Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 18:35:21 -0500 From: Subject: MY BROTHER & OUR BOYS, Part 12 By the time our young girls were ready for their first pregnancies several changes had occurred in our clan which I'll relate in a moment. But first I want to say something about the wonderful set of circumstances we found ourselves graced with. I don't know if their early sexual activity caused this, but our 2 young ladies, Lily and Erin, both got their first periods at a very young age. Lily got hers at 10 but Erin beat her at 9 years old. The Orlands' girl Treasure was also an early bloomer, getting hers shortly after her 11th birthday. We knew our clan was truly being blessed by our gods, giving us 3 beautiful young girls ripe for seeding at such tender ages. The idea of these 3 little beauties, soon to be swollen and waddling around full of our offspring was just absolutely enthralling. Each time the announcement came it was like we all knew we were batting for an even three. When it happened, we just looked at each other in awe. I remember the day that Sherry first came tearing downstairs, smiling like the Cheshire Cat, breathless with good news. "Lily just got her period!" she said breathlessly. "We need to give her a month or two before we start, though, so her body can adjust. Let's not rush it." Sherry was being overly concerned; at least all us randy boys -- old and young alike -- thought so. Now, normally, I would have first rights to Lily as the First Father of the clan. But we had decided years ago that when it was Lily's turn to get pregnant we would find her a nice guy from outside the family to do the deed. We wanted to get some new blood into the line in order to prevent any unwanted problems like retardation or birth defects. Our choice was Bo. This plan was why we had originally courted the Orlands in the first place. Bo and Lily got along really well by now and he was certainly eager for the experience. He also realized what a profound honor he was receiving. We liked that. We had also already agreed as part of the deal that Bo's daughter Treasure would be Zach's trophy, since Zach's father was from outside the clan as well. Zach never even met his father but he didn't care in the least; he regarded me and my brother as his daddies. His birth father was a Mexican day-laborer that Stella picked up in her car one morning as she was driving home from the grocery store. Stella liked driving by the knots of illegal immigrant guys that hung out at designated areas in Berkeley, waiting for contractors and such to drive up and offer them temporary work. Few of the guys could speak English. Stella had a thing for Hispanic guys; she'd cruise by and check them out every other day or so, just for the hell of it. When Stella slowed her car and motioned a few of them over she spotted one in particular that struck her fancy. Stella spoke Spanish fluently so she was able to communicate easily with the men. She said that when the guys first saw that a pretty young woman was behind the wheel they all started smiling and joking, making crude comments about how fine she was and how they'd like to fuck her. They had no idea that Stella could understand Spanish. Stella ignored their comments and picked out the guy who'd said the thing she found the hottest. He said, "I'd fuck her like a dog," as he leered at her with a beautiful smile. When she spoke to them in flawless Spanish they sobered up fast and looked at the ground a lot. This guy she brought home was a lithely-built dude named Alberto, 22 years old, sweet and deferential, but a real tiger in bed as Stella later told us. He was married and had a family in Mexico. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that he had been picked up by a hot young woman simply to get her pregnant. In fact, I'd never seen a happier guy. She had initially told him that she needed some light construction work done at her home in the hills and Alberto had quickly jumped into the car when she smiled at him and opened the car door. On the drive back to the house Stella told him that all she really wanted was to get pregnant. Alberto had grinned and laughed like a monkey, she said, and then leaned over and squeezed her tits through the thin cotton t-shirt she was wearing. He bit her earlobe and growled in Spanish that he was the right man for the job because his cum was so potent. Strangely, he was the first to ask about her HIV status. He said that he was HIV- and intended on staying that way. Stella believed him. Driving back home she'd been able to rub his cock through the dirty jeans he had on so she already knew he was a big boy. Alberto had told her that he needed to take a shower before they got it on because he was sweaty from standing in the sun all morning, and hadn't showered in a couple of days. Stella just chuckled and told him she liked how he smelled and that he didn't need to bathe first. Alberto snorted and laughed like a demon, but told Stella that if he smelled OK to her then he was fine with "fucking dirty," as he called it. They screwed most of the day, taking breaks for food and a few lazy swims. Alberto was definitely sexy, toned and pretty but tough and wiry, too. His body was mostly smooth except for a dense black forest of pubes and nice hairy pits. He had several scars on his torso that looked to be knife wounds. I made sure to keep an eye and ear opened during the rest of his stay. After making him promise not to say a word about his "job" to any of the guys or anyone else, Stella picked him up every day for the rest of that week and they spent the bulk of each day fucking, eating and swimming. Alberto was loving it and making $400 a day to boot. It was nice being able to help the guy out by over-paying him for easy, enjoyable work. By the second day Alberto was completely comfortable walking around the house naked and by the third day he and Stella were fucking openly in front of whoever happened to come upon them. We all tried to stay out of their way but it was inevitable in our house that sooner or later they'd be observed. After the end of that week we never saw Alberto again. But Stella figured she had what she'd hired him for, a new life growing in her uterus. Anyway, that's the story of Zach's daddy. We put Zach and Treasure together as much as possible and eventually they became good buddies and had lots of fun sexual adventures. They were already engaging in innocent child-sex long before they were able to actually create a baby, but by then they had all the moves down cold and knew just what to do. The big changes that occurred during this time revolved mostly around what our oldest boys were doing. We -- that is, Tim and Sherry and I -- finally laid down the law and told all 3 boys that we wanted them to decide on a college and enroll. They were all then in their mid-20s. At first they balked but after a few evenings of discussion they were good with the idea and made their plans. Colin ended up attending Sarah Lawrence as an English major after playing with the idea of going to UC Berkeley. Mike chose to go to NYU as a film major and had a marvelous time back east. We'd fly out to be with them as often as we could and when we couldn't the boys would frequently fly home for the weekend. Matt at first couldn't decide where to go to school but eventually settled on UC Berkeley, majoring in early childhood development with an emphasis on education. Matt was the only one of the boys to continue living at home, obviously. He had never lost his interest in becoming a pediatrician but he just wasn't disciplined enough. The field he chose, however, would still afford him lots of contact with his favorite subject -- little kids. He thought he might like to be a teacher or start his own preschool. I think we all had some concerns about that idea because we recognized the tremendous temptation he'd face on a daily basis and we reminded him how important it was to maintain a clean public image. Matt (with Toby as his very verbal advocate) assured us that common sense would always prevail with him and that none of us need worry that he would ever do anything to expose out peculiar lifestyle or compromise our privacy. The funny thing was that Toby had been expressing major interest in the wilderness camp that Sherry and I had started years ago. She and I had both retired from actively leading groups and had transferred the day-to-day running of the business to our long-time employees. Every other month or so Sherry and I would travel to the camp and make an appearance but we didn't really do much of anything. But Toby had told us outright that he wanted to take over the business when he was old enough. Honestly, I was pleased as hell that the business wouldn't slip away from us entirely. I had always hoped that Colin would want to take over but the camp just wasn't his thing. Toby, on the other hand, loved visiting the place and had accompanied us many times when my wife and I were still actively participating on treks. It would still be a matter of years before we could legally transfer the business to Toby but in the meantime we groomed him for the job, frequently checking in with him to see if his interest had waned. Surprisingly, his interest only increased as he matured. Part of this was due to his having been able to interest Matt in the camp, too. He'd told Matt that his major at university would help greatly with the running of the camp and that he hoped they'd be able to run the business together. Once Matt realized that Toby was really determined to make a go of running the camp, he told us he was planning on working and living with Toby at the camp headquarters. Those two might as well have been joined at the hip. They'd been lovers for years. By the time they got their degrees, Mike and Colin were almost 26 and Matt was 24 ½. We liked to joke that in some respects they were late bloomers. That always got a nasty chuckle out of them. (Toby was getting close to 14, Lily and Adam were both 10. Zach and Erin were then 8. My brother was pushing 46, while Sherry and I had recently celebrated our 55th birthdays.) Mike spent close to 4 years at NYU and Colin finished up in 3 at Sarah Lawrence. Both boys earned their degrees quite easily and then returned home. Mike's degree actually led to several job offers in the film industry but he was too much a maverick to last long in any of the positions he accepted. His inability to work as part of a team at first worried us. But Tim pointed out that Mike had always been independent and did not suffer fools gladly. Besides, he had already produced and distributed many short porn films and made a small fortune doing it. Mike told us that these jobs he'd take and then resign from were actually only to get some more experience and skills before he tackled his own independent short and feature-length films. He also told us that he wanted to continue making hot porn, a genre that still didn't get much respect within the film world. Colin wasn't sure what to do with his degree but was busy writing stories and articles for several local newspapers and magazines. His intention was to write a novel and get it published. Anyway, back to our breeding program. We arranged for Bo and Lily to have their first ritual pregnancy-fuck after Lily had gotten her period twice. We checked with Doc Walker (now retired but still tending our family) about the risks involved with getting Lily pregnant at such a tender age. He gave us lots of good advice and all the usual warnings, but then congratulated us and told us to go ahead with our plans. He seemed to be as pleased and excited as the rest of us. Doc had become a dear friend of the clan and we included him in many of our get- togethers. He definitely had an eye for the young ladies but he was equally charmed by the boys. His deft fingers and calming manner worked wonders on the kids and they all had lots of good fun with him. We always made sure that Doc got his rocks off before he left our house; to us, sharing our love was just part of being good hosts. We planned an entire ritual around Bo and Lily's coupling. Not surprisingly, we held it in the Priapus shrine room and the environment worked us all into a veritable frenzy of passion and love, the same as always. I still think the smell of the room had a good deal to do with how unhinged we always got whenever we conducted business in the shrine. Bo said it smelled like years of sex in there and I smiled and nodded at his sagacity. The hardwood floor around the altar looked like generations of pigeons had shit there, but the stains were actually dried cum that had built up over the years. The sheets that covered the mattresses were liberally flecked with sex juices and sperm and their odor proved that much good love had transpired on and between them. We rarely changed the sheets in the shrine, probably no more often than a dozen times over the past 12 years. All us guys felt the same, that the room should be as redolent of males and sex as possible. We had brought all the kids up to appreciate the scents of bodies and the wonderful smells of sex. We chose the Saturday before Father's Day for the great event. Father's Day had for years been one of the most important holiday feasts in our clan's calendar. Our 3 oldest sons were already away at college but we'd planned it so that they'd be home during this particular weekend. As usual, all showering had ceased for us guys a few days prior, just to make sure the room would stink up fast and furiously once we got the action underway. It was yet another part of the ritual, designed to enhance our connection to our natural, primal animalistic instincts and urges. Bo was new to all this ritualized stuff so we took the time to acquaint him and his family with all our beliefs and rituals and how they played out. After a day of explanation and video demonstrations they were familiar with the rites we had lovingly crafted and put together over the years. Having been raised as Southern Baptists, I assumed the Orlands would balk at some of our rites which might seem to mock conventional Christian ritual and practice. But to my delight the Orlands were great about our practices, willing to try anything new and titillating. Everything went just like we'd planned. After the ritual fucking and all the attendant rites, Bo and Lily went at it multiple times daily until she missed her period and Doc confirmed that she was pregnant. It took over a month of relentless love-making on their part, and the effort was not only fun but profitable. Soon we'd have a new little life coursing with new blood and genes. Lily was still in her home-schooling years so fortunately she didn't have to deal with comments about being pregnant at 10 years of age. In fact, we had Matt tutor her privately once she started showing. We really didn't want to have to invent some wild story for the other kids and their parents in our home-school group. We ended up just telling them that Lily had contracted mononucleosis somehow and had to be quarantined for a while until she felt better. When that excuse ran out of steam we announced that Lily had gone to stay with her relatives back east for a few months of rest. During these last months of her pregnancy we flew her and Sherry, Stella, and Matt to our house on Kauai. Lily delivered a healthy little boy that she named Nolan, a name we had all agreed on months earlier. Lily was our youngest mama now. Her maternal instincts hadn't really kicked in yet so much of the early rearing of Nolan fell to the older women in the house. Matt, of course, was included in this. The other great news was the arrival of Trish's baby and our European offspring into the loving fold of the clan. We named the newcomers Patrick, Alaric, Joseph, Octavia, Rhiana, and Maggie. Their full names would take several sentences so suffice to say that each baby had 3 names, 1 for an ancestor and 1 symbolic, besides their first name. Shortly after we got them home safe and sound, Melissa -- the girl Toby had impregnated -- delivered her babies, out first set of twins. We named the 2 identical boys Ian and Liam. It seemed that no matter how hard we tried to have it be otherwise, we were destined to be top-heavy with boys. Things started to feel like we were running a boarding school and daycare center all in one. With the addition of 8 new babies, 5 boys and 3 girls, our house felt more-or-less crazy all the time. We ran the place in shifts, us adults and older kids actually sleeping and living at another of our houses right around the corner from our place. It was the only way to get a little bit of quiet and relaxation. The Orlands had it slightly better since they had their own house to retreat to, although the younger kids pestered them all the time, ringing their doorbell or just hanging out in their house. After a few weeks of living in 2 places at once we all realized that some of the clan would have to move permanently into another home. We figured the one we were now using would do quite well for a unit of 8 or more and so started to make plans for the distribution of adults, kids, and babies. Less than a year and a half after Lily's pregnancy and delivery of a gorgeous little girl we named Shannon, Erin surprised us all by getting her period and the whole celebratory ritual thing happened again. But we'd realized the mistake we'd made. Adam had been selected as Erin's partner but we hadn't figured on her starting menstruation until Adam was old enough to cum. Now he was only a little over 11 years old and wouldn't start shooting for another year at least. So we had to reconsider who would get the privilege of getting Erin pregnant. We ended up letting Matt have the honor since he wasn't quite directly related to her. It was thought that Mike was the most likely candidate for being Erin's father but we couldn't really be certain. Actually, we could have had blood work done to ascertain her parentage, but honestly we just didn't care and probably on some level didn't want to know. It was just more fun that way. During the time leading up to Sherry getting pregnant with Erin her chief sexual partners were Mike and myself. For the 3 months prior to her announcing that she was pregnant, Sherry had been having sex 4 to 5 times daily with the insatiable mid-teenage Mike, while she and I had fucked maybe 12 times total during those 3 months. But Matt technically wasn't connected to Sherry by blood at all. At the most, he might be Erin's uncle. So we figured it'd be safe for Matt to be the daddy. Naturally, Matt was thrilled and very proud to have been selected. I was highly excited by our decision. I had always loved watching Matt get down and dirty with the younger kids because his imagination was as febrile and fantastic as my own. The boy turned me on big-time, always had; and I knew it would be wonderful watching him top my dear little clever-minded princess. Erin and I had a uniquely perverse and arousing relationship. For starters, that girl could gulp down more cum loads than any of our other kids and still be hungry for more. Secondly, Erin had flirted and cuddled with me since she was about 2 or 2 ½ years old. We would start by kissing and tickling and soon after I'd have my head wedged between her legs or she'd have hers between mine. Erin was game for anything so long as it involved hard, hairy cocks and lots and lots of cum splashing over her. She adored the feel of fresh jizz slamming against her naked flesh more than anything; it made her giddy with excitement. By the time she was 5, Erin could suck me off like a pro and watching her take a succession of us guys in her mouth made me all the crazier about her. Even Matt shook his head one day after a particularly frenetic bout of sex-play with Erin. "Nothin' I can teach her," he'd muttered a little disappointedly. I had to laugh. Anyway, the great day came and all we assembled in the Priapus room. 9 year-old Erin was naked on the altar with all of us guys surrounding her, Matt in the position of honor as he got ready to perform his part of the rite. The younger kids -- Adam, Zach, Wills and Lily -- were near us older men but sort of hovered at our shoulders, ready to lend a helping hand or mouth for any chance of actively participating in the fertility/pregnancy ritual. When they weren't needed the kids played with each other, lots of stiff little dicks being worshipped and caressed and one little mother's cunt being equally adored and stimulated. The women and babies hung back a bit, allowing the males their space. The babes were a bit restless at first and it took a while for the women to quiet them down. But we guys were impatient to begin and rather than wait for the room to hush we just barreled ahead. I was hard as a rock in anticipation of the forbidden beauties I was about to witness and partake in. Erin kept glancing at the circle of dripping, hair-fringed cocks jutting out and throbbing with need that surrounded her, nodding in appreciation at each and every one. She made me gasp when she reached out for my prick in particular. I felt singled out for the privilege of her touch and stepped forward so my pulsing cock was within her reach. Her little hand flew out and grabbed my hairy ass cheek, forcing me closer so she could bounce my dick against her face and bury her nose in my pungent pubes. My animal stink always whipped Erin into a fun-loving frenzy. A large bead of slippery precum welled from the tip of my prick and I held it out for her like an offering to a goddess. She flicked out her tongue and swiped up the precious droplet. I was still getting cock-licked when Matt slid into her snug little cunt. She gave a quick series of sharp grunts and gasps as he began plowing her field, my cock still banging against her mouth and cheeks. I glanced down into her eyes and she looked at me with such love and desire that I had to shake my head to break the enchantment. What grandfather hasn't felt his cock stand when he sees his favorite little grand- daughter's pussy lips split wide open by a monstrous prick long and thick enough to make her moan? What grandfather hasn't dwelled on the beauties and contours of his naked grandchild writhing under the relentless fucking of a grown man's sweating body? How could a grandfather be expected to feel anything but unbridled lust for the feel of his grand-daughter's silken lips running up and down the length of his veiny, unwashed prick? I was getting seriously close to shooting my load as Erin worked me good with her skillful little hands and tongue. The guys were all breathing pretty heavily by now, not surprising to me in the least. The lovely image of a little girl lewdly mouthing her granddad's hairy tool was thrilling to them and god only knows what perverted ideas were running though their heads. Tearing my eyes away from Erin's blissed-out face, I glanced further down her sweaty little body to watch Matt's horse cock plunge in and out of her smooth, lube-shiny cunt. Her tiny pink pussy lips kept working on Matt's prick like her cunt was sucking him off. Matt's pistoning action was working like an engine in my mind and loins, churning the load of cum I had been saving all morning until I could almost feel it bubbling in my balls like thick, hot soup. Glancing further up, I made eye contact with Matt who opened his eyes just as I looked at his face. His lids fluttered open and he focused on me, smiling a half-crazed, lop-sided grin. His expression made me moan. Really unhinged and sexy beyond belief. Gradually, the guys had all stepped in closer to the loving, wanting, I suppose, to be as close to the heady scents and breathless huffing and puffing as possible. The action drew them ever closer like iron filings to a magnet. Toby had been jacking off like a monkey and like most 15 year-old boys was ready to pop before any of the others. I knew that watching his brother-lover fuck his favorite little sister would prove too much for his overworked imagination and that he'd be spewing his load in record time. The best part was knowing that there was plenty more cum stored up in his ginger-haired nuts that he'd be sharing later on. Toby could pop out 3 or 4 nice loads in record time. He shimmied up beside Erin as I stepped back and let him aim his hard cock at the little girl's ravenous mouth. "Give it, Toby!" Erin shouted out in a crazily amped-up voice. She looked like an angel getting thunder-fucked by the devil himself. Matt picked up his pace as Toby's fist flashed like sunlight on water, pounding away until his cum could anoint his little sis. Toby leaned over Erin's prostrate body, rubbing her little titties and lightly touching Matt's prick as it slid smoothly in and out of her gash. He started rubbing his dick against Erin's side, humping her flesh until he was ready to unload. With a lightning-fast move he shifted his body so his cock was barely touching the skin of her face. A few more desperate strokes and his jizz shot up and out, splashing across the bridge of Erin's button nose and streaking her parted lips with pearly nut. Erin's hand shot up and grabbed Toby's dick, milking him roughly until she was sure she'd gotten every drop. Then she rubbed her face with her hand, coating her fingers with Toby's sperm before shoving them in her mouth and slurping the boy's juice off. "You're such a fucking little whore," Toby whispered in a deranged adolescent voice as he bent down to lap whatever cum Erin's fingers had missed. Erin giggled and then she and Toby kissed deep while Matt continued fucking her. The sight was unbelievably romantic and taboo. I noticed that the Orlands were wide-eyed and hardly seemed to be breathing as they watched our every move with unblinking fascination. My brother Tim was across the circle from me, leaning shoulder-to-shoulder against his son Mike. He was fondling Mike's balls while Mike jerked him off. I shifted my gaze to my lover-son Colin, eager to see him shoot his load. Colin was staring at Tim and Mike, then moved his head so he could look at me. When he saw me staring at him he closed his eyes, smiled, and let out a horny, satisfied groan. Colin had always been a confirmed exhibitionist -- at least when it came to me. He loved having me watch him do anything sexual or `dirty', including taking a shit. After a few moments of watching him jack off I couldn't withstand my constant hunger for him anymore and moved so I could stand behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and pinched his nipples hard as he leaned heavily into me. Kissing his throat, biting and sucking on the skin until I left angry red bruises, he threw his head back onto my shoulder. I pressed hard up against him, letting my rigid precum-slicked dick slip into his ass crack like a hot dog in a warm bun, pumping it up and down until he was trembling in my arms. "I love you so much, Collie," I panted into his neck. He gasped and grunted in response. Quickly, he moved forward out of my embrace and stepped to the altar. My heart began pounding in my chest because I knew Colin was about to send his hot cum coursing over Erin's face and body. I moved myself so I could get a better view. Erin didn't even see it coming. She had her eyes closed and her mouth opened, transported by the sensations Matt was sending through her body. Colin stood at the end of the altar, jacking off directly over her open mouth. He growled out some inarticulate sounds and suddenly stopped jerking, bent his knees a bit and trembled again as a massive bolt of sperm blasted out of his prick and slashed a white ribbon from Erin's hair to her chest. Erin's eyes flew open as soon as she felt the hot, gooey milk slap her skin. She literally screamed as a second bolt flew out and slammed directly into her mouth. She closed her cummy lips and swallowed fast so she could open wide again, but in that split second Colin unleashed another thick ribbon and it slopped over her forehead and cheeks. Erin was looking very prettily frosted with semen. I could smell the bleachy richness already beginning to fill the room. As Colin finished up, shaking his cock hard a few times to flick off the final nut drops, Mike groaned as Tim whinnied and they both stepped up to the side of the altar. Father-and-son fists working so fast they looked like a blur, both guys blew at the same moment, sending a veritable cataract of cum cascading down over Erin, soaking her entire torso until it was rolling off her tummy and titties, pooling beneath her writhing body. Matt began humming that low-pitched sound he always made as he got close to blast-off. The altar was really rocking now, Erin holding on to the sides of the table and keening like a lost puppy looking for its mama. I had to have more. I pushed forward and dropped to my knees behind Matt's fragrant, hairy, bucking ass. I spread his fuzzy cheeks and got an eyeful of his amazing fuckhole, pink and brown and glistening in the holy candle-light of the room. Matt slowed his fucking as soon as I had parted his cheeks, knowing how much I loved smelling his ass, as well as looking and playing with his hole. I licked my lips, leaned forward and inhaled, savoring the heady stink of this overgrown boy's hard-working shitter. What a glorious smell! My randiness kicked into healthy overdrive and I licked at his balls as they swung pendulously while he resumed fucking. His nuts kept banging against my face and all I could smell was the incredible stink of his unwashed crotch. I think I nearly swooned from the intoxicating perfume. "Pull out," I murmured to Matt. "Wha...?" he muttered back to me. "Pull out for a sec, babe," I repeated, gently pulling his hips backwards to make him uncunt. His stiff, bloated cock slid smoothly out of the adorable gash like a well-formed turd from a gaping asshole. I saw it slick and shiny with Erin's pussy juice in the candlelight and felt my own cock give a lascivious lurch. I scooted on my knees a little to the side so I could see them in profile. Matt's huge uncut horse cock looked evilly monstrous as it throbbed and leaked precum; the idea that it had just evacuated a tiny 9 year-old cunt seemed ridiculously impossible. Erin was moving her skinny little legs all around the altar, her pussy lips opening and contracting, furious at having been abandoned. She whimpered for that cock like its absence was causing her great distress. I stroked her little slit, petting it and poking it with my shaking fingers. She moaned and relaxed under the insistence of my fingers and spread her legs even wider. With my other hand I was tugging on Matt's balls, amazed at their weight and bouncing them in the sweaty palm of my hand. His cock was pulsing with a lively rage like a blinded Cyclops searching out its tormentor. I was close enough to them that I could smell the rich combination of sex-scents and it made me bad. I had to have a taste of these two. Settling onto my haunches, I grabbed Matt's cock at its hairy base and guided it back into Erin's tight pussy. He gave a sharp intake of breath as he slid in and began the instinctive motions that bring such incredible happiness to guys. I let him fuck for maybe a dozen or so thrusts before I pushed his hips off Erin again, again forcing him to uncunt. Both gave a loud moan, clearly upset by the forced interruption I was causing. Their sighs and whimpers made my heart beat ever faster until I felt like I was running a race. I could feel the blood pound in my ears. Again, the sight of Matt's engorged, cunt-slimed prick made me wild with lewdness. I hauled myself close enough to be able to sniff his cock before I swallowed as much of it as I could. Matt was by far the biggest-dicked guy in our clan but I was usually able to take most of him down my throat. In my overly-excited state I had him in my mouth within seconds. His pubes were wet and sticky and they left a tangy tartness on my tongue. I could taste cock and cunt together, a potent aphrodisiac at any time. When Matt began bucking his hips hard into my face I knew that I was getting him too close to erupting. So I backed off his dick and lunged down to lap deep inside Erin's little cunt. The feel of my mouth working in and over it made Erin start panting rhythmically and soon I realized I was jacking myself off to the same rhythm. When I unglued my face from her pussy Matt plunged back in, thrust a few times, pulled out, and offered me his prick to savor. He knew what I was after and was happy to oblige. I repeated the same activities, first a little bit of cocksucking, then a little bit of pussy- eating. Then we'd repeat the whole process -- fuck, suck, fuck, suck, over and over until I couldn't keep the sequence straight anymore. I realized I was licking cock and sucking cunt, unable to match action with object. In any case, whatever I was doing was obviously enjoyable to Matt and Erin because my head was filled with the music of their rut-lust. I felt like I was dreaming the best dream in the world. Every time I went back down on Erin she squealed more than the previous time. It was clear to me that my tongue was going to make her cum soon. I only wished that she could shoot juice like a cock shoots cum, but alas, she was not so equipped. Finally, I knew that I should leave them alone and let them get back to the business at hand. I didn't want to make either reach orgasm and prevent Matt's huge cumload from reaching its destination. Instead I went back to my position in the circle and watched as Matt fucked into the home stretch. It took only a very short while before Matt was grunting like a pig and squeezing his eyes tight shut like he always does when he shoots. Bo lurched forward and aimed his wildy pumping fist over Erin's cum-streaked face. I was doing all I could to hold back my own load, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash what I knew was going to be a huge one. I think what I really wanted was to go last so my load would seem like a congratulatory gesture to my beautiful little girl. Bo hollered loud and pumped out a big, sloppy mess of jizz that basically completed the frosting job on Erin's lovely, laughing face. We all laughed breathlessly while he shot and gave his ass a friendly `well done' grope or a nice, long grab at his dick. Toby had been scampering and pretty much writhing around the room since his first nut a short while previously. One minute he'd be circling close to the action on the altar, swooping in for a quick sniff or bite like an aggressive shark nosing in on previously claimed prey. The next, he'd be leaning against the wall, legs thrown over his head, big feet propped up on the wall, trying frantically to suck his dick but finally just aiming it at his gasping, grunting mouth. At one point he was on the floor, groveling and rolling around on the fresh cum stains near the altar. His face looked possessed, almost holy, like he was truly imbued with the divine spirit. His body would shudder every once in a while, and he was muttering like a chimp all the time he humped the floor or furiously jerked himself off. Lots of our legs and thighs got humped, too. When he suddenly stood up and stumbled to hover above Erin's head his eyes were nearly rolled back into his head. The whole room hushed as we witnessed what appeared to be a manifestation of the sacred connection between man and god, a complete expression of the bond between man and god that comes through the great, sacred Cock, man's true and constant conduit to the divine. His prick seemed to swell before a long jet of cum spurted out and splashed onto Erin's slimy chest. Another one quickly followed, most of it landing on her throat and face. Toby jerked and spasmed with the supernatural force and emotional intensity of his orgasm, nearly crying from the power that was draining from him. The sight of Toby, enraptured and glistening with shining sweat, a tortured, deeply moved expression on his freckled face, pushed Matt over the edge. With a guttural roar his ass pumped forward with a sharp slam, making the entire altar jump. Erin gave a short, raspy cry as Matt thrust into her, blasting out one of his awesome loads. What had moments before been wet squishes now turned into sloppy slaps, his cum blasts over-filling her pussy and squeezing out the overflow. Thick, fresh sperm was squirting out of her cunt with every subsequent poke Matt gave her, dripping down between her thighs and rolling into her butt crack. I could smell it. It seemed to almost steam. The whole clan gave a great cheer as we saw the sacred fluid keep flowing and flowing. Matt withdrew his cock from her sheath, small bursts of nut still pumping out and dropping onto the floor. Erin reached down between her legs, felt the warm cream oozing out of her hairless gash and stiffened her body. The feel of slippery sperm on her fingers made her shiver and giggle as she plunged them into her cunt, masturbating herself until she was screaming with deranged pleasure. Again, I moved forward and pushed her hand away. My own fingers paddled inside her pussy, luxuriating in the incredible wet heat of her lovely cunt. Matt generously offered me his prick to suck and I did, getting every last drop of sperm spiced with the love juice of my little girl's pussy. I thought I was going to explode when Erin began chanting, "More cum," over and over like a mantra, softly but insistently. One by one, Tim and the other guys -- that's Colin, Mike, and Bo -- all stepped forward again, jacking their stiff dicks until they each bust out another load all over Erin. She was now literally covered in cum from her tummy to her hair. Most of it was on her face and throat, but her chest and stomach were liberally coated as well. Yet Erin's chant continued, gaining in volume. "More cum...more cum...more cum..." Adam, who had been helping us older guys out in any way he could think of, suddenly leapt up and raced downstairs. Normally, leaving the room before the entire ritual was completed was a no-no, but Adam seemed hell-bent on fetching something he obviously felt was necessary. I was just getting ready to bust my nut directly into Erin's gaping mouth, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Her lips looked crimson red under the thick strands of milky sperm that coated them. She had so much cum over her mouth that it webbed when she opened wide to receive my offering. That cum-webbed little mouth was driving me over the brink. I felt possessed and imbued with the power of Priapus. Suddenly my trance was broken as Adam flung the door open and raced into the center of the room. Everyone looked at him and when we saw what he'd brought back with him we all congratulated him on being such a clever boy. Adam beamed with pride. He was holding the Tupperware container of pre-filled condoms we kept stashed in the freezer, the goodies we had nick-named "snack sacks." Erin turned her runny face towards him and opened her cum-slathered eyes with effort to see what was going on. As soon as she could tell what it was Adam was holding her entire body gave a slithery lurch and she resumed her mantra of "more cum." We passed out the treats and Adam produced a push pin so we could pierce the loaded end of the condoms and squeeze the contents out in squirts. Ever the pragmatist, Sherry quickly asked if he'd left any in the freezer, not liking the idea of us being out of the little packets. We used cum in our cooking quite regularly and we all loved it a lot. Adam, equally pragmatic, assured us that he'd left a dozen or so behind. Sherry relaxed. Handing them out, we saw that there were just about enough for each of us to get 2 condoms. Warming them in our hands until some of our heat had transferred into them, we then passed the pin quickly and began dousing Erin with streams of sperm. There were 14 of us and 30 condoms full of cum, so you can imagine for yourself the sights and smells as we covered little Erin with the sacred juice. The Orlands were laughing in awed delight, just like little kids. It was really sweet, and they got a charge out of the game. Treasure piped up and said it was just like streamers at a birthday party or a water gun fight. Erin was the lewdest little girl I had ever seen. She couldn't get enough jizz on and in her as she lolled in the pooling cum that was running in rivulets off her entire body. She even barked at us in her high-pitched voice to make sure it got between her toes, too. When she said that I knew instantly that I was going to shoot. Roaring like a wild man I thrust out my hips and sprayed out a big sloppy load that hit her out-stretched tongue and splashed over her entire face and upper body. I inhaled deeply, savoring the stinking reek of all that hot cum, the smell of men, the very essence of maleness. Erin was nearly growling in her cum-lust, unable to fully satisfy her over-sexed addiction to our ball juice. As she writhed and sang out in her delirium, I had an overwhelming need to fuck her slimy cunt, already full to the rim with Matt's baby-bearing batter. Knowing better but not caring, I cried out, "First rights, first rights," as I hurried into position between her skinny legs, jacking my spent cock to full attention in a matter of seconds. When Erin realized I was about to shove my prick up her she gasped and laughed and then let out a long sigh of satisfaction. I hoisted her legs up to expose her cummy asshole and I had to push the others away so I could get at it. When I smelled how seedy her little rump was I shivered and stuck my tongue deep inside her silky pucker, making Erin jump and squirm under my devoted attention. The taste enraged me. I couldn't go deep enough and I had the flavor and stink of young ass mixed with sperm in my nostrils and all over my face. I lowered her legs and loomed over her body, pinching her budding titties and fondling the small mound of her cunt. I was desperate for the feel of my darling grand-daughter's pussy lips wrapped tightly around my aching prick. But Erin stopped me momentarily just as I was about to plunge in. "Your ass," she panted out. "What, darling baby?" I was able to croak out. "Ass...your ass..." Erin was in worse shape than I. But I was able to figure out what she wanted. She and I always had great fun together sniffing and probing each other's ass. In fact, she loved it when we'd lounge side-by-side, each with a finger up the other's butthole. Colin and I had done this to each other since he was a tiny little guy and Erin liked it just as well. I delayed my pleasure for a few minutes, wanting Erin to remember this event as one of the best of her young life. I repositioned myself by turning my back to her, then straddled the altar table so I could push my hairy ass right into her cum-dripping face. The feel of her sticky hands on my cheeks sent a thrill through me and made my imagination get even nastier than usual. She was spreading my ass so she could get at my hole. I giggled like a fiend and let go with a major fart that had been building up force directly into her face. I could feel her pretty little mug breathing heavily against my shitter, so I knew she'd crack up when she felt my fart blast against her lips and nose. Mid-fart, I heard Erin laugh low in her throat, then it felt like my asshole got plugged as she shoved her nose inside it. She wriggled her nose around good and when she withdrew it the rest of the fart came out more audibly than the first blast. It sounded like a deflating balloon and Erin was laughing her head off. We all were. "Oh, Jesus, baby, you're such an amazing little girl; I love you so much, sweetheart!" I said. "Do me, grandpa..." she answered in a half-choked voice, humor coloring her choice of endearment. Calling me grandpa was something she rarely did, usually calling me simply `Cal.' I was charmed by her calling me grandpa. My cock felt even more rigid and swollen with blood and desire than before. "You want your old grandpa to stick his big, hard prick up your cunt, baby?" Talking dirty to her always got us both totally turned on. "Oh, yes, it deep and hard, OK, honey?" Her calling me `honey' seemed incredibly dirty and outrageous for some reason and I recall laughing out loud. "Let's see that pretty little pussy, sweetie. Oh, yes, baby, spread your legs and hold your cunt lips open so I can see deep inside you." I was giggling breathlessly, feeling uncontrollably randy and deliciously depraved. Nothing was too nasty or outrageous. She reached between her legs and held her cunt open for me to look at. The scarlet line of her gash opened and I could see Matt's massive load glistening all around the orifice, some of it still dripping slowly onto the altar top. I couldn't help but jack off as I stared at this beautiful sight. Erin was licking her lips and trying to swipe a clump of sperm off the tip of her nose. I leaned down over her and covered her nose briefly with my mouth, sucking out the clot of sperm that had been making her sound stuffy-headed. We both chuckled. We were nose-to-nose now, me leaning over her slender, sperm-frosted body. Her face was a mess, cum covering most of her features like a sheet of liquid gauze. Her hair looked matted and wet with it. I leaned in to inhale as my face skimmed her entire head. When my lungs were full of the bleachy, seedy richness I stuck out my tongue and licked a path from her eye over her cheek to her chin. The flavor was phenomenal, a complex bouquet of several men's cum. Erin found this to be incredibly thrilling and she pulled my mouth to hers and frenched with me until she could taste the magnificent flavor, too. Her lusty kiss made my balls churn again and fuck-lust suddenly overcame me. Rearing back, I growled like a tiger and hauled her up by her slippery shoulders, roughly pulling her off the altar and scooping her up in my arms while I stood there, shaking with the need to fuck, to fuck until I exploded and my soul poured into my little 9 year-old grand-daughter's welcoming cunt. She knew instinctively what to do. Up went her legs as they wrapped around me, her hands clasped firmly behind my neck. I was holding her up by supporting her thighs. The second we were settled I hugged her cum-drenched body close to mine, licking her lips before shoving my tongue down her throat. The feel of all that sperm gluing us together seemed to send me into a hallucinatory trance. I could feel it sticking and dribbling into my chest hair and the hair on my stomach and thighs. Even my ass felt cool and slick from the cum on Erin's feet and legs. The more we cavorted, the more slippery we were against each other. It felt amazing. Erin hoisted herself up in my arms and that was my signal to slide into her. I looked down between my legs at the hairy, throbbing dick jutting out obscenely from my groin like a lance and lowered her down on top of it. The second my cock head pushed past her velvety labia I felt an overpowering urge to cum. But I wasn't nearly ready yet and with a great exertion of willpower I stopped myself from ejaculating. As my cock disappeared inside her I felt Erin clamp her cunt muscles tightly around my exquisitely sensitive prick and start sucking me off as I bucked into her. My thrusts began slowly but soon increased in strength and speed. Erin was leaning her weight backwards, her clasped hands keeping her from falling out of my embrace as I fucked the hell out of her. I had never felt such an amazing cunt -- perfectly snug and wet, warm and silky, like a glove made specifically for my beautiful cock. The younger kids were scampering around us, hooting, stroking, petting, and giggling from how unhinged we were both getting. I could hear our voices coming from what seemed like a great distance, loud and crazed with lust yet curiously quiet and focused in my head. My hips were working hard now, punching in and out fast as my dick and the load in my balls pushed me to fuck harder and faster. Erin was moaning and tossing her cummy head back and forth. Her hair should have been whipping back and forth but it was glued to her forehead and cheeks. I again pulled her close to my sweat-drenched body and the sensation was electric as our skins made contact. Both of us felt like we were burning with fever. The exertion of holding her in my arms while I stood and screwed like a machine was getting to me. I stumbled away from the altar towards one of the mattresses, still fucking the whole while. When I reached the first bed I bent my knees and plopped Erin down onto her back without ever uncunting and fucking more furiously than before. The walls were covered in floor-to-ceiling mirrors. I caught a glimpse of us and was transfixed by the bawdy sight. There we were: A grunting, hairy, well-built 56 year-old man rhythmically grinding back and forth on top of a small 9 year-old girl, her skinny legs gently wagging around in the air as I held them aloft to get better fuck-leverage. Her thin arms were flailing around on the bed, clutching the semen-crusted sheets and tearing at the mattress itself. My thighs and ass looked spectacular as they bucked back and forth, really masculine and sexy -- particularly my ass. The hair on it looked like a shadow being cast over the muscular, meaty cheeks. I made us turn our bodies so I could get a better view of us screwing in the mirror. Glancing over my shoulder slightly, I could now see my big hairy balls slamming against Erin's alabaster inner thighs every time I bucked into her. I couldn't stop looking at myself as I fucked the little girl beneath my sweating, heaving hulk. The more perverse the imagery got, the harder and louder I screwed. "I wanna fucking marry you, sweetie, so I can fill you up with more babies!" I yelled out as I felt my balls start to contract with their heavy load. "Fuck me, grandpa, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me...fuck your little wife, fill me up, get me pregnant!" Erin was even louder than me. The others had fallen silent, mesmerized by our show. I had spent the last 2 days reviewing all the video footage we had of Erin getting it on with various members of the clan. I already knew most of her turn-ons and her responses to assorted stimulations, but I was obsessed with being able to read her slightest signals in anticipation of the great day ahead. I wanted to be able to accommodate all her whims and desires, to be able to work as a team in our pursuit of mutual satisfaction. I was reminded of how cowboys always have their favorite pony, the horse they feel a connection to that allows them to get in the saddle and enjoy their ride together. That was sort of how I was thinking about fucking Erin. (The image of the cowboy and his pony put a new letch inside my nasty mind as I recalled something Bo had told us about his adventures growing up in Mississippi. He'd unabashedly admitted that he used to enjoy fucking his horse in the ass and I now had a desire to see him do it. I had already looked into buying a couple of horses for his family to ride and enjoy and since a childhood friend of mine owned and managed a stables deep in the hills I figured I had found the perfect place for Bo to show me what he did with animals.) Anyway, I was hunkered down on top of Erin now, really giving it to her good. We made out like animals, like we were trying to eat each other. My hands were all over her and she was turning her face so she could burrow her nose into my steaming pits. That did it. I paused and turned my head to see who was handy to fuck my ass while I shot my load deep inside my baby girl's talented pussy. I really wanted to feel a big cock inside me, I needed it to make the moment complete. I wanted it to hurt, to fill me up until it felt like my guts were going to rupture. That meant Matt. I spotted him across the room slam-fucking Toby. "Hey, Matt, get over here and fuck the shit outta me, baby!" The sound of my voice surprised me. What I had said was a request but it came out like a drill sergeant barking an order. Matt was on me before I knew it. His dick was already well-lubed from being up Toby's asshole and as he slid in I let out with a terrific shriek of pain and delight. I let him get his fuck-pace established before I continued fucking Erin. I wanted Matt and I to fuck with the same rhythm so it would feel like we were both doing it to her. When I closed my eyes in surrender to the heavenly sensations sweeping over me all I could smell was sex. It was a heady combination of dicks (you guys will know what I'm talking about), pussy, swampy pits, cum and sweaty assholes working overtime. Matt must have been close to spurting when he was topping Toby because it only took him a very brief time before he started that low growl that meant he was about to blow. I gritted my teeth as his fucking got more frenzied and out of control. He was hurting me and I loved it more than I can even say. I was riveted by watching him in the mirror as he fucked me while I fucked Erin. We were close enough to the wall that I caught every wonderful detail. We were in profile and I couldn't stop staring at Matt's horse cock as it plunged in and out of my shithole. I could smell it, almost taste it. Matt's cock was, by far, the biggest dick I had ever had up my ass. A ruff of hair encircled even the underside of the root of his prick, blending into the ripe forest of his pubes and thinning out as it reached his low-hanging balls. I noticed how wet this hair was, how it briefly stuck to my ass when he slammed in to the hilt. I knew it was a mixture of sweat, cum, and ass and pussy juices. I also knew that I wanted to lick it bad. Erin got her orgasm at that moment and it set off a chain reaction. She screamed into my mouth as I increased my pounding, ready to blow in seconds. First Matt gave a pig-like series of sharp grunts and thrust his crotch so hard into me that both Erin and I lurched forward on the mattress. He lunged into my ass hard six or seven times, unleashing what I knew was going to be a torrent of jizz when it would soon reappear. My mind was racing with nastiness. His prick must have tickled my prostate to its limit because when he came, I shot off deep inside Erin. It felt like my insides were being ripped out of my cock and deposited deep up the cunt of the panting little girl under me. Matt foiled my plan of forcing the cum out of my ass -- like Adam loved doing -- directly onto Erin as the grand finale to out unbridled love fest. He quickly pulled out of my aching hole and dropped to his knees, glued his mouth over my raw and ripe shitter and sucked with all his might. I could feel his massive cum load being sucked out of my ass into his mouth. The idea was enough to make me moan in lewd delight. I bellowed like a sacrificial bull as I felt my asshole evacuate in Matt's hungry mouth. The wet gurgling sounds, along with the humming and grunting noises he was making, helped me squirt his load out until I felt empty and drained. My prick was still inside Erin, lolling in the lake of cum I had pumped into her. It felt like my dick was never going to deflate, like this session of love had made me permanently aroused and ready for action. I felt more powerful and fertile than ever before. I had reached a new level of sexual bliss and excitement. I felt like a god. As Matt continued sucking my asshole I could feel my sperm pouring out of Erin's miniature cunt and gumming up my already funky pubes. It tickled as it ran out, cooling my flesh but heating my loins for more fucking. But I knew I couldn't relax on top of Erin until I was ready for more. There was work to be done. With another deep kiss of love and thanks, I dislodged my prick from her sheath and slid off the bed so I could get my face down onto her pussy. Once I was in position Matt started in on me again. The sensation of having my cum- filled asshole vacuumed by a nasty, sloppy mouth while I sucked my load out of a little girl's cunt was like nothing I had experienced before. My load flowed freely into my throat and I gulped down several mouthfuls of hot, reeking cum mixed with young cunt juice. My cock stood immediately and I reached down between my legs to stroke my shaft and swirl my sperm-smeared fingers all around the ridge of my cock head. My prick felt sore and abused, really awesome. There has always been something soothing and sleep-inducing about eating out a well- fucked pussy, even more so when it's a very young and tender one. Erin was lost in her own private world as I finished cleaning her out and my eyelids began to feel heavy as Matt gave my shithole a few final laps with his randy tongue. I think Erin and I bonded ever deeper than before during these moments. We were both sharing the experience of being tenderly ministered to by those we love. Who else but a loving relative could suck cum out an asshole or cunt with such devotion and care, such relish for each delicious clump or drop and all it represents? When we were through Matt and I kissed and savored the flavors still coating our tongues. Finally, we leaned over Erin and fed her what was left in our mouths. I noticed her little pussy gape and close when she tasted the sweetness on our breaths. I could fill pages telling more about what everyone got up to during those sacred 2 hours we spent in the Priapus shrine room. But I'll move along and tell what came after. It actually took a few months of continual fucking between Matt and Erin before she got pregnant. It worried us at first, making us fear that Erin was infertile or wouldn't be able to conceive properly. But Doc Walker put our minds at ease and told us to just be patient and keep up the program of non-stop sex. Matt and Erin got to know each other really well during those months, better than they had ever known each other before. I began to feel slightly jealous, to be honest. It seemed like no matter what room I walked into, whatever time of the day or night, I would stumble upon them fucking merrily away, oblivious to anything other than each other and their genitals. But Erin would always seek me out afterwards, her inner thighs streaked with sperm, her eyes glassy with exhaustion and contentment. Just looking at her made my heart swell with love and desire. She'd climb up into my lap and throw her skinny arms around my neck, kissing me and fondling my cock and balls, whispering in my ear dirty little endearments coupled with heart-felt declarations of love. A few minutes later she'd scurry away and Matt would saunter in, flop down next to me and offer me his unwashed prick to sniff and lick. As I cleaned him up he'd give me a blow-by-blow description of everything they had done to each other, rating each fuck on a scale of 1 to 10. He never failed to get me horned up fast and furious and then I'd fuck him or he'd fuck me. When it was officially declared that Erin had a bun in her hot little oven we had a huge celebration. In less than a year we'd have another precious baby to raise and nurture. During the wait Colin and I set into motion something we had been discussing and fantasizing about for years, actually since Colin had been about 10 years old. He and I wanted out own baby, preferably a boy, to raise as our own child but we didn't want it to be carried by a clan member. We asked Bo's wife Trish if she would carry our baby and she said yes. We took turns screwing her while the other watched but most often we double-fucked her, an activity that Trish loved as much as we did. Within a month we had gotten her pregnant. Like young newlyweds expecting their first child, we took delight in every change that happened to Trish's body as her belly swelled with our love. For the first and only time in our clan's history, we took her in for tests to determine the baby's sex. We wanted to know if we were going to get the little son we had hoped for. To our relief, our gods had favored us yet again. Trish was going to have a fine baby boy. Colin and I now found ourselves in a delirium of happiness and joy. We would have our long hoped for son in a matter of months. We had already decided to downplay the role of the mother, choosing to tell him -- when the time came -- that Trish had simply carried him but that Colin and I had created him out of our deep and unbreakable love for each other. Our son would truly have two daddies. He wouldn't need a mother when he had us to teach and care for him. Long before the baby was even created, we had chosen a name for him. Our son would be called Brendan, the name of my favorite grandfather, my father's dad. It seemed symbolically perfect to us. We had great plans for Brendan and us as he'd grow into manhood at our side. On a side note, I really should say something about our heritage as it explains where all the big dicks came from in the clan. First off, Tim and I were full-blooded Irish. Every Irish dude I have ever seen naked sports a big cock. We were certainly no exception. Oddly, neither Tim nor I could ever recall seeing our father's prick, so we could only assume that Dad was a big boy, too. Our grandparents had come to the U.S. from Ireland before the Great Depression to seek a better life. Instead, they were greeted with racial and nationalistic prejudice and hatred. Things got better for them as they made their way and accumulated a healthy inheritance for their kids. Sherry's family history was more exciting and could have easily been made into a movie. Her grandmother had been a Polish Protestant and her grandfather a German soldier during WWII. Yes, he was a Nazi. Yes, he had raped her. But they managed to fall in love and her grandfather was able to bring the grandmother back to Germany. She had an easy time fitting into Nazi culture due to her Aryan features: blond hair, blue eyes, and a strapping, healthy physique. Towards the end of the war they had fled to England under assumed names, the grandfather speaking flawless English as well as his native German. After a short stay in the English countryside, they had come to America. Settling in the Midwest, they had created a new life and set of identities for themselves and the grandfather's political beliefs were kept secret until he'd come to forget them. Again, most every German and Polish guy I'd ever known had fat cocks and it's my belief that our boys were so well-endowed as a result of the mixture of our genes. I don't know how else to day it: big dicks just ran in our family. In the next chapter I'll tell about the amazing things that happened with the arrival of the newest additions to the clan -- Erin and Matt's baby and Colin's and mine.