Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 05:24:24 -0700 (PDT) From: rimpigfl Subject: MARINE RETURN 3-5 DEDICATION: To all members of the United State Marine Corps - especially those serving in foreign posts. Copyright 2006 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author. MARINE RETURN Part 3 by RimPig 2006 As we sat there, me slowly sipping at the can of beer Darren had given me while he slugged down both beers he'd gotten for himself along with a hefty shot of the bourbon straight from the bottle, I tried to figure out what to do. The decision was taken away from me, however, when Brian woke up again and, like the typical kid, looked over at his father and said, "Daddy, I'm hungry!". Food! Yeah! That sounded like a good idea. At least it would cut some of the alcohol that Darren was consuming. "That sounds like a good idea. How about we go get something to eat? My treat." I said. Darren looked at me as if I'd just suggested that we go take the next shuttle to Mars but at that moment Brian piped up again. "Yeah, Daddy! McDonald's!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down in my lap at the idea. I guess things hadn't changed much since Darren and I had been kids. McDonald's was always our number one choice of fine dining. A choice, I might add, that our parents generally were not thrilled with but which usually won out since it was both cheap and it had a playground where we would busy ourselves after wolfing down our hamburgers and french fries, leaving them alone in peace and air conditioned comfort in the restaurant. Darren looked over at his bouncing, smiling son and gave him a sad smile. "Sure, buddy." he said and then looked up at me. "You mind? He loves McDonald's." "No. I don't mind. In case you've forgotten, we loved McDonald's when we were his age." I smiled at my brother. "Yeah, I do remember, Bro. I remember lots from when we were growing up." Darren said, enigmatically. I wasn't exactly sure to what he was referring but I had a strange feeling it perhaps had to do with that time when we were constant sexual outlets for each other but I couldn't be sure. At any rate, Darren again addressed his son. "Okay, buddy, if you want to go to McDonald's you gotta go put on more clothes than that." Brian evidently wanted to go to McDonald's badly because he flew out of my lap and ran out of the living room, no doubt headed for his room to dress. I grinned at Darren at the energy and enthusiasm that Brian showed. "I wish some of the men I train had that kind of enthusiasm." I said. "Yeah...well...that's kids, Bro. It can get to be tiring sometimes, believe me." he said. "Yeah. I guess it can. I guess it's going to be hard now having to handle him on your own." I said quietly. "To tell you the truth, Bro, I haven't even thought much about it." he said, looking away. "I guess I'd better go get dressed, too." He got up off the couch and I noticed he wasn't too steady on his feet. I wondered if he was going to make it to his bedroom. He was half-way across the living room towards a hallway which evidently led to the bedrooms as that is where Brian had gone running to as well, when he stopped and turned back. "Where are you staying, Bro?" he asked. "Well, I hadn't really thought about it. I guess I could stay with Mom and Dad." I said. "Please stay with me, Bro. I need you." he said, his voice quiet but very intent. There was no way I could refuse Darren anything. I never could. "Then that's settled. I'm staying with you." I told him. At that, he gave me a small smile and headed on down the hallway. I sat there wondering what was going on with Darren. He did seem completely at a loss but not at all sad, not the way you would expect a grieving husband to be. He obviously had not been crying except when I first arrived, there was no redness in his eyes that I could see. True, it was obvious that he'd been drinking quite a bit but there just didn't seem to be the sadness and grief that a death, especially the death of your spouse, would engender. I got the feeling, however, that perhaps the reason that Darren wanted me to stay with him was because he wanted to talk. At least I hoped so. He needed to get this out of him, and not continually repress it with booze. I had real concerns for Brian if he didn't. I drove the three of us to the McDonald's that Darren and I had always eaten at as children. In the years that I had been gone, it hadn't changed at all. The playground was still there so, after wolfing down his kid's meal, Brian went off to play on the swings and Darren and I sat there continuing to eat. At least Darren still had an appetite. He'd ordered two Quarter Pounders with cheese, a giant order of fries and a large vanilla milkshake. I'd ordered a Big Mac, a fish sandwich and a regular order of fries with a Coke. "How long are you here for?" Darren asked me, taking a sip of his milkshake. "Well, technically, my compassionate leave is for ten days. However, I've got a lot of built-up leave and can stay longer if you need me to." I answered. "Where are you stationed now?" he asked. "Camp Pendleton." I answered. "Where's that?" "Oh, sorry. It's in Oceanside, California. Near San Diego." I said. "That's in southern California, right?" he asked. "Yeah. Almost to the Mexican border. In fact, you can drive to Tijuana in less than forty-five minutes." "You like it there?" he asked. "Yeah. I do. It's a nice place. Warm and there's a nice beach there." I said. "So you really live in a barracks?" he asked. "Well, yeah. But I have a my own room. It's not like bootcamp or anything." I said. "You have to live in a barracks?" he asked. " It's just that to rent an apartment on my own is expensive. And what for?" "Oh, I don't know - like having a personal life?" he asked. I laughed. "And what would I do with one if I had it?" "Well, Bro, what about...well...what about getting laid?" he asked. "Uhh...I don't have any trouble where that's concerned." I said, looking away from him. "I thought that the Marine Corps frowned on that kind of stuff?" he asked. I looked at him in shock. This was the first time he'd ever acknowledged that I wasn't 'straight'. That I had sex with other guys. "What the Corps officially frowns on and what actually happens are oftentimes two very different things." I said tersely. "Hey! Bro! I'm not putting you down or anything. I just...I don't know...I know so little about your life. It's not like we've ever had the chance to talk about it before." he said quietly. "I never figured you would want to. You made it pretty clear a long time ago that you didn't want anything to do with that part of my life." I said. "How do you figure that?" he asked, looking completely confused. "The way that you just stopped having anything to do with me and spent all your time with as many cheerleaders as you could bang." I said, trying desperately hard not to sound as hurt and jealous as I'd been at the time. Darren looked at me like I'd slapped him. "Is that what you thought? That I didn't want anything to do with you?" "What was I supposed to think? You stopped asking me to sleep in your bed so I figured that you didn't didn't want..." For some reason I couldn't bring myself to say it. I wasn't ashamed of being gay. I certainly wasn't ashamed of anything that Darren and I had done together but we had never really talked about it. Never. It was just like this unspoken thing between us. "Bro...I don't know how to say this...I got afraid that I was taking advantage of you. I mean, I knew you'd practically do anything for me. I knew you looked up to me and I started to get afraid that maybe you didn't really want to do that stuff with me but you did it because I wanted it. I figured that if you wanted to continue, you'd say something but you never did." he said and I knew very clearly that he was telling me the truth. "Fuck, no! I didn't say anything! What was I going to say? It was always you who took the lead! You were the one who decided when and where and how. The one time I initiated anything on my own, you made me feel like some kind of sick bastard." I hissed at him, keeping my voice down so that no one would hear us. "When was that?!" he asked, truly shocked by the vehemence of my outburst. "Remember my thirteenth birthday? When you made yourself my present?" I asked quietly. He looked at me in confusion and then I could see understanding dawn in his eyes. "Oh! That! Oh, fuck! Yeah. I remember that. You shocked me is all. I didn't know what to do with that. It caused some things that you couldn't even begin to understand then. Look, Bro. There's a fuck of a lot we need to talk about. Let's get Brian and go home. We can't talk about this in the middle of McDonald's." he said, looking around at the crowded restaurant. "No. You're right. Yeah. Let's go back to your place. But, what about Brian? I don't think he needs to be hearing any of this either." I said. "Look outside at the playground." Darren smiled. I turned and saw Brian running around the playground with two other little boys. "They've been like that the whole time we've been talking. Trust me, Bro. When we get him home, he'll go right to sleep." Darren said. I drove us back to Darren's house and by the time we got there, Brian was already asleep on the back seat of my rental car. When we got there, Darren carried his son inside and I followed as he took Brian to his bedroom. The room reminded me so much of the one that Darren and I had grown up in. It even had model airplanes hanging from the ceiling just like there had been in our old room. The planes had been Darren's. He was the one who put the models together. As Darren got Brian's clothes off and got him into bed, I looked around at the room. Brian had woken up and Darren got him his stuffed teddy bear and got him under the covers. "You get some sleep now, buddy." I heard Darren say and when I looked around, he was leaning over and kissing his son. I wished I'd had a camera because it was such a beautiful, tender scene of father and son. I saw Brian reach up and pull his Dad back down by his shirt and saw him whispering in Darren's ear. Then Darren looked up at me. "He wants you to tuck him in, too." Darren smiled at me. "How do I do that?" I asked. "You just give him a kiss and tell him goodnight." I walked over to Brian's small bed, leaning down as he reached up his little arms to me. I let him grab hold of my fatigues as I leaned down and kissed his cheek. He turned and kissed me, kind of off center of my mouth. "Goodnight, Brian." I murmured. "Nite, 'rick" he said, in as close approximation to 'Derrick' as he could get. I grinned at him and he at me. It was then a feeling went through me of such profound sadness and longing that it all but took my breath away. What I wouldn't give for a son like Brian. A boy to love me as openly, intensely and unconditionally as Brian seemed to. A feeling I didn't ever remember having before, wanting a son of my own - or at least to be a part of my brother's son's life. But there was no chance. I wouldn't even see Brian all that often unless I came home more and what would any of it mean? I'd just be his visiting uncle, the Marine, who showed up every so often. Nothing more than that. I stood up and moved toward the door, reaching up to touch one of the airplane models hanging from the ceiling as I walked out. Darren was right behind me, closing the door to Brian's room as he left. "Just like the models that you hung in our room." I said to him. "Not just like them. Those ARE them." he said. "You brought those from our old room?" I asked in surprise. "Yeah. Last year. Brian was over at Mom and Dad's house and fell in love with them so I promised I'd take them down and hang them in his room." Darren said, almost sheepishly, like he was embarrassed by the sentimentality of what he'd done. "Still keeping promises to little boys, huh, Darren?" I said. "Yeah. I guess so." he answered but very embarrassedly. We went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Darren asked me if I wanted another beer. "No. I don't and, to be honest with you, if we're going to talk seriously, I really wish you wouldn't have anymore either." I said quietly. Darren looked at me strangely, then sat down on the couch next to me. "No. I guess I've had enough, huh? Before you got here I was feeling pretty messed up and totally alone. Now that you're here, though, I don't feel so lost. I can't believe you came, Bro." he said, reaching out and putting his hand on my arm. "Did you think I wouldn't? Fuck, Darren! I hopped a plane the minute the Chaplain came and told me what happened! Did you really think that I wouldn't want to be here for you?" I asked, surprised at Darren's statement. "I wasn't sure. You hadn't come home in such a long time. I didn't think you ever wanted to come home, not that I could blame you." he said, putting his head down so that I couldn't see his face. "What do you mean?" "Well, what was there for you here? I'd fucked up and gotten married. As far as I knew, you didn't really have any friends here and you were never all that close to Mom and Dad so I just figured you'd stay in the Marine Corps and I'd never see you again." he said and I could hear the bitterness in his voice. "Darren, it wasn't like that. I'm sorry. Things just kinda got overwhelming, what with the Corps sending me all over the world for tournaments and all. I've only been at Camp Pendleton for about six months now. This is the first time I haven't been traveling most of the year since I entered the Corps. I wasn't avoiding you! And, as far as you getting married, I realize that you probably hadn't intended to get your wife pregnant, but that adorable little boy asleep in there was no 'fuck up'!" I told him. "No. I know that! Shit! Brian's the only thing that's kept my life from being totally miserable for the last four years!" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked in shock. "Bro, I don't know exactly how to put this except to say this straight out, the way it is. I didn't love Christine. I sure as fuck never wanted to get married but getting married was the only way I knew to have a son. I wanted a kid so bad! I don't know why but I'd wanted a son for almost as long as I could remember. I wanted to have a son and be a 'Dad'. I don't know if you've ever felt that way?" he asked. "Yeah. I have. I felt it when I tucked Brian in just now." I said quietly, looking away from Darren in embarrassment. "You did?! Bro! That's great!" he exclaimed and I turned back to see Darren grinning at me. I looked at him quizzically. "Why is that 'great'?" I asked him. "Bro, will you answer me one question completely honestly?" Darren asked instead of answering me. "Darren, I've never lied to you!" I insisted, somewhat miffed that he'd even imply that I wouldn't tell him the truth. "No, Bro. I know you've never 'lied' to me. I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about telling the whole truth. Not holding anything back. Not covering over anything or leaving anything out. Would you do that for me?" he begged. I stared at him for a moment. Yes, I guess I could see his point. There was a lot between us that had been held back, covered over or left out. So much that we had never, could never, say to each other. "Yeah. I can do that." I said quietly. "Bro, were you ever in love with me?" he asked quietly. I looked up at him, searching his face for some kind of indication of why he was asking that, of all things. But all I could see was a type of yearning eagerness in his eyes. "I'm still in love with you, Darren. As hard as I've tried, I've never been able to stop being in love with you." I said and, without my ability to control or stop them, my eyes were suddenly filled with tears that were streaming down my cheeks. The next thing I knew, I could feel Darren's hands on my face and his lips pressing hard against mine, kissing me more passionately that I could ever remember being kissed by anyone in my life. Not that I'd ever been kissed by that many guys. (A lot of Marines will suck your cock, even eat your ass but won't kiss you because that would be 'queer'. It always amazed me the lengths males will go to in order to assuage their idea of what constitutes being 'a man'.) Slowly, as Darren's tongue licked against my upper lip, I opened to him and for the first time, I was kissing my brother, the man I loved more than anyone else in the world! It was an unbelievable kiss! I could feel Darren's hands slipping down until his arms encircled me, my arms trapped at my sides under his arms, pulling me to him. I just let myself mold to him as we sat there on the couch, making out like a couple of horny teenagers. "God! I was so afraid I'd lost you!" Darren murmured, finally pulling his mouth away from mine. "I...I don't understand?" I murmured, looking at him, amazed at this turn of events. Darren slid his arms from around me until they were sliding down my arms and finally he captured my hands in his. He pulled them up until they were where he could lean down and gently kiss the knuckles of each of my hands. It was an entirely romantic and completely unexpected gesture. I guess Darren realized this because he looked up at me, grinning sheepishly. "I thought that once you found out I was married, you'd never want anything to do with me ever again." he said. "Darren, if you wanted me, why did you get her pregnant?" "I didn't. Well...not intentionally. Christine found out how much I wanted a son. She had told me she was using birth control but she lied to me. She got pregnant on purpose to force me to marry her. I didn't love her and she sure as fuck didn't love me. She wanted someone to take care of her and pay her bills. She never lifted a finger to take care of Brian. She left that all to me." he said. "What the fuck did she do?" I asked. "Well, she didn't fuckin' work, that's for sure. Basically, she slept until noon, then went out with her girlfriends to bars and picked up guys to fuck. All the time, I was working and paying all the bills and taking care of Brian when he wasn't in day-care. I couldn't even trust him alone with her because I knew she wouldn't take care of him. She made it very clear after she gave birth that she didn't want anything to do with him." Darren said. "So why didn't you divorce her?" I asked, astounded. "Because I thought that I'd lose Brian if I did! The courts always give the children, especially children Brian's age, to the mother. Of course, I figured that Christine didn't really want him but I couldn't take the chance. She'd try to get custody just to spite me - that, and to force me to pay child support so she could keep on living without working." Darren said. "That couldn't possibly be true! No court would place a child with a woman like that!" I said. "I wasn't sure. That's the whole point, I was too scared to find out. I'd finally had enough, though. About a month ago, I finally went to see a divorce attorney. When I told him about the situation, he told me that with the proof I had, there would be no problem getting custody of Brian for me." Darren said. "What proof?" I asked. "Well, I have credit card receipts going back three years, all signed by Christine, showing that she was out drinking in bars almost every night for that whole time. I also have proof she was sleeping around with other guys." he said. "How did you get that?!" I exclaimed. "Believe it or not, that was easy. You know how guys are. They get laid, they brag about it. It didn't take long for me to find out the names of some of the guys she was sleeping with." "Oh, fuck! Darren! How did you stand it?" I asked, truly feeling sorry for my brother. "It didn't really mean anything to me. We hadn't had sex since before Brian was born." he said. "No sex for...what? Four years! Why?" I asked. "Bro, I don't know if you'll believe this or not, but I'd had it with women, long before now. In fact, I was just about to break it off with Christine when she told me she was pregnant." "What were you going to do?" I asked, stupidly. "What do you think? I'd finally realized that what I really wanted was another guy. I'd been playing around with other guys for a long time. Even while Christine and I were dating, I was still seeing some of them." he said. "I always figured that you had been having sex before that first night." I said quietly. "You just knew too much." "Yeah. I had, Bro. I'd been having sex with other guys since I was about thirteen. But you gotta believe me when I tell you that when I realized that I wanted out of the relationship with Christine, there was only one guy I wanted." "Who?" I asked. "Who do you think? You, Bro. I wanted you. But you were in the Marines and off in Europe somewhere. But besides that, I didn't know if you even wanted me anymore. Then Christine hit me with being pregnant and I was stuck." Darren said, miserably. "I never stopped wanting you. All you ever had to do was ask." I said softly, leaning over and kissing him gently. "Well...I didn't know that, okay?" "Did she know you were going to divorce her?" I asked. "No. I never got to discuss it with her. Of course, I didn't expect her to die, though I should have." Darren said, ruefully. "What do you mean?" "Bro, her death wasn't exactly an accident." Darren said. "What are you saying?" I said, in shock. "She was drunk when the car went out of control. It wasn't the first time, either. She was drunk a lot of times when she came home." Darren said. "Does Mom and Dad know about any of this?" I asked. "No. At least I don't think so. I kept it all from them as far as I know. They think that Christine and I were happily married. Ain't that a joke?" he said as he sat shaking his head. "So now you don't have to worry about any of that. She's gone and no one can take Brian away from you. You should be happy." I said. "So why aren't you?" He looked at me and smiled. "Because that's not all that I want. I'm a selfish bastard. I want it all. I want Brian and I want you." he said, reaching out and gently stroking my cheek with his hand. I grabbed his hand and rubbed my cheek against it and then kissed it. "You've always had me. All you ever had to do was ask." I said, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "Well, I'm asking, Bro. I want you. I want you now, and I want you forever. I don't want anyone else but you. But can you handle that?" he asked, trepidation showing in his voice. "What do you mean, can I handle that? Why couldn't I?" I asked, somewhat annoyed at his question. "Look, Bro. I could take Christine cheating. I didn't love her and she didn't love me. The idea of you sleeping with someone else, though, would tear me apart. I know you told me that getting laid wasn't a problem for you. I figure not, especially with you looking like you do." Darren said. "It's not. I've had plenty of other Jarheads in my bed in the last six years but, Darren, that was just sex. That's all it was. I didn't love any of them. Not even close! You're the only one that I've ever loved. I don't need anyone but you. Never would have if you hadn't stopped sleeping with me. Let's remember, it was you that stopped having sex with me - not the other way around!" I said, my anger over his actions all those years ago finally coming out. "I know. I know that, Bro! I know it was me that fucked up and I know I've got no right at all to ask you to take me back - especially now that I've got a kid. I know that couldn't have been in your plans." Darren said, morosely. "I have a big fucking news flash for you, Darren. One of the major reasons I want to take you back is because of that beautiful little boy that's sleeping in the other room!" I growled at him. "Really?!" he exclaimed, grinning at me. "Yes, really! How could you even think that I wouldn't love him? You must not think very much of me if you think I wouldn't want to help raise your son." I said, giving him the same glare that I gave Jarheads who fucked up on the range during training. Darren, however, just ignored the glare entirely and grinned at me. "Uhh...Bro...if we raise him together, he's not my son - he's 'our' son." I just sat there, my mouth hanging open, looking at him in shock! 'Our' son? Darren and mine? Brian would be my son, too? All of a sudden, I was all choked up with my eyes burning with unshed tears. Darren put his arms around me and pulled me to him again. I reached my arms around him and just lay my head on his shoulder. I was so overwhelmed by my emotions, that I didn't know what to do. But Darren, did. He gently kissed my forehead as he murmured. "Come on, Bro. Let's go to bed." MARINE RETURN Part 4 by RimPig 2006 Our arms still around each other, we walked down the darkened hall to Darren's bedroom. What I didn't realize at the time was that it was Darren's bedroom. His alone. The house had three bedrooms and, evidently, he and Christine hadn't slept in the same one. As we walked into the room, I was surprised by how Spartan the room was. No pictures on the walls, just a bed with no headboard and only one lamp on a small table next to it that didn't match the single chest of drawers. There was no other furniture in the room, not a chair, not anything. The bed wasn't made and there were clothes strewn around on the floor. Darren leaned down and started picking them up. "I'm sorry about the mess..." he said. I reached over and grabbed the clothes out of his hand and threw them back on the floor. Then I reached up and put my arms around his neck. "I don't care. I want to make love to the man I love, not a great housekeeper." I smiled. He smiled sheepishly and leaned down and kissed me gently and sweetly. "And I want to make love to you but I think I better go take a shower. I know you always loved my scent but I haven't had one in three days. I don't think even you want me this 'fragrant'." "Okay. I understand. I took one this morning but that seems like a long time ago. I think I'd better take one, too." I said. "So why don't we take one together?" Darren asked, shyly. "You mean like the time you taught me to jack off? That was the last time we ever took one together. Do you remember?" I asked. "Yeah. I sure do." he grinned. "I got you to eat my cum." "Yeah. You did. But just like you told me, it tasted good and I didn't die from it!" I laughed. "Hey! I told you, I ate it myself." he insisted. "I bet you still do." I laughed and he looked shocked and then chagrined. "You DO! Don't you?!" "Yeah, well...I never saw any reason to stop." he grinned sheepishly. "Tell the truth, you got me to eat your cum that day because you wanted me to get used to it so I could suck your cock, didn't you." I said. He looked at me with shock written all over his face. "You figured that out?!" he exclaimed. "Oh, not then. But later I did." I grinned. "You always were the smart one." Darren said. "No, I was the one who worked at it. I wasn't this great jock who got by on my athletic prowess and good looks." I laughed. Darren moved closer to me, slipping his arms around my waist. "No, you were always smarter. I always envied you for that." he said quietly. "That's funny. I always envied you being a jock and having so many friends." I admitted. "I would have traded it all if I could have just had the guts to tell you how I really felt about you." he said. "I didn't tell you." "Yeah, you did. Maybe not in so many words but I knew. I knew how much you loved me and it scared me." Darren said. "I guess it scared me, too. That's why I couldn't ever tell you." I said. "How about that shower?" "You gonna take one in your uniform?" he smiled. "No." I said. I went to unbutton my fatigue shirt but Darren beat me to it, pushing my hands away. He slowly unbuttoned the shirt and then spread it open, running his hands across my chest. "My God, Bro. You sure have changed." he said, breathing heavily. "The Marine Corps does that to you." I said, softly. "Damn, Bro! You're a fuckin' hunk! I mean, you were always cute but now! Fuck!" he grinned as he gently tugged at one of my nipples. I moaned softly. My tits were very sensitive. It was just one of the things that I had learned about from my other Jarhead sex partners. "Darren, we're never going to get a shower at this rate." I groaned. He let go of my nipple and stepped back from me. I watched as he kicked off his shoes and then quickly stripped out of his t-shirt and blue jeans. I sat down on the bed and took off my boots and then my fatigues. Finally, I slipped off my briefs and stood up naked. Darren was standing there naked as well and we stood there looking at each other. It had been a very long time since we had seen each other like this and there had been a lot of changes. I was shocked at Darren's body. He'd always been muscular but now, he was not only muscular but extremely cut. The ridges and rills of his body reminded me of an anatomy textbook showing the musculature of the body. It was obvious that Darren had done some serious work on his body. "Man! Do you live at the gym?" I asked in awe. Derrick looked down at his body, almost as if he'd never seen it before. "No, it's just that I go everyday. It was one way to work out all the anger and frustration so that I didn't take it out on Brian or something." he said by way of explanation. "But what about you! Jesus, did you grow!" I could see where Darren's eyes were pointed and it was not at my chest or biceps. He was looking at my cock which, since we had broken physical contact, was no longer fully boned but had softened to about three-quarters erect. "Yeah, I guess it's been a long time since you've seen it. Your's seems to have grown as well." I smiled. This was an understatement. Darren was almost fully boned as well and his cock was way longer and thicker than I'd seen it last when he was almost eighteen and went off to college. By my estimation, he was packing maybe an inch or two more than the eight and a half thick inches that my cock was. "Uhh, yeah...I guess it has since you saw it last." he grinned. "How about that shower?"I asked, realizing that if we didn't get there soon, we never would or not, at least, until we ended up on his bed. "Yeah. Follow me." he said. He led me across the hall to a large bathroom with two sinks, a tub and a shower stall. The stall was good sized, big enough even for the two of us. As Darren turned on the water and adjusted the taps, I had a chance to view the back side of him. His back was as broad and muscular as his chest and tapered to a slender waist but what had me practically drooling was his ass! A beautiful double mound of glutes that just begged to be licked and sucked. I had freaked Darren out by eating his ass when he was fifteen but he was going to just have to get freaked out all over again because there was no way I was going to let him get away until I had buried my face between those beautiful buns and driven my tongue as far up his ass as I could reach! The water temperature regulated, Darren stepped into the shower and then turned back, holding out his hand to me. I took it and stepped under the warm water with him. He reached over into the holder and grabbed a bar of soap which he immediately started rubbing across my chest. "Oh, fuck, Bro! You've got such a fuckin' nice body!" he murmured as he soapy hands explored more and more of me. "NoT nearly as beautiful as yours but, then, mine never was." I told him. "You just had some growin' to do, Bro. You body was so slender and beautiful back then. I used to get boned just looking at you as you slept. Did you know that?" he asked. "No. I was always boned when I slept in your arms." I said. "Yeah, I know. I loved how that little cock of yours would poke me in the gut all the time. It ain't so little anymore though!" he laughed. As he said this, he was soaping my groin and my cock was boned to the max from him touching me. He gently slid his hand up and down my pole a couple of time, enough to make me groan but then stopped. "Turn around so I can do your back." he murmured. I turned, placing my back to him and resting with my hands on the tiles of the shower wall. I felt him take both hands and, beginning at my neck and shoulders, not just soap me but massage the muscles that were sliding under his hands. I moaned as his strong fingers worked the kinks out of my muscles. His hands eventually glided down to where he was massaging the globes of my ass which caused my cock, which had softened considerably during the massage, to once again bone hard. His fingers slid into the trench between my mounds and slid teasingly against the lips of my hole. I groaned and involuntarily pushed back against his fingers in an almost mindless reaction to his touch. His fingers invaded my hole about a quarter of an inch and both of us stood stock still for a moment. Darren didn't remove his fingers but he didn't press forward either. I got the feeling he was waiting to see what I would do. I pushed back more and relaxed the muscles of my ass, allowing his fingers to slide deeper inside of me. I moaned at the feeling of his fingers spreading my opening and the sensitive tissues beyond it. At the same time, Darren's other arm came around my chest and his mouth attached itself to the back of my neck as we stood there with him fucking me with his fingers and me writhing in pleasure in his arms. I could feel his cock pressing against one of the cheeks of my ass and I knew that if I let this go any further, we might well end up fucking in the shower which, while it can be fun, was not the way I wanted Darren to fuck me for the first time in our lives. I wanted him in bed, I wanted to be under him and I wanted to be on my back, looking up into his face, as his body became part of my own for the first time. Darren evidently was wanting something more than a vertical fuck in the shower as well, for after sliding his fingers in and out of my hole a couple of times, he withdrew them completely and released me from the hold that his arm had on me. He stepped back and allowed me access to the shower so that I could rinse the soap from me. I then grabbed the soap out of his hand and began applying it to his chest. He stood there, allowing my hands to go where they wanted. I found particular joy in tracing all of the cuts of his muscles, particularly of his abs and pecs. I, of course, lavished attention on his groin, giving particular attention to his rather large, hanging scrotum and the hen-sized eggs inside. I could see his cock was dripping pre-cum and, as much as I wanted to taste again my favorite oral treat when we were young, I decided that he was too close to getting off for me to go playing around. Instead, I tugged on his shoulder, making him turn around so that I could begin to do his back. I did as he had done, massaging his muscles while I soaped his skin which caused exactly the same reaction in him that it had caused in me. I slowly worked my way down to his ass but had some concerns about what I would do once I got there. I soaped up his glutes and worked my fingers into them, massaging them, as I worked closer and closer to the opening between his cheeks. I was somewhat reluctant, however, to slide my hand down into the trench, given Darren's reaction to my rimming him so long ago. I didn't know if he was still somewhat freaked out by anal play. Of course, he hadn't seemed to be when his fingers were invading my body but... I figured 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' and began to slowly slide the fingers of one hand between his mounds of butt-muscle. As I moved my fingers against the opening of his body, he moaned and I could tell two things - one, his hole was still very sensitive and two, it was tightly closed. Evidently, nothing had ever gone 'in' that opening or, if it had, it had happened very few times and very long ago. I wasn't about to 'press the issue' now. I simply allowed my fingers to brush up against it and allow the good feelings to continue for a few moments. However, since I was already concerned about how long Darren could possibly hold out, I didn't do it for long. Since it was pretty clear that Darren had, indeed, not had sex in over four years, I figured I better get us in bed quickly before he went off by accident! He rinsed off the soap and then we stepped out of the shower. I went to grab a towel but Darren grabbed my arm to stop me. Instead, he grabbed a towel and began to gently dry my body. It wasn't hard to imagine him doing the very same thing for little Brian after his bath (or did he shower with Daddy?). It reminded me of when I was little and Mom or Dad would dry me off after taking a bath, usually with the same brother who was drying me now. Of course, I wasn't going to let any opportunity to touch Darren's body pass me by so, after he dried me, I grabbed a towel and went to work on his body. When I finished, Darren wrapped me in his arms and kissed me deeply before letting me go and grabbing one of my hands, leading me back across the hall to his bedroom and to his bed. He climbed in, pulling me in behind him. Once there, he again took me in his arms and began kissing me passionately. Luckily his was a rather large bed because we began rolling around on top of it, sometimes with me on top of Darren, sometimes Darren on top of me. Finally, Darren ended up on top and looked down into my eyes. I figured that, at that point, I would offer myself to him to fuck. But before I could, he suddenly spoke. "Bro, would you do that thing to me again?" he asked softly. I didn't need to ask what 'thing' he was talking about. Darren wanted me to eat his ass. Since I was more than happy to, rimming being one of my favorite activities, I simply smiled and nodded. He moved over on the bed and lay face down with his legs spread. While I could have moved right to his butt, I decided that there was more I wanted to do so, instead, I moved over until I was laying on top of him, my hard cock pressed into the cleft of his ass. I began licking and nibbling at the skin of his neck and shoulders as he groaned and writhed beneath me. I slowly moved down his back, tasting him all over, leaving spit trails all over the musculature. Slowly I approached his butt, and began licking and gently biting each of his cheeks, moving from one to the other, from the outside to the center trench. Having reached my objective, I placed my hands on each of his cheeks and pulled them apart so that the entire crack of his ass and his winking hole became visible to me. Like most blondes I had played with in the past, Darren's trench was almost completely hairless. In fact, Darren had very little hair on his body, only wisps of hair in his pits and a small puff of hair above his cock. As I dipped my head down and ran my nose through the cleft of his butt, I could smell the soap I had just washed him with but I could also smell the faint trace of sweat and musk from our rolling around in bed and Darren's sexual excitement. While not as rich and robust as I liked the scent to be, there was enough of it for me to enjoy and, more importantly, to trigger the 'scent memory' of Darren's own personal scent which had stayed with me all these years. As much as I hated the idea of erasing what little scent was there, I more wanted to taste him again. I began by gently running my tongue through the entire trench, from the back of his balls to the lower part of his back, making him moan at the feeling. After doing this several times, I focused the attention of my tongue on the rosy, wrinkled opening of his body. As I locked my lips around it, sucking gently while at the same time pushing against the opening with my tongue, I could feel as much as hear the loud groans that Darren was making as a reaction to the pleasure that my mouth and tongue were giving his ass. I had already determined that it was fairly evident that Darren was a virgin, having never been fucked by another male. I was shocked, therefore, when his anal opening relaxed enough for me to begin to slide my tongue partway in and out of it. This caused more and louder moaning from Darren as well as moaning from me as I not only tasted the inside of my brother's body for the first time but Darren experienced the feeling of something sliding in and out of his hole for the first time. And the more my tongue dug into his opening, the looser and more open it became until I had almost as much of my tongue inside him as I had tongue to give. I was well prepared to spend much more time rimming Darren when what he suddenly moaned and shocked me so profoundly that I instantly pulled my face from his ass in disbelief! "Oh, fuck, Bro! Please! Fuck me!" I couldn't believe my ears! Surely he couldn't mean what he was saying! "Darren, have you ever been fucked?" I asked quietly. He looked back at me, over his shoulder. "No. But I want you to. I really do!" he insisted. "Bro, I would love to fuck you can really hurt the first time and you really ought to be prepared, kind of work up to it, if you know what I mean." I said. He moved so that he was up on his knees and then turned, sitting down on the bed facing me. "Don't you see, I've wanted you to fuck me ever since that night. That's what freaked me out. When you licked my ass, it made me want to feel your cock in me. I didn't know how to deal with that then and I've wanted to kick myself ever since for not having the guts to go through with it." he explained. So at last I understood! Darren was not the first male to suddenly feel the desire to be fucked after having been rimmed. Indeed, I had to admit that, having eaten a lot of virgin Jarhead butt, it was how I usually got virgins to want cock up their ass for the first time. I know that the first Marine who ever fucked me got me in the mood exactly that way as well. However, I already knew I wanted to be fucked, having learned the joy of several fingers as well as other long, foreign, cylindrical objects up my ass while I jacked off prior to ever having the 'real deal'. Darren's ass had opened easily to my tongue but that didn't mean that he was ready to be fucked. I wanted this first time of ours together to be something that would stay in our memory forever - but not because of the pain of it. "Okay, I'll make a deal with you. I'll start preparing you to take my cock but if I think that it's not going to work tonight, you have to accept my judgement and wait until I can help you better prepare." I said. "Yeah. I can accept that." he said, grinning. "Okay, then get back down the way you were." I said. He happily moved around until he was once again face down on the bed with his legs spread. I only hoped that he would still be happy when this was over. "You just lay there a minute. I've got to go get something." I said. "Lube is in the top dresser drawer." he said. "Oh! Okay." I went to the drawer and found a bottle of liquid lube, guessing that Darren must use it to jack off with. I got back on the bed between his legs and again, buried my face in his butt. This time, I truly ate his butt with a vengeance - wanting to get him as open and as wet as I could before I started trying to stretch the opening any further. I knew that my cock was not small. However, that was both an advantage and a disadvantage. You would think that small cocks would be easier to take up your ass - especially on a first fuck. However, the fact of the matter is that small cocks tended not to open up the ass enough for the sphincter to completely relax and the thicker the cock, the more it spreads the ass, the more contact there is between the cock and the prostate - the reason that getting fucked feels so good! I knew I had my work cut out for me getting Darren ass open enough to take my cock but I also knew that there was a very good chance that he would truly love and enjoy my cock once I did. After eating him out for a long while, I finally started to introduce fingers as well as my tongue. First one and then two. Before introducing two, however, I lubed his ass well and slowly slid my two, well lubricated fingers into his hole. I had already explained to Darren how to take deep, even breaths to help himself relax and how to push down on the muscles in his butt to relax the sphincter. What I didn't tell him was what was likely to happen when my two fingers gently brushed against his very swollen prostate. "FUCK! What the fuck was THAT!" he exclaimed. "SHH! You're gonna wake Brian! If you can't keep quiet - bite on a pillow!" I hissed at him, just the way he'd done that first night when he sucked my cock. He looked over his shoulder at me and then I saw the light dawn in his eyes from the memory. "Very funny, Bro. Now, what was that?!" he demanded. "That, my beautiful big brother, was your prostate." I grinned at him. "Nah! Couldn't be! The fuckin' doctor checks that thing every year and it hurts like a bitch when he does! That felt so good I almost came!" he said. "I can't help the fact that doctors are completely inept when it comes to dealing with another guy's butt! That is your prostate. It's what makes taking a guy's cock up your butt worth all the trouble. If the guy is good enough, he can make you cum without touching yourself, just from rubbing his cock against your prostate." I informed my big brother. "Really? Fuck!" Darren said. "Now lay back down and let me get back to this or have you given up on the idea of getting fucked?" I asked. He gave me a horny grin. "Not after THAT, Bro! Now I want it more than ever!" he said, laying back down and spreading his legs even wider. I eventually had three of my fingers working easily in and out of Darren's ass. I figured at that point, I'd gone as far as I could go with just my fingers. It was time for him to try and take my cock. "Okay." I said, pulling my fingers out of his butt. "I've done as much as I can do. Now it's your turn." He looked over his shoulder at me. "My turn? What do you mean?" he asked quizzically. "Get up and I'll explain." I said. Darren got up and again knelt on the bed. I lay down on my back and began lubing up my extremely hard cock. All this ass play had really gotten me in the mood! I was almost to the point that I was going to fuck Darren whether he wanted it or not! "It is time, Bro, for you to, as so many people say, 'Go Fuck Yourself'!" I grinned at him. He looked at me funny, not exactly knowing whether I'd just insulted him or not. "What do you mean?" he asked, slowly. "Just what I said. You're going to fuck yourself on my cock. It's the best way to get fucked the first time. It allows you to let gravity work for you and take my cock at your own pace." I said. He still looked as if I was speaking in ancient Greek. "Darren, you're going to squat over my cock and let it go up you. You'll control how fast and how much. Just squat over my cock and it will all make sense." I insisted. Despite what I could see were doubts on his part, Darren did exactly as I said. I reached under him and heavily re-lubed his butthole and then centered my cockhead on it. Once my cock was in contact with his hole, Darren quickly got the idea. "Now take it slow, Bro! We're not in any rush. We've got all night if you need it. Just remember to keep on breathing and push down on your ass muscles." I said. Darren smiled down at me and then I could see him, as well as feel him, pushing down on the head of my cock with his ass. At first, there was some small resistance from his sphincter but Darren quickly pushed down just a little harder and the head of my cock popped into his ass. I felt his asshole immediately lock around the head of my cock. "STOP! Don't move!" I exclaimed, grabbing under his ass with my hands to keep him for dropping down any further. "Just let yourself relax and get used to it. Keep breathing, deep breaths - in and out." I could see that Darren was in some pain but, as he continued to breathe, I could feel his sphincter gradually relax its choke hold on my cock. Finally, I felt Darren really open up. I looked up to see him smiling again. "Okay. Go slowly. Keep breathing. If you feel any pain, stop and let yourself relax again." I said. He smiled down at me in gratitude and slowly, very slowly, began to lower himself again. When he'd gotten about half my cock in him, I felt him tightening up again but he stopped on his own and breathed deeply for a few moments and I could feel him open right back up again. To my surprise, it wasn't too long before I felt the weight of his body on my groin. My cock was completely buried in his ass. Darren looked down at me with a grin like he'd just won a gold medal in the Olympics. I reached out and put my hands on the top of his thighs, holding him down. "Okay. Don't move. I want you to just rest there and let your ass get used to my cock. I'll tell you when to move again." I said. Throughout this, Darren was following my every direction to the letter. I guess he realized that I knew what I was doing. If he only knew how many young Jarhead butts I'd broken in over the last six years. I didn't set out to be a 'butt-bandit', in fact, I much preferred getting fucked to fucking but it seemed that there was some type of natural curiosity about this most 'feared' of all male/male sexual activity. Guys wanted to know what it was like to get fucked. I think some of it came from the forbidden nature of the act. While it was acceptable for a straight guy to get a blowjob from a gay guy without being thought of as 'queer', getting fucked (along with sucking cock) automatically made the guy 'queer' no matter how much pussy he pounded. I think there was also the curiosity engendered by guys like me who loved to be fucked. Other guys wanted to know what was up with this? Why did guys like me go through all the 'pain' of getting fucked? What the fuck did we get out of it? Finally, I could feel Darren's chute open up and I felt it was pretty safe to have some movement - by me, not by him yet. "Okay, I'm going to move my cock around in your ass to really loosen you up. Don't you move. Just let me." I said and Darren nodded in understanding. I began shifting my hips, stirring my cock around in his ass, getting to all those places that hadn't been touched before - ever. As I did so, of course, my cock rubbed against his swollen prostate. This did several things. First of all, I watched Darren's cock, which had gone somewhat soft, harden once more to the point that it was standing up pointing at his chest. Second of all, he groaned in extreme pleasure every time my cock brushed up against that hard, little walnut shaped gland up inside him. He didn't know it, but this was just a small taste of the pleasure that was to come! Once I felt I had him sufficiently open and relaxed, I looked up at him. "Okay, I want you to slide up a few inches and then back down." I told him. He did as I directed and I heard the deep, satisfied groan that accompanied his downward slide back into my lap. We kept this up until more than half my cock was leaving his ass and his downward travel on my pole was becoming faster and harder. I grabbed his thighs once again and stopped his movement. He opened his eyes that had been closed in ecstacy and looked down at me like a kid who just had all his candy stolen! "That's enough. Time to let me drive, now." I smiled up at him. He grinned at this and stood up slowly, letting my cock pop out of his very open butt. I looked up at him. "Okay, how do you want it? On your back, on your stomach, doggie style?" I grinned. " about on my back?" he asked. "Yeah, I knew you were going to say that." I laughed. "How did you know?" he asked quizzically. "Because every guy who I've ever fucked for the first time, wants it on his back. He wants to see who's fucking his ass and taking his virginity." I grinned. "Well...yeah. But I want it because I want to look at you! I'm only giving myself to you. I never thought of anybody else doing this to me. Ever! You're the only one." he said. I reached up, grabbed his hand and pulled him back down on the bed next to me. I put my arms around him and kissed him gently. "I know that. I know what this is all about. I know that this is the way that you want to show me that you are completely and totally mine. I understand that, and when you fuck me, I want to watch you as you make me totally yours." I said, softly. He smiled at this. I moved over him, lifting his legs over my shoulders and put my cock at the entrance to his body once again. I pressed forward and felt myself slide deep within him, no hesitation, no resistance. My cock was soon buried all the way in his ass and I was ready - more than ready - to fuck Darren and get him off like he'd never gotten off before in his life. Because of the internal massage of the prostate by the cock (if done right) the orgasm from being fucked is oftentimes far more intense than orgasm any other way. I began slowly stroking in and out of Darren's butt - long-dicking him. He looked up in my eyes and I could see in his the wonder that he was experiencing at the incredible feelings that were going through him. He was just beginning to understand how wonderful it is to be fucked by another male. It didn't take me long, however, to reach my normal 'ramming speed'. I didn't know how long I could hold out from cumming given how tight, wet and hot Darren's ass was. Better still, I didn't know how long Darren could hold off cumming seeing that it had been four years since he'd had sex with anyone. It seemed that our needs to get off were fairly evenly matched because I no more reached the point where I knew I couldn't hold back any longer than Darren started moaning out that he was there! I could see the shock in his eyes at getting off without either of us touching his cock! "Fuck! BRO! I'M GONNA CUM!!!" he screamed out, right before his cock began painting his chest and abs with streaks of hot, white cum. The clutching of his asshole around my cock threw me over the edge as well and I grunted as I unloaded blast after blast of my own cum inside his hot butt before finally collapsing on top of him, with my hard cock still buried to the hilt in his ass. Darren's arms came up around me as I lay there on top of him. We were sweaty, cummy and very 'fragrant' once again. I, of course, loved the scent of my brother, the scent of his cum and the scent of his ass that I had fucked. "Fuck! That was incredible! Why didn't anyone ever tell me how great it was?!" Darren exclaimed. I started laughing. "Who the fuck was going to tell you, Bro? Did any of your jock buddies you used to play with get fucked?" I asked. " that I know of, anyway. Maybe some of them did, but I never did it with them." he admitted. "I didn't really want to. I knew that the only guy I wanted to fuck and get fucked by was you." "And just exactly how were you going to do that? I was in the Marine Corps and you were married?" I asked. "Well...when I decided to decided to get a divorce from Christine, I was going to track you down and beg you to come home." Darren admitted quietly. "You were? What if I had said, 'No'?" I asked. "I never thought that you would. Maybe I'm being egotistical, but I knew you always loved me. I just needed to tell you that I loved you and I figured that you'd come back to me. Was I wrong?" he asked. "No. You weren't wrong." I admitted. With that, we kissed deeply. Then I pulled back and looked down at him. "Okay, I'm about to do something that could completely gross you out. If it does, just keep your mouth shut, I don't want to hear it!" I said. "Okay. I promise. I won't say a word." Darren said, but I could see curiosity written all over his face. I moved back slowly, letting my still semi-hard cock slip from his well-used butt. I then slid all the way down until I was laying between his legs which I had hold of, holding them up and back. I then buried my face in his just fucked ass and began licking and sucking at his well-used hole, sucking as much of my load of cum from his ass as his ass would give up. Above me, I could hear Darren babbling in pleasure. "Oh, fuck! Bro! That's incredible! Yeah! Eat my ass! Fuck, yeah! Eat it out!" he babbled as I continued to do exactly that. I figured that I might as well go all the way. I saved a mouthful of my cum from his ass and then moved up the bed, pulling him into my arms and planting my lips on his. When he opened his mouth, I let the glob of cum slide from my mouth to his. I think he was shocked at first but he quickly began moaning and swapping the cum back and forth with me until we'd swallowed all of it. "Well, did you freak?" I asked, pulling my mouth from his. "Bro, nothing you do could freak me out anymore. I love you to much to let it." he grinned. MARINE RETURN Part 5 by RimPig 2006 Darren and I lay there on his bed, just holding each other and talking quietly. Our bodies had reconnected as lovers, now we were reconnecting as brothers and friends. This time with nothing held back, nothing covered up and nothing unspoken between us. It was amazing, this sense of belonging that I felt. I knew that Darren was mine and I was his. That I, again, was not alone - just as I had never been when we were kids. Darren had always been there for me then. Now, I was there for him. "So tell me, what's it like being a Marine? Do you have any time to yourself?" Darren asked. "Lots of it. I have the guys that I'm training but beyond that, it's really just like any other job." I said. "Do you plan on staying in the Corps? Make a career of it?" "To tell you the truth, I've never really thought about it. I'm supposed to re-up in a couple of weeks but I haven't really thought about doing anything else." I admitted. "Up until now, I didn't really think I had much choice. After all, I didn't think there was anything beyond the Corps for me." "But now there is." Darren said. "Yes, now there is." I smiled. "But still...I have to admit, I like being in the Corps. I like the work I do and I like the feeling that I'm helping to defend our country. Not a lot of jobs you can say that about." "No, you're right. I can see that. I can understand that being in the Corps must have it's rewards. I mean besides all those hunky young recruits." he grinned. "The hunky young recruits, as you put it, were only a substitute for what I really wanted and thought I couldn't have." I said, quietly. "So now that you know you can, you don't need them anymore, right?" he asked and I could see that he was being very serious. "No. I don't need them anymore. All I need is you. You are all I ever needed. But can you say the same? I mean, what if you decide you want another kid? Are you going to end up bedding women again?" I asked. "Oh, no! Those days are long over! I have Brian, that's enough. And if it isn't, well, there's always adoption. I'm not the least bit interested in ever getting involved with another woman. I promise you that." Darren said. And in my whole life, Darren had never promised me anything that he didn't deliver. "Speaking of promises...weren't you going to fuck me?" I grinned. "You really want me to?" he asked. "Yes! I really want you to! I told you I love being fucked and I've always wanted to be fucked by you." I said. "Uhh...I've never done this before, Bro. I don't really know how." he said. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I looked at him askance. "Was Brian conceived by 'immaculate conception'?" "I've fucked women, Bro! Not guys. I told you that. I've never fucked a guy and I've never fucked anyone in the ass. Ever." he insisted. "Darren, other than it being tighter and hotter than a woman's pussy, the idea is the same." I said. "Wait a minute! How do you know that? You told me you've never fucked a woman." he demanded. "Because the Jarheads who've fucked me, especially the ones who've never fucked a guy before, have all told me the same thing. Ass is tighter and hotter up inside." I told him. "Ohh. Okay. But it's gotta be different somehow? I mean, you can't just fuck a guy in the ass like you do pussy." he said. "Darren, what's this all about? Are you afraid to fuck me?" I asked. He looked at me in embarrassment and then looked away. "You are, aren't you? Why?" I asked, reaching over and gently stroking his cheek. "Look, I know this is gonna sound stupid but...all my life, everything I ever tried to do physically, I was good at. It came easy to me." he said. "Of course I remember that. You set more records in high school than any athlete in the history of the school. So what?" I asked. "Don't you see, fuckin' girls came just as easy. It wasn't as exciting or as good as what I was doin' with guys but the very first girl I fucked had about six orgasms before I ever came and told me how great I was at fucking. I didn't believe her at first, but she started telling all her girlfriends how good I was as well. All of a sudden, I had girls beggin' me to fuck 'em! All the guys I knew were havin' to really work at gettin' laid and I was havin' girls callin' me up and beggin' me to come fuck them! It was a real ego boost, lemme tell ya. I don't think I would have kept fuckin' girls except for that. That's what I really got out of it. Them tellin' me how good a fuck I was. Guys never tell you that." Darren said. "Guys in high school don't tell you that, you mean. I've had plenty of guys go fuckin' nuts over how I fuck them or suck their cocks or eat their asses. I happen to have quite a reputation myself where sex is concerned." I said. "Come to think of it - you had quite a bit to say about how much you liked me fucking you and eating your butt!" "Yeah. I guess I did at that." he grinned ruefully. "But don't you see, Bro? Here I'm askin' you to give up all those other Marines and only have sex with me. You told me how much you love gettin' fucked. What if I'm no fuckin' good at it with a guy?" I could hear the abject misery in his voice. I couldn't believe it! Here was my athletic brother, a male who's physical abilities were off the chart, scared of fucking me! "Darren, if you were really that good with girls, I promise you, you'll be wonderful with me. Let me explain something. The best fuckers I've ever had have always been guys who've mostly fucked women before." I assured him. "You're kidding?!" he exclaimed. "No, I'm not. Look, I do love being fucked. In fact, I love being fucked really hard! Harder than most women could ever stand. But I can't take it that way at the start. Remember how gentle I was with you? How we took it slow and easy until you were open and used to being fucked? Well...experienced as I am, I need it almost as gently at the beginning. I just get used to it quicker than you can right now. Guy's who fuck women are used to starting out gently. Simple as that." I explained. "Well, yeah. I can see that. I mean, as gentle as you were, I'm still a little sore from it." he said. "Exactly. All you have to learn is about my 'G-Spot'." I grinned. "G-Spot? Guy's have a G-Spot?!" "Yeah. We do. But it's not like a woman's. It's a whole lot easier to find. It's the prostate. I'm going to teach you how to find it with your cock. That's how I got you off without you touching yourself. You're going to be able to do the same thing for me." I said. "Bro, I swear to you, if you'll help me, I'll be the best fucker you've ever had!" Darren swore. "Darren, that won't be hard. You're the only guy who's ever fucked me who I've been in love with." With that, Darren grabbed me and kissed me passionately. I melted in his arms as he began licking down my neck to my chest. I almost lost it entirely when his mouth began sucking on my nips. I loved that! "Oh, fuck! Darren! Yeah! Suck 'em hard!" I moaned. Darren followed my directions and did. I groaned out my appreciation. Soon, however, Darren left my chest and headed further down my body. He traced a pattern of spit on my abs and moved down to my already very hard cock. He slid his mouth down it, taking it deeply into his throat. I moaned at the tightness that my cock encountered there. I was afraid, however, that if he kept this up I would end up cumming in his throat and that would end the opportunity for him to fuck me. Darren, however, was more savvy than that and immediately pulled completely off my cock and slid down to where he was between my legs and was licking my balls, instead. "Oh, Fuck!" I groaned. I loved having my balls licked. In fact, that's exactly why I removed the hair from them on a regular basis so that nothing interfered with the feeling of a young Jarhead's eager tongue on my nutsack. Darren looked up at me and grinned in answer to my exclamation and then went back to licking all over my sack once more. I figured he would stop there and I would give him instruction in how to find my prostate by first showing him how to find it with his finger. Instead, he kept licking further and further down until he had my legs pushed wide apart and was licking right at the start of my ass-crack. I couldn't believe it! For someone who at one time was completely freaked out by ass-eating, I couldn't imagine Darren actually doing it himself but he made it quite clear that was exactly what he was after for he hooked his hands under my knees and began trying to push my legs up. Not that he wasn't strong enough to do it but it was an awkward position from which to try so I helped him by pulling them back myself and holding them, with my knees close to my chest. This opened me up completely to him. He had, right at face level, my balls and my completely open ass-crack. This was obviously just what he wanted because he wasted no time in pressing his face into my cleft. Expecting to feel his tongue, I was totally shocked to feel, instead, air brushing my hole as Darren took loud, deep breaths of the scent of my ass. I had always been open with Darren about my love of the raunchy scents of the male body - especially his male body. His pits, his groin but, most especially, his ass. I loved the smell of Darren's butt. I could, if he had ever given me the chance, spent hours with my nose buried in it. As it was, after the fiasco with my rimming him for the first time, the only chance I ever got to smell his butt was when I was licking his balls or, more often, when I stole his jock or his dirty underwear out of his gym bag or our laundry hamper and used them to jack off with when he wasn't around. But never had I had any inkling that Darren might be into man-scents himself. Certainly, he never talked about it, never admitted to it. And if he was getting off on my scent when we had sex as teens, he certainly was never obvious about it. That's why having him sniffing my butt was such a shock to me! Not that I didn't love it but I was just so completely blown away by it that I literally lost my hardon! "Darren...Bro...whaa...what are you doing?" I asked hesitantly. He pulled his face out of my butt and looked up at me. "I'm sniffing the scent of your butt." he said and then gave me this 'shit-eating' grin. "I figured that there must be something to it since you've always seemed to love smelling my scents so much." Well, that answered that question. This was evidently the first time Darren had ever done this. "So...ahh...what do you think?" I asked quietly. "I think I've missed out on a lot of fun not doing this before! You were's really a turn on! It's making me incredibly horny to shove my cock in your ass. But there's something I want to shove up there first!" he said and, almost instantly put his face back down in my ass. It was then that I felt it - Darren's tongue laving up and down my ass-crack. I could hear it was well as he moaned at what he was tasting there in obvious delight. Soon he was sucking on my opening and shoving his tongue deep up inside me. Over the years, having dealt with a lot of young, overeager Jarheads, I had learned how to relax and open my hole easily. So Darren had no trouble getting his tongue worked up my ass. I could tell, with all his moaning and the rapid licking in and out of my hole by his tongue, that evidently there were going to be two ass-eaters in the family from now on! "Oh, fuck, Bro! I fuckin' love eatin' your hole! Way better than pussy!" he exclaimed, pulling his face out of my butt for a moment before going back to it again. I let him eat me for a few more minutes but when I saw his butt moving up on down on the bed, humping his cock into the mattress, I pulled away, sitting up for a moment. He looked up at me like I'd just told him that he could never have sex again in his life! "I don't want you going off before you get your cock in me." I explained gently. "Ohh..." he said, sheepishly, confirming what I had suspected. In his eagerness for the new experience, Darren was close to coming all over the sheets rather than unloading his hot, brother- cum up my ass where I finally wanted it. I reached over and grabbed the lube and handed it to him before laying back down. "Now...lube up my hole and shove one of your fingers inside me." I said and he followed my instructions. "Press around in there. Feel anything?" "Yeah!" he said, pressing on my prostate, making me let out a small groan and pre-cum to belch out of my cock. "That! It's like a hard little nut up there!" "That's it. That's the prostate, also known as a guy's 'joy button' or his 'G-spot'. You rub your cock across this or, better yet, slam your cock into it and it will make me cum. You'll get me off just fucking me without me having to do anything." I told him. "Yeah, well...I don't see how I could miss that! God knows it's big enough and hard enough." he said. "Exactly! Fucking a guy and giving him pleasure, especially with a cock as long and thick as yours is, is not difficult at all." I smiled. "Add more lube and use two fingers now. Once you have them working in and out easily, just lube up your cock and fuck me." Darren quickly followed my instructions and, before I knew it, his lubed cock was eagerly pressed against my hole, practically demanding entrance. I wanted him, wanted him more than I had ever wanted a guy to fuck me in my life. I grabbed hold of his hips with my hands and pulled him forward, driving his cock through my sphincter and into the heat of my guts. I could hear the groan escape Darren and see the surprise on his face at how deeply his cock was buried in me in just one thrust. With just one more, he was buried to the hilt inside of me. It was then he looked down at me in wonder. "Fuck! You are so hot and tight and wet inside! You were right!" he exclaimed. I smiled a knowing smile. Darren had discovered the joy of ass fucking. With any luck, and from the look of ecstasy on his face, luck was with me, he would become a very dedicated ass-fucker! "Now pull back slowly...there! Feel that?" I groaned as his cock rubbed against my prostate. "Oh, fuck, yeah!" he said, and proceeded to rub his cock harder and harder against it as he thrust over and over again into my eager and horny butt. Just as with every other physical thing, fucking ass came very easily to Darren, just as I told him it would. Perhaps too easily for, before I knew it, before I was even ready, I felt myself starting to go over the precipice of orgasm. I tried to fight it but, if you've ever tried not to cum while someone was fucking you and ramming his hard cock against your prostate, you know what an impossibility that is! I quickly just gave up and went with the feelings. "Fuck! Yeah! Fuck my ass! I'm CUMMING!!!" I exclaimed as my cock began to shoot ropes of hot, white cum all over my chest and abs. I think Darren was shocked at the fact that he had so quickly brought me to orgasm that he stopped fucking me and just held himself inside me, watching me in the throws of my climax. He started to pull out and I grabbed his hips and pulled him back inside of me. "Where the fuck are you going? You haven't cum yet." I said. "But, Bro. You got off!" he said, as if this was somehow unknown to me. "So? I can do that more than once." I grinned up at him. "Okay!" he exclaimed, delight written all over his face. He started fucking me again, finally beginning to really slam his cock in and out of my ass. I had told Darren that I loved to be fucked hard and he was evidently taking me at my word. Luckily, I had told him the truth and Darren was fucking me as hard or harder than I'd ever been fucked in my life! I hadn't had a Jarhead that could hold a candle to my Big Bro when it came to really pounding Jarhead ass! However, even Darren couldn't keep up this type of monumental performance forever. I soon began to see the evidence of his own orgasm approaching - his groans and the ragged rhythm with which his hips were slapping the cheeks of my butt. The good thing about this was, I was quickly approaching another orgasm myself. In fact, I think we climaxed together because at the last minute, Darren leaned over and his mouth attached itself to mine in a passionate kiss as we screamed our climaxes into each other's mouths. Again, my cum painted my abs but Darren's as well so that when he collapsed on top of me, we were glued together by the cum from both of my orgasms. We lay there, just holding each other, the smell of our sweat, my cum and the scent of man-sex surrounding us in his bed. I was lost in a world of heavenly scents and wonderful feelings, praying that I never moved again! I wanted to just lay there forever with Darren's body on mine and his cock buried in my ass. All good things must come to an end, however, at least for a while. Darren's cock finally softened and popped from my ass. He groaned and rolled off me, pulling me with him so that we were laying side by side, facing each other. He smiled at me and then gently kissed me. "That was the most incredible fuck I've ever had in my whole life." Darren murmured, gently stroking his hand down my back and across the cheeks of my butt. "It was very special for me, too. I don't ever remember a guy getting me off twice in that short a time." I told him. He grinned at me in pride. All of his fears about fucking me, about being good enough, flew out the window with that grin. Just as I knew they would. "I wish we could do it again, but I'm exhausted." he admitted. "There's always tomorrow morning." I smiled, resting my head on his arm. " there isn't. Sometime after dawn, and probably a lot sooner than we could possibly want, we will find that our bed has been invaded by a very small bundle of energy." Darren said. "Oh! Brian!" I smiled. "Will this bother him, do you think? Me sleeping here with you?" "It had better not because he's going to have to get used to it. I'm not sleeping without you ever again if I can help it!" Darren proclaimed. "What about the fact that we're naked? Should we put on something?" I asked. "Fuck, no! I always sleep naked, you know that. Brian does, too. Trust me, he won't be bothered by that." he said. "But we better get some sleep because, trust me, once he's up it's impossible to get anymore sleep." "Okay. No problem. Believe me, I'm not going to have any trouble sleeping." I said. Darren rolled over onto his back and I lay my head on his chest as he put his arm around me, just the way we had slept together as boys. I was quickly asleep. Darren's prediction was not exactly accurate, however. The next morning, I awoke with the feeling that someone was 'looking' at me. I opened my eyes and stared into two huge blue ones. Brian was standing pressed up against the side of the bed, staring at me. I didn't have to wonder where his 'Daddy' was. I could feel Darren spooned up against me with his arm thrown possessively over me as if he was holding onto what belonged to him. I could feel the soft warmth of Darren's breath as it caressed the back of my neck where his face was evidently pressed. "Hey, Brian. How are you buddy?" I asked. "Can I get in bed with you and Daddy?" he asked. "Sure, buddy! Crawl on in!" I murmured. Crawling onto the bed, Brian could see his Daddy curled up to me. At first this disconcerted him. I figured that he was used to cuddling up to Darren. However, he seemed to adjust instantly and lay down, his back to me, so that I was spooned around him just like Darren was spooned to me. I put my arm around him, pulling him closer to my body and, in that way, Brian and I went back to sleep. I don't know how much more sleep I got but the next thing I knew, the daylight was full and I could feel Darren's huge erection poking me in the butt as his tongue began tracing patterns on the back of my neck. All movement on his part ceased, however, when he reached down to evidently grab hold of my cock and, instead, encountered the sleeping body of his son. He rose up and looked over my shoulder at his son, asleep, spooned to my body and my arm around him, his little head resting on the bicep of my other arm. "When did he arrive?" Darren murmured softly. "Sometime around dawn, just like you said. All he asked for was to get in bed with us. He's the one who decided to lay like this." I said. "That's how he always lays against me when we take a nap together. I wonder why he didn't try to wake me up?" Darren asked. "I don't know. Maybe it was because I was here. He seemed to be perfectly content to lay here and go right back to sleep." I said. "Well, I guess we'd better wake him up." Darren said, looking at the clock. "I've got to get him ready for day-care." "Is that really necessary with us both here?" I asked. "Really, it is. With his mother gone, I'm trying to keep things as normal as possible. Day-care isn't just because I need someplace for him while I go to work, it's also so that he has other kids to play with during the day. There aren't any kids anywhere near his age in this neighborhood anymore." Darren explained. "Okay, you get him up and ready and I'll go make coffee. You want some breakfast?" I asked. "What I want is more of your ass! But we'll have to wait until I get him to the bus." Darren laughed. He reached over me and ruffled the blond hair on Brian's head. Brian turned over, yawning and rubbing his eyes and then looked up at his Daddy and me. "Hey, there, buddy! Time to get up!" Darren smiled down at his son. Brian stood up, showing that he was all boy! I didn't know kids his age got morning wood but evidently they did because Brian's little boy-cock was standing up straight - all two inches of it. Brian leaned over me and kissed his Daddy and then leaned down and kissed me. I hugged him and then Darren grabbed him and put him over his shoulder, heading off to the bathroom with him. Brian was laughing and screaming at what was evidently part of their morning ritual. I slipped on my briefs and went out to the kitchen. It took me a few minutes to find everything but I soon had a pot of coffee brewing. By the time Darren and Brian arrived in the kitchen, it was ready and I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a mug. Darren who was still naked had little Brian dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops. Just then, a loud honking came from outside. "That's your bus, Brian." Darren said, leaning down and giving his son a kiss. Brian shocked me by coming over to the table to get one from me as well. Brian, then, went flying out the front door as Darren sat down at the table with me. "He's an incredible little boy." I said, smiling at my brother. "He is, isn't he?" Darren smiled back. "I'm so glad you see that, Bro. I was so afraid you were going to not want anything to do with kids." "I think that's a myth that straight guys have about gay guys - that we don't want or like kids. Bunch of shit! We just know how fucking hard it's going to be to have them, especially if we don't want to get married. A lot of gay guys settle for dogs because they're easier to adopt. It's not what they want but it's all that they can have." I said. "Maybe you're right. I'm just glad because I can see already that Brian really loves you. Almost as much as I do." Darren said, getting up to get himself another cup of coffee. "God! I hope so! It's bad enough having your brother as a lover, I'd really be a pervert if it was my nephew, too!" I laughed and Darren laughed with me. Then he got a very serious look on his face. "There are some things we need to talk about, Bro." he said. "Like what?" I asked. "Well, like what happens now." he said. "Well...since you brought this up, I take it you have some ideas?" I asked. "Yeah. I do. I got a phone call yesterday from my insurance agent. Despite the fact that Christine was drunk when she hit that tree, it was still considered an accidental death. We had matching insurance policies so that we could take care of Brian in case something happened to either one of us. The policies had double indemnity clauses in case of accidental death. The insurance company is sending me a check for half a million dollars. Not only that but there were also life insurance policies to cover the mortgage on the house. I now own it free and clear. On top of it all, the car insurance is paying off on Christine's car which I bought new for her just a few months ago. All told, I've got somewhere around three quarters of a million dollars." Darren said. "Holy shit!" was all I could say. "Yeah. Exactly. Holy shit!" Darren repeated. "What this means is that I don't have to stay here anymore. I want us to be together, Derrick. I want us to live together and raise Brian together but I want to sell the house, get rid of all the bad memories. I don't want to live here, in this town, anymore. If I stay here, I'm just going to have to go through crap with Mom and Dad about finding another wife and all that. What I want to know is, can we move back to California. If you want to stay in the Corps, I'm fine with that. But I'm just wondering if they won't say something about us living together." I laughed. "Are you kidding?! You and I have the perfect 'cover'! You're my older brother who lost his wife and is raising his son alone. Of course no one is going to think anything of us living together! Certainly they would never think of us as lovers. However, I want you to think about something. What about Brian?" I asked. "What about him?" Darren looked at me quizzically. "He's only four now. He won't think anything seeing his Daddy and his Uncle sleeping naked together but he's not going to be four forever. Eventually he's going to figure out that we're lovers. How are you going to deal with that?" I asked. "A lot better than having to explain to him that his mother was a drunken slut who only got pregnant with him so that his Daddy would be forced to marry her and she wouldn't have to live with her own drunken slut of a mother who used to beat her." Darren said, and I could hear the anger that was still inside of him. "He's going to be deeply loved, by both of us. I don't think it's going to bother him one bit that his two 'Daddies' fuck the shit out of each other. Kids don't care about that stuff. All they care about is if you love them and protect them. And what better protection is there than a fucking Marine?" At this, Darren grinned at me and reached over and ruffled my hair, or what little there was, just like when we were kids. I grinned back. "Besides, Bro, what makes you so sure that Brian is going to grow up to be straight?" he asked. "He comes from the same 'genes' that we have. Who knows?" "Well, we've got a while before we have to worry about that. At least ten years." I said. "Don't bet on that! I knew when I was only about ten. I just kept telling myself I would change. I guess I was wrong. I really knew I was wrong when I fell in love with you." he said. "When was that?" I asked. "When I was 13. About the time I started jacking off." "So why did you try to hide that from me?" I asked, finally - something I had always wondered. "I thought you were too young to understand. That is until the morning when you stood there in the bathroom with that hardon. If figured if you were gettin' hard, you were old enough to understand, at least about jacking off. I couldn't explain to you about falling in love with you. I couldn't understand or deal with that myself." he said. "That's okay. I eventually figured that out on my own." I smiled. "I'm really sorry, Bro. I must have made your life really miserable at times, being in love with somebody as fucked up in the head as I was." Darren said, hanging his head. "Darren, if there is one thing I've learned in life is that there is always misery. The only cure for it is love. You've given me that - and more! After all, not only do I have you, now but a part of you to raise as well. I'd say I got the better end of the deal. My misery was a lot less than yours." "Let's forget about misery. Let's go back to bed and fuck." Darren said, smiling shyly at me. "That's the best idea I've heard yet!" I laughed as we traipsed on back to the bedroom where we spent most of the rest of the day. We did move to California and I did stay in the Corps, finally retiring as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. Darren set up his own business and we bought a house in San Diego. We raised Brian together who turned into quite the athlete, just like his father. And was he straight? Well...that's another story... THE END OF MARINE RETURN If you liked the story, please write me at I have over 70 stories on the Nifty website. If you'd like a complete listing of them, write me and I'll be glad to send it to you. I NO LONGER HAVE A NOTIFY LIST!!! Instead, there is now a Yahoo Group that you can join where you will find links to all of my stories and the illustrations to BUDDY SYSTEM and to DANGEROUS MARINE. I will ONLY Notify people who are members of the group about my new stories. To join the group, go to: I also have a "blog" called THE PIG TROUGH where I do more serious writing about life and everything in it. You can reach it at As always, I ask if you liked the story to make a contribution to Nifty to keep the site running and free! Thank you. RimPig