Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:39:57 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "The Love of Brothers" Chapter 15 Author: J. Gardham This story is pure fiction as are all the characters, it's totally from my imagination with a bit taken from my fantasies. Thanks once again to all of you who have taken the time to e-mail your comments, some of those comments have really touched me deeply, here's Chapter 15 of "The Love of Brothers". "The Love of Brothers" Chapter 15 The first snow fall left the Hamlet covered in a transforming blanket of fresh snow that sparkled in the mornings bright sunlight. Jeff and Gil were sitting in the front of Gil's Bakery enjoying an early breakfast before it was time for Jeff to head over to his veterinarians office. Jeff and Gil had moved in together in Gil's apartment over the bakery several months ago. As they chatted and drank coffee, Jeff pointed at a lone figure making it's way up the street when it suddenly collapsed into the snow. They rushed out and down the street to where the man had fallen. Gil lifted the thin, frail body and carried him back to the bakery. It was a young man who looked to be in his late teens or possibly early twenties. His eyes had deep circles under long lashes that fell over his pale skin that was almost gray from lack of rest and food. "Gil he looks dangerously ill, I'll call Dr. Harrelson. As soon as Glen heard of the situation he said, "we're on our way, keep him in the bakery where its warm, Gary and I will be there in a minute". Frank woke in a start, reached back and shook his dad awake. "What's up Frank, it's pretty early to be getting everyone up". "Someone's in danger, we need to get down to Gil's Bakery as quickly as we can". By the time Lance, Stan, Frank, and Jack had gotten dressed and to the bakery, Glen and Gary were already there and had started an IV going to replenish fluids the young man, who was still unconscious, was obviously in need of. Lance said, "Glen he looks terribly weak do you think he'll be okay?" "He'll need a few days in our clinic but I think when we get him hydrated he'll be okay with some good food to build up his strength". Stan, thinking to himself, "I wonder where he came from and what brought him here?" Frank said, "his name is Michael and he's from Chicago, he came here seeking our help". "Frank, it still freaks me out when you read my thoughts like that". "Sorry Stan sometimes your thoughts come in so clear I'm not sure if you were just thinking or speaking out loud". Putting his arm around Frank's shoulder's Stan said, "and don't you ever stop doing what you do, the wonders that follow your actions are more than worth my being a little freaked out now and then, he leaned over and kissed Frank on the forehead". Speaking for the first time, Jack said, "his brother and some other gang members have kidnapped his lover and intend to kill him, his brother blames Gerald for Michael being gay". Lance looking surprised at Jack's announcement asked, "and you know this because?" Frank said, "he's right dad, Jack and I kind of neglected to mention that he and I have learned to join our thoughts making us strong enough to reach deeper into another persons mind when it`s necessary". Stan added, "I see, and you just "sort of neglected" to mention this discovery to anyone". "We knew if everyone was aware that we had this ability they'd start trying to guard their thoughts and it isn't necessary, what people don't understand is that we only have this ability when guided by the spirit". "It's not something that just flows from us freely, we're not constantly reading thoughts, that would drive Jack and I crazy in no time". Jack said, "it only happens when there's a need for our help, and by our help, I mean everyone's help, especially yours, we're all linked together through the unconditional love that connects us". "That's why when Stan was thinking about where Michael came from and what brought him here, I heard his thoughts and Stan's question was answered by linking with this man's mind". "There was a "need" for us to know". "I hope that relieves everyone's concerns, we don`t snoop into anyone`s thoughts, the spirit would never allow that to happen". "What you and Lance should know is that when this happens to Jack and I the message is directed at the two of you, we're just the messengers". Lance and Stan looked at the boys and then at each other, Lance asked, "why don't the messages come directly to Stan and I instead of through you and Jack?" "We don't have a clue dad". "Oh! Well I guess that just about "doesn't" answer the question". Laughing Lance and Stan both hugged the boys and turned back to the question at hand. "Glen when do you want to transport this man to your clinic, we can heat the truck up so it's good and warm and take him over whenever you think it's safe". "Lance if you and Stan can wait a few minutes I think he'll come around once the fluids have hydrated him enough". There was never a hurry when their help was needed, Gil and Jeff served everyone coffee and some freshly baked raspberry scones as they waited. As Slim and Roger were preparing to open the café they noticed the gathering of cars and trucks in front of Gil's and walked down to see what was going on. Everyone greeted them before explaining what had happened and that they were waiting for the young man to regain consciousness before moving him to Glen and Gary's clinic. Michael opened his eyes, startled at seeing so many people around him he sat up to quickly and nearly passed out again. Glen told him to remain still until his head cleared. "You're safe here and we'll take care of you until you've gotten your strength back. Michael appeared to focused on Frank and Jack, nothing was said by anyone for several minutes before Frank tuned to the others telling them that Michael was a deaf mute and came here seeking help in saving his lover. "You aren't going to believe this but Michael walked here all the way from south Chicago". Jack seemed almost in a trance never blinking for several more minutes before he started to cry, Frank wrapped him in his arms and tried to quiet him as he said, "Gerald knows we`re on our way Jack, just keep encouraging him to hang on". Frank turned to Slim and Roger telling them to remain with Glen and move Michael to the clinic when Glen and Gary gave the okay. Stan and Lance caught the drift of the situation and were already heading out the door, Jack said to call and tell the Marines we're going to need them if we're going to rescue Gerald. Lance asked the boys how bad Gerald was hurt, with tears in their eyes they said, "dad, he's hurt bad , he's been beaten nearly to death and thrown into a wet dark cellar that's full of rats that are crawling all over him". "He's shielding his eyes with his arms, but he's weak and can't hold out much longer". "Michael's brother's gang is outside in a small room drinking and making bets on how soon the rats will eat Gerald's eyes out". Stan got out his cell phone to call his dad and have the helicopter warmed up and ready to leave as soon as they arrived. Frank told him it was already warmed up and they were just waiting on us. Stan asked, "Just of curiosity, who is it that you connect with at your grandparents"? "Grandma, she always has an open connection to Jack and I, we're not sure how she does it, but she's always right there when we need her". Stan said, "somehow that doesn't really surprise me". Once in the helicopter Lance asked Frank why he had told them to call the marines when he and Jack could have contacted them directly. Frank explained that he and Jack were using all their mental ability to stay with Gerald trying to keep him conscious until help arrives. "I should have known you two were doing everything in your power to be helpful, I'm sorry to even have asked". It's okay dad we're glad you and Stan ask us about what's happening, the more you understand the better it is for Jack and I. An hour and a half out from Michigan's coast, the Chicago skyline came into view, the pilot said we're nearly to the location coordinates given us by Jack and Frank, you might want to prepare for whatever assault you have planned. At that moment Frank and Jack screamed, "NOOOOOO!", Jack and Lance both turned to see their sons with looks of horror on their tear stained faces, the last word anyone hear them mumble was, "grandma", before they went into what looked like a trance state. Lance screamed, "WARREN!", something's wrong with Frank and Jack. Warren rushed to the back where they were sitting slumped back in their seats, he quickly checked their pulses before lifting their heads so he could check their eyes, there was no pupil movement in either of them when he shined a light on them. "Lance, their pulse is rapid but not dangerously so, but I'm worried about not getting a change in pupil dilation in their eyes". Stan was holding Lance to keep him from falling as he yelled to the pilots to call David and check on his mother, the last thing he heard the boys said was, "grandma". David answered on the second ring, Stan had taken the headset from the pilot and asked his dad if mother was alright. David answered with a shaky voice, "she appears to have gone into trance of some sort, Glen and Gary on their way here as we speak". "Dad, did mom say anything before she went into her trance?" "yes it was almost inaudible but I heard her say, "Frank don't let go". "What do you think happened, are the boys okay?" "No they're not okay dad, they've both fallen into a trance like state also". "I'm scared to death Stanley, what should I do?" "Dad try to stay calm, Gary will be there soon.......just then Stan fell to his knees as Lance knelt down and pulled him into his arms....They both turned a deathly pale before hearing the combined voices of Frank, Mary, and Jack, ~~stay calm we're fine for now, just hurry we don't know how long we can keep Gerald safe, hurry~~ Stan and Lance blinked a few times and the color returned to their ashen faces. Stan cried, "dad are you still there?" "Yes what just happened Stan?" "Mother and the two boys made a mental connection with Lance and I, they're fine for now, but told us we must hurry if we're to save the young man in Chicago". "Mother said not to worry, she's fine just stay with her dad, she'll need you when she comes out of the trance state they're all in". "Good Lord Stan, I'm not leaving her side for even a moment". "We have to go dad, we'll call as soon as possible". Stan grabbed his gun and yelled, "get ready, we're going to hit this warehouse on the bloody run, everyone use caution, I don't want any of you hurt". Lance had strapped a knife to his thigh, and was carrying a semi-automatic when Stan stared at him asking, "just where in the hell do you think you're going Lance?" "With you of course, you're going to need all the fire power we've got, this has to be lightening quick, in and out,"... "you're not going without me Stan so don't even think it, I've already told Kentucky and Tony they're to stay with the Jack, Frank, and the pilot and defend this helicopter no matter what". Stan leaned in for a quick kiss as he said, "God how I love you". "The feelings mutual darlin now lets get ready to kick some sorry ass, we're just about to hit the ground". The helicopter landed on the pavement in front of double doors leading into the warehouse, the men had fanned out to each side with Brad and Chuck pulling the doors open. There was immediate gun fire from inside and the marines let loose with gas canisters while firing non-stop. Wearing breathing gear they did a belly slid along the cement floor, knocking gang members helter skelter, trying to wound only, not wanting to kill any of them unless it couldn't be avoided. Slim saw a door that was padlocked, using the butt of his gun he knocked it loose, running down a rickety flight of stairs he landed in about three inches of filthy water. Using the light mounted on his gun he soon saw a bloody heap of rags with rats chewing at it, running over and sliding to it on his knees he was horrified at what he saw. A boy no more than nineteen or twenty covered in rat bites with his face and hands clawed and bleeding, swatting the rats away and shoving his gun over his shoulder he gathered the boy up in his arms hoping he wouldn't run into anyone shooting at them as he made his way back up the stairs. Yelling into his headset, "I have Gerald and I'm on my way up, I have no defense so make sure the way is clear". Lance met him at the top of the stairs lifting Gerald from his arms and immediately heading back to the helicopter. One of the gang members was hiding behind an old oil barrel, he took aim at Lance as he hurried with Gerald toward the open door, Brad caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and fired his automatic weapon until it was empty. As the body fell it hit an old oil barrel tipping it over causing oil to spill across the floor. Brad screamed into his headset for everyone to get out, the oil caught fire just as they made it back to the helicopter. A quick head count was made before they lifted off and headed at top speed back across Lake Michigan heading back to The Meadows. Frank and Jack were back to normal, Lance and Jack, in their relief nearly smothered them with hugs. The pilot said David had called and Mary was fine also, but worried about what was going down here. Stan asked Frank if he could reach their grandma and have her make sure Glen and Gary were at their clinic when they landed with Gerald. "Frank laughing, said, "dad what in hell do you think cell phones are for, Jack, grandma and I are mentally worn to a frazzle". The marines all cracked up at the look Stan had before he put his face in his hands and started laughing. "I'm sorry guys, I guess I'm a bit frazzled myself". The pilot said he had already advised Mary and David that we were all safe on our way back. Lance took Stan in his arms and held him tight before whispering, "I could have lost you back there, I'm never letting you out of my sight again, you`re going to have to get used to me sticking to you like I was your shadow". "That sounds good to me Lance, that way I'll always know right where you are". Warren and Chuck were working together sterilizing the wounds on Gerald's body to keep infection out. It appeared Gerald had managed to keep his eyes protected and the skin wounds where the rats had clawed and bitten should heal without leaving scars. Warren had an IV going trying to hydrate Gerald as quickly as possible, his pulse was weak but getting stronger. Warren injected as many antibiotics as he dared to protect Gerald from diseases the rats may have been carrying. Frank kneeled beside him and whispered into Gerald's ear that Michael was fine and they were on their way to him now. That information seemed to rouse Gerald as his eyes flickered open revealing beautiful violet colored eyes with a renewed spark of hope in them. "Michaels safe?" "Yes Michaels safe and so are you". As they flew back across Lake Michigan toward home, Warren asked Frank if he and Jack could relate what was happening when they were in their trance. "Jack and I had placed a mental force field around Gerald's face to protect him from the rats, at the same time we were consciously willing him to continue breathing". "Our mental link was beginning to weaken when one of the rats broke through and started clawing at Gerald's face, "I think Jack and I both screamed", just than grandma joined us adding her strength to reinforce the protective shield, but one of the rats was already inside the shield still biting and clawing at his face". Jacked added, "Frank and I were both emotionally rattled at what was happening, it took grandma's resolve to calm us down so we could concentrate enough to put a second shield around the rat so it couldn't do any more harm to Gerald". "If grandma hadn't been able to help us we wouldn't have been able to save Gerald", Frank and Jack both started to cry as Stan and Lance pulled them into their arms, "it's okay guys, you did what you had to do and with your grandma's help you succeeded, none of you could have done it alone". The color drained out of Warren's face and he realized what Frank, Jack and their grandma not only succeeded in doing but also the horror they witnessed in the process of doing what they did. No wonder they screamed at what they saw. To hear about it is enough to rattle a grown man, but to have actually seen the rats crawling on Gerald, biting and clawing at him was something he didn't even want to imagine. As Warren looked around the cabin of the helicopter it looked like everyone was running much the same thought through their minds. I think we've all have gained not only insight into what Frank and Jack experience, but an added respect for these wonderful and loving young men. Landing in the street in front of Glen's clinic the down draft from the helicopter caused a swirl of snow making everyone cover their faces but not one soul moved away, each person was there to do whatever needed to be done to help in this situation. David and Mary were inside the clinic doing their best to keep Michael from running out into the cold. Warren gathered the injured boy in his arms and carried him into the clinic, Glen led them to an examining room. Michael took his lover's hand the moment Warren laid him down as he fought back tears at how bad Gerald looked, finally breaking down he laid his head on Gerald's chest. Gerald managed to lift a torn and bloodied hand so he could stroke Michael's hair, using sign language he told him it was okay, "I'm here Michael, we're together now". Gerald drifted off from the sedative Glen and given him, and Gary lifted Michael up and laid him on a bed next to his lover, Michael was soon deep in a restful sleep from the sedative Gary had given him. Following the examination Glen gave Warren a warm embrace thanking him for everything he'd done to stabilize Gerald on the flight over. Considering the amount of open wounds made by diseased rats and the filthy water I was told Slim found him in, I doubt he would have lived long enough to make it here without the large dose of antibiotics you injected him with. Frank and Jack where with Mary in the waiting room, all three with tear filled eyes. Frank and Jack thanked Mary for helping them in this terrifying situation, Mary said, she wished she could have done more. She asked if they thought Gerald would be alright. Frank said, "God will heal his body and remove the terror he suffered from his memory as time goes on, he'll recover grandma". Mary looked into their eyes and asked, "what about you two, I only saw a glimpse of the horror in that cellar, I can't imagine what you men saw, does God take any of that from you?" Jack said, "grandma God leaves us with the memories, but in His great wisdom removes the pain that goes with them". Stan and Lance came over and hugged Mary and added their thanks for her help. "I think it's time we took our sons home and put them to bed, this has been an exhausting adventure for everyone". "Good night mom and dad", David and Mary wished them all good night and watched as Stan and Lance left with their arms around their boys. David said, "such unconditional love, Mary it goes beyond mere mortal understanding". Mary replied, "we've have the good fortune of witnessing a living miracle honey", and with that made their was back home. Glen and Gray stayed at the clinic not wanting to leave their patients. Glen looked at Gary saying, "can you imagine the strength of their love, Michael not being able to communicate verbally making it difficult to ask for help when his lover had been kidnapped by his own brother who was threatening to kill Gerald". Gary added, "how do they find their way here Glen?, it's like someone is guiding them to this special place of love and acceptance". "I'm sure that "someone" you speak of is watching from His heavenly realm, there are no accidents Gary". After giving thanks to God for all His mercies in rescuing Gerald and bringing everyone home safely, it was going on two a.m. by the time everyone managed to be in their beds getting some much needed rest. In the morning at breakfast Elizabeth asked Lance what happened to the gang members who were shot and left behind, she had learned that one of them had been shot and killed before fire engulfed the warehouse. Frank looked up and told Elizabeth that was a question they may never have an answer to and left it at that. By the time Frank, Stan, Lance, and Jack drove back to the clinic to see how Michael and Gerald were doing they found that Warren and several others were already there. Frank asked Glen if they could see the boys sometime that day, and Glen said, "they're both sitting up and looking so much better that he and Gary hardly recognized either of them this morning. Warren's with them now, go on in and join him. They came into the room to the sound of laughter as Warren was telling them something that tickled their funny bones. Michael looked like a new man, and Gerald was well on his way to recovery with the redness already leaving his torn but healing skin. Gerald slipped out of bed and hugged everyone, thanking them for saving his life and bringing him to Michael. Frank and Jack both said they were happy to be of help. Michael came over and joined in the hugging with Michael, and said, "We can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us". Jack and Frank looked at each other in surprise at hearing Michael speak, no one else seemed to have taken notice. It was then that they heard grandma's voice ~"that is a gift from our Heavenly Father, other than the three of us, no one will ever remember that Michael was a deaf mute including Michael and Gerald themselves"~ Laughing grandma added, !"it's nice to know you two can still be caught off guard with a surprise or two"~ Frank and Jack put their arms around each other's shoulders and just smiled at the happy scene before them. Jason Gardham