Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 14:06:01 -0500 From: MC VT Subject: Of Birds and Lizards Gay Incest Of Birds and Lizards ©MCVT2017 January 18, 2020 Farm boy, father, lizard, bird and an uncle in a brief tale of life. You can give Nifty a few pets in the form of a donation: 100% Fiction, Adult Content: Mb, MMb, bl, rom. ===================================================================== Tiny and red, a baby boy was born in the countryside. Delightful baby, big eyes, curious, he studied the people and things around him between naps and bottles of creamy, sweet milk. He grew strong and learned to walk, then run. Miracle of miracles, his father brought him a tricycle! Pedaling around the farm, he flew up and down the paths to the barn and between the tall rows of corn, around the chicken coop, following his father's work boots. The boy liked following the faded blue overalls into the barn the best -- pulled his trike right up to the bucket where his father milked the cows. He sang to his boy, songs in a foreign language sung decades ago. These two loved each other more than most fathers and sons, though the boy got a swat if he went to the old well, or strayed too far. Swats didn't come often, the father had a soft heart for his beautiful son. Came time to start school and the boy wasn't happy leaving his father to sit in a desk all day alongside strangers. The father counseled the boy several times saying that his education was important, "Listen to the teacher, do what he says." His small, knobby-kneed son frowned. "You know they have play time after lunch, you'll learn games like footy or rugby..." The father grinned, "You'll like that." The boy accepted his separation and began school. In a small school he began learning to read, work his numbers and he learned about the earth, nations, all kinds of strange things like mean bombs. These were the things his parents discussed at dinner. Though his text book didn't say so, he wondered if English really were worm-ridden like his mother often exclaimed. Their faces in his text book appeared uncomfortable, perhaps that was the reason. History lessons brought more strange faces to study with long, confusing names to pronounce. Men who looked stern and angry, women who were skinny -- their faces twisted into suspicious, sullen expressions. These people wore strange clothes and their hair was unworldly. The boy didn't want to grow up to live among adults who appeared constantly upset. These people caused problems for others, hurt them and killed them capriciously then stole their homes. He loved the farmlands filled with strong people with happy, open faces. Farmers were peaceful, pleased with the abundance of the land, the wildlife, the woodlands and streams. It was along a stream where the boy walked home daily that he found a treasure -- a pinkish lizard. Squatting nearby, the boy observed the tiny reptile as it patiently waited for a gnat buzzing nearby. Rapidly, the lizard's tongue shot out to catch the bug. Reptiles are always smiling in their way, but this tiny reptile seemed particularly satisfied with his minute snack. Pulling a thread on the hem of his jacket, the boy carefully lay the string on the ground in a straight line, grabbed the lizard and tried to tie the string around its neck. Scared, the lizard resisted any attempt to bind him. The boy put the lizard in his jacket pocket and held it closed and ran home. Sneaking in the back door, he grabbed a canning jar and lid, and put his new pet in the jar and secured him. He tried slipping to his room unseen, but failed. "What happened to your jacket?" His mother called out. "Those schoolgirls grabbed me and tore it. Could you sew it back please?" Seeing one of her precious canning jars, "What's this? Looks like a geitjie, a very young house geitjie." Mother had a small fit, "No wildlife in the house. All animals outside except your father!" She was a smart woman who appreciated nature. Studying her wildlife book, she read to her son about the lizard. How unusual, these reptiles went to the same place daily to relieve themselves. With a stack of old newspapers cut in small squares, they made a simple toilet for the lizard who was allowed to live in the boy's room. The little animal liked sitting in the window, catching bugs and sunning himself. He was a pale lizard, skin so thin, you could see his internal organs. He was small, about the length of the boy's opened hand. ... Daily, when the boy finished school, he changed clothes and went to work. Standing next to his father who was hammering nails back into the stalls where the cows had loosened them. "The nation needs men in the army, I'm leaving next week, called into the military." He looked at his son. "I'll be away a long time." "How will we keep the farm without you, will we move?" This frightened the boy. "Your uncle and aunt will come to help." He looked at the boy. "You're almost ten, you'll have to help with the chores like you're older than you are." Tears filled the boy's eyes, "When will you be back?" "About the time you're twelve." He said, "Before I go, I need to teach you some things, very important lessons." Taking the boy to the back of the barn, he lifted him to a bale of hay and began instructing him about how his body would change, and the pleasures it would bring. Though his hands were rough and calloused, he unsnapped the boy's overalls letting them drop. Gently, he stroked along the boy's body and explained about the boy's skeleton, hair and genitalia and how they would change. Being a smart boy, "Dad, I know that. I know I'm gonna get bigger and look like you." "Yes, you will. Now it's time to learn how to use these changes." The father whispered and took the boy's small tool in his mouth. It wasn't much more than the father's little finger and it sported a long, dark foreskin and small, pale mounds underneath. As he gently sucked the tiny rod, and his tongue played along the underside, the father's hand moved to the small stalk and pulled the foreskin back quickly, then flicked along the boy's slit. He continued sucking as the boy's eyes rolled back in his head, and he began breathing short, fast breaths. The father moved his head, and began licking and sucking the boy's tiny eggs, "Mmm." The father hummed and began sucking and tugging on the small sac with his teeth. "Oh, oh." Son whispered and grabbed palmfuls of his father's thick brown hair. Though it often felt good to pee and handle his penis, it hadn't occurred to the boy to use his bird for pleasure. His small body was to be kept covered, and hands kept busy at chores. This felt very good. Sucking and teasing from Father continued. Suddenly, for only a moment, the boy's body shook with something that felt like a rough string jerking quickly through his body, a miniature lightning bolt. He pushed his hips toward his father's mouth as his knees flexed. His father chuckled with the small member still in his mouth, then kissed the little cock and eggs. "There are other things I must show you tonight." He pulled his son's overalls up and snapped them as he kissed the boy's eyelids, then his cheeks. "I love you." "Don't go away." He would miss his father as the boy couldn't figure out how to put his own mouth on his bird to do this during his father's absence. "The nation calls." He embraced the boy, "I must go." ... ater that evening the father took the boy to bathe, he gave the boy all the right names, then the argot family terms for his body parts and took him to the barn. Looking through their calving equipment, the father found a nipple from a bottle they used to feed the young calves. "Come sit with me," The father was sitting on a bale of hay, he patted his lap. "Put your behind near my knees and your feet on the hay." He kissed the boy's hand and admired the slender young body he made, "Are you a brave boy?" The boy sat facing his father, his skinny legs straddling his father's. "Yeah." The boy wondered if he was going to get a swat. "Okay. Put your head on my chest. This may hurt at first. Wait, be patient." The boy didn't keep his head on his father's chest, but watched as his father slipped his middle finger into the nipple and spit on it. "I'm going to miss you, son." Father whispered, as the nippled finger found the boy's hole. He pressed. Immediately, the boy's face jumped in pain. "Push against my finger and it'll be easier." Father whispered. "Put your arms around my neck, and be brave." The boy obeyed but wasn't pleased about the activity happening at his rear. With his left hand, Father began touching lightly along the boy's bird, and his eggs. So smooth, small and so perfect, his hardened skin could hardly feel his boy's delicate kit. Soon the foreskin was bobbing for attention -- Father gently stroked as the boy gasped. His father's finger was inside him, in the red rubber teat. It didn't feel good at all but the fingers on his bird did. Confusing sensations, the boy's feelings were at odds. Looking into his eyes, "Take a deep breath." Father said and when he heard the boy inhale, he slipped the nipple further into his son's heated nook. Wide-eyed and anxious, the boy looked into his father's eyes as his own filled with tears. "Are you a brave boy?" The boy nodded, unsure but he loved and trusted his father. "Lay your head on my chest." Gripping the boy's short shaft with his hand, he squeezed it, his thumb flicking the foreskin, "Promise me that you won't let anyone else touch you like this." Gripping and gently pulling while he flicked the foreskin, the finger inside the boy began exploring as it slid in and out only a fraction of an inch. "Why --" The boy began but he felt a strange sensation that made his bird harder. His father saw his son's face and smiled. "This is only for me." Firmly and gently he rubbed the skin along the slippery wall inside his son, stimulating the small glands. He smiled seeing the boy's eyes widen so he gripped the short shaft, gripped and relaxed as he pulled gently and rubbed the glans with his thumb. The boy's hands grabbed the hair on his father's chest, his body tensed as he felt his hole tighten several times as lightening shot through his body again, his hips hunched against his father's hands and the boy squeaked. Passing out momentarily, the boy's head hit his father's collar bone. Father kissed the boy's hair and pulled his finger out to hold his son tightly against him, wondering when the boy would begin making the fluids that would give him a grandson. Not yet, not for several more years. "This is only for me, son." "Don't leave." "I must." ... Saturday, Father and son went to the train station to pick up the relatives who would help at the farm. On the way, the father pulled off the road to a stream, the two undressed and swam in a small pond surrounded by big rocks. Again, the father pulled the boy against his chest and began rubbing his small hole. This time, being naked, the father's shaft was rigid, rubbing alongside his son's bird. Generously endowed, his son's cock seemed puny in comparison, "You'll be this big one day." "I know." The boy fingered his father's foreskin, pushing it back and forth, feeling the hair along the base, while small fingers explored the big, heavy balls. "When I come home, I won't use my finger." Father sighed and wiggled his finger inside his son's rear. "I'll use my cock and it'll feel better than this, I promise." He slipped a second finger inside his son and began rubbing. "You're mine, and this is ours. Now suck my nipples and I'll cum for you." A little confused by the word "cum" the boy's head was pressed against his father's chest and he began sucking his father's nipple. "Harder, son." Dutifully, he did as his legs gripped tighter around his father's waist in the warm water and sunlight. With his arms around his father's chest, legs around his waist, and lips on a nipple, the boy sucked the nipple hard into his mouth and bit with his front teeth causing his father's body to begin humping against him and his rod to harden further between them. Almost bucking the boy away, the father's body tensed as he released his semen between them. Then he shoved his fingers further inside the boy. "Cum for me. Cum!" Overwhelmed with sensation, the boy humped back against his father. Skin tingled, breaths stopped, muscles tensed -- lightning struck! No longer confused, the boy was overjoyed. In the water and the warmth of the sun, they kissed and said their goodbyes. At the train depot, the aunt and uncle tossed their suitcases in the back of the truck, and handed Father his small bag. "Be careful on the front. Send your address as soon as you can." Uncle stated. Aunt, Uncle and boy pulled away from the station before the train left. In the back of the truck the boy cried. ... When they arrived home, his uncle helped the boy from the truck, "How did you get so dirty?" Dust from the road had stuck to the boy's tears as they ran down his cheeks. The uncle wiped the dirt, "We'll all miss your father. Now go wash your face and we'll get the chores done for the night." The uncle was a kind man, older and he loved his nephew, though he didn't know him well. Their dinner was quiet, the adults worried about the war and Father. The boy felt abandoned, though he sat among people who loved him. His heart ached for his father -- he'd never been separated from him before. That night, the uncle came to the boy's room, and looked around, then sat on the bed beside the boy, "There's a geitjie on your window sill." "That's my pet." The boy said, "He eat the bugs." Not sure how to begin, "You miss your father, I can tell. I miss him, too." He sighed, "I don't get to be with him as much as I need." ... That night, the boy remembered the lightening, his father's promise to put his big cock inside him and make him feel even better. Could it feel better than what his father already showed him? Better than bird-sucking, kissing and licking his eggs? Remembering how his father touched him, he pulled his bird from his pajamas and began rubbing. Just as he was feeling relaxed, he felt the little lizard scampering across his chest. He was accustomed to his friend patrolling his sheets for bugs nightly. The geitjie stopped at the boy's navel for a moment, looking about. He moved forward to the boy's erect stalk held in the boy's hand and decided to climb. Tiny feet with even tinier claws scrabbled up to the boy's foreskin. He sniffed around, jerked his head, inspecting. The boy moved his hand, placing the lizard on his groin and felt him walking lightly. Being a nosy geitjie, he walked across the warm, pink scrotum and along the boy's smooth thighs, then came back to the center of attention and climbed the short pole. The boy enjoyed the lightest of touches from his friend. He fell asleep just like that. ... The next day, the boy went to school, the aunt and uncle started their chores. All was going as planned. Weeks passed until just before school holidays, a letter from Father arrived. Covered with insignias, official-looking stamps and foreign postage, a big, fat letter came. Uncle read the letter twice over dinner, everyone smiled proudly -- Father held good rank after being trained and passing all his tests. Soon he would be leading men into battle. Uncle proudly put the letter on the mantle. That night, the boy lay on his bed letting his lizard roam his body when Uncle came in. On the side of the bed, "There's part of the letter I didn't read tonight. It's for you personally." He pulled a small strip of folded paper from his pocket. The boy read the words: "My son, help Uncle with chores. He loves you. You may love him the way you love me." Quickly, he put the paper under his pillow and covered his face with the sheet remembering his father's lessons. "Thank you." Father, he wanted his father. After the uncle left, the boy reached under his pillow and pulled out the nipple that his father had used to cover his rough finger the first time he penetrated him. As the lizard walked the boy's body, watching the contortions with a reptile smile. The young man tried to make the good feelings happen inside him again, but they wouldn't come. The boy couldn't make lightning strike like Father did. ... During calving time and the Uncle stayed in the barn, the boy brought his dinner noting another new calf. "Got to get that boy cut before your father comes home." Uncle remarked. The boy petted the calf, a wobbly red and white spotted bull calf, who searched for something to suck on. "I hate it when they cry." The boy said softly. "It's easier on them." "I know, but they're so scared." He looked at his uncle, "Then the cows get upset and start hollering." "Plug your ears, we'll work quickly." The uncle picked up a box that contained the bottles and nipples for the calves. He noted one of the nipples, he picked it up, sniffed and smiled at the boy. "You been busy with this equipment?" The boy blushed, but didn't look away. "Your father gave you your lessons?" The uncle tilted his head. "I hope he did." Saddened with the thought of his father, the boy nodded and turned to leave, but stopped. "How did you know?" "My father, your grandfather taught all of us boys. Natural way to raise sons, care for them and show them how to be loving men. I'd say it works very well." He smiled. "Come here, I miss my brother and our dad, hard being without them." They both ate the dinner in the hayloft watching the cows ready to drop their calves. Listening to the grunts and bellows, the two lay to rest. Uncle explained how surprised and pleased he was when his father showed him how his body worked. "Uncle must have been a slow learner," the boy thought as Uncle described his lessons continuing after high school. Calving's hard work, the uncle only wore his overalls and muck boots which he kicked off. Lying next to the sweaty uncle, the boy was comforted hearing a voice that sounded like his father, smelling skin that reminded him of Father's love. The uncle unsnapped his overalls in the heat and pulled the boy against him, "Your father will be home in two weeks, we'll have the calves cut and the corn in the ground..." Uncle's nipple was at the boy's eyes. Tilting his head, he began sucking on the dark, salty circle and felt his Uncle's hand holding his head, rubbing his hair. "Yes." As the boy unsnapped his jeans and pushed them down, he recalled, "You may love him the way you love me." Within moments, the big hands of Uncle caressed the boy, the man purred with pleasure feeling the smooth, taut body being offered him. He disrobed quickly, releasing the heavy, earthy smell of sweat along the sweet smells of dry grasses. Uncle, though, had forgotten that his father had begun slowly and tenderly with him. Rolling over on the boy, he maneuvered his groin to the boy's face roughly. Not afraid, but squished hard, the boy felt the coarse hair and leaking erection on his face. He nipped the uncle's foreskin. Wiggling out, "That's not what Father does!" Uncle leaned back, surprised, "What does he do?" Being so young, he didn't know what to say other than, "He loves me easy." Not wanting another bite, "Show me." "You have to use the nipple; your hands are rough." Uncle was down the ladder immediately retrieving the nipple. When he returned, the boy patted a bale of hay signaling the uncle to sit. "Put it on your finger. Spit on it." He said as the boy straddled his legs. The boy had imagined his pleasures with his father many times while his geitjie wandered his body, he knew what he wanted. Uncle's body trembled as the boy's body alit on his thighs. He took the boy's chin, and kissed his lips as the nippled finger went to the boy's tiny, tight hole. Though his father hadn't taught him how to kiss properly, Uncle was a proficient instructor. Grabbing his short stalk, the boy began pulling, opening and closing his foreskin around his excited purple knob. The boy leaned forward and lay his head on his uncle's chest. Uncle, by this time was rigid and dripping, but still somewhat unsure what his brother had taught the boy. He pulled his erection alongside the boy's and began stroking himself while his finger wriggled inside the boy to a very exciting place. They looked in each other's eyes, both came, with only the man completing the act with an unexpectedly generous seminiferous finale. The entire barn smelled of Uncle's satisfaction. "Did your father tell you that's how you'll make your babies? This liquid makes babies when you put it inside your wife. It's like what the bulls put in the cows to make calves." "Oh." The boy hadn't tied those thoughts and liquids together in his mind yet. The boy's finger went to the dripping, now soft rod. "Father put some in your mother before he left, she will have a child in summer." As the days passed, Uncle and the boy completed the calving and castrations, planted the fields. The boy liked feeding the calves who were in the pen next to their mothers while Uncle milked and hauled the liquid to the big cans. Uncle and nephew held more classes in the hayloft, and the boy learned much more about his body and the bodies of men. He was an eager student yet still missed Father. ... Several days before his father came home on leave, the women cooked and cleaned, readying for a celebration; all the neighbors would come and bring more food. They would also bring gifts for the coming child. Jigs would ring across the fields and their friends and neighbors would dance and sing into the night. With her swollen belly, Mother took the boy to the porch and clipped his shaggy hair. In clean overalls stiff from a lye soap scrubbing and sunshine, Uncle and boy went to the depot to bring Father home. Gaunt, with dark circles under his eyes, Father tossed his bag in the back of the truck and climbed in to take his boy on his lap and kiss him. "Let's get home. I want some home cooking!" All the way home, Father caressed the boy who clung to his neck. Several hours of hugs and kisses all around, several plates of fresh, hot home-cooked food and the father was ready to walk the farm with his brother. As they walked, "Have you been good to my boy?" "Yes." Uncle started, "Well, we had lessons." Uncle left some things unsaid. They hurried back to the house as neighbors arrived to celebrate. The adults danced and sang so late, the boy went to bed, very tired and sleepy. Little geitje came for his evening patrol over the boy's body. The boy's hand pushed the sheets aside, pushed his briefs down to let the reptile tease him. The boy was so tired he didn't wake when his father lay beside him, stroking his hair and kissing him before he fell asleep alongside. Next morning, the son was surprised to see his father in bed with him, he kissed him, got up and went to milk the cows, they were calling to be milked. He slowly worked his way through the herd, listening for sounds of his family waking. When he smelled the ham frying and heard the women in the kitchen, he fed the chickens and gathered the eggs. Soon Uncle came to join with him in the chores. It wasn't often that their farm had a celebration like they had last night; adults awoke late. After finishing the chores, Uncle and Father left for town. In the kitchen, Mother told the boy that his father went to see the doctor, "He'll be back this afternoon." "Is he sick?" Aside from being thin and looking tired, Father seemed alright. "Some sicknesses come from the mind to affect the body. He'll be fine, I'm sure." His mother didn't say anything else. ... When the men arrived, they all brought the cows to the barn, milked them and penned them for the night. As they walked toward the house, "Father, are you sick?" Taking his son aside, "When I was in battle, things changed inside me. I'm sorting it out and from what the doctor said, I'll be alright. It'll take time, be patient." The boy asked to whisper in his father's ear, "When you put your fingers in me, you told me you'd put your cock in me and it would feel better. I want to do that." "That's why I went to the doctor today. I'm sorry, but I'm not able to do that for a while. Maybe Uncle..." "No. I want you." "He loves you almost as much as me. He told me so, and I believe him. Think it over tonight, we'll talk in the morning." He kissed his boy's cheek. After dinner, the boy went to bed early to talk to his geitjie, "I don't understand. Father says he can't put his cock in me." The lizard was not the tiny lizard any longer, but a bigger bug-eater. He meandered across the boy's naked body in the dark, stopping to sniff nipples, his bird and patrol the sheets. "Do you think Father really doesn't love me and doesn't want to tell me? Adults hide things from kids. Maybe he loves the new baby more than me." Geitjie looked back at him with a wide reptilian smile, tilting his head from one side to the other. ... Everyone was up early the next morning, getting the chores done and readying to harvest corn and cut hay. Mother was heavy, taking time to rest more often, the baby would come soon. Aunt took Mother to the clinic. While they were gone, Father and Uncle were in the house resting in the heat of noontime. They sat at the table drinking cold tea. The boy came in and stood by his father, laying his head on his shoulder. The father brought him between his legs, "You want what I promised you?" His face was sad, but the boy nodded. "I want to know you still love me like before." Father was disappointed with himself, the trauma he experienced left him impotent, unable to attain erection, and though the doctors told him it was temporary, his impatient son stood in front of him. He felt even worse, but looked to his brother, "Will you help?" They made an agreement and went to the barn to rinse off the dust and sweat of the day under the hose, then up the ladder to the hayloft. It was warm and the air was sweet with the new-mown hay. Taking a blanket and tossing it open, the three lay together. The boy enjoyed being with two big, strong men. Father glanced at his brother, "Did you..." "No, he's particular about you." Uncle said as he lay beside them. "Son, my brother will pleasure you while I love you. Are you still as brave as always?" He pulled the boy onto his chest, face down and lifted the boy's chin, "Open your legs and put your knees by my hips." His big arms held the boy at his chest while Uncle prepared himself to penetrate the boy, he began stroking his erection, then leaned to kiss the boy's cleft as Father held the boy open, whispering how much he loved him. Between both their legs, Uncle caressed his brother's thighs, the boy's legs and kissed the small rump above his brother's groin. As he knelt to kiss and lick the tight, pink muscle, he stroked the heavy, dark sac between his brother's legs. This was a privilege as Uncle had no sons. Swabbing the boy's cleft with his arousal, Uncle held his shaft against the boy's hole and only touched lightly. Father held the boy's cheeks apart, opened widely. "Brave, be brave. Push against him, remember?" Grabbing his father's chest hair, the boy grunted as the uncle pushed, waited, pushed and waited until he was out of patience and shoved the head of his mature tool into the boy quickly. He stopped. Boy-tears fell on Father's chest. Lifting his son's face, "Kiss me until it feels better." "I love you." Father looked into his son's eyes, warmly, "Put yourself in the right place to receive your pleasure." He moved the boy's hips downward. Surprisingly, the boy lifted his rear in invitation. Happy to oblige, Uncle plunged deeper with longer strokes. Uncle's big, rough hands stroked along the boy's slender, smooth form in front of him, and reached to the boy's nipples to pinch softly as his shaft reveled in the snug sleeve of warmth. So tight -- juicy caresses around his achingly hard member, so tight he could feel the boy's heartbeat. Uncle's slit leaked heavily to further concentrate the excitement of this experience as the soft membranes parted at his glans, he imagined himself an explorer in untouched, unexplored territory with each push. Uncle's erection sought more of the sensual, stretched-tight grip on his tool and his body quaked. From intense pleasure, Uncle began moaning loudly. The cows called back to him. Excited further, he plumbed the boy so deeply, that the boy's breaths were pushed out making small grunts. Small grunts caused Uncle to pull his member completely out of the small hole just to feel it kiss his glans when he once again plunged. Uncle's sweat dripped as he moaned feeling the tender muscle regathering slightly like it sucked him. Incredibly hot, elastic, wet sensations made him feel wanted, needed and his testicles drew close to his body. "Loan repayments, cleaning the hogs, shoveling the chicken coop..." Uncle had to calm himself again after his body once refilled with the passion to complete this prized act. Father smiled and reached under the boy to find the small cock and squeezed it to feel liquid on his fingers; he was so proud of his son in that moment. In his mind, he knew he had to work hard to heal the sickness in his mind that kept his cock from filling. He needed payment from his son for his lessons, payment in masculine intimacies. Unable to contain himself much longer, Uncle grabbed the boy's hips and jerked him closer, then moved his hips to explore inside the boy more fully. It made the boy moan, he lifted narrow hips higher and the father's hand went to the boy's fully exposed rod and he began squeezing and pulling, the other hand tugged at the small sac until the boy could take no more. A few drops of his excitement fell on his father's belly. Suddenly Uncle's body shook with his last few deep strokes, he filled the boy with his semen, filled him full until it began dripping back out onto the boy, then his father. Uncle fell, completely emptied on his brother and nephew. He rolled to the side when his shaft was no longer gripped. Father's hand came to the boy's stretched hole and he rubbed gently, pushing a finger inside, and rubbing the boy's glands lightly until the boy cried for him to stop. Father didn't stop, but continued kissing and feeling the well-seeded warmth of a fully-educated son. "You like that? "I know it's gonna be better with you." "It will be, I promise." Uncle kissed the boy, then his brother and went down to rinse himself again and left for the house. Father and son spoke to each other lovingly and eventually went to rinse and into the kitchen to find Uncle cooking dinner. "Where are the women?" Father asked. "Still at the clinic, I suppose." They sat and ate. The women didn't return that night. Father went to the next farm, borrowed their car and went to town. The next day he came home with Aunt, Mother and a baby. He had another son; Father's chest expanded with pride. That night, the boy told his geitjie that another boy would come into the room later, and he would have two to care for him. Shoving the sheets aside, removing his pajamas, the boy told his friend, "It's good to be a son and a nephew and better to be a brother." Again, contorting himself, the boy pushed his finger inside himself, remembering how loved he felt that afternoon and stroked his bird making a few drops splatter, one droplet hit the geitjie's head. As always, the lizard smiled, tilting his head and enjoying the warmth of the boy's body. ... Father returned sooner than expected from national service. Uncle and Aunt returned to their home. Yes, that tiny, red baby boy blessed their home. A delightful baby, big-eyed and curious. When it came time, no miracle needed; his big brother gave him a worn but quite usable tricycle to explore the farm. Father and older brother were very pleased. They continued lessons with fulsome payments and the boy looked forward to the day he could teach his brother what he'd learned. Fin. Of Birds and Lizards