Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:48:44 +0000 From: Enzo Matrice Subject: saturday-morning-cartoons-1 Saturday Morning Cartoons 1 by EnzoMatrix [enzomatrice@protonmail(dot)com] Please support the Nifty Archive Alliance so we have a place to share and enjoy our stories. As my idol Zachyboy once said. "Give a little something today, you frisky little cheapskate." Nifty Archive Alliance also participates in! If you shop at Amazon, please consider using amazonsmile and choose Nifty Archive Alliance Inc as your charity. They will donate to Nifty, at no cost to you. If you like this story and want to check out my other stories, search for enzomatrice in the Nifty search bar and they should all appear. All my stories start on AllTheFallen and propagate from there. Constructive feedback is always welcome :) enjoy, enzo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the first story I ever wrote and shared, hope you enjoy it. There was a time – before cellphones, video games, the internet, or personal computers – when one could wake up on Saturday morning to sit, lay, or lounge in front of the television watching cartoons. These stories about Saturday Morning Cartoons take place around that time. However, they are purely phantasy. Here is the first in a series about two brothers spending Saturday mornings together watching cartoons. 01 – What's wrong Jer? Jeremy is lounging on the couch with a painful stiffy. The source of the...Uhm...discomfort is laying down in front of him. He watches mesmerized at the smooth legs, bent upwards at the knees, swaying back and forth. Sometimes the sway is gentle and sometimes with excitement following the action on TV. Those cute feet and toes, and smooth legs, just swaying. And that butt... "Wait! What? What is wrong with me?!?!" Jeremy says to himself as he snaps out of it. Jeremy, mommy's little man as his mother calls him, has been noticing lots of changes lately. He has recently noticed growth in places he didn't really think about before. New wispy hairs down there and the stiffy. All the time with that stiffy. It seems to have a mind of its own. It only seems like yesterday that he would spend Saturday mornings watching cartoons with his little brother Jacob. The routine was always the same. Awakened by the sound of a door knock, before his mother left for work. In a daze, he would slowly wake up, sling his legs towards to floor, and slowly raise himself in a sitting position. He would slowly move his feet around the floor searching for a pair of shorts. After picking one, he would give it a few sniffs for good measure. Then after a little yawn and stretch, slip on the shorts and get up. He would hear the wiz-bang-zoom of the cartoons as he opened the bedroom door and made a dash to the toilet to pee. After a shake and a rinse, he is off to the couch to lounge and watch some cartoons with his little brother. Jeremy's little brother Jacob was a cute little boy, who adored and looked up to his big brother. Jeremy was a few years older than Jacob and took care of him while their mom worked on Saturdays. So, the boys spent the morning watching Saturday morning cartoons before going out to play. Lately, though, Jeremy's eyes spend less time on the TV and more on who's watching it. As Jeremy watched his little brother, mesmerized by the swaying legs and wiggling butt, his stiffy got even harder. It seemed impossibly hard, like a No.2 pencil. He looked down and found his shorts were totally tented. Figuring his brother was immersed in the cartoon, he reached down to make an adjustment. Just at that moment, the cartoon went to commercial and little Jacob turned around to say good morning to his big brother. Just as he started to say "goo..." he saw the look on Jeremy's face and then down at the campsite. An awkward moment of silence. With his hand still on his shorts adjusting his stiff tent pole, Jeremy had no idea what to do next. He knew he'd been caught and knew his precocious little brother would have questions. "What's wrong Jer?" In a bit of a daze, thinking about what to do, he didn't hear his little brother. Then looking at his little brother's cute face and curious look – a wispy "Uhm...what?" was all he could say. To which Jacob replied, "What's wrong Jer? Yaknow, down there..." as he pointed down there. "Uhm..." was all Jeremy could produce. And like a flip of the switch, the cartoon was back and Jacob whipped around to continue watching. Jeremy let out a sigh of relief, hoping Jacob would forget the incident. To be continued.