Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:39:14 +1100 (EST) From: dwayne pitts Subject: hero-chapter three HEY ITS ME AGAIN. THANKYOU ONCE AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO HAS WRITTEN TO ME. I REALLY APRECIATE IT AND PLEASE KEEP SENDING ME ANY COMMENTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE TO. HALF_DESENT_GUY@YAHOO.COM.AU . OTHERWISE I HOPE THT YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER. Hero Chapter Three SET ONE YEAR BEFORE THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS Leon White looked around the building he was in. Somethign didnt feel quite right to him. He wasnt sure whether it was the dark eeryness, or whether it was just that he knew what lurked inside the chamber somewhere bkended in with the dark musrky walls. Leon slid his hand over his forehead wiping away the build up of perspiration that was there. As Leon made his way along the corridor, his thoughts drifted back to what had gotten him to this situation. It had only been ten weeks since he ahd first been approached about using the abilitiesd that he had for the good of humanity. In fact up until ten weeks ago Leon had been an ordinary sixteen year old. Who to his knowledge hadnt had abilities. All of that had changed however when he had been introduced to Richard Prior. At first Leon had thought Richard was an absolute looney. But over the course of a week and thanks to the mans persistance Leon had discovered that sometimes belief is but a theory. Richard showed Leon what his ability was and how he could use it. But not only that he showed him that there are a lot of other people in this world like him. But not all of them chose to use it for the good of humanity. This was a fact that became very clear to leon after only a few weeks of being a 'HERO'. As Richard liked to call the group. Now as Leon continued his search for his target, his left hand gripped at the handgun that he now carried with him everywhere. He slowed his pace as he heard voices coming from around the corner in front of him. He could hear what sounded like two men in about their thirties. But a chill ran down his spine as he heard the background noise. He could hear a young boy crying and screaming. Leon gulped as he peered around the corner to see what was going on. What he saw nearly shattered his mind. There were four people that he could see. One he instantly recognised as the target that he was here for. James Crawford was in his late twenties, and the authorities have been after him for years. He was suspected to be in charge of a major peadophile ring. Supposedly the ring involved somewhere in the vacinity of a thousand adults. And nearly ten thousand boys. The authorities had asked for Richards help. This was the first step. He was here to rescue the boy. Word had reached the Heroes, that one of the victims was aiming to strt a rebellion against the ring. Leon and the others knew that thye could use this to their advantage. But they had also known that if James had discovered the truth that the boy would be in serious trouble. Judging by the scene in frontt of him, Leon assumed that they must have figured it out. This realisation could only spell trouble. The scene in front of him, caused Leon to nearly puke. The boy who was only eleven years old. The boy, the one that Leon was here to save, or attempt to save at least, was being controlled in every way possible. It was obnvious that the men were trying to prove a point. The sight of how much pain the kid was in almost caused Leon to break down in tears. It brought back memories of his own past. James was cursing and speaking agressively to his victim. "I told you, I told all of you what would happen if you tried it." As he said this he excentuated every part eith a thrust of his cock which was wedged in the boys arse. The boy screamed in pain as James continued his assault. Leon was cringing in oain watching the events unfold in front of him. He had to come up with a plan. And he had better do it quickly. Leon looked at his mobile phone as he felt it vibrate in his pocket. He had switched it onto silent so that no one else could hear it, but so that he could still be contacted. He backed around the corner and out of sight, and he hoped out of earshot as well. Then he pressed the talk button. "Hello." He was practically whispering. "Hey Leon where abouts are you." Leon knew the voice straight away as being his greatest ally Nicholas Callen, Leon had been waiting for Nicholas to ring and ask this question as this meant that he was also in the building. " Im in the west chamber on the second floor. James is just around the corner, with two of his cronies, and Aaron. Where abous are you," There was a slight pause on the other end of the phone, before Nick finally responded. "Im oppsite you. On the other side of the chamber." Leon crawled back to the corner and looked across. He could just make out the outline of someone over there. Leon smiled to himself and said into the phone. "So glad that you could make it. Any siggestions." There was again a slight pause on the other end before Nick laughed and said. "I suppose just dropping in on them would be a bad idea." At first Leon was going to agree but then he thought about it. It would be the easiest way. But also the most dangerous. "Can you see their weapons." This took Nick by suprise as he had been expecting something in the negative. "No guns just two knives." Leon smiled to himself agian as he formed a plan. He glanced at the chamber where the abuse was still continuing and knew that he had to act now. "Can you get to the floor sadely." Nick could be heard moving around slightly. "Yeah I can make it easily. But they may hear me." Leon thought again for a few moments then he said. "Dont worry about that Ive got that covered. Just get down there as quick as you can. I'll see you at the bottome." Leon turned off his phone and got up. Leon took one final look down at the scene that was playing out and then at where Nick was. Before he took a deep breath and called "Hey arseholes, look up." Leon took a chance based on the fact that Nick had said that they didnt have guns. Leons actions had the desired effect and James and his cronies stopped their action and stared in disbelief at Leon as he lowered himself to the ground in the chamber. He hoped that this gave Nick enough time to do the same. James as well as anyone else couldnt see Leon's face because of the mask that he was wearing. Seconds later he heard a 'plop' as Nick landed behind James. The boy looked frightened even more so then before. "I think well take him from here." James pulled out one of his knives and pointed it at Leon. "I'm probably thinking not." Nick in no time placed the head of the handgun that he was carrying in the small of the back of James. Even before the other two realised that he was there. "Oh please but I insist." James looked horrified as he lowered the knife. "Okay, okay, but woh the hell are youse." Leon and Nick shared a look through their masks and jointly said. "We're youre worst nightmare. And we......" Leon made a point to gesture towards the boy at this moment. "Are leaving." And with that Nick grabbed the kid and started to life himself into the air. At first the kid screamed but then he realised that he was safe and went limp. Leon ran back to where he had started from and then started to lift up into the air. He looked back at James who could only look on in disbelief. Leon reached the top as his cell phone started ringing. "Yoh dude look at their faces." Nick sounded like a 10 year old instead of the fifteen year old that he was. But Leon couldnt keep the smile off of his face. "Yeah I know. You know wjat to do with the kid. Ill go and see him tomorrow." Leon hung up the phone and headed home. * * * * The next day Leon couldnt shake a gut feeling that he had. He couldnt explain it. He had called Nick late last night to make sure that the trip back had been okay.Everything had gone all right. In fact everything had gone perfect. They had gotten Aaron out of their without the slightest bit of hassle. Now he was safely tucked away in the hotel. Where Leon knew that he was safe and that he was bweing cared for. Now as Leon was headed towards the hotel to do what he had been told to do after every rescue he couldnt shake some sort of feeling. It wasnt necessarily a bad feeling but it made him slightly uncomfortable. Especially considering he had no idea what the feeling was or why he had it. But as Leon pulled into the driveway he felt it give a slight tug at his gut and then it seemed to vanish or at least momentarily. Keon walked up to the front door and turned his key in the lock. As soon as he had the door open the smell of cooking hit his nostrils. This didnt suprise him in the least as he knew a few of the boys that stayed here were really into cooking. So almost every tie he came here he was asked to taste test the latest invention. A procedure that Leon was only too happy to comply with. A smile spred accross his lips as he heard the sounds of boys. Richard was the only person in this house who knew the real connection between Leon and the boys. Even though he had saved over a dozen of them, it was the way that it had to be. More then anything for Leon's safety. So as far as the boys were concerned he was a friend of Richard's and he liked to talk to the new boys. It seemed a bit lame to leon but all of the boys had bought it, and this made Leon feel a little bit more secure. Leon had berely walked in the front door when he heard "Leon." Followed by the sound of feet lightly running towards him. It was Michael. Michael had in fact been the first job for Leon. It had been special, and Leon felt he had a strong connection with the boy. Within seconds Michael appeared and wasted no time opening his arms for Leon to pick him up. Leon grabbed the twelve year old and hoisted him up into his arms. "Hey little buddy how ya doing." The pair reached the end of the hallway, and walked into the kitchen, There were three boys in the kitchen mixing up ingredients. "Hey boys, whats cooking." The three boys none of which Leon had saved looked up and sid hello. Then the oldest a boy called Nathan said. "Were making Sausage Casserole. Or at least trying to." He looked so shy and so cute that Leon had to ruffle his hair as he walked past. "Is Richard here" Nathan shook his head as Leon bent dowm to place Michael back on the floor. the boy looked dissapointed for a second but then smiled and went back to the cooking. "Nah hes gone down to the store for five minutes. He said to tell you to wait. He knew you'd be coming." The middle boy of the trio, Patrick looked at him sarcastically. "Of course hes here the new boy came in last night. That is why youre here isnt it," Leon nodded his head. It was moments like this that made Leon wonder whether some of the boys did in fact know who or what he really was. As if on cue Aaron came bounding down the stairs,and into the kitchen. but then as soon as he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks. Nathan noticed this and got up and placed a hand onAarons shoulder. "Aaron dont look so worried man. Thsi is Leon. He's a friend of Richards." Aaron hestated as Leon extended a hand towards him. "Hey Aaron. I hope youre settling in all right." Aaron shook Leons hand, but still looked cautious. "Ruchard said someone would come to talk to me." This comment kind of suprised Leon. Not that Richard ould tell Aaron but that he would blurt it out like that. Leon looked ar the boy for a moment before he asked. "Do you want to go talk for a few minutes."Again Aaron looked hesitant for a moment before he said with a shrug. "Yeah sure, just let me get a drink." Aaron poured himself a juice and then he led Leon towards his bedroom. Leon knew his way around the hotel but he very rarely went into the boys rooms. Once the pair were inside the bedroom, Aaron closed the door and wasted no time. "I know who you are." Leon at first panicked as to what the kid meant. But he decided to blow it off. "Oh yeah, well I know who you are as well." It was meant as a joke. But the look of confusion on Aaron's face was almost priceless. Then he said almost forcefully. "It was you who came last night. You were the one without the gun." * * * THATS THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. I WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO WRITE THIS PART OF THE STORY IN ONE CHAPTER. BUT ITS TOO LONG SO IM GOING TO CONTINUE IT IN CHAPTER FOUR. PLEASE SEND ANY COMMENTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE TO ME AT. HALF_DESENT_GUY@YAHOO.COM.AU OTHERWISE UNTIL NEXT TIME. TAKE CARE