Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 61 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 61 "I swear I'm burning it this time!" Kyle yelled from the bathroom. His dads yelled back, "No, you're not!" For the third time that year, Kyle was in his suit. At least this time it's for something good, Kyle kept reminding himself. As he walked into the living room, Ry did his best to wolf-whistle, but it came out more like a raspberry. "Thanks, babe," Kyle said, and kissed his boyfriend. "Ew!" Charlie said. "Dad, my brothers are kissing again!" "We're not brothers, yet, dork," Ry said, turning his new electric wheelchair around. "And we were boyfriends before I moved in." "Were we?" Kyle asked. "You know what I mean," Ry said. "Besides, we know you don't have issues messing around with your brothers." "Asshole," Kyle snapped. Ever since Kyle told Ry about his wet dream featuring Charlie, Ry took every opportunity to tease him about it. "Keep it up, and you can walk home." "Your tie is crooked," Ry smirked. Kyle turned to the nearest mirror to fidget once more. Will met everyone at the courthouse. He and Rebecca were comparing notes and going over several files. Kyle hugged his dad, and shook Rebecca's hand. Will shook hands with Rick and Ry, and Will was shocked that Charlie gave him a hug. "What was that for?" Will asked, happily accepting the affection. "You're helping me get another brother," Charlie said as a matter-of-fact. "Does that mean we can finally be friends?" "Well, you're more like an uncle now, so I guess if uncles and nephews can be friends." "This family dynamic is getting complicated," Antonio said, as he walked up. "Tell me about it," Rick said. The group moved into the courtroom. It was empty except for the court reporter and a clerk. It was a smaller room than the one for Dan's trial, Kyle noted. Will and Rebecca took their seats to the left of the judge's seat, while everyone else sat behind them. Ry stayed in the aisle due to his chair. About fifteen minutes later, an attorney for the state came in and sat at the other table. Once the man was settled in, Rebecca went over and talked to him. Detective Dunham and Mrs. Grimble were the final two people to enter, and they sat down behind the district attorney, though not next to each other. The man for the state turned around and spoke to both women. Kyle tried to listen in, but he wasn't close enough. "All rise," called the deputy as the judge entered the courtroom. Rick's heart leapt as the judge took his seat. It wasn't the judge from his custody hearing for Kyle, and he started to feel good about the hearing. "Good morning, everyone," the judge said, as he sat down. "Please have a seat. Mr. Jackson, are you ready to proceed?" The district attorney replied, "Yes, Your Honor. The State is ready." "I understand that there are two lawyers for the Petitioners. A Mr. Parker and Ms. Ingram, representing Ryland Doernbecker and Richard Barton, respectfully," the judge said with a questioning tone. "Both present, Your Honor," Rebecca said. "Excellent. I also understand that there are a few witnesses for both sides, so Mr. Jackson, if you'd please call your first witness." A.D.A. Jackson called Detective Dunham to the witness stand. She was sworn in and took her seat. Mr. Jackson asked some basic questions about how she knew Ry and Kyle's family, which she answered honestly. When asked if she found any living relatives for Ry, she said that she hadn't. "Detective, are you aware of Mr. Parker's criminal history?" "Objection, Your Honor," both Rebecca and Will said. "Ms. Ingram," the judge asked, "what's your objection?" "Relevance, Your Honor," Rebecca said, "This is a custody hearing for my client and Ry Doernbecker. Mr. Parker isn't seeking custody, so his past record is irrelevant." "Mr. Parker, what's your objection?" the judge asked Will. "The same as Ms. Ingram's, but also that Mr. Jackson is trying to character assassinate me in front of not only the Court, but also my client. As an attorney on his case, I can't testify, and Mr. Jackson is trying to take advantage of that to slander me." The judge looked over to Mr. Jackson and asked, "And what's your response to this, counselor?" "Your Honor," Mr. Jackson replied, "Mr. Parker is a convicted sex offender from the state of Nebraska, with a male victim. That victim just so happens to be the adopted son of Mr. Barton. It's the State's stance that, if Mr. Barton adopts Mr. Doernbecker, Mr. Parker will have contact with a minor--Mr. Doernbecker--which puts him in harm's way." "Your Honor," Rebecca said, "I handled the adoption case for Mr. Barton's and Mr. Parker's son, Kyle. Mr. Parker does have visitation rights for his son, which are done through my office, per a visitation order. As for contact with Ry, Mr. Parker is a licensed member of the state bar, and I was present, along with Det. Dunham, when Ry retained the legal services of Mr. Parker. Even as a minor, Ry has a right to retain counsel and to have communication with them. I have never once seen any inappropriate behavior between Mr. Parker or any minor, let alone towards Ry." Will added, "Your Honor, the case against my son is currently on appeal, and I have no doubt the conviction will be overturned any day now. I successfully completed sex offender treatment and my parole. I was not deemed a danger to the community or towards any children, especially minor males. If the Court would like, I can give the numbers to my treatment providers and my former parole officer, along with hundreds of character witnesses. With that said, Mr. Jackson has no evidence of any wrongdoing on my part towards my client, criminal or otherwise, nor has he done more than attempt to establish a slanderous witch hunt." The judge gave it a second's thought and said, "Objections sustained, without prejudice. Mr. Jackson, if you have evidence of wrongdoing you better present it immediately or forgo this line of questioning." "The State doesn't have any evidence at this time, Your Honor. I'm just raising a concern for Mr. Doernbecker's well-being." "Noted. So the objections are sustained with prejudice. Mr. Jackson, please keep your questions relevant to this hearing and to the petitioners only, unless you have evidence to submit to back up your claims." "Yes, Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said. He seemed flustered, and it was easy to guess that most of his questions were about Will and his criminal past. "I have nothing further for this witness, Your Honor." The strategy that Will and Rebecca came up with was that Rebecca would ask all the questions for both of them. Rebecca asked Detective Dunham about the night she responded to Ry's mother coming to get Ry the first time. She asked the detective about how Rick was with Ry. Then she asked briefly about how Rick was with Kyle and Charlie on the other times the detective had been to the house. Detective Dunham gave positive responses about Rick as a father, and how he was caring and compassionate with Ry and his situation at home. The detective felt that Rick was a good father, and given the lack of family, he would make a good father for Ry. "I would like to redirect, Your Honor?" Mr. Jackson asked. "You may, Mr. Jackson," the judge said. "Det. Dunham, what were the circumstances that led to your first meeting with Mr. Barton?" The detective gave a very slight look at Rebecca. "Objection, Your Honor, Relevance." "Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said, "I would like some latitude, as the State feels what Det. Dunham has to say may have a bearing on the fitness of Mr. Barton as a proper parent for Mr. Doernbecker." "I'll allow it," the judge said, "Objection overruled." "Thank you, Your Honor. Please answer the question, detective." "I was investigating a reported sexual assault, and one of the victims was Mr. Barton's son, Kyle." "To your knowledge, through the course of your investigation, was Mr. Barton aware of the sexual abuse his son suffered prior to your involvement?" "Objection, Your Honor, Relevance," Rebecca said, not bothering to hide her frustration. "If my client had had any prior knowledge of wrongdoing, he would be in prison for conspiracy instead of being awarded full custody. Furthermore, Your Honor, the abuse Kyle suffered is irrelevant to the case at hand." "Your Honor, Mr. Barton seems to have a history of allowing sex offenders into the lives of his children, and--" The judge banged his gavel in anger, then said, "Mr. Jackson, I've already warned you once. Unless you have evidence that Mr. Barton knowingly allowed his son to be abused, you will drop these lines of questioning before I have you cited for contempt. Is that understood?" "Yes, Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said bitterly. "Objection sustained," the judge said. To A.D.A. Jackson, the judge asked, "Do you have anymore relevant questions for the witness, Mr. Jackson?" "No further questions." "You're free to go, Detective, and thank you for your testimony," the judge said, dismissing Detective Dunham. "Call your next witness, counsel." "The State calls Judith Grimble to the stand." Mrs. Grimble stood and flattened out her green floral dress. She walked stiffly to the witness stand, and gave a curt affirmative when sworn in. Mr. Jackson asked about her visits to Kyle's house. She mentioned that the house was always in good order, and Charlie and Kyle looked well taken care of. "In your expert opinion, Mrs. Grimble, do you have any concerns about Mr. Barton as a parent, in general?" "I have a few," the older woman said. "Would you please tell them to the Court?" "Certainly," She said, turning in her seat to look directly at the judge. "I believe Mr. Barton is a potential, secondary risk to his children and would be to Mr. Doernbecker if the Court awards him custody. Mr. Barton has a short temper, which he had inflicted upon me during my last home visit. He was greatly fatigued and exceptionally moody. He blamed his youngest child, who has post traumatic stress disorder, which the boy obtained from the horrific incident that put Mr. Doernbecker in his wheelchair. According to our investigation, Mr. Parker had been over at Mr. Barton's, which seems to be a regular occurrence. Charlie Barton managed to leave his home, at night and unnoticed, and was discovered unconscious at the crime scene. "Given the sexual abuse that Kyle Wells suffered by a neighbor while in the care of Mr. Barton, the frequent visits of a convicted pedophile to his home, the neglect of young Charlie Barton, and his inability to balance his home life, work life, and the boys' school schedules--as the boys, especially Kyle, have been absent quiet a few days this school year, after their mother was arrested and sent to prison--it is my opinion that Mr. Doernbecker would be better off in foster care and an investigation into Mr. Barton's fitness as a parent should be investigated further." Everyone thought the same thing: Fuck! "So," Mr. Jackson asked, "Mrs. Grimble, just to clarify, you're saying that Mr. Parker has been seen at the home of Mr. Barton outside of the court order days and times?" "Yes." "And how do you know this?" "I talked to several neighbors who stated that Mr. Parker is a frequent guest of Mr. Barton's, and had even stayed the night on more than one occasion." "Is there any other evidence?" "My office managed to get a police report from the night of Mr. Doernbecker's attack, in which stated that Mr. Parker was at Mr. Barton's home when Mr. Barton was notified about his son's condition." Kyle shot the district attorney a withering look. The man looked righteous, as the judge looked like he had egg on his face. Kyle looked to his father. Rebecca was livid and whispered at top speed; however, Will seemed unbothered by the whole affair. "Nothing further, Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said, smugly. "Ms. Ingram," the judge said, "You said, not too long ago, that Mr. Parker was adhering to the custody order, and that you were supervising the visits. If that's the case, why would Mr. Parker be a frequent guest at Mr. Barton's home?" Before Rebecca could respond, Will stood up, "Your Honor, as I'm the target of these allegations and attacks by Mr. Jackson, perhaps I should answer that question." "Alright, Mr. Parker, you have the floor." "Thank you, Your Honor. It's very true that I had been a guest of Mr. Barton's and that the visits were outside of what was minimally required under the order; however, I would like to submit the visitation order into evidence, as it seems Mr. Jackson is going to continue to harass me." Will gave two copies of the order to the court clerk and one to Mr. Jackson, while sliding another to Rebecca. "If everyone would first turn to page four of the order, you will notice that the order says that all visits must be conducted in the presence of Mr. Barton, and that the visits would be determined by myself and Mr. Barton at his convenience and leisure, including home visits." Kyle noticed that Rebecca feverishly scanned the document in absolute shock. "And, if the Court and counsel would turn to the last page of the order, they will see that this order was signed by Judge Haskins on the day after Thanksgiving of last year." "How?" Rebecca asked out loud. "Judge Haskins had an availability and squeezed me in." "Why wasn't I notified?" "The order was served," Will pulled out a second document. "I would like to submit this Certificate of Service. The order was served by a process server and taken by one Lydia Jones, who was watching Ry and Charlie, during my first visit with Kyle. Which rendered the order I originally had as moot; however, Ms. Ingram was not aware of this until today, I'm afraid. Until now, I assumed Mr. Barton had taken physical possession of the new order, but by the look on his face, I would assume he had not, either. In either event, the order was served and is still legally sound. "And again, Your Honor, I'm Ry's attorney of record, and no matter how much the State hates that, there's nothing they can do about it. Until Ry is adopted by Mr. Barton, I'm legally his guardian and have been since the tragic death of his parents." Kyle could feel the tension in the room. The look of outrage on Mr. Jackson's face nearly made Kyle laugh aloud. Once the judge reviewed the document, he said, "Ms. Ingram, your witness." "Thank you, Your Honor," she replied, a little shaken with rage. "If it pleases the Court," Will said, still standing, "I would like to conduct this cross." "Ms. Ingram, do you object?" Rebecca paused. It was clear she wanted to, but she sat down. "No, Your Honor." "Very well, Mr. Parker, the witness is yours." "Thank you, Your Honor," Will said, as he opened a large file before him. "Mrs. Grimle, is that your surname?" "Yes," she replied, a little put off by the question. "Were you ever married?" "Objection, Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said a little too aggressively. "Sorry. Relevance, Your Honor." Will looked at the judge and said, "Goes to motivation and bias." "Sustained," the judge said. To Mrs. Grimble, he said, "Please answer the question." "Yes, I was married." "But not anymore?" "No, not anymore." "Would you please tell the Court why you got a divorce," Will asked, "and as a reminder, Mrs. Grimble, you're under oath." "I divorced my husband because he sexually abused our daughter," Mrs. Grimble said. For the first time since the hearing started, Mrs. Grimble looked shaken. "Isn't it true that your ex-husband was also convicted of sexually abusing several other children?" "Yes," she replied. "Were these other children foster children in your care?" "Yes." "Mrs. Grimble, have you ever been under investigation by your superiors for flagrantly making allegations of abuse when there was no evidence to support your claims?" "Objection, Your Honor," Mr. Jackson said. "An employee's personnel file is confidential." "Unless that file was part of a criminal investigation or a civil case brought on by victims of Mrs. Grimble's abuse of power, which are all matters of public record." Will handed out copies of reports. Each stack was about three inches thick. "Mrs. Grimble," Will continued, "Would you ever consider yourself sexist?" "Objection." "On what grounds?" The judge asked. "Character assassination." "Your Honor, Mr. Jackson opened that door twice with Det. Dunham. It was the Court's position to allow that line of questioning provided the State had evidence. Since the Court had already established the requirements, the Petitioners are permitted the same opportunity with the same restrictions." "Over ruled." "Thank you, Your Honor," Will said. "Mrs. Grimble, please answer my question: Would you ever consider yourself sexist?" "No," Mrs. Grimble said, through gritted teeth. "Your Honor, I would like to submit these affidavits from former clients and coworkers of Mrs. Grimble, both men and women, who all are willing to testify in open court to Mrs. Grimble's behavior towards male clients and coworkers, including making false claims of sexual harassment towards her and making false claims of abuse and neglect." The judge took his copies of the affidavits and scanned each of them. "Mr. Jackson," the judge said, "Do you have another witness to corroborate Mrs. Grimble's statements or testimony in relation to this specific case before the Court?" "No, Your Honor," he said, defeated. "Ms. Ingram and Mr. Parker, do you have any further questions for Mrs. Grimble?" "Yes, Your Honor," Will said, in his usual, annoyingly cheerful manner. "Just one." The judge motioned for Will to ask it. "Mrs. Grimble is it true you interrogated my client in his hospital room about whether or not myself or Mr. Barton had sexually abused him or that Mr. Barton had allowed the man who abused my son, Kyle, around my client without having any evidence to support your line or questioning and without having his lawyer present?" "Objection, leading the witness," Mr. Jackson said, placidly. "I'll withdraw my question, Your Honor, so no further questions." "Mrs. Grimble, you're dismissed," the judge said bitterly, as the broken woman rushed from the stand and out of the courtroom. "I'm striking Mrs. Grimble's testimony from the record, as there is a clear case of bias on her part." A.D.A. Jackson didn't object. "Do you have any more witnesses, Mr. Jackson?" "No, Your Honor. The State rests." "Ms. Ingram, Mr. Parker, you're up," the judge said, tossing the affidavits aside. "Thank you, Your Honor," Rebecca said. "Petitioners would like to move for summary judgment at this time. The State has failed to prove my client is unfit to be Mr. Doernbecker's legal parent, nor have they provided any living relatives. Even their one witness spoke highly in our favor, leaving the rest of our witnesses and evidence to only strengthen our case." "Mr. Jackson, does the State object to summary judgment?" Mr. Jackson gave it some thought then said, "No objection, Your Honor." "Then the Court hereby grants the Petitioners' Motion for Summary Judgment. Mr. Doernbecker, you are hereby put into the legal custody of Mr. Barton. Mr. Barton, you are hereby granted sole custody and guardianship of Ryland Doernbecker. Would either of you like to say anything before we end the proceedings?" "Yes, Sir," Ry said. "I want to change my last name to Barton, please." The judge gave it some thought and granted Ry's request. "What about me?" Kyle blurted a little too loudly. "What about you?" The judge asked. "I have my petition to change my name," Kyle said, ignoring the adults who were trying to hush him. The judge asked for the order and granted Billy's order. The Bartons and Parkers, along with Rebecca and Antonio went to a pizza parlor to celebrate their victory. Nobody expected Will to tear Mrs. Grimble to pieces; in fact, Rebecca was so impressed she paid Will a compliment. Rick, once again, put his oldest son to bed with the help of his two youngest. Billy got into bed with Ry and kissed him. "Ew!" Charlie said. "He's our brother now. You can't keep kissing him." "You know what they say?" Ry said to Charlie. "No, what?" Charlie said, confused. "Incest is the best, put your brother to the test," Ry said, just before sticking his tongue in Billy's mouth. "Ugh! Dad, make them stop!" Rick blushed a very deep red as he ushered a protesting Charlie from the room. "Goodnight, Big Brother," Billy said. "Goodnight, Little Brother," Ry said, as he pulled his boyfriend into his arms. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 62***