Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 65 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 65 "Are you sure you want to wear that?" Ry asked Billy. Billy stood before the long mirror in the bathroom. He had on a white t-shirt with a rainbow on the front. He had on jean shorts and sandals. "What's wrong with it?" Billy asked. "I don't know. It just seems basic," Ry replied. "At least I'm wearing something more than just my normal clothes," Billy said. "It's not like I dressed myself, is it?" "You could've asked Dad to dress you in something better for Pride." "Well, I'm not gay like you," Ry teased. "Until you have sex with a girl, you are gay like me," Billy said, kissing his boyfriend. "Are you saying you want to be poly?" Billy kissed Ry again then said, "Not on your life. I wouldn't share you for anything." "Same," Ry said, wheeling himself into the living room. Billy's dads were there along with Charlie, who had been allowed to go all-out, despite his brothers' protests. Charlie had on a tacky orange-red t-shirt with a rainbow flag that clashed with his ginger hair. He also wore cut-off jean shorts and flip-flops. Lydia had applied rainbow face paint that glittered, and painted his finger and toe nails. When the little boy saw his brothers, he tied the bottom of his shirt in front, exposing his very pale, chubby belly. "What do you think?" Charlie asked. Both brothers groaned, which only encouraged him. "I think you look fabulous," Will said, noting his son's annoyance. "Thanks, Uncle Will," Charlie said with a big smile. "Don't encourage him, please, Dad," Billy whined. "Isn't Pride about expressing who you are?" Rick asked, opening the door, so Ry could go out to the van. "If 'mocking' were a gender or sexual orientation, then yes, it would, but he's doing it to be a dick," Billy said. "Watch your language," Rick admonished. "How about we get a picture before we head out?" Will asked, taking out and readying his phone. Billy reluctantly agreed only under the condition that Charlie wasn't standing next to him. Despite being in computer security, it took Will about three minutes to figure out how to set the timer on his phone. "There, I think I have it." He set down his camera at level with everyone and jogged into the frame. It took a couple times to get it right, but they finally settled on a picture they all liked: Rick and Will in the back, with Billy and Charlie flanking Ry. The town's Pride event took place at the very park Billy had wandered off to get his thoughts figured out months ago. It seemed like a lifetime; so much had happened since then. The warm summer was a blazing contrast to the cold, ridged weather of that afternoon. Back then he didn't know how to handle the events of his life, and now, Billy's troubles seemed to have come to a fruitful end. He had two dads and two brothers, whom he loved very much, and who loved him in return. Yes, his mother was in prison, but so was the man who tried raping him. Billy also had the love of his life and a boyfriend, whom he loved almost as much. It didn't bother him that he was in love with two men at the same time. It did bother him that he had to keep one a secret because society wasn't evolved enough to accept it. It often felt like a punishment, but he understood the consequences if anyone found out. The last thing he ever wanted was to lose Rick, so he had come to terms with it, hoping that, one day, he and Rick would have the life they deserved. "Happy Pride," said the person at the gate. They were dressed very festively covered in rainbows and various flags representing the LGBTQIA+ Community. After Will paid the entrance fees and everyone got their hands stamped, Billy helped Ry to the nearest booth, trying to get as far from Charlie as possible. They came across several stages with live music and drag shows. Ry mused as there was a small pet parade, with the animals dressed as various celebrities, most of whom Rick had to point out. They found the food court around noon and had lunch; all the food was Pride themed, naturally. "Hey guys," called a familiar voice in the distance. Antonio came rushing over from an ice cream booth. He was wearing very short shorts and a low cut Pride t-shirt. Like Charlie, he had his face painted with Pride flags, but had glitter in his hair. Billy wouldn't have guessed that the legal assistant he had met almost six months ago could look like that had he not seen it for himself. "Hi Antonio," Rick said, shaking the man's hand. "Happy Pride." "Thank you, Rick. Happy Pride to you all," Antonio said. "Will," was all the acknowledgment he was willing to give to Billy's biological father. "Happy Pride, Antonio," Will said, ignoring the slight. "Uncle Tony, I think the elephant ear stand is finally open," said a familiar black boy from behind them. "Thanks," Antonio said, looking eagerly to the other side of the court. "Hi," the boy said to Billy and Ry, who looked shocked. "Hi Trevor," the brothers said. "I didn't know you were related to Trevor," Billy said to Antonio. "What?" Antonio said, clearly coming out of his deep thought of sweetened, fried bread. "Oh, yes, sorry. Everyone, this is my nephew, Trevor. It looks like Billy and Ry already know him." "Still waiting on that game invite," Trevor said. "Things have been...complicated." Ry said. "Looks like it," Trevor said, without a hint of aggression. Billy interjected, "Maybe some time this summer?" "Can't unfortunately; we've moved. I'm only here for Pride." "That sucks," Billy said. "Please, join us," Will offered. "We can't unfortunately," Antonio said, without sounding sincere. "My husband is around here somewhere, and he's been drying for a fresh elephant ear." "Hopefully, we'll see you again," Rick said. "Although, with the custody cases over with, and Dan in prison, I don't know if we'll need a lawyer at any point." "Didn't you hear?" Antonio asked, confused. "Hear what?" Will replied. "Dan Clark is dead." Everyone looked at each other in mixed shock and confusion. "How do you know?" Will asked. "It was on the news earlier. The Department of Corrections is still doing an investigation, so nobody knows how, but he's definitely dead." "My God," Rick said. "At least he can't get out and hurt anyone else." "I guess we do have something more to celebrate," Will said. Billy felt sick. As much as he hated what Dan did, he never wanted the man to die. The rest of the event wasn't as much fun for Billy as it had been for everyone else. Ry, Billy and Trevor hung out for a while, but Trevor eventually had to leave with his uncles. Charlie won a prize for his outfit, which he bragged about relentlessly. Even though everyone understood the news of Dan's death hit Billy hard, nobody said a word. Ry held Billy's hand whenever he could, and his dads gave him hugs periodically. "Hey Buddy," Rick said, sitting next to his son. Will took the other boys to see a drag competition, so Rick and Billy could have some alone time. "Hey," Billy said, looking down at his feet. "Wanna talk?" His dad asked. "It's my fault he's dead," Billy said, tearing up. Rick pulled his son into him and held him. Rick whispered, "It definitely isn't your fault. Dan did this to himself. If you hadn't been his victim, he would've hurt someone else who would've turned him in. Besides, we don't know how he died. As far as we know, he could've died of natural causes. In either case, it isn't your fault, Baby. You didn't do anything wrong." "Then why do I feel responsible?" "Because guilt isn't as easy as everyone makes it out to be. I know he didn't hurt you when you two started having sex, but he did hurt other boys and did try to hurt you. Maybe you feel bad because you had feelings for him." "Not like I have for you, but I guess I did like him." "And that's probably the part that's sad he's dead. You're grieving the part of him you had feelings for, but in the end, I think it was pretty clear that he didn't have those feelings for you; otherwise, he wouldn't have tried hurting you and wouldn't have recorded you two together." "Yeah," Billy said. "You would never do those things to me, and I know we love each other." "That's right. I would never hurt you. I love you too much, Billy Barton." "Parker-Barton," Billy jokingly rebuked. "If you're going to be my secret husband, then you're only going to have my last name. Deal?" "Deal," Billy said, kissing his dad on the cheek. It took a great strength of will to not kiss the love of his life on the lips. After Pride, Will dropped his family off at their home, before taking the van back to the car rental. Once he got home, he turned on his computer, logged into his VPN and secret email. It contained one email. "Trash was taken to the dump this morning." Will thought of his words then typed, "Thank you. The money was moved from Savings to Checking this afternoon." Will shut down the computer, removed the hard drive and placed it in a floor safe. He dismantled the rest of the machine down to every individual piece. He bagged, tagged and boxed the parts for resale or use. Will went to bed feeling content that all of his plans had been successful. He regained the family his ex-wife stole from him, and gained back some of the money he had lost all those years ago. His ex-father-in-law was facing a life sentence for molesting his son, and the man who tried raping his little boy was now dead. Will even had gained the trust of the man who was currently molesting his son. Will turned on the television and entered a code into the attached computer. The game system's onboard camera came on showing a view of the living room, complete with sound. He then switched room to room with the hidden cameras he had placed months ago. Will knew the new house would need to be worked over as well, but it would be easier now that he was a trusted family member. "You'll get yours," Will said, as he watched Rick and Billy steal a passionate kiss in the hall before bed. Will turned off his light and fell asleep. THE END ***Coming Next, Growing Up Charlie***