Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 19:45:58 -0600 From: Subject: 1-nephew-2-broken-arms-part-2 The following is part 2 of Aaron's story as he grows up. It is 100% fiction, although it does stem from the actual event of Aaron breaking both of his arms as a child, as noted in the prelude to chapter 1. If you like it, let me know If you can afford it, donate to Nifty. It had been a truly magical summer, although granted it had started a little bit shaky at first. However, now that school was starting and uncle Jay was no longer around, Aaron couldn't help being a little depressed. Before, pleasuring himself in the evening and the occasional morning had been enough but compared to how Jay had made him feel, his hand was no match. Even when he used a finger or two to tickle his special spot, it wasn't quite the same as having Jay's organ deep inside him, feeling his uncle's weight and accepting the warm jet that always filled him to the brim and usually spilled out before dripping down his body. It was a sad day indeed when they had to say goodbye but the night before they had made slow passionate love to each other 2 heavenly times, once in each of their beds. By morning, they were drained emotionally and phsyically, having unashamedly cried together after their second time, as close as two people can possibly be, one inside the other. So it would make sense that Aaron only half-heartedly tugged on his organ as he lay in his own bed, back at home. It flopped from side to side but hesitated to inflate because Aaron's mind was having trouble. Even though he was trying to relive those moments with Jay, his mental images weren't enough to wake up his organ so he finally gave up, turned onto his right side, and fell into a fitful sleep. That was on a Saturday night, the last one before school started the following Monday, which means that it is currently a Sunday. Before all of this had happened, Aaron hadn't minded going to church because he had friends there and truth be told, he thought his youth counsellor was sort of cute and a pretty cool guy. However, as a Catholic, he had also been taught certain things about sins of the flesh and how people who indulged in that behavior would undoubtedly go to Hell. Now that he had done what he had with Jay, he was more than apprehensive about returning to his regular place of worship. It had been bad enough attending services after servicing himself at least once a day during the rest of the week. As it normally did in the morning, Aaron's organ rose and stretched to its full length but this time it had to do more with the fact that his bladder was full than it did with any desire for the other type of release. He stretched the rest of his body out completely, throwing his blankets off and looking down at his naked self. Maybe it had been subtle but now that he was checking himself out, there was no doubt that he had grown over the summer. His organ was longer, a little bit thicker, and his pubes were more full above it. He reached down and hefted his bag of marbles in the palm of his hand, satisfied that they seemed fuller as well. But then he suddenly frowned, realizing that they probably only felt full because he hadn't emptied them for the past 2 days, a record for him even before the summer had taken his arms but given him his uncle. He groaned with disappointment as he went to the bathroom, relieved himself, then returned to his room. As he shut the door, he heard his mom telling him he had about 20 minutes before they had to leave. Usually that would be enough time to shower and enjoy himself while doing it but today, he just stood there and let the water fall over him. He went through the motions of washing himself, then dried and dressed in slacks and a nice pull-over shirt. Once in a while, he liked going without underwear but today it felt right to have them on. "Good morning, Aaron, glad to have you back. Hope you had a good time with your uncle over the summer. I heard about your nasty fall and your broken arms but it looks like you've healed up just fine. So good of your uncle to take care of you the way he did. Next time you see him, tell him he has my respect for helping you through your trial, God bless him!" Aaron's preacher always greeted the congregation as they came through the door. He had tried to hide behind his mom and had almost made it before being spotted. "Um, yeah, I'll tell him but I probably won't see him much now that summer's over." "I guess that's true. Well, happy to have you back. If you have the time, I'd like to talk with you after church today. It won't take long, I promise. Is it okay if I borrow your son for a few minutes? I'd like to catch up with him after not seeing him all summer." The preacher turned from Aaron to his mother but there was something in the way that he was looking at the boy that made Aaron nervous. He suddenly felt as though the man could see right through him and knew what he had done with his uncle over the summer. Aaron tried to pay attention to the sermon but his mind was wandering. His logic was telling him that there was nothing suspicious about the looks he had gotten nor was there any way the man could possibly know what he had done with Jay. However, his paranoia was activately suggesting that somehow the man had found out and was now going to punish him for his sinful ways. When the meeting was over and the prayer offered, Aaron again tried to make himself invisible as he and his family made their way to the exit. But the people were slow if they were moving at all since most were social and preferred to stay and chat with each other for awhile before returning home. When asked why he was in such a hurry to leave, Aaron mumbled something about being hungry, tired, and he also had to use the bathroom. "Aaron, my boy, I was hoping I'd catch you." Somehow the man had weaved through the congregation quickly and had caught him before they were even halfway to the front door. "Don't worry, it shouldn't take long but if it goes more than a half hour, I'll bring him home I promise." He smiled at Aaron's mom graciously, then winked at Aaron when the woman's attention was drawn by one of her lady friends. "Ok, that's fine. Sorry, what were trying to tell me, Mrs. Finch?" And so it was about to happen. The rest of the people either filed out the door or remained in the foyer to continue their conversations as Aaron followed his pastor to the man's office. Of course, Aaron had no way of knowing what was in store. In his mind, he figured that he was doomed to do some sort of penance for what he had done with Jay, probably memorizing scripture verses or something like that. To say that he was wrong in his figuring would be an understatement. Aaron entered the office; he had been in there only a few times and it didn't look as though anything had changed since his last visit. A large desk occupied most of the room with one office chair behind it and 2 smaller chairs in front of it. There was a couple of paintings on the walls, as well as a couple of framed certificates designating the man as an authorized preacher recognized by the Catholic church. Aaron stood there between the two smaller chairs, waiting anxiously to find out what this was all about. When he heard the click of the door locking behind him, he couldn't help trying to swallow the lump that had suddenly developed in his throat. "So, Aaron, take a seat and tell me all about your summer. It must've been hard having 2 broken arms, especially for a boy your age." Another wink. Maybe this meeting wouldn't be so bad after all. Surely even the preacher knew how it was being a teenage boy. Of course, Aaron knew better than to tell too much. This wasn't actually a confession, just a friendly catch-up session. "Yeah, it wasn't too fun to be in casts all summer but my uncle helped me every time I needed it." Aaron sat in one of the chairs, slowly becoming a little more comfortable despite being very aware that the door was still locked. Why lock the door if it was just a meeting to review the summer? "Well, that was very nice of him to do that, even though it must've been awkward for you." Instead of sitting at the desk, the man was perched on the front corner of it, perhaps trying to appear cool to the younger generation. "Um, yeah, it was wierd at first but he was really good about it, like he didn't make fun of me or anything. And after a few times, it wasn't so bad." Aaron didn't keep constant eye contact but looked up every now and then. He had always felt strange talking about his personal private time with this man before but now that was compounded by the fact that he was still uncertain where this would lead. "I guess that makes sense. But a young healthy boy like you, didn't you get a boner sometimes? It's ok if you did. Getting a boner is not a sin." Another wink as the man slid a few inches from the corner of the desk towards the middle. If he continued to move in that same direction, eventually he'd be directly in front of Aaron. The boy blushed a crimson red and lowered his head, giving the man an answer without words. The preacher spread his legs but remained in the same spot. His pants fit him well and accentuated his manhood, a fact that Aaron tried in vain not to notice. The boy subconciously licked his lips and his organ began to stir. If the man noticed the act, he at least pretended not to, the way Jay had during the early times of bathing. "Like I said, it's not a sin to get a boner. I'm sure you've had many recently, whether you've wanted them or not, although I don't think there's been many times when you did NOT want one, am I right?" The man chuckled and gave another wink and scooted a little closer towards Aaron. "Only a couple times but I just covered it with my books or something. When it happens in the showers, I just use my hands until it goes down." Aaron still wasn't ready to look at the man's face but he was gradually loosening up concerning the conversation topic. "You mean you use your hands to cover yourself, is that what you meant?" "Um, yeah, that's what I meant. I think I'd die if the other boys saw me with a boner." "But why? It's nothing to be embarrassed about and I'm sure they get boners too. Do you ever see them like that or do they cover themselves like you do?" "Yeah, I saw a couple of them cuz they didn't cover up and they acted like it was no big deal. I guess I'm just more shy about that stuff than they are." "But you're not so shy anymore, though, are you? I mean, after having your uncle help you the way he did all summer, it won't matter to you so much if the boys see you.....aroused, will it?" "Maybe but that was different. He's my uncle and he was pretty cool about it. And he's older. The boys in my class are all closer to my age. They'd probably laugh at me and tease me if they saw it." "Well, I'm glad he handled things professionally and didn't make you feel bad for a totally natural part of biology. And you're right, your fellow classmates might not be so respectful. But forgive me for being curious but did he help you in another way, one that didn't have to do with your personal hygiene?" Another scoot, another wink, and a casual groping of his manhood. "He'd bathe me and helped me eat and cleaned me after I, you know, used the toilet." Aaron shifted in his chair and fidgeted with his hands across his lap, much the same way he had on the way back to his uncle's from the hospital with both arms in casts. "Aaron, you're avoiding the question but I'll make it easier for you. Obviously, you're not a priest and this isn't a confessional but I have something to tell you. I just...." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was certainly Aaron's mother and although they weren't doing anything inappropriate, both were a little flustered at the interruption. While the man was annoyed, Aaron couldn't help being relieved. The preacher went to the door and muffled the sound of it unlocking with his hand, then opened it. "I know it hasn't been a half hour yet but I'm going to take off. You sure you don't mind bringing him home? It's sort of out of your way." "That's quite all right. Happy to do it. Shouldn't be too much longer but if you want to leave, then you have my blessing. I'll be sure to bring the boy home in time for dinner. A growing boy like him needs to eat as much as he can and Heaven knows he wouldn't get full eating anything that I can cook. What time would you like him back by?" "We usually eat around 5:30 so if he could be home between 5 and 5:30, that would be all right. But Aaron, honey, did you ever use the restroom? You said earlier that you had to." It was as if she was purposely going out of her way to embarrass him. The truth was, he had only said he needed the restroom in hopes that it would hurry them towards the door faster but that obviously hadn't worked. But now, because she had said that, the pastor would think that he did, in fact, need to relieve himself. "I'll see to it that he uses the restroom and he'll be home in time for dinner. For now, I better let you go and may God bless. Hope to see you at services again next week." "Oh, of course, you know you will. Have a good evening and Aaron, honey, I love you and I'll see you later." She was still in the doorway and had to crane her neck to see her son still sitting in the chair. He looked a little uncomfortable but maybe that was her imagination. If he was embarrassed because she had told him that she loved him, oh well. It was almost an unwritten rule that mothers humiliate their teenage sons. "Thanks again for bringing him home." She turned to face the man. "Not a problem. Aaron's a good kid, you did a good job raising him." "Oh, you're sweet to say so. Anyway, I better go, the girls are getting impatient. Good bye and say goodbye to Aaron for me. I think if I said it to him, I'd probably embarrass him again." "Will do, and goodbye to you as well. God bless!" Finally, Aaron's mom left and the man closed the office door, locking it without worrying about the sound it made. It was a large church with several offices for the various clergymen and other multipurpose rooms so although the main congregation had left, there was no guarantee that he and and Aaron were completely alone in the building. They were, however, alone in the office and with a locked door, they were safe from intruders. "You're mother wanted me to tell you goodbye for her but I guess you probably heard her." Instead of sitting on the edge of the desk, the man stood next to Aaron's chair. He was close enough that Aaron could smell cologne. "Yeah I did. I said goodbye back but she probably didn't hear me." With the preacher standing so close to him, Aaron was becoming a little bit nervous. "She also said you had to use the restroom. Is that true?" "Sort of." "What do you mean by that? Either you have to go or you don't. If you have to go, then by all means. I don't want you squirming around while I'm trying to talk with you." His tone kept the jovial friendliness he had used earlier in the foyer. He stepped to the door and unlocked it, allowing Aaron to leave when it was open. As the boy walked down the hallway, he couldn't help admiring the view from the back. In the restroom, Aaron stared at his reflection. He was a little flushed from the conversation and how close the pastor had been to him. If he was being honest, it had felt exhilarating being that close to a man again. For the first time since coming home, his organ had finally extended to its full length without the assistance of a full bladder. Lucky for him, it had actually happened while he was walking down the hallway. His nerves had kept it in check as he sat in the chair and his mother interrupting had helped as well. While Aaron was trying to regroup in the restroom, Preacher Brad was growing anxious about what he was trying to achieve. It had been a good deal of time since he had been intimate with anyone, let alone a teenage boy, and he was hoping that things would go well when Aaron returned. The boy splashed water on his face a few times, then used the automatic dryer on his hands before making his way back to the office door, where Brad stood waiting. He slid past the man and took his place in the same chair as before, on the right. He wasn't 100% sure what was going to happen but he had decided that if it was going to be like what he had done with Jay, he'd be ok with it. Brad closed the door and locked it once again. He then sat on the front edge of the large desk directly in front of Aaron and spread his legs. His bulge was prominent and he nonchalantly adjusted himself as he started speaking. "So, I don't think you answered my question but that's ok. I guess you're pretty embarrassed; I get it, especially since I'm your church leader. Maybe I can put you at ease by telling you a story. Maybe you already know this but your uncle Jay and I sort of grew up together. He's a few years younger than me but my little brother Tanner hung out with him and his friends a lot. I remember one summer day when it was really hot. I was doing my own thing , trying to stay cool, when Tanner came home more excited than usual. He was always a pretty energetic kid but this time he was practically bouncing off the walls. Even though we each had our own room, it was fairly common for us to spend time in each other's. So he comes bounding up the stairs and into my room without knocking and starts trying to get me to follow him. It was almost dark by that time but not quite bedtime yet because it was summer and we didn't have any reason to get up early the next day. So he takes my hand and literally drags me through the house and out the front door, yelling to our parents that we were going out for a bit. Back then, folks didn't care what their kids did as long as they were home by bedtime, at least that's how my folks were. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I know where he's taking me so I don't put up much of a fight. Are you following me so far?" "Yeah, but I don't really get what this has to do with my uncle Jay taking care of me over the summer." Aaron's heart had almost skipped a beat, maybe two, when he heard Brad mention his younger brother Tanner. When he had first heard the story from Jay, he hadn't made the connection but now there was no mistaking what the man was trying to get at. However, Aaron felt it best to pretend ignorance and let the story unfold. "I'm getting to that. But first, I need you to understand something. The things I'm about to tell you are not to leave this room, nor is anything else for that matter. I also want you to know that Tanner and I had a beautiful relationship and no one, not even the church, can convince me that what we did together was wrong." "Ok, but, um, what did you and Tanner do?" "At first, nothing serious, just comparing ourselves to each other, fiddling with each other, you know, stuff like that. But then it went further than that, especially after Tanner had confided in me and came out as gay." "That must've been hard for him. I'm not sure I could do that." Aaron hung his head and watched himself fiddle with his hands. "I wasn't really surprised, to be honest, but I felt special that he told me before anyone else. Like I said, we had a beautiful relationship. But now you've got me wondering. Are you trying to tell me that you think you might be gay?" Brad's jovial tone was more serious than before. He was still sitting on the edge of the desk but had crossed his legs, perhaps to confine a growing erection. "I don't really know yet. Maybe. Or maybe I'm bi cuz I still get a boner sometimes when I see the girls at school, you know, like the cheerleaders and stuff." "Well, my little brother is gay and I don't love him any less and I'm sure you're family would feel the same way if you told them. Of course, that's up to you, it's not for me to make that decision. So, let's take a look at these arms! Seems to me like they healed just fine, don't you agree?" In an attempt to lighten the mood, Brad suddenly grabbed each of Aaron's hands with his own and flailed them in similar fashion as an inflated man outside a used car dealership. His attempt worked and the boy flashed a smile. "Yeah, I guess so. It sure is nice to have them free again, I know that much." Aaron didn't mind holding hands with Brad but was happy when the man let them go. "I bet, especially at your age!" Another wink and prolonged eye contact, which made the boy blush. "So, Tanner led you out of the house, then what?" Aaron spoke after a few awkward moments. "Oh, yeah, so we usually do stuff in one of our bedrooms after the folks go to bed but I guess this time he wants to start earlier so he leads me to our woodshed. Once inside with the door shut, he's starts groping my crotch with one hand and his own with the other. Then he takes my hands and puts one on his crotch and the other on his butt. I know what he wants but I'm nervous because the woodshed is not that far from the house and the folks are still awake. If they hear us, we'd be punished severerly, especially me since I'm older. I think this story is giving you a boner, am I right?" They both glanced down at Aaron's crotch, where the boy's excited organ was once again betraying him. This time, he was able to cover it quickly with both hands since his arms were no longer encumbered by the casts. "Um, yeah, sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen, I promise." "It's okay, Aaron, really. I told you, getting a boner is NOT a sin! In fact, I'm getting one also." To emphasize his point, Brad groped at himself, then held his organ against his pants until it was outlined in the material. It was difficult to determine if it was the same size as Jay's but from what he could see, Aaron was quite impressed. The boy was transfixed by it as he spoke. "But if you did that stuff with Tanner, how come you became a preacher?" "Simple. Tanner grew up, found a boyfriend, married him, started his own life and I couldn't be more proud. But that left me alone so I decided to turn to the church for help in finding someone myself but that obviously hasn't happened yet." "I don't understand though. Aren't you supposed to be married to the church or something like that?" "No, my boy, that's monks, not preachers!" Brad couldn't help chuckling at Aaron's confusion. Then he continued. "But I'm still a man and I still struggle with the urges. You know what I mean, don't you, Aaron?" His serious tone had returned as he leaned forward and put his hand on Aaron's thigh right above the knee. "I think so but you didn't finish your story. What else did you do with Tanner that night?" Aaron's heart was pounding and his organ was still very much inflated under the cover of his hands. For the time being, he made no attempt to remove Brad's hand from his thigh. "Would you mind if I told you and sort of acted it out too? You can be me and I'll be Tanner, then we'll switch. But don't worry, you can say no if you want to." "Ok, that actually sounds kind of fun. What should I do first?" "First, stand up and help me move these chairs out of the way. Then I'll show you everything Tanner and I did that night." Moments later, the two smaller chairs were against the wall, which left plenty of space in the middle of the room for Aaron and Brad to stand facing each other. "So, just as a reminder, nothing we do or talked about leaves this room, right?" "Yeah, I know. I won't tell anyone, not even my preacher." For the first time since this meeting had started, Aaron winked at Brad with a mischievous smile. "You and I may have to do this sort of thing more often. Anyway, so Tanner held himself and me like this....." Brad reached over and gently grabbed Aaron's package with one hand while holding himself with the other. It felt amazing to grasp another male again after so many years and for a boy who was only 14, Aaron had a decent amount to handle. For Aaron, it was like being with Jay again and he allowed his thighs to spread so that Brad's hand could close around him completely. He closed his eyes and sighed contentedly, realizing that even though his time with Jay had ended for now, his adventures with Brad were most likely just beginning. Brad smiled at the expression on the boy's face and spoke softly to not ruin the moment for him. "That's right, just relax and I'll talk you through it. From what Jay told me, you're a pretty good partner. I hope he was right." Aaron's eyes flew open at hearing his uncle's name. After making the boy swear to never tell anyone about what they done together, Jay had betrayed him and told Brad. He suddenly didn't feel like doing this anymore and pushed Brad's hand away from his crotch despite how nice it felt to be held again. "That scumbag! I can't believe he told you! He made me promise not to tell anyone and then he goes and does it himself?! I don't want to do this anymore, I want you to bring me home right now!" Aaron tried to get to the door but Brad was quick to block it. "Aaron, buddy, try to look at this way. You miss Jay, I miss Tanner, we both have needs and we can both help each other out. Don't be mad at Jay, he only told me because he knew you'd have a tough time during the school year without him and he knew about what I had done with Tanner and that I was sort of lonely as well. In a way, he was looking out for both of us and you can't be mad at him for that." Brad stood between Aaron and the door but even though he used his hands to talk the way he did at the pulpit, he didn't put them on Aaron at all. Aaron let what he was told process for a minute. He was still upset that Jay had violated his trust but Brad made some valid points. He really did miss Jay and all the amazing sensations he had been given by his uncle over the summer and if Brad wanted to fill that hole (play on words perhaps haha) then maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. As he looked at the man, sensing the pleading in Brad's eyes, he was suddenly ashamed of his outburst and wanted to make things right. He sighed heavily after a few moments of awkward silence. "Ok, fine, I'll do it. Did he really say I was a good partner?" Aaron had enjoyed his time with Jay a great deal but he had no idea that his uncle had made such a comment about him. He was flattered. "Yeah, he really did. Are you ready to prove him right?" "I think I can do that. So where were we? I believe Tanner had his hand right here, holding Brad's boner." Now it was Aaron's turn to take Brad's hands and place them in the right place. "Yeah he did but let's move back over here where there's more room and we're not so crowded by the door." Without letting go, he stepped forward slowly while Aaron stepped backwards toward the desk. They stopped before bumping into it, ending up more or less where they had started. Aaron again closed his eyes and left his hands swinging by his sides as he felt Brad's strong hand hold and gently massage his organ and bag of marbles. In his mind, he was pretending it was Jay's grip around him and inevitably, his organ began to leak precum as a result. "So after holding me and himself, he put my hands on him like this." Aaron stood still and allowed Brad to place his hands the way he had said Tanner had. In one, he felt the heat of Brad's package through the material and in the other, he felt the firm muscle of the man's backside. While he did like the firm muscle, he enjoyed the heated package more and if he had to guess, he figured Brad was at least the same size as Jay, if not bigger. He was anxious to find out. "Ok, we're going to switch now. I'm Brad, you're Tanner. I think you'll like this part." Still keeping his voice low and soothing, Brad gently pushed Aaron's hands off of himself and turned the boy around. Holding him by the hips, the man pushed him forward until they were at the desk, then further still until Aaron was leaning over it and resting on his hands. Without speaking, Brad went to the front of the desk, unlocked one of the drawers, and returned with a tube that would've looked familiar to Aaron if the boy had his eyes open. He placed the tube on the desk and got in position behind Aaron. The boy stood still, his eyes closed, his heart pounding. He heard the desk drawer being unlocked and then Brad's footsteps return. Moments later, he felt the man's strong hands gently grab his hips, then slide around to his front and begin unfastening his pants. First the button, then the zipper, then they were down to his ankles. Once the pants were out of the way, those same strong hands were back on Aaron's hips, slipping into the waistband of his boxers, then around to the front. Instead of going for the obvious, though, both hands stayed where they were for a minute, their owner relishing the sensation of his bare hands against young Aaron's smooth skin. Then, the underwear joined the pants at the boy's ankles, revealing his teenage body to the man's view, at least a good portion of it. Most of his top half was still covered by his shirt. After a few moments, the hands moved back and began to massage Aaron's pert round globes, both thumbs sliding along the crack between them from the bottom of the boy's spine to the small pink pucker, then back up again. This motion spread the cheeks apart and made Aaron moan in pleasure. He pushed his hips back toward the firm hands and spread his legs apart a little bit more to grant the man better access for what he expected to come next. Brad kneeled, almost holding the boy's backside for support as he lowered himself to the floor. Now he had a closer view of Aaron's most private part, which winked at him the way Aaron himself had just recently. He continued to knead the muscles of the boy's backside, poking the pink pucker with a thumb every so often and loving the moans Aaron made every time he did. As much as he loved doing this, Brad decided it was time to taste what Aaron what had to offer. With a globe in each hand, he gently separated them and buried his face in the valley he had just created. His tongue licked up and down that sweet crevasse, spending particular attention to the little ring of muscle that twitched every time it felt the moist and slippery muscle slide against it. Aaron couldn't help moaning at the sensations but tried to keep them low in volume due to their location. He kept his hands on the desk, even though his organ was begging him for attention. If his time with Jay had taught him anything, it was that the longer he delayed his release, the better it would be when it finally happened. No words could accurately describe what Aaron tasted like to Brad as the man continued licking his most intimate of body parts. He was undoubtedly clean and yet there was also no mistaking the presence of boy sweat and a little bit of funk that couldn't be helped. To Brad, it was an intoxicating combination and he felt a little light-headed because of it. He had to have more so he suddenly stuck his tongue as deep inside the boy as he could. As he got more of the taste and smell he needed, his ears were blessed with the music of Aaron's soft moans. Aaron still leaned across the front of the desk, resting his upper body on his forearms. His eyes were closed as he pretended the mouth servicing him was actually Jay's, not Brad's. Each time the tongue entered him, a small spurt of precum dripped out of his organ and added circumference to a wet spot on the inside of his boxers. In Brad's experience, he had discovered that everyone has their own distinct scent and even taste. Tanner, he remembered, had almost tasted sweet when they had first started but had developed a more musky flavor as he got older. However, Brad never complained of the change but rather embraced it as his brother grew from boy to young man. After Tanner and long before Aaron, there had been a handful of boys (another play on words perhaps haha) that had visited Brad in his office, many of them ending up in the same position Aaron was in now. Each one had his own distinct flavor, the same basic combination of boy sweat and body funk inevitable in teenagers. Similar in some ways yet different in others, there wasn't one among them that Brad had disliked. After a few more minutes of liberal lubrication provided by Brad's mouth, the man stood up and reached for the tube on the desk, then decided against it. He had provided enough lube already so with one hand, he kept massaging Aaron's small pert globes while he undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles, then followed that with his underwear. He lined his organ up at the boy's entrance and gently pressed his hips forward. Thanks to the healthy amount of natural lube he had provided, it didn't take much for Brad to slide inside Aaron's velvet tunnel. Both man and boy groaned in pleasure as they joined together at the hips, Brad as deep inside Aaron as he could possibly be. He placed his strong hands on the boy's bare hips, then whispered in his ear. "So far, I'd say that Jay was right; you ARE a good partner." Aaron moaned through pursed lips and arched his back, indicating his desire for Brad to begin thrusting into him. He didn't have to wait long until the man took the hint. The man started slow at first but soon picked up momentum, holding firmly onto Aaron's hips for leverage as he buried himself in the boy's intimate entrance. Similar to the differences between individual scents and tastes, each one also felt different on the inside. Tanner had become a master at using his muscles to grip Brad's organ but the rest weren't quite as experienced. Of course, the man had enjoyed each of them for different reasons, just like he had loved their tastes and smells. And now he was buried to the hilt inside another beautiful boy and couldn't believe how close Aaron was to Tanner's skill level. Apparently, Jay had taught him well over the past summer. Eventually, the inevitable happened and Brad made a release inside Aaron, which triggered a release in the boy as well. The deposit added to the natural lubricant Brad had put there before and the combination began to drip down the inside of Aaron's legs. As for the contribution that Aaron made, it shot out and onto the desk, some of it landing on top and some dripping down the front. Once they had caught their breath, Brad stood up straight and stepped back so that Aaron could stand up straight as well. They both began to pull up their pants and fasten them, pretending that nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. "So, why did Tanner have you do that early instead of waiting until bedtime?" Aaron asked as he put the two smaller chairs back in their place in front of the desk. "When we were finished, he told me how he had confessed to the other boys what we did together and how they were all interested in doing the same. Talking about it with them while sitting around in their undies had made him super horny so he wanted to do it sooner rather than later. At first, I was sort of mad that he had told them when I had told him not to but then I thought it was sort of sexy to think of them doing stuff with each other too. Eventually, I started buying lube for Tanner to bring with him so they could share it. I bought a LOT of lube that summer!" As he spoke, he handed Aaron a box of tissues so he could clean up his mess he had made on the desk. Aaron wiped down the top, then knelt down to clean the front. When he was done, he stood up and threw the soiled tissues into the wastebasket. "I guess it's about time to get you home. I'd like to do this again some time, if that's all right with you." "Yeah, I think I'd like that. It was nice being with a man again. I have an idea: maybe I could come over to your place and do some yard work. But you wouldn't have to pay me with money." Another wink from the boy and a mischievous smile. "We'll work something out. For now, we better get going. I promised your mother I'd get you home before dinner time." Perhaps this school year without Jay won't be so bad after all, Aaron thought to himself as he followed Brad out of the office and to his car.