Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 21:30:24 +0800 From: paul sung Subject: New Year 15 DISCLAIMER ========== This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The author asserts all legal and moral rights (copyright (c) 2005 - to this work and you may not copy it or transmit it in any way except in its entirety and with this disclaimer. This story features descriptions of sex between males: - if such material is prohibited in your jurisdiction, please DO NOT READ ON, - if you're under the legal age to read such material, please DO NOT READ ON, - if you don't like, or are offended by such material, please DO NOT READ ON. And any comments - brickbats or bouquets, send them over to And if you find that you like what you're reading, visit my page at It was Christmas time again. Almost a year since we'd gotten together and it still left me amazed. Could it actually have been a full year? A year back, I was still buried in the closet wrestling with demons of my own. Till then, the only meaningful relationships of note I'd had were furtive one-night-stands with strangers I met at the various business conventions abroad. No doubt Grandfather didn't know that each time I scored a really great deal in Hong Kong, I might have been scoring somewhere else as well. It was only a year. And now I had a man of my own, and I was slowly coming out to myself, and also to everyone else around me. Who could have guessed that James would be the man who would pry open my closet door and drag me out into the open? Given our animosity earlier, it never ceased to amaze me that we'd managed to survive more than a year living together without one of us killing the other. Just as I'd imagine he'd wished me dead many times before, there were times when I'd imagined shoving James off the nearest balcony. Obviously since he was still busy tormenting me - and very much alive, it was obvious that I'd managed to control that particular homicidal tendency. Not only did we tolerate each other, we had managed to bridge our various differences and build a relationship that seemed pretty rocky at first but I figured that the foundations we'd laid so far were sound enough. Still it didn't give James any reason to abandon me to my father to go off with the rest of my returning cousins. Family reunions were one thing. A Christmas reunion was totally different creature in itself, and it was usually held in the large French chateau in Penang. Once a year during Christmas, ever since we were kids, there were usually the odd musical or two put up by various members of the family. No one could recall exactly how this tradition came about but we'd been singing and dancing every Christmas since I could remember. Well, James did the singing and dancing - and true to character, I helped out with the fund raising. I'd been relegated to working backstage ever since my one and only disastrous debut as one of the Three Wise Men more than twenty years ago when I'd chickened out on stage and held on way too long to the myrrh for Mother Mary's dwindling patience. It was a well known fact that June never had any patience. It certainly hadn't been in character for sweet Mother Mary to deliver a warning kick to my leg and then to snatch the box away. Of course back then James - playing the role of her hapless husband - had also been one of my staunchest allies, and it wasn't too long before he gained revenge for me by tying Mary's shoelaces together. An eye for an eye, that was his motto - then and now. And it definitely made a refreshing change to the script when Mary tripped over her laces and her poor baby went flying over into the audience. Although Grandfather roared in laughter, my Grandmother, ever the staunch Catholic, hadn't been amused by our blasphemous antics. A family of heathens, she'd reprimanded but I could still remember the twinkle in her serious eyes. Such domestic uproars proved to be the exception however and I usually found myself enjoying the yearly pantomimes. As I recalled, there was even a year when an enterprising reporter had caught it all on film. It certainly wouldn't have surprised me to hear that Grandfather had planned it in the beginning as a sales gimmick. The Sung Family Singers, come to the mall to see us. Still I was certainly defaming his character since my Grandfather never actually asked us to take it public. As my mind wandered off in search of my idiot boyfriend, I was quickly brought to attention by my father. Mom had been called off for an urgent conference call in the home office and I'd been left to entertain him. As the brave soul who had dared buck tradition by refusing to join the family business, Michael Sung had never been all that interested in the company. Lately of course with both me and my mom increasingly involved in the running of the company, he certainly had no choice but to follow some of the dealings in the store. As I tried to attend to him, I realized that my father was talking to me about the latest addition to the main store. It was a DIY store that I'd somehow managed to squash right into a section of the basement floor. Thankfully it seemed to be doing well enough now since I'd put my ass on the line to get it off the ground. Somewhere in my private office were the plans for a home improvement centre but I kept that to myself for now. As he spoke of his latest visit to the main store, my father gave a rueful shake of his head. "Can't believe I'm saying this but my father actually did the right thing again putting you in the store. I don't think the stores have done as well since the old man was at the helm." "Thanks, dad." It wasn't the first time he'd given me due praise and I smiled in gratitude. Eschewing his father's stern, conservative methods of parenting, my own father had adopted a more lenient, friendlier approach with us. As I recalled, my dad had never taken a hand to us, it was always mom who dealt out the punishments while dad secretly shared with us his secret stash of sweets in his pockets. "Well, if father is to be believed, I should be the one thanking you for the lovely bonuses the shareholders received this year." My father's dark eyes twinkled with sudden mischief and I could certainly see where my brother Jonathan had inherited that particular streak. Even so, I could not help but grin back in return. "You're welcome." "Enough about the store then. I'm glad to see that you're looking happy these days, John." He leaned back on his seat and carefully adjusted his glasses, bringing them down for a quick wipe on the edge of his sleeve. The sudden change of subjects had me wavering incomprehensibly. Was I looking sad and morose before? Did I walk as if the weight of the world was upon my shoulders? Those were some of the allegations that had been aimed at me before by some of my employees and I frequently wondered at the truth of the matter. So it was with some trepidation that I replied. "I do?" "Yes, my boy, you actually do." Michael Sung confirmed the fact with a slow nod as he turned to watch me. "It worried me for a while. You see, your mother and I never made much of a fuss when Grandpa bulldozed you into the company right out of med school, and like the good kid that you've always been, you gave in to his persuasions. For some time now, I've seen you with a permanent crease on your brow and I always worried that grandpa's maneuvering..." I'd certainly felt the mounting pressure from grandfather but till today, it had never occurred to me that my parents had serious doubts about the plan he'd had in mind. Somehow I'd always wrongly assumed that everyone fell into line with grandfather's dictatorial edicts which was evidently a foolish mistake since my father was certainly a man who walked his own road. Initially I'd certainly had my own doubts but to openly rebel was out of character for me. It sounded like something James would do! So I'd toed the line and found that the place grandfather had found for me fit me perfectly. Although many people had their doubts, I actually didn't have any regrets concerning the road I'd taken. Yet there were days when I worked late through the night when I looked out of my windows into the city skyline and wondered how different my life would have been if i hadn't received that distress call from grandfather. Life as I know it certainly would have been different. I would have gone down the path blazed my own father instead of donning a tie and suit to nitpick over numbers and figures in the boardroom. Still, that wouldn't have given me the sense of belonging that I had at work now. Maybe it had taken my grandfather's Machiavellian tactics to push me into the position but it had fit perfectly, perhaps even more than the profession I would have chosen for myself. Of course that was before everyone started calling me sad, morose and uptight. "It wasn't maneuvering, dad." "Don't tell me what I already know." He watched me sternly as I was about to say more in protest. "You don't have to stand up for him. I know my father, John." If anyone had imagined that my mother was the tough interrogator in the family, they'd be wrong. When he put his mind to it, my father could easily be worse. He maintained his steady silence, cracked a few jokes, didn't talk much but I knew that very little got by him. Just like dripping water on stone, he slowly, patiently chipped away to get the information he wanted. "It wasn't my idea at first, hell, I was more than a little pissed, but I have to admit that the job suits me." It was the first time I'd sworn in front of my father and I caught myself a little too late. If my father noticed the sudden foul language, he didn't make any comments on it but only smiled quietly. "Thank God. It's good to hear then since I've always wondered." There was brief pause as he seemed to ponder carefully on his next words. "You know, James seems to be good for you." "James?" I croaked out of my suddenly dry throat. Almost in a state of panic, I looked up at my father, my tongue caught at the back of my throat. His face betrayed nothing, only the gentle half-smile that told me exactly nothing. What exactly did that mean? Did that blabbermouth Jonathan tell him? I was going to kill him once I caught up with the bastard. Or was it my sister? That thought gave me a slight pause. I'd seen Juliana in the house obviously but we hadn't spoken to each other since our recent fallout. From her continued silence, I gathered that she hadn't exactly come to terms with the fact that I was a raging homosexual. When he'd found out about our disagreement, my younger brother, Jonathan, had been rigidly furious on my behalf and despite my brotherly advice to him, he had maintained a chilly silence with Juliana throughout the evening. Still it was a vast improvement over his original plan to storm off to her place to rage at her. Sometimes Jonathan seemed so much like James that it scared me. "Yes, James. You know of anyone else?" His dark eyes, so much like mine, twinkled appreciatively. "Ever since he came by to stay with you of course. Truth to tell, I didn't think much of it at first but now I've got to admit that he has been a good influence on you. You seem a tad less uptight recently." My own father was calling me uptight. This was terrible. Deep lines of laughter appeared at the edges of his eyes. "Stress can kill you, my boy. Relax. Live a little." Closing my eyes, I leaned back on the seat. "I can't believe you're the one telling me this." My father laughed. "James mentioned something about a song tonight. You know anything about that?" It had been on my thoughts all morning but I stubbornly refused to admit it. Like everything else, James had a great voice too. Smooth, deep and sinfully creamy like the old-fashioned crooners of old. Added to all his other spectacular physical attributes, James could have been an insufferable boor but he had never been boastful, not even as a kid. Don't get me wrong, the bastard knew his good qualities to the letter but he had never blown his own trumpet. Although we'd long since outgrown childish pantomimes for Christmas, it didn't mean that my cousins hung back amongst the appreciative audience only. Joey and James somehow always contrived to put up a song and dance each year, and there were always one or two rock star wannabes amongst my other younger cousins. I'd long since taken on the role of treasurer, relinquished by one of my elder aunts. This year however James kept quietly mum about his performance so I could only shrug in reply to my father's question. "He refused to tell me anything. Wanted to keep it a secret." "Well, he's always been one for surprises." I wasn't left in suspense for long however since the show started barely an hour after. When the lights came on stage, it was actually quite disheartening. As he walked up the short flight of steps to the stage, James looked immaculate as usual just as if he'd casually strolled off a GQ cover, and damn if he didn't know it. Although I'd gotten used to wearing suits at work, I still felt like a sadly misplaced, sartorially-challenged penguin each time I dragged one on. Even the more casual suit I had on now felt a little out of place in comparison to his designer piece. The Fab Five would certainly be ashamed of me! Luckily I could easily imagine the task of getting James Burbridge Sung out of that suit to get my mind off other matters. "I don't usually do jazz." As he moved confidently across the makeshift stage, James smiled again, that damn-it-all bad-boy smile that I loved with the wicked glint in his dark eyes. Catching my eye amongst the audience, he flashed a wink over at me that had some members of the audience giggling. "But tonight I'm gonna sing something real special. For a guy who's starting to mean more than I could ever imagine. Sure, sometimes he can be a serious pain in the ass but baby, you know we all love you." Even as his words went through my mind, I came to realize that he had to be talking about me. There was no one else in the world he could pointedly refer to as a serious pain in his ass. Almost as suddenly, the glaring spotlight swung from the stage to flash right on me - courtesy of one of my younger cousins no doubt - and I could feel the sweat trickling slowly down my back. Damn the suit! What the hell was James up to? There was that familiar crazed glint in his eye that boded ill for everyone in close proximity. Despite all his earlier protests, did he fully intend to shove me out of the closet now? Was he going to flash pictures of us both inflagrante delicto? A naked James Burbridge was certainly a delight to the eye but I could have sworn that I had put on a few extra pounds after the recent Mooncake debacle. Never at my best under the spotlight, my easily-panicked, highly imaginative mind leapt to crazy conclusions as I wondered whether all these months were actually an elaborate ruse deliberately staged by James to kick me out of the closet. Startled by the surprising chain of events, my nervous gaze darted back to my parents in the front who were both grinning at me and my mother even gave a supportive wave. From somewhere at the side of the stage, my brother gave me a rallying thumbs-up while my still estranged sister was nowhere to be found. It was almost a relief since I couldn't really face her disapproving face while I was already dealing with all these other problems. The threat of exposure loomed large and I searched the front seats for my grandfather. After moments that seemed like eons, the spotlight shifted back to James where it belonged. Fully comprehending the chaotic state of my thoughts, James turned to face me and flashed me a mischievious wink while I glared at him, my mind full of mayhem and murder. "I love you, man. Warts and all." Although it wasn't the first time, the words still sent a secret thrill through me and yet I cringed quietly inside, torn between embarassment at being under the unforgiving spotlight and a kind of odd pride at the fact that the man I loved was standing proud talking about our love. God, it made me want to hoist a rainbow flag and strut around proudly. It was such a dangerously public admission but I knew somehow everyone would play it off as plain fraternal love when in reality, it was far more than that. Thankfully as he started to banter playfully with the audience, I heaved a sigh of relief and ran a finger through my suddenly tight collar. Beside me, my cousin June tried her level best to stifle a giggle. "You talk him into this?" June said. I aimed a raised dark brow at her. "You've got to be kidding, right? We're talking about him. James Burbridge Sung doesn't need an excuse to be in the spotlight." Admitting the truth of my comment, she laughed again. "Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. Stupid me." I just smiled. Then as I watched her quietly, I recalled my earlier reminiscence. The young lady clad in a shockingly pink, scandalously short number with sky high heels looked nothing like the demure miss I'd thought of earlier. "Remember the year you played Mother Mary and whacked me?" As I expected, it brought a twinkle to her dark eyes as she maintained her gaze on the stage. "Well, you held on to that damned myrrh long enough, standing there like a damned fool." "Hey!" I looked suitably insulted. "James certainly paid me back for that." Thinking of our childish antics, she shook her dark head. As the band started playing, June leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Actually, I'm just surprised you guys made it a year without killing each other first." Those were exactly my thoughts earlier this morning and yet the faint innuendo in her tone had a flush creeping up up my neck. Exactly what did she mean by that? Feeling almost paranoid, I tried to keep my voice level as I replied. "What do you mean by that?" "Well, staying together of course. When grandpa came up with the insane idea, I was sure I'd be helping you bury James somewhere - that is if he hadn't dumped your dead corpse off the North South Highway." It was exactly what I'd imagined a year ago when he'd first come knocking at my door. We hadn't exactly been the best of friends for some time, so to have him appear at my doorstep was a surprise to say the least. At that time, it didn't surprise me that it was one of Grandpa's enigmatic edicts. Family always came first to the old man after all. What actually surprised me the most was the fact that Bad Boy Burbridge had buckled down to his strictures. Usually he'd be the first to buck against such archaic rules and restrictions but instead of revolting as I'd expected, he'd complied docilely with the demands made. Although I didn't know it then, it wasn't by virtue of any familial feelings or filial piety that had him succumbing to the demands, it was his own firm resolution to remain on the straight and narrow that had evidently weighed down the scales in grandpa's favour. Week after week, I approached my front door filled with imminent dread, expecting to come home to find my home trashed with marijuana, ecstasy, cheap women, booze and God-knows-what-else he'd dream up and week after week, James managed to disappoint me by staying a step ahead on the straight and narrow path he'd chosen. Then came Chinese New Year and the earth-shattering surprise he'd sprung on me. "Certainly quiet over there, John. You're not still thinking of killing him, are you?" "I wouldn't say never." As I watched my man strut his stuff on stage, I could only grin wickedly. Living with James always had his ups and downs - and since we'd both been blessed with our fair share of temper, it led to some interesting clashes at home. "There are some moments of weakness." "Well, restrain those urges since I'm solidly in James' camp. I haven't told you this but I'm actually starting to like him even better now than when he was the charming asshole." She turned and tilted her head up to look at me. "You know, come to think about it, I actually remember you guys being quite close as kids. I'm glad you made up your differences." "More than made up for it," I smiled to myself. She certainly wouldn't know that I'd just spent a blissful morning shower with the star of the show, fucking the daylights out of him. Or that he'd repaid me by attacking me in my home office that same morning. Luckily lil brother Jonathan had been spared the scandalous sight by keeping to his usual late waking hours. "Even I have to admit that he has changed. Don't look so surprised, June. I'm certainly entitled to a change of opinion." Her brows shot up almost to her hairline. "Zhan Zhao changing his mind. I think this has to go on the front page of the next newsletter." "Shut up." I gave her a quick poke in the ribs that had her giggling. Her e-mail newsletter had been started more than a year back as a way to keep in touch with all the far-flung members of our family. Although I'd die before I'd admit it, I actually found it amusing despite the fact that there were the occasional reference to my tightass behaviour. "You know, he wished his dad a terse Merry Christmas just this morning." "That's great, though I'm sure you forced him by making the call. I know you well enough so don't you dare deny it. Of course I still think he should have decked you for calling his father in for the Mooncake Festival but then, that's just me." She grinned, her dark eyes twinkling with humour. "At least James managed even that! You should have heard the latest fight between Jackie and her parents. Several casualties including that hideous vase Third Aunt gave them. What in the world was she thinking of?" "A relief I'm sure but then.." Anything else I was about to say was lost as the band started playing drawing my attention back to the stage. The beginning riff caught my ear and I didn't need his introduction for me to recognise the tune. "So, John Sung, you damn bastard. This song is for you." The slow tempo of the beat and his rhythmic fingersnapping alerted me to what he had planned and it wasn't long before he swung into the beat of Fever, one of my favourite songs. Oddly enough, a few years ago, I'd mentioned casually as we were walking by a music store that anyone who serenaded me with that song would have me down on my knees. Obviously I hadn't given James enough credit to remember. The damn bastard. He would have known exactly what he was doing to me. With the way my overheated imagination was heading, the crotch of my pants were feeling a little too tight and the heat was starting to get to me. As the lights went up again on the next song, I realized that they'd obviously decided on a jazzy Christmas without telling me since Joey slinked up the steps and started singing Cole Porter's Let's Fall in Love. Even as she told us in an intimate whisper how lazy jellyfish and overeducated fleas fell in love, I quietly got out from my seat and started finding my way to the backstage in search of the star of the opening act. The makeshift stage had been set up on the side lawn with the backstage facing some of the east wing rooms of the main house. A few of the guestrooms downstairs had been commandeered for use as changing rooms and the large patio door had been thrown open. A group of my younger cousins gaggled about one of the guestrooms dressed in various guises and I groaned as I realized that we were obviously going to be regaled with another reenactment of the Holy Night. While my Third and Eighth Aunt bustled about with last minute preparations, my younger brother Jonathan had been charged with the task of keeping the kiddie crew from rioting and he met my amused gaze with a hapless expression. It was obvious that he was failing miserably to control the Shepherd Boy from tugging the mantle off a shrieking Mother Mary. In answer to my silent question, he pointed a finger upstairs and I understood immediately. Giving the three Holy Men conferring over their gifts a reassuring wink, I stole down into the corridors of the main house and bounded up the stairs towards the upper floors. James and I had scored one of the larger rooms upstairs, one of few privileges of being the older members of our generation. With all the well meaning nagging I'd endured from my relatives on my state of bachelorhood, I figured I deserved the suite. The man who put the lie to my state of bachelorhood stood in front of the vanity mirror in the bedroom, scrubbing away at his face with something that looked like a tissue. He'd taken his jacket off earlier and thrown it over the bed we shared. James had his broad back to me, and his muscular ass looked mighty fine in the tight black slacks he wore. It brought to mind my earlier mission to slowly strip him of that expensive suit and I could already imagine exploring that hard, tight physique between the silk sheets. Glancing over at the sound of my footsteps, James turned around and shot me a teasing grin. Deep, boyish dimples ringed that perfect smile and I felt my knees go weak again. Damn, he was a handsome bastard. "Gotta get some of that gunk off my face, I'm afraid. So, John, how did you like my gift?" "That's your gift?" I walked into the room, crossing my arms as I did so. The room had been immaculate when I'd left earlier and he'd managed to mess it up in seconds. A sudden urge to rush out for the cleaning pan came over me but I squashed that crazy impulse. That certainly fell into the uptight category and I'd decided to put that all behind me. "In lieu of one that actually expects monetary payment?" He turned back to his task at the mirror as I came closer. Watching me through the reflection in the mirror, he winked playfully. "Hell, yeah." "Well, you do know how I love surprises, so give me a surprise like that again and I'm gonna..." Instead of telling him, I gave his tight ass a quick slap that had him yelping. That butt of his was certainly up and tight. "Hey." As I caught his trim waist in my hands, he twisted away from my grasp, mimicking a low, sexy growl. "What's up with all this? Intending to play rough, Mr Sung?" "Yes, I am." I swung him around and pushed him down on the bed, holding his powerful arms down. Was it my imagination or were his arms even more pumped up than they were before? Did the man eat nails for breakfast? Startled by my sudden ardour, James allowed himself to be overborne and soon found himself lying prone on the bed with me on top. Before he could recover from his earlier surprise, I pressed my advantage and forced a kiss on his lips. There was a sudden rush of feeling I'd never felt before, an odd, exhilarating pump of adrenaline through my veins that made me act wilder than I'd ever had before - and hell, an insistent erection that had crept into life during his musical serenade. More than once I wondered whether my younger cousins had inevitably spiked the punch. Regardless of that fact, I knew I had to see his naked skin and flesh - and with that in mind, I ripped his shirt down the center, sending buttons flying. Instead of making a protest, James just laid back, letting me have my way with him as he watched me with a growing smile. Frank amusement was clear in his dark eyes. "Bloody hell, don't tell me you've been drinking again." Since he'd been a reluctant victim of my last drinking binge, it was a certainly a valid complaint and I laughed. Six months back any mention of alcohol in front of James would have horrified me but this time, I just let it slide. He hadn't given me any cause to be suspicious in months after al. "Sure, you'd think that but surprisingly no. God, you know what? I have the most good-looking boyfriend!" "John!" he finally protested weakly but there was a wicked laugh in his chocolate brown eyes. "I hope you do know that's an Armani." Armani. Brioni. Whatever. It was the last thing on my mind. James Burbridge Sung had racks and racks of designer clothes in his wardrobe after all. This was my man. My man. And damn if he wasn't one fine-looking piece of flesh. Just look at those pecs. Firm, powerful swells of muscle with the hard dark point of his nipples crowning the edge. Would be so easy just to lean down and lick around the edge, nip across the increasingly hard, pointy nipple. "Fuck that!" I replied, laughing headily. It was fun shocking people - and I knew what James felt like for once. Tearing his shirt open to reveal more of his powerful torso, I skimmed my hands up and down the tense, rippling muscles. All mine and I could do anything I liked with him. "You're too gorgeous for your own good, Jamie." "I love it when you call me Jamie." Far from being alarmed at the thought that he was being systematically stripped by his cousin, he just grinned inanely. "You know someone could see us. Not that I'd want you to lose that impressive hard-on in your pants but just a friendly warning, Grandma could walk in on us anytime. Wouldn't be good for her high blood pressure to find us jaybird naked in her guestroom." The image flashed across my mind but irate Grandmothers certainly didn't compare to the image of James' washboard abs. "At the moment, I don't give a fuck. I just want to bite on your nipples, lick them and suck them and..." Thick dark brows rose up slowly on his dark, handsome face a he considered that proposal. "Damn, did Joe spike the drinks again this year? Hell, he promised... You never could hold your alcohol that well." "Told you there's no alcohol involved. And hell, you're doing too much talking." I shut him up for a while with a warm, sloppy kiss and he acquisced for a while, even giving me a hint of wet tongue before he tugged away. "John, you know you'll hate yourself in the morning." Gently nudging me to the side, James slowly came up to a crouch and held out his hand with a promising smile. "Let's give this a raincheck. You can do all you like to me once we get home. Come on, stud, let's go downstairs and find you something else to bite on." Clasping his large hand in mine, I griped it tightly nad pulled myself up. "You know, I still haven't forgiven you for telling Jonathan." "He deserves to know his sister's a judgmental bitch." Even as he said it, the smile on his face faded away and his eyes turned cold and flinty again. The verbal bashing he'd given to my sister on my behalf hadn't been so long ago but I guess it still smarted since she hadn't said a word to either one of us since then. Still silence was indeed preferable to the horrifying public exposure I'd expected once she'd found out about my sexual proclivities. Hoping for her acceptance seemed a little too much for now but I'd at least hoped for some small measure of tolerance. "That's not the worst. Julianna isn't the only one to think poorly of me tonight." I recalled with a smile. "My dad called me uptight! Can you imagine that? Now tell me, was that fucking uptight to you? We almost had sex in grandpa's house!" "Was that the real reason for the sudden attack?" James released my hand and let go with uproarious laughter. "Babe, you really take the cake. Who the fuck cares if you're uptight?" "I do. Uptight. Conservative. Sensible. Boring. Dipstick. How the hell do I change all that?" "Boring dipstick!" Incapable of speech for a few moments, he paused to catch his breath and mopped his suddenly wet eyes. Knowing James, it figures that my behavioural problems would turn into a perverse source of amusement for him. Catching my disapproving gaze, he laughed again, a little more subdued now and spoke deliberately. "You want a change? Take my Christmas gift then." The way he suddenly sprang the gift on me left me a little wary. Everyone knew how much I hated surprises. "What is it?" "A whole 10 days off from work," James enunciated each word deliberately, watching me with a twinkle of mischief in his dark eyes. The thought of one of my cousins allegedly almost burning down the house didn't surprise me. The thought of my philandering uncle having an affair with one of the married secretaries barely raised an eyebrow. The thought that Jackie had almost stabbed her crazy mother in one of their catfights barely fazed me. But the thought of taking leave had my knees going weak for some inexplicable reason. "Y-You're not my boss." "But your mother is and she agreed," James pointed out coolly. "Your leave has been approved." I stared at him. "W-What?" "All shocked and surprised... voice all falsetto and trembly." Creeping forward on the bed, he lowered his voice seductively. "You actually look cute this way. You still up for that sex thing?" "Shut up." As he continued to stalk me, I gave him a backwards nudge and he fell back with a low chuckle. The man could certainly hide his secrets. James had actually gone to my mother and asked her to send me on a vacation? What possible reason could he have given her? He'd done out out of the goodness of his charitable heart? "James, what did you do?" "Let's face facts, you're been working like crazy since you joined the company. Without me, you'd be heading for a nervous breakdown sometime soon. You deserve some rest and your mother agrees. Babe, you need a break. So do I." "I can't take a break with New Year coming! There's the Chinese New Year sales and the..." James obviously had all his bases covered and he quickly countered my sallies. "And it's only ten days. Grace is perfectly competent and you know it." "I.." As if clinching the deal, he watched me carefully and threw down his final card. "I got grandmother's permission for this trip. We're going to Jendela in Malacca." That was enough to stop me in my tracks. Part of an old, established Peranakan clan, my grandmother had inherited the lovely Neo-classical seaside mansion as part and parcel of her dowry when she'd married my grandfather, one of the peasant sinkeh upstarts from China. Although it was only an hour's drive away, I'd only gone to Jendela once almost a decade ago but I certainly remembered the place well. I smiled.