Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 12:55:20 -0500 (EST) From: DOGG Subject: its all relative-2 ITS ALL RELATIVE-2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SCENE-1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 19 year old Shakeem Miller awakened after a restless night's sleep (keeping one eye on his gay uncle who slept next to him in the same bed, making sure he didn't "accidentally" violate his personal space during the night). Every time his uncle moved, Shakeem would awaken, waiting for the `accidental' grope that never happened. As the morning sun started to creep through the half open curtains, he noticed his uncle sitting up on the side of the bed (facing away), getting his bearings. Shakeem couldn't help noticing his uncle's strong back and broad muscular shoulders as he started to stretch and yawn. For some odd reason Shakeem pretended to still be asleep (not wanting his uncle to know he was watching), so he closed his eyes and peeked at him as he got up and casually walked around the bed and across the room towards the bathroom to relieve himself. Shakeem's eyes bulged when he saw his uncle's dick swinging half-hard in his shorts before disappearing out into the hall. Wondering WHAT got his uncle's dick so hard in the first place...(?), Shakeem got up out of bed and began searching for his clothes. Where the hell was his clothes...?? Meanwhile 39 year old Gregory Allen wasn't used to sleeping in clothes, and found the cumbersome underwear very restricting as he walked (half blind) into the bathroom and pulled his erection through the piss slit of his boxers to urinate. He aimed his hard-on down into the toilet bowl (awkwardly), then waited several seconds before releasing. Once the heavy stream started, it lasted for nearly 70 seconds, emptying his full bladder before the erection finally started to die down. Flushing, Greg walked over to the mirror and stared at his aging reflection. He normally wore a tight hair cap to protect his naturally wavy hair when he slept at night, however he forgot it after putting his nephew to bed. Brushing his hair profusely to maintain his waves, Greg pulled out the clippers and began trimming his mustache and bread, keeping it tight before jumping in the shower. Once the hot water began to spay against his naked body, Greg started to think about the circumstances of the man sleeping in bed beside him all night. Greg wasn't used to having company sleep over (especially company he hadn't yet had the pleasure of sticking his dick inside), and found it difficult to sleep next to his nephew without rolling over in his sleep to cuddle. Greg hesitate to wonder how Shakeem would have reacted had he accidentally ground up against him last night in his sleep? Surely the boy would have been freaked. G was glad that it was only for one night, and that Shakeem would be out finding another place to flop tonight, or else HE wouldn't be responsible for what might occur if they continued to sleep together. After his shower, Greg preferred to air dry as opposed to towel drying, and simply wrapped a large plain towel around his waist before exiting the bathroom. "ah..., good morning...!" he said to his nephew as he entered into the bedroom. "How'd you sleep last night...?" he asked, heading over to his dresser to dab on his anti-deodorant and cologne. "Not too well..." confessed Shakeem, sitting on the edge of the bed. "...strange BED and all..." "Right..." said G, lifting his arm to apply his Right Guard. "...what's your plans for the day...?" he asked, curiously. "Well..." said Shakeem, watching his uncle apply deodorant. "...I figured I'd go back to my girl's place and see if she'd let me in to get some of my stuff..." answered the young man, stopping when he noticed his uncle shaking his head disapprovingly... "...what...?" he asked, wondering what he said wrong? "I wouldn't DO that if I were you...!" advised G. "Why not...?" asked Shakeem, confused. "Everything I own is at Tamika's house...! I don't have nothing with me but the clothes on my back...! She's got my cell phone, my car keys, my Xbox, my video games, my clothes...!" "All that shit can be replaced...!" said Greg. "Video games, cell phones, clothes..., none of that shit's means anything! Ain't no woman gonna let you come into HER home and take shit..., even IF it's yours!" "Well what am I supposed to do...?" asked Shakeem, feeling at a loss. "Without my cell phone I can't call any of my hommies to see if any of them can put me up...! And without my clothes and car..., how'm I supposed to get around without those...? And my video game..., I paid for that with my own money!" "I don't know what you should do..." said G, removing his towel as he stood before his nephew completely naked. Shakeem's eyes widened in disbelief as his gay uncle stood before him without any clothes on, his long soft dick hanging low between his legs, just under a dense patch of extremely thick pubic hair. "...but I suggest you don't go there alone...!" "I NEED my stuff, uncle G...!" said Shakeem, watching his uncle select which boxer-briefs he wanted to wear from his top drawer. "Then take the cops with you..." suggested G, stepping one leg at a time through each leg opening. "...have THEM escort you to her place to pick up your things...! That's the ONLY way you'll be able to get your stuff without her getting you thrown in jail!" "Jail...??" laughed Shakeem. "What would I go to jail for...?" "If you go back there to that place alone, I GUARANTEE you she'll start an argument and end up calling the cops to have you arrested!" vowed Greg. "Women are vindictive! Ain't NO chick gonna wanna see you succeed and do good without her! She'll make SURE your life is shit without her..., even if SHE has to be the one to fuck it up!" "Tamika's not like that..." stated Shakeem, as G pulled his brief's up to fit his 36" waist. "No...?" asked Greg, skeptically. "How many times have she kicked you out since yall been living together...?" he questioned. Shakeem thought, shrugging his shoulders... "Too many times to count, right...? And how many times has she called the cops on you after a minor lil' domestic squabble...?" asked G, causing Shakeem to chuckle... "Just as I thought! Listen..., do me a favor, and don't go there by yourself...! Take the cops, a friend, a neighbor, your MOM if you have to..., but don't go alone..., trust me, I KNOW what I'm talking about!" "Is THAT what happen with you and aunt Claudia..." asked Shakeem curiously, reading between the lines. "...when you left your family for another man...?" Greg paused, not sure he wanted to go down that road... "Let's get one thing perfectly CLEAR, Shakeem..." said G, firmly. "...I didn't leave my family..., I left my wife! It was HER that I didn't want to be with anymore..., NOT my kids! But Claudia made it pretty clear that if I didn't want to be with her..., that I wouldn't see ANY of them!" explained G. "I'm sorry uncle G..., I didn't mean any disrespect..." said the teen, worried he might have offended his gracious uncle. "I mean..., I know marriages fall apart and people split for different reasons..., but dude must've put some kinda MOJO on you to make you leave your wife like that!" "I don't expect you to understand..." said G, tossing on some jeans and pull over. "'d have to walk a mile in my shoes before you could even fathom what it felt like to live a lie...! To wake up every morning feeling like you were living someone else's dream...! But like every dream..., there comes a point when you wake up and see reality...!" "And what was your reality...?" inquired Shakeem, intrigued by his uncle's story. "I was gay! Plain and simple! I wasn't cut out to be someone's husband!" "But..., you'd already been married for years..." thought Shakeem out loud. " had 3 kids with her...! Were you gay the whole time...?" "I believe so...!" answered G, unsure. "You don't know...?" asked Shakeem. "It's not that simple an answer..." explained Greg. "...I've always had an attraction for other men..., but I was attracted to women too...! I didn't know what my problem was! I didn't know people could be attracted to both sexes...! But I never acted on my feelings for men, and ended up marrying Claudia after she got pregnant with Garrett...! It wasn't until almost 10 years later that I realized I was living a lie...! But when I came out to Claudia..., she hit the roof! She even called the cops when I tried to move out on her..., saying I hit her and beat her up...! She even turned my own family against me, saying I was trash and didn't deserve to see my own children! The only thing that saved me from spending any real time in jail was that she didn't have a single bruise on her to prove I'd beaten her up! The judge threw the case out of court when he realized it was a simple case of a woman scorned! That's the ONLY thing that kept me from going to jail! And that's WHY when I tell you `don't go back to your woman's home alone'..., I MEAN IT! And don't fool yourself into think she's not THAT way..., cause ALL women are that way when they wanna see your ass fry!" said G, with certainty. "Just promise me you won't go by there without someone to verify your story...!" he insisted. "Okay..." said Shakeem, not believing it was necessary. G realized it was probably something Shakeem would have to discover on his own. A man can lead a horse to water... "uh..., uncle G..., can I ask you a question...?" "Sure..." answered G. "Where's my clothes...?" asked the teen, sitting in only his boxer shorts. G laughed... "I washed them last night..." explained the uncle. "...there'r in the dryer downstairs...! C'mon..., I'll get `em for you...!" "Thanks..." said Shakeem relieved, following his uncle downstairs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SCENE-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Despite his uncle's warnings, Shakeem found himself back at his girlfriend's house with the $20 uncle G gave him for carfare. When Shakeem got there Tamkia demanded to know WHERE he had spent the night at...? Claiming she called his parent's and his best friend's houses and he wasn't there! When Shakeem tried to explain that he had slept over his uncle's house, Tamika went ballistic, calling her a liar as she threw pots, pans, and dishes at his head, trying to kill him. When Shakeem finally managed to escape, she called the police, claiming that he beat her. Shakeem was picked up a few hours later and taken into custody for domestic battery. For his ONE phone call, he called Uncle Gee... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SCENE-3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 39 year old Gregory Miller left work early (as a city Sanitation's Department Supervisor) to bail his nephew out of jail. All the way home (in Greg's SUV) he told Shakeem "I TOLD YOU SO!", each statement like another dagger through the teen boy's ringing ears. "I'll PAY you back, uncle G..., I promise!" said the boy, sincerely. "With WHAT...?" asked G. "You ain't got no job, no money, no place to stay..., HOW you gonna pay back my $1500??" "I'll..." thought Shakeem, unsure HOW he was going to pay it back. "...I'll get a job...! I'll save up...!" he said simply, hoping for the best. Gee just continued driving, frustrated that he had to go into his own personal savings for a nephew he hardly knew. "Where can I drop you off...?" he asked, ready to dump his cargo on the nearest street corner... "I, uh..." started Shakeem, unable to line up any prospects... Greg heard the hesitation in his voice and knew what that meant... "Don't TELL ME you ain't have a chance to call any of your hommies yet...?" he asked. "Tamika wouldn't give me my phone!" defended Shakeem. "I TOLD you she wouldn't!" argued uncle G. "But NO..., you just had to go over there anyway...! And NOW I'm out 1500 dollars!" Shakeem felt small, as if his uncle was regretting helping him. But he was about to feel even smaller... "Uncle G..." he called, getting a worried look from the older man. "...could I stay with YOU a few more days until I figure out what I'm gonna do...?" "Stay with me...?" asked G, "You saw my house...! I'm not prepared to furnish houseguests!" "I won't be a bother..." pleaded Shakeem. "...I could sleep on the couch..., or in your weights room..." "Nobody sleeps on my couch!" stated G. "And my weights room is off limits!" "Please, uncle G...? You know how mom is...! I can't stand to hear her say `I told you so'...!" he said, realizing his uncle just did the same thing. "I just need a few days to catch up with my friends and see WHO could put me up...! Please...? You won't even know I'm there!" "How would I not know you're there..., you'll be sleeping right NEXT to me!" argued G., trying to remember WHY he wanted to be close to family again? His life was much easier when it was just him...! At home, G tossed Shakeem's jail smelling soiled clothes into the wash, then he made sure he took a nice long hot bath in the tub, making sure his body was squeaky clean before getting between his bed again. Afterwards Shakeem got dressed in some of his uncle's old casual clothes (sweat pants colored t-shirt, etc), and wandered down to the weights room where his uncle worked out... For several minutes Shakeem stood in the doorway watching his uncle lift weights, --his shirt off, his muscles bulging with strain and glistening all over with sweat. Just looking at his uncle Shakeem found it difficult to envision him doing anything sexual with another man. All the gay guys Shakeem had knew (from high school and in the neighborhood) had been slim, petite, fem types, the kind of guys who hung around girls all day, spitting witty banter and ogling all the men unfortunate enough to walk by. Uncle G was a man's man, a weight lifting sanitation worker who drank beer and watched sports, the very essence of what guys like him did with their male friends. Imagining his uncle fucking another dude was like imagining two thugs fucking..., it just didn't compute. "I see the clothes fit..." said G, catching his nephew watching from the door. "Yeah..., just barely..." said Shakeem, noting how roomy the shirt was in the shoulders. Greg made two more rips with his weights before finally setting them down... "I wanna talk to you, youngin'..." he said with a serious tone. Shakeem swallowed nervously, hating the words `we need to talk'. "I know you're really in a financial bind at the moment, and really have NO way of paying me back what you owe me so far..." "But I..." started Shakeem, getting a `be quiet' hand gesture from his uncle... "Don't talk, just listen...!" stated G. "I'm willing to chuck the 1500 you owe me and let you stay here for as long as you like..." continued G, much to Shakeem's surprise as he fought back a winning grin. "...hell..., I'll even buy you a new wardrobe and a new video games..." offered G. "...IF you do a few things for me...!" "A few things like what...?" asked Shakeem, nervously. "Well..." started G, wiping the sweat off his body with a towel. "...if you're gonna be living here with me..., sharing a bed..., that means I won't have ANY privacy to entertain...! I'm still a relatively young man with needs and urges...! Which means if I can't invite someone over to help satisfy those urges..., then YOU'RE gonna have to fill in...!" Shakeem felt the floor drop out from under him... "Whadda you..." he started, swallowing the lump in his throat as he replayed the statement in his head. "...whadda I gotta do...?" he asked. "You wanna suck my dick or something...?" "You'd LET me suck your dick or something...?" asked G., frankly. "Well, yeah..." answered Shakeem. "...that's what gay men DO, right...? Suck dick? I'd let you suck my dick if you wanted to..., I mean..., you're letting me stay here and all..., right?" "Right." smiled G. Shakeem felt awkward as the two men grew silent, unsure what to say next... "So..., what now...?" he asked, dumbfounded. "You ever have a guy suck your dick before...?" inquired G. "No. Never." answered Shakeem. "Are you ready, now...?" "Now...?" asked Shakeem, unsure. "Yeah, now...!" answered G. "You ready to have your dick sucked NOW...? I'm in the mood to REALLY suck some dick!" "I dunno..." said Shakeem, feeling totally awkward now. "...I guess...!" "Then meet me in the bedroom..." said G, "...and leave those clothes on the floor!" Shakeem left his uncle's weights room in a total daze, quietly mading his way two doors down to the master bedroom. Only the lamp was on, casting most of the room in dark shadows as Shakeem shed his clothing, tossing them on the floor (like his uncle said), then got into bed naked, pulling the covers up over his body. He waited nervously for his uncle to come in, hearing the shower turn on in the bathroom. Was uncle G taking a shower? The wait was stifling. Shakeem thought of running 20 times, just grabbing his clothes and bolting for the door. But where would he go? All his uncle wanted was to suck his dick, he could let his uncle suck his dick for 1500 dollars and a place to sleep, couldn't he? Was that too much to ask for? Surely if the tables had been turned and uncle G turned out to be some hot chick who needed help, HE (Shakeem) might be asking for the same agreement in return. When he heard the shower turn off, he felt his feet turn cold. Seconds later uncle G walked into the bedroom naked, his long soft dick dangling between his legs like a lump snake. Greg Miller took his time drying himself off, intentionally prolonging his nephew's agony. He knew the straight boy was nervous, and had even considered letting him off the hook (for a minute). He walked over to the bed where Shakeem lay waiting, grabbed the quilt, then dramatically ripped it off the bed with one tug, exposing his nephew's nude body. At 6'1" and 175 lbs of brown masculinity, Greg found himself wanting his nephew more than he allowed himself to admit. Climbing onto the bed, he gently ran his large hands all over the naked boy's body, feeling the soft skin of his thigh as he ran his hand slowly up his legs. Shakeem lay prone in bed, afraid to move (or even breathe) as he allowed his gay uncle to molest him. His heart was beating a million miles a minute as he closed his eyes and tried pretending uncle G's large rough hands were his girlfriend's, HER steady caresses and tender strokes as G leaned in and began kissing and licking his body all over. Shakeem held his breath as his uncle's nose sniffed down about his crotch and balls, licking and kissing the base of his dick and along his pubic hairs and nut sac. Pulling Shakeem's legs open, G climbed down between his spread thighs and began licking below his nuts, causing Shakeem's body to tingle all over with goose bumps. Licking further down, G lifted one of Shakeem's legs, exposing more of his ass. Shakeem jumped when he felt his uncle's tongue wigging into his ass crack, licking towards his asshole, going into the nether region. He couldn't believe that someone would actually willingly try to lick another person's shit-hole (gay or straight), licking the absolute nastiest part of another person's body. G gently turned Shakeem onto his side, licking his tongue across Shakeem's brown cheeks. Shakeem felt himself being forced over onto his stomach as G gently pulled his legs apart to lie in-between them. Grabbing two hefty handfuls of his nephew's meaty ass, he roughly pried the cheeks apart, exposing the entire asshole for the first. Taking a moment to admire the tight looking hole, G studied the wrinkled folds surrounded by a speckle of tiny black curly anal hair. He could see the hole winking at him as Shakeem squeezed it tightly closed, making sure the exit remained sealed. "What'r you doing, uncle G..." asked Shakeem, looking back over his shoulder nervously. "...I thought you were gonna suck my dick...?" "All in good time..." said G, before lowering his face between his nephew's ass cheeks and licking the deep crack. "OH SHIT...!" cried Shakeem, completely startled by the electric shock his mind experienced as the warm wet tongue washed smoothly over his puckered anus. He had never had his asshole touched by another living person before, let alone have it licked. Each swipe of his uncle G's warm tongue was like lightning shooting though his body. He could feel his uncle spreading his ass cheeks, licking up and down the crack of his hole, eating him as if it were a woman's vagina. G pressed his face down into the deep crevice and continued licking, lavishing the slightly haired hole as he thoroughly washed it with spit. Shakeem found himself moaning erotically as strange new (alien) sensations invaded his body. No matter how much he tried to wiggle free, his uncle's face was right there, licking and sucking harder at his flushed hole, driving his tongue straight into the ring and wedging it open against its will. G ate his nephew's ass for nearly 40 minutes, loving the taste of tight straight virgin male asses as he drilled it deep with his fingers, lube, and tongue. Every time Shakeem tried to stop the foraging his asshole (by pulling and twisting away), G would simply stronghold him into position, keeping him immobile while he continued lap away at his backdoor. Shakeem couldn't help wondering if this was how females felt to have their pussies eaten...? Feeling the constant licking of their vaginas by a horny hungry man? His dick lay rock hard beneath him, soaking pre-cum into the bed sheets as he started to grind his erection into the mattress. "You LIKE that, eh...?" asked G, catching Shakeem enjoying himself. "Huh...?" asked the boy, feeling like he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. Did only gay guys enjoy getting their asses ate...? "Push that ass back on my face..." encouraged Greg, slapping Shakeem's butt. "...SHOW me how much you like my tongue up your hole! Fuck my face with your pussy!" Shakeem found himself starting to tentatively push back against his uncle's face, feeling G go wild in his ass. Gasping for breath, Shakeem could feel his uncle voluntarily smothering himself every time he shoved his face into his ass, his fat round cheeks cutting off his uncle's air supply as he drove his tongue as deeply as he could into the his anal ring. Shakeem found himself really starting to get into it, shoving his ass back harder to get more of his uncle's tongue further up his chute. "Oh god...!" he groaned, unable to believe how good it felt. "When'r you gonna suck my dick...?" he asked, needing his dick sucked badly. "You want me to suck your dick...?" asked G, lifting his hairy face up from nephew's ass (briefly) before looking into his eyes. "Yeah, man..." moaned Shakeem, desperate to feel his dick in something wet. "...I'm so fuckin' HARD right now...! I NEED my dick sucked...!" he pleaded. "So you don't like having your pussy eaten...?" asked G, licking the hole a few more times, causing Shakeem to moan out loud. "My...pussy...?" questioned Shakeem, not liking the analogy. However he couldn't deny the rush he got every time his uncle's tongue washed over his hole... "Which do you want more..., you dick sucked, or your asshole ate...?" asked G, between licks. Shakeem hesitated for a moment. Surely he preferred his dick sucked (what man wouldn't?), yet...he couldn't deny how much he thoroughly enjoyed getting his ass ate. "My dick..." he whispered softly, almost unsure. "Yeah...?" asked G, climbing up from the spit soaked anus. But before Shakeem could roll over onto his back (to get into position to get his dick sucked), G climbed up onto his beck, resting his own thick hard-on between his nephew's wet cheeks as he gently rubbed himself back and forth. Shakeem could feel his uncle's dick sliding up and down his ass crack, the head playfully nudging at his moist bunghole. "How's THAT feel...?" asked the older man, laying his weight against Shakeem's back. "Please..." whimpered Shakeem, as his uncle's hairy chest scratched against his back. "Please, what...?" asked G, his hot breath against his nephew's ear as he began grinding his dick into the ass. Shakeem felt his uncle's hands wrapping around him, holding him tightly from behind as he ground into him. G started to lick and suck at Shakeem's neck, his mustache and beard scratching the boy's tender neck sensually. Shakeem could feel the dick pressing into him harder, the head wedged right up against the well eaten spit & lube soaked exit as it slowly began to breech the fleshly barrier. "URRHHG...!" grunted Shakeem, feeling the dick starting to break through his tightly clenched anal ring. G ignored his discomfort, even as Shakeem tried to struggle free from under him. "Wait...!" said Shakeem, as G latched his mouth to his neck (like a vampire) and started sucking while still pressing his dick forward. "AAHHHH...!" yelled Shakeem as the dick pushed further into him, starting to stretch his anal ring out of shape. "Uncle G..., wait...!" he pleaded, feeling as if he were on the losing end of the stick. G swirled his hips, slowly grinding into the ass (more insistently) as his lubed manhood started to slowly penetrate the virgin hole beneath him. "AAARRRHHH...!" screamed Shakeem as his uncle suddenly wrapped his strong forearm about his neck, holding him in a headlock as he pressed forth. "No...! Don't...!" he protested, feeling his uncle push harder. "AARRRHHHHGGG...!!" he screamed out loud as the dick head finally popped into his anus, ripping through the tight fighting seal like a battering ram. "Awww FUCK YEAH!" groaned G, feeling the tight sphincter muscles snap down on his crown like a mousetrap. Using his considerable strength, he held his nephew in place as he slowly but surely wedged more and more of his sizable manhood into his ass. Shakeem felt his own strength seeping away as he pleaded with his uncle to let him go, trying to pry his forearm from about his neck. G held tighter as he bore down with his hips, inching a few more inches into the fighting rectum as it clamped, squeezed, and strangled his solid shaft with vice lock grip. G couldn't remember the last time he was in an asshole so tight. Just feeling his nephew struggle beneath him (hearing his manly grunt as he fought to keep his manhood intact, --fighting to keep the dick out of him) was enough to spur the older man on as he shoved forth and ground his pelvic bone into his Shakeem's round ass. "YEEAHHHH...!!" he shouted triumphantly, feeling the anal ring clamp down and convulse madly about the root of his deeply embedded dick. "SHIT MAN..., IT HURTS!" cried Shakeem, feeling the searing stabbing pain shooting through his rectum. His anus fought a valiant fight against impossible odds, attacking the hard shaft with death grip intensity as it tried to repel the invader in its bowels. "Don't fight it..." advised uncle G, his lips right next to Shakeem's ear as his facial hair scratched upon the ear rim. "'ll go easier if you just relax and GO with it!" "GO WITH IT...?!" yelled Shakeem in disbelief, unable to relax while being raped. It felt like an elephant in his ass. He could feel the big dick pulsating inside him as if it were ALIVE. "Trust me son..., it's easier if you commit to it rather than fight against it...!" promised G. "Who knows..., you might even start to LIKE it!" "I DOUBT it!" defied Shakeem, feeling nothing but pain. "I'm out $1500..., you're getting fucked one way or another..., so you might as well enjoy it!" Shakeem said nothing, knowing he had very little say in the matter as his uncle ground his hips into his ass, churning his big dick around in his socket. Shakeem didn't understand how gay men took such punishment? Were their asshole larger from birth, built to house big dicks like his uncle's? G started to slowly withdraw and push back up into Shakeem's ass with his hips, effectively sliding his dick in and out of Shakeem's sore hole, fucking him. Shakeem screamed out loud as a ripping pain shot through him, feeling more like an extracting telephone pole rather than another man's dick. G normally like to hear his conquests scream, but Shakeem was a different story. His screams would have the nosey neighbors calling the cops if he continued, so G removed his arm from about his nephew's neck and placed his hand over his mouth to stifle his screams. Shakeem felt the large black hand covering his mouth, muffling his sound as he continued to yell into his uncle's palm. Shakeem started to become aware of his other senses while he was being raped by his uncle. He could feel his uncle G's hot breath blowing against the side of his face. He could hear his heavy breathing as he thrust and pumped his hips into him, butt fucking him as if he were one of his butt buddies. He could feel his uncle's hairy chest scratching against his smooth back, as well as his hairy groin every time it slapped into his backside. He could feel his uncle's strength surrounding him, holding him captive as he fucked. And he could feel his uncle's strong dick slicing through him, turning his asshole into a pussy as he fucked it like one. Shakeem knew his uncle had gone out of his way to help him out (bailing him out of jail and giving him a place to stay after nearly 10 years of no contact), he KNEW he owed his uncle a great deal of gratitude, but he NEVER intended on giving up his ass for a spot in his uncle's bed. He was supposed to be getting his dick sucked right now, not getting his bunghole banged. His uncle had TRICKED him into believing all he had to do was let him suck his dick and they would be cool. Now he had his uncle's big dick ripping through him like a sledgehammer, busting through his never before fucked anus and reaching up into his bowels with nearly every stroke. Shakeem could feel the dick going deeper, taking over his body from the inside out, making him his uncle's puppet. Shakeem could not remember experiencing such pain in his life. No SHIT he ever had felt worse than the pain of having his straight virgin ass fucked for the first time. Every inward stroke was like a stab to the gut as searing pain shooting through him as surely as a punch to the gut in some violent attack. It was difficult trying to relax with someone shoving another part of their body up inside yours, and Shakeem found his asshole involuntarily clamping down on its own accord, trying to fight for the rite of passage. G loved how the asshole fought against him, the strong (but weakening) anal muscles contracting to try to force him out like a turd it didn't want. It only spurred him to continue fucking, determined to tame the ass as he started to set a steady pace, pumping back and forth to send his rock hard manhood through Shakeem with solid motion. The pain was unbearable for the teenager, like intentionally impaling one's self on a sword over and over again. But eventually (inevitably) the searing white hot pain started to die down, gradually losing some of its bite as the in/out motion progressed into a long repetitive session. G noticed his nephew fighting less and less as his anal muscles weakened and started to wear itself out. While the anus was still extremely tight, it no longer tired to push him out as the dick had won the rights to the anal track. Each inward stroke became infinitely easier than the last, boring through flesh and muscle to lay waste to the inner rectum. G knew there was no way this would be the last time he fucked his nephew's ass, so long as the boy was a guest in his house, his ass was open season. Shakeem continued to lay on his stomach as his uncle lay on top of him, humping into his ass as he repeatedly sent his dick well into the depths of his buttock. Shakeem was shocked to find the pain diminishing, becoming less excruciating and more like a dull ache. By no means did it feel good, but he knew he would survive barring no bleeding catastrophes. He could feel his uncle moving through him, his long hard dick slicing his body in half as his dick beat a path straight through him. It was mind boggling to know there was another guy inside him, using his ass to get off. Shakeem could hear his uncle's grunting groans of erotic pleasure in his ear, obviously enjoyed fucking his nephew's ass. G felt his nephew becoming more receptive, fighting less as he opened up and more accepted his fate. He was able to move through him easier, fucking deeper and harder as Shakeem finally was able to relax and accept what was happening. G dug deep as he probed the depths of Shakeem's hole, his lust fueled by the manly grunts of erotic pain the boy suffered. Eventually he found Shakeem beginning arch his back, elevating his ass more to make a better target. G was happy to find that when he removed his hand from about Shakeem's mouth, that he was no longer screaming like a victim. Instead he grunted erotically, taking his uncle's thrusts like a man. But when G suddenly (unexpectedly) reached under the boy's raised hips to find he was hard (his dick leaking prominent gobs of pre-cum onto the bed sheets as his body was fucked), G knew he hit pay-dirt. Shakeem was as surprised as his uncle to find his dick hard. He had no idea his dick had responded to his uncle's actions, as his mind had been so focused on the pain in his ass. G pulled him up into doggy position, forcing Shakeem up onto his hands and knees. Shakeem felt his uncle's hands gripping upon his waist as he continued to hump into him, slapping his hips into his ass. The dick sped through him, fucking well inside him as G lay across his back and gently jacked him off underneath. "Oh shit..." groaned Shakeem as his uncle's huge hand wrapped around his 8" erection. Forced to deal with the constant in/out friction in his asshole, now Shakeem found himself having to contend with his uncle's expert hand job. He had been hoping his uncle would still suck his dick, giving him some kind of relief after robbing him of his virginity, but uncle G seemed determined to make Shakeem cum with his dick still planted up his ass. With his uncle's weight completely supported on Shakeem's knees and elbows, Shakeem whimpered and moaned into the pillows as his ass was fucked. Nothing he had ever experienced could have prepared him for what was happening to him tonight. He felt violated, molested, raped, and wonderfully excited all at the same time. While his body had found a way to cope with (and even begin to enjoy) what was happening, Shakeem's mind was still closed to the fact that another MAN was bringing him pleasure simply by fucking his body with his dick. Just the idea alone made Shakeem want to run and hide. G had no idea what kind of thoughts were going through his 19 year old nephew's head. He had a suspicion that it might have been similar to the ones HE had when he had HIS first experiences, realizing that sex with another guy wasn't as bad and disgusted as first believed. G could feel his nephew's dick starting to jerk in his stroking hand, and knew it was only a matter of time before he was seeding the sheets with his load. G stroked faster as he fucked, feeling Shakeem's asshole spasm with each jerk of his dick. While the anus was still new to getting fucked, the sphincter muscles (though weakened from the constant massage) was still strong enough to clamp down tightly about the plunging dick every time Shakeem's dick jerked in his uncle's hand, G found himself jacking faster, loving the way the asshole spasm and milked his plunging dick. "Oh god...! Oh gosh...!" gasped Shakeem, feeling his impending orgasm suddenly upon him. G felt the dick swell in his hand just before the first jet of cum shot out. "AARRRHHHGGGGH...!!!" screamed Shakeem, losing ALL composure as the cum started to spurt from his body, shooting out across the bed sheets in rapid fire. "AARRRHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" G continued fucking Shakeem straight through his orgasm. When Shakeem collapsed on the cummy mattress (trying to escape the continuing rape) G followed, never missing a beat as he continued to fuck the hot ass beneath him. He rammed his dick in and out of his nephew's sore hole, fucking his ass despite the painful death grip the anus was now producing. G's hips slapped into Shakeem's ass cheeks over and over as he rammed himself balls deep with every stroke. Shakeem continued to grunt out loud in pain, his sore ass catching the brunt of punishment for his stupidity. "I'm about to cum, too!" announced G, fucking even harder. Shakeem felt relieved that his torture would soon be over. He felt his uncle's thrusts becoming more desperate as his grip became more urgent. All at once Shakeem wondered WHERE was his uncle going to cum? Surely he would pull out before he shot his load..., sparing his one and only nephew the indignity of being cummed in? But before his mind could register the answer, he felt his uncle shove all the way in, grunting loudly as he impaled his nephew on all 10 inches of his swollen manhood. "OH FUCK..., I'M COMING...!!" he yelled, grounding his hips into Shakeem's ass as his dick pulsed, then suddenly exploded a geyser as great wads of thick heavy sperm shot directly into Shakeem's bowels. "AARRRRHHHHHH FUCK YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! AAAWWWW SHIT!!" yelled G as the cum ripped from his body, emptying into the ass beneath him. Shakeem lay under his uncle, feeling the big dick pulse and throb inside his aching rectum, filling his anal canal with a river of hot searing cum from his uncle's balls. G squirmed about on top of him, filling Shakeem's gut with the same potent juices that created his cousins. Both men collapsed and calmed down as their heart rates and breathing returned to normal. G slowly pulled Shakeem's onto their sides (in spoon position), keeping his draining dick firmly lodged inside the no longer virgin hole. Shakeem felt his uncle wrap his muscular arm around him snugly, cuddling him back to chest as both men settled in for a heavy sleep... "THIS's what it's gonna cost you if you wanna live here and be my bitch!" whispered G, kissing Shakeem on the neck as his dick continued to ooze the last of his sperm in his nephew's well fucked ass... Shakeem felt his uncle's strong arms wrap around him as they settled into sleep, and found himself thinking the losing of his anal virginity wasn't quite that bad... _____________________________________________ For questions, comments, and suggestions, please hit me up at, or join me on Facebook to read stories Nifty rejected or to find out what titles I'm working on next! -DOGG