Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 15:21:53 EST From: Subject: Roustabout Way (Expanded Version) THE ROUSTABOUT WAY By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM "Always figured he'd run away some day and join a circus." Mom groused to me. "What?" I asked. She waved the letter. "Your father. He's become a carnival bum." Mom always called my Dad a bum. Never held a job for more than two months in his entire life, she declaimed. I had to admit that she was right about that; but it wasn't that Dad wasn't a hard worker. He just couldn't stand doing the same thing day after day and had to make a change. Plenty of the people he had worked for in the past would take him on again when he asked them to, as I pointed out often enough. She always remonstrated that he was always late with the child support payments for me. Well, he was, in that they were supposed to be due on the first of each month. And they usually arrived no earlier than the eighth, almost always by the fifteenth, and never later than, one time, on the twenty-second. But Mom never took that into account; he was "always late." Still, I was supposed to spend summers with him and she would never let me. But this year, the chance to visit with Dad and be part of a circus was too much and I begged her to let me go. Not a full circus, Mom pointed out quickly, just a back-lot sort of carnival, with a half-dozen rides, some booths, and so on. Still, I was a lot older than I had been before, and had gained some independence of thought despite her sternness, I told her that I was spending the summer with him whether she let me go or not. His carnival was passing through the town nearby right after school let out according to the letter, and I could get there with no problem. So she had to give in under the circumstances. So I went to visit Dad that summer just as I had planned, and found the carnival with no problem, not yet open and still setting up. Dad had written me the streets where it could be found, so while Dad couldn't arrange to meet me at the station, it was just a matter of taking the bus to the right street. I got there and gave my name to the first man I saw working there, and he waved me on in. "Hi, Devin." he said. "Ralph's been expecting you, made sure we all knew about you. Go on in. He'll probably be in the back now. We're setting up still." I went and found him at the roller coaster ride setting it up. Not a real roller-coaster, exactly, this ride was about twenty feet wide and about a hundred feet long, you got some bumps and dips and a tug up a high lift once on the circuit, but they would send you around it a dozen times for your ticket. It took a lot of nuts and bolts to fit the big pieces together, and Dad was there wielding a wrench. "Hey, Dad!" I hollered. "Devin!" he called. It had been nearly seven months since I'd seen him (last Thanksgiving), so I ran up and hugged him and he hugged me back. "I got to get back to work now. My tent is that one over there." "You live in a tent?" I asked. "Sure, and so will you while you're with me. It's a warm summer, we'll be fine." "Sure." I said. "Hey, Ralph, quit bugging the customers and get back to work." yelled a foreman-type guy. "It's my son, Devin." Dad hollered back. "And I'm getting back to work now." "Hey, kid." the man came over. A big, hairy hunk! Thick black hair in a curly disarranged mop on his head, a sleeveless shirt with one corner torn off, showing a rippled set of abs beneath a mass of hairy swoops and swerves, blue jeans that weren't pre-faded shit, they had faded through years of wear and were grimy with oil and dirt and he smelled of honest sweat and labor. "Nice to meet you, sir." I shook his hand and forgot to let go. Just held it and looked into those blue eyes and he looked at me, sizing me up, and then he grinned. "They all call me Rutherford. Nice to meet you, too." he said, shaking my hand again and sort of pushing my hand back, making me let go. "You bunk with your old man and me in my tent. We got a sort of closed-off square back there. Go on in and make yourself to home. We'll be done in a moment. I got to find some guys to hold while we finish putting it together." "I don't mind helping." I said. "Quicker you're done, the quicker Dad and I can visit." Rutherford looked me over. "Strike me a muscle on that arm of yours." he ordered. I flexed my bicep and he reached out and checked it just like a man buying a horse checks its teeth. I had a little muscle there, enough to show when I flexed. He shrugged and nodded. "Okay, Devin, you got a deal." Rutherford said. "Grab that end over there and haul on it. When we get it in position, you're going to be holding it in place and I mean holding it until we get a dozen or more bolts in place. So I hope you're not bluffing me with that muscle of yours." It was hard work. It wasn't hard to get the thing into place with Rutherford's help, but then I walked my hands over to the middle of the frame and he let go, leaving me holding about 150 pounds of dead metal all by myself. I got some help by bracing against the framework at one end, but that was it. I held it while he inserted bolts and tightened nuts on them, and then went to another and tightened it, and another, and another. I was sweating by the end of the very first one when he said, "Okay, you can let go and take a breather." I did and Rutherford grinned as he looked up at me. "Another fourteen of those to go and you and your Dad can kick back and relax the rest of the evening. Okay?" "Okay." I said. Ye gods, fourteen more! I didn't do anything else, but that was plenty and more than plenty! Two thirds of that afternoon I was doing nothing, but the other third I held up 150 pounds of metal while Rutherford inserted bolts. My arms ached, then my back began to ache until it hurt worse than my arms. "Last one, Devin." Rutherford said. "Get ready to haul." I did and my back spasmed as I lifted it into place. "Ouch! Ow!" I moaned and darned near dropped my end. Rutherford moved fast and kept it from landing on a guy at the other end who was working with my Dad. "I was afraid it was too much for you." he said sympathetically. "Go on to the tents. I'll be in and put something on your back a little later, okay?" "Okay." I said and took off to the tents. Dad had pointed to a particular tent and it wasn't hard to find it, especially when I saw a photo of me lying on a small table inside. I saw three beds inside, one a fair-sized mattress on a frame, the other two cots, one used and mussed and one clean and bare. It wasn't hard to figure that the new cot was mine. I stretched out on it and lay there, looking at the central area and just enjoyed not having my back do anything but be still. There were four such tents, and they were hooked at one corner so that you had a sort of courtyard in the middle with the four tents making the corners and a space between in the shape and about the proportions of the Red Cross. In that central area was a cooking fire with a small fire burning under a pot of some meat-smelling stuff, and one "arm" had a sheet up and a tub of water; bathing facilities no doubt. Another "arm" had a Port-O-Let, which explained that. The third was a sort of dump-this-stuff-somewhere place and the fourth was the entrance. The two inner sides of all four tents were rolled up to let the air in. Rugged living. Probably fit Dad just fine, after years with my Mom of "take off your shoes before you scuff my floor, I just waxed it." Nothing to scuff up here! "Hey, kid." Dad came in. "See you found your bunk." "Yeah." I said. "It's Rutherford's tent. He's the boss and part-owner of this carnival. You're lucky he's agreeing to share this with us, or we'd've had to find a motel and I can't afford it. So you be very nice to him." "No problem." I said. "I like Rutherford. He's nice." "That's good." Dad said and sat down. "I do want to visit but I am filthy, so I'm going to take a bath while I still can." Dad stood up and began to strip right where he was. "Are you going to take a bath here?" "No, but there's no place over there to hang your clothes. Just men in this area, by the way. So don't worry about what you're wearing. It's the roustabout way." "The roustabout way?" I asked. "Yep." Dad said. "You take care of each other on the road. You're part of a family. You hear 'hey, Rube!', you go running and help the fellow traveler in trouble and don't ask how or why. I really like this life. Hope to do it for a long time." You have to know Dad as well as I did to know he had finally found his calling and I said as much. Dad stripped down completely naked and took off. "Hey, kid, is this yours?" Rutherford asked as he came back. He dropped my duffel bag on Dad's bed. "Found it after you left." "Yeah, I forgot it, helping you." "I thought so." Rutherford said, taking off his shirt. I looked on hungrily as he showed me his body, his dark hair on his chest as tousled as that on his head. He had a small growth on his beard, not that he hadn't shaved, but that it was growing back fast on him. It gave him a shadow, I think they call it. His whole body was half sun-browned skin and half jet-black hair and I couldn't get over it. His waist was narrow and taut, his chest was wide and well-muscled, his nipples were big brown ovals nestled in the hair like twin quails on their nest. He wiped his body with the shirt he had just removed, and his muscles rippled back and forth as he did so. I couldn't take my eyes off it. "Like this body, kid?" he asked me. I looked at him and there was no challenge in his voice or his eyes, just the statement. "Yeah." I said. "Hope mine turns out like yours one day. I'm working out, but it's a lot of hard work and not much improvement." "How long you been at it?" "Three months." "You'll get there. Give it three years." was his comment. "I got barbells I use." Rutherford reached under the bed and pulled them out. "I do reps like this every day." he said and did them while I watched him. "Want to try it?" "Sure." I said and started to reach and my back, which had been quiet up to then, proclaimed its agony. "Ow!" "Oh, yeah, your back." Rutherford seemed abashed that he had forgotten it. "I got some liniment in my tucker. You strip off that shirt and roll over and I'll rub it on you." I tried while he got the liniment, but I was still struggling with my buttons. Every motion I made, my back yelled in pain. Rutherford saw me wincing and said, "Here, kid, you just hold still." And he stepped over, planning to undo my shirt for me, no doubt. "Hey, Rutherford." Dad came back, still half-wet and still naked. I sneaked a look at his dong (he had had his back to me the trip out, I had only seen Dad's white buttocks with their deep dimples), and it was a dark banana in his pubic hair. Then Dad sat down, towelling at his hair and said, "What's with Devin?" "Hurt his back helping us." Rutherford said. "I'm going to rub some liniment on his back." "I'll do it." Dad said. "Why don't you go take a bath now?" I was disappointed but managed to hide it. Dad came over and partially blocked my view as Rutherford stripped out of his clothing. Dad unbuttoned my shirt and said, "Now lie down on the cot." I did so and turned my head to keep watching Rutherford. He caught me looking as he finished taking off his boots and he grinned and stood up, facing me as he shucked out of his pants. He was wearing some yellowed briefs beneath, not filthy, just well-worn and nearly worn- out, and just as he shucked out of that, Dad hit my back with the liniment. "Ooh!" I said as I saw Rutherford's cock, a nice piece of meat. "Ow!" as the liniment hit the small of my back. It burned like crazy! "Ow, that hurts!" I complained. "Hold still, son." Dad said as he wielded the liniment. "Got to get it in." He worked at my back, sitting straddle of me with his crotch grinding into my buttocks, and only my jeans to prevent it from being bare-skin contact. Rutherford stood there, watching my Dad rub that into my back, and I saw his cock begin to twitch and rise up. The sight of my Dad rubbing my back was turning him on! I guess we did look pretty sexual, me without my shirt and Dad naked on top of me, him moving his whole body as he rubbed the liniment into the small of my back where the pain was. I looked at his meat and I licked my lips, realized what I was doing, looked up at him. He grinned and said, "That's enough rubbing, Ralph. This kid needs a full massage. If you'll go help with dinner, I'll rub your kid's back for you." "Thanks, Rutherford." Dad got up and pulled on some shorts and a tank-top. He leaned over to whisper to me, "Rutherford gives great back rubs. You'll really enjoy it." I was sure I would! "I'll bet I will." I said. "Go on and help with the dinner now." Rutherford said. Dad did and Rutherford pulled a bottle of baby oil or something out of his "tucker". Came over and said, "Might as well give you a proper massage while I'm at it. So you lie still and I'll pull off those clothes for you." He unlaced my sneakers and got them off and then my socks and then reached under me to unfasten my jeans button. But his hand on the far side from the open-sided tent went in further and Rutherford groped at my hard cock. I looked out at Dad who was watching us, and Dad smiled and waved and I grinned back and Dad went back to building up the fire beneath the pot. Someone else was preparing vegetables at the table and I guessed it meant stew for supper. Rutherford got my jeans undone and pulled/tugged them off and he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Feels like you got a nice one in there." he said. "Thanks." I whispered back. Rutherford shucked my jeans off and then came back up for my briefs. "And this butt of yours looks really nice." he breathed in my ear. "I'm going to enjoy this as much as you do." "I hope so." I said. Rutherford got into position, his crotch against my butt and his cock rested in my asscheeks, this time with no jeans to stop it. He squeezed some oil on his hands and rubbed them together and then onto my back. He rubbed at my shoulders and rubbed hard and as he did, he hunched his cock back and forth between my asscheeks. I felt his cock get hard as a rock in no time. "You ever done it with a man before?" he whispered to me lowly. "No, sir." I admitted. Dad looked at us again, Rutherford rubbing my back, and he grinned at me again. I grinned back. "Want to try it?" he asked. "With me?" "Yeah." I breathed. "But how? Dad's right over there." "Far as he knows, I'm rubbing your back." he said. "If you can cooperate and get ready to bite back a yell of pain, we can do it with him watching. What do you think of that?" He hunched and his cock rubbed my asscheeks and the rocking of his body rubbed mine on the cot. "Okay." I sighed. Rutherford waited until Dad had his back to us, and then he quickly squirted oil down between my asscheeks and then over his cock. I saw the cook watching us intently, but the cook grinned and shook his head and went back to his cooking. Rutherford carefully reached down with his far hand and rubbed at my ass, pushing the oil into my ass as well as he could. I saw Dad approach the cook, who said something to him. Dad grinned widely and went over to stir the pot. "Brace yourself." Rutherford said. "This always hurts at first, but I'll be as gentle as I can. Better bite your arm or something." He pushed the cockhead against my ass and I did what he said, muffled my mouth against my arm. Rutherford then pushed on the small of my back really hard, which seemed to help my pain a lot, and then he shoved it in. Something he had done relaxed my ass muscles for just an instant, and in that instant, he got it inside me! I couldn't believe how quickly he had done it. I expected him to rip me open a little at a time and instead, I suddenly had his monster cock buried in me to the very base. "Just let it sit there a moment until your body gets used to it." Rutherford said and he went back to rubbing my back for me. "Does that feel good, son?" Dad said as he came over. "Huh?" I asked stupidly. "Lloyd says you're getting the good stuff." Dad hooked his finger at the cook, who waved at me. "Yeah, it feels great." I said. Did Dad know? And approve? Dad turned and yelled at Lloyd. "He says it feels great!" "I know he does." Lloyd shouted back. "Now come back and start putting in these vegetables or we'll never eat tonight." "All right." Dad turned to Rutherford. "Thanks for helping my son out." he said. "Glad to do it." Rutherford said and gave me a quick hunch and I groaned at the feel of his prong in my butt. "You can rub my back when you're done." "I'll be all worn out when I'm done here." Rutherford said and rubbed/hunched me again and I gasped. "Yeah, my son has a lot there to be worked on." Dad said. "I'm glad you're taking care of him for me." "The pleasure's all mine." Rutherford assured him. "Mine, too." I chuckled at the double conversation. Dad always was a bit dense. A good man, you understand, but kind of thick-headed. Dad took off and Rutherford began to slowly hunch at my butt while he masked it with the rubs on my shoulders. His whole body was moving on top of mine. I couldn't believe how much I loved it, loved the feel of his cock moving in and out of me with every motion. Lloyd was frankly watching us, and I wasn't too surprised when Lloyd came up. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" "You got a problem with it, Lloyd?" Rutherford said, moving quicker now that Lloyd's body blocked the view of Dad. "No, just that I'd like to get some of that if I could." I looked up at Lloyd. Blond-hair cut short in a flat-top, nicely built body though not up to Rutherford's standards, with nice big biceps on his sleeveless shirt and a basket that was bulging now that I was looking at it.... "I could use more than one back rub, I guess." I said carefully. "We'll work on it." Rutherford said. "Now turn around and act like I'm giving you orders about tomorrow. Keep an eye on the kid's dad, make sure he doesn't come back, and block his view of me when he looks this way." "Okay, boss." Lloyd turned around and put his hands in his pockets, making a wide front with his body. Rutherford took the opportunity to fuck me flat-out and I groaned, moaned as he fucked me hard. "Quiet, kid!" Lloyd hissed. "Your dad can hear you." I quieted and muffled myself with my arm again. "Too late, he's coming over." "How's it going?" Dad stepped up. "Hi, Lloyd." "Hi." Lloyd said. "You feeling better now, son?" "Yeah, a lot." I groaned. Rutherford had returned to his slow thrusts with his hard rubs. "This is really doing it for me." "I'll bet it is." Dad said. "Rutherford has a real talent in doing that." "Yeah!" I said feelingly. "Anything I can do to help?" "You can go stir the stew." Lloyd said. "It needs tending and I'm done with my part." "All right." Dad said. He looked at me. "You really look like you're having a good time there." "Incredible, Dad." I said. "I wish I could get this every day." "Me, too." Dad said. "Maybe you and I can trade off from now on. You know, at the end of a hard day's work, nothing feels better than a good working over." "Sure." I gasped out. "It's a deal, then." Dad said. "I'll go tend the dinner." "Thought he'd never leave." Rutherford growled. "Lift up the blanket on Ralph's cot, like you're fixing the bed. I got to finish up now or I'm going to bust my nuts." "Sure, boss." Lloyd went over and picked up the blanket and held it up high. As he did, as we were private at last, Rutherford fucked me hard and I grunted my joy into my arm as he plunge-fucked me, the cot squeaking with the rough thrusts, my body sighing in joy with every movement, and I felt a hot pool build in my balls. "Oh, I'm going to come." I gasped out. "Hunh, hunh, hunh!" Rutherford was too busy with his fucking to say anything and so was I by then. Rutherford growled his lust through his clenched teeth while he fucked me and then the growl choked off and burst into bits of sound and I felt his hot jism flood my ass. The heat of that was enough to send me plunging over the same cliff myself and I pumped my wad into my cot, making a huge sticky mess of myself. Rutherford fell gasping on top of me and Lloyd hissed, "The numb noggin's coming back again." "Oh, Christ!" Rutherford said. "I'll take care of him for good." he said to me. "Don't you worry about a thing, just play along." "What are you doing, Lloyd?" Dad stepped up, he wasn't able to see us through the blanket Lloyd wielded like a shield. Lloyd made a stamp. "You had a black widow spider on your blanket." Lloyd said. "I was holding it up so it would crawl off. It's dead now." "Hey, thanks." Dad said. "I'll take that now." He took the blanket from Lloyd and put it back on his bed, more or less making his bed if you call draping a blanket over the askew pillow and wrinkled sheets making a bed. "That's why I like the carnival life." he said. "We take care of each other." he looked over at Rutherford who had risen up on me, both of us sweaty and flushed still. "Take Rutherford here. He just went all out to take good care of my son who was aching. Really wore himself out there. What other job are you going to find cooperation like that?" "I need some of that cooperation now." Rutherford said. "I got to send someone to Bristow to check for available lots. The guy canceled on me because he sold the lot. You get your regular pay and motel room and use of the car. Just drive around and find me a good spot to set up for next week. That and put up the flyers around town where you can. After that, you stick around to help us set up like today, then travel on ahead to the next town on the circuit. We can't book these lots too far ahead of time, don't have the money." "Sure." Dad said. "How about that, son? We won't have to camp out after all." "Actually, your taking that job leaves me shy one hand on the roustabouts." Rutherford said. "Devin put in a good job of work today, and I'd like to hire him on if he wants the job. Lloyd and I will keep an eye on him, take good care of him." "That would mean we wouldn't see each other but a day a week." Dad said to me. "Do you want to do it?" "Sure." I said. "I can't think of a better summertime job to have." "Me, either." Dad grinned. "We take care of each other. It's the roustabout way." "I know that now." I sighed, Rutherford limp cock still buried in my butt. "And I'm looking forward to doing my part." PART TWO Rutherford got up when Dad turned his back to say something to another guy. I could see why he had waited; his cock was so shiny and slicked up, it was obvious that he'd been fucking my ass. He snatched up his shirt and wiped hurriedly at it. I sat up as well, and pulled my jeans back on and we were decent when Dad finished talking and turned back to us. "That's gotten you all loosened up." Dad said approvingly. "Yeah." I agreed as I stood up. "I feel great right now." "A good working over will do that." Rutherford said, stretching out luxuriously on his bed, shirt draped over his loins as if by accident. "Lloyd, when's supper?" "Another fifteen minutes ought to do it." Lloyd looked at the two of us, his eyes dancing with mischief and lit from within with suppressed desire. He couldn't wait to get us alone together so he could fuck me, I could tell; he was practically dancing in his pants and his cock tented out his jeans alarmingly. "Time enough for you and me to go get cleaned up, kid." Rutherford said. "Come on and you can help scrub my back for me." "Sure." I said and Dad sort of pouted. "But you and me haven't had any time to talk yet, Son." "Let me get cleaned up and we'll eat together." I promised. I got a towel from Dad and Rutherford and I took off for the washing area. When we walked in, I sort of gasped. Facing me, wet and stark-naked, was this enormous hunk! "Devin, this is Bruno." Rutherford introduced us. The name fit him, big guy with jet black hair worn shoulder-length which gave him a fierce rather than effeminate look. His body he obviously kept shaved, for it was completely clean of hair down to a small triangle around his groin, and even this he kept clipped short. His arms and upper chest were huge, not just big, but HUGE. His body was wide and his waist was nearly as large as his chest; no sculpted perfect body this. And yet it was sculptured in its own way, this body was designed to carry not just big loads, but loads that would strain a man to the breaking point, crush the weaker souls down flat. Bruno the Magnificent, the man who holds up elephants, one in each hand, that was the poster they used for him. I had seen them on my way in. That sort of body. I took his hand and this time it was Bruno who forgot to turn loose. "Good to meet you!" he said with large good humor. "I see you with Rutherford." And with that his sole preliminary, Bruno took my hand and placed it on his crotch, physically wrapped my fingers around his cock and hunched! "Bruno's Russian, and he doesn't speak English very well." Rutherford said. "He's our star attraction, so we all have to do our part to make him happy. I won't insist, Devin, but if you are willing, I'd really appreciate it." By now, Bruno's cock was a hot poker in my hand, and getting bigger by the moment. "You do it now." Bruno ordered me. "Uh..." I looked at Rutherford. "I'll keep an eye on the others." Rutherford assured me. "Including your Dad." "Okay." I said. This was turning into one incredible day! I stroked Bruno's cock and then I felt a big paw push me down. "You suck now." he commanded, fortunately not too loud. "Shh!" I said. "Dad's right outside." "You suck, I shut up." he compromised. I took his cock in my mouth, having only a pretty vague idea of what to do. I'd read a few stories on the Internet, enough to know that I needed to get my mouth all wet with my saliva first. I worked up my spit well as I could (that's hard to do on command, you know!) while I licked his cockhead. "Hey, Rutherford, why you waiting?" Lloyd said. "Dinner's almost ready." "Bruno's in there. Devin's helping him out." Rutherford said languorously. "Helping him out?" Dad said. "Washing his back for him, I mean." Rutherford lied hastily. "Tub's too crowded for me, so I'm waiting. Have you stirred the stew?" "Yeah, jeez, I keep stirring the stew." Dad complained. "Everyone wants me to stir the stew today. What is it with you guys?" "Don't want our dinner to spoil." Rutherford said. "How's it tasting?" I had as much spit in my mouth as I could get without dribbling, so I dove onto Bruno's cock. Bruno let out a really loud groan. "What's wrong with Bruno?" Dad asked, concerned, his voice only a few feet away from the drape, from the sound of it. "Is he hurt?" "He's fine. Bruno really likes having his back washed, that's all. You know Bruno groans whenever he's enjoying something." Every time I took Bruno's cock into my mouth deep as I could, Bruno gave another of those earth-shaking groans. "Yeah. Well, as you said, whatever Bruno wants, he gets." Dad conceded. "Devin?" I pulled off Bruno's cock hastily. "Yeah, Dad?" "You do a good job on Bruno, you hear me?" "I'm doing my best, Dad." I said as Bruno's hand shoved me back onto his cock. "That's good. He's the star of the show and really temperamental, so we have to pamper him. Go out of our way and do things for him when he asks us to. You're working here now, you have to do your part. So you give him a real good washing. I want you to really work him over. Do it for me, son!" "Okay, Dad!" I got out and then Bruno grabbed me by both hands and fucked at my face and I couldn't have answered back if I'd wanted to. He grunted and groaned lustily and only my thick-headed Dad would have thought I was doing something as pedestrian as washing his back. But as I said, Dad was pretty dense. "Oh, enough!" Bruno groaned. "I do you now!" He pulled me off and I yelled, "He's going to wash my back now, Dad!" "You let him, Son." Dad called back. "He gets a little rough, but you take it, okay? Don't want to get him upset, this place opens for business in another half hour." "Okay, Dad." I said as Bruno lifted me bodily into the air. Between the lotion Rutherford used on me and my own spit on Bruno's cock, that was all the lubrication I was going to get. He had me by my buttocks and was hauling on me! "Another reason to see if we have time to eat." Rutherford said, trying to get my Dad away from that curtain before he decided to check on just how well his son was washing down Bruno. "Check the goddamned stew. Where's Lloyd, anyway?" "In his tent." Dad said. "Stew should be done, he used only canned vegetables except for the potatoes, and they've been cooking for nearly fifteen minutes." "So check the stew and if it's ready, start serving it out." Rutherford shooed him away. "All right, all right!" Dad said. "I'm going! Sheesh!" Bruno had me with my legs wrapped around his waist and his cock was snaking into my ass. I moaned a little at the sheer brute strength of this fuck, but Rutherford had me opened up and it didn't hurt much. "Go easy on my Son, Bruno!" Dad called from a bit further away. Only about fifteen feet separated us from that stewpot, where Dad presumably was. "You don't want to break him in two, you know!" "It's all right, Dad!" I grunted. "Just a bit of leftover back pain." My back felt fine, actually, it had only been a spasm and was now just a bit stiff and vaguely aching even with the manhandling it had been getting. That pressure Rutherford had applied at the small of my back when he shoved his cock in seemed to have pushed everything right back into place for me. "I treat him good." Bruno said and he promptly began to fuck me standing up like that by hunching and making me bounce up and down on him. "Oh, man!" I heard Lloyd's voice and I looked over. The tent to my right, the one furthest from the tent of Rutherford and my Dad, was one of the ones that abutted on the washing facility and this tent had its side down, giving privacy. Except that it had a peep-hole like window on the center which you could open from the inside, and Lloyd had opened this and had his head poked through, watching me get fucked by Bruno. "When do I get mine?" "Later!" I promised him. "Got to take care of the star, you know. How about tonight after everyone goes to bed, okay?" "Deal!" he gasped and closed back the flap. I think the poor guy was whacking off! By now, Bruno's cock was firmly imbedded in me right down to the base and that's how he fucked me, little bounces keeping his cock deeply inside me and it was driving me wild. I didn't groan as loudly as he did, but I worried about Dad hearing just the same. All he had to do was walk in despite Rutherford's guard and I would be revealed completely. No way to pretend this was an innocent wash or a massage or anything else, I was being fucked in mid-air by the hulking weightlifter Bruno. "Bruno likes that, too, I hear!" Dad said. The guys laughed. Dad laughed with them. "They must be washing each other for that." "They're doing something to each other, all right." some other guy said. "I'm going to get your son to wash me later." another guy said. "He damned near dropped a steel beam on me while we were setting up that roller coaster." "Talk to him about it later." Dad agreed. "My son knows that roustabouts take care of each other. You can hear him taking good care of Bruno, can't you?" Bruno's face was getting flushed, and I knew he was about to come. "Quiet!" I hissed at him. "Dad's going to find out and he'll make me quit the carnival." "You mine." Bruno announced, but he softened his groans and stifled with clenched teeth into blowing hisses his passion when he came, and I felt the stinging jism flying up into me, and dribbling down my asscheeks into the water with loud plops. Done, he gasped, set me down in the water. "You not come?" he asked. "I came just a little while ago." I reassured him. "You were wonderful, Bruno. Magnificent!" "You take bath now, come to my tent tonight, okay?" Bruno said. "Me and Lloyd take care of you, okay? Make you come again and again, all night, okay?" "Okay." I said. Bruno got out and walked away while drying himself and I sank down into the tub with a sigh. "You okay, Devin?" Rutherford said as he walked up. "I'm fine." I gasped. "Whew! I'd heard a lot of tales about carnival life, but I never expected this!" "You're fitting in just fine." Rutherford said. "A real trouper." "Thanks." I sighed, sinking down totally exhausted. Dad poked his head around the tarp then. "Bruno's really grinning." he informed me. "You made him happy, son." "Yeah." I sighed. "But I'm pretty tired from it." "That's my boy!" Dad bragged to Rutherford. "Always was a great kid. You can count on him to give you his all when he's working for you." "And I'm counting on it." Rutherford said. "How's the stew?" "Done. Hurry up and you can eat before the place opens. Time for us to quit fucking around and get moving." "Well, he's right about that." Rutherford agreed. "Let's get scrubbing." Rutherford dropped his towel and headed towards me. PART THREE Rutherford stepped around behind me. "I'll help you wash up. You don't want to take too long, between supper and your Dad thinking you've been washing, so let's hurry." Rutherford did my back with one rag while I wielded another on my front. "What does a roustabout do while the carnival is running?" I asked. "Roustabouts help man the booths and run the rides." he said. "So what do I do?" "You're the newest roustabout, so you get the honor of being the dummy in the hit-the- dummy game." I shivered as Rutherford poured a bucket of cold water over me to rinse me off. Then he got in the tub and I lathered his back for him, running that rag over his large, wonderful body. His hairs made decorative wavy designs on his body as I plied the soapy rag over him, making circles as I scrubbed. "Hit-the-dummy?" I asked. "Remember the old "throw the baseball at the guy's head" game?" Rutherford said. "This is the same, only we've made it safe. The customers throw Nerf balls. The way we work it is this: We give them the balls free of charge, but they have to pay a quarter for each dab of color they put on the ball, up to twelve dabs on a single ball in circles they have on them. The color leaves a mark on the face of the dummy if they hit, you see, and if the ball leaves any kind of mark, they win. They get a stuffed toy animal that looks really nice, and costs us seventy cents each. That's how we make our money, the odds are really rotten for what they pay and what they get." "How's that?" "Ever throw a Nerf ball nearly twenty feet?" "I see." I said. "And then the color's got to hit dead on nearly to leave a mark, the way the Nerf ball soaks that color up. Even with all twelve spots on the ball covered, three bucks' worth, they have only about a fifty-fifty chance to hit and leave a mark. Time to rinse me, Devin." "So what does the dummy do?" I fetched the bucket of water. There was a free-standing tap there, which explained why the tents were set up on the lot at the spot where they were. "He's got his head stuck through a hole in the wall, and he dodges as well as he can when they throw. The dummy gets to be really obnoxious to the people, you can do everything but call them dirty names. Brr!" I poured the water over him and the hairs on his body went from decorative patterns to all pointing straight down his body. "Sounds like fun." I admitted. "I was going to put your Dad on that game." Rutherford dried himself and so did I, watching his body's muscles dance and reveal and hide as he moved the towel over his body. "It gets pretty rough, bent over like that all the time with your head up. Ask for a break if you need one and one of the other roustabouts will take over. I'm glad you're working here, kid, you got the right enthusiasm for this job." Rutherford said. "This is a good summer job for a kid." "It's a terrific summer job!" I said. "And the fringe benefits are the greatest!" I said, clutching his wet cock to show what I meant. "Especially after we ditch your old man." Rutherford agreed, grinning. "First thing in the morning, he leaves for Bristow. Let's get our chow while we still can." We ate and I visited with my Dad as promised. I was surprised to see that these four tents housed, besides Dad, Rutherford, Lloyd and Bruno, ten other guys. All of them were nice- looking; they ranged from fresh-out-of-school gorgeous (I guess I fit that category) to middle- aged ruggedly handsome. And only Dad would not see that these guys did, for it was obvious that they all knew damned well what Rutherford and I, and Bruno and I, had been doing, and they either approved or tolerated it. Bruno sat at my other side and he kept his arm around me. I cast worried glances at Dad, but he just smiled and made noise once about "overly friendly Russian bears". Came time, I found the booth, a long covered rectangle. It had a smaller rectangular area behind it closed off for me to step into. I went in from its entrance at the side and inside was Chuck, who seemed a little nervous. "Tell me, Devin, you like the guys here at the carnival?" he said while scuffing the ground with one booted foot. "Sure." I said. "You're a great bunch of guys." "We all got such a kick out of your Dad not catching on to what was going on, especially the way Bruno was carrying on that, and well, we sort of had an idea. If you don't want to when you find out what it is, you just say so, okay?" "Okay." I said, mystified. "Lloyd's dropping by first. I'll be by later myself." he promised and turned to the customers. Mystified at the conversation, I poked my head through the hole in the wall of the hit-the- dummy booth. Dad was helping to man the booth along with one of the other roustabouts and pretty much getting in the way. People were lining up at the booth already. I had stuck my head through a rubbery sort of substance that clung pretty close around my neck. Made it tough to move about much. Lloyd came by, waving at me. "Chuck talk to you?" he asked. "Sort of." I said. "Said I was to say the word if I didn't like the plan. What is it?" "Get to work and you'll find out." was all Lloyd said as he walked around and into the back of the booth to join me there. I shrugged and started acting like a maniac, with my tongue out and rolling my eyes. "Awk, awk, awk!" I said. "Hey, Devin!" Dad said, just noticing it was me with my head through that hole. "Okay, fellows, this one's my own son and I can vouch that he's a real dummy, because I raised him myself. He got dropped a lot when he was a baby and he's kind of touched in the head. So hit him in the puss and win a prize. Balls are free, quarter per dab of color on the balls. Any color on his face and you win the big prize. How can you lose with a deal like that, I ask you?" "Awk, awk, nyah, nyah! Nyah-nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah!" I taunted, while trying to think of good insults. This was just stupid. Why not... Then I felt Lloyd's hands at my waist, undoing my jeans, and I knew then what the plan was. I didn't move for a second and one ball got me right on my forehead. "Oof!" I said. It hadn't hurt but what was when Lloyd had yanked down my pants. It was followed by fingers on my butt when Dad walked over. "You got him, lady!" he said to the young girl who had thrown the ball. Dad wiped my forehead with the cloth he had and said, "Okay, next in line, your turn to throw." There had four places where people could stand and they were all being used. Balls were in bins on the shelf, and each of the four places had a different color available to dab it with, containers like bottles of shoe polish with red, yellow, blue and green. The other roustabout--I overheard his name was Willis and he was the guy who had waved me into the carnival that afternoon--would look over the ball, take their money and step back. I waved my head about like a maniac when they would throw. Throwing a Nerf ball can be difficult when you haven't done it since you were a kid. Then Dad would adjudge the hit if any, and pick up the ball. He alternated this with washing and restocking the bins; it kept him busy. My job was to make a racket and insult people into throwing stuff at me. Trouble was, Lloyd had just shoved his tongue into my ass! I gawked, got wide-eyed at the sheer joy of that, his gentle wet strokes into my ravaged butt, and I got plopped again. Dad stepped up and said, "Sorry, mister, no marks." To me, he hissed, "Come on, Devin, move around a little. Make some noise." Back to the crowd. "Next person, that's you, little fellow. Let it rip." "Go ahead and toss it, dear." the mother said as she held her three-year-old son up to throw. Lloyd's finger went into my butt and I groaned, lowered my head. "Oh, oh, ooh!" I moaned. "What's wrong with him?" the mother asked. "Don't mind him, lady, we just rented out the back for a dart game, that's all." Everyone laughed while I got a thick finger shoved in and out of my ass. It was thick with greasy stuff of some kind, and I was loving the feel of it. Lloyd moved and got between my legs and I crouched down a little. It let me hold my head up and I winked at the mother. When the boy threw, I tried to get the ball to hit me, but it still missed. "Aww!" I said in sympathy for the little fellow. That's when my cock was suddenly wrapped up in warm moisture and velvet feeling lips; Lloyd's mouth had taken me in and the guy was a pro with his mouth, I was being deep-throated! "Oh, oh, ohh!" "Sounds like they're doing a brisk business with the darts." Dad laughed. He walked up and hissed, "Come on, son, tease the customers! You got a job to do." "Sure, Dad!" I gasped. "Next customer." "Come on, hit the dummy and win a prize." "Oh, yeah, come on, give it to me!" I yelled out. "Yeah, come on, give it to my boy!" Dad called to the crowds. Lloyd nearly choked, he was chuckling so hard, he got up and said to me, "Just when I think your old man's delivered a prize line, he tops himself. "I'm really going to give it to you, Devin." "Yeah, come on, give it to me!" I yelled. "Really good and hard! I can take it!" "You heard my boy." Dad said. "Let's see you really let him have it! Can't you hear him begging, fellows? Put him out of his misery and give it to him!" Lloyd pushed into me and I gasped. I hadn't seen his cock other than as a bulge in his jeans; I wasn't prepared for the utterly huge piece of manmeat that plowed its way into my butt. "Oh, yeah, give it to me." I groaned. "Louder, Son." Dad urged me. "They can't hear you." "Give it to me!" I yelled as Lloyd's prong pushed steadily into me, opening my ravaged butt wide and driving me absolutely wild. "Yeah, come on, give it to my kid!" my Dad yelled. "Really let him have it, hard as you can!" "Yeah, I'm giving it to you." Lloyd grunted as he pushed in to the very base. I moaned at the huge invader in my butt, loving that long hard meat. "Come on, do it to me. Hard as you can, nice and hard!" "You heard my boy, Mister." Dad said to the guy winding up. "Really let him have it! Good and hard!" "Yes, sir, giving it to your son real hard right now." Lloyd said and he began to fuck my ass. "Ooh, yeah, come on, harder than that." I called as the four-year-old kid tossed a ball my way and it didn't even make it to the wall. "Hey, he has to make it." Willis said kindly. "Give that kid another shot." "Yeah, come on, you can do it!" Dad called. "Yeah, come on, do it!" Lloyd was really humping my butt now and I was bobbing like a maniac. "Yeah, that's the way, Son." Dad said to me. "Really get your body moving, get into it!" "Oh, yeah!" I moaned and bounced against Lloyd's cock, fucking myself on him. "Yeah, that's the way to go go, son!" Dad urged. "Yeah, that's the way to go!" Lloyd agreed. "Oh, yeah!" I would get bopped with the balls now and then and Dad would walk up and check my face. Nobody had marked me in more than a dozen hits, and I would hold my head still while Dad peered into my face, me looking right at him while I got plunge-fucked by Lloyd. He was an incredible lover, that huge prong gliding in and out of me over and over, Lloyd's hands gripping my butt. "Is your Dad nearby?" Lloyd gasped after a while, his cock slapping in and out of me, driving me wild. "He's at the bins in front, washing the balls." I grunted back. "That's all I needed to know." and Lloyd humped even harder and he moaned and I felt his jizz pumping into me. "Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, uh, uh!" I groaned and my own wads made a noisy splattering sound as I creamed my wad just as Dad came back. "Hey, easy, Son!" Dad said and he wiped my face with the rag he had to clean me off. "You're going at it too hard. Save some for the rest of the night." "Don't worry about me, Dad. I said. "I could do this all night." "That's my boy." Dad said, wiping my face while Lloyd wiped at my sticky ass behind the screen. "Takes after his old man. Loads of energy when you're having a good time." "I'm having the best night ever." I agreed as Dad stepped away. "That's good." Lloyd said. "Because all the roustabouts want a shot at you tonight, want to fuck your butt right in front of your old man. Can you handle it?" "You bet!" I said enthusiastically. "That's good." Lloyd said. "Remember Dan? He's the guy you almost dropped that steel beam on. He's come to get a little payback from you right now." "Go right ahead." I sighed. Dan's cock was the next thing I felt sliding into me. "Oh, yeah, come on, give it to me!" I called out. Right on cue, Dad yelled, "Yeah, come on! Can't you hear my son begging you? Give it to him and put him out of his misery!" I chuckled. Dad was NEVER going to catch on. "He loves for you to nail him! Can't you hear him, fellows? Come on over and plug my son, just a quarter a chance!" Dad was trying for patter but Dan really got into it; it was like Dad was encouraging him to fuck me hard, and he did. Dan was really humping me when Cecil walked up. Nothing small and wimpy about this roustabout, he was a big, black guy and you didn't find anything funny about his name when you looked at him. "Hey, Ralph, got your boy in the dummy booth, eh?" Cecil drawled while winking at me. "Yeah, Cecil, can't your hear him; he loves this job." Dad said. "Yeah, come on, give it to me but good." I groaned out, my head bobbing like a mad thing as Dan plowed my ass, and you could tell that Cecil knew it. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind plugging him but good." Cecil admitted. "Then come on, he loves it." "Yeah!" I grunted; Dan was groaning and I could feel his wad spurting into my ass. "Come on, Cecil, I'm ready for you!" "Free ball." Dad said, handing him one. "Go on and give my son what's coming to him. Do it for me, Cecil." "All right, then, I'll nail your boy's ass, since you insist and you're asking so nice." Cecil said, taking the ball. "Much obliged." All of this in that long Southern accent of his and a secret grin for me. Cecil chucked the ball and got me on the nose. "Hey, Cecil, you got him!" Dad wiped the smear off my nose. "You win the prize!" "Yeah and I've come to collect." Cecil said. "I'll take mine from the back." "Sure thing, Cecil." Dad said. Cecil stepped to behind the curtain and I felt his thick fingers at my waist. "Come one, come all." Dad was bellowing. "Nail my son and win a prize!" And that's when Cecil's cock slid into my stretched-out butthole. I had lost my cherry today but good; and I couldn't get enough of these big hunks, all of whom were so turned on by the chance to fuck me while my Dad stood nearby and seemed to beg them to. PART FOUR After about an hour of listening to Dad and me, me getting fucked and Dad shoveling howlers with every attempt to lure the customers, Willis had stood it all he could and he had Dad take over "while I slip out back and ease my load." Dad didn't catch onto that one, either and he yelled his come-on lines for Willis, too. "Oh, yeah, more, I want more!" I groaned as Willis pushed his cock into me. I was really feeling heated up by all these studs, being fucked again and again. It was like I was kept at the edge of climax by the repeated sex; I wanted it to go on nonstop, all night long! Now, I don't want you to think this actually went on all night nonstop, though I wanted it to and would have loved it if it had. When I was alone, I would moan about "Come on, guys, I need it. Give me some more, guys, come on!" Dad would usually respond, "Yeah, come on, guys, my boy's begging you. He can't get enough of this. He loves for you to bop him, so come on and bop him but good!" But all the roustabouts made it over to fuck me in front of my Dad, and some guys, like Lloyd, made it twice. They all identified themselves before fucking me except for one guy. He slipped in while Dad was taking a break, and I hissed, "Dad's not here and he may walk in on us. You got to come back a little later, okay, and you can fuck me then." "He's not going to catch us." the guy breathed in my ear. "I just got to get me some now. But keep an eye out for the numbnut and holler if you see him, okay?" His cock was easing into my ass and I groaned, murmured "Okay." "That's a good boy." the guy whispered in my ear. "Your Daddy's really proud of you, you know?" "I know." I breathed. "We can all see how much the dumb lug loves you." "I love my Daddy, too." I groaned. "Do me a favor, kid?" he whispered. "Sure, what?" I asked. "Pretend I'm your Daddy?" "Okay." I said. "But I'll have to whisper it while I shout the rest." "That's a good boy." my "Daddy" breathed. "And I'm going to call you Tommy. What I wanted to name my son and the wife wouldn't let me." "Okay." I said, "Fuck me, Daddy." "You got it, Tommy." the guy said. I saw Willis lowering the tent flap. "Time for the show, Devin." he said. "We're closing for the next hour." "Be right with you." I started to lift up and the guy held me in place. "No, stay where you are." he begged me. "This is why I waited until now, so you can talk freely. I want you to pretend it's really your Daddy fucking you. Would you like that, having your Daddy's dick in you, pumping you like this?" The guy moved in and out of me with slow, gentle motions that buffeted me softly like ocean waves, and I groaned. "Yeah! Ooh, yeah!" "Tell me to fuck you, Tommy, my boy, my son, my sweetheart!" he grunted, still just a whisper in my ear even though we were alone now. "Beg Daddy to give it to you. Would you like that, Daddy fucking his baby's tight, sweet butt?" "Yeah!" I groaned. "Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me hard, please!" Willis looked over, and grinned, shook his head. "Tell whoever it is to make it fast, you only got a few minutes and we got to help with the show. You take a break, Devin, and watch the show." He finished up and left. "Oh, yeah, Son." the men grunted and began to hump me. "Going to fuck my boy's sweet ass. Fucking my own kid, yeah!" I began to get an odd feeling. What if Daddy wasn't so dense, if he had been playing the fool just so he could be here now? And then I felt sure, this WAS my own Daddy, who had guessed what was going on, we had gone too far, me and the other roustabouts, we had given ourselves away! God, it WAS my Daddy! My Daddy was fucking me. All of a sudden, the thought of that filled me and I got so turned on it was amazing. What a first time this had turned out to be, me servicing these studs, and now I was servicing my own Daddy! I moaned and hunched back against my Daddy, feeling that warm dick in me, loving my Daddy, loving him! "Ooh, fuck me, Daddy!" I moaned again, this time with all the lust of forbidden passion in my voice, and Daddy felt it and he groaned, began to fuck me hard, his thighs slapping my butt and his balls, which were now hard orbs against his shaft, the only bar to him using his cock to split me in two! He made quick hunches against me and then, panting breaths that rose to a crescendo and then strangled themselves, I felt my ass fill with his hot load and the thought that this was my Daddy's load drove me absolutely insane and I groaned and pumped yet another wad onto the canvas and into the dirt and grass below. "Oh, baby!" Daddy sighed and I wanted now to kiss him so I pulled back--and was looking at Jason, one of the older roustabouts. "Damn, I didn't want you to find out." he sighed. "It's okay." I said, but my face had fallen. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I, well...." "You thought it really was your Daddy?" "Just for a while, yeah." I said. "And you got into it. I felt it." Jason said. "Well, we could let your Daddy find out and see how he reacts." "I don't know how he'd react." I sighed. "He could send me back to Mom. And we've been having so much fun, and he's leaving in the morning anyway. I don't think it's worth the risk." "Yeah, I guess you're right." Jason agreed. "Well, when he's gone, you and I'll play this game some more, and without having your head stuck in a hole." "Okay." I said. "I got to get moving. All hands help on the show. You will, too, after tonight, so if you want to see the show, you'll have to do it tonight." "I'll be by in a bit." I stretched. "I need to move around a little first." I stopped at a booth still open and got a soft drink. The temp worker there (half the carnival workers were temporaries, hired from each town for the week only) recognized me from the hit-the-dummy booth and gave it to me for nothing. I was sauntering along, drinking the cola and enjoying my break when Lloyd saw me. "Hey, there you are!" he called to me. "I've been looking for you! We need your help in the show!" "Uh, sure!" I said, tossed the nearly empty bottle at a trash can and went up to him. "But what do I do?" "Chuck and me do a pantomime horse act."Lloyd said to me on the run. "But one of the 'real' actors canceled on us and we're putting Chuck in the act. So I have to get a new head for the horse." "Head?" I asked. When I had heard the gimmick, I figured that I'd be the horse's ass! "Yeah, we both go on stage hauling a wagon and then we back up and I disconnect, leaving you on stage the rest of the act. I have to be the back because I'm also in the next act." "But what do I do on stage?" I asked, feeling a bit panicked. "Hey, don't worry!" Lloyd patted me. "You're standing in the background, mostly. Three times in the act, they come up to you and talk to you like a counselor and all you do is nod or shake your head like crazy or whinny if you're not sure of which to do. The actors will know you're a stand-in and play up to you, prompt you if they have to. Okay?" "Okay." I agreed nervously. I was glad I'd be in costume for this!" I made it to the tent and around to the back. This was the biggest tent on the lot, and actually had a wooden framework to support it; I had seen them assembling it that afternoon when I arrived. I got in and Chuck was there with the costume. "Hey, Devin, strip and get into this, quick!" "Strip?" "Yeah, it's hot inside that suit." Lloyd agreed. "When I unhook from you, you'll have a flap you can lift and fan yourself. Just us guys here, don't worry about showing your ass. We done all seen it." "Touched it, too." Chuck agreed as he stepped into a dress. "I'm the one who ought to be embarrassed here. I still don't think I look like much of a girl." "You're the closest thing we got right now, and you know the lines." Lloyd said. "Just try not to give it away, this show's silly enough as it is." I laughed and got out of my clothes and into the horse costume. It was just a sort of baggy pants with an open ring in back and a head that slipped over the top. Lloyd got into a similar set, but over his clothes, and pulled it up over his head and using a few snaps on the ring around his head and at my back, we were a pantomime horse. Lloyd said to me, "You know the real fun of this costume?" "No." I admitted. "This." Lloyd's tongue went over my ass and I giggled like a silly girl; it tickled! "When you see the guy come off stage, we go on." Lloyd said. "First in the line-up." "Got it." I said. "No, but you sure will later." Lloyd's tongue darted at my ass, the guy walked off-stage and, with Lloyd tonguing my butt, I made my debut as the pantomime horse. Lloyd was kicking up and jumping, and I tried the same, and we got a lot more laughs than we deserved. Then we backed into the "stall" which abutted the curtain as promised and I was left with mostly just my head sticking out. A woman came over to me and patted the neck and talked to me. I treated it as a regular conversation, giving her a nod, shake and whinny as it called for. Then she walked away from me and the action pretty much ignored me. When I felt the hands at my back, I didn't think anything of it. I had been fucked by so many of the guys that it didn't seem to matter that I was on stage this time. People had been watching me before, too, and this time even my face was covered. So I stood still and when his hands fondled my cock gently, I quietly moaned. "Ooh, yeah!" I sighed. "Shh!" came the whisper. "The audience can hear us." The hands pulled my ass back and he was surprised that my ass was already slicked up. "Damn, Chuck, you are ready, aren't you?" He thought I was Chuck! I started to explain things to him but that was when the woman came back, this time with a guy, and I was back in the scene again. I waited for the first question and whinnied and almost jumped, because that was when the guy's cock went into my ass, a smooth sleek invader with a taut curve upwards to it. I had never felt it before! Who was it? Who would have the balls to come up to me on stage to plug my butt, when at the booth, everything was much more private. Here, I didn't dare utter a word. The action moved away from me, which was good because this new guy's cock was rubbing me in ways I had never felt before, and it was driving me wild! "Oh, damn, Chuck, you're good!" the guy moaned. His voice was familiar enough, but with just that whisper, I couldn't place it. "I been needing this today." the guy went on. "Did you catch what Devin was doing today? God, he was moaning and carrying on like he was being royally fucked all night long!" Back to someone besides the roustabouts, because they all had known what was going on in that booth behind the wall, how Daddy had been the only one not knowing.... "Yeah." the guy groaned. "The way my boy's been carrying on, I've gotten so damned worked up. You heard him yelling at the crowds?" "Sure." I gasped out. Was this my...God, not again, this was silly. It was Jason, having some fun with me. Or another roustabout. How much can you guess at a guy by the feel of his cock in your ass, anyway? "It's like he's begging them to fuck him, not throw a ball at him. Been really working up my horns. It's really been driving me crazy, listening to him. I've been saying stuff to play along with it, pretending he is getting fucked. Crowd seemed to like it." "Yeah, everyone loved it." I said. God, this was all making sense. Dad had been playing along his own fantasy with those lines at the booth, telling the guys to come fuck me! And they had! No wonder his lines had been so damned appropriate; it was on purpose! No, Jason was having some fun with me again, that's all. I decided to play along. "Well, then, come on and fuck me, Daddy." I hissed back at him. "Fuck me good, really give it to me, nice and hard!" "God, you sound just like Devin when you say that." and the man fucked at me harder. "Hey, Ralph, what are you doing?" Lloyd's startled voice came from behind me. "Just borrowing Chuck's butt for a while." the guy panted. Oh! My! God! It was Daddy this time, it was! "Chuck...doesn't mind?" Lloyd asked. "No, I fuck him all the time." Daddy panted. "Just keep a watch out and make sure Devin doesn't walk in." "I'm...sure he won't walk in on you." Lloyd said. "Good." Daddy hunched at me harder and I rocked with the movements. Looking out the small holes in the pantomime horse outfit, I saw some of the crowd watching me curiously, and held still as I could. "Better hurry, this skit's almost over." Lloyd said. "Don't worry, I'm hornier than hell." Dad shifted into overdrive, and I couldn't help but move and groan. "Oh, I'm going to come!" Dad hissed at me. "God, you feel good. So nice to slam my dick into you." "Oh, oh, oh!" I murmured. "Come with me, Chuck, come with me." Dad said. "Really splatter that suit inside for me. Make this a night to remember." "I know I'll never forget it." Lloyd said. "Skit's nearly over, move that butt, Ralph! Fuck him hard." "Yeah, fuck me hard!" I sighed. Good thing the skit was noisy at this time, waving pistols with fake gunfire, and quickly moving people, we were lost in the crowd right now. "Good and hard!" "Oh, oh, oh!" Dad said. "Huh, uh, uh, gu-urgh!" And I felt it then, felt the hot come spurting into my bowels. I groaned, this time out loud as my own climax hit me, I splattered myself and the costume as I shot my wad. It was a brief quiet interlude in the skit as a final pistol shot rang out, and Dad was pulling down on me, making me go down, I crumpled down to my knees while he squirted his wad into me and I knelt over, that heavy horse's head going down to the ground. "He shot horsey!" some little kid cried out. "What the fuck's going on over here?" Rutherford came up. "Ralph, what the hell are you doing?" "Just getting a little off of Chuck." Lloyd said hastily. "Chuck's in the costume, you know." "Yeah, you know Chuck and I get it on." Dad said. "Well...." Rutherford knew the change as well as I did. "Don't do it any more. Skit's over, help strike the set, Ralph." "Sure, boss!" Dad gasped and I felt his cock pull out of my ass. A movement of feet as the curtain went down. I pulled back and staggered up, looked around. Chuck was nowhere to be found, thank God, as Dad shifted his trousers and went over to move the stuff off the stage. "You okay, kid?" Rutherford said. "Yeah." I gasped as I lifted the heavy horsehead off me. "Caught me by surprise. I didn't know who it was, at first. Man, that was hot!" "Ralph is the densest guy I know." Lloyd said. "We can keep this a secret, and I think we ought to." "He's leaving in the morning." Rutherford said. "Now get out of that costume but fast and into your own clothes. We'll keep your Dad away from you again." I changed and was in my own clothes when Dad came up to me again. "Hey, Devin, where's Chuck?" "Around somewhere." I said blithely, looking at Dad. Then I reached over and gave him a big, wet kiss. Dad was surprised, but took it. "What was that for?" "Just because I love you, Daddy." I said. "I love you, too, Son." he said. "Now why not go around and watch the show? You'll be back in the dummy booth in another half hour. Bruno's act is worth watching." "I'll do that." I said and slipped out the side door and around to the front. Bruno's act was good, a combination weightlifting and juggling act. Juggling dumbbells, big ones! And he joked with the crowd in that heavy accent. We did re-open the hit-the-dummy booth, but the crowds were thinning, and after a half hour or so, we shut it down. I wasn't even visited by the roustabouts, and that suited me. Being fucked by Daddy was a good capper to the evening. We reheated the leftover stew and made a snack of it before going to bed. I watched the guys, knowing them all now as more than faces, and felt very much at home as I got into that small cot. Rutherford and Dad stripped down to their briefs and I watched them get into the bed. "You know." Dad said. "I think this is my favorite time of the day." "Yeah." I said. "This is a good life." "I know I'm glad I found it." Dad said. "Been looking for a job like this all my life. Glad I finally found it, and having you here just makes it better, Son. You have to keep looking to find the right place for yourself. I know I have." "I think this is the perfect place for you, Dad." I agreed heartily. "Yep, and it's because I didn't settle for anything else." Dad agreed. "A man can always find his place if he keeps looking." He looked at me and I knew I was in for a bit of fatherly advice. "That's what it takes in this old world, Son. You have to keep your eyes open and your wits about you. Otherwise, a lot of life is going to just pass you right by, and you'll never even know it." I choke-spurted a giggle, stifled it. "You're right about that, Dad." I managed. "You're all worn out today, Son." Dad said. "We worked you really hard today. Get some sleep, because tomorrow is going to be more of the same. Even more so." "Okay, Daddy." So I turned and went to sleep. THE END