Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 01:47:43 EST From: Subject: TED AND LYLE: A LOVE STORY (INSTALLMENT TWO) This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Moreover, none of the actions of the characters in this story is presented with the intent to condone, approve, or sanction their behavior. If it is illegal for you to read the material in this story for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to you not being of legal age, or, if the content of this story is to the best of your knowledge and belief unlawful in your particular jurisdiction, please read no further and close the part(s) of my story that appear onscreen immediately. The above-expressed disclaimer also does apply to any and all installments of this story, including those preceding and following this installment. All questions and/or comments with regard to this story, my third story (and likely series) for Nifty, are most welcome; and, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me at: KissAndCuddleGem@AOL.COM; and I will most definitely respond to email, as appropriate. The contact was for both Ted and Lyle most enjoyable. Lyle was most gratified that Ted was beginning to take the initiative. Though Ted did not fully comprehend what was happening, he was aware that his cock was becoming semi-hard as it pressed against Lyle's member. So to increase the undeniably pleasurable sensation he experienced, he began to gently thrust his loins against Lyle's. The passionately kissing and embracing continued on for several minutes virtually non-stop. While Ted was humping Lyle, the latter nonchalantly let his hands drift down Ted's lower back and below his waist and began soothingly caressing Ted's buns with his palms and fingertips. Ted abruptly climbed off of Lyle. A confused look was evident in Lyle's eyes as a result of Ted's action. Lyle felt more at ease once Ted has repositioned both of them so that they were lying sideways in the center of the bed and cuddling, with Lyle enveloped in Ted's gentle manly arms and his back softly touching Lyle's cushiony chest. The two relaxed like this, greatly enjoying all of the snuggling until a little after 10:30 AM. Ted especially enjoyed the feel of Lyle's baby soft skin. The whole intimate experience was very deeply moving for him; and, at the same time, very liberating: it felt to him as if a window, long jammed shut, had somehow miraculously been opened wide. Lyle was a bit more tired than he realized, and, at one point during the snuggling, he dozed off. However, when Ted came back to the bedroom after a quick shower, Lyle was wide awake and staring at his cousin intently. Lyle was very much worried about his cousin's reaction to what occurred between them, his reaction, that is, once all involved with what they shared "sunk in". At the same time, he began to wonder about his cousin's sexuality: "Was Ted gay, as I am?", Lyle began to ponder. "Will you be staying for breakfast, Lyle?", Ted asked, very much smiling. Lyle nodded yes, and, almost immediately, he was then handed one of Ted's spare terry robes. Lyle helped Ted in the kitchen. Orange juice, omelettes, and bagels, toasted, with cream cheese quickly sated the pair's hunger. All the energy burned up in the bedroom was once again refueled. Lyle jokingly wondered to himself if he would be serving as "dessert". Both were seating in the dining room on ivory floral-patterned fabric-upholstered padded chairs and dined quietly, eyeing each other discreetly in between bites. The loosely tied white robes each wore were reminders to each other of the other's hidden treasures. Lyle knew that there were different sides to Ted. The Ted of today was not all that different from the Ted Lyle used to watch compete in high school debate tournaments and the Ted that stood up against a bully that was harassing Lyle during Ted's senior year. The man had a serious side, an intellectual side. Once seated in the living room together and with no food about as distraction, the two cousins briefly acknowledged to one another that they had to come up with some type of plan for the future. Lyle, a private man, was very much concerned about how their "thing", as Ted was now calling it, would be handled. "I don't really have the answers, Lyle, I wish I did, but right now I don't. Plus, it seems, that all of the excitement, all the novelty of this, has gone to my head." Lyle began to rise from the recliner he was now on and remarked: "Well, I really should go. I mean you need time, we both need time to...uhm...think." "Perhaps you are right. But before you go, there is something that I must ask.", Ted said sternly. "Yes, please, go on, ask anything, ask away.", Lyle replied, dreading a bit what was to come. "Very well, well, here it is: So, tell me...uhm...Lyle, dear cousin, are you...are" Lyle then stared at Ted and Ted then stared at Lyle; and suddenly Ted could not keep up his mock-serious tone and broke up and began to laugh; and within seconds of that, both were laughing uncontrollably and were gripping their sides so as not to keel over in their hysteria or burst their guts laughing. Lyle very warmly hugged Ted, and, in doing so, his robe became unfastened and his "family jewels" displayed. The two felt a little overwhelmed by all that was happening; yet Lyle, to his relief, was now seeing that, though it was not going to be easy, somehow everything was going to be all right. "I love you, Ted, you make me very happy, you make me feel more alive inside than words could ever express." "I love you, too, Lyle, I truly do.". As Ted heard himself saying these words of love expressed to Lyle, this suddenly occurred to him: that his beloved Lily would want him to be happy, to have love in his life once again.