Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 18:50:33 -0800 (PST) From: Jon D Subject: Mirror, Mirror - 2 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and as such is a product of my imagination. It will include fictitious descriptions of sexual situations between teen age brothers and their friends. No real boy's were involved. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. If material of this kind offends you or you are not age eighteen or older, then please stop reading this and find some other site. All others enjoy! You are welcome to send comments or story ideas to Mirror, Mirror Chapter 2 Brothers It was the same thing every morning. Cameron put a dab of toothpaste on the end of his brush, ran some water over it, and then got started. When he finished with that he'd decide if he was going to take a shower. Sometimes he did and sometimes he didn't. It all depended on whether or not he had gym that day. "Why shower twice?" he reasoned. The tile floor was chilly. Cameron wished his mom would put a rug down or something. Then again, she probably thought it would be easier to clean up after two teen boys if she kept things simple. He'd already taken a pee so he all he had left to do was his hair. "Sup," Bryce mumbled walking in and heading straight for the toilet. Cameron saw that his brother was already digging into his underwear for his thing. Seconds later he was peeing. The twins were used to seeing each other naked. Heck, they'd been doing it their whole life. Once you realized your brother's body was exactly like yours there wasn't much to be curious about. "Think I'm gonna shower," Bryce announced as he flushed and stepped back. "We've got gym today," Cameron reminded him. "Yeah, well I feel kind of nasty." Bryce reached back and scratched his ass. "Well, don't be late or mom will have a shit fit." Cameron finished up by running a brush through his hair. Bryce pulled down his boxers and stepped out of them. He opened the shower door, turned on the water, and reached in with his hand to check the temperature. With Bryce concentrating on getting his shower ready, Cameron had a few seconds to get a look at his brother's ass. Both boys were slim but not skin and bones thin. They were both just starting a growth spurt. Cameron decided that Bryce's rear end was perfectly shaped. There was still a faint line between what had been his summer tan and his pink ass. Bryce suddenly turned back. "You done?" "Yeah," Cameron said softly. He put his stuff away and tossed his towel into the clothes basket. "See ya in a few minutes," Bryce said and pulled the shower door closed. * * * * Sox was pacing back and forth in front of the door leading to the garage. "Bet you want to go out." Cameron chuckled. The kitten looked up. "Nah, mom doesn't want you wandering off." Cameron carefully opened the door a crack, gently eased Sox back with his foot and then headed for the car. Neither of the boys said much on the ride to school. Some days were like that. "Okay, I'll be here at three forty-five. Don't be late." Mrs. Andrews announced as the boys tumbled out. They knew that she had one more stop to make. Their sister Abbie still needed to be taken to the elementary school. The school bell rang as the boys got to their lockers. They'd made it just in time. They had ten minutes to get their books and get to class. * * * * The morning went well. Just after lunch the twins had Physical Education. "Cam, I really need your help," Bryce said softly as he tugged at his shoe laces and started to get undressed. He looked around the locker room to make sure no one could hear them. Cameron's six sense kicked in. His brother only called him `Cam' when he was up to something. "What?" Cameron said warily as he tossed his books in the top of his locker. He gave Bryce a quick look before pulling his shirt over his head. "Jimmy Stanford just told me Mr. Fleming dropped a pop quiz on them today." The boys shared World History but had different teachers for American History. "So?" Cameron unbuckled his belt and then sat down to take off his shoes. "So, I was thinking that this would be a great time to switch places like we used to do when we were little." Cameron gave his brother a suspicious look. "What do you mean?" "I go to your cooking class and you go to my history class." "And take the quiz for you.." Cameron didn't like the sound of this at all. "Yeah, it'd be easy." Bryce whispered. "When we come back after basketball, we shower, and then just put on each other's clothes." "What about my scar numb nuts," Cameron was now down to his tighty whities and was reaching for his jock. "Here," Bryce smiled and handed over a tiny tube. "What's this?" "Caitlyn gave it to me. It's some make-up stuff she uses when she needs to cover up a zit." "You're kidding, right?" "Nah, you do this for me and I'll do something for you. Just name it." "There's nothing I want." Cameron pulled down his underwear and stepped into his jock. "How about twenty bucks?" Bryce said with a raise of an eyebrow. Cameron paused. "Come on, just wear my clothes, take the quiz, and then we change back. No big deal!" Cameron knew he was being played. "But, I could use twenty bucks," he thought to himself. He reached for his T-Shirt and pulled it on. "Please?" Bryce whined putting his hands together like he was praying. Cameron sat back down on the bench and reached for his sneakers. "What's the quiz on?" he sighed. "George Washington stuff," Bryce grinned. "I want the money as soon as we get home." * * * * Cameron scanned the pop quiz and knew he'd ace it. "Too damn easy," he thought to himself and started filling in the answers. Mr. Fleming was at his desk keeping an eye on the class, but hadn't given Cameron a second look when he'd taken Bryce's usual spot. Finishing in no time, Cameron was surprised to see he was in fact the first one done. He looked around the room and saw the other kids still busy with their papers. Mr. Fleming gave him a curious look but then went back to reading. Ten minutes later Mr. Fleming walked up and down the aisles picking up the quiz papers. He picked up Cameron's gave it a quick read and then went on down the line. Class ended and Mr. Fleming stood at the door as everyone filed past. "Mr. Andrews!" he said firmly as Cameron started to squeeze past. "A word!" Cameron looked up. "Yes sir." "I was just curious. I wonder how it is that last week when I asked you to name the turning point of the Revolutionary War you said `the Battle of Gettysburg.' And today on your quiz you got a perfect score?" Cameron couldn't believe his brother was so stupid to have mixed up the Revolutionary War with the Civil War. "Well, uh, my brother Cameron helped me study." Mr. Fleming looked skeptical. Cameron felt his stomach grow uneasy. "May I go now?" Cameron whimpered. Mr. Fleming was about speak when he reached up with his thumb and lightly rubbed a spot above Cameron's eye. "Looks like you have a bit of dirt here." Cameron's heart sank. He just knew he was busted. Mr. Fleming looked at the make-up on his thumb. "I think it's time for a walk down to Principal Walker's office." * * * * Cameron saw his mom coming down the hall and bumped Bryce with his elbow to warn him. "What's this all about?" she asked as she walked through the door. Both boys looked up from where they sat next to one another on an old wooden bench. "And why are you wearing each other's clothes?" "Well, that's the problem," the Principal sighed. The boys squirmed as Mr. Walker told their mom the whole story. Every once and a while she'd look back at them. She was sitting near the desk and they were still on the bench by the door. "I'm sure their father will have something to say about this," their mom said and gave them a penetrating stare. Mr. Walker had just announced that the guys had earned themselves a two day suspension. Bryce had also been told he'd get a failing grade in American History for the first quarter. Their mom had then turned back to Mr. Walker. "We're so fucked," Cameron whispered. He hadn't meant to say it. Well, maybe he did, but he sure didn't intend for his mom to hear it. "Oh, shit!" Bryce whispered when he saw the look on his mom's face; it would have struck fear in anyone, it was right out of a horror movie. Cameron closed his eyes. He couldn't think how the day could get any worse. * * * * Cameron knew his face had to be turning red. He could feel the heat building and it didn't quit. His mom was pulling him down the hall by his collar and dozens of kids were laughing. It'd be all over school in no time. Bryce wasn't in any better shape. He was in front of her but every time they'd get near another kid she'd give him a nudge that made clear she was in charge and he was in trouble. As Mrs. Andrews took her two fourteen year old boys in tow, they both protested that `kids in high school shouldn't be embarrassed like this.' It didn't make any difference. Seat belted in the back of the SUV. Cameron remembered a picture from his world history text of an ox cart filled with straw being led toward the town square. Tied to a post in the wagon was felon. A guy with an ax stood next to a wooden block. He felt exactly like that. He turned to Bryce. Bryce gave him a look back that basically said "Nice knowing `ya!" * * * * The boys had to wait three hours to find out their fate. Their dad didn't get home right away, so they had to sit in their rooms wondering. When he'd finally gotten home and their mom had told him the story, he'd laughed. When he did, Cameron had hope things would work out. Then, their mother had fired a stern look at their dad, and he knew she was taking this way more seriously than he. "Go get all the game stuff, the TV, and anything else electronic," their dad had told them. "Now up to the attic with it," he'd finished after the boys had hauled everything up from the basement. Seeing their dad lock the door to the attic was the worst. Cameron wondered if they'd ever see their stuff again. There wasn't any question that the boys would be grounded. The only thing left was what else would happen? "Since you're suspended from school you'll have plenty of times for chores. I want you up and out of bed at the usual time tomorrow, no sleeping in," their dad continued. "Take everything out of the garage, sweep it clean and then put everything back in again, neat and orderly!" "Yes sir," the boys said softly. "The day after that you'll spend at Nana's house cleaning her basement." The boys nodded. * * * * The boys hadn't had much time to talk about the days events. Right after supper they had been sent to their rooms and told to study. Their dad checked on them several hours later and then it was time for bed. Bryce lay on his back in the dark staring up at the ceiling. He thought about the porn magazine he'd hidden there, but he wasn't in the mood. In fact he doubted he'd even be able to get it up if he was in the mood. Too much had happened that day. After maybe an hour he quietly slipped out of bed. Very carefully he listened for any hint that his mom or dad was around. Confident he wouldn't be caught he tip toed over to his brother's room. The door was unlocked and he stepped inside. "Hey," Bryce whispered his voice tentative. He wasn't sure what to expect from Cameron after getting him into trouble. "Hey," Cameron said softly. Bryce walked over and sat down on Cameron's bed. "I guess we fucked up." Cameron took in a deep breath, but didn't say a word. "Isn't the first time," he finally said a moment later. "Sorry," Bryce whispered and gave Cameron a sad look. Cameron gave a little nod. "I can't believe I said `fuck'" Cameron snickered, "I thought mom was gonna explode," he laughed softly. Bryce broke into a grin. "Did you see her face when I said `Oh shit?'" Cameron laughed again. Bryce was glad that Cameron was okay. Now maybe he could get some sleep. * * * * Two weeks had gone by and things had pretty much returned to normal. It was at supper on a Thursday night that the boys got the news. "But Mom?" Bryce whined. "Don't `but mom' me, Mrs. Andrews said softly but firmly. You're going and that's that!" Bryce sank lower in his chair in frustration. "Church Camp?" he moaned. "Just for the weekend, but it's time. You're old enough now." Bryce couldn't believe how embarrassing this was going to be. `True Love Can Wait' was the theme and it was meant to convince kids to not have sex until they were married. Bryce looked over at Cameron. He seemed to be enjoying this. "And you're going too," their mom turned to Cameron. Bryce smiled when he saw the look on his brother's face. Cameron looked as if he was about to blame Bryce for all this. After all, Bryce was the one with a girlfriend. But, Cameron didn't say anything. * * * * The twins were surprised to find that the camp wasn't all that bad. They'd arrived Friday early evening, were assigned to cabins, and then played softball until it got dark. Then they sat around a campfire while their preacher prattled on about God's plan which always included marriage, faithfulness, and purity. He seemed to really stress the purity thing Bryce noticed. Bryce was glad when the lecture finally ended an hour later. He wasn't the only kid who's ears were turning pink. The following day they went hiking, played some more softball, and a few brave ones took a quick swim. The water was cold and they didn't stay in long. That night there was a movie with popcorn and soda. But, the preacher got his two cents worth in again before bedtime. He wanted the boys to think about making a purity pledge and saving themselves for marriage. "That doesn't sound like much fun," Bryce had thought as he looked around the room. Of the twenty or so kids that were at camp, only a hand full seemed enthusiastic about the idea. Bryce noted, they were all in his cabin. * * * * Bryce settled into his bunk and looked around. "Yup," he thought, "just my luck. I ended up with all the holier than thou's." The cabin was built of knotty pine and was large enough to hold six rickety bunk beds. The steel frames creaked when a kid climbed in, and the mattress squeaked whenever he moved around. "So much for jacking off," Bryce thought to himself. There was a bathroom at the far end with three sinks, two urinals and toilets. The showers were in another building. All the cabins shared them. The kid in the bunk under his looked up. "Wow, Rev. Clark really gave a good talk tonight, huh?" the kid was dropping his pants. "I guess." Bryce couldn't believe the other kid was buying all this stuff. "Did you pray?" the kid chirped, a wide smile on his face. "My mom says that praying every night before bed helps keep your thoughts pure." Bryce rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I prayed." I prayed to get me the fuck out of here, he thought as he rolled over and reached into his underpants. * * * * Cameron was in the second cabin. Suddenly he found himself awake. He reached under his pillow for his watch. It was two in the morning. He listened and a minute or so later he heard the creak of the cabin door being opened. "Where's he going?" Cameron thought as he watched the preacher's fifteen year old son Mark sneak outside. Cameron slid down from his upper bunk, pulled on his jeans, and then quickly put on his shoes. He hurried after the kid. There was some movement and Cameron was just able to catch a glimpse of the kid. He picked his way silently through the trees keeping a sharp eye on the boy. He thought he'd lost him for a moment when suddenly he seemed to disappear. As Cameron got closer he saw that Mark had ducked down. Cameron hid behind a tree and took a look. There stood another one of his cabin-mates, Steven Spelling, fumbling with the top button on his jeans. Cameron looked wide eyed as the preacher's kid got down on his knees and started helping Steve with his pants. "Ever done this before?" Mark whispered as he pulled down the kid's zipper. "No," the kid said with a touch of worry. "You sure we won't get caught?" Mark was now tugging the younger kid's pants down. "Positive," he chuckled. Cameron couldn't believe what he saw next. Mark put his fingers inside the waistband of the teen's underwear and slid them down. "Oh, fuuuuck," Cameron said under his breath. Steven was hard, and his cock was standing tall. "You're gonna like this," Mark smiled as he wrapped his hand around the boy's dick and gave it a few strokes. Cameron felt his own cock stir. "Christ, he's gonna give him a blow job!" he whispered. Cameron instantly regretted what he'd said; he really shouldn't have said something like that at church camp. Mark stuck out his tongue and gave Steven's dick a long slow lick. Then he stroked him again and then licked just the knob. "Oh," the boy grunted and reached for Mark's head. Mark looked up with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth wider and pursed his lips. Steven didn't need any more invitation than that. He pushed his dick forward. "Yeah," he said softly as the head disappeared inside Mark's mouth. "Suck it." Cameron's cock was now straining to get out. He very slowly and quietly unzipped and pushed his pants and underwear down over his ass. He gave himself a couple of strokes and then went back to watching the other boys. Mark skillfully took Steven's six inch's into his mouth and gently played with the kid's nuts. Steven didn't need any lessons in what to do. Maybe he hadn't done this before, but let a teen boy put his dick in a warm hole and he'll figure things out. Cameron stroked a little faster as Mark worked Steven up to the point he was grunting and moaning at almost every lick. Cameron was really beating it now. He never thought he'd see anything like this until he was much older. But, here he was watching the preacher's kid giving a choir boy head. "That's so fucking hot!" he thought as Steven pumped Mark's mouth. Grunts, groans, and an occasional sucking sound carried through the air. Cameron felt the tingle. He was getting closer. "I'm gonna cum!" Steven grunted, "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Instead of pulling back as Cameron expected. Mark stroked a little faster and seemed to suck harder. "Shit he's gonna eat it," Cameron realized just a few seconds before it happened. Steven groaned, pulled Mark closer and held him tight against his crotch. Cameron watched as Mark seemed to swallow once, then twice, and then eased back to stroke Steven a few more times. The younger boy's eyes were closed as his legs trembled. Mark leaned in again and licked the thing one more time. Cameron had gone over the top the second he saw Mark swallowing. Four hard pulses and Cameron emptied his nuts. Some of the stuff landed on the tree and the rest dribbled onto the ground. Panting, Cameron tried to stay as quiet as possible. Steven finished up and with an embarrassed look tucked his dick back into his pants. Then he zipped up. Mark smiled and got to his feet. "Nice, huh?" Steven nodded, apparently unsure of what to say. Mark was already busy unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his zipper down. "You don't have to suck it," he said as he pulled it out. "Just jerk me off, okay?" Steven reached out and took hold. Mark smiled. Cameron continued to watch and played with himself until the very end. When he was close, Mark had stepped back and taken over. There were three gigantic spurts followed by a couple of smaller ones. Mark's cum sprinkled the ground until the end, then the last of it messed his hand. "Nice," Cameron thought as Mark tucked himself back in. * * * * "Mom wants to buy us promise rings," Cameron snickered as he sat on the floor in Bryce's room that Sunday night. Bryce was crossed legged next to him. They were playing a card game. "I can't fucking believe that she sent us there." Bryce tossed a card down on the stack and took a new one. "Like, we'd really make a promise like that!" Cameron chuckled. "Mom thinks you're horny for Caitlyn and she wants you to slow down." "Well, she does have a cute butt," Bryce smiled. "Just remember, love can wait," Cameron teased. Bryce flipped his brother his middle finger. It was quiet for a couple of minutes. Cameron thought back to what he'd seen in the woods. He knew he had to tell Bryce, but he wasn't exactly sure how to start. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah." "You've been on the internet right? Seen pictures of guys getting blow jobs?" Bryce seemed to be wondering where this was going. "Yeah, I've seen stuff like that." "Well, you'll never believe what I saw at camp." Cameron went on to tell his brother what he'd seen. In fact, Cameron told him every juicy detail. "You're full of shit," Bryce had said several times, not quite believing what he was hearing. As Cameron went further and further into the details, Bryce grew quiet. Out of the corner of his eye, Cameron spotted Bryce's hand settling between his legs. As Cameron answered question after question, Bryce squirmed a little more. Soon he'd put his hand down the front of his sleepers. Cameron looked down and stared. Bryce continued to slowly stroke himself. The boy's looked at one another in a way they'd never done before. Cameron's dick stirred and then he felt it swell. "You getting hard?" Bryce whispered. "Yeah," Cameron whispered back. "I really need to jack off," Bryce said, his voice throaty. "Me too," Cameron grunted. The two looked at one another for another minute. "I've never seen you do it," Cameron bit his lower lip. He hoped that would be enough of a hint that his brother would know what he was thinking. "I never saw you either." The way that Bryce said that, was full of meaning. Cameron felt the twin thing kick in. Cameron just knew what was going to happen next. With a tentative look at his brother, Bryce got on his knees and pushed his sleepers down. His cock was standing up and the head already had a tiny drop of clear stuff oozing from the slit. He sat back and stroked himself. "Want to do it together?" Cameron's heart raced. He really wanted to, but didn't want to seem too eager. "Do you?" Bryce hesitated but then whispered, "Yeah." Looking down at Bryce's cock, Cameron saw that his brother was taking things easy. The strokes were unhurried and deliberate. He wasn't in any rush. Cameron looked at the soft curls of black hair nestled around the base and then studied the shaft itself. "Identical twins," he thought as Bryce continued. His cock looked just like his brother's. Surprisingly, Bryce didn't seem to mind that Cameron was watching him masturbate. In fact he paused for a second to give him a better look. Cameron found he couldn't take his eyes off his brother's dick. He slowly got to his knees in the same way Bryce had, and pushed his pants down. He felt the air on his bare ass. He reached down and gave himself a tug. As he moved his hand up and down a few times Cameron looked up. He stared deeply into his brother's eyes; those blue, blue, eyes that seemed to pull him in. They were connecting in a way they sometimes did, but this time Cameron was starting to feel things he'd never felt before. The boys didn't say a word. They just sat there tugging on their dicks. Cameron was fascinated with the way his brother twisted his hand and rubbed his palm over the head of his cock. Cameron tried doing it that way and liked it. "Mark sucked him?" Bryce asked a few minutes later. He already knew the answer. Cameron thought maybe his brother just wanted to hear the story again. "Yeah, Steven put his whole dick in there." Bryce seemed to take in a breath. "Did he shoot?" Bryce's voice cracked. Cameron nodded, `yes.' They both stroked a little faster. "Yeah, and Mark swallowed it." Bryce grunted and tugged a little harder. The scene was getting hot. They were both groaning and their breathing was becoming more labored. Cameron tried to match Bryce stroke for stroke. He imitated everything that his brother did. "What happened next?" Bryce's hand was going faster. "Then he fucking sucked him some more!" Cameron whispered in a way he knew would really turn his brother on. Bryce moaned. Cameron felt the urge building. He was getting close. "You gonna cum?" he grunted. Bryce's eyes fluttered. "Yeah," he groaned. "Fucking shoot it," Cameron whimpered and closed his eyes. Both boys were now there, and cum started to fly. Most landed on their own stomachs but some sprayed into the air and landed on the other brother. Cameron thought he'd never cum so much in his whole life. He was a mess. "Oh God," Bryce whimpered as he frantically jerked and tried to get a few last drops out. As for Cameron, he knew he was totally empty but tried just the same. A few more strokes by each boy and finally it was over. The twins stared at one another as their breathing slowed. There they sat with their pants down, hands on their cocks, and cum sliding down their chests. A long silence followed. "What the fuck just happened?" Bryce asked softly. He seemed uncertain. Cameron had been wondering the same thing. He wondered what Bryce was thinking; after all he did have a girlfriend. What he hoped was that his brother had liked it. From the look on his face Cameron couldn't tell for sure. "You okay?" he whispered. Bryce thought for a moment and then smiled. * * * * I love to hear from readers. Write me at A special thanks to Jon B. who contributed a number of excellent ideas to this chapter and to Andrew for his magical touch as editor. Jon