Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 08:29:18 -0700 From: Desert Guys Subject: Jim and Jimmy, Chapter Eleven Jim and Jimmy CHAPTER ELEVEN A Novel by Greg Bowden "Both our lives will be changed." As the new year wore on Jimmy and Doug became more and more frustrated. For Jimmy it was a space and time thing: no space to meet with clients and not enough time to get all of his paperwork done. For Doug it was more subtle: The people at Twentieth Century seemed to see him more and more as some sort of spy, covertly working for Jimmy. No matter how untrue, it still made things very uncomfortable for all concerned. About the middle of May Doug came home to find an elaborately wrapped package on the kitchen counter and Jimmy pouring martinis into the art deco stemmed glasses. Doug picked up the package and hefted it, estimating weight. He knew right away that it was a book. "Our anniversary is past and it's not time for my birthday yet so what's the occasion? Oh, I know," he said with an evil grin, "you're pregnant and it's a book on parenting." "Wrong. You're pregnant and it's a book on birth control." He handed Doug a martini. "Go on, open it." Doug took a sip of his drink and sighed. "Whatever it is, I'm glad it brought out the gin. I love these things." He unwrapped the package, careful to save the paper. It was a book: Modern Warehouse Management. He drank more of his drink and ruffled through the book. "I know there's a message here somewhere but I'm damned if I know what it is." Jimmy laughed and took the book out of his hand. "Look here." He held out a picture of what appeared to be the corner of a run down building. The river glinted in the background. "What the hell is this?" Jimmy handed him another picture of the same building, this one taken straight on. In the center he had carefully drawn a sign over a doorway and on the sign he'd lettered 'KBK'. "Jimmy! Your new office?" "Our new home, if you approve." It actually made some sense once Doug got the whole story out of him. The building was a warehouse, was for sale at a very advantageous price and since Jimmy was representing the owner he'd get to keep both sides of the commission. The warehouse itself seemed to be in good condition and was actually making enough money to barely break even. The best part was that the top floor, the sixth, had originally been designed for warehousing live plants and was almost all windows and skylights. The floor had been a stupid idea, of course, because nobody warehoused live plants and even if they did, the cost of people to tend them would be prohibitive. The floor had been empty since the place had been built thirty five years before. Jimmy had visions of turning it into living space for them. "And down here, on the ground floor, there's plenty of space for our offices." "Our offices? What do I need with... Oh my God, the book. You think I'm going to run that warehouse?" "Absolutely. If you can run that mess over at Twentieth Century you can run anything; I know you can." They stayed up much of the rest of the night going over financial statements, warehouse contracts and cash flow analyses. In the end even Doug had to admit that it looked good. Jimmy took him to see it the next day. When they stepped off the elevator on the sixth floor Doug let out a little gasp. "You've got to be kidding, Jimmy." The floor was an open space almost a hundred feet wide and more than three hundred feet long with two rows of steel columns marching down the center, holding up the steel trussed roof. "You could build a skating rink up here." The wall on the river side had been set back some twenty feet, for no apparent reason, and duckboards laid on the roof of the floor below. Doug went out to the edge and looked down six floors to the river. "See? We can load and unload ships from down there and transfer stuff to trucks on the other side. Neat, huh?" Doug had to admit that it was. So they bought it. Five floors filled with assorted commodities and one floor big enough for a skating rink. Doug quit his job at Twentieth Century, enrolled in a couple of courses at the college and took on the management of KBK, both real estate and warehousing. It turned out to be a lot more fun than managing an office for two old tightwads. The Saturday after they bought the warehouse they invited David Langford out to take a look at the sixth floor. They had Chez Lilly make up a picnic for them and Jimmy found an old table with an umbrella which they set out on the duckboards where they had the best view of the river. When he arrived David was appalled. "Live here? Why would you want to live in a space large enough for a football game and look out over those depressing buildings across the river? Tell me that, will you? Why?" Jimmy laughed. "Well, in descending order of importance: because we own the place, because we can't afford this and our apartment too, and because all those depressing buildings are going to be torn down one day and when they are we'll have one of the best views in town. In the end David agreed to do some preliminary sketches for them. Once he started he got hooked on the challenge and came up with some of the best designs he'd ever done. Their football field/skating rink was going to be a show place and all they had to do was supply the money. One night in bed, after spending the evening at the warehouse with David, Doug asked Jimmy if he'd ever been to bed with him. Jimmy laughed. "Nah. I've known him too long." "Don't you think he's good looking?" "Sure I do but you know how it goes. If you don't go to bed with somebody right away and then you get to know them, you'll never go to bed with them. I guess it's Mother Nature's way of protecting friendships." He rolled over and kissed Doug. "But go ahead if you want. You'd probably have fun with him and he's probably hung like a horse. Or at least like dad." He kissed him again and the conversation got lost in the heat of more important things. And, as it turned out, Doug never did find the right opportunity to take David to bed. The process of turning the sixth, or "penthouse", floor into living quarters took more than seven months and cost more than twice what they had budgeted. But it turned out to be the showplace it had promised. Even Jim, on his Christmas visit, was impressed and the place was four months from completion when he saw it. In May, when they were finally moved in, they threw a party and invited fifty people. More than ninety showed up, one of which was Jim who had managed to sneak out of some meetings in Chicago at the last minute and had to be back in Chicago first thing in the morning. Nevertheless, his visit made Jimmy and Doug happier than all the other guests put together. Jim's Fourth of July visit was a lot longer and a lot more fun. He was really excited about the project in Turkey and he seemed to be so vital and alive. The excitement came through even in bed where he was almost insatiable. Jimmy decided it was a good thing that there were two of them; he didn't think one could have kept up with the man. A couple of days after Jim had gone back to Turkey a large crate was delivered to the warehouse. The note attached was from Jim. Dear J & D, No, it isn't ancient, if it was I couldn't send it to you but some of the old guys here still do this sort of thing. I think you'll like it. Think of me when you look at it. With all my love, Dad The crate seemed to weigh a ton so they got a couple of the warehousemen to help them take it up on the freight elevator and get it open. Inside, on an iron stand, they found a full sized male torso, carved in pale marble. "My God, it's beautiful," Jimmy said, pulling the packing material out from around it. The warehousemen helped them get it out of the crate and positioned in front of one of the oriental carpets that hung from the ceiling as a space separator. When the men had gone Doug and Jimmy stood back to admire the sculpture. Suddenly Jimmy burst out laughing. "What?" Doug was mystified. "Look carefully. Notice particularly the penis." Doug looked. "Okay, so it's circumcised which isn't usual in classical..." He looked again, his head cocked for a moment. "My god, you're right. It's him. Look here," Doug went to the torso and ran his finger over the right pectoral, "here's that little scar he has." Jimmy touched the balls hanging behind the dick. They were exactly like his dad's. "'Think of me when you look at it', indeed." The sculpture was widely admired among their friends but they didn't tell anyone its secret. "If we did," Jimmy said, "everyone we know would be going to Turkey on their vacation." --------- At the same time Doug and Jimmy were admiring Jim's marble torso in their penthouse, the real thing was being admired in a garden in Turkey. It had started two weeks after Jim returned from his July leave. One of the junior clerks had stuck his head into Jim's office one morning and said, "Some guy in a uniform to see you. Not the army." The uniform turned out to be gray chauffeur's livery, worn by a handsome young Turk. "Mr. Agizz asks that you join him for dinner tonight, if that is convenient." The English was accented but remarkably clear. It took Jim just a moment to place the name. Shareff Agizz was some sort of government advisor, a very important one, Jim thought, judging by the way others deferred to him. They'd met briefly the previous week at a reception in Ankara. When they shook hands Jim had thought a little spark passed between them but then discounted it as wishful thinking. He hadn't thought much more about it until now. "Yes, of course. I would be pleased to join Mr. Agizz." The young man beamed as though he personally had convinced Jim to come. "I shall call for you at seven sir, at your quarters." He nodded rather formally and marched out the door. The chauffeur arrived at Jim's quarters on the dot of seven. His gray uniform had been exchanged for a more formal black one, the trousers tailored to fit like a second skin. "The car is ready when it suits you, sir," he said, touching the patent leather bill of his cap. The car turned out to be a gray Rolls Royce. Jim sat in the back seat, rather grandly he thought, and looked out at the dusty fields and occasional scattered ruins of an earlier time. The young man drove skillfully and fast, never dropping below fifty miles an hour. The condition of the road seemed irrelevant, both to driver and car. Thirty minutes later they turned up a well paved road and passed through a gate in a wall which stretched in either direction as far as Jim could see. The gate was evidently automatic because the driver didn't even slow down for it, he simply drove on, trusting it would open appropriately, as it did. They pulled up under an open portico and Jim's door was opened by ruddy faced man dressed in a tuxedo. "Welcome, Mr. Keith. Mr. Agizz is expecting you on the west terrace. This way, please" He was led through a dim entryway and then through a series of elegant rooms before being ushered out onto a broad marble terrace that overlooked the sea. "How kind of you to join me on such short notice, Mr. Keith." Mr. Agizz turned and walked towards him. "Thank you." The man looked like nothing so much as the comic book Superman of Jim's youth. He had that same square jaw and blue-black hair as the man in the comics, along with his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Jim fleetingly wondered what he'd look like in blue tights and tiny red shorts. "Not at all, Mr. Agizz. You were kind to invite me." They shook hands and Jim felt a spark of electricity pass between them. "Please, you will call me Shareff." He put his left hand on top of their clasped hands in a gesture of friendship. "Thank you. And I am Jim." Mr. Agizz shook his head. "I think not. I am not fond of American diminutives. Perhaps you will allow me to call you James?" He flashed a dazzling smile. "Of course." No one had ever called him James before, not even his mother. Somehow that made it very intimate. An almost unnoticed nod brought the tuxedoed butler bearing a tray of drinks. Jim selected a martini. "Ah, a man after my own heart," Shareff said, taking the other one. "The martini is perhaps the most civilized drink in the world, wouldn't you say? Now come, let me show you around my humble garden." They strolled along paths bordered by exotic and beautiful plants and talked about the reception where they'd met and the new city taking shape under Jim's hand. Just as they finished the last of their drinks they turned a corner and found the butler holding two more on his silver tray. They exchanged their glasses and the butler disappeared without a sound. The path took them through a walled garden filled with citrus and avocado trees to the balustrade at the end of the marble terrace. The conversation turned to children and Jim told him a little bit about Jimmy. In turn, Shareff told Jim about his daughter, married to the current French Prime Minister and a powerful woman in her own right. >From his tone Jim suspected they didn't get along well. Dinner was served at a small table overlooking the sea. The food was excellent and the two men ate slowly, savoring both the food and each other and by the time the coffee and brandy were served they felt like old friends. They sipped their brandy in silence, their hands on the tabletop, fingertips just touching. It was Shareff who finally broke the silence. "I believe that something has passed between us," he said quietly, looking directly at Jim. "We must now decide: we can let it go, ignore it, and I think we will remain unpossessed by it. I will take you to the car and Ishmel will drive you back to your city and that will end it. Or we can act on it, give in to it and be changed forever. It is your choice, James." Jim stood and walked around the table. "It's not only my choice; it's yours as well. Both our lives will be changed." Shareff stood and put a hand on Jim's shoulder. "I have made my choice, James." "So have I." He stepped close to Shareff and kissed him. When they pressed their bodies together each felt the other growing large and beginning to harden. They stepped back and looked at each other in the candle light. "We are anxious," Shareff laughed. "Come." The bedroom opened onto the sea, inviting its sound and smell into the room. Hidden lights cast a glow in the room, no brighter than a full moon. They stood by the bed and undressed each other, taking delight in each new plane of flesh as it was revealed. When their underwear, Shareff's of cool silk, Jim's of cotton, was finally discarded they lowered themselves onto the bed and lay on their sides, touching each other and getting to know the flesh that would soon bring them such pleasure. Like Jim, Shareff was covered with hair, only where Jim's was light colored and soft, almost like fur, Shareff's was dark and twisted into wiry curls that grew in a thick mat across his chest and belly. Below that the hair was even thicker and the curls became less organized, each hair curled but independent of its brothers. Out of this tangle thrust his penis, proud and stiffly erect, the dark skin on its shaft looking like silk in the dim light. Shareff ran his fingertips slowly along Jim's dick. "We are well matched here, aren't we?" His hand moved, his fingers tracing the flare of the cockhead. "You are Jewish?" Jim laughed. "No. In America they seem to do that to everybody." He laughed again. "Well, not everybody. Just the men." Shareff laughed too. "An odd practice, don't you think?" Before Jim could answer Shareff took the cock in his mouth, bringing Jim sudden pleasure. Shareff's cockhead was bare, too, as Jim had known it would be since the man was Moslem. When Jim twisted around on the bed and took it into his mouth Shareff groaned and clutched Jim close to him. They were both anxious and through some unspoken communication decided to let themselves go this first time and not attempt to prolong the pleasure. As it was, each was so intent on bringing the other pleasure that his own came on almost as a surprise. Shareff went first, his dick swelling in Jim's mouth and his balls pulling up tight in their sack. When he let go it seemed a flood but by that time Jim was unleashing his own surge and didn't notice. After they'd rolled apart Shareff opened a bedside stand and dampened a towel in a small basin of orange scented water. He gently wiped Jim's face with the cool towel, kissed him and then washed his softening penis, holding it with something akin to reverence. "You see, James," he said, indicating the basin of water, "I had hopes, even before you came into my garden." He wet the towel again and carefully wiped his own penis. They took their unfinished brandies and stood naked on the balcony overlooking the sea. They were silent for a time, each lost in his own thoughts. Eventually Shareff drained his snifter and asked Jim what he was thinking. Jim drank the last of his brandy. "I was thinking that I'd like to go back to bed and have you make love to me." Shareff took Jim's hand and led him back inside. "And later, you will make love to me?" Jim ran a hand over Shareff's flank and held him close. "Yes." Shareff was very gentle with him, entering him slowly and all the while touching him, testing for hesitation. He found none. When he was fully inside Jim they lay quietly for a time, savoring each other and anticipating the pleasure to come. When he started it was with short, teasing strokes, strokes which slowly became longer and faster until he was driving himself into Jim with great force, their bodies connecting with a loud, sharp sound. He reached for Jim but Jim had to push his hand away or risk loosing all control. Even so he came first, arching his back and twisting his head to find Shareff's mouth. Shareff took hold of him then and prolonged his pleasure while he, himself, let go and emptied himself, his dick swelling and spasming as it never had before. The pleasure was stunning for both of them. Then they lay together for a long time, little shreds of pleasure flowing through them each time Shareff moved or touched Jim's cock. Later, after a shower and an hour's sleep, Jim kept his promise and made love to Shareff. It took longer than it had before-after all, it was their third time-and they reveled in it, trying different positions and different ways of touching. When the pleasure came it overwhelmed them with its intensity. Afterward they slept, still joined, until awakened by a sharp knock on the door. "A moment," Shareff called out before gently disengaging himself from Jim. "It is breakfast," he said quietly, pulling the sheet over their nakedness. "Come." The butler, this time in morning clothes, entered pushing a small cart. "Good morning, sir; Mr. Keith," he said, not looking at them. Silently he laid two places on the small table on the balcony and arranged the chaffing dishes and platters on the cart. "Will you have coffee now?" he asked, still not looking at them. Shareff looked at Jim who shook his head. "No, thank you, Dalton." "Then if you'll just give me a moment..." The man disappeared into the bathroom where they could hear him wiping down the tiles and fixtures and putting out fresh towels. "Thank you, sir," he said when he was finished, "have a pleasant breakfast." As soon as the butler was gone Shareff got out of bed and went to the balcony where he poured coffee into two delicate china cups. "You did want coffee, didn't you?" he said, handing Jim one of the cups. Jim nodded sheepishly. "Why didn't you say... Oh, I see. Darling, you mustn't let the servants bother you," Shareff said, sitting on the bed and touching Jim's cheek. They had a quick shower and then sat at the table the butler had set and ate scrambled eggs with savory herbs, sausage made from chicken and shrimp, and polenta, fried in olive oil and covered with mushrooms and basil. They finished with a sweet, yellow melon Jim had never tasted before. Shareff poured more coffee, spilling some on the table. "Please, you must forgive me," he said, wiping it up with his napkin. "I'm not as accomplished at this as Dalton." Jim smiled and handed Shareff his napkin to finish the job. "You may pour my coffee any time. But what about Dalton? What must he think about..." Jim waived his arm, taking in the tangled bed, the breakfast and their nakedness." "Dalton?" Shareff laughed. "He's English and he's a servant. He has no opinions, at least none about his employer. Or if he does, he has the excellent taste to keep them to himself. Now drink your coffee and then we must dress. I have a full day planned for us." The day was spent on Shareff's power boat, cruising among the nearby islands. They swam in the warm blue water and found a private beach where they sun bathed on the white sand and then blew each other, unable to do anything else for fear of abrasion. They stopped at a tiny restaurant in one of the fishing villages and lunched on grilled fish which the owner caught after they placed their order. In the evening they dined on Shareff's marble terrace again. "You see there," Shareff said, pointing out to sea, "those lights? There is a town there, with the best restaurant in all of Turkey. We shall dine there tomorrow." He looked thoughtful. "There is also a beach there, where only men go and since it is only men there is no need for covering. Would you like to go? Walk among the men and compare ourselves to what we see?" Jim grinned at him. "Yes, I think I'd like that. But won't we make the others jealous?" "I don't know, it has been so long." His voice grew thick with desire. "Perhaps we should retire and make sure." ---------- A month or two later, at Doug and Jimmy's, the marble torso gained a new admirer. The morning paper wanted to do a feature in its Sunday magazine on their sixth floor penthouse and, as a favor to David, they agreed. The paper sent George Kotem, its 'Living and Style' editor, to do the interview. George brought Willie Lightfoot, the city's most famous-and best-photographer along to do the pictures. Jimmy insisted that David be there too since, as the architect, he knew more about the place than they did. They just lived there. Almost the first thing that caught Willie's eye was the torso. He photographed it from several angles and decided to use it as a sort of focal point for his layout. Since Mr. Kotem was doing most of his interview with David, Willie asked Jimmy and Doug to show him around and explain the place. "Well," Jimmy started, "we liked the feeling of open space and we had a lot of it, so David designed most of the living area as one vast room. We call it the Great Room. David then defined the various functional areas with half walls, screens and, of course, the oriental rugs you see, suspended from the ceiling. "Of course there had to be a few conventional spaces too," Doug interjected, leading them to a door. "The guest bath, for example, is just like any other bathroom." He opened the door and waived Willie in. "Four walls, low ceiling, tiny frosted glass window; it's all here. Guests are comfortable with it." "We, on the other hand, prefer a more open feeling." Jimmy led them out of the guest bath, through the Great Room and into their bedroom area which was set off from the main room by walls of carpet and a huge divider made of parallel sheets of clear acrylic, the outer one engraved with a classical scene. The outside wall of the bedroom was glass and beyond it a rooftop garden which, if you looked carefully, contained all the usual bathroom fixtures scattered among its trees, shrubs and grass. "It has a glass roof which we keep retracted most of the summer," Doug said. "But what about privacy?" Willie asked, back in the bedroom. "That wall is pretty open to the main room, isn't it?" He was referring to the clear acrylic divider. "Not always." Jimmy pressed a button and a motor started somewhere under the floor. The space between the acrylic sheets quickly filled with small black beads, making the room completely private. All the time they'd been showing Willie around, Jimmy and Doug had felt a sexual tension building among them. Now, with the bedroom wall suddenly opaque, Willie impulsively put his arms around them and kissed them in turn. "God," he said, kissing them both again, "Ever since I did those shots of Jimmy I've wanted to do it again. Now I want to photograph the two of you, together. Naked." "I doubt The Morning Record would run the shot," Doug whispered, kissing Willie back. "I mean, I know its a liberal paper but I don't think it's quite that liberal." Willie let go of them and stood for a moment, thinking. Then a smile broke over his face. "Will you do it if I can get it by the paper and into the Sunday magazine? And if I guarantee that no one will know it's you?" He laughed. "Well, no one except maybe your doctor and one or two very intimate friends." Doug and Jimmy looked at each other, considering. Before they could say anything, though, David and George Kotem walked in and George began asking them questions. Willie went back to taking his pictures, including a couple of candid shots of Jimmy and Doug. It wasn't until that evening that they found time to sit with a drink and go over the morning's interview. They decided George Kotem was a snob of the first water but agreed that he'd been more than a little impressed with their place. They also agreed that Willie Lightfoot was a very sexy man. "That reminds me," Doug said, "when did you ever pose for him?" "Pose for... Oh, yea, that picture for my dad. Remember, three or four years ago, when I asked you if you knew someone with a camera? You introduced me to Willie." "Were you naked? In the picture, I mean. I'd never have thought you'd give your dad a picture of you in the buff. But then," he laughed, "I didn't know your dad, did I?" "Oh, I was naked all right. And about half hard. Willie kept making me play with myself, 'fluffing it up' he called it, so my dick would look its best." Jimmy laughed, too. "I wonder if he'd have done that if he knew the picture was for my father." "You go to bed with him?" "Willie? No. You know it was odd, too. I thought that's what he wanted when he kept at me to 'fluff it up' and he even touched me a few times, helping, but after he took the pictures nothing happened. Too bad, too, because I think he's damn good looking." In the end they decided they would take their clothes off for him if he was really serious about it. As Jimmy put it, "What the hell, we both look damn good-why not show it off. I mean, who's going to see it anyway? Besides Willie. And if we play our cards right we just might get to see him." Willie called the next evening and seemed quite excited when Doug told him that they would pose for him. An appointment was set up for Saturday morning. Willie arrived with what seemed to Jimmy and Doug like a lot of equipment just to take a couple of pictures. When it was all set up in the Great Room Jimmy thought the place looked more like a photographic studio than a living room. Willie had traded his jeans and tee shirt of the week before for a tank top and loose gym shorts. He looked great although Doug, who wanted to add him to his mental snapshot collection, couldn't decide if he was wearing a jock under the shorts or not. He decided he'd have to get Willie in the garden bathroom so he could find out. It took some time for Willie to get his things set up, even with help, but once everything was in place and had been checked, he became the complete professional, seeming almost detached from what he was doing. The first thing he did was take a lot of pictures of the torso and then more pictures of the room including some close-ups of a couple of the oriental rugs. When he finished that he turned to Jimmy and Doug. "You guys want to strip down now? I need to get some skin readings." Once that was accomplished he had them touch each other; "You know, fluff it up, don't make it hard, just puff it out a little." When he was satisfied he posed them very carefully, even to the point of moving their dicks around to get just the effect he wanted. Doug's didn't want to cooperate so Willie used some sticky clay to glue it in just the position he wanted. Then he took pictures, seemingly hundreds of them, from every angle. He even took several poses twice, once as they were and once with Jimmy's foreskin retracted, so he looked circumcised. "Okay, that's it for now. Here, Doug, let me get that stuff off for you." He took Doug's cock in his hand, holding it just behind the head, and gently peeled the sticky clay off. Doug's cock responded by growing hard in his hand. When the clay was removed Willie squatted down in front of Doug and kissed the head of his cock. "That is one handsome tool, Doug," he said, never taking his eyes off of it. He kissed it again, tasting the tiny opalescent drop of moisture that had appeared at the pee slit. Jimmy came up behind the photographer, slipped his hands into his armpits and pulled him up. "Shall we go to the other room?" Willie nodded, as if he didn't trust himself to speak. In the bedroom Willie stood passively beside the bed and let them strip him, first the tank top, then the running shoes and socks, finally the loose gym shorts. Just as Doug had suspected, he was wearing a jock under the shorts, a peacock blue one. Under the jock he had a very handsome circumcised cock which, once released from the jock, immediately doubled in size and stood proudly out from his abdomen. Willie's wiry pubic hair had been cropped short like that on his head and his balls had been shaved. His crotch smelled faintly of a cologne both of them knew but neither could name. Jimmy went down on him and pulled him onto the bed, holding on to his ass. Willie fell forward, driving his cock into Jimmy until he could feel Jimmy's teeth at the base. He waited a moment, drinking in the sensation and then pulled himself up on his arms and knees so Jimmy could breath if he wanted to. Doug crawled in behind and took Willie's balls in his mouth, the shaved sack cool and smooth. The balls inside seemed to float there, unattached to anything. He decided he'd ask Jimmy to shave his balls. Better yet, he'd shave them for him. Willie withdrew his cock from Jimmy's mouth and flopped over on the bed. "I'm too close," he said, sounding breathless. Jimmy moved up on the bed and lay beside him. "Just relax and let us take care of you." "No, please. Not yet. I... Can I watch you?" He stammered, afraid they might laugh or be offended. "Watch me?" Jimmy wasn't sure what he meant. "No, you and Doug." Willie took a deep breath. "Watch you do it, bring each other off. The way... you do it." Jimmy shrugged and looked at Doug. Doug nodded and grinned. "Might be fun." They kissed, Doug lying on top of Jimmy and both of them very aware of the man lying beside them, watching them. It felt strange and reminded Jimmy of the time he'd asked to watch his father jack-off; he thought he understood now how his father had felt. But also like his father, they slowly forgot their self-consciousness as passion grew and they began seeking pleasure for themselves-and each other. Doug pushed himself up so he was straddling Jimmy's legs and took their dicks in his hands, pressing them together. Jimmy licked his finger and slipped it between the two cocks, just below the heads. Willie moved down on the bed so he could see better. Jimmy groped in the bedside table and handed Doug a condom. They heard Willie suck in his breath as Doug tore the foil open. Doug bent and went down on Jimmy, pushing his foreskin back with his lips and making the shaft of his cock slick with saliva. Then he unrolled the condom on it. Willie began to speak in a quiet voice. "You want him, don't you, Doug? You want that long, thick cock up your ass, don't you? Take it, Doug. Let him do it. Let him put it in you." He moved closer, drinking in Jimmy's latex covered cock with his eyes. "You want it too, don't you Jimmy? Your hard cock is ready. Put it in, put it up his sweet, tight ass." Willie's talk only served to make what they were doing more exciting. Doug slid his hands along Jimmy's belly and chest and played with his nipples for a moment before reaching into the bedside stand and getting out the lube. He slicked it on Jimmy's dick, leaving a good sized blob right at the tip. Then he raised up on his knees and took hold of Jimmy, positioning him for entry. "Oh yes. Now. Take that dick up your ass, Doug. Let it in, let it fill you up. Come on, Doug, sit on it, all the way." Doug felt Jimmy's dick press against him and then, slowly, he opened to it and invited it in. He loved doing it this way, being on top, being able to watch Jimmy's eyes glaze over as he slowly took him inside. Willie scooted around so he had a clear view between Jimmy's legs and could watch Jimmy's dick slowly disappear into Doug. "It's going in. Oh God, I can see it going up your ass, Doug. How can you take it, it's so big and hard and... Oh, Jesus, it's all the way in. That big dick is all the way up your ass. What does it feel like, being up there? It must be hot, yeah, hot and slick and tight." Jimmy thrust up with his hips. "You're fucking him. Doug, he's fucking you. That huge, hard thing is inside you and it's fucking you." Doug leaned forward, giving Willie a better view. "I can see it. It slides in and then it pulls out. That big thing is actually fucking you in the ass and you're loving it, aren't you? I can see you are, how you open up for it and then try to grab it as it pulls out, try to keep it in you. Come on, Jimmy, do it, make it come in him. Fuck him hard, come in him, unload those balls in him, Jimmy. Those pretty balls, let it go and squirt everything they have up that ass. Come on, Jimmy. Fuck the shit out of him." He reached out and grabbed Jimmy's balls. That did it. The instant Jimmy felt Willie's hands on his balls he came, chills running up and down his body and making his hairs stand up. It was wonderful. "God I love watching a man get fucked," Willie said as they slowly uncoupled. "I love everything about it, the look of a cock going up an ass, the sounds, the smell of a clean man getting fucked, latex and KY and sweat and the musky smell a man makes when he's being invaded by another man's cock. I love it all." He was lying on his back, beginning to masturbate. "Oh, no you don't," Jimmy said, pulling Willie's hand away from his cock. "Now it's our turn, hey Dougie?" "I think so." Doug finished slipping a condom on his dick and lubed it up. "If you like watching a man get fucked, you're going to love this." They pinned Willie between them and while Doug slowly pushed into him from the rear Jimmy slipped his mouth over his dick. Willie locked his hands behind Jimmy's head, holding him still until Doug was completely in; then he let go and gave himself to them, giving up all control and just accepting the pleasure they brought. When Jimmy raked his nails over Doug's scrotum, telling him Willie was close to the edge Doug found the man's prostate with his dick and bounced off it a couple of times. Willie let out a yell and began to shake all over. When he ejaculated the yell turned to a growl, like a man reaching a personal best lifting weights. Doug joined him, his dick throbbing deep inside Willie Afterward Jimmy served cold drinks in the garden while they showered. "I can't get over this," Willie said, splashing water on some sort of jungle plant. "A bathroom in a garden on the roof." "Yea," Doug said, handing Willie a towel. "It was the most expensive part of the place and probably the best. The only problem is, where do you find a gardener who cleans toilets?" Later, after Willie had gone, they sunned themselves on lounges in the garden. "You know," Doug said, idly playing with his half hard dick, "that's twice now. First it was dad, in the shower. He may have been jacking me off but it was the talk that made me come. Then today." His dick was fully hard now. "Did you come? When I did? I thought you did but..." "Well, it was funny. I did come, or at least it felt like I did but I didn't shoot off. I just... came. Then I did it again, inside him, only that time I shot off. Strange." He pulled on his dick a few times and then gave in to it and began to jack off. Jimmy watched him for a moment before taking hold of his own hard dick. "It feels good, doesn't it," he said, half to himself. "Yea, it does," Jimmy answered. "When your fingers slide over that bump, under the head." He did that and felt a tingle of pleasure. "For me it's pulling the skin over the head, tight, and then pulling it back, feeling the head come out from under it." Doug moved his hand lower, grasping his dick close to the base. "Holding it down low lets it cool off and builds the tension slower. I bet I could do it this way for an hour and not come." His hand crept up the shaft, just a little, with each stroke. "But it's hard to do because it feels so good up here." "Do you put your fingers on the head?" Jimmy demonstrated, rubbing his thumb over the head with each stroke. "That feels so good, like electricity spreading over it, making little sparks." The head of his cock glistened in the sun as he polished it with his thumb. "I can't. It's too sensitive there. I like it here, just behind the head, all the way around." He circled his thumb and forefinger just under the flare of the head, the rest of his hand closing around the shaft. "We're doing it again, Dougie." Jimmy's breath was coming in little puffs. "I know. Is it going to make you come?" He closed his thumb and forefinger a little more tightly. "Yes." Doug could hear it in his voice. Even without the word he'd have known Jimmy was ready to come. "Don't cover it up. Pull the skin back so I can see it squirt into the air." Doug was right on the edge but he wanted Jimmy to go first, wanted the sight of Jimmy's dick pumping out cum to push him over. It happened. Jimmy shot a long, white rope of cum straight into the air. It hung there for an instant, catching the sun, and then fell back to form a little puddle on his belly. Before Jimmy's dick could launch a second shot Doug's let go and sprayed little drops, like tiny diamonds, into the air. They too fell back and felt cool on his skin. They kept it up for a long time, stroking their cocks, pumping out cum until it was just a dribble, running down their shafts and making them slick. When they finally ran out of cum and stopped pulling on themselves they sat and grinned at each other, stroking the strong bond of love that held them connected. ------- The pictures turned out very well. Somehow Willie had cropped off their heads, arms and legs and superimposed them on other pictures until it looked like there were three torsos in the room, gathered into a little grouping. He had chosen one of Jimmy with his foreskin pulled down and had put him in the middle, between the two that were circumcised. It made quite an artistic-and classical-grouping. True to his word, Willie got the picture in the Sunday magazine-on the cover, in full color. He even did a second one for the photo spread inside, a long shot. If you looked at that one very carefully, perhaps with a magnifying glass, you would see that one of the torsos was different; Willie had used one of the shots where he'd pushed Jimmy's foreskin back, making him look circumcised. The torsos became a matched set. Willie laughed when he showed them the layout. "Ol' George didn't even notice. He just made some dumb remark about remembering 'Greek or Roman sculptures or something'." -------- In Turkey, Jim was of two minds about his annual Christmas visit to the lake. On the one hand he was anxious to see Jimmy and Doug, to be with them and love with them. On the other hand, he wanted to be with Shareff, in the light, airy bedroom, watching curtains of December rain blow across the gray sea. Shareff had a different idea: he wanted to spend the time at his house in Switzerland where they would, he said, ski all day and make love in front of the fire all night. In the end, though, Jim went to the lake and Shareff went to Paris where he would have Christmas with his daughter, her husband -- the Prime Minister -- and their two children. Shareff wasn't particularly looking forward to it, but he thought it wise not to get on the bad side of his son-in-law just now when one of his companies was bidding on a major contract with the French Government. Jim, Jimmy and Doug arrived at the lake around noon on Christmas Eve. It was a cold, overcast day and the air smelled of impending snow. It looked like they might have a white Christmas again. Well past any pretense, once the house was warm they abandoned unpacking and went to bed. It was as though they'd never left it. "I love you, son," Jim murmured into Doug's mustache as he opened himself to Jimmy, feeling himself fill with the heavy bulk of Jimmy's dick. "I love you too, dad," Jimmy and Doug responded simultaneously. In bed it was getting harder to tell where one of them left off and another one began. Doug could feel Jim's pleasure at taking Jimmy's dick into him and he could feel Jimmy's pleasure at sliding his dick into his dad. They, in turn, knew just how Doug felt, kissing Jim and rubbing his hard cock against Jim's belly. Doug squirted a glob of lube into his hand and rubbed it over Jim's dick and then his own. He took hold of both dicks, pressing them together with his slick hand and then slowly humped his cock back and forth over Jim's, matching the rhythm of Jimmy's dick stroking in Jim's ass. Jim tried to speak but the words were unintelligible around Doug's tongue. The words turned into a sort of growl, deep in Jim's throat and that was intelligible: Jim was very close to coming. They were both very excited and wouldn't let him back off the least bit so he gave up and let them do whatever they wanted. He could feel the explosion building in him and there was nothing he could do but feel it happen, let it take possession of him. Then everything blew up and there was a lot of noise and everyone was coming in him and on him and with him. He knew he was home. When they were breathing normally again, Doug got warm towels and cleaned them up, kissing every part that he cleaned except for his own dick which he couldn't reach but which Jim took care of for him. Then they propped themselves up on their pillows and talked, lying close to each other so they could pet and touch as they pleased. When Jim mentioned Shareff Jimmy cocked an eyebrow and looked at his father. "Wait a minute. Who is this Shareff guy? You keep mentioning him in your letters but..." Jim tried to look innocent. "Oh, he's some sort of advisor to the Turkish government in Ankara," he said casually. Too casually. Doug pounced: "You're sleeping with him, aren't you?" Jimmy picked it up: "I'll bet he has one of those big Turkish dicks, doesn't he?" Doug hit the nail on the head: "Is he your lover?" "Okay, okay, now wait a minute. Give a guy a chance." Jim took a deep breath and looked at Doug. "Yes, whenever I can." He looked at Jimmy: "No bigger than mine. Or yours for that matter. Besides he's not a Turk, he's half Egyptian." Back to Doug. "Yes, I think he is." He held up a hand. "Wait. Let me tell it. Jim described his first meeting with Shareff and the long weekend they spent together. He made no attempt to minimize the emotional part of it, trusting them to understand and to understand that it made no difference in his love for each of them-and for them together. His trust was well placed. "So why isn't he here, with us," Jimmy asked. "Or does he even know about us yet?" Jim kissed his son. "No, he doesn't exactly know about us. I don't... I don't think he'd understand it, at least not yet. But that isn't the real reason he isn't here; the real reason is he felt it was important to go to Paris and spend Christmas with his daughter and her family." "Are you going to tell him about us?" "I suppose I will, someday. He's a very complex man and has very complex emotions and I don't really know him very well yet. But I do know I love him. And I want to share him with you, but..." "But he's monogamous, right?" Jimmy shook his head, wondering where all this was going to take his father. Jim searched for words. "He is, in a way. But he knows I'm not and it doesn't seem to matter to him." He thought for a moment before continuing. "It's not true, what I said about him not knowing about us, he does, pretty much. He just doesn't know... Well, he doesn't know exactly who you are." "Your son? And his lover, your adopted son?" "Yes. I... He..." Jim sighed. "It isn't time yet." Jimmy shrugged. He knew exactly what his father meant. And it was okay. Doug, who had been quietly listening to this point, said, "Well, I still want to meet him. Did you bring pictures?" "Yes, as a matter of fact, I did." Jim climbed over Doug and searched through his suitcase. "Here." He tossed a sheaf of photos on the bed. "Oh, wow, look at this," Doug said, handing one of the pictures to Jimmy. "That is one sexy man." Jim crawled back onto the bed between the boys. "That's him. Dalton, the butler took that one; there's some better ones that I took." "Like this one I guess," Doug said, studying one of the pictures. "You weren't kidding about his dick." He passed the picture to Jimmy who looked at it and gave a low whistle. "Nice, dad. Very nice. Will you bring him with you if we promise not to pounce on him and, what was it you said one time? Work him over?" Jim laughed. "If he comes here he's on his own. I will, however, warn him before hand; after all that's only fair. Like those signs along the Amazon, warning of piranhas." "Oh, the pictures remind me." Jimmy jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, returning with a copy of the Sunday Magazine, the one that featured their penthouse. "Look here." Jim looked at the cover and burst out laughing. "Where..." "Trick photography," Doug said. "Very good trick photography, I'd say," Jim said, studying the picture. He turned to the inside and looked through the other pictures. "Wait a minute..." He squinted at the long shot of the torsos. Jimmy and Doug laughed and Jimmy handed him a small magnifying glass. "Well I'll be damned. How'd he do that?" "Different picture. He took some like..." Jimmy demonstrated, pulling his foreskin back and gathering it at the base of his dick, making himself look circumcised. He had to take the picture fast though, 'cause it really doesn't like to stay that way unless it's hard. Well, you know." Jim did know and spent the next twenty minutes showing Jimmy what he knew about long, supple foreskins. Doug joined in, observing the lesson from behind and providing one of his own. Early in the afternoon the promise of snow was kept. It came down heavily, making everything white and silent; they put on their warm clothes and went for a walk in it, holding hands and laughing like kids. It turned out to be a perfect Christmas. Comments, suggestions, criticisms gratefully received. Notes from you guys are what keep me writing... Greg Bowden