Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 28 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading his. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 28 Rick woke on Monday morning with a raging boner. All weekend long, he could hear Ry and Kyle "experimenting". He jerked off so much to the sounds of the boys' activities that his balls hurt and he could barely produce any cum. Luckily, Charlie was a very sound sleeper, so Rick wasn't concerned with his youngest son hearing anything his 6-year-old ears shouldn't. He had a lot to do, but he took the time to ejaculate before taking a shower. It took Rick a long time to get the boys to wake up. Charlie was always the most difficult to rouse, so Rick started with him. Once Charlie was in the bathroom taking his shower, Rick opened Kyle's door. The 12-year-olds were very naked and cuddling. Rick swore at himself as his cock started to swell once more. Ry was very attractive, almost as much as Kyle. Rick closed the door, knocked a little too loudly and waited to hear movements before reopening the door. "Time to get ready for school," Rick said, relieved that the boys had covered themselves. "I'm dropping you off, so you'll have time for breakfast." Kyle groaned his thanks, while Ry stretched, nearly uncovering himself again. Rick wondered if he'd have enough time to shoot one more load. Everyone was quiet in the truck. Rick kept looking in the mirror to see if Kyle and Ry were doing anything, including holding hands, but they weren't. He wasn't sure if he was curious or jealous...maybe both, he reasoned with himself. Charlie was the first to be dropped off and ran as fast as he could to keep from being hugged by his dad. Kyle, however, gladly accepted his hug before leaving with Ry. Ry and Rick shared an awkward moment, neither sure if they were going to hug or not, which resulted in an equally awkward handshake. Kyle only laughed. The first order of business was to go to the District Attorney's Office. He was meeting with Assistant District Attorney Marshall about the progress of Dan Clark's case. He felt odd and irritated that he had to be friendly to the people trying to put his wife in prison, but it was for Kyle's sake, which barely softened his hardening feelings. "Please have a seat," ADA Marshall said, as she closed the door behind Rick. "Thank you for coming in today. Given the circumstances, I wouldn't have blamed you if you hadn't." She made her way behind her desk, took a seat and opened a very thick file. "Before we begin, I need to make it clear that you're here only to discuss the case involving your son, Kyle, and the defendant, Dan Clark. I cannot answer any questions regarding the charges against your wife or the case itself. I am also not involved with that case, so I don't have any information that doesn't directly tie to the case we're discussing. Is that understood?" Rick nodded, feeling frustrated all over again. "Who is handling that case, then?" She pulled a sticky note off of the file and said, "That would be my colleague, Bill Pearson. Given that the case is active, he may not be able to discuss the case with you either. That's not legal advice, just general protocol." Rick nodded again. "So, I asked you to come in today, because it was brought to our attention that your son and Cody Morrow have been engaging in a romantic relationship." "Is that illegal now?" Rick asked defensively. "No, but it might raise some questions during the trial. We want to make sure that witnesses limit their contact with each other, so it doesn't appear that their testimony has been rehearsed. I know it may seem like a moot issue, but we want to make sure that the defense can't claim that false testimony has been given, which could potentially eliminate their statements. We're confident that we have enough physical evidence to convict, but having witness statements helps the judge or jury understand the impact of the damages done. The last thing we want is for the judge or jury to come away not trusting us or the victims. Does that make sense?" "Yeah, I guess," Rick responded. "So, what does that have to do with me?" "As Kyle's current guardian, you have more contact with him, so are you aware of any conversations between Kyle and Cody about their experiences with Mr. Clark?" "No. Not that I'm aware of." Taking a moment, Rick thought back to Kyle's birthday weekend. "Now that I remember, Cody and Kyle had talked about it, I think. Cody had bullied Kyle at the beginning of the school year, and they made up once Cody found out about Kyle having been a victim of Dan's, I mean, Mr. Clark." "And they openly discussed the case?" "Kyle said that Cody had apparently asked Dan to target Kyle as a victim, but I guess it wasn't true or something; I'm not sure. It was a few weeks ago, and even Kyle was confused by it. In the end, I think Cody misunderstood what his role in the situation was, so Kyle forgave him." "I see," She said, taking down a lot of notes. "Would it be alright with you if I asked Kyle to clarify the situation with me? We can do it over the phone if that works better for the two of you, so he doesn't have to miss school." "Yeah, that should be fine." "Great," ADA Marshall said, finishing her notes. "Okay, so Mr. Clark was transferred from the hospital back to the county jail a couple days ago. He will not be released, as he had violated his no-contact order last time." "That's good." "In full transparency, we have been in negotiations with his lawyer regarding a plea bargain." "I thought you said you had enough to convict? So why offer him a deal?" "As unsettling at this can be, this is common practice. Even though we have enumerated at least 30 boys, we have only been able to identify five of them. We feel very strongly that we can get convictions on those 5, but we're not sure about the other 25; with that said, we can avoid the entire trial if Mr. Clark is willing to accept a deal, which puts him in prison for a long time. It also means that Kyle, Cody and the other boys won't have to testify, which if it goes to trial, they will have to." "I get it." "At this moment, Mr. Clark has turned down all of our offers. We're going to offer him one last deal, and if he refuses to take it, we'll have a hearing to set the start date." "How long could a trial take?" "It depends on if we can identify the other victims and their willingness to testify. At this point, it could take a year." Rick sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "But," Marshall continued, "Kyle's testimony could be done in a couple of hours; however, he would be asked to relive and speak out on everything that happened in as much detail as he can, including graphic details, to a room full of strangers." "The catch 22 of it, huh?" "That's how the legal system works, unfortunately." "When will you be contacting his lawyer?" "My assistant should be sending the deal by the end of the week." "Great," Rick said, not meaning to sound snippy. "Sorry," He quickly added, "it's been a very long couple of months." "I understand. The legal system doesn't move as fast as all would like." ADA Marshall escorted Rick out of the office, handing him one of her cards and reminded him to set a phone call with Kyle. Rick had an early lunch at a nearby cafe. The place was quiet and gave him time to think. He hated all of this. If it wasn't for his boys, he knew he would've left Ronda years before. She was too high strung at the best of times. He knew she meant well, but her good intentions had turned him into a single father of two. Rick went to the Public Defender's Office next. He was going to meet with Ronda's lawyer, Gill McDonald. The Public Defender's Office was a stark contrast compared to the D.A.'s Office. Everyone wore cheap suits. The building itself was just as drab, with no individual offices, making confidentiality almost a non-point. The only thing separating the sitting area from the main floor was a cubical wall. "Hey, Rick," Gill said, extending a hand. He was a nice guy, but Rick sensed that there was definitely something smarmy about him. Rick shook the man's hand and they went to a little corner away from everyone else. "I'm glad you could come. I would've had you stop by sooner, but things have been crazy busy around here." "I can see that," Rick said passively. Interns moved quickly from desk to desk and a copy station. Those that weren't moving, were on phones or typing. "Have a seat," Gill said, as he sat behind a desk. "So, before we begin, I have to make it clear that I can only discuss your wife's case. I cannot discuss the active case against Mr. Clark in regards to your son, Kyle, and can only discuss details about that case that have an impact on your wife's defense, which I have to say is a little limited." "Yeah, I had the same talk with the D.A. a few hours ago." "Oh?" Gill grabbed some paper and a pen. "We didn't discuss Ronda, so don't get excited." Gill chuckled and said, "I see. Well, you never know. Anyway, when was the last time you spoke to your wife?" "We talked on the phone Saturday afternoon. I was planning to see her after we're done here, actually. Why?" "Did she mention the plea deal?" Rick looked confused. "No. No, she didn't." "Don't worry," Gill said. "It's pretty standard to negotiate for lighter sentences to see if we can find a compromise instead of a potential, long-term sentence." "So, I've been told," Rick said darkly. "What was the offer?" "Before we get to that, we need to talk about the charges." Gill opened a file, almost half the size as the one the ADA Marshall had on her desk. The lawyer lifted a couple of pages, put on a pair of glasses and said, "It looks like your wife was charged with one count of Attempted Manslaughter in the First Degree and one count of Unlawful Use of a Weapon in the First Degree. The manslaughter charge is a Class B felony, while the weapons charge is a Class C. If convicted, Ronda could face up to 108 months in prison, or about 9 years before good time." Rick felt the color drain from his face. 9 years! Kyle would be an adult and Charlie would be as old as his brother is now. He didn't want to think of how old he would be. He couldn't even process having to be a single parent that long. "You mentioned a deal?" "Yes," Gill answered, flipping a couple more pages. "The D.A. offered to drop the weapon charge if Ronda would plead guilty to the attempted manslaughter charge, which would drop the time to 72 months or 6 years." Rick didn't really know anything about the law, except what he had seen on TV. He thought it all sounded so harsh. "Why is it manslaughter and not assault or something like that?" "That's a very good question. Normally, it would've been assault, but based on the witness statements, the medical reports and your wife's statements to officers during booking, the D.A. believes that Ronda was trying to kill Mr. Clark. Most of his wounds were to his dead, with the rest being defensive wounds from him trying to block the bat. Mr. Clark suffered some minor damage to his brain as a result of the attack, and the D.A. believes that it is enough to elevate the charge from assault to manslaughter. To be honest, she's lucky Mr. Clark pulled through, or she would be looking at Manslaughter I charges or worse, murder." Rick dropped his head. What the fuck is wrong with you, Ronda? Rick thought. He fought back tears of frustration. His life wasn't perfect before meeting his wife, but couldn't help but wonder what he had done to deserve her. "So," Rick said, choking back his emotions. Gill tried to hand him a box of tissues, but Rick just waved them off. "Is Ronda taking the deal then?" "Well, that's why you're here." Gill pulled another file. It was thicker than Ronda's and looked old and battered. "How much do you know about Kyle's birth father?" ***Coming Soon, Chapter 29***