The following is a work of fiction: Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. It depicts sexual situations between minor males including incest and if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.
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The Reynold's Twins
by: Kewl Dad

Chapter 6
It's only a kiss

Try as hard as she could Mrs. Durro could not find work. She had always been a stay at home mom and hadn't even finished high school which was a major black mark when trying to secure work and so far not one of the places she had applied to acted the least bit interested. She had all but maxed out her credit cards and didn't know how she would pay even the minimum payments or how she would keep a roof over their head and the lights on. She was at wits end as to what to do and after being turned down once more, this time by McDonalds, she found herself at home and facing a major bout of depression.

She was sobbing quietly when Jimmy suddenly burst in the front door a few minutes earlier than usual. She wiped at her eyes and welcomed him, but he knew something was terribly wrong. He knew things were bad, but he didn't know just how bad. His dad had always kept the bills paid and food on the table even if there was a terrible price to pay for it when he got drunk and in some ways he wished he was back.

"It'll be okay mom," he said trying to sound like the man of the house should.

"Oh Jimmy, I don't know what we're going to do. We have no friends, no family...and I can't even get a job flipping burgers. I guess...I'll have to go sign up for some kind of assistance, but I don't even know how to do that."

"It's okay mom. Is there anything to eat?" Jimmy asked as his young tummy grumbled. Thank God his lunch account was paid up for the month, but breakfast had consisted of dry toast and tea and he was always hungry like most boys his age.

Mrs. Durro had skipped lunch saving what little food they had for her son, but there wasn't much left and soon that would be gone and she didn't know what she would do then. "I'll fix you a sandwich to hold you till dinner."

"Thanks mom," Jimmy said heading to his room, "I'm gonna change."

In his room Jimmy closed the door and leaned against it. Things were bad and getting worse and he felt like most of it was his fault. If he'd just been smarter his dad wouldn't have beat him up and got arrested. He still hated John and the twins and blamed them for most of his problems, but he was also starting to see that he was responsible for his own actions and not other people.

He didn't know what would happen to them, but he knew whatever it was it was going to happen soon because they were running out of time. The rent on the trailer was already late and despite his mother's attempts to keep things from him he knew what it cost to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

He quickly dressed in some old jeans and a teeshirt and hung his school clothes up carefully. There wasn't any laundry detergent left and he had to get as much mileage out of his clothes as possible before washing them. 

In the dining room his mom had laid out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the last of the fruit juice. He carefully cut the sandwich in half and looking up offered half of it to his mother. Tears filled her eyes and her hands shook as he accepted this small gift from her son. She patted his shoulder and sat down next to him and they ate in silence.

"I'm worried about Jimmy and his mother," Aidan said as he sat at the breakfast bar eating their after school snack.

"I'm sure it's not easy for them, but I'm sure things will work out," Mrs. Reynolds said smiling reassuringly.

"I don't know mom. His mom doesn't work and with hid dad gone...they don't have any money. Not to complain but Jimmy comes to school in the same clothes like two or three days in a row. I don't even know if they have water to wash in."

" can't be that bad,"  Jaden interjected, but he had noticed Jimmy didn't look as fresh as he used to.

"I'm going to contact the school and see if they know anything about their situation," Mrs. Reynolds said looking concerned now, "If they need help I will personally see that they get it."

"Even after what Jimmy did to John and what he said about me and Aidan?" Jaden smirked.

"I don't condone what Jimmy did, but we can't let that influence how we deal with what's happened to the family."

"I guess, I mean I wouldn't want them to starve or anything, but we don't have to be nice to them do we?"

"Jaden, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Yes, I expect you to behave like the decent young man that I know you are."

When the boys went off to their room Mrs. Reynolds called the school and though the principal wasn't in she did manage to talk to his home room teacher, Ms. Taylor. From her she was able to learn more about Jimmy's situation at home. 

"His mother is unemployed and is having trouble finding a job. I'm very concerned about the effect all this is having on Jimmy. He was always a bit disruptive, but lately he's been sullen and introverted and his grades have fallen drastically. If this keeps up I'm afraid he may have to repeat grade 7."

"Is there any kind of provision for this sort of thing...I mean through the school?"

"Mrs. Reynolds as you may know our school district is not a rich one. True we are better off than some of the other districts, but there is no money for this sort of thing. However...there is no reason the school can't be used as a clearing house for other parents to help. We could coordinate our efforts through the school and pool our resources. I'm sure some of the other teachers would be interested in helping out as well."

They agreed to meet the following day at the school and discuss the matter further but in the meantime Mrs. Reynolds decided to see what she could do on her own. Getting the address from the Ms. Taylor she told the boys she had some errands to run and gave them the usual spiel about not burning the house down then drove to the Durro's trailer park. It was the typical trailer park, withe aged rusting mobile homes, cars up on blocks and a occasional stray dog wandering here and there.  There were no trees except a few toward the back of the park and though the roads were paved they were full of pot holes and so narrow two cars couldn't possibly pass on them.

She found the Durro's trailer, no 17, and pulled up beside a beat up old Ford Taurus. She suddenly wondered if this was such a good idea, but she decided she'd come this far and that she might as well see it through. A dog across the street began barking as soon as she climbed out of the car and by the time she made it up on the porch the door a frail looking woman was already opening the door.

"Oh, hello," Mrs. Durro said, hoping Mrs. Reynolds wasn't a bill collector.

"Hello, Mrs. Durro?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"Hello, I'm Beth Reynolds, my sons attend school with your son Jimmy."

"Oh, this about the trouble at school?"

"No, not really. May I come in and talk with you for a minute?"

"Oh, sure...come on in. Pardon the mess, I've been busy out looking for work and haven't had time to do any cleaning."

Mrs. Reynolds followed her inside and took the offered seat on the couch. She looked around at the spartan surrounding and realized just how much she had, which was all the more reason to help this family if she could.

"I'd offer you something to drink, but I've been so busy I haven't had time to go to the grocery store. All I have right now is water."

"I'm fine, Mrs. Durro I want you to know that what happened between our sons has nothing to do with my visit. I'm not condoning what your son did, but considering what was going on with his father I can understand why he might lash out at others."

"He's a good boy at heart, but his father was always filling his head full of hate and of course there was the physical abuse.."

Mrs. Reynolds nodded, "I understand, but I also understand that when your husband was arrested you lost your only source of income and I just wanted to see if there was anything we could do to help until you figure things out."

Mrs. Durro looked shocked for a moment then doubtful, "Well...I don't know what you could do...."

"That's what we need to figure out. First of all I'd like to help you get all the benefits and help that's available to you through the state and local government, that will help with food and that sort of thing. I understand you've been actively seeking employment, how's that going?"

"So far not too good. I aint had much schooling and I haven't worked since I was a teenager. These days everyone wants you to be able to run a computer, even the food places."

"There must be something out there, I'll talk with my husband and see if he knows of any jobs that might not be so demanding. Of course you could consider going back to school and learning some new skills. There are some wonderful programs available through the government and even grants that needn't be payed back. I'll see what I can find out."

"Thank you...but I have to ask, why are you helping us? I mean Jimmy was awful to your sons and that other boy."

"Well...I guess because it's the right thing to do. You and your son are part of our community and we have to look out for one's just the way we are."

"Well...I appreciate any help I can get. I have to admit, I am wits end. I don't know what I'm going to do. I sort of lied about not having time to go to the grocery store, truth is I spent my last money on gas to go job hunting and I'm broke."

"I see, well we can take care of that easy enough," Mrs. Reynolds said pulling out her purse. She was prepared for just this instance and had swung by the bank and withdrew a hundred dollars. "This should help," she said offering Mrs. Durro the stack of 20's.

"I...I can't take's too much," Mrs. Durro said looking near tears.

"Just think of it as a loan then, pay me back when you can, but right now it's important to concentrate on finding work and having food on the table will make it easier."

From his room Jimmy had been listening to his mother and the other lady talk through the thin hollow core door. It only took him a few minutes to figure out who the lady was he didn't like her being there one bit. Why was she there? Was she just trying to show how much better she was than they were? Rubbing our nose in the fact that her and her faggy sons lived in a nice house and had money to give to the poor folks in the trailer park? He wished his mother had turned the money down, now they owed those rich assholes money and they'd probably never let them forget it.

Before Mrs. Reynolds left they shared phone numbers so they could keep in touch and promised to check in the following day. She didn't mention the meeting at the school because she didn't want to get her hopes up until she found out exactly what the others were willing to do to help.

As soon as Mrs. Reynolds was gone Jimmy came out of his room and confronted his mother.

"What did she want?"  He smirked. Even though he'd heard the whole conversation he wanted to hear it from his mother.

"Oh Jimmy honey, that was Mrs. know the mother of those twins you...umm...know from school."

"Yeah, I know who she is, rich bitch," Jimmy fumed.

"Jimmy, watch your mouth. For you information Mrs. Reynolds has offered to help me find a job and get some sort of assistance."

Looking at her hand he noticed she was still holding the money and his anger flared, "Why did you take her fucking rich-assed money? She's just rubbing it in cause she's betten' us. We don't need her help or anyone else, we can make it just fine," Jimmy practically screamed, then calming down he said lowly, "Can't we momma?"

"Jimmy, I'm not going to lie to you, things are bad. I'm out of money and we don't have hardly any food left in the house. I put my last 5.00 in the gas tank and at almost 3.00 a gallon that won't last long. The rent is two weeks late and the utilities are due tomorrow. Without her help we wouldn't have made it through the week, we have a chance..maybe some hope."

"I'm sorry momma, I just don't like having to let those fags help us."

"Jimmy honey, that's your daddy talking and you know it. You don't have to be like him baby, come here and give me a hug."

Jimmy melted into his mom and for a minute he felt like that little kid that used to feel so safe and sound in his momma's arms. Then reality set in and he pulled away.

"It's not right momma, they shouldn't be able to do that stuff and get away with it. It''s sick....and I will never be friends with anyone who does that stuff," he said stomping off to his room.

His mother stared after him, tears stinging her eyes, and sighed. Like father, like son, she thought sadly. If only I could tell him I know his secret, but I know he's not ready for that.

Across town in the quite suburban neighborhood where the Reynolds family resided, the twins had just finished a rather enjoyable romp in bed and were contemplating a second session when they heard the garage door open.

"She's back...or it's dad, better get up just in case," Jaden said taking charge as usual, "we'll save the rest for tonight after we go to bed."

Aidan reluctantly agreed and began to get dressed. He had hoped for a good fucking before dinner, but he could wait especially if it meant a long and sweaty fuck later. Lately he was becoming insatiable for anal sex and when he couldn't get it from John he was practically begging Jaden for it. He'd begun to wonder if there was something wrong with him or if that was just the way he was made.

As they came down the stairs two steps at a time Mrs. Reynolds was just hanging  her coat up in the hall closet.

"Well, I see you didn't burn the place down..good boys, good boys," she said grinning.

"Where ya been mom, did you bring us anything?" Jaden teased. When he was younger that had been the first thing he had asked either of their parents when they went out for any reason.

"Not this time, but if you're real good I will feed you tonight," she teased.

"Awww...really? That will be two nights in a row...sure you can afford it?"

Jaden joke cut deep into Mrs. Reynolds heart. She couldn't imagine anyone having to choose between food or paying the bills, especially where kids were involved. After dinner she would call a family meeting and hammer out a plan to help Jimmy and his mom, but in the meantime she had a family of her own to feed.

"What would you boys like, tonight you get to choose."

"Really....well, you know what I'm gonna say? Pizza," Jaden said grinning.

"Is that okay with you Aidan?"

"Yeah that's fine...but are you sure mom? What about dad?"

"Your dad is easy, he'll eat anything. I'll call him and see if he can pick it up on his way home."

Over dinner Mrs. Reynolds approached the subject of the Durro's dilemma but didn't go into much detail, she was saving that for later, but as expected her husband was quite concerned.

"I might be able to help with the job situation. We're always hiring. I'm sure we could find something she could do. Most of the jobs start at 10 bucks or more, I know that's not much, but the benefits are good and there's room to move up if she fits in."

"Dad! You want to work with Jimmy Durro's mom?" Jaden said sound outraged by the very idea.

"I wouldn't exactly be working with her son. It's a big company, I might not even see her if they put her in one of the other buildings. But I'm not sure I understand why that would concern you son. Just because you had a run in with her son doesn't mean we can't help this family. One of the things your mother and I have tried to instill in you boys is compassion. I've seen it in both of you a number of times, but you seem to have a blind spot when it comes to this boy. What is it about this situation that has you so out of character?"

Jaden stared at his pizza and moped. He knew his dad was right, but how could he get him to understand that Jimmy's attack were more than just bullying, that he was attacking Aidan and John because of their sexuality. They didn't understand because they didn't know that one of their sons was gay and the other bisexual and he wasn't about to tell them.

"I'm sorry dad. I guess I just keep remembering how mean he was to John and Aidan, that's all."

"You know his father was the cause of a lot of his misbehaving. Maybe with him out of the picture the boy will change."

"I hope so, but I'm not sure he wants to."

"Your point is well taken, but we can't let that influence how we treat him and his mother right now. It's our civic responsibility to help them as well as being the right thing to do and I expect you boys to help in any way you can."

"John and I are going to try to talk to him and maybe make friends with him," Aidan offered.

"That's the spirit...see Jaden that's what I'm talking about."

"I'll be there, don't worry...just in case Jimmy decides to pound them instead of making friends."

Mr. Reynolds sighed, "I appreciate your watching out for your brother, but please go into this with an open mind."

"Okay dad...I promise."

After dinner the twins took a quick shower and rejoined their parents in the family room as requested. They figured the family pow wow was concerning Jimmy and his mom, and while Aidan was interested in hearing more Jaden was still resentful of his parents involvement.

Drinks and cookies were on the coffee table serving as dessert and Jaden decided that this wasn't so bad after all. The boys sat munching their cookies as Mrs. Reynold related her visit to Mrs. Durro ending with the 100.00 loan.

"Of course I don't really expect her to pay the money back, but it's the only way I could get her to accept it."

"Good move dear," dad said giving her a one arm hug, "but a hundred dollars won't last long as expensive as everything is these days. We have to get her a job and some sort of assistance. She should be eligible for food stamps or whatever they're called these days. Maybe you could take her down to DHS and get her signed up. I think they have an emergency allowance for people who can't wait for the regular monthly allowance. Tomorrow I'll check the job postings at work and make a list for her and we can go over them and see what fits best."

"I'm going to meet with Ms. Taylor and a few of the other teachers tomorrow after school and see if we can get some of the parents involved in a relief effort. I'm sure there are families that feel as we do that it's our responsibility to help others who need it."

"Great, meanwhile I want you boys to do your part, but a word of warning...don't go around spreading tales about how bad off Jimmy and his mom are. The last thing we want to is to hurt their pride, especially Jimmy's. The other students might see this as a chance to get even with him and do a little bullying of their own."

Jaden hadn't thought of that, but he supposed it was true. It actually sounded tempting for about two seconds, but then his little angel pushed his little devil off his shoulder and he regained his senses. He knew how he'd feel if he was in Jimmy's place and people started making fun of him because his dad was in jail and  his mom was poor. No, he'd try it Aidan's way and see if they could make friends, but even if that didn't work he'd never be as big a jerk as Jimmy was.

After the meeting the boys headed upstairs to get ready for bed and once they'd brushed their teeth and stripped down to their underwear they piled down on their beds and waited for their parents to come say goodnight. They didn't  have to wait long and when they'd said their goodnights and gotten hugs and the boys were once again alone Jaden hopped up and bounced over to Aidan's bed.

"I have a headache," Aidan teased.

"Trust me it's not your head I want to pound," Jaden laughed.

"Just kidding. I been waiting all day for  this, but I want it to last a long time soo.....can we kiss and make out first?"

"Naw," Jaden teased back, "your breath stinks and your body is all gross."

Aidan gave him a pouty face, "Does not, and it's the same as your body."

"Come here you jerk and let me love on ya" Jaden said opening his arms. Aidan quickly swarmed into his arms and they began to kiss and paw at each other.

After a few minutes the underwear came off and their hard wet cocks were rubbing together and the feeling was delicious. Before long they moved into the 69 position and they teased and licked each other's junk but neither wanted to get too carried away. There was so much more they wanted to do before they orgasmed and Aidan was hoping they'd do that together while Jaden was buried deep inside him.

Twenty minutes passed. There was more kissing and licking and rubbing and eventually neither could wait any longer.  Rolling onto his back Aidan growled as he pulled Jaden down on top of  him and kissed him deeply. After a few minutes Aidan wrapped his legs around Jaden's body and pulled him even closer.

"Fuck me bubber," Aidan slobbered against Jaden's ear.

Jaden shuddered and moaned softly with desire. Lately Aidan had been hornier than usual and even taking charge which was completely unlike him. However, once he got Jaden going he would relinquish control and become the sub again. It was confusing at times, but damn if it wasn't exciting especially when Aidan wanted to get fucked, which was much more frequent these days. It was as if he was in heat all the time and if it hadn't been for John he might not have been able to keep up with him. 

As soon as Jaden was inside his brother he felt his brother tense up then relax.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No...just trying something new. See if you can feel this," Aidan said flexing the muscles in his rectum.

"OH...yeah, it's like you're squeezing my dick and it feels amazing," Jaden moaned.

Aidan giggled, "I read about this in a story on the internet. If I do it enough you can cum without moving so much."

"Be careful cause it feels so good I might come too soon," Jaden warned.

"Okay, now push all the way in and then when you pull out I'll do it," Aidan said with a determined look on his face.

"That was amazing," Jaden panted, "Do it again," he said pushing back in.

It took them a few minutes to get a rhythm going and despite Jaden's fear that he would come too quickly they managed to prolong his orgasm even longer than usual. Aidan was worn out and panting from all the activity and when Jaden finally cried out and began to come inside him his own cock responded in kind and began to squirt all over both their chests and stomach.

Shaking from the intensity of his orgasm Aidan reached up and pulled his twin brother down and kissed him wetly and deeply. When he broke the kiss Jaden sighed and laid his head on Aidan's shoulder as he rode out the last waves of his massive orgasm.

"That was the best ever little brother," Jaden cooed, "have you done that with John yet?"

"Nope, I wanted to make sure it was good before I tired it on him."

"Trust me...he will love it."

They got up after a while and cleaned up and peed and piled down to sleep, this time in Jaden's bed. As they cuddled they talked quietly and Aidan brought up Jimmy again.

"Why you wanna ruin my good mood by talking about him?" Jaden whined.

"Because we need to talk about this. I know you don't like him, but things are bad for him right now and he needs our help."

"Why us?"

"You know why.....cause everyone follows your lead. You know that if you say someone's cool then they're cool. A lot of people don't like Jimmy, but you can change that."

"Yeah, well...what if I don't want to change that?"

Aidan leaned in and nuzzled his brother's ear playfully, "Cause your little brother is asking you too," he said sweetly then kissing Jaden's neck he gave him a ferocious hug.

"Okay, okay...I guess I can be nice to him if you can. Tomorrow we'll give it a try, but don't be surprised if he spits in our faces."

"Even if he does we have to keep trying. He's been hurt a lot and I bet he could use a few good friends right now."

"He has his two goons for friends," Jaden huffed.

"They're not real friends, look at how they treated him when he came back to school. They only want to be around him when he's up to no good."

"Okay," Jaden yawned, "let's get some sleep. I'm exhausted after that fuck you threw me."

Aidan laughed, "It was kind of tiring, but fun. I can't wait to show John what I learned."

"Mmmm..." Jaden was already drifting off to sleep and as Aidan spooned him he snuggled back into his warmth and succumbed to sweet release.

At school the next day they met up with John and filled him in on their agreement to try to befriend Jimmy. John listened intently nodding the whole time. "I'm in, I don't hold any grudges. If he wants to be friends that would be awesome."

"Come on there he is," Aidan said spotting Jimmy who was just walking in the front doors. His hair was a mess and his clothes looked as if he'd slept in them and he looked tired. As they watched he dug a pencil out of his pocket and stuck it down into his cast in an attempt at scratching an annoying itch.

When the boy realized the three were headed his way he gave them a hateful look and waited, bracing himself for their onslaught.

"Hey Jimmy, how's your arm?" Aidan asked with genuine interest.

"What's it too ya'?" he growled.

"We're just trying to be nice," John offered, "that's all. We want you to know we're not still mad about what happened and we want to forget all that and maybe be friends."

"Friends? You think I want to be friends with you....with you...fags?" he said hotly.

"Come on Jimmy, don't be that way....." Aidan said softly. A few other students had stopped to watch the show and Mr. Ames the Biology teacher was looking their way looking making sure things didn'g get out of hand. 

"Look Jimmy," Jaden said finally stepping in, "We know you got it tough with your old man and stuff, and we just wanted to help, that's all. If you're too stupid or too proud to accept our friendship that's on you. We forgive all that crap you pulled and we just want things to be cool between us, is that too much to ask?"

"I gotta get to class," Jimmy said pushing past them, "I don't have time for this crap," he muttered.

The boys stared after him and Aidan sighed, "Well, we didn't do so good on our first try, but we can't give up. Remember what dad said, it may take some time to reach him."

"Yeah, I guess. We'll try something different next time I guess."

Their next attempt was at lunch. Noticing that even Jimmy's goons had abandoned him and that he was sitting alone picking at a cheese sandwich and not much else the three boys grabbed their trays and headed to his table.

"Can we sit with you?" Aidan asked politely.

"Free world aint it?" Jimmy said wondering what they were up to. As much as he hated the three he was kind of tired of being alone and thought  maybe a good fight would put some fun back in his life.

"Thanks," Aidan said as the three found seats, Aidan beside Jimmy and the other two across from him, "Wow, they sure gave me a lot of tater tots this time, want some Jimmy?"

Jimmy eyed Aidan suspiciously but he was so hungry and those tots looked so good after trying to choke down his dry cheese sandwich. "Why are they poison or something?"

Jaden sighed and picked up a chicken nugget and dipped it in ketchup, "You just won't let anyone be nice to you...will you? My brother is just trying to be nice, cause that's how he is. He cares about people and he tries to be nice to everyone. I know you had a tough life and things are bad right now, but don't take it out on Aidan cause he's just trying to help. If you wanna hate somebody hate me, I'm not as nice as he is...but you know what...I care too...yeah, I said it, I care. Do you know why I care? Cause that's how my folks raised me. I know you didn't have it as good as we did, but that's over now...grow up and forget what happened before and move on. Give being nice and caring about people a try," Jaden said looking very emotional. Then tossing the nugget down he'd tried to eat he stood up, "I'm done for today. I can't be here right now. I'll see you guys later. You guys can share my lunch if you want, I'm not hungry."

Aidan watched as his brother walked away with a mixture of shock and disappointment. He'd hoped he could keep his temper under control and help them work things out with Jimmy, but now he was afraid he'd made things worse.

"What's his problem? Jimmy asked looking a bit flushed, "If he's not gonna eat his lunch, no need letting it go to waste," he said pulling the tray over in front of him.

Aidan covered his mouth to hide his smile. Suddenly he realized what Jaden had just done and just how brilliant it was. Maybe this would work out after all.

They sat in silence for a while as Jimmy wolfed down the food on Jaden's tray then he belched and swallowed the carton of milk and wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. "Not bad for cafeteria food. I like bringing my own lunch mostly though," he said actually sounding half-way friendly.

"We bring ours sometimes, and sometimes we swap lunches just for variety, right John?"

"Yeah, but once I got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I'm allergic to nuts?" John laughed.

"But not his nuts I bet," John laughed pushing Aidan playfully.

John blushed but Aidan laughed, "Good one Jimmy."

"You're not mad?" Jimmy said looking surprised, "I just dissed you guys for being gay."

"Yeah, but we know you were just making a joke, right John? Friends can joke around and not get mad."

Jimmy frowned, "Who says we're friends?"

"Maybe we're not yet, but we can be...if you just give it a try."

"I don't know," Jimmy muttered, "what's in it for me?"

"If you have to ask then you're not ready to be a friend yet, but we can wait. Come on John I want to go find Jaden before class and try to calm him down."

"He was pretty hot, wasn't he?" Jimmy laughed.

"Not mad, just upset. He just doesn't understand, that's all."

"And you do?"

Aidan shrugged, "Maybe not all of it, but some of it. Well, we gotta go, see ya later Jimmy."

Jimmy didn't reply but he did give them a weak wave then looking down at his empty tray he felt a little odd. What was happening to him? he wondered. How could he let those guys sit with him and even feed him? Then it hit him, they were just trying to rub it in his face that they were better and had stuff and he had nothing. There wasn't any money left on his lunch account now and his mom hadn't gone to the store yet. She promised that when he got home there would be food but until then she had fixed him a cheese sandwich on stale bread and sent him off to school.

It was hard to really work up much of a anger over the whole thing since he now had a full tummy, but he was sure that later he'd think of something to say to them if they bothered him again.

John and Aidan found Jaden in the center court talking to Mark, the boy who had hosted the party they'd attended a while back.

"Hey Aidan, I was just telling your bro that there's gonna be a party at my house this weekend. You guys should definitely come, you too John"

"Thanks," John said blushing, he's never been to one of Mark's parties, but he'd heard about the one Adian and Jaden attended.

"So, I saw you guys talking to Jimmy this morning. What's up with that loser?"

"He's not so bad once you get to know him," Aidan said defensively, "His dad was abusing him and he just didn't know better that's all."

"No shit, was he molesting him?"

"No, not not that kind of abuse. He hit him and broke his arm that last time and now he's in jail so we just figured he could use a friend, that's all."

"Well, good luck with that," Mark said rolling his eyes, "just don't expect me to invite him to one of my parties."

"No worry there, he'd die in a room full of boys doin' the stuff we did last time," Jaden laughed. 

"So...can I talk to you..alone Jaden?" Aidan said tossing his head in the direction of the lockers.

"Oh, sure...see ya later Mark. We'll probably try to make the party but no promises."

They left John to talk with Mark and went off toward the locker area and when they were out of earshot of the others Aidan laughed and punched his brother playfully.

"You did that on purpose didn't Jimmy could have your lunch?"

"What! No, I was just pissed," he said grinning, "But just out of curiosity did he take the bait?"

"Yep, he ate every bite and guess what? he was halfway decent after his stomach was full."

Jaden smiled, "Well...I guess being hungry would make a guy mean. I can't imagine going hungry. I guess.... I guess I never really thought about what Jimmy's been going through. I guess I could try harder to be nice to him."

"Thanks brother, you're so awesome and like I said, when the other kids see that we're being friendly to Jimmy they'll try being nicer too."

The bell rang then and it was off to class. 

The afternoon passed quickly and at last it was time for PE and the boys got a pleasant surprise when they saw Coach Grey in place of their usual coach. Jaden thought he looked even better today, wearing coach's shorts and a clingy tank top with a gold necklace  with his whistle attached to it. 

"Hey Coach Grey," Jaden said giving the handsome young man a shit-eating grin.

"Uh, hello...Jaden...right?"

"Yeah, you remember me...don't ya'?" he said winking and causing the young coach to blush.

Of course he remembered the boy and what they'd done together had fueled his jerkoff sessions a hundred times over the last few weeks.  Despite that he'd decided that nothing like that could ever happen again, especially after being confronted with the video Coach Richardson had made. 

He was terrified when the older coach had shown him the video and quite sure his life was over, but when he found out what coach Richardson wanted in return for his silence he was convinced he was getting just what he deserved. What was he thinking having sex with an underage boy and a student to boot? No, he'd messed up horribly and there was nothing he could do about it but cooperate with the older coach and hope he kept his word that he would destroy the video if he complied.

He and the older coach had been together four or five times since that afternoon when the video was revealed to him and though he wasn't exactly thrilled at first he'd learned to enjoy himself even if he did feel as if he were being used. At first the older coach had been happy with oral sex, but after the second time he had wanted to move on to anal and Danny had given in although he insisted on safe sex only.

Anticipating the younger coach's acquiescence he had come prepared with both lube and condoms and quickly proceeded to take the young coach while bent over his desk. After the third or fourth time  getting fucked the young coach had actually started to enjoy it,and although he still resented being blackmailed he was learning to make the best of the situation and was now getting his own rocks off regularly, either by hand or in the older coach's mouth.

When he had heard that Coach Richardson was going to be away for a few days he was worried about taking over for him, but there was no one else available and now here he was facing his temptations once again. He was convinced he could resist this time, but Jaden's flirting was making him sweat.

Instead of having the boys play b-ball and risk some of them being shirtless he made them pair off and do sit ups and then calisthenics before making them run from one wall of the gym to the other until they were so tired they fell down on the mats panting like dogs. But even the boys laying there fanning their t-shirts, their beautiful bodies glowing with sweat, was almost too much for Danny Grey to stand. 

Eventually he told the boys they had the rest of the hour free and we went into his office to do some paperwork. Staring up at the camera in the corner he noticed that the red light was on and knew he was being recoded. He frowned into the camera and tried not to think about that other recording that had changed his life forever. But it wasn't just the video or Coach Richardson's blackmail that had changed his life, it was the discovery that he like young boys. 

In the last two weeks he had considered suicide at least twice, but he liked life too much and the optimist in him told him things would get better even if they seemed dark right now. Besides he had liked what had happened and there was that little hope deep inside that he might find a way to experience that feeling again perhaps under safer circumstances. The fact that Jaden  had instigated the whole thing was proof that boys were sexual creatures and that what they had shared was mutual, even if illegal. It was confusing and he knew that not many people would understand, but he still didn't think of himself as a bad person, just a weak one. Still he was determined that it would never happen school anyway.

"Uh Coach..."

Coach Grey looked up to see one of the twins standing in his open doorway. It must be Jaden he reasoned, since the other boy didn't seem nearly as bold or flirtatious.

"I'm sort of busy, besides you should be out there getting some exercise."

"I just wanted to talk to you Coach,"  Jaden said frowning.

Danny Grey looked up at the camera, sweat dripping off his forehead as he thought about what might happen if he didn't stop this madness now. One thing was sure he had to get away from that damn camera.

"Well, wait for me on the bleachers, I'll be there in a minute."

Jaden nodded and trotted off and the other boys gave him a questioning look but no one said anything. He was always up to something and most of the boys envied him his craziness and unpredictability.

On the bleachers Jaden bounced nervously and when he saw Coach Grey headed his way he felt butterflies in his tummy. He'd never thought about being with someone older until Coach Grey came along and now he couldn't get him out of his mind. There was something very naughty and exciting about being with a grown man with a man's body and a man's cock and he had begun to think of sex in a whole different light since they'd gotten together.

"What's up Jaden?" Coach Grey asked sitting down a foot or so away from the boy.

"Not much, how have you been?" Jaden asked lamely.

"Good," he said trying to sound upbeat, then admitting his real feelings, "Actually that's a lie. I've been a nervous wreck ever since...since that day."

"Why? I thought it was awesome?" Jaden asked feeling kind of hurt.

"For you it's no big deal, but for me it's very dangerous. I never meant for any of that to happen, but it did and now I can't take it back. It could destroy my career as a teacher and my life. I could go to prison for the rest of my life if anyone even suspected what went on."

"I know that, but I told you...I'd never tell anyone." Except Aidan, he thought, but that doesn't count.

"Maybe not, but you know how it is. All it takes is one boy getting suspicious and telling someone else and my whole life could come tumbling down around me. I won't lie, I loved what we did, but it can never, never happen again. Do you understand?"

Jaden nodded as tears stung his eyes. Why was he getting so emotional over this crap? It was no big deal. Then why did it hurt so bad?

"I'm sorry, I never thought about that, but we could be real careful...."

Coach Grey sighed, "Jaden you're 12 years old and a wonderful and sexy boy, but you deserve to find someone your own age or maybe a year or two older, but not an adult. That's bad news for everyone. I loved what we had, but it's over...okay?"

Jaden nodded again, "Too bad cause Aidan wanted to play too," he said trying to lure the Coach back in again. He actually  hadn't discussed anything like that with his brother, but he knew he'd be in if Jaden wanted it to happen.

Danny Grey felt his cock stir and he moaned a little at the thought, two perfect identical boys, that was the stuff pervy dreams were made of, but he had to stay strong. Nothing was worth ruining his life any worse than it was now.

"Sorry, nice try, but that would be even worse. No, this has to end now. I hope you understand and I want you to know that it's not because I don't find you desirable, I just want what's best for us both and I think this is it."

"Okay, but...if you change your mind...."

"I won't, but thanks," Danny said smiling at the beautiful boy before him, "Now, why don't you go join your buddies? It's almost time to hit the showers."

"K, see ya later Coach.," Jaden said hopping up off the bleachers and heading down the stairs. By the time he reached the others he was already over Coach Grey and was looking forward to what lay ahead.

Coach Grey stared after him for a few minutes admiring his cute butt then sighed and headed back to his office. The lump in his shorts was obvious to anyone who happened to glance his way, but fortunately the boys seemed to be too absorbed in their conversations to notice. In the office he sat down staring at the camera and then in anger he flipped it off and suddenly he felt much better.

In the showers the boys took their favorite places, the twins and John taking the last stall with Aidan at the middle shower head and the others on either side of him.

"So...what was that with Coach Grey?" Aidan asked curiously.

"Oh nothing really, I'll tell ya' later."

John sighed, "I get it you guys got secrets. That's cool."

"You know how it is with us bros," Jaden said grinning, "we got some stuff only we know about."

"I guess. Hey, I was wondering, are you guys gonna go to Mark's party?"

"Probably, think you could come too?" Aidan replied.

"I don't know, my folks aren't like yours. They'd have to talk to Mark's mom and make sure it's safe and stuff."

"Mark's mom always talks to the other parents and makes em' think she's there to chaperon, but she's a lush and once she starts drinking it's over. She passes out and the party's on."

"What about his dad?"

"See his dad travels a lot and when he's gone that's when Mark has  his sleepovers and they turn into parties."

"Uh...I've never been to a party before. I might not fit in...."

"Hey, you'll be with us, we'll make sure you're okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But you'll have fun, I promise. Just think about it, if you don't wanna go that's cool too, right Aidan?"

"Yeah, but It'd be cool with you were there with me." Aidan said giving John cow eyes.

John shivered beneath Aidan's look. If anyone could convince him to go to Mark's party and be a bad boy for once, it was Aidan.

"Well...I'm think about it."

When they were dressed they headed to the pickup lane but they knew they had a while to wait since Mrs. Reynolds was going to be meeting with the teachers to talk about helping Jimmy and his mom. As they hung around out front they talked more about the party and pretty soon they'd been they'd been there a half hour or so.

Suddenly Jimmy came out of the building and noticed the three boys standing in the pickup area chatting. He took one look at them and was about to veer off in another direction when Aidan saw him and waved him over.

"Hey Jimmy, what's up?" Aidan said grinning.

"Not much, what are you guys doing hanging around here?"

"Waiting for our mom to pick us up," Aidan replied hoping Jimmy didn't ask what was keeping her.

"Oh...well...I was supposed to ride the bus, but old man Larkin kept me after class. My bus is already gone so it looks like I gotta walk  home."

"Hey, you could wait with us and my mom could take you home. She won't mind, she takes John home most days."

"Naw....I don't think so. That'd be too weird," Jimmy said making a sour face.

"Hey, he was just offering," Jaden said jumping in, "it's not big deal."

"Yeah, well...I should get going. I gotta long way to walk...."

"Awww...come on Jimmy, she shouldn't be much longer, she just had some stuff she had to do. She'll be here pretty soon."

Jimmy thought about the three mile walk to his trailer park and debated whether it would be worth putting up with the fags for a little while to save his feet. His shoes and socks had holes in them and his feet already hurt.

"I don't know, I guess," he said giving in easier than the other boys would have thought.

Jaden was still a little skeptical of his intentions and planned on keeping a close eye on him. Their conversation about the upcoming party had to be put on hold but fortunately Aidan seemed to know what to say.

"So Jimmy, how long do you have to wear that cast?"

"What...oh, six weeks is what the doctor said, but I hope it's sooner, it's bugging the shit out of me. It itches all the time and I can't reach the itch."

"That's gotta suck," John ventured, "Maybe you could use a coat hanger. My dad did that when he had a cast on  his leg that time he broke it skiing."

Skiing? Jimmy thought, yeah rich assholes probably went places and did cool stuff like skiing all the time. He couldn't remember one single time he and his parents had gone anywhere or done anything together, let alone take a vacation. His summer vacations consisted of staying gone all day and only coming home long enough to eat and sleep. He tried as much as possible to avoid his father but sometimes he still got caught up on his craziness and wound up becoming the brunt of it. But not now, he thought. He wouldn't have to worry about his dad anymore, all he had to do was worry about surviving without any money or place to live. 

He knew he shouldn't worry so much, that his mom would figure something out, but after all he was the man of the house now and he felt the need to act like it and take some of the load off his mom.  Maybe he should try to make friends and not cause so much trouble at school. That would take some of the pressure off his mom. He knew when he got into trouble at school his mom always worried about it and the last thing she needed was more to worry about.

"Oh, yeah....that's a good idea," he said staring down at his worn shoes and feeling a bit out of place.

Aidan noticed Jimmy's shoes even if the other two didn't and wondered if he wore the same size he and Jaden wore. If so they had lots of extra shoes they could share with Jimmy if they could figure out some way to do that without making him feel bad. It was so hard to know what to do, but he knew he had to take it slow or he'd ruin everything they'd accomplished so far.

"Think your mom would let you come over sometime?" Aidan asked hoping he wasn't going to far.

"You want me to come over to your house?" Jimmy asked looking shocked, "Why so you can torture me or something?" he added smirking.

"No, we could play some video games...maybe you could stay for dinner. Our mom's a really good cook."

"This is just....just too much," Jimmy said sounding confused, " maybe I should just walk home....."

"No, don't do that. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have asked you that. I just wanted you to know that you'd be welcome to come over, that's all."

"There's mom," Jaden said pointing toward the school, "so you might as well let us take you home."

Jimmy didn't move, for one thing he was too embarrassed to make a scene with Mrs. Reynolds there and for another he was tired and hungry and just wanted to get home as fast as he could.

"Hi mom," Aidan said running up to hug her. Though Jaden wasn't quite as affectionate in public, Aidan was always good for a hug.

"Hi guys, hello Jimmy," Mrs. Reynolds said smiling and trying not to sound surprised at his presence, "How are you sweetie, how's the arm?"

Sweetie? Jimmy thought, What was she doing calling him sweetie?

"Uh, it's okay I guess...just itches a lot."

"Oh, I know that must be annoying."

"Can you give Jimmy a ride home mom, he missed his bus," Aidan said not explaining further.

"Well of course, the van is over there," she said pointing toward the parking lot.

Suddenly Jimmy wondered why Mrs. Reynolds had been inside the school, but since no one bothered to explain it to him and he wasn't about to ask. At the van Aidan and John climbed into the back seat and Jaden took the front seat leaving Jimmy to set alone in the middle row captain's chair. 

He was amazed at how nice the van was. The seat was really comfortable and there was even a video player in the back of the headrest in front of him. He frowned when he thought about the beat up old car his mom drove and he felt even worse about his life. Why did some people have so much while he and his mom had nothing? 

He was jogged out of his depression by Jaden who was peeking back at him and smiling, "Hey Jimmy there's a video player in front of you if you wanna watch a movie or something. Just push the power button and a list of movies will come up. It's got a flash drive in it with  some movies on it."

"Uh, that's okay," Jimmy said not wanting to mess with the thing and appear stupid if he didn't know how to work it, "I'm cool...besides it's not that far. Uh, do you know the way ma'am?" he asked then remembering that Mrs. Reynolds had been there only last night he blushed.

"I think I can remember the way, but thanks sweetie."

There she goes calling me Sweetie again, Jimmy thought feeling very confused. What was it about this lady that made him feel so strange? Was it just the way other moms were? His mom was different once, before his dad had become such an asshole, but he wondered if she would ever be the kind of mom the twins had.

He listened to John and Aidan talking softly behind him and suddenly he envied them their easy banter and comradery. He'd never had a friend that close, someone to talk to about the little things or to joke around with, and he wondered what that would be like. The only friends he'd ever had were his lackies and the only joking they ever did was at someone else's expense. He closed his eyes and thought about his dad. He'd tried so hard to please him, accepting his view on life and hating those his father hated. He'd tried so hard, but in the end he'd wound up being one of those people his father hated.

He didn't want to be gay, he didn't want to be different, but he had no more control over his feelings than his father did. No matter how hard he fought it the feelings kept coming back. He'd had his first encounter with another boy when he was ten and it had been wonderful at first. Then his father had "the talk" with him and he found out that boys messing with boys was not only a one way ticket to hell, but that it was sick and perverted and that everyone hated fags.

He'd told on the friend he'd messed around with and made it look like he'd been molested and there was so much flack over it that the boy's family had moved away mid year. After that Jimmy had become a social outcast. No parent wanted their kid to play with a weird kid who'd been molested and so Jimmy became a carbon copy of his dad. Hating niggers and fags and kikes and Jews and beaners and every other person that didn't fit his little cookie cutter view of what the world should be. 

It was easy really to convert him to to the dark side, he was alone and had no friends and he wanted so badly to please his father. He wanted to be the son  his father wanted and if that meant hating everyone and being a bully then that was what he would do. Only now his father was out of the picture and he'd begun to wonder if that was who he wanted to be anymore. Maybe the other boys weren't so bad after all. Maybe they really wanted to be his friends. But the problem was he had hated for so long and been an outcast for so long that he didn't know how to be a friend.

"Jimmy honey, we're here," Mrs. Reynolds said shaking Jimmy out of his trance.

"What? Oh, yeah...sorry...guess I was daydreaming," Jimmy said unbuckling is shoulder belt and scooting toward the door.

"Tell your mother I said hello and be careful with that arm sweetie," Mrs. Reynolds said smiling warmly.

"Bye Jimmy," Aidan and John chorused, "See ya at school tomorrow."

"Hey Jimmy," Jaden said unbuckling his seat belt, "I'll walk ya to your door I wanna tell ya something."

Mrs. Reynolds gave her son a questioning look but he just smiled sweetly so she dismissed any concern about his motives. In the back seat Aidan frowned and wondered what his brother was up to but he supposed he'd find out soon enough.

Jimmy didn't know what to expect but he was prepared for anything. Maybe he'd been right to begin with and the others boys really didn't want to be friends at all. He couldn't really blame them, he reasoned, after all he'd been a real jerk to them and he was probably due some payback.

Closing both van doors Jaden walked slowly as Jimmy sort of tagged along the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as his brain screamed fight or flee.

"I just wanted to say....that I'm sorry I was such a jerk," Jaden said doing something he hated, namely admitting he was wrong.

Jimmy was totally thrown off guard. "Whaaat? Uh, what do you mean?"

"I guess I'm not as forgiving as my brother or John, but it's just that I've always watched out for my bro and when I see someone hurt him it gets me really mad. But if Aidan can forgive you and be your friend...well, then I can too. So..what do you say...are we good?" Jaden said offering his fist to bump.

"Uh, I guess," Jimmy stuttered unsure what to say or how he really felt at the moment, then hesitating only a moment he bumped fists with Jaden and smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Cool, well see ya tomorrow. Maybe we can sit together at lunch. Is that cool?"

"Yeah, totally...uh, see ya tomorrow," Jimmy said wondering if this was some sort of dream or another trick.

"Well..gotta go. Later man." Jaden giving a little wave then turning to go.

"Yeah, see ya." Jimmy watched Jaden until he climbed into the van and for the first time he noticed just how cute the boy was. Then shaking his head he went inside hating himself for thinking about another boy that way. It was obvious old habits died hard when it came to hatred and prejudice...even against oneself.

"Everything all right?" Mrs. Reynolds asked as Jaden climbed back in the van.

"Great mom, really great. Jimmy's not so bad once you get to know him, right Aidan...right John?"

"Yeah, he's pretty cool mom."

"I am so proud of you boys right now I could cry. I just hope Jimmy knows how special having you boys for friends can be."

As Jimmy stepped into the school building the next morning he wondered if the John and the twins would still be as friendly as they were the day before, but unfortunately the first person he saw was one of his old cronies Mike Spelling.

"Hey Jimmy, I saw you hanging around with those fag twins and their little queer friend yesterday, what's up with that?"

"Shut up Mike, you don't know shit." Jimmy said angrily. He'd never really liked Mike that much, but he'd served his purpose when he needed a backup.

"Hey, just saying...oh, I get're just laying low, pretending to hang with them and then...BAM, you're gonna let those fags have it."

Jimmy didn't even bother to reply. If that's what Mike thought then let him think it. Maybe he'd leave him the hell alone if he thought he was up to no good.

Mike stared after Jimmy frowning. He didn't like the way Jimmy was acting at all. Ever since his dad had broke his arm the kid was different. If he didn't know better he'd think Jimmy was turning soft, but no way would that happen. Jimmy was a bad boy just like him and Buddy and he'd be back soon enough.

Other than in class Jimmy didn't see the twins or John till lunch that day and when they came over to the table where he sat alone just as he had the day before he couldn't help but smile a little. He's got there early on purpose and found an empty table hoping they'd come along and ask to join him. No way would he have asked to sit with them if they'd got there first. He wasn't ready for that kind of thing, they'd have to take the lead in this crazy relationship if it was going to work.

"Hey Jimmy, how's it going man?" Jaden said sliding in next to him.

"Okay I guess. Brought my lunch today," he said lamely, not exactly sure what to say.

"Yeah, so did we. What'd you bring?" Jaden said peeking over at Jimmy's lunch sack.

"Uh, there's a sandwich, ham I think, and some chips, and a pudding cup, and a banana," Jimmy said removing the items one by one. His mom had gone to the store yesterday and for once there was food in the house.

"Hey, trade ya my apple for your monkey stick," Jaden said, "I love bananas. My mom says she's just raising a bunch of monkeys cause Aidan and my dad love em' too."

"Uh, sure okay..I like apples just fine," Jimmy said just happy that he had something worthwhile to trade.

They sat eating for a few minutes in silence then Jimmy remembered something he'd heard in class yesterday.

"So, did you hear about coach Richardson?" Jimmy said suddenly then blushed.

"No, what?" John asked curiously. He knew he wasn't at school the day before but didn't know the reason.

"I heard he went to interview at some big rich private school in Kansas City."

"No way, that's crazy. Anyway we got coach Grey and he's pretty cool so it might not be so bad if he does go to another school." Jaden said thinking about the sexy young coach. If he was there permanently he might still have a chance with him.

"I liked coach Richardson," Aidan said frowning, "I'd hate to see him go." Especially if his leaving meant Jaden was going to try to seduce  Coach Grey.

"He might not get it, but I heard he really wanted this new job a lot."

"I like Coach Grey just fine,"  John said, "but Coach Richardson was pretty cool for an old guy," he laughed. 

Then the boys began to share the stories of the fun times they had in PE with Coach Richardson. They ate their lunch and talked and laughed and joked around like boys do and pretty soon Jimmy was aware of two sets of eyes studying him appraisingly from the other side of the cafeteria. 

At a table with four of the other "bad boys" sat Mike and Buddy squinting their eyes and looking as if they'd sucked on lemons for lunch instead of corn dogs.

Jimmy wilted under their glare and Jaden noticed a definite change in him then looking across the room he spied the source of his unease.

"Don't worry about them," Jaden said frowning, "they're not worth your time."

Jimmy shrugged and tried to pretend nothing was wrong, "I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow after school and he might let me come back to PE class, but of course I gotta be careful not to hurt my arm again."

"Hey, that's cool. We could play one handed basketball or help you do sit ups and stuff. Can you run with one arm?" Aidan asked then blushed.

Jaden laughed loudly, "He doesn't run on his hands Aidan, of course he can run...right Jimmy?"

"Yeah, but I have to hold my arm with the cast on it against my body or it bounces up and down and hurts."

"Why didn't they give you a sling, hey I bet we could make one out of a towel or something," Aidan suggested.

They talked about gym class and what they could do as they finished their lunch and when they were finished they cleared away their mess and started for the door. Halfway there Buddy and Mike got up from their table and intercepted them.

Jaden gave the two bully's a fierce look and they wilted a little but not before they spewed their venom.

"Why are you hanging around with these fags? Why don't you sit with us anymore?"

"Shut up Mike," Jaden said before Jimmy could speak, "Maybe he can't stand the smell of you two skunks."

Buddy balled up his fists and gritted his teeth but he knew there was no way he could win in a fair fight with Jaden, especially when he had his brother and that other fag with him.

"At least we don't smell like ass from packing fudge," Buddy sassed causing Mike to cackle.

Most of the kids in the cafeteria were watching the confrontation now as was Mrs. Keefer the cafeteria monitor for the day. She was just about to make her move when one of the bad boys at the table behind her dropped a try making a loud noise. Jumping she clutched her heart then swung around to see what the noise was. When she turned her back on the boys Jaden took advantage of the opportunity and threw a quick jab to Buddy's gut causing him to double over in pain.

"Looks like you been packing it too, in your gut," Jaden said causing everyone to burst out in laughter. 

By the time Mrs. Keefer turned back around the four boys were out the door leaving Mike and Buddy cursing and looking after them with daggers in their eyes.

"We'll get them...I promise you that," Mike said smacking  his palm with his balled up fist, "just you wait and see."

"Is there a problem boys?"

"No ma'am," I think I ate something that gave me a stomach ache, that's all," Buddy said still clutching his stomach.

"Well, go to the nurse's office if you aren't feeling well, but don't hang around in the cafeteria."

The two boys left then but there was no sign of the twins and the other two boys. Rubbing his stomach and swearing revenge Buddy headed toward the bathroom for a much needed piss. 

At the urinal he let loose of a strong stream of yellow piss just as Mike moved up beside him and pulled out his dick. Try as he might Buddy couldn't keep his eyes from wandering over to his friend's dick. Like his own it was cut and probably 4 inches long. Buddy's was fatter though and had bright purple helmet while Mike's was tapered with an angled head that gave it the appearance of an arrow.

He'd touched it a few times when they were younger..before they'd found out being a fag was bad, and he remembered how good it had felt when Mike had touched him back. It was wrong, he knew that, but he still couldn't forget the excitement he'd felt when they'd discovered mutual masturbation and eventually jerking each other off. Back then their orgasms had been dry, but now days Buddy could spit a bit when he jerked off and sometimes he thought of Mike and how much he's loved those hot jerk off sessions together. Maybe that was why he hated fags so much, they reminded him of his own demons and weaknesses and no way could he ever do that stuff again. It was wrong and a guy could go to Hell for that stuff. Not that he had much hope of going to Heaven anyway. He knew he was bad, but that was just how he was made and nothing was ever going to change that. Mike was really the only who understood him now. Once he'd had Jimmy and that was good, but now Jimmy was different and he worried that he'd caught being a fag from those twins and their faggy friend. Could you catch gay? he wondered, or were you just put here on earth that way so you could go straight to hell when you died without all that fuss?

"I said your dick is hard, numbnuts," Mike giggled bringing Buddy out of his trance.

"What..oh, I was thinking about that slut Cindy Brown, that why. She's got some tits even and I heard she let a boy finger her cunt for five dollars once."

"Shut up liar, you were staring at my dick again. You turning into a fag too?"

"No asshole, your stinking dick is gross. Put that damn thing away before I cut it off."

"Suck it off maybe," Mike laughed.

"Man, forget you." Buddy said zipping up quickly and almost catching his hard dick in the zipper. Not even bothering to wash his hands he ran out the door in a huff.

Mike stared after him and sighed, "Damn it. What's his problem?" he muttered, but truth was he knew what Buddy's problem was because it was his problem too.

"I managed to get Mrs. Durro signed up for food stamps and they gave her a voucher for two hundred dollars to start so at least they won't go hungry for a while. And the teachers are going to help me get the other parents involved. The teachers donated almost three hundred dollars of their own money and I chipped in another hundred myself, I hope that was okay," Mrs. Reynolds said giving her husband doe eyes.

He chuckled, "Dear, whatever you want to do is fine with me, you know that. I trust you completely, but have you given any thought to how Mrs. Durro and Jimmy may feel about receiving all this...well, charity?"

"Actually  yes, but when we talked I'm pretty sure she understood what I was going to do."

"And what about Jimmy, has anyone discussed  this with him?"

Mrs. Reynolds sighed, "Well, hopefully his mother has talked to him. He seemed fine yesterday when I took him home."

"He may be a boy, but he still has his pride."

"I think maybe our boys may be the best ones to keep him from loosing any of that pride. You should have seen them together yesterday, they seemed almost like old friends."

"That's great, and speaking of our boys, where are the little monkeys?"

"Upstairs doing homework, or at least that's what they told me," she laughed.

"Yikes, I wonder what the subject ed?" he laughed.

"I'm sure if it is they'll both get straight A's." she sighed.

"I know we've discussed this haven't changed you mind about them experimenting have you?"

"No, not really. But sometimes I worry about them. I mean I'm perfectly fine with them being gay or bi or whatever, but I they're just babies, and to think of them as sexual beings is hard for me at times."

"We both grew up with brothers and we know how horny little boys are and it was inevitable that as close our twins are that they would discover how much fun they could have together."

"I remember catching my two oldest brothers in  bed naked one day when I came home early from school," she laughed, "of course I was too young and innocent to know what they were up to, but they sure did treat me nice for a couple of weeks there trying to make sure I didn't rat them out."

"Well, as I've told you before my brother Donnie and I fooled around all through junior high. Of course when we started dating girls it ended, but I never felt any guilt or shame because of it, and I'm pretty sure he felt the same way. Being older he was sort of the instigator anyway, and since I idolized him it just seemed natural to do those things together."

"I guess I was boring back then. I didn't even pleasure myself till I was in high school and of course I didn't loose my virginity till college."

"With Ted Newman," Mr. Reynolds said shaking his head, "I really should thank him though. He trained you right?" he teased.

She gave  her husband a playful shove and laughed, "Well, I'm glad you like my style. Speaking of you have a minute or two, I have something I'd like to show the bedroom."

"Oh my, the last time I heard that there was the sound of a zipper and some moaning involved."

"Oh, was that with your brother?" she teased.

"Maybe, better go upstairs and see if you can refresh my memory."

Mr. Reynolds was able to help Mrs. Durro get a job in the records department where he worked starting at 11.00 an hour with benefits kicking in after 30 days. After the the thirty days she and Jimmy would be covered under the companies HMO plan as well as dental and vision plan. In addition she would be entitled to a week's vacation the first year and two years thereafter with a week being added every five years of service. There was also a 401k plan that the company matched 100% as well as other benefits.

Despite her lack of education she was doing a great job and learning quickly and was planning on taking some classes later to get her GED once she got things settled at home. Jimmy had been like a different boy without his father's negative influence and he and the twins and John had become loose friends though there was still a ways to go. 

Jimmy still felt like an outsider and even though most of the other kids at school treated him more friendly than before, he wondered what they really thought about him. His old buddies Mike and Buddy had given him a wide berth lately though they were watching him closely. Mike still believed that Jimmy was biding his time and waiting for the right moment to strike back, but Buddy was skeptical. As far as Buddy was concerned Jimmy was a lost cause, one more fag lover to hate and he didn't want anything to do with him.

Coach Richardson was accepted for the job  in Kansas City but had agreed to stay on for a month while the school made fjound a new coach. Though Danny Grey was in the running for the position there were several other candidates and the administration was in the process of reviewing them all.

At their last meeting Coach Richardson had handed over the flash drive with the video of Danny and Jaden on it swearing that it was the only copy and that once he moved to KC Danny would never hear from him again. He did give Danny one piece of advice. "If you're going to fuck with students, make sure there's no surveillance cameras around." With that he said goodbye and Danny hadn't heard from him since.

Coach Richardson returned the following Monday and things went back to normal although Jaden was on pins and needles hoping Coach Grey would be chosen for the job. He couldn't stop thinking about the sexy young coach and what they'd done together. Lately he'd begun to take an interest in older boys and even teens and young adults. Since being with Danny Grey he'd realized just how sexy older guys were and he longed to get with one again. If Danny didn't get the job or if he wouldn't give in then Jaden was sure he could find someone else older who would be willing to have some fun.

Mark's party had been moved to the following weekend and John had talked his folks into letting him go. As expected she'd wanted to talk to Mark's mom and while sober she was quite convincing and John's mom gave in rather easily. Unlike her husband she was eager to help John get over his shyness and make new friends and ever since he had been hanging around with the twins he had been a happy and better adjusted boy.

As much progress as they'd made with Jimmy they knew Mark's party wasn't for him. Considering how he felt about gays they knew he wouldn't want to be around a bunch of horny boys messing around...even if most of them were straight and just experimenting.

Jimmy still had his doubts about the twins and John, but he had to admit he was happy these day having someone to hang with that wasn't up to mischief all the time. His grades had improved too since he now had time to study without fearing that his dad would come looking for a punching bag and his mom was very pleased by all the changes in him. He liked pleasing his mom. It wasn't like with his dad, he'd tried to please him but failed even though he'd tried his best, but with his mom all he had to do was stay out of trouble and try hard to do good in school and she was happy. They were closer now than they'd ever been before and Jimmy actually enjoyed spending time with his mom now. There was even talk of moving to an apartment or  a house and getting out of the trailer park and for once in his life Jimmy felt like things were really going to work out.

 Jimmy had heard about the sleepover at Mark's,  but he didn't sweat the fact that they didn't include him, he knew they had stuff they did as a group and he didn't fit in there. Still he wasn't looking forward to the weekend that much. His mom was off and they'd probably rent a movie or something, but he'd gotten used to having friends around him and as much as he hated to admit it he was going to miss John and the twins, especially Jaden.

Although they'd been sworn enemies once, ever since Jaden had apologized to him they'd been closer somehow. He preferred to think he just respected him because they were so much alike, but the truth was he was starting to have some troubling feelings for Jaden. When he saw him each morning at school he had butterflies in his tummy and he got all nervous. Oh sure he and Aidan looked just alike, but that was where the similarity ended. Jaden was outgoing and definitely a leader, he was wickedly funny, and a bit of a bad boy which of course appealed to Jimmy since he considered himself to be one as well.

He had a hard time concentrating when Jaden was around and when they were alone together he lost it completely. This wasn't like him at all and it was so confusing that he sometimes wondered if he shouldn't just distance himself from the three and go back to his old ways.

But then he'd see Jaden and he'd get all excited inside and bounce over like a little puppy and hang on his every word. He tried not to be too obvious, but the truth was not only had Jaden and the others noticed, but so had Buddy and Mike.

"He's a fag now I tell ya," Buddy said to Mike as they walked to class that Friday of Mark's party.

"You think so? You think he's givin' or takin'?" Mike said getting a little excited at the thought of the other boys having sex. Despite his objections to gay sex, he was always horny and any talk of sex had an immediate effect on his dick.

"Both probably, all those fags do it both ways. Packing fudge and sucking dick and swallowing disgusting. Everyone knows only girls should be sucking  dicks and swallowing."

"Good luck with that one," Mike laughed, "even Cindy Brown wouldn't suck your nasty dick.

"Shut up, I bet those faggots over there would," he said gesturing toward the group near the lockers. His dick jumped at the thought of a nice wet mouth wrapped around his prong and at the moment he didn't care who it belonged to. 

"Go ask em' " Mike laughed, "They might surprise ya."

"Shut up or I'll make you suck it asshole."

"Uh uh, and forget my asshole, it's exit only," Mike cackled.

"Come on let's find some nerds to smash out."

"So what are you guys doing this weekend?" Jimmy asked casually.

"Oh, not much," Aidan said hoping Jimmy didn't press him further, but Jaden spoke up then and there was no need to worry anymore.

"We're going to Mark's for a sleepover, all three of us. It's pretty cool he has a game room with a pool table and a huge TV with an Xbox and there's a fridge and snacks and stuff. It's a lot of fun."

"Oh, yeah...I bet. I guess I'll just hang out with my mom or something. I got some stuff to do in my room...." Of course the party was no surprise to Jimmy, but he still felt sort of left out.

Aidan knew he was hinting, but he also knew that Mark's party was no place for Jimmy.  Even John was still unsure that he'd fit in but he'd already committed to the party and there was no backing down now. He understood why Jimmy couldn't come, but he hated the thought of being the only new guy.

"Well, maybe next weekend you can come over and spend the night at our place," Aidan suddenly blurted out.

Jaden gave him a questioning look, but he didn't really have any problem with it, even if he thought it was a bit too early for a sleepover. Jimmy had come a long way in a short time, but there was still a ways to go before he trusted them completely. He was amused at the way Jimmy acted around him but he hadn't quite figured out what it meant. He seemed to get all flustered and tongue-tied and didn't seem to be himself, but Jaden just played it off to nerves.

The bell rang and it was off to class and the day passed quickly. In PE that afternoon Coach Richardson let them have a free hour and most of the boys just sat around and talked or played around, but John and the Twins decided to workout on the mats and although Jimmy couldn't do any tumbles or anything too extreme they helped him do some simple exercises to keep him loosened up.

While Jaden held his feet down he did sit ups till he was winded then when he'd rested he did leg lifts and then squats. Then during one of the squats Jimmy lost his balance and Jaden caught him and steadied him for a moment and they were so close that Jimmy could smell Jaden's sweet musky fragrance. His heart was beating fast and his stomach was tied up in knots and his traitorous cock was starting to get hard. 

Jaden was aware of Jimmy's heat and his musky aroma as well. He was surprised at how solid the boy felt, yet there was a softness and vulnerability about him that was surprising. He wondered what it would be to be naked with a boy like Jimmy, but he knew that would never happen and that Jimmy was probably uncomfortable just being this close.  Helping Jimmy get back on his feet Jaden turned him loose and moved back a bit.

"Whoa, be careful dude."

"It's hard to keep my balance with this cast on. Thanks," Jimmy said blushing as he tried to hide the lump in his gym shorts with his cast-covered arm.

While Jaden might not have Jimmy figured out Aidan did. He'd seen the coy glances and the longing stares and even noticed Jimmy's bulge when he was around Jaden. Jimmy might say he didn't like fags, but his body was saying something else. Aidan had heard that sometimes homophobic people were just repressed gays, but he supposed Jimmy's problem was deeper than that. He knew that Jimmy's dad hated gays and he'd passed that hatred onto Jimmy, but now that he was out of the picture Jimmy was free to make up his own mind and Aidan was beginning to wonder if Jimmy wasn't crushing on Jaden.

When it was time to shower Jimmy begged off saying he couldn't get his cast wet, but the real reason he avoided showering was that he didn't want to risk popping a boner in front of the others. So while the others showered he slowly got dressed. It was hard to get his pants pulled up and buttoned and zipped with his cast and he was still working on it when Jaden came into the locker room wearing just his underwear.

"Here let me help you with that," Jaden said seeing Jimmy's dilemma.

Jimmy wanted to refuse, but he knew he couldn't do it on his own and he gave in without protest. As Jaden moved closer Jimmy was aware of his clean soapy smell, but beneath it he could still detect Jaden's musky male scent. As Jaden grabbed his pants and pulled them up all the way Jimmy grunted and blushed. His cock was starting to stir and if this went on much longer he'd embarrass himself for sure.

When Jaden grabbed the top of his pants and attempted to button them he realized just how tight Jimmy's pants were. "Suck it in," Jaden teased and Jimmy laughed, but managed to suck in his gut enough to allow Jaden to button his pants. Next he pulled up the zipper, a slow and agonizing process for Jimmy who was holding his breath the whole time. 

When at last the zipper reached the top Jaden looked up into Jimmy's eyes and what he saw there surprised him beyond words.  The hunger, the fear, the uncertainty in the boy's eyes was both unnerving and intriguing. Then before he knew what was happening their lips met and for one quiet heart stopping moment they shared a kiss.

When it was over Jimmy pulled back looking flushed and embarrassed. Inside he was terrified. He had just kissed a boy, a boy that he'd hated just a few weeks ago, called a fag, and vowed to destroy. What did that say about himself? Was he a fag too, was he a hypocrite? or had Jaden lured him in and forced his gayness on him? He knew the latter wasn't the reason. He'd known for a long time that he was different. That while other boys talked about girls and tits and pussy, he was thinking about boys and cocks and yes..even boy butts. He knew he was a fag, but he'd fought it for so long and now.... and now Jaden knew it too and he was afraid of what that might mean. He'd just finally made friends and now he'd ruined it all. Jaden would probably go around telling everyone that he was a fag and that he'd kissed him against his will. Yeah, now he was definitely fucked.

"I...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, you were just caught up in the moment...right? I mean you don't really like me that much do you?"

"I....I don't know," Jimmy said as tears formed in his eyes. I...I have to go," he said grabbing up his shoes. There was no way he could put them on especially as distraught as he was, but he had to get away.

"Wait, you can't go running off in your sock feet. Let me help you," Jaden said gently shoving Jimmy down on the bench. 

Then squatting before him he slowly and gently put Jimmy's shoes on and laced them up. When they were both tied he gave Jimmy's leg a gentle pat. There buddy, you're all set.

When Jaden stood his underwear clad crotch was eye level with Jimmy and he couldn't help but stare. Jaden's body was perfect, that he had known all along, but seeing it up close was almost too much to process.

"I'm not a fag you know," Jimmy stuttered, "I...I  don't know what happened."

"It's cool, nothing happened," Jaden said softly, but Jimmy wasn't sure if that was what he wanted to hear or not. Was Jaden saying the kiss was so bad it wasn't even worth admitting too?

"I should go, I'll miss my bus...."

"Okay, hey call me later. We're not going to Mark's till tomorrow, but John's spending the night with us tonight. We'll be home all night. Call if you wanna talk....okay?"

Jimmy stood and gave Jaden a shy look, "Okay, but I got a  lot to do...."

"Well, if you get bored, call me."

John and Aidan showed up then looking flushed and guilty and Jimmy wondered if they'd been missing around in the shower. All the other boys were gone by then and it was just the four of them. Despite his insisting that he needed to go Jimmy waited till the boys were dressed and walked out with them. The bus was still loading and Mrs. Reynolds was in the pickup lane. They said their goodbyes and as Jaden climbed into the front seat and John and Aidan climbed in the back Jimmy gave them one last look then boarded the bus.

At home Jaden was quieter than usual and Aidan wondered what was up. He knew he'd been alone with Jimmy for a while before they'd shown up but he could only guess what had gone on in that short time. When he finally got a chance to talk to Jaden alone, while John used the bathroom, he felt him out.

"What happened with you and Jimmy?" he said cutting right to the chase.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told ya," Jaden said pausing the game he'd been playing up in their room

"I can sort of guess. He likes you Jaden....and not just as a friend."

"What, think?"

"I know that look. He's fighting it really hard, but he's crushing on you big time."

"Well, that explains the kiss."

"Kiss?" Aidan said grinning as he slid down to sit next to his brother.

Jaden related the story quickly not knowing how much time they had, and when he was done Aidan shook his head and smiled, "He's got it bad. He must be really worried at this point. He's probably terrified that you'll go around spreading rumors about him or worse....that you'll reject him."

"OH shit, I might have already done that. When he apologized I said nothing happened. I meant that it was no big deal, but he might have thought I meant it was awful or bad or something."

"The question do you feel about him?"

"What? I...I don't know. I mean we used to be enemies, but lately I've decided he's not so bad. He might even turn out to be a good guy is he tries hard enough, but I don't have a thing for him...not like that."

Aidan sighed, "This is gonna be bad Jaden. If he feels like it's one way he might break it off with all of us just so he won't have to be around you and be reminded of his feelings."

"So what am I supposed to do? I don't wanna lead him on?"

"Lead who on?" John said coming in quietly and plopping down on the bed.

"Uh, can we have a minute alone?" Jaden said feeling a little annoyed.

"No, wait...this concerns John too. He's my boyfriend and he's Jimmy's friend too, so we don't need to keep this from him."

Jaden shrugged, "Okay, so here's the deal......" He quickly filled John in on what took place in the locker room and then Aidan added his observations of Jimmy and his fears over what might happen now.

"I could have told you Jimmy liked was sooo obvious when he looked at him and sometimes he got a chubby when J was today when he helped Jimmy when he almost fell."

Jaden rolled his eyes, "Am I the only one who didn't see this coming?"

"Maybe you were just too busy making sure he was for real and not just playing us."

Jaden shrugged, " first anyway, but once I saw he was for real I actually started to like him..but not like that." Jaden said trying to convince himself as much as the other two.

"You don't think he's sexy? How was the kiss?" Aidan pushed.

"What, well...I never really thought about it...oh, the kiss was...well, it was okay. I mean it was over so quick...." Jaden stuttered.

Aidan smiled, "Maybe if you get to know him better....."

"Aidan, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I might even give girls a try next time, who knows?"

"Right," Aidan snickered, and "Maybe I'll try sheep."

"Oh, you're baaaad boy," Jaden teased.

"Poor Jimmy," John sighed, "What I don't get is....if he hates gays so much, why is he crushing on a boy?"

"Who knows, maybe being gay has just rubbed off on him," Jaden joked.

"It doesn't work that way and you know it. I bet Jimmy has always liked boys but because his dad hates gays he felt like he had to hate them too. It must've been awful for  him having to say he hated gays when all along he was gay too. Now that his dad is gone he can finally let those feelings go and just happened to be there when that happened."

Jaden didn't know how to feel about that. Sure Jimmy was cute enough and his body was pretty fit and when he'd been helping him with his pants he couldn't help but notice that Jimmy had some pretty nice junk in his undies, and having sex with him would probably be fun, but he wasn't ready to get into a relationship with anyone right now.

"Maybe all he wants is sex?" John said looking thoughtful.

The twins laughed then Aidan laughed, "John may be right though."

"Well, that I could understand and maybe help him out with, but the kissing was kind of weird."

"Wait, it's not weird when we kiss..." Aidan said.

", I guess in a way it's just part of the sex thing. Maybe you're right. I guess I could keep an open mind and just see what happens."

Later while John and Aidan played the quiet game Jaden went looking for a snack. His mom and dad were watching a movie in the family room and he stopped by to say hi before heading to the kitchen.

"You on your own bud?" his dad asked grinning.

"For a minute, I got bored. I'm hungry. Is there any chicken left mom?"

"Yes dear in the fridge. Don't make a mess please." his mom said turning her attention back to the movie.

Jaden grabbed a chicken leg and poured some juice and sat down at the little table in the breakfast nook and took out his I-Phone. He checked his messages and found a text he hadn't noticed before. It was from Jimmy.

Hi...sorry again. Please don't hate me :(

Jaden frowned, Why would he think I'd hate him?

No way dude I told ya we were cool


You okay man? Whatcha doin right now?

Nothing. in my room alone.

Oh, I'm eatin'

Sounds good. mom made spaghetti it was good :)

Cool. can I call ya man?"



"Hi, eatin chicken. S' good." Jaden laughed making a gobbling sound.

"Is Aidan and John there?"

"They're upstairs, I'm in the kitchen. I got bored and hungry. My folks are making out on the couch and watching a movie," Jaden joked.

"Huh, really? That's cool," Jimmy said wishing he had that kind of family. One that loved each other and their kids.

"Yeah, they're always kissing and stuff."

"Uh, yeah...I can totally understand that......I mean..well, you know?"

"Yeah, so what are you doing besides talking to me?"

"Uh, not much," Jimmy said wishing he could think of something clever to say. He was sitting there in his underwear half hard and talking to Jaden wasn't  helping the situation any.

"Too bad you're not here we could play a video game or something. John and Aidan are kind of busy...."

Jimmy could guess what they were busy doing and his dick got even harder just thinking about it. 

"Yeah, that would be cool. I don't have any video games though so I'm probably not very good."

" wouldn't take ya long to learn. I could show you all the tricks."

Jimmy suddenly realized he was smiling and happy for the first time since the incident in the locker room. He couldn't believe how cool Jaden was being about the whole thing. Could it be that Jaden liked him as much as he liked Jaden? No, that wasn't possible. Jaden was cool and could have any boy or girl he wanted. And besides even though he'd always said Jaden was a fag and figured he messed with other guys he seemed way too macho to be a fag. 

"You there?"

"Oh sorry...uh just daydreaming," Jimmy said quickly.

"I'm probably boring you...."

" you're not. I'm sorry I like talking to you," Jimmy admitted then blushed. God why did I say that?

Jaden smiled, "You know Jimmy, it's hard to believe we used to be arch enemies," Jaden joked.

"Yeah," Jimmy laughed,  then getting serious he added, "I'm sorry for all that shit that went on before...."

"Hey, it's cool. I sort of  understand I guess, but we're good now....right?"

"Yeah, totally."

They talked another thirty minutes and Jaden had to admit he was starting to like the new Jimmy a lot. He didn't worry so much about leading him on now, because surprisingly he was actually considering trying to get to know him better and just see where things went. He wasn't ready for a boyfriend, but a new sex pal would be cool and Jimmy was showing all the signs of being receptive to that. 

By the time they hung up Jimmy was walking on air and had loosened up so much Jaden couldn't believe he was talking to the same kid. When they ended the call Jimmy sat on his bed for a long time thinking about all that had been said and wondering if he was reading more into Jaden's call than there was. The kiss had been scary but nice and he could totally see why one boy might want to kiss another boy..or do even more stuff.

He didn't worry about going to Hell or being hated. He'd been to Hell and was hated before, so what did he have to loose? If Jaden wanted to be more than than just buddies he was open to try it, but he was still insecure and doubted anything like that would happen. Still it was nice to have someone to talk to and hang with and he was smiling as he laid down and after a few minutes his hand went into his underwear and he was busy for a few minutes pleasuring himself as he pictured Jaden's smiling face and hot body before him.

End Part Six

Wow, who would have thought Jimmy could change for the better and become a decent human being? It just goes to show what a little kindness can do for a guy. In the next chapter, the Twins and John head off to Mark's sleepover/party and John learns how to loosen up a bit. Meanwhile Jimmy is confronted by his old demons and finds out who his real friends are.

Thanks for hanging in there and being patient. As usual I have more going on than I can handle and juggling two series is keeping me busy. Next I will add a chapter to Tween to Teen, the sequel to My 11th Summer, and coming soon I will be collaborating on a Sci-Fi story for Nifty with three other Prolific writers which should be starting soon.

Thanks once again for your support over the years and I value your emails and your input. Please address all emails to I promise to answer all of them in a timely fashion.

Kewl Dad           




Ironing boards are surf boards that quit before achieving their dream. Don't be an ironing board.

I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. Adolescent (A poem and story by Kewl Dad)
  2. A Christmas for Joey
  3. Accidental Dad
  4. Alex and Aidan *
  5. Andy Tastes Like Candy
  6. At the Dike
  7. Black Cock
  8. Boy Glory Hole
  9. Christmas Boy
  10. Cory *
  11. Corey's Scent
  12. CL Cock Sucker
  13. DMV Boy
  14. Dougie's Story * (#Part three of a series)
  15. The Family *
  16. The Ginger and the Chub
  17. Hair Salon Boy
  18. Little Brother's Feet *
  19. Lost in Fear *
  20. Mars
  21. McChicken
  22. My Best Friend's Dad  (Related series to my Son's Best Friends)
  23. My Not so Miserable Life (This story is one of my favorites)
  24. My Little Runaway * (#Part one of a series)
  25. My Son's Best Friends  *
  26. My 11th Summer
  27. One Night
  28. Poindexter Files *
  29. Rabbit: A Christmas Story
  30. Second Chance for Love
  31. Six Black Boys
  32. Skateboard Christmas 2015
  33. Skateboard Boy *
  34. Sudden Family *
  35. Taking a Chance on Love
  36. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB) *
  37. The Reynolds Twins *
  38. Tommy Boy * (#Part two of a series)
  39. To the Max
  40. Tracy *
  41. Tween to Teen
  42. What a Dollar Will Buy
And as Smoothperator52

It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (the story of a boy's first time with a boy and first time with a girl)