. "You're lying!" "Am I? AM I?!" Justin grabbed a phone from his pocket and turned it on. He used a password to unlock the device, opened an app, and thumbed through some files, before handing it over to Charlie. His look of triumph was disgusting, as he watched Charlie's reactions to the "evidence." Charlie cried out as he looked at pictures of his family, covered in blood. Justin wasn't great with computers but he learned enough to make alterations and some deep fakes for the internet. It was one of many skills he picked up from his many "uncles" and "daddies" his mom dated while his birth father was in prison. "I don't believe you," Charlie said, definitely, but Justin could tell that the boy certainly did. "Believe it or not, you're mine now," Justin said, grabbing Charlie's knee. "We'll be together forever." Charlie broke down crying even harder. He gasped and coughed, trying to catch his breath. "Here," Justin said kindly, handing the boy a bottle of water. "This will help." Charlie held the bottle till his mouth and throat cracked from being so dry. He drank deep from the container but was stopped by Justin only after a few pulls. "You don't want to make yourself sick, do you?" Charlie looked at Justin. His face was kind, the way Charlie wanted to remember it, back when he loved Justin...before Justin proved he was a real monster. His vision began to blur again, and the spinning got worse. Before he could say a word, everything went black. *** Charlie opened his eyes again. It was dark and he was cold. He felt his body moving and twisting. He looked down and saw Justin removing a diaper from him. Charlie could smell his own foul waist. Justin grumbled as he went about cleaning the boy up. He looked at Charlie's eyes and saw they were half open. "I should make you wear this for a while longer then make you clean yourself up." Charlie tried resisting but the fog in his mind was too potent, while Justin's strong hands pulled and lifted his lower body like a doll. "Hungry," was all Charlie could say. "You should be,"Justin snapped, while putting another diaper on Charlie. "You haven't eaten in a couple of days." "Why?" Charlie asked, not sure what Justin was talking about. "You've been asleep for about 3 days," Justin muttered passively, with a hint of resentment. "I've been gone for 3 days?" Charlie asked, as tears fell down his face. Justin looked confused at first then smiled, "3 days? No, Baby, you've only been asleep for 3 days. We've been together longer than that. Tomorrow is your birthday." "My birthday?" Charlie asked, followed by soft sobbing. "Happy Eleventh Birthday, Baby," Justin said, crawling up next to Charlie in the small tent he stole. "I can't wait till tomorrow. We're gonna have so much fun." Justin stuck his hand down the back of Charlie's diaper and started fingering the boy's hole; Charlie let out a gasp of pain and shock. "Still a little tender from last night, huh? It's okay. You'll eventually get loose enough where it won't hurt." Justin leaned down and kissed Charlie on the lips. Unable (and unwilling) to face the moment, Charlie withdrew into himself and let the fog take back over. *** His head spun and he came to once more. Nothing seemed correct. His stomach and body hurt. He knew he had lost weight, since Justin was barely giving him anything to eat, and when Justin did, Charlie would fall asleep shortly after. Charlie didn't remember the last time he took a bath or changed his clothes. He wasn't ever sure whether it was night or day. Charlie was aware that Justin was getting crazier every time he woke up. Charlie often found Justin talking quietly to himself, muttering incoherent sentences. He tried listening in a few times, but Justin would soon notice and get very angry. The last time, Justin backhanded him so hard, Charlie's left swelled shut. Then there was the sex... At first Charlie was so groggy that he didn't realize what was happening. He remembered feeling a massive weight on him, it was hard to breathe and his insides hurt a lot. He was aware that he was moving along with the weight but he wasn't sure of anything else. It wasn't until what Charlie guessed was a few months after being taken that he was conscious enough to know that Justin was fucking him and fucking him hard. Charlie tried protesting and attempted to fight back, but he was too weak and Justin was right on top of him. Justin started punching Charlie, demanding the boy hold still, and Charlie just gave in...just gave up.... From that point forward, Charlie just let Justin do what he wanted. There was no other choice for him, after all. His family was dead. The cops clearly weren't looking for him, since they hadn't been caught yet, and when Justin was nice, he was the sweet boy that Charlie loved with all of his heart. Charlie got food and water, and was told that he was loved, so Charlie began to behave the way Justin wanted. "See how much easier this is?" Justin said, watching Charlie eat his first real meal in four months. Charlie could only nod and devour his cheeseburger. "You know I love you, right?" "Yeah," Charlie said, tasting his first milkshake in what felt like forever. "Do you love me?" Justin said. There was definitely a threat in the tone of Justin's voice that Charlie wanted to flinch away from, but he didn't want to make Justin mad and have his food taken from him once again. "Of course I love you," Charlie said, "You're all I have now." "That's right," Justin said. He stuck his hand down the front of Charlie's pants without protest. "I'm all you have." Justin proceeded to play with Charlie's little cock till the boy was finished eating. He then pulled his own throbbing cock out of his shorts and lowered Charlie's face towards it. "And now, dessert." *** It was dark. Charlie's head wasn't spinning any longer and he was aware of many things. The first thing he noticed was that he was on a bed in a room. The next, he was naked, which no longer surprised him. He then became aware of Justin, also naked, next to him. Unlike the many times before, Charlie's mind was no longer clouded and he could think clearly. He slowly looked about and figured they were in a hotel room, which meant that there could be other people around. Very slowly and carefully, Charlie pulled the covers back and started to shift his weight. Luckily, Justin wasn't spooning him and was clear on the other side of the bed. Charlie was also grateful that Justin was snoring, which the bastard only did when he was extremely tired. Once he was sitting up, Charlie gingerly climbed off the bed and made his way towards the door. Bolstered with confidence in his play, Charlie picked up his speed, almost to a run. Unfortunately, he felt something tighten around his left ankle and he fell on his stomach just inches from the door. "What the fuck, Charlie," Justin snarled, turning on a bedside lamp. "I thought we were over this bullshit." Justin jumped out of bed and Charlie took what could've been his last opportunity to get away. "HELP!! HELP!! RAPE!! RAPE!!" Furious, Justin jumped across the bed and closed the distance between him and his victim. Justin tried covering Charlie's mouth, but Charlie bit him. Pissed, Justin punched Charlie in the mouth. Charlie cried out as his remaining limbs swung at anything and everything. Justin was undeterred. He wrapped his hands around Charlie's throat and squeezed. Charlie instinctively grabbed Justin's hands but was too weak to break the hold. He struggled and panicked in his effort to breathe but passed out from lack of oxygen shortly after. Justin checked to make sure he hadn't killed Charlie, before picking the boy up, placing him on the bed once more and tied him up thoroughly. In Justin's efforts to secure his victim, he failed to notice a meek figure looking through the small divide in the curtains behind him. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 71***