Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 16:17:17 +0000 From: Subject: "The Way it Began-Part IV" Once again guys - Im so glad that you all are enjoying this and that I have the opportunity to share this with you. Part 4 is a bit short my appologies on that - I will get 5 up soon. Part 4 Once we got back from Anguila and back to "reality" so to speak, I made the decision to go to college out in California, and to try and make a life for myself-that didn't include him as a whole- It was truly one of the most difficult things that I thought I would ever have to do. That separation from him-being that much more realized with him being 3000 miles away was really just painful. I got a phone call every morning and night-got my "I love you's", but the tone in them, while I knew he meant it-it was different. It was just another realization as to what actually happened- what we had, was no more. He encouraged me over and over, that I should try to go out and make a life for myself and get what I deserved The initial 2 years that I was out there, I rarely came back to New York. I came back over thanksgiving, I was home for Christmas and my birthday, but only for a few days, freshman year over my winter break I traveled most of Europe, did England, France, Italy - it was the first time that I can remember that I did not spend my birthday and holidays with my father - but I realized that it was a good thing for me-I needed it. And my sophomore break I spent the month in Australia-which was incredible. . After those 2 years had passed, I took a step back looked at myself and realized that I had spent the first 2 years out there completely alone-I stayed in at rarely went out, my usual night consisted of books, dvds and alcohol. I suppose it was a time to realize that the separation was healthy, and that I had done the right thing. But it was at that point that I also realized that I was truly lonely-not only from missing my father, but lonely in every sense, and I made a decision that I was going to go out and find someone to be with. So the beginning of my junior year in college I finally started to go out and dating, went thru a few relationships-again incredibly difficult, because as much as I tried not to I compared everyone to dad, it was near next to impossible - I mean there was no comparison - nothing to match it-which was also a problem - I kept trying to match it.. Until finally, I let go of all my inhibitions - at least as much as I could and the beginning of my senior year, I met a guy, that I actually really liked, we started to go out steady, and as surprised as I was with myself, I found myself happy, and truly smiling again for the first time in quite a few years. And before I knew it I had fallen completely in love with him. I hadn't really mentioned anything to my father about it, just that I was dating a guy, I was kind of afraid to- actually-I was terrified. I'm not really sure why I was terrified but on the same token I knew exactly why -I felt so guilty-as if I was taking that dagger and shoving it in his heart-but this felt right, I haven't felt anything like it since I had that first touch of my father-mind you nothing compared to that, but it was on the same wave length. So, as time passed we moved in with each other, over winter break we took a trip together - it was truly wonderful to have that feeling happiness again, and this time I wasn't going to let it go. We both had plans to go to graduate school - me for law and he for an MBA -I applied to NYU-why I'm not sure (since I had said I wasn't going to go to school again in New York) but, NYU, Stanford, and Georgetown- and he applied to NYU, Princeton and Stanford. He got into Stanford and NYU, and I only got into NYU- so once again another decision-I really had no choice but to go back east- and I wanted him to come back with me to nyu-the problem was he was from California and had always expressed that he had preferred to go to Stanford. Now mind you, had I gotten into Stanford, I'd have stayed there no questions asked-But I was now in a position where I would love to have him come back with me to NYU-but I wouldn't force him to do it. Luckily he decided to go to NYU-and we headed back to New York. And now comes in the difficult part-bringing him home to meet my dad. Once again all questions and comments are welcome and I'll do the best i can to answer all of them as quickly as i can.