"Molested" by My Nephews

Chapter Nine: An Ending or a Beginning?

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A Note to the Reader

Hello Dear Reader,

I want to preface the publication of this story with a quick note. If you are just finding this, and haven't read Molested by My Baby Brother, I recommend starting there. This is the second novel in a series (of how many I am not sure), and a great deal of the story is missing if you do not begin with the first novel.

Sorry to pull that cliffhanger on you guys :-) I HATE those ;-P but, it was already a long chapter, and had I not split them, it would have been waaaay too big. :-) So, it got split. :-) This chapter was actually meant to be chapter 8, but, suddenly a new chapter 8 came to life and this chapter found its rightful place :-). I dare mention that ... well, probably half of the next chapter is complete. It is presently too short, but as I have listened to it, and put chapters 8 and 9 in place, it will make a stunning chapter 10, I believe. Oh, and, there is eroticism, teasing, sexual tension and a little outright sexual behavior in this chapter. :-)

I want to thank so many of you that reached out to me and said such wonderful, amazing things. I truly did not anticipation of such incredible things being said. Wow. I mean, you guys really made me feel incredible, and I hope that I can continue to do the same for you. Knowing your reactions to what I wrote, well, I've always been someone that enjoys causing others to feel pleasure, so, I can tell you that some of the things you said to me were... man lol freaking incredible. lol. Thank you for that. Sincerely.

Should you like to contact me, please feel free to do so at (b0yl0v3rn4) (at) (tutanota) (dot) (com) or (b0yl0v3rn4) (at) (protonmail) (dot) (com) with full, end-to-end encryption when you send the email from the same email service provider (proton to proton or tutanota to tutanota). Get your free account at either provider!



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Chapter Nine: An Ending or a Beginning?

Cody headed to the front door and answered it. He invited the judge in and Randy grabbed his arm and made a beeline for the kitchen, dragging Cody behind him. He looked pretty upset.

“Teddy, Cody, I owe you a massive apology. Please, don’t blame the boys. It’s not their fault. It’s mine. It’s all mine. And I’m so sorry, Teddy. I know it’s none of my business, and I swear there are no nefarious intentions. Mostly, it was for the boys, but it was also for me. It can be so lonely, so hard not having anyone to talk to… And it’s not like it’s easy to just ask someone about it. I mean, I’d never tell the truth about it if someone ambushed me. God, Teddy, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. And please, don’t take it out on the boys.”

Teddy looked up. Behind the judge there were four boys sheepishly peering around the corner from the hall.

“Alright you four, come in and sit down.”

Randy looked a bit shocked.

“I’m guessing someone gave you a heads up?”

“Uh, yeah, I told the boys to text me through the encrypted app that we use to let me know if anything happened. They texted me before you called.”

Teddy was pretty pissed off. He did not appreciate being played, regardless of the reason.

“I really am sorry Teddy. The boys asked me yesterday if they had permission to do anything else. I figured as open-minded as you guys have been, and the way Joshy and Scotty look at each other, and the way that you and Cody look at each other, and well, quite honestly the way the boys look at you and hold onto you… Well, I figured you guys were all lovers. The boys have had a crush on Joshy and Scotty because they are so kind and loving to them and they’re really cute. And, you are just so nice, and the boys think you’re sexy, and I’m sure because of, um, your size.”

The judge blushed as did Jeremy and Nicky, and Teddy and Cody, Joshy, and Scotty.

“And, um, you guys have been so loving and caring to them, and made them feel as though they are part of your family, and, well, Teddy, they were begging to get into your pants. I didn’t think you’d give them permission to suck you off no matter what, so I told them they could try it if they felt like there was an opportunity, and that if anything went wrong, to let me know right away. You know, sometimes it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission? Everything on the table Teddy. I love my boys with every ounce of my being. They are my entire world. So much so that I, well, Jesus this is hard, um, admitting this could destroy our lives, but, well, this is my own doing, so… Teddy, Cody, I’m a boy lover. A pedophile. I’m gay, but got married and had a family to keep that from getting out. But, ah, I’ve been attracted to boys since I was one myself, though, after I turned eighteen, I have been very careful not to cross any lines. But, um, I do make love with my boys, and only my boys. It was a miserable existence until they came into my life, and then it was like the world changed from black and white to brilliant technicolor. Our relationship was always intimate, but as they got curious, I allowed whatever curiosity they had, and loving them has made my life complete. They are absolutely the loves of my life.”

It was all a bit much for the judge and he began to choke up. All four boys were up out of their chairs and hugging the judge before anyone knew what was happening. Randy was losing his composure, starting to cry, when the boys tackled him, and then he was half-laughing and half-crying. Teddy and Cody both walked over to the judge and embraced him with big hugs.

“I’m sorry, Randy,” Teddy’s disposition softened a little.

“Daddy,” it was Joshy.

Teddy looked down at his eldest, who immediately started making faces and mouthing a million miles a minute. Teddy simply mouthed “NO,” his eyes widening, and Joshy, now clearly pouting, stopped acting like an Animaniac.

“No, Teddy, you have nothing to apologize for. I have behaved despicably, and I’ve encouraged my boys to misbehave as well.”

“Oh, c’mon Randy. There’s no harm done. Boys will be boys. We all know that. At least they weren’t in the alcohol or burning the house down.”

Teddy laughed. This really was all a bit too much, too fast for him. He was getting whiplash, and he was really wondering if his judgement was what it should be. He was actually considering letting the judge off the hook.

“Judge,” Teddy started.

“Teddy, please, call me Randy.”

Teddy looked at Cody, hoping to get some visual guidance from his little brother, the one that knew the judge better. Cody just shrugged his shoulders.

“Boys, would you please run and play in Joshy’s and Scotty’s room for a little bit?”

“Sure/suwah Daddy!”

There went the chorus and it literally made Teddy’s heart sing. Joshy gently took Jeremy’s hand and gave him a look of reassurance as he carefully pulled him up, and Scotty took hold of Nicky’s hand and did the same. Teddy’s boys gently dragged the judge’s boys back to their room, smiling and whispering. Teddy could tell his sons were putting their guests at ease. He was so very proud of his boys in that moment. When the boys were clear of the room, Teddy took Randy by the hand and led him over to the couch. He also motioned for Cody to come over, since he was intimately involved in this situation now as well, considering that his cock had been in the mouth of the judge’s youngest boy. Teddy sat down to one side, pulling Randy onto the center of the couch, as Cody sat down on Randy’s other side. Teddy held onto Randy’s hand. He wanted to reassure Randy as he spoke.

“Judge, uh, Randy. Listen. This is all, um, incredibly overwhelming for me, and, um, I’m afraid I have to, um, well, I want to tell you… I, um, I’m very new to this,” he looked at Cody and his little brother nodded, “as is Cody. It’s been um, two weeks for me and barely a week for my brother. So, um, having the boys, um, help themselves, ah, and to, um, have to confront you about this, well, um, this is not easy. My boys have been in love, uh, well, Joshy has loved Scotty all of his life. I don’t know exactly when things turned sexual between them, though I know it’s been going on for a while now. But it was literally two weekends ago when they pulled me into their relationship. They love me, and I love them more than life itself. Honestly, I think Joshy was able to overcome his fear of rejection and consequences, because he felt I needed a swift kick in the ass to pull me out of the funk I was in after we lost Cassie. There’s a lot of history to unpack and it’s not necessary to go into all of that now. Suffice it to say, you are correct. I love my boys more than anything and I do share my physical love with them as well, as does Cody. There is still a lot to figure out, and we’re taking things one day at a time, but I certainly won’t shut you out Randy. As much as I disapprove of the subterfuge, I do understand. I trust that we can be assured of your discretion, just as we will both assure you of our discretion.”

Tears were rolling down Randy’s cheeks. Cody put a hand on his arm.

“Oh my god! Teddy, I’m so sorry! Had I only known…”

Teddy smiled and squeezed the judge’s hand.

“How could you possibly, Randy? Like you said, it’s not like you can just ask about something like this. Don’t worry about it, really. Quite frankly, I’m just relieved it was all on the up and up and not some kind of setup to blackmail us or something like that. Clearly, we’ve both got a couple of precious little horndogs. And, with society being what it is, I’m sure it will be good for the boys to have someone their own age to talk to about this stuff safely. And based on my experience the last two weeks, I’m sure it can be quite lonely for us adults too. We, um, intergenerational relationships have run in our family a bit, but, um, well, anyway, Cody and I changed the modus operandi of that in our family. I was alone in this for just a week, and I was incredibly paranoid and scared. And then, I dealt with the fallout of my boys seducing my brother – something which they did with my blessing as well. Which, by the way, didn’t go nearly as smoothly as your boys seducing us.”

Cody choked.

“That’s putting it lightly.”

“That’s enough outta you, Little Brother.”

Teddy’s comment was wry and came with an annoyed face, and the three men laughed.

“Anyway, Randy. Again, no harm done. Though I think it would be very appropriate for us to just sit down with our boys and kind-of go over things again. Things like when and where they can talk about things, and we definitely need some reinforcement about appropriate behavior, and communication.” Teddy chuckled. “I’d also like to just go over some medical information with you. With everything going on in the world today, and I mean absolutely no offense by any of this, I’m a stickler for sexual history and STD testing before anyone has sexual contact with my boys. I know they’ve already had oral sex, and I know that testing kids for STDs can be touchy – one of the reasons that I hadn’t really even considered my boys having sexual contact outside of the family yet. But if we can work it out, we can all be tested, and then as long as we all keep in close contact, I would be comfortable with our boys playing with each other. And, if they want to share their love with you at some point, that would be fine with me too. We would also have to agree that there be no sexual contact outside the group unless there is prior group discussion and agreement, as well as a full battery of STD testing and review of the sexual activity of the new person. I will take no risks with the health and safety of my boys. I’m sure you feel the same way about yours. I think it’s important to say that I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to leave anything unsaid. I just want to be completely straightforward and up front with you. And I say this without accusation or malice or judgement, but I will not pimp my boys out under any circumstances. I would never expect you to think that I would, and I don’t think that you would ask me to do it, nor do I think that you would do it yourself. I will not ask my boys to have sex with an adult in any way shape or form for any reason. If they want to, they may ask me, which is an absolute condition by-the-way, if they are interested in sharing their love, especially with an adult, but even if it is a friend their own age, they absolutely must speak with me about it first. And, until they’re older, I will make always that final decision, and I can promise you, that should my trust be violated, the consequences will be unspeakable. I don’t mean to make threats, and I don’t think that you are a typical abuser, nor do I think that you would allow anyone to touch my boys without my permission. Actually, I think you’re a lot like us or we wouldn’t even be having any of these conversations. But I will tell you, if anyone hurts my boys, judge, I will kill them – and those are words you may live by. It’s not just my boys either. I will protect all children with the fury of the gods. Cassie and I both believed that children should be able to explore and experience life and be curious safely, and as they feel comfortable to do so, and that they must be protected as they do.”

“I knew I was gonna like you, Teddy.”

The judge put his other hand on top of Teddy’s hand, and shook Teddy’s hand vigorously.

“I feel the same way about my boys. And just to ease your mind, I’ve been tested for months now because my wife cheated on me. I needed to be sure that I was free of STDs after that. I’ve been tested every three months for about three years now. So, you may be certain that my boys don’t have any STDs. Your boys are actually the first they’ve fooled around with, and they’ve not made love with anyone other than each other and me – well, the two of you – I told them they could suck you guys off. They learned from your boys that you had spoken to them about STDs, so I was fairly certain that you were also free of STDs. Again, I am truly sorry for the deception. You have my complete trust, Teddy, as does Cody. The boys have permission to do anything they want to do, as long as they ask and you consent.”

“Well, um, thank you Randy. I don’t know if that will happen any time soon. I am not interested in having sex with boys solely for the sake of having sex with boys. If I come to love a child in that way, and they want to experience physical love with me, then I will share my love with them sexually, but I will not do so on a whim, and I will not allow a child to throw himself at me on a crush.”

“Oh, no, I get it Teddy. Really. I’m just saying that, in the event that the boys wish to engage, should you also wish to, you have my permission.”

Teddy wasn’t sure why, but he felt a bit dirty. He heard the judge’s words, but he felt as though the boys were being offered to him and it made him nauseas.

“Um, ok, cool, thanks. Uh, listen, I’m sorry, this is really just moving a bit fast for me. I intend no offense. Please just give me some time. If things develop organically, that’s fine.”

“Oh, that’s all I’m saying Teddy. Truly. I just want you to know that I trust you and I appreciate you and your morals. You are an incredible person, an incredible man. You see? I offer simple permission to engage with my sons at some point should you and they wish, and you put up walls and insist that it can’t happen. You protect them and you hardly know them. Thank you, Teddy, for being the greatest man I’ve ever met. You and Cody, and both of your sons are amazing, incredible people and I am so thankful to be getting to know you better.

“Um, thanks, Judge.”

Cody finally chined in. Because they had been largely talking about the boys, he had let Teddy take the lead, but he was feeling Teddy’s fatigue with the conversation and so he continued.

“I think Teddy is getting a bit stressed, Randy. Thank you for filling us in on everything. We appreciate your trust in us, and you may rest assured we will take care of your boys just like we do our own. Honestly, though, henceforth, it would be better if we could all be straight-forward and honest. I think we know enough about each other at this point to eliminate the pretense and the hesitancy. Let’s please agree to be open and honest with each other and our boys about everything that has to do with our relationships. I think it will make things much less complicated.”

Teddy took a deep breath and paused, then finally spoke.

“And honestly guys,” he exhaled forcefully, “I need less complication, please. This has been pretty stressful, just opening up to this, and then suddenly having everything kind-of blown wide open… I must admit, I’m pretty frazzled.”

“I’m so sorry, Teddy, I feel really bad about letting the boys do all of this now.”

“Nah, c’mon Randy. It’s not a big deal, really, let’s just try to keep things on the up-and-up between us now. I can’t take many more of these revelations at the moment.”

The three men chuckled nervously and agreed that going forward they would be open and honest with each other, then they rose and headed for the kitchen to get breakfast finished up. They needed to continue the conversation with the boys, but perhaps it would be better on a full stomach, so Teddy called the munchkins in for breakfast.

“Boys, who’s hungry for breakfast?!”

Before Teddy finished the last word, there was a small herd of boys stampeding from the living room. Teddy just laughed at the ravenous little beasts as they poured into the kitchen.

“Breakfast was almost ready when Randy got here, and now we can finish it up and all sit down and have breakfast together. Would you please get the table set, boys?”

Everyone began to mill around the kitchen: Teddy and Cody finishing up the breakfast foods; the boys clearing and setting the table and Randy moving the items ready to eat to the table. It didn’t take long and everyone was sitting down to the large breakfast. The heavy conversation over for the time being, everyone chatted about various things. Breakfast was delicious and everyone ate well. The boys then cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, putting things away and wiping all of the surfaces down while Teddy, Cody and Randy went back and sat on the couch together talking, morning cartoons on the TV in the background. The judge invited Teddy and Cody to the encrypted app that he and his boys used, and they created a family group with Teddy, Cody, Randy and all four boys. Teddy also created a home group with just Cody, him, and the boys; another with Randy, Cody, and himself in case they needed to discuss things without the boys; another for just him and Cody; and lastly, he created a group with all four boys that they could use to talk to each other. The boys had finished cleaning up in the kitchen and were sitting next to the men watching the cartoons as the men continued to talk. Finally, Teddy picked up the remote and turned the TV off. Everyone was snuggled up on the couch, the men comfortably covered by the very sweet and very cute boys. The men rehashed the standards and requirements to the boys and set the expectations for the relationship parameters. They discussed the necessity for the trickery, but also discussed that the boys were forbidden to engage in such trickery without the knowledge and authorization of the adults. There were hugs all around as well as apologies and forgiveness granted for the deception. Teddy also explained to the boys that, while they were very cute and very sweet boys, he did not expect them to “put out” so-to-speak. It was interesting defining that colloquialism, but once the boys understood, he made it clear that while he was not saying that it was permanently off limits, that he didn’t expect the boys to throw themselves at him or Cody, and if there were things that they were curious about, they were welcome to ask, but that the adults would be using their own judgement to determine when something like that was appropriate. The adults tried to help the young boys understand that sometimes children felt as though there was an expectation on them, particularly when it came to sex, and that the adults were especially sensitive to that, wanting to ensure that there were true feelings, and not a fleeting feeling, or a feeling that sex was something expected of them by the adults. Teddy probably explained it best.

“Boys, you are very smart, sweet, sexy, and very handsome boys. We just met you, and while we are both very fond of you already, our instinct, our feelings, are to protect you and keep you safe, not to have sex with you. In time, that may change. I can certainly see myself coming to care about you very deeply, to love you and want to share physical love with you, but I don’t want you boys to feel an infatuation with me because I was nice to you, and then have you feel as though you need to share your body with me. We can most certainly hug. I love hugs. And I think hugs are just wonderful. And I am happy to give you a kiss hello or goodbye or a kiss goodnight, and you may absolutely snuggle up with us on the couch and even sleep with us if you like. But, for the time being, I would like to be able to spend time with you and get to know you better, and perhaps at some point in the future, things may take a different direction, and if we both feel there is more between us, then we may share physical love with each other. Cody and I both promise you that if you want to talk about making love, we will discuss it with you, however, we would never want you boys to feel as though you owe us sex or are being used for sex. And so, we will be slower to have sex with you than you might want. We want you to know that we are not rejecting you, and we are not saying ‘no,’ we are just saying ‘not right now,’ because we want to be certain that if we do share a deeper connection and a more physical love with you, that it is something meaningful and special. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

“Yes, I do Teddy. I understand.”

“Yeah Teddy. I get it.”

“Thank you, boys. We really do care a great deal about you. Can I have a big hug?”

The boys both got up and threw their arms around Teddy, who squeezed the boys extra tight, making them squeak just a little. He loved squeaking boys when he hugged them. It tickled him to no end and often made him giggle. He certainly didn’t hurt them. Just a really nice, tight bear hug and made the boys feel really loved, and it also made them laugh. Finally, he gave each of them fast, sucking sounding kisses on their little necks, and then released the hug.

“I’m going to ask you to try to keep the sexual contact to a minimum for the time being. So, no more sucking dicks and hands need to be kept to themselves a little better. We’re not going to yell at you constantly if you forget, or even if it’s purposeful, because we don’t want you to feel as though you’re in trouble all the time. But you might get a talking to, if you get too handsy.”

Teddy smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek. He almost hated to say all of this. He would have absolutely loved to make love with the boys, but at this point, it would be more lust than love, and while lust was ok too, he was of the opinion that adults could and should, control their lust for children, and allow something deeper to develop, for the sake of the child. How many boys and girls crushed on someone they knew because they were so kind and gentle and loving? Well, pretty much all of them. And that crush either turned into something more, or dissipated. And that was what Teddy wanted to ensure, that it wasn’t a crush, rather it turned into something more if there was sexual contact.

“Why are you crying Teddy?” Nicky suddenly asked.

Teddy wiped his eye. He hadn’t realized the tear was falling.

“Well, it’s hard to explain, Nicky. I guess it’s because I just want to protect you boys and make sure that you’re safe and ok and that you don’t feel like one of us took advantage of you at some point. That is a terrible feeling, and I want to make sure that you never feel that way because of us.”


Nicky kind-of whimpered as tears started to roll down his cheeks. He lunged at Teddy again and threw his arms around him.

“We’re sorry, Teddy, we didn’t mean to make you cry!”

“Oh, Sweetheart, you didn’t make me cry.”

He hugged Nicky again, the floodgates open and tears flowed down both of their cheeks. As he released the boy from the tight hug, he kept his hands on the sweet little boy’s lissome hips.

“This is because of love, Sweetheart. But it’s a different kind of love. There are lots of different kinds of love. In the US, we have one word for love, but in some other cultures they have many words for love. For example, in Greece, they have eight different words for love, because they have identified eight different kinds of love. I’m getting teary because I’m feeling Storge and Agape love for both of you. Storge is love the parents feel for their kids and kids feel for their parents, and we already feel as though you are part of our family, and Agape is love that we all feel for each other, an unconditional, altruistic love. It’s the kind of love that would cause someone to jump into the street and yank someone that they didn’t know back from being hit by a car. There are other kinds of love that cause us to become playful and frisky and horny, making us want to make love. If things develop, that is something that we can discuss in the future.”

Teddy looked up at Randy, who immediately smiled and nodded, mouthing “Thank you Teddy.”

“Those types of love that make us want to have sex, often take more time to form, but as you well know, there are also physical and chemical attractants that make us want to have sex even though we might not be in love. Sometimes even adults feel as though they were used or taken advantage of after having sex with someone that they only just met, or aren’t really in love with. When those attractants make us want to have sex with someone even though we’re not in love with them, we call that lust. And there is nothing wrong with lust. It can be very exciting, and being in lust, being really… horny, can be really… well, fun, and it can also drive you crazy.”

Teddy laughed.

“Sorry Judge.”

He said it tongue-in-cheek mostly, wanting to pull Randy into that part of the conversation. Randy laughed.

“Please, we all know we have four horny little boys running around here.”

Everyone laughed this time.

“We know what it’s like being young boys, and especially as you get close to and enter puberty. Your bodies start to mature, start to get you ready to be able to have kids of your own. And part of that is being horny a lot!”

The youngest boys just exploded with cackles and giggles, while the older boys snickered, both turning rather red. The adults just outright laughed, each placing hands on the boys. The contact was not sexual, just reassuring, loving contact, even though in their, um, enhanced state, there was no doubt that the contact sent sparkling tingles through each of the boys’ little bodies.

“Do you feel that? Do you feel the tingles?” Teddy asked.

“Yeah,” the quartet sang out.

“That feeling is part of that lustful arousal. We’re talking about sex and love and you boys are charged up, and so the feeling of the skin-on-skin contact caused an explosion of sensation. You boys are very, very sweet, and incredibly cute. And, quite frankly, if I didn’t have the level of self-control that I have, if I couldn’t control myself, I would have fucked your cute little ass the moment you sucked my dick, maybe even sooner. Believe me. It teases us too, because even though we have those feelings of love and protection for you, we also experience that lust. Because there is nothing like making love to a beautiful, sweet boy that loves us back. There is nothing like causing a boy to feel things he’s never felt before and there’s nothing like giving that boy those feelings over and over again. Most of us feel very good when we are able to make someone else feel very good, and for those of us that are boy lovers, making a boy feel those special feelings is just incredible! But we’re going to control ourselves for now, though, we may give you a little tease every now and then as well, especially if you’re being naughty and your hands are somewhere they don’t belong.”

Teddy’s eyes twinkled and he laughed heartily. His hands quickly slipped around the boy’s beautiful little butt, and he gave the little munchkin several quick, gentle pinches on his little bum. He didn’t want to hurt him at all, rather to send more sensations through the little monkey. Nicky moaned and squealed almost simultaneously, and then squeaked out a high-pitched exclamation.


Everyone laughed, including Teddy, who then leaned in and gave Nicky lots of fast, sucking-sounding kisses on his beautiful little neck, his arms around the sweet little boy as he squirmed and wiggled and leaned back, squealing uncontrollably, and Teddy held onto him carefully, not letting him fall. After the sneak attack, Teddy lifted the little tyke back up and helped him stand.

“We want you both to know that we care for you and love you very much. And because of that, we will hold off on having sexual contact with you. Do you guys have any questions for us?”

“How long do we have to wait?” Jeremy asked.

“Oh, I knew that one was coming,” interjected Randy.

Teddy, Cody, and Randy all chuckled.

“There is no set time, Sweetheart. We’ll take it one day at a time, and when the time is right, we’ll let you know. Any other questions?”

There was quiet.

“So, then you really were actually horny and turned on and wanted to do stuff with us last night in the soaker tub?”

“You bet your sweet little ass I was., Jeremy, it was incredibly difficult for us to behave ourselves, because you are both very cute, sexy, and very sweet boys. And that trick you pulled… Jesus boy, you almost got fucked but good yanking those sweet little bum cheeks apart and shooting that beautiful little boy button at me.”

Teddy snickered.

“I damn near shoved my tongue so far up your ass I could taste your tonsils!”

Everyone laughed and Jeremy looked at his dad.


“I didn’t tell you about the bath, but you didn’t say anything.”

“Teddy called me last night after the bath and filled me in on everything.”

“You really did tell Daddy? And you didn’t wait until today like you said?”

“Yes, I really did tell Daddy last night. I figured the longer I waited to tell him the worse it would be, so I called him while you four were uh, eh-hem, rinsing off,” Teddy winked, grinning wickedly, “and filled him in on everything.”

Four boys turned red as beets, looking at each other and their fingers. Teddy wasn’t about to let them off the hook, because while he was fine with their experimentation and playing with each other, they had misbehaved, taking things too far in the tub with the adults, and Teddy wanted to let them squirm a bit.

“Oh. So, you know about the shower?”

“Yes,” Teddy smiled warmly, his eyes sending out soft messages of love, “And the orgasms in the soaker tub.”

Teddy paused for a moment, once again grinning, letting the boys squirm just a bit.

“I would have preferred that you wait until you were in the bath alone, however, I am very glad that you felt safe and comfortable enough to fool around with us in the room. I also appreciate the fact that when I asked you to behave, you did so the first time, and that while I was bathing you, you were doing your best to behave because you knew that I was uncomfortable with the situation because since are not my sons, and we haven’t known you that long. I know that you boys are very good boys as well. We all love you boys very much, and want you to grow up to be well-rounded adults, who are comfortable and well-adjusted, without the hang-ups that so many people have.”

Jeremy and Nicky smiled at the compliments and leaned into the man they were closest to at that moment. It was very cute.

“And, truth be told, we were awake this morning. But I don’t think either one of us expected anything like you boys trying to swallow our cocks, and drinking down the morning load of cum. While we weren’t really too keen on the handsy-ness either, it was my call not to admonish you for it this morning or last night. After the little chat we had, I figured I had basically given you permission to explore and that once your curiosity was satisfied, the novelty would wear off and you would keep your hands to yourselves again. Boy did I misjudge that one.”

Everyone laughed again.

“Thanks for not yelling at us and being mean to us Teddy.”

Jeremy leaned in and hugged Teddy.

“Awww, Jeremy. As far as I’m concerned there is never a reason to be mean, nor was there anyone in danger needing rapid intervention, so, no need to be yelling either.”

He smiled, hugging Jeremy tightly.

“I know that most people probably would have reacted that way, boys, and personally I find that horrifying. Our society is damaged, often I feel, beyond repair. There are school shootings happening all the time, violence and bullying around every corner, and it is extremely hard to break that cycle. And in my opinion, much of what has been done in the name of ‘protecting children,’ I fear has actually done the opposite, instead further alienating children. Most adults are terrified to hug a child that is not their own these days, because of the fear of being seen as improper, and potentially being accused of child abuse. Instead, I believe that before this clusterfuck of nonsense, children that needed love, that didn’t receive the love and support they needed from their parents, and who most definitely would have received love and attention from teachers and other adults, go without, and they continue to spiral into despair. I believe that the alienation and attack on so-called pedophiles, the animosity toward anyone with alternative life-styles, the attack on children who are identifying as LGBTQIA has escalated over the years. There is a violent backlash from the extreme religious right that has been building and building over the years, all based on lies and the spread of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, that is rapidly approaching critical mass, and I fear our country nears chaos and destruction, another civil war.

The thought terrifies me, and it’s because the very rich often align with the right-wing, conservative parties because so many of them make up leadership in those groups, and they are the ones pushing and fighting to keep the status quo. They don’t want equality for everyone. They don’t want everyone to think for themselves and question society, the government, religion… They want to keep the people of the country and the world ‘fat, dumb, and happy’ so they can maintain control and keep taking money out of our pockets, and keep repressing people that they don’t like. This is why Cassie and I raised Joshy and Scotty the way we did. We want them to be free-thinkers, to understand the complexities of society, without being trapped by the pitfalls. We want them to be strong and assertive, to look out for themselves and others, and to be leaders and agents of change. Only if we can protect children from those that truly endanger them, most often their own parents, or other kids whose parents have passed on their hatred of anyone different; if we can empower children, help them grow, and love them and show them love, and teach them to love regardless of differences; if we can only change the lives of enough children, then the next generation could be the one to fix all of the world’s problems. We also believe very strongly that if sexuality, sex, nudity, and other ‘taboo’ subjects weren’t taboo; if they were openly discussed; if children could talk to their parents, or their friends, or even other adults that they trust, we believe that the incidents of unwanted, non-consensual contact, assault, rape, abuse, would be greatly reduced and that children would actually be safer. We believe that in that situation, children would not be as ashamed to tell someone what was happening because the topics would not be taboo, they would be common everyday topics. And so instead of being afraid or embarrassed or ashamed of what was happening to them, scared to get help, scared to be ridiculed, teased, and ostracized, that children would tell someone that they trust and seek help with the situation. Especially in cases where the child might be more vulnerable to a perpetrator because their parents aren’t teaching them these values, or worse yet, when the parents are actually the perpetrators of this violence, the child might still know that what is being done to them is wrong thanks to public conversation among their friends, et cetera. We believe that children would be safer, because people would know that if they don’t have a close relationship with the child, and the child is not interested in that kind of contact, that the child would be more likely to get help with a situation in which they were not comfortable.”

“Teddy,” Randy stood and stepped toward Teddy, “thank you so much for showing so much love and care for my boys and for me. I can’t tell you how much it means to us to not be alone. To actually be able to share our love and our lives, to be able to talk about our love freely… It’s an incredible gift, especially since we didn’t come by it honestly. I love you, Teddy.”

Randy embraced Teddy tightly as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Oh, it’s my pleasure Randy.”

Teddy returned Randy’s embrace, patting him on the back.

“I love you too, Randy. And Jeremy and Nicky, I love you boys too.”

Teddy reached out and pulled Jeremy and Nicky into the hug as he spoke.

“We all love you guys.”

Teddy motioned for the boys and Cody to come join the hug. As they did, Randy turned to Cody.

“I love you too, Cody. Thank you for sharing your family with us… though I am a bit miffed with you for not sharing them sooner.”

Randy laughed as he hugged Cody.

“Uh, there were extenuating circumstances, Judge.”

“Come on my boy, you know I’m just playing with you.”

The adults laughed again, but Cody felt a sharp pang of guilt and pain, and Teddy felt a sharp heartache. Randy didn’t know the history or he most certainly wouldn’t have said anything. Teddy and Cody both just tried to smile and let it go. It would take some time for each of them to push back the pain and guilt, and it was something of which they might never be able to rid themselves, but hopefully it would get better.

Randy stayed for the rest of the day and the adults spent time getting to know each other better while the boys played video games and fooled around. Teddy fired up the grill again for lunch, and they picnicked out in the back yard inside a screen tent to keep the bugs at bay. Teddy was quite handy at the grill, preparing meats and vegetables as well as other dishes on the grill with ease. Cody made quick work of the kitchen duties, cutting the vegetables and what not, and so he also put together a few surprises for the meal. It was a late lunch/early dinner since, as usual, brunch had been a bit later and quite large again, and without the trip to the park to burn off those calories, no one was ready to eat until later. The day was fairly quiet. The boys were never far from the men. Teddy knew that the weekend had been stressful for the boys, and the upset very stressful. One of the very reasons he would never put his boys in that position, though he understood why the judge had done so. Randy’s boys truly were little horn dogs just like Joshy and Scotty, and he understood that Randy gave the boys permission at their own prompting, and that did make Teddy feel much better about the situation. The boys were off playing somewhere else and the men continued to talk. With Teddy’s permission, Cody told the judge about some of their childhood, and how they were molested by their father and grandfather. Teddy even showed the judge the scars on his back. This information gave the judge a pretty good history on Teddy and Cody, and helped Randy understand why Teddy did things the way he did, and why they had only recently begun to make love with the boys. Randy was even more impressed with Teddy after hearing the selected details. It gave Randy an important perspective into Teddy’s life and the way Teddy raised his boys.

As afternoon began to turn into evening, Randy called his boys to gather up their things so that they could head home. It was important that the boys be able to get settled in at home and calmed down, then get ready for bed so that they got a good night’s sleep and were well-rested for school. Joshy and Scotty, always the helpful and thoughtful boys, assisted with the packing and carrying the boys’ wares out to the living room. The boys sat down on the various furniture, joining the men who were still chatting. When there was a pause in the conversation, Joshy spoke up.

“Daddy, Uncle Cody, Judge, can Nicky and Jeremy come over again next weekend?”

“Now Joshy, I’m sure that Randy wants to spend time with his boys next weekend, and I’m sure they want to spend time with him as well,” Teddy quickly chimed in.

Randy looked a bit sheepish.

“Actually, Teddy, Maria is going to be out of town for a last-minute business trip, and I already had plans because the boys were going to be gone…”

“Say no more, Randy,” Teddy smiled, turning to Jeremy and Nicky. “Looks like you boys are going to be stuck with us again next weekend.”

All four boys were up on their feet, like those little spring-loaded suction cup toys from way back when – you know, the ones that were basically two parts, a base with a suction cup, and some kind of animal or something, the two pieces connected by a fairly powerful little spring. You would press them down onto a glass table top or some other really smooth surface that the suction cup would stick to well, the spring would compress and the two pieces would loosely snap together. Then, as the tension from the spring tried to push the two pieces apart, the clasps of the two parts would slowly slip due to the force of the potential energy of the spring. After some unknown amount of time, suddenly, the two parts would separate and the force of the top part, comparatively much heavier than the bottom part, being rapidly thrust up when the force exerted by the potential energy was too much, and the latch would ultimately slip, that force would rip the suction cup off the smooth surface with a pop, sending the toy flying across the room. And they were hopping and bouncing around all over the room.

“Hey! You don’t get this excited when you’re gonna be with me!” Randy teased his boys.

“That’s because we weren’t going to be with you anyway, Daddy. We were gonna have to be with Mommy.”

The adults chuckled. That spoke volumes, and boy did that silver-tongued little devil squeak out of that one quickly and easily. Teddy and Cody both made a mental note to watch out for that one, as he had the same precious-metal-coated tongue as Joshy apparently.

“Are you sure two weekends in a row aren’t going to be too much, Teddy, Cody?”

“Naw, Randy, they’ll be fine. They really are wonderful boys, and a real pleasure to have around.”

“Are you sure we’re talking about the same boys?” Randy asked with a wicked smirk.

“Hey!” Jeremy protested.

The adults laughed again while the teens rolled their eyes. The younger boys were messing around with something else; their attention having been drawn away minutes ago.

“I think we both know they are, Judge,” Teddy chuckled.

“Yes, well, perhaps they are, now that Joshy has them in line.”

The three men laughed, while the boys did not appear to be amused.

“You’re not funny, Daddy.”

“I’m sorry, Baby. You know I’m just playing. I love you two boys more than everything else on this planet.”

Randy hugged his eldest, and then his youngest.

“Alright boys, let’s get things wrapped up and get to the car. We need to get home and get you boys settled in so that you’re ready for school tomorrow.”

“Shall we make the same plans for Friday?”


Teddy laughed.

“Alrighty then, remember to wait in the office for me, and Randy, you wanna get in touch with them this week to make sure they know?”

“Sure Teddy, thanks very much. You’re sure it’s not going to be too much trouble?”

“Careful Randy. You know how he gets when you ask him repetitive questions.”

Cody laughed and so did Randy.

“Shut it, Smartass.”

The men all laughed again.

“Okay guys. Let’s get goin’.”

“Okay Daddy.”

All four boys stood up and Nicky and Scotty hugged for a minute and gave each other a little peck on the lips while their older brothers stood and embraced, kissing with tongue – though it was sweet and subtle, they weren’t over the top. The couples then switched and the older boys hugged the younger boys and gave them a little peck. The men were caught up watching the boys because they were just so cute, and when the four munchkins turned and looked at the men, they all yelled, causing the men to crack up again.

“Teddy, I thought you said it isn’t polite to stare when someone is being intimate.”

“Well, what I said was, that it isn’t polite to enter a room where someone is being intimate, and stay in that room watching without making yourselves known. While it may not necessarily be polite to stare otherwise, you must know that doesn’t apply as you boys started making out with us in the room. Besides, the four of you are just so fucking cute! It was actually really beautiful seeing you boys demonstrate love for each other that way. That, is why we were looking – because the four of you are just so absolutely beautiful, and we love you so much.

Jeremy, looking rather sheepish, looked down, and then slowly started walking toward Teddy.

“Oh. … Um. Thanks for letting us come over for the weekend, Teddy.”

As he approached, he looked up with a sheepish grin, threw his arms around Teddy and gave him a big hug, and then swiftly pushed up onto his tip toes, leaned in, and quickly kissed Teddy smack on the lips. The kiss surprised Teddy and he recoiled a bit. The young teen gave Teddy a wicked little grin, his cute little face just plastered with mischief, then, he looked over at Randy, who had an amused look on his face. Teddy had turned also, and in fact, the two of them had turned toward the judge at the same time, adding to Randy’s amusement after Jeremy had pulled his little trick. Teddy, seeing Randy’s amusement, winked, and then leaned down and shoved his tongue into the teen’s mouth, swirling his tongue around the boy’s, and then sucked Jeremy’s tongue forcefully out of his mouth, gently, but purposefully sucking the teen’s tongue. He gave Jeremy’s tongue a pretty firm suck so that the boy felt as though he might be trying to ingurgitate his entire being, starting with his tongue. Teddy’s tongue ran back and forth over Jeremy’s tongue as the man sucked the boy’s very soul from his body. Teddy’s hand slid up to the back of Jeremy’s head and his big hand not only palmed the boy’s head, but it literally fit three-quarters of the way around as he did. He pulled the teen’s head toward his own, forcefully smashing his face into the kiss, and against Teddy’s stubble, twisting his face just a little to give the boy the slightest whisker-burn. Gently he bit the teen’s lips, first the top, then the bottom, pulling it out and then sucking it forcefully into his mouth as well. Teddy finished up that wicked kiss with more tongue action, ending the kiss with a little lick right across the boy’s parted lips. Anyone that knew Cassie, knew that Teddy kissed like an incubus. He could tie even the short maraschino cherry stems into a knot with his tongue, bending not breaking the stems of the brightly-dyed and sugar-pickled fruit – and he didn’t anchor one end of the stem in his teeth to do it – he did it entirely with his tongue. So, from the time he was a young teen, Teddy had a reputation for being a ‘wicked-good’ kisser. Truth be told, Teddy had started doing that when he was a child, not knowing the myth that if you can tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue, you’re a great kisser. Still, Teddy didn’t know what had made him a great kisser, so he had also started Joshy and Scotty tying cherry stems in knots from the time they were old enough not to choke on them.

Teddy found the look of surprise, no, it was shock, yeah, it was definitely shock on Jeremy’s face, rather hilarious. When Teddy broke the kiss, the teen just stood there, kind-of swaying, with his eyes closed, in a bit of a daze. Teddy reached around and pinched his cute little butt, purposefully just a little too-hard, making the boy squeal as he was ripped out of the haze. The adults all laughed as did the other boys. Teddy placed his hand on the boy’s cheek.

“Now, we’re even.”

He laughed rather maniacally, and everyone else but Jeremy joined in again. After a moment the boy blushed, and grinned. Now that he understood, Teddy pulled him in and hugged him again, whispering in his ear.

“You’re a very sweet boy, Jeremy. Give it time. You don’t always need to rush into sex. Sometimes, it’s the waiting that makes it so good when you finally get it.”

He flicked his tongue on the boy’s ear which sent a shiver through Jeremy’s body, causing the teen to shake violently, raising another laugh from everyone around. Teddy turned slightly and kissed Jeremy’s cheek. As the man stood back, Nicky pulled on his shirt. Teddy turned and bent down, and then picked the boy up. Nicky’s legs flew around Teddy, followed by his arms. Once the boy was stabilized, Teddy repositioned his hands and hugged the younger boy. Nicky was less forward than his older brother and kissed Teddy on the cheek, somewhat shyly, blushing all the while. Teddy leaned in and kissed Nicky on the cheek as well, and then turned slightly to whisper in his ear.

“Thank you, Sweetheart. If you want to give me a kiss on the lips, you may.”

Nicky turned his face toward Teddy as he backed his head away from the boy’s ear, and gave the man a quick peck on the lips.

“Thanks for letting us come over this weekend Teddy.”

“Awww. You’re welcome, Sweetheart.”

Teddy set the boy back down on the floor, turning to see Jeremy saying goodbye to Cody. Seems he had learned a lesson, and was appropriate with Cody. Nicky went over to Cody to say goodbye next. As he did, Cody winked and pointed to his lips at the same time, and then pursed his lips to be ready for the little boy’s kiss. He also turned his face and pointed to his cheek so the boy wouldn’t feel any pressure to kiss him on the lips, but Nicky shook his head, so Cody turned back to face the oncoming boy, and Nicky gave him a little kiss, also thanking him. Joshy and Scotty picked up some of the boys’ bags and helped them carry everything to the car. Everyone accompanied Randy and the boys our to their vehicle and said one more goodbye and then Daddy, Uncle Cody and the boys headed back inside. Once the judge and his boys were gone, Daddy and Uncle Cody sat down with Joshy and Scotty and they discussed everything that had transpired that weekend. The boys were feeling quite guilty that they had not informed Daddy about what their young friends had been up to, but Daddy told them that there was nothing to worry about and that everything was going to be just fine. As always, Daddy put his boys above all else, and absolved them from any wrong-doing, though they did have a conversation about how to deal with situations like that in the future. He explained to the boys the importance of keeping him informed of what was going on when something like that was happening, saying that they could even send him little texts through the encrypted app family chat so that they didn’t have to keep walking out to tell him things, but that in the future, he expected them to keep him informed of everything they knew if a situation like that ever happened again. The boys understood how serious everything had become, and that if the judge were to have had any nefarious intentions, there could have been very serious repercussions as a result of the sexual contact between Jeremy and Daddy, and Nicky and Uncle Cody. Daddy made sure that the boys understood that it wouldn’t matter that the judge’s sons had been the ones actually doing the inappropriate things, but that beginning with the simple fact that they had let the boys get in bed with them, continuing on down to the fact that they had not immediately stopped the sexual contact, and made the boys sleep in a different room, everything would all have come down on Daddy’s and Uncle Cody’s shoulders because they were the adults in the situation.

Joshy and Scotty agreed that in the future, were any of their guests to exhibit immediate interest in sexual play, that they would keep Daddy and Uncle Cody informed of everything that transpired behind closed doors. Daddy explained to the boys that there might be people that wanted to try to catch them doing something “wrong,” and that it was important that the boys trust Daddy and Uncle Cody absolutely, and communicate constantly, including updates about anything their guests might be up to. Daddy promised that he would protect the boys, and not disclose the fact that they had told him anything should something happen. He understood their concern not wanting to embarrass their guests or get them into trouble, and promised that he would protect their feelings as well, but that ultimately it was critically important that their personal relationships remain secret.

The weekend had been a great deal of fun for the boys, something that all of the adults were incredibly thankful for. But the excitement had been extremely overwhelming for the men, almost to the point of exasperation. Not only were Daddy and Uncle Cody stressed beyond belief, but even the judge was stressed by the events that had transpired, and now knowing what Teddy and Cody had shared with him, he felt quite guilty for pushing so hard to get the two men to tell him about their relationships with Joshy and Scotty, after only just running into them in the restaurant the weekend before. The judge was used to getting what he wanted, so he had felt that it had been necessary, as it were, in as much as he wanted the boys to be able to talk about their relationships with each other and the adults in their lives. He also felt alone and wanted to be able to talk to Teddy and Cody about his own relationship with his sons. Teddy resented being forced to disclose everything on someone else’s timeline. He only hoped that having a close relationship with the judge, someone that also had an impeccable reputation, would serve to compensate them for the risk of someone else knowing their business. Teddy knew that Randy was motivated to ensure that his boys were able to talk about the fun and sexually exciting things that they were enjoying, with boys their own ages, who were also engaged in similar activities with their loved ones. Teddy and Cody also understood as they were already communicating about everything that had been going on, how much it meant to be able to discuss things with someone that could be trusted. The judge and his boys had pushed the issue, forced things if you will, but in the end, everything seemed to have worked out ok. Most importantly, the Oakridge family had survived their first exposure and hopefully the new relationships forged would serve to shore up their defenses, and their future. Teddy and his boys and Cody seemed to get along well with the judge and his boys which made everyone happy. Teddy figured they’d be seeing a lot more of the boys and probably the judge as well, and though he didn’t want to give up all the private family time, he now knew that the boys needed friends that could come over and play more than he had realized, and it was certainly a plus for them to be able to talk about their feelings and experiences with other boys their own ages that had the same feelings and experiences. The family had discussed the weekend with the judge and his boys, and the group had agreed what the boys would tell anyone should they ask about the weekend, ensuring that the boys would all give essentially the same story, and more importantly that they were careful not to disclose anything sexual or potentially embarrassing. Teddy wasn’t terribly worried, but he wanted to protect the judge’s boys just as much as he wanted to protect his own. Joshy could practically do no wrong, and was there to take care of his little brother, and Teddy wanted to be sure that Jeremy and Nicky were also protected from any bad behavior from their classmates or their parents. After the four had discussed everything that they felt was necessary about the weekend, Teddy changed the subject.

“So, boys… Uncle Cody and I were talking earlier, in fact, it was what we were talking about before the four of you came in and were watching us make out a bit. Of course, before we even seriously consider any of this, we wanted to talk to you boys and see how you feel about it, because it will have a big impact on all of us, and the two of you absolutely must be one hundred percent onboard with this. You two are still the most important people to us, no matter what we all decide.”

“What is it, Daddy? What were you talking about?”

“Well,” Daddy looked at Uncle Cody, then back at the boys, “Uncle Cody says he’s ready to get pregnant.”

“Hey! I thought we agreed you were the one that was gonna to get pregnant!”

The two men laughed as did the boys, though Joshy merely snickered while Scotty screeched in hysterical guffaw.

“Obviously we’re kidding, boys. So, how would the two of you feel about us either fostering or even adopting more boys?”

“Really, Daddy?”

Joshy excitedly quizzed his dad, trying to verify that indeed he was not joking. Teddy chuckled.

“Yes, really.”

“Yay!” squealed Scotty.

“Well!” Teddy laughed. “I certainly must say that I didn’t expect you guys to be against the idea, but I am surprised to actually hear you so excited.”

“Why wouldn’t we be Daddy? Some boys that don’t have parents or don’t have good parents, get to have the best two daddies in the world? Why wouldn’t we be excited about that?”

“Yeah, pwus, we get even moe bwovews!”

Teddy and Cody both laughed.

“Well, I must say, I figured that you guys would be up for going along with the plan, but I could never have expected you to be so excited about it. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you boys right now – well, actually, I’m always proud of you, but you never cease to amaze me.”

“Daddy’s right. The two of you are just amazing young men. You amaze me every day! I love you two boys very much, and I can’t even begin to tell you what an impact you have had on the lives of many children that have come through my office and through the courts. I heard your names so often, and never even connected the two because they always called you ‘Joshua’ or ‘Scott’ and I was so used to calling you Joshy and Scotty – usually together. And for you both to be so willing to invite more boys into your family, to love them and welcome them… The two of you are just absolutely incredible.”

The boys sat there a bit embarrassed by the whole thing, but also felt good being praised. They knew that there would always be enough love to go around no matter how many boys joined their family. They truly were very smart, very wonderful boys.

“Now, we don’t have any plans of even trying to adopt or foster while we are in this house. We know things are already cramped, and it’s hard to even invite other kids over from school, let alone have more people living here with us.”

Teddy laughed.

“But, I am going to revise the home plans a bit, and see what I can put together by way of a larger home with these thoughts in mind. So, hopefully, it will be a bit of a show home, and large enough that it will allow us to open our home to boys that don’t have one, and give them a home and a family, and a place to come back to for holidays, and so on.”

“I think that is so awesome, Daddy and Uncle Cody. It will be cool to have more boys around to do stuff with and it will be so cool to give them a safe and happy home.”

“Yeah, Daddy! It’s weawy awesome! I can’t wait to have even moe bwuvews! An’ maybe I can be a big bwuvew!”

“That is entirely possible, Sweetheart,” Daddy smiled. “We just have to see, once we get the new house built and everything, who we might find that needs our help. But Uncle Cody has seen many, many boys that have needed help over the years, so I have no doubt, that we will find more than we can help, once the new house is ready.”

“Yes, boys, I have wanted to foster or adopt for a long time, but, well, I didn’t think they would let me, so I just didn’t try. But there are many, many kids out there that need help, that need a place to live and a family to love them, so I have no doubt that we will be able to find boys that want to join our family when the time is right.”

“That’s really cool, guys! I am so excited about getting brothers! I think it would be so cool to have an older brother or more younger brothers. We would just have even more love then!”

“Yeah, deaw’s aww ways moe wuv when deaw’s moe kids!”

“There sure is!”

“I’m just so proud of you boys! You’re ready to open your hearts and home to other boys that have not been as fortunate, and your love and generosity just make me so happy and so proud. It will be some time before we can get the new house built and everything, but everything will come together.”

Joshy looked at Scotty, who grinned massively and nodded his head up and down. Joshy grinned back and winked at his little brother.

“So, Daddy and Uncle Cody?”

“Yes, Joshy?” Daddy and Uncle Cody both said with that same medium-pitch-lower-pitch-much-higher-pitch thing that Teddy often did.

Both boys giggled at that.

“Especially if we are going to have more boys living with us, could we maybe start calling Uncle Cody, Dadda?”

“Yeah!” Scotty chimed in.

Teddy grinned ear to ear. Uncle Cody sat there stunned and tears were beginning to fall. Teddy had to speak because Uncle Cody was unable to find his voice in that moment.

“I think your uncle would like that very much boys.”

Uncle Cody, er, Dadda, grinned and nodded his head through the tears. He stood and both boys bounced out of their seats to hug him. When Dadda finally composed himself, he spoke.

“Of course you may boys. I would absolutely love that. You are absolutely the sweetest boys in the world – hands down!”

Daddy, Uncle Cody er Dadda, Joshy, and Scotty had a nice quiet evening together, all snuggled up on the couch watching some TV before getting ready for bed.

“Can we all get into the soaker tub for a while, Daddy?”

“If everyone wants to, that is just fine with me.”

“Yes, let’s,” Dadda chimed in. “We have two very sweet little boys here that deserve a little pampering.”

Daddy grinned and turned off the TV, and then the four made their way to the bathroom, where they all disrobed while Daddy got the water going and added bubbles. The four enjoyed a nice soak together with Dadda caressing and bathing Joshy, and Daddy caressing and bathing Scotty. Since it was just the four of them, Daddy and Dadda were much more handsy with the boys, stimulating and exciting them, tweaking their adorable little nipples and tickling their hairless sacs. When everyone was all relaxed and bathed, the four dried off and headed for bed. The boys were horned up from the weekend, and the men, having been nearly constantly stimulated by the gaggle of gorgeous gents, were rather randy even though they had both blown twice. Teddy felt as though he could easily have cum a half-dozen times a day with all the mischief, testosterone, and the extra cute little boys, and so when the two started playing with their elder-lovers’ cocks, well, it was on as they say, and the two boys were blessed with several hours of excruciatingly delightful love-making. The two men even switched off a couple of times, switching up the technique that the boys were experiencing, sending each to a completely new level of ecstasy. By the time Daddy and Dadda were done with the two boys, they were both well worn out having each had multiple orgasms, and fell asleep straightaway, both having a wonderful sleep after being thoroughly- and well-fucked. Both Daddy and Dadda went to sleep with their very large appendages still buried deep within each of their lovers. The men had both blown loads unlike any they had ever blown before. It seemed that between the two boys that they loved very much, and the two new boys that were introduced into their lives, the weekend had been – extremely stimulating – not only for the boys, but also for the men. They both hoped they could keep their loads deep in their lovers, otherwise, they might just have to change the sheets. It was an amazing evening, and a wonderful close to a really fun weekend.

The boys returned to school the next day without incident, and it was clear that many of the other kids were jealous about Jeremy and Nicky having been invited over to Joshy and Scotty’s house. The Oakridge boys ended up explaining to their friends that they lived in a really small house at the moment, and that Jeremy’s and Nicky’s dad was a good friend of their uncle’s. The boys explained how they had run into each other at a restaurant, and it just kind-of happened, and that the adults had arranged everything. Since Teddy and Cody realized that their other friends were going to want to be able to come over as well, he told the boys that they could tell their friends that though it was going to take some time, their dad and uncle were looking at building a new house so that they could have more of their friends over. It would take some time and they made sure to share that as well, but also told everyone how excited they were to be able to have their friends over more. Teddy was already thinking about that. He didn’t want any of the kids that Joshy and Scotty knew feeling left out, and he also didn’t want any backlash over Jeremy and Nicky being able to stay with them, so Teddy ramped up the heat, so to speak, on a few irons he had in the fire. He hoped they might be able to find a bigger house to move into in the interim, so that the boys could indeed have more friends over, and he had also been toying with the idea of a big blowout party, held at the big indoor/outdoor fun and entertainment complex. If they could find a relatively slow day, they could plan to have all of the kids from their classes come out and have a day of fun, everyone together. Not only would that be a lot of fun, but it would go a long way in easing over any hurt feelings because other kids hadn’t been invited over to stay with the boys before, and even if it didn’t make everyone feel better, hopefully it would most.