Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 56 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 56 Rick was kept in a holding cell, until he was calm enough to face the judge. The judge made Rick apologize for his outburst and fined him $500. Rick was fuming when they all left the building. Will fought to keep himself from saying, "I told you so." Instead he focused on the news he had to give Ry. Will and Kyle arrived at the hospital around three in the afternoon, while Rick went to pick Charlie up from school. Kyle was still in his suit when he and his dad walked into Ry's room. "You 'ook ve'wee 'ansum," Ry said, making Kyle blush. "Thanks," Kyle said, looking at his feet. "How are you today?" Will asked, as he took his usual seat by the window. "I'm 'kay," Ry said. He was sitting up again; a little better than he was the day before. "'ow wa' court?" Father and son shared a look, then Will said, "It...was interesting." Will told Ry everything that had happened. Inspite the minimal swelling and light bruising on Ry's face, it was plain that he was shocked by the news. "So, you no longer have to testify." "Wow," Ry said. "I rewee di'n' wan' to, so da' good." "Yeah, but it would've been nice seeing you in a suit," Kyle said, taking a seat next to Ry and taking his hand. "Neffer gon' 'appen," Ry smiled. Rick and Charlie came in about a half-hour later. Charlie was still not happy about having to go to school. He sat himself in a corner and pouted. A few minutes later, Dr. Bower entered the room. "Hello, again, everyone," She said in her usual cheerful tone. "Again?" Charlie asked, confused. "Weren't you in court with your brother and dads?" Dr. Bower asked. Charlie looked scandalized. He looked at his dad and said, "Even she got to go?!" Rick rolled his eyes and said, "She had to go for Ry; plus, Dr. Bower is an adult and can go wherever she wants." To Dr. Bower, he said, "And Charlie only has one dad." "Oh, yeah, that's still very confusing," She said. "Te'w me 'bou' i'," Ry said. "Anyway," Will interjected. "Doctor, you came here for a reason?" "Oh, yes," Dr. Bower said. "I got Ry's test results back, and I have some more good news." Dr. Bower explained that Ry's paralysis was definitely caused by severe muscle swelling around his spine, which shifted several of the disks in his spinal column. With the swelling decreasing, he would regain feeling to his lower body and legs. However, there was still enough damage that Ry would need to learn how to walk again. "In the meantime," Dr. Bower concluded, "he'll have to be in a wheelchair, undergo a lot of physical therapy and spinal alignments to make sure that his spine behaves itself." "That's great news," Rick said. "There's still more we need to discuss. As I explained to the judge, Ry's brain injury has affected his speech, and unfortunately, we can't necessarily fix that kind of injury. There are therapies out there that can help him regain most of his speech, so there's some hope." "What about the bad news?" Will asked. "Due to the fractures in his skull, he may be prone to migraines, especially as he gets older. He had a severe concussion, so there may be long term effects later in life. It isn't advised that he play contact sports and try to avoid further head trauma." "No football for you, Kiddo," Rick teased. "Bummew," Ry chuckled. "When can he go home?!" Charlie said, exasperated by the conversation. "We need his guardian to sign off on an in-patient, physical rehabilitation facility," Dr. Bower said. Seeing the shock and fright on everyone's faces, she quickly added, "It's only temporary! It's to help Ry get a start on home life, with physical and occupational therapies." "Occupational therapy?" Kyle asked, confused. "But, he doesn't have a job?" "Occupational therapy is about teaching someone in Ry's situation how to manage day-to-day living, like showering, cooking, getting in and out of his wheelchair, etc.," Dr. Bower clarified. "Do you think he'll need in-home care, like a nurse or something?" Rick asked. "I don't think I'm the right person to ask that. That's really what the rehab facility is meant for. They'll do evaluations and more practical tests, and they'll stay in communication with you about Ry's needs and how best to address them, so he can come home." "When will he be transferred?" Will asked. "As early as tomorrow, but could be as late as the end of the week," Dr. Bower said. "Thank you so much for everything, Doctor," Rick said, getting up and shaking her hand. The pair left to start filling out paperwork. "That's great news, don't you think?" Kyle asked Ry. "Yeah, i' ish," Ry said. "You'll be home before you know it," Will said. Rick came back into the room and said that they didn't give him a lot of choices of facilities, and they were all nursing homes that also do physical rehabilitation. "Does that mean Ry will be in with old people?" Kyle asked. "It's likely," Rick said. "Does that make Ry my old brother?" Charlie asked. "Bra'," Ry said, as everyone laughed. "Now, it's a matter of how to pay for everything," Rick said his thought aloud. "Sah'wee," Ry said, shamefully. "Stop apologizing," Rick said. "None of this is your fault. You're my kid now, and that's what fathers do." "I didn't want to bring this up now," Will said, "but since the elephant is in the room, we might as well address it." Will opened his briefcase and pulled out a file. "First, Ry, we need to talk about something. I don't know how else to say it, so I'm just going to do it: Ry, your brother and sister are dead." "I kno'," Ry said. "You knew?" Kyle asked, incredulously. "You told me they were in college." Ry started to tear up and said, "I' wa'sh ea'shier to be'weeff day aw'yffe da'n ami' day dead. I'm sah'wee I lied." Rick held his eldest boy and told him that they understood. "I know it isn't easy losing someone you love, and I can't imagine what it's like to lose both of your siblings. But, you now have two little brothers and two dads who love you very much." "Two dads?" Charlie asked, confused. Rick looked at Will and said, "I know you can't adopt him, given your criminal record, but you've acted like a dad to him from the start of all this, so it only makes sense." "Rick," Will said, a smile on his face. "Are you proposing?" "Bite me," Rick said, as all three boys began to laugh. "Ah, well, always the bride's maid and never the bride." Will said, opening the file. "With that said and done, I have some more news." Will went on to say that Ry's father had taken out a life insurance policy on himself, Ry and Ry's mother, when Ry was born. The policy was for $250,000 each. "The hangup," Will explained, "is that the policy doesn't payout for suicide. Since Ry's father killed himself, according to the police report, his portion is void. However, the policy will pay in the case of Ry's mother. Between the policy, and what the house is worth, Ry's medical expenses will be covered with some left over for a college fund, I think." "Does this mean you're officially going to adopt him?" Kyle asked Rick. "Was there ever any doubt? That's unless Ry doesn't want to be part of our family." Rick looked down at Ry, who was still in his arms. The boy looked up at him the best he could, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I'll take that to mean, 'Yes'," Rick said, holding his son a little closer. "Does that mean he's a Barton now?" Charlie asked. "I don't know," Rick said. "Do you want to change your last name to mine?" He asked Ry. Ry nodded his answer. "You could always use my new last name," Kyle said, teasingly. "Parker-Barton does have a nice ring to it," Will jested. "It's Barton-Parker," Rick pointedly clarified, "And I'm only going to put up with that crap from one of my boys." "Good," Charlie said, "I don't want to be the only one." Just as everyone was getting ready to leave, they each gave Ry a hug. As Kyle leaned over the bed, Ry said, "I wuv you." "I love you, too," Kyle said and kissed Ry on the lips, which was returned. "Ew!" Charlie bellowed. "You can't kiss him! He's our brother now." "Make us," Kyle said and kissed Ry once more, causing Charlie to make fake vomiting sounds. "That's enough," Rick said to his youngest, as he ushered the boys from the room. Will took off his shoes and made himself comfortable in a chair next to Ry's bed. "Did you really mean what you said to my son?" Ry looked at Will and considered his words. "Yeah. I wuv Ky'w." Ry said. "But do you love him the way he loves you?" "I wan' to," Ry said, dropping his head. Will just nodded. It was clear that Ry didn't know what he wanted. He knew that it would only lead to heartbreak, but he couldn't interfere. It was something that Ry and Kyle would have to work out on their own. "Do you ha'e me?" Ry asked. "Of course I don't hate you," Will said, getting up and hugging Ry. "I won't lie and say that I know what you're going through. So much has gone on, and you're still too young to understand love. Hell, most adults my age still haven't figured out what love is or what to do with it. All I can ask is that, when you do figure out what you want, try not to hurt Kyle as much as you can." "I p'womise. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 57***