Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 02:40:18 +0000 From: Centzon Totochtin Subject: In Search of a Dickling (incest, sf-fantasy) NOTICE: THE FOLLOWING IS FOR ADULTS ONLY. Thanks to all the great work that the Nifty Archive does and the writers it publishes. Please consider supporting them with a donation. Any feedback will be highly appreciated, write at English is not my first language so deal with me and my messy grammar! ------------------------- IN SEARCH OF A DICKLING Richard was reading a science magazine, comfortably, on his leather sofa. Legs laid on the small coffee table in front of him and a glass of wine in his right hand. He loved this time of the day, it was so quiet, nobody at home except him. Nothing to worry about. Richard tried to make the most out of this few hours it was, after all, the calm before the storm. He didn't manage to finish reading the article when the front door was burst open: "Dad!!!" Alex shouted at the top of his lungs. "DAD! Where are you?!" "Living room, son" replied Richard. Alex entered the room and started to talk, just before being interrupted by his dad. "What happened to you son?" asked the preoccupied dad seeing his son drenched in sweat and with cheeks the colour of ripe tomatoes. "Oh, nothing I just ran...I've to tell you" reassured Alex. "Go on" "So do you know my friend Manuel, right?" Richard just nodded Alex was now, once again, beginning to get super excited about the story and seeing his father was listening to him after a deep breath continued: "Well, while we came back from school I stopped at his house because his grandpa came for a visit, you know Mr.Cole we met him last year at Manny's birthday party" Another deep breath after: "He's moving with them now, like for good. And this time he brought his dickling with him!" Richard already knew where his son was headed, for months now he was begging his dad for a dickling. He didn't know if Alex was ready to take care of a pet, but he was beginning to think it was time to give his son some more responsibilities. Alex was a good kid after all, good grades, cleaned his room without being asked just a little to rambunctious at times. "It was so cute dad! Mr.Cole told me he got it as a present for his graduation...almost 50 years ago, you know" told Alex "It's called rocky. And it kept tripping on its foreskin when it tried to run after us" giggled the kid remembering how funny that scene was. "Well, I'm happy for Manny. It must be nice to have his grandpa closer." replied Richard without any sign of enthusiasm. Alex has feared this reaction, he knew his dad didn't want any pets at home but he still hoped this story would help him change his mind. But at the end of the day asking didn't cost anything and he wished that after the umpteenth time his dad would allow it. "So I asked Mr.Cole about what it is like to have a dickling as a pet and he said it was awesome, funny and very fulfilling" continued to say Alex now in a lower voice. Richard didn't say anything, just watched his son looking at his show trying to find the courage to ask him once again the same question... although this time the answer will be different. "So daddy, I was thinking if we could get a dickling too" the last words were almost unintelligible as little Alex almost gave up this time. "Ok" said Richard. "I know dad, I'll go clean myself" automatically responded Alex picking up his backpack and heading to his room. He was almost at the start of the stairs when he realized his dad did say yes this time. Was he sure though? Alex stood there confused. "I said ok son" reassured Richard, giggling to himself. "Oh my god, really?" Alex shouted and ran to hug his dad. "Thank you, thank you, thank you " blurted out Alex while hugging and kissing his father's cheeks. "You'll not regret it, I swore to you! I'll be super responsible" "On one condition though" said Richard putting his son in front of him and looking directly into his eyes. "Sure, whatever you ask, dad" said Alex. He stood in front of his dad and tried to act as calm and adult as he could. "You know what taking care of a dickling means. I'll agree to get you one if for the next week you'd show me you are responsible and clean. I don't want it to get sick because you forget to wash it or get bored and don't play with it enough. Deal?" stated Richard still eyes locked with his son's. "Sure dad, I can do it." reassured Alex, a little too son. "Well, dad...what exactly do you mean though?" Richard burst out laughing seeing his son face go from the happiest in the world to a panicked one. "Follow me, son" said the father taking his son by the hand. In the bathroom Richard took of his shorts and fished his dick out of his boxers. Taking hold of it with both hands he began retracting the foreskin until a big purple head appeared. "Come closer and smell it" instructed to his son. Alex followed the instruction and took a whiff of the tip of his father's dick. The smell was strong but really pleasant, at least so he thought. "See, I haven't showered yet today. This smell is normal but after just two days it can become overwhelming" explained Richard. "When we get a dickling I don't want to have it smell bad, understood?" Alex nodded. Screaming inside from the excitement of his dad saying -when- instead of --if-. "Now for the next week you'll be in charge of cleaning both my and your penis. I want them to smell like soap. Deal?" After saying that Richard took Alex to the bidet where he explained in details how to properly clean a dick. He showed him how to fully retract the foreskin, what kind of soap to use and how to dry it. So for an entire week Alex began his training. Every day after dinner he would take his father to the bathroom, disrobe him and wash his dick thoroughly. They wouldn't leave the room until both of them ended up with a raging hard on smelling like roses. So the next Saturday Richard got up early, shaved, showered and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, still in his early forties he enjoyed being able to pull off such a young look. He ran his fingers through his brown hair to give them some shape, he'd need to go to the barber soon, they were now long just above his shoulders. Being finally happy with the way he looked Richard went to wake his son. "Son, wakey wakey" whispered into his son's ears. Alex began to stretch still half asleep. Richard could see how alike they were. Alex's shirt rose to show his stomach, his dad then began tickling him until he finally woke up completely. "Son you should take some sun, you're as white as the mozzarellas we ate yesterday" laughed Richard patting his son's tummy. "DAD! We need to go to the pound! What time is it? Are we late?" frantically asked Alex while getting dressed with whatever piece of clothing he could find at hand. "Calm down now, son" interrupted Richard "Go wash your face, and get dressed in nice clothes you don't want the volunteers to think you are a dirty boy. We'll have breakfast on the way, I'll wait in the car" Five minutes later and they were already on their way to the pound. After a long talk father and son opted to get a dickling from the pound instead of going to a breeder. It was Alex that insisted on giving a home to some unfortunate creature, thanks to some documentary he was on tv. Arrived at the pound Richard instructed his son be polite to the staff and not to start running around. Alex nodded to everything his dad said; he meant to show him he could do it, that he could be the best dickling owner. They entered the small building and were soon greeted by a young man in his twenties. "Welcome to the dickling rescue center, I'm Dylan what can I do for you today" smiled the volunteer. "Hey, I'm Richard and this in my son Alex " they all nodded to each other as to introduce themselves. "We were wondering if you could help us find a dickling to get home" enunciated Alex with a very adult sounding voice. "Well I see we have a committed owner to be here" laughed Dylan. "He's very eager indeed " followed up Richard. "Well, let's not waste any more time and let's go find this boy a nice dickling" Dylan took the father and son through a door behind the counter, then a corridor, an courtyard and finally into a huge room with glass ceiling. Three of the walls were fully covered with cages, in the middle of the room there were tables and a sink; it was already 10 am so the room was completely illuminated by the sunlight coming from above. Alex was in awe. He was surrounded by what seamed nearly a hundred different kinds of dicklings. All of different sizes and colours. He watched his father as to ask him a tacit approval to go watch them closer. Richard nodded and he began checking every single one of the cages. "You are lucky, yesterday evening we go a new batch of rescues so you have plenty of choise" informed them Dylan. "Do you have anything in mind? Size, age, colour?" continued to ask the clerk leading Richard toward the first column of cages. "Not really, Alex wanted to choose only after seeing them" "It make sense, I let you two explore I'll be in that room preparing their lunch, call me if you need help" explained Dylan leaving dad and son alone in a room full of dickling hoping to get to a new home. So Richard began checking the cages alone, Alex was too excited, jumping from cage to cage whispering "cute" or "I love it", to be bothered to follow his dad. Richard never had a dickling growing up so this was a new experience for him too. He didn't know what to look for or what to avoid when choosing one. Checking the cages he noticed the little creatures were divided by age and colour. The first one being occupied by three white dickling that looked to be around 12 years old, all of them were cut and were now trying to jump on top of each other. When they noticed they were being watched one of them came closer to the bars to check the man out. Richard put a finger near the dickling's head and began caressing him, it was a little wet but he smelled the exact same way he did when he was 12. The dickling seemed to enjoy the attention and offered Richard its two "feet". Richard then began stroking one ball at the time noticing that some hair was beginning to appear. He learned online that the dicklings' physiology was exactly the same as a man one: they aged at the same pace, and developed different personalities from one another. The only difference was of course the way the reproduced and ate. Richard kept strolling along the different cages, he now was looking at what seemed to be a very aggressive 25-ish year old dickling with a yellowish tint to it. It kept retracting its foreskin and jumping from one side of the cage to the other. Richard was mesmerized to see that they indeed were interesting creatures. "DAD!!! I found him! Oh my god I love you already" screamed Alex, hopping in front of one of the middle cages. Hearing such a happy scream Dylan emerged from the room holding a big bucket. "I see we have made a choise" said getting on the side of Alex at the same time as his dad. "Oh, you like Paul?" asked Dylan, opening the cage with a key. "What? Are you sure son?" asked a very preoccupied Richard. "I'm sure, dad" said Alex now holding Paul in front of his face by the shaft. Paul is a 30 years old uncut specimen, completely black, covered in long curly hair all around the balls and long just about 7 inches when relaxed, and 10 well fully active with the girth of a coke zero can. "Dad look, he likes me!" exclaimed Alex now holding Paul by cupping both hands under his balls. The dickling loved being handled and as a result reached its peak form. Now fully erected Paul tried to cuddle with Alex, he launched forward his face and nested around the kid's neck tapping on the left cheek as to kiss him. Alex giggled and in return began giving Paul's head small pecks, both little creatures were so happy to finally have found each other that in the rush of the moment they ended up pick Alex taking all of the dickling's head in his mouth by accident. Paul, as all dicklings, loving small wet spaces began trusting into Alex faster and faster until he released all of the contents of his balls in the kid mouth. Now exhausted, retracting into his foreskin the dickling fell asleep in the arm of his new owner, ball side up. "Wow he does really like you, kid" exclaimed Dylan. Later clearing that dicklings usually wait before giving their seed to others until they are sure they can rely on them 100%. He them put an hand on Richard's shoulder and taking him aside reassured the shocked father that Paul has been with them for nearly a year, his previous owner was an old man that died suddenly after that day the dickling was inconsolable, until today at least. Dylan swore that Paul had never being aggressive or made any mess, his old owner trained him well and just because of his appearance was never picked by other people. "Well if you say so, I think we have made a choise" mumbled Richard still watching his son trying to swallow all of Paul's "Perfect, follow me and I'll let you fill the adoption papers." Said Dylad leading the father into the small room that he used before. "Let me see if I can find the new formularies" and with that Dylan began moving papers around. "I think I'll need two" asserted Richard. Dylan turned around and could see the man watching at the newest litter. "They arrived tonight, they were found abandoned by some factory just out of town." Explained the boy. "They must have lost their father, they are still too young to fend for themselves" "Poor things...They must be 8 at max" whispered Richard. "Indeed they are" Thanks again for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to write and tell me your opinions, I really appreciate all of your emails guys. You can do it at