Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2020 14:08:26 +0000 (UTC) From: Fritz Subject: Raising Boys 57 Thanks for all your responses to this story. Comments, questions or even criticisms are always welcome at A special thanks to the generous readers who have made donations in our name to Nifty. I hope we can all find it in our hearts to do what we can to support the wonderful gift of stories found on this site. Again, thank you. RAISING BOYS 57 As we made our way to Shaggy's I explained the dynamics between Derrick and his dad and the difficulties they had in the past. I was completely honest, telling them about the unplanned pregnancy which had ended Derrick's football career at Florida State and how rough the road had been for both of them. "Why can't dads just love their sons?" Ren asked. "You stepped up when Landry and I needed you most" "I can't say why that happens, son," I said. "It isn't just dads. Look what Stewart's going through right now with his mother." I then explained everything that had happened with Stewart's parents and the pregnancy of his girlfriend and the abortion and the lies his parents had told about his sister being dead when she was not. I then shared how his mother had refused to even acknowledge our precious Flynnie during my phone conversation. "Our Stewart isn't headed for Denver because he wants to be there. He's headed there out of a sense of duty and he feels it's his job to set an example for the members of his congregation. It was breaking his heart to leave all of us," I explained. We had arrived at Shaggy's. Derrick must have been waiting for us because the front door of the cottage opened before I switched the ignition off. He came running to help me out of the car and embraced me energetically. Jack and Bradley were embracing Der and I saw them introduce my son to Der. They looked at each other and immediately shared a warm hug. Der brought my son over to meet his father. Derrick embraced my boy and we all walked together into the house. Shaggy was out back manning the grill but he came in for a round of hugs. Derrick was as animated as I had ever seen him and he kept giving me hugs. He felt as strong and warm as ever. He would occasionally nuzzle my neck or just bring my face close to his and give me a kiss on the cheek. I would never have imagined he could be so affectionate but I loved it. The younger guys went out to help Shaggy with the grill and Derrick grabbed beers for the two of us. We got comfortable on the sofa. "Rob," it's unbelievable what a day can do," he said. "I've got so much to tell you I don't even know where to begin. We have to watch the news at six but we've still got about fifteen minutes before it starts. So much has happened." "Was Der one of the kids expelled from the high school for having drugs in his locker?" I asked. "Yes, but don't worry about that," he said. "Don't worry about that?" I asked incredulously. "If they were making accusations like that against my kid I'd be topping trees," He pulled me in and kissed me on the mouth. "Settle down, my handsome friend, it's okay," he said. "I'm much more worried about that wound and bandage on your head." "This wound on my head is just a few fucking staples. I'm fine, but your wonderful son has been accused of stashing drugs in his locker." He held me and kissed me again. I felt myself responding but I was beginning to think he might have lost his fucking mind. "Rob," he said. "I know you must think I've lost it. I promise I haven't. Der's going to be okay. Do you think for one minute I wouldn't have burned that goddamned school to the ground if I thought my son was in danger?" "I was afraid you might be headed there with a can of gasoline when I heard it," I said. "I didn't even hear Der's name but I knew it had to be him. The son of a very good friend of mine was injured by a flying bottle earlier today. He is okay, but only because a doctor was nearby. Another friend's son was pretty traumatized. We happened to be driving by and were able to get them out of there, but it was pretty bad." "I'm so glad Der wasn't on that campus today," he said. "I can't even stand the thought of anything..." I shushed him with a kiss. He embraced me and we were sharing a deep, wet kiss when we were interrupted. "Son, I can't find the deodorant...," It was Mr. Derrick coming out of the master bedroom in only a towel around his waist. He had to have seen me kissing his son but he seemed unfazed by the sight. "I'm sorry Rob," he said. The man walked over and gave me at tight hug. "It's been a long day and I wanted to clean up a little before you guys got here. I guess my timing was a little off. I watched him hug his handsome son. Mr. Derrick was about an inch shorter than his son. I realized he was a slightly older version of his son. With a tanned body and a chest covered in dark hair. His waist was still trim and he had a very hairy tummy which I felt must lead to a beautiful crop of dark pubes. I was surprised as I had no idea the man had that kind of body. I remembered Derrick told me he went to the old Y most every day and he had obviously kept himself in shape. He had a pair of very dark, fat nipples, almost concealed by his chest fur. "I'm glad to see you again," Mr. Derrick," I said. "Although I never expected to see quite this much of you." We shared a laugh. "Dad," Derrick said, "the deodorant is in the closet in the bathroom. If there's none there, there is some in the space underneath the lavatory. Shaggy bought plenty when he got us as unexpected visitors." "Thank you, son," the handsome man said as he headed back to the bathroom to finish dressing. "Derrick, what the fuck has happened here?" I asked. There's so much I want to know," I said. "Your father is a different man than I saw this morning." "Dad says he had a come to Jesus moment and I believe him," my friend said. "He got on his knees in front of me and apologized for everything. He begged Der and me for one more opportunity to begin again. Needless to say I'm ready and so is Der. It feels really good to have a dad for the first time in almost seventeen years. He plans to step down as President of the Company as soon as Savvy and her dickhead are caught. He says all the day-to-day decisions regarding the company will be mine and he'll be there only to advise me when I ask for it. He called old Man Bush and I've never heard an ass-reaming like dad gave that old bastard. He made the old man admit how he'd bragged about having dads balls in his pocket. I doubt they'll be chatting again any time soon. Bush will also be resigning from the school board as well. There's a lot more to tell but, hopefully we'll have plenty of time." "Fuck me," I said. "This is unbelievable. Obviously your dad has a lot of juice in this town." "That's the most unbelievable part," he said. "He refuses to take any credit in this whole thing. He says everything would have happened in the normal order of things. He said it was just time for some things to change and it was inevitable. All three local stations are carrying a live conference with the new principal at the high school on their six o'clock broadcasts. I'm not sure that's ever happened. My cell's been ringing all day but I only had a brief conversation with Liza Gurley. She's the anchor over at 48. She's probably the best of a very bad lot but she has raised some major funds to fight breast cancer. She even started her own breast cancer fund raising group after Komen got fucked by that crazy Handle bitch from Georgia." "The new principal?" I asked "Who is the..." I was interrupted by Mr. Derrick's return o the room. He looked amazingly handsome in a pair of jeans which showed a beautiful bubble butt almost as top-notch as his son's and his grandson's. He had on a western shirt in a very dark blue checked print which set off his beautiful dark blue eyes. His stern face was replaced by a smiling face. He looked years younger than he had when he was sobbing in my library this very morning. He came to me and just hugged me silently. We held the embrace for a couple of minutes. When we broke our embrace, we looked into each other's eyes. "Thank you, Rob," he said with wet eyes. "I couldn't be happier for you, Paul," I answered, also with wet eyes. "And feel free to call me Poppy," he said. "That's the nickname my grandson and I settled on this afternoon. Feel free to use it," he said. "Poppy," I said. "I really like that. We hugged again. This time our eyes were dry. "The food's all done but I put everything in the warmer until after the news," Shaggy said. "Grab a fresh beer or soda and grab a seat. If I'm any judge at all, this next half hour should be kinda interesting." We all took our seat around the television screen. It was apparent all the younger guys had enjoyed getting to know each other better. Der invited Ren to sit beside him and his handsome grandfather sat beside them. I was sitting beside Derrick and Shaggy sat in a big, overstuffed chair with Jack and Bradley on cushions on the floor beside him, each with an arm draped across his knee. I noticed it was a happy looking group of men. I recalled the tension that had always been present during my previous encounters with Paul Derrick. It had dissipated completely. Derrick had one arm around me and my hand was resting on his thick thigh. His father looked over at us and gave me a wink and a beautiful smile. I had no idea what to expect as Liza Gurley's rather frazzled face appeared on the screen of the largest television I had ever seen in my life. Sitting beside Liza was Ms. Walden, the principal at the middle school I admired so much. Ren clapped his hands together at seeing her. I knew she was one of my son's heroes. Liza introduced Principal Walden and stated she had been named the new principal of the high school. We were all pleasantly surprised as Ms. Walden announced she would be serving as principal for both the middle school and the high school, at least for the time being. She acknowledged what a big job it was and said she would strive to do the best job ever. She announced that by tomorrow, she would be naming twovice principals for the middle school and two for the high school who would be direct reports to her. She acknowledged this was essentially a restructuring of the school administration and she was very positive in her assessment of how it would work. Principal Walden acknowledged what a rough day it had been at the high school and vowed that what had transpired would never happen again. "I will never allow our children to be put in danger again," she said. "If anyone tries that ever again, they will answer to me and to the very highest levels of law enforcement. I will use all the tools at my disposal to create a safe environment where our children can learn. That does not mean learning the dogma of a particular church or denomination or religion. Those things have no place in our schools and it is simply unacceptable that has been allowed to happen. The principal and vice-principal of the high school have been fired, after refusing to voluntarily resign four hours ago. Neither is eligible for rehire in our city system. They may choose to fight this or to try legal maneuvers. My message to them is to bring it on. I have in my possession troves of emails and video evidence that could make both ineligible for rehire at any institution of learning. The same is true for Coach Rich, the head football coach and his two assistants, Coach Russell, the basketball coach and his assistant. The only head coaches who will be staying on our staff are the swim team coach and the wrestling coach, both of whom were new hires this year. I say to the fired coaches the same thing I said to the principal - we have numerous emails and plenty of video evidence to fight any challenge to your firings. This information will be shared with any other educational facility in our state who requests it. I do not intend to play." We were all applauding this woman. "That is not all," the principal continued. "I am aware we have barely begun our football season. I realize the importance of sports in our community. I understand many students would not be able to attend college without scholarships. I absolutely understand that. But when we as a school or a community begin to lose sight of our primary objective, which is to educate our young people, it has gone too far. We must reevaluate our priorities. There will be absolutely no repercussions for students who elected to cut school today. That is totally forgiven. I applaud students and adults who are willing to speak truth to power. That kind of courage is essential to our well-being and to our very liberty. I realize our entire athletic department could be thrown into turmoil and I will not allow that. I am appointing an Athletic Director for our high school and middle school. I realize this is an unusual step as most colleges have this position but it is unheard of in high schools. I think ours is a unique problem which calls for unique solutions. Therefore, I am appointing Coach Ennis as the athletic director for the middle school and high school. He will oversee all sports and will have ultimate authority as a direct report to me. We are still working on the official job description for the position but it should be completed very soon and released to the media no later than noon tomorrow. Coach Ennis was head coach for our swim team but he recently left to coach the team at the U. He will keep his position there and the U. has agreed to allow him to do so for up to two years while also serving in our new position. He will be using student assistants at the U. under his direct supervision so that there will be no drop off in the quality of the swim program at the U." Liza then introduced Coach Ennis and asked him for any remarks he might care to make. The man was as devastatingly handsome on screen as he was in person. He turned to Principal Walden and they exchanged a very warm handshake as he took a seat beside her. "I am, needless to say, humbled by Principal Walden's confidence in me. I will not let her down nor will I ever let down the students entrusted to our care of the parents who entrust them to our care. I take that very seriously. I will also protect their freedoms and will never make any attempt nor will I allow anyone to attempt to stifle their free speech or a free exchange of ideas. Principal Walden and I are setting up am advisory council to advise us on matters we should be addressing and to prevent the kind of abuse we have experienced from ever happening again in our schools. This was unacceptable and I can promise you it will never happen on my watch." They broke away for a commercial. We were all stunned. Jack and Bradley were so proud of coach Ennis. I knew both boys adored their coach and were so proud. "I wonder who will be our football coach," Der said. "Don't worry, Der," Ren said. "Coach Ennis will take care of you guys. He's a real man of honor and if he says he's got your back, your back is covered." Liza returned on screen with Principal Walden and we all became quiet. "I want to take this opportunity to clear up a couple of things. Rumors tend to flourish in this environment. First of all, no students received life-threatening injuries today. The injuries were serious as any injury to one of our precious children is serious. But they are safe and they are fine. We were very fortunate to have a neurosurgeon, Dr. Rhett Curry on hand to attend to a head wound sustained by a student at the high school. I have spoken with the student's father and he has assured me his son is fine. A lot of kids were shaken. I think I have managed to reach all of their parents personally and have been assured they are fine. Counseling or any other services will be available to students affected by the events of this day. Further, it was reported in the media that some students were expelled after students were found to have drugs stashed in their lockers. Please don't blame the media. They were doing their jobs in reporting the events of the day. The truth is that some drugs were found in lockers. The truth is also that those drugs were planted in those lockers by other students, former students and, in one case, an assistant coach. This will be dealt with ad will be prosecuted. I sadly report to you that one member of the city's board of education has resigned, as has our superintendent of education for the city schools. This has happened in recent minutes. I am sorry, but emails have revealed his complicity in all that has happened. I am feeling so fortunate tonight and so proud of the behavior of our middle school students throughout the day. I was with them most of the day and I heard several of them being interviewed. I am convinced these kiddos are the very best of us. I am excited that they will be free of so many of the bigoted attitudes, unfair prejudices and undisguised hatred in which so many of us have marinated for so long. Our school system was the envy of most when we quietly and peacefully integrated our schools in the sixties. I hope we can again have that pride in our system in our students and that all students will be unafraid to speak truth. I was going to quote one of the kids interviewed today but I decided to let one of my precious students have the last word." The screen was filled with the beautiful face of my older son. "I'm here with my friends today because we couldn't be silent, Ren said. My dad tries every day to teach me what's right and what's wrong. It's just wrong to stay silent when we see or hear bad things or unfair things. I was on a trip with our pastor last week. We were talking and he said that he believes silence is complicity. I didn't really understand what the word `complicity' meant. He explained what it meant to me and told me the story of a Lutheran minister who was killed by the Nazis because he refused to stay silent in the face of evil. We can never do that. We just can't." The camera went back to Liza who was hugging the new principal. Liza was wiping tears from her eyes as she thanked Principal Walden for being with her. We were all silent for a couple of minutes. There wasn't a man in that room who didn't have his eyes full of tears and a lump in his throat. Derrick squeezed me as he wiped my eyes with a tissue. Der and Ren were fine. "God job," Der said to Ren. "You were spilling some truth, buddy." "I just said what I thought," Ren said. "What could be easier?" Mr. Derrick recovered his voice and stood with his arms around Ren and Der. "My God!" he exclaimed. "What lucky men we are!" There were lots of hugs as we all began to freshen our beers and Shaggy, Jack and Bradley started bringing food to the table. My phone began to ring. I decided to call people back instead of interrupting our evening. When I saw Principal Walden's number come up on my phone, I thought I should answer so I excused myself and walked out on the back patio where it was quiet. Mr. Ross, thank you for taking my call," she said. I felt I owed you an apology." "What could you possibly owe me an apology for?" I asked. "You only made me the proudest dad in the whole world. I've barely managed to stop the tears long enough to have dinner with some very good friends. Do you have any idea how proud I am?" "I can only imagine," she said. "I can tell you that if I had children, I would want them to be as smart, beautiful, and well-spoken as your son. I just wanted to apologize for blindsiding you by allowing the use of that video. I was assured by Liza that you would be contacted before it was broadcast. I learned it was not and I assure you Ms. Gurley has been properly dressed down. To put that in terms I prefer to use, she's had a Walden ass-chewing. Nonetheless, I hope you will accept my apology. I would never allow that to happen and I assure you it will never happen again. Coach Ennis and I have been talking a bit in the middle of all this drama. Yours was the first name mentioned by either of us for the parents' council. I hope you will consider serving." "Principal, I am so proud to have a child in your school. I would walk through glass to do anything you or coach asks me to do. I am at your service." "I'm sure he will be calling you soon," she said. "And thank you again for understanding." We said good night but before I could get back inside I saw Coach Ennis' number on my ID. "Hello Mr. Athletic Director," I said. Congratulations!" "Oh my God, Rob," he said. "What a swirling shitstorm of a day! I still can't believe it. Are you by any chance with Jack?" he asked. "Yes, I'm having dinner with Jack and Bradley," I said. "Perfect," he replied. "I need to speak with both about taking on positions as my assistants at the U. Would you mind telling them what I have in mind and that I will call them later tonight, although God only knows what time that will be." "I don't mind at all," I said. "Those two will be thrilled that you have such confidence in them." "They'll also be very well-compensated," he said. "The U. has been incredibly cooperative." "They know they were lucky to get you," I said. "Thanks, buddy," he said, "but you don't have to bullshit me." "I assure you I am not bullshitting you, Coach," I said. "I think you know what I think of you. I'll never forget what you did for Ren when the other swim team parents gave him hell. I never forget people who protect my kids." "I'll always look after your boys, Rob," he said. "You can count on that. I know you were at the football game with Derrick last week. Do you, by any chance have a cell phone number for him?" "Yes, I do, but I can do better if you need to talk to him," I said. "We're having dinner together." "Sounds like a party I'd love to be at," he said. "Are you hosting some kind of hot boy orgy that I wasn't invited to?" "Coach, I'd never hold an orgy without inviting the handsomest coach in the State of Alabama," I said. "Hold on, I'll grab him." "I called Derrick out to the patio and left to give the men some privacy. "Is everything all right with my dad?" Der asked anxiously. "Kiddo, your dad is fine," I said. "He's on the phone with the new athletic director at your school. And he's just given me permission to share that these two young men, Jack and Bradley, will be announced tomorrow as his student assistant coaches for the team at the U. for which they'll be very nicely compensated." Dinner was interrupted by an outbreak of hugs and congratulations. I went into the kitchen to get another beer and was joined by Mr. Derrick, who was there for the same reason. We clinked our bottles and he hugged me. "Is every day like this around here?" he asked. "This is just the happiest group of people I've ever seen." "No, sir," I said. "We have our share of rough days too but these days are the times that get us through the rough ones. We know that whatever experiences we have, good or bad, we share them and we support and love each other. It's pretty simple." "I've been such a goddamned fool," he said. "I should have my ass kicked for wasting so much time and so much love," "That's water under the bridge, Poppy," I said. He smiled broadly when I used his chosen nickname. "You're actually a young man and obviously you're in really remarkable shape. How the hell do you stay in that kind of condition?" "You really think so?" he asked. "I go to the Y pretty much every day and do a good workout and I try to hit my pool every night for laps. I've always been an active man and I know muscle can turn to fat all too easily." "You're one of the finest looking men in this town," I said. "I had heard that from the Vanderburgh sisters but I didn't believe it until I've had a closeup look for myself today and tonight." You find me handsome?" he asked. "I try to avoid mirrors. Afraid I might not like what I see. That's easy enough being alone, Rob. I'll be honest with you, the way I'm trying to be honest with my boys. When my wife died, I gave up on any more relationships. I had always been faithful to her although she wasn't a warm woman. We rarely had sex. It became unimportant. When I felt randy, she was very disapproving. I learned to just take care of myself, if you know what I mean." "I think I do understand," I said. "I think you're telling me you have only had sex with your wife in your entire life." "There was one other before we were married, but once I married, I was faithful to her. A man can get used to a lot, especially once he has a son. That boy was my life, Rob. I know you find that hard to believe, but when he was young, I had moved out of my wife's bedroom. I used to get him in bed with me and just watch him sleep. I doted on him. I was afraid of my own feelings for him because they were so strong. Then I was so proud of him when he got the scholarship. I ended up allowing my wife's pride to poison our relationship. You were right that I sent him off to college without preparing him for life. I was too afraid of my own feelings for him to ever even allow myself to discuss anything sexual." "You're a very sexy man," I said. "It's a shame that sexiness has gone to waste." Our faces were very close at that point. I wanted to kiss him. I felt he wanted the same thing. I leaned in and his lips met mine. It was a fast, chaste kiss. We both heard Derrick coming back into the dining room so we immediately broke and headed back in with the group. Derrick was excited when we all got back to the table. I had brought him a fresh beer. "Man, this is going to be great!" he said. "I can't wait to get to know this guy and I can't believe our paths haven't crossed. You said Coach Ennis was terrific, Rob, and I think you're right. This won't be announced until tomorrow afternoon, but Coach Ennis asked me if I would take over as coach for the football team. I told him I just didn't think I could do that with my own son on the team. I know I could be fair, but there could be all kinds of appearances of conflicting interests. I think he knew that I would turn him down on that so he proposed that I come in as an assistant to the new coach with the coach being the final authority. I told him I would love to do that. I wanted to coach and my degree is in business with a sports education minor. I ultimately decided it was more important to prove myself to dad in business. I think we're good in that now. I will only work with the team after school hours. Do you think that'll work, dad?" "I think that's a perfect plan, son," he said. "I've been watching you for years as you did everything well. You're more than able to walk and chew gum at the same time. I never gave you the credit you deserved. Those days are over and gone. If you want me to, I'll keep an office at the company but I promise to defer to you in all decisions with the business. I'll be there when you need or want me to be and I couldn't be prouder of my son." At t hat moment, Mr. Derrick's phone rang. "That's the eighth time that bastard Bush has called me tonight. I think it's time I spoke to him," he said. "I apologize to all present, especially our young ones, for the language they're about to hear. This won't be pretty." "What the fuck do you want, you dirty bastard?" he asked. Derrick took my hand under the table and held it tightly. "It was high time for you to resign from the school board, you ugly asshole," he said. "You've been holding on to that seat for years for the sole reason of enriching yourself. You think I didn't know you would get information from the planning commission and buy up any properties the school was looking to acquire so you could then resell them to the city at scalper prices? Your gig is up. Done. Over. And those spec homes you're handling for our company, I'm pulling your listing. I'll be listing them elsewhere or they can sit on the market and fucking rot. You'll never make another penny off me, my son, or our company." He was silent for a moment. We could hear old man Bush speaking loudly but couldn't make out his words. Apparently Mr. Derrick wasn't liking what he was hearing. "Kindly shut the fuck up, you asshole," Mr. Derrick said. "You come at me or my son as hard as you like. I've saved all those racist, misogynistic emails you've been sending out for all these years. I don't think our new principal would be at all amused at these pictures of `big-titted nigger girls' as you so crudely labeled them. I think most of the city would find them abominable except your little circle of redneck racist friends. I saved all of them because I knew in my gut this day would come eventually. I'll release them to all three local stations, every single newspaper in town, the New York Times and the Washington Post if you fuck with me. And, as for you bragging about having my balls in your pocket, I just reclaimed `em, motherfucker!" With that, he pressed the `end' button on his phone. "Again, I do heartily apologize to the young men here for my language," he said calmly. "We all know that is not acceptable language but, by God, I won't lie. It felt amazing." Der and Ren were all over the man, hugging him. He seemed to delight in their touch. "There is one more thing," Derrick said. "The coach asked me to meet in the morning with his choice for the new football coach. I explained my situation and he understood completely. He agrees that protecting my son is the most important job I will ever have, which makes me just admire him more. Dad, he plans to invite you and Rob to serve on the advisory council so he asked if, since I am not available you two might meet with the new coach. Mr. Derrick and I immediately agreed. "Who is the new coach?" I asked. "He's a new young guy, around our age, Derrick said. "He has a background coaching football but he was hired here as a wrestling coach. His name's Brett Jordan." "I met him a couple of times, Der said. "He seems kind of shy and quiet but I liked him." "I know Brett well," I said. "Or maybe I should say I knew Brett well. I haven't seen him since he was a groomsman in my wedding. We played junior high and high school football together. I considered him a good friend." I then shared with the group my relationship with his father, my junior high coach. I left nothing out and told them I had loved the man as my mentor. I explained the whole lack of a relationship with my own father and how Coach Jordan had been my father substitute and mentor. "Did Brett ever know about your relationship with his dad?" Mr. Derrick asked. "I didn't think he did, but I learned recently from a very good friend about a remark he had made after my wedding rehearsal indicating he may have known something or at least he suspected it. Although I loved his father, I recognize that he was a fool. To put that kind of distance between himself and his son over a missing foreskin is nothing but ridiculous. There are two gorgeous boys at this table with two of the most beautiful and tasty cut cocks I've ever seen." "Brett sounds like another damaged boy," Mr. Derrick said. "Maybe we can help his healing begin, the way someone at this table has helped the healing begin for my son, my grandson and myself. Is the meeting set up yet?" he asked. "No," Derrick said. "Brett has agreed to be available all morning. Coach told me Brett had submitted his resignation first thing this morning before the shit hit the fan. He has since rescinded the resignation and will accept pending further discussions. He gave me the cell number and asked me to arrange something. Coach would like to attend if he possibly can." "The only thing I have in the morning is a physical therapist coming to the house at ten," I said. "We could even meet during the appointment I guess." "That might be a bit much for you," Mr. Derrick said. "What if we set it up for eleven at your place? Would that work?" "Works for me," I said. "Coach said he'd be expecting a call early in the morning. Either of us can give him a buzz." "I think I better be heading out," Mr. Derrick said. I probably need to do a quick check in at the office in the morning, then it sounds as if Rob and I have our work cut out for us. I hope I get to meet Coach Ennis to let him know that he has our full support and resources at his disposal." "Thank you for doing this, dad," Derrick said. "It means a lot to me. "You mean a lot to me, son," the father said. The father aimed a kiss at his son's cheek, but the son met his dad's lips with his own. It was a quick kiss but a beautiful one and I knew both would want more. Der walked over to his grandfather and embraced him. The young boy kissed the man on the lips. The older man looked as if Saint Peter had just opened the golden gates for him. We all exchanged hugs and I got a warm kiss from Derrick. They saw us out to our car and walked back to the steps. They waved us good night as Jack drove us toward home. "Thank you for being our chauffeur, Jack," I said. "I'm really glad to have you guys around." "You are one of the luckiest guys I ever met," Mr. Derrick said. He started to give Jack directions to his home to drop him off but his cell phone rang. I couldn't hear clearly but the voice on the other end sounded excited. "When did this happen?" he asked. More unintelligible conversation. "Are the police there?" he asked. I felt a shiver run up my spine as the man listened. "I'll be there in a few minutes," Mr. Derrick said. "Damn bunch of fools," he said. "Some idiots tried to break into my house. Broke a window in the back but the emergency lights went off and the silent alarm notified the police station. When they got there the hoodlums were gone." "Jack, pull over for a second, please." The boy did as I asked. "Mr. Derrick," I said, "you're probably right that it's a bunch of hoodlums. But you might be wrong. If I let you go home and something happened to you, I could never face your boys again. I'd never forgive myself. You are not going home tonight. We are taking you home with us. We have plenty of space. Stewart is out of town so the master bedroom is free since I can't climb stairs. It's a done deal. Please don't argue. I can't let you risk yourself when you're on the verge of a whole new relationship with your boys." I expected a fight but the man relented. "Thanks, Jack," I said. "Let's go home." "Thank you, Rob, the man said as he reached out and took my hand in his. I saw my son take his other hand in his and Ren laid his head on the man's chest. I saw him sniff my boy's soft hair and knew he was smelling my son's wonderful, fresh scent. When we got home it was only a few minutes after nine. We went into the main residence. I was hoping my boys might still be awake so I could say good night to them. Ren checked upstairs but there was no one up there either. I saw Rick's and Kurt's vehicles were out front so I knew they were home. We found them out on the patio. Actually they were all just beyond the patio on the grassy area just beyond the patio. The scene was one of the funnies I had ever seen. Rick and Kurt, and Rhett were all in their underwear on their hands and knees, giving the three naked boys horsie rides on their backs. Actually, the little ones weren't completely naked. They all had on their cowboy boots and cowboy hats with each of their names on them on their heads. I knew Rick had been back at the western wear store on the way to the Santa Fe Steakhouse. I was amazing to see these wonderful grown guys playing fools to make three little boys happy as they could be. "You guys are having way too much fun," I said. "I think we missed the best party in town!" The boys came running up, all three giggling and babbling about their evening and getting new cowboy hats and riding the bull at the restaurant. Rick picked up a smiling Eli. "We went to see my daddy," he said, smiling. "He's still sick but he'll get better soon." Rick explained they had indeed gone by the western wear store where they had been waited on by Jackie, the owner's cute son. Rick said he had asked Rick to please say hello to me and that he hoped I'd be in the store again soon. Then they had stopped by the hospital so Eli could see his dad again. Rhett had come by Elliott's room after finishing up with his emergency and had joined all of them for dinner at the Santa Fe. "Then we got home," Rhett said, "but the boys hadn't had quite enough riding. We decided we could give them rides as well as bulls and ponies did." "We were just about to take them up and get in the big bathtub when you guys arrived," Kurt said. "Why don't Jack and I take the boys down to the guest house tub and you guys can have a little hot tub quiet time," Rick said. "Is that good with you, Jack?" he asked. "That's perfect with me," Jack said. They led the boys down to the guest house to get the sudsy tub started. Ren, Rhett, Kurt, and Bradley were opening the hot tub and disrobing. I told Mr. Derrick I was in the mood for a shot of bourbon and he agreed that sounded good. "Makers Mark all right with you?" I asked. "One of my favorites," he said. We walked back into the house and went in the library where I poured us bourbon on the rocks. "I'm taking mine with a splash, I think," I said. "Straight up is fine for me," he said. I poured our drinks and handed his to him. He held his up and we clicked our glasses. "I'm amazed," he said. "Absolutely amazed." "At what," I asked. "How much I've missed," he said. "I could've been enjoying my boys all this time." "It's true, Poppy," I said. "But you kind of fucked up. That's done. Your boys are opening their hearts and their lives to you. You guys have a lot of good days and great years to look forward to. I'm actually feeling a little envious," I admitted. "Envious of what?" he asked. "You have everything." "I have more than I ever dreamed of," I said. "But I do have a little envy because Derrick has a wonderful, handsome father he now has the opportunity to love and to love him. I've never had that and my sons don't have a grandfather to love and to love them back." "I know I can never replace your real dad, Rob, or their real grandfather," he said. "But I'd be honored to try to do what I can to fill that void. I love being called `poppy. I can't hear it without smiling. I want to earn that nickname. If you'll allow me, I'd love to be poppy to you and any of your boys who need a poppy." I kissed him. He smelled wonderful. I knew the scent because it was the same one Derrick wore. His breath smelled of bourbon and mint. His breath felt warm on my lips after we kissed. "Is this uncomfortable for you?" I asked. "My jeans are feeling uncomfortably tight ," he said. "My brain is saying it's crazy, but my heart and other parts of my body are saying to get on with things." "What do you want to get on with?" I asked. "I don't have any idea," he said. "I never expected this. I thought I was done with all of this after I pushed my son away. I was so in love with that boy and he always has been a handsome little devil. I was so afraid of my own feelings for him. I told you his mother wasn't affectionate. That's an understatement. I don't think we had sex more than a dozen times after our son was born. We had separate bedrooms and separate lives. I was terrified of my own feelings for my son. I remember the day he found his first pubic hair. He was in the seventh grade and was playing Pee Wee football. He came home from practice and ran in and hugged me. He pulled his football pants down and then moved the pouch of his little jock over. He was so beautiful and so excited and I was so scared. I was hard looking at my own little boy. I was terrified he might see that I had gotten stiff. I thought I must some kind of a sick monster. From that day on I was afraid to even take any chance of seeing my boy naked. I would just not allow myself to look at other boys and men naked. I willed myself not to do it. Now I see Derrick with his son and you with Ren and all these beautiful, handsome boys and you're all so open and so loving." I put my forehead to his and just held him. He cried quietly for a while. Then I sensed he had stopped. I looked him in the eye and he kissed me. This was a different kind of kiss. I felt his large hand on the small of my back, pulling my lower body closer to his. I felt the hardness in his pants. I knew he was ready to open up and explore. I was ready to help him. "Would you mind if went down and said good night to your little ones?" he asked. "I'd like nothing better, I said. "Just know if they're still in that tub, you won't have an inch of dry clothing by the time their bath is over." "I think that's okay," he said. "I think these blue jeans can be washed. You're not going to believe this but this is the first pair of blue jeans I've ever had on my body." "You're kidding me," I said. "Well, that may not be completely true," he said. "I've worn denim pants as a kid. Let's say this is the first time I've had on jeans since I started my business. My late wife thought a man should dress a certain way and I made myself fit into that mold. It was, after all, her family's money that we used to open our business. I guess I just always deferred to her wishes, even when I shouldn't have. It's so much easier to just agree instead of arguing.." We were almost to the guest house but he stopped and turned me to face him. "I heard what your son said on the news tonight," he said. "He's one gutsy kid. It is so often easier to stay silent, but silence is complicity. Believe it or not, I've read all the books by Bonhoefer. If your wife won't put out, you tend to get a lot of reading done," he chuckled. I kissed him. Each kiss was getting a little hotter and hungrier. "You must be awfully proud of that boy," he said. I kissed him again. I was really wanting him now. He took my hand and we walked into a scene of pure joy. We could hear the giggles and laughter the minute we opened the door. It was coming from the bathroom off the master bedroom with the huge garden tub. We walked in to see three little naked boys, all covered in suds repeatedly dunking hairy bear Rick under the water. He would come up sputtering and spewing water from his mouth and roaring. "Look daddy," Landry cried, "there's a water monster in our tub!" Jack was sitting in the suds holding little Eli as both our boys dunked him repeatedly. Poppy and I were laughing so hard our sides began to hurt as the boys repeatedly dunked the roaring bear. "Don't drown that water monster," I said. "That water monster is my big, hairy friend." They both went into his arms. He was the picture of a happy man. I thought Jack looked just as happy and content as he held Eli in his arms. I guided Poppy to squat beside the tub as our two leaned over the tub for hugs. We ended up wet with suds on our heads like crowns but we didn't mind. "You guys remember Mr. Derrick," I said. "He had breakfast with us this morning. His son met you guys last week but you may not remember him. He's my friend I went to the football game." Both boys claimed to remember him but I wasn't sure they weren't trying to impress the older man. "Well, that big, handsome man you met is his son. We were with him and his son tonight. That would be Mr. Derrick's grandson. His grandson calls him Poppy and Mr. Derrick has said he would be good if any of us would like to call him `Poppy' too. I think `Poppy' is a pretty cool nickname. What do you guys think?" Landry and Flynn immediately headed to the edge of the tub where we were, extending their arms to Poppy, both their little bodies soaking wet and covered with suds. It didn't matter. He was smiling as he lifted Landry into one arm and I gave Flynn a boost into the other. They were both covering his head and his face with kisses. Very wet, sudsy kisses. Jack stood and brought Eli over and he joined the kissing fest. "You boys are bound to be clean by now, aren't you?" I asked. "I know it's been fun but it is a school night and I know a couple of boys who won't be happy to wake up when it's time to get ready for school if they don't get their little bottoms in bed pretty soon." Jack and Rick led the boys into the shower to rinse the suds off them as Poppy and I grabbed towels and dried each of the little ones. Our little ones loved the attention as Poppy dried Landry and I dried Flynn Rick was drying Eli as Jack donned a fluffy robe. Jack had loaded toothbrushes when they were dry and all three of the babies stood dutifully and carefully brushed their teeth. There was a brief spitting contest between Landry and Flynnie as they rinsed but nothing got out of control. When they were dry Rick called them into the bedroom he was sharing with Jack. I pulled Jack aside as Poppy helped Rick settle the boys in the big bed. "I saw you were a little bit hard in the tub," I said. "Are you and Rick getting enough alone time?" I asked. " "The boys can sleep with me or they can sleep in Landry's room," I said. I'm sure the other guys will be happy to take them for a night so that you guys can have some private time." "Look at that man," Jack said. We looked into the bedroom where Rick was in his robe with two naked boys lying on him and Landry was on top of Poppy. "If there was ever a guy made to be a dad, it's Rick. I don't know how he was in the past, but he's fallen in love with our little guys and seeing him so happy makes me happy. I am feeling a little horny, but that just makes it better when I get to shoot. You know that. You taught me that. I don't want to miss a minute of this joy. Rick is supposed to have a meeting in Nashville Wednesday morning but I think he's reluctant to leave us." "I think he's reluctant to leave us but I think he can't bear the thought of being away from you," I said. "He's a really lovely guy," Jack said as he kissed me. I slid one hand under his robe and felt his smooth butt. He playfully swatted my hand away. "You've got your hands full with poppy," he said seductively as he smiled at me. I went in and kissed all three boys good night. Flynn asked when his daddy would be home. I reminded him we weren't sure but I was sure it wouldn't be too long and promised that he would call tomorrow. That satisfied him. And we all said good night. I could tell Paul was reluctant to leave the room with those boys, but he took my hand and we went back into the bedroom. "That was great," he said. "I don't know how you ever manage to leave home," he chuckled. "When the boys started school, it was really traumatic for me. I was used to having them with me all the time and I really went through a period of withdrawal." "Have you been around my grandson very much?" he asked. "Very little," I said. "He and Der were planning to come and stay with us when the situation went to hell. I was really looking forward to that. I find Derrick as sexy as I find his father and I knew he and Ren would hit it off. He's a beautiful boy." "He sure is," I said. "I can't believe I have such a beautiful grandson. I can't wait to spend time with him and with my son. You know, when we were at Shaggy's before you guys came over, he went in to take a shower. He invited me to join him. I wanted to but I was afraid to do it. Then while he showered, I lay down and dozed off. When I woke, he was lying beside me. He had taken my arm and put it around him. He even had his hand in my chest hair, but I was terrified. I did nothing." "The boy wants you. He wants you emotionally and physically," I said. "He's a patient boy. He'll give you the time you need to process all of this. You realize your son had never even kissed a man until last Thursday night, don't you?" "I hadn't really thought about it," he said, "but I guess I assumed he'd been around the block a few times." "No," I said. "He's let himself be serviced by men but he's never been intimate with another man until last Thursday, the night of Der's football game." "So he really doesn't have much more experience than I do?" he asked. "That's right," I said. "And Der is the same. He had jacked off with one other classmate, but he had never done anything sexual until the last couple of days. You don't have much catching up to do." "Oh," he said. "You're wrong about that. I have a lot of catching up to do." He kissed me again and I suggested we fix one more drink. He liked that idea. We headed up to the main house and found the foursome still in the hot tub. "I know it's about bed time,"Ren said. "I've been having fun with these guys. They were all in the hot tub. Ren was sitting in Kurt's lap, the older man's arms draped over his shoulders. Bradley and Rhett were in the same position. "Poppy and I are having one last nightcap," I said. "Anyone want to join us.?" No one did, so we headed in and fixed our drinks. I could tell he was still a little nervous. "Poppy," I said, "the last thing I want is for you to feel pressure to do something you're not sure you want to do. I just can't live with that idea. If you aren't ready to do anything sexual with me or anyone else, that's okay. It may take a while or it may never happen. Don't rush yourself. No one should do anything they think they may regret later. We have a master bedroom upstairs that is all yours if you want it. Stewart is out of town and I can't do stairs right now. It is made up and ready." He kissed me. "Maybe I'm not ready for this. You can tell I'm hard like I have been since deciding to spend the night here. But this has been sudden and maybe I'm not as ready to explore as I thought I was. Would you be offended if I took you up on that offer?" "Not at all, you handsome man," I said. "I'll get Ren to show you upstairs and show you where everything is. Just make yourself at home and I'll see you at breakfast." We walked back out to the patio and Ren said he would be glad to show Poppy up to the bedroom and show him around. Poppy was saying good night to the other guys when Ren pulled me aside. "Since he's sleeping upstairs, would it be all right if I sleep with you tonight?" he asked shyly. "Son," I said, "you're welcome in my bed anytime, no matter who else might be there. You know I think you're the most handsome and the sexiest boy in the whole world. There's no one I'd want in my bed more than you." I kissed him and he took Poppy's hand to lead him upstairs. The hot tub crew was shutting things down. "Kurt and I are thinking we may have a Bradley sandwich as a bedtime snack," Rhett chuckled. "I certainly want to hear about that at breakfast," I said. I finished my drink and put my glass in the dishwasher just as Ren came back downstairs. We started out down the path to the guest house, his arm around my waist. "He sure would like to do some stuff," Ren said. "Yes, buddy," I think you're right. "He's having a tough time with it though. We'll be patient and if he wants it, we'll all be here for him. We have to understand he's a little older. All his life he's read about men he knows, who had reputations and families, who were up at the overlook on the mountain or up in the nature preserve, who got caught having sex with other men. Their names and pictures would appear in the paper after they were arrested. Society hasn't been very kind to people who did things outside what was considered normal. We got to the guest house and I told him I was going to have a quick shower. He decided to join me and the hot water and being with my handsome naked son was great. "If I haven't told you," I said, "I was really, really proud of you today and when you appeared on the news tonight. I get a lump in my throat thinking about it. " "I was just saying the truth. You taught me that. I wish we could all just be honest." "So do I, son." We soaped each other, both of our cocks hardening slowly. "You're feeling horny, son," I said. "What do you want to do.?" "I want to get in bed naked with my daddy. I want him to hold me. Anything else is just icing on the cake. I sure wish Poppy would have joined us. It makes me sad that he's all alone. And he's a very handsome man." "That he is and when he's ready, he'll take action," I said as we dried. After brushing our teeth, we slipped under the fresh, clean sheet together. He lay with his back to me. My semi'hard cock was gently rubbing against his smooth butt cheeks." "I sure do love you, dad," he whispered as he guided my hand down to his hard cock. "I love you too, son," I said as I began to comb my fingers through his thick pubes. As I started to lightly stroke my son's hard cock, we heard a very soft tap on the door. Then Poppy's head appeared. "Get in here," I said quietly. "Ren and I were hoping you might change your mind." "I'm tired of being an old fool," he said as he took off his robe and crawled into bed between us.