Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:13:49 +0100 From: Drew Hunt Subject: The Ties That Bind 4 Disclaimer - The following story contains scenes of incest and homosexuality. If you do not like reading about such things, then a quick press of the back button on your Internet browser may be a good move. If you shouldn't be reading this story due to your being too young, or it being illegal to access such things in your community, then you should leave too. The following story is fiction; it takes place in a fictional town in Lancashire in the north of England. Any resemblance to real persons or places is purely coincidental. This story is copyright. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement and it may not be posted to any other website without the prior written consent of the author. As previously stated this story is incestuous in nature, with a few more surprises along the way. Whilst the story does contain some descriptions of sexual activity, the overwhelming emphasis in this story is about love and commitment. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you once again John for editing my work. Chapter 4 "There is absolutely no way that I am letting that poor boy live in that, that, cess pool of human detritus that he calls a home." Penny said when Scott and Chris returned from Eric and Larry's. "Oh?" Chris asked. "Yes, Danny asked me a couple of hours ago if I could drive him over there to allow him to check on things. He said that he couldn't leave the place unoccupied for too long. Christopher, when I saw the place, I immediately insisted that he pack everything into a load of bin liners. He can have your room Scott until we get something more suitable sorted out for him. I wouldn't be able to rest knowing that such a sweet angel like Danny was residing in a den of thieves and infidels." Chris and Scott had rarely seen their mother so animated before. Normally she was such a quiet woman, who wouldn't raise her voice for fear of offending anyone, but clearly she had been much moved by Danny's plight. "Oh thank you mum. I hated to think of him living there too." Scott said giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. " I'm not due in work until late on Monday, I'll take him down to the Council offices and he can hand in his key then. They'll also get a piece of my mind, allowing that block to get into such a state. I could even smell marijuana being smoked too. Disgusting! The sooner he finds himself a nice young lady to settle down with the better. Scott, there must be someone you know at the sixth-form college who would be suitable for such a sweet natured young man?" Scott grinned to himself. 'Yeah, there is someone at the sixth-form college who would be very suitable for Danny.' "Okay mum, settle down." Chris said guiding her back to her favourite armchair. "Where is Danny anyway?" "I left the poor boy doing his unpacking." "Thanks mum, I'm also glad that Danny won't be going back to that place. He needs to be around people at the moment. We'll go and see if he needs a hand. Okay?" "Thanks Chris love. He needs his friends around him at times like these. The poor thing is still so cut up about losing his job. I haven't said anything to him, because I can't promise it, but there is a junior porters job coming up attached to the X-Ray department. Mr Cornwall who deals with the porters also serves on the Friends of the hospital committee with me. I'll see if he can put in a good word for Danny." "Oh thanks mum. That would really help boost his confidence." Scott said bending down and giving her a hug. "But Scott, don't say anything to Danny, I can't promise that he'd get the job. He'd have to go for an interview anyway, and of course someone more qualified might get it." "I understand mum, don't worry, I'll not mention anything to him." "Thanks love." "Okay, we'll go and see what Danny is up to then." Chris said leaving the living room and making his way upstairs, with Scott bringing up the rear. "God, I haven't seen her so excited in years." Chris admitted. "Yeah I loved the bit about me finding Danny a 'nice young lady', I don't know how I kept a straight face." "Yes but it's important that we don't out him to anyone. Danny has to tell whoever he wants to." They arrived outside Scott's old room. Chris knocked and awaited permission to enter. Danny came to the door. "You didn't need to knock you know this is your house after all." "Danny, this is your room now. As a family we've always respected each other's privacy." "Oh right. It's all new to me. I've never had my own room before; I always had to share in the home. Scott I feel awful about kicking you out of your room though." Scott and Chris exchanged a look. Chris nodded slightly. "Okay Danny, as you're living here, there's something you ought to know about Chris and me, but first I must ask you never to repeat what I'm about to tell you. Do you think you can do that?" "You and Chris, and of course your mum as well, have been so good to me. Of course I'll not say a word to anyone about whatever it is." "Thanks." Chris said. All three of them found somewhere to sit. "Well I might as well just come out with it then." Scott said. "Erm as well as being brothers, Chris and I are also lovers." Danny's mouth dropped open. It was several seconds before he realised that his fillings were on view. "Oh you mean like as in gay lovers?" "Yes just like as in gay lovers." "Oh heck, I had no idea." "No well we've only been lovers for about two weeks now." Chris said. "God, I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting that one. At least I don't feel as guilty now about coming out and saying that I loved you Chris, because, well that kind of makes it obvious that I'm gay too." "Yeah it did kind of cross our minds that you were." Scott giggled. "Well, if I hadn't had too much to drink last night, I'd be asking for a stiff drink at this moment." "I think you ought to stick to soft drinks for a bit Danny." Chris said. Mum wouldn't be too happy about you drinking under age in her house either. She understands why you had a drink yesterday I'm sure, but I don't think she'd be too pleased if you brought booze home with you." "Oh don't worry, I hardly ever touch the stuff normally. I've seen what it can do to people if it's abused." "Oh?" Scott asked. "Yeah sorry. It's a part of my life that's a bit painful. I'd rather not go into it if that's alright with you." "Yes of course Danny, but if ever you need to talk, then we'll be here for you." Chris said. "Thanks guys." "And if it's serious, then my friend Doc Finch is really good. You ought to register with his practice anyway now you're living here. It'd be a lot easier than going to the other side of town to see your old GP." "The doctors at my old surgery weren't that good when I asked for help once." "Look Danny." Chris said coming over to sit next to him on the bed. "If there's something that's bothering you, please let us help you. Honestly Scott and I think of you as a really good friend. I know you helped Scott a great deal when you two were at school together. He didn't have many people to talk to back then." "Thanks Chris. I used to like our little chats too Scott, they helped me in more ways than one." "Yeah me too. I would normally stutter so much when I tried to talk to people, but you were so kind and patient with me. Like Chris said, you were one of the few people who I could honestly call a friend. You see when I get to know a person, I rarely stutter when I'm talking to them. I think it's all tied up with being shy and not sure about myself." "You were a good friend to me too." Danny took a deep breath. Okay guys, you now know one, no two of my biggest secrets. The fact that I'm gay, and that I'm more than a little bit in love with you Chris. Sorry Scott, but you're the luckiest bugger alive." "Oh believe me Danny I know I am." "Well, I guess it won't hurt if I tell you my only other big secret." "Okay Danny if that's what you want to do." "Yeah." Danny nodded and a tear rolled down his face. "Look guys this is quite a biggie. So fasten your seatbelts." Danny took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Scott you remember me telling you that one of the reasons why I started playing rugby and doing weight training, was so I could defend myself against some of the bigger kids in the home?" "Yeah Danny I remember." "Well it wasn't just the kids I had to fend off. You see some of the staff were pretty nasty too." Scott looked directly into Danny's eyes, and Chris's muscles began to tense involuntarily. "I think it all began when I was around six or seven years old. There was a guy Mr Rodgers, or Rough Rodgers as we kids called him. Well basically the man was a brute. He'd make us smaller kids pull down our shorts and bend over and take several whacks on our arses for even the most minor thing. "The kids who were like me whose parents had given up all rights to them, well he'd shout at us in front of all the other kids that no wonder we had been thrown away, as we were 'useless examples of humanity'. He used to tell us that no one would ever want to adopt kids like us. That used to hurt so much. I would go to bed in the dorm every night and pray that the next day a family would somehow magically turn up, and take me into their home and love me." Danny wiped away a tear. "But of course no one ever came." "Oh Danny, I'm sorry." Scott said giving him a squeeze. "Thanks. Well old Rodgers got moved out of the area. I never found out why. Life seemed to settle down a bit in the home then. I'd started to build up a friendship with one or two of the other boys, but you learned from an early age never to leave yourself too open. You always had to hold just a small piece of yourself back. Just in case they used it against you. Then there were the friends you made who got adopted. You were so happy to see them get out, but you just kept asking yourself 'why not me?' "I was moved into another home, this one wasn't so bad. The staff did their jobs, that was about all you could say, they did their jobs, got paid at the end of the week, and that was that. Then they got a new member of staff. He was from the north of Scotland going by his accent. Well Bill was, well there is no other word than total bastard." Danny shuddered. Scott gave him another squeeze. "Bill wasn't a big bloke, five feet seven or so, pretty well built, his dick wasn't all that long, but it was bloody thick." "His dick? How did you know what his dick was like?" Chris asked. "At first it just started out with him giving me a hug now and again as we passed. He'd also hug some of the other boys too. Let me tell you when you grow up in a place with little affection shown to you, small things like that meant a hell of a lot. Well the hugs grew into him stroking us. This wasn't so bad, but then the touching got closer to our private parts. This turned to fondling, and even to wanking us off." "Jesus." Chris said. "Yeah, but we didn't know any different. He'd encourage us to touch him too. I never liked doing that though, it just seemed wrong to me, dirty somehow. But well he was pretty persuasive, and I started to touch him inside his underpants. Well the next stage was we had to suck him off, and do other things to him that he told us to." "Couldn't you report him to someone?" Chris asked. "Andy, a sweet little kid, he told. Didn't do any good though. They made a show of investigating, but Bill was soon back at work, and he made poor Andy's life hell. He, and some of the other members of staff knew where to hit us where it didn't leave bruising." Chris's muscles tensed in anger. " Well, of course Bill, and a couple of others who did the occasional relief shift, got braver. They thought they could get away with more because they got off the last time. Well they did." Danny took another breath. "I think it was a couple of weeks after my tenth birthday the first time I was anally raped." "Nooooo!" Scott said and burst into tears. "Fucking hell." Chris punched his fist into his palm. "I was abused until I was fourteen. By then I was able to fight back. I'd grown pubic hair by this point, it seems they liked their fuck-toys to be smooth." Chris rose from his seat and fled from the room. Scott stayed and gave what comfort he could to a now openly weeping Danny, neither of them could talk, but they didn't need words. After Chris left Danny and Scott, he ran into his and Scott's room. He punched one of his pillows so hard, it almost split open. Chris could never remember a time when he'd felt such white hot anger. 'How could anyone hurt such a beautiful sweet kid like Danny?' Chris had grown up in a loving family environment. He didn't have many memories of his dad, but those that he had were very fond ones. He remembered a large genial guy, who pushed him on the swing in the back yard, or bounced him on his knee. Chris could even recall going for a paddle in one of the local streams once, with George watching on from the bank. Chris could never remember anyone raising a hand to him or Scott. For the first time in several years Chris broke down and cried. He had to leave Danny and Scott; he couldn't show them that he had been affected so deeply by Danny's words. Chris brought himself up to be strong and manly. He believed that grown men didn't cry in public. He wasn't sure why he had to hide his emotions from others; it just seemed the right thing to do. Taking several deep breaths, Chris got a hold of himself. He knew that he was needed next door, so he fought down his own feelings of helplessness and inadequacy, and he made his way back along the landing. "Sorry about that." Chris said coming back into Danny's room. Chris knelt down on the floor in front of a softly crying Danny. He carefully took the unresisting form into his arms. Chris gently rubbed Danny's back as he spoke "These people have to be brought to justice Danny. You must tell the authorities about it all. They mustn't get away with it. For your own sake, and to stop them abusing others, you have to tell." "They, or at least the main ones were prosecuted. You remember me telling you about Andy? Well he must have had enough. One morning when we came down for breakfast Andy was found dead in the kitchen. He'd slashed his wrists." "Oh God." Scott said. "Well of course they couldn't cover that one up. They brought in a team of investigators, and the whole thing came out. I got some counselling, even had a HIV test. Thankfully it came back negative. Though the couple of days I had to wait for the result were the longest I'd ever spent." "Oh Danny. You poor, poor precious boy. I had no idea." Chris said as he rocked Danny in his arms. "No Chris I know you didn't. I don't like talking about it normally, but you two make me feel so safe, so warm and secure." Danny twisted his head to face a puffy-eyed Scott. "Scott I'm sorry, but when Chris held me in his arms this morning, for the first time ever that I can remember, I felt truly loved, and I'm getting the same feelings again now. Please Chris, much as what you are doing for me is absolutely fantastic, I'm going to have to ask you to let me go." Chris released his arms and leant back on his heels looking at Danny with a puzzled expression on his face. "Sorry Chris, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute. Chris you know how I feel about you. It's not a passing schoolboy crush, Chris I'm totally in love with you. It's just too painful for me to have you be so intimate with me, because I can't have you." Danny looked downwards at his hands, which were neatly folded in his lap. "Would you excuse us for a minute please Danny?" Chris said rising to his feet. Scott followed him out. They made there way to their own room. Chris closed the door behind them and took Scott into his arms. Chris began to cry again. Scott had never seen his big brother break down in front of him. "Scott I know Larry told us to wait, but I can't little brov. I love him." "I know Lion, I do too. Please think for a minute though. Are you reacting to what he just said? You have to be certain of your feelings before you go around telling people that you love them. Remember it took you a few years to make your mind up regarding me. Danny deserves the same consideration." "I hear what you're saying, I agree with you, but I'm certain. I've had feelings for Danny for a long time, but I always pushed them away because you were the main focus of my attention." "Good, because you have to be sure. Like our dads said, you'd hurt him very badly if you later decided that you didn't love him." "I know." Chris said blowing his nose. "We have to find out though what he thinks of you too. He can't just love me. He has to love the pair of us." "Yeah thanks. I've thought about what Eric said about me seeing you and Danny kiss. I can cope with it if I know that both you and Danny love me just as much." "Oh hell! Larry said threesomes were complicated, and boy was he right." "Lion, I think we ought to get back to Danny now. Do you feel ready to speak to him?" "Yeah Cub, let me do the talking for the most part will you?" "Sure." Chris knocked on the door of Danny's room. Danny opened it to them. His eyes were really red-rimmed now. "Do you want to go and freshen up a bit in the bathroom Danny?" Chris asked. "Yeah thanks. Would it be alright if I had a shower too?" "Sure, you don't need to ask for permission to do things like that you know." "Yeah sorry, it's just at the home we had to ask before we did things like that." "Well not here mate. If ever you're hungry, just go into the kitchen and get whatever you want. Though if it's near mealtime, make sure mum doesn't catch you, as she'll think 'you'll spoil your dinner if you eat that now'." Danny smiled. "Thanks you guys." "There should be some clean towels in the airing cupboard." Scott said. "Thanks." Danny said leaving the room. "Well at least I've bought us some more time." Chris said. "Yeah." "Look, I honestly think that Danny loves you too. He was your best friend at school, and you remember his comments when we found him at his place last night." "Yeah I guess so. It's just that this hasn't come at the best time in our relationship. We've only been lovers for a couple of weeks." "Well maybe that's a good thing. If Danny is agreeable, it would mean that our relationship would grow all at the same time." "Yeah, I just hope he doesn't say that he loves me just so he can be near you." "Danny's always struck me as a totally honest bloke. I don't think he'd do that." "No suppose you're right." "Cub, you're not having second thoughts about this are you?" "Oh no Lion not at all. I'm just trying to iron out some of the potential problems. Because as you said earlier, a tripartite relationship is complex." "Oh so that's what they call them is it?" Chris asked with a smile. "Well amongst other things. Look all this is totally academic if Danny isn't interested." "Interested in what?" Danny said coming into the room with a towel wrapped around his middle. "Erm, come and have a seat, there's something we want to talk about with you." Chris said. "Hang on, I'll just put on a pair of briefs first." Chris and Scott couldn't help themselves, they watched closely as Danny removed the towel and put on some underpants. "What? You've seen me undressed loads of times in the changing room haven't you?" "Yeah sorry. Guess it's just something us gay guys do." "Oh I know, but I'm always a bit wary of doing it at the club. Don't fancy having my face punched in." "No one would do that. I'd bloody well make sure of it." Chris said. "Thanks." Danny said sitting on the bed between Scott and Chris. "Danny, this is very serious stuff. I'm going to ask you some questions and I need you to think about your answers before you speak. Can you promise me you'll do that?" "Yes Chris." "Now this is complicated, so please try and just focus on each question as I ask it. Okay?" "Yes Chris." "This is what we know about the three of us. Danny you are in love with me. Scott is also in love with me. You're with me so far Danny?" "Yes Chris." "Right. Well I also am in love with Scott. Now this is where things get a bit rocky. Danny for a long time now I've had pretty strong feelings for you. I think it's safe to say that I love you. I'm not quite at the 'in love with you' stage yet, but I'm fairly close. Still with me?" "Danny nodded, but his mouth was agape at Chris's declaration of, well love. "Now Scott has told me that he also loves you, and that he's pretty close to being in love with you too. Are you still with me?" Danny's mind was wondering. "Danny please just concentrate on the last question, it's very important." "Sorry Chris yes I am still with you." "Now we've established two sides to the triangle. This is the most important question Danny, and you must be very honest. What are your feelings towards Scott? You must be truthful Danny." Danny's mouth opened and closed a couple of times. He tried desperately to concentrate on the question he'd just been asked. "Erm well I think, no sorry I know that I love Scott. He was a really good friend to me at school, and yes, I think I could soon be in love with him if I was given the chance." "Good. Now this is the final question, well at least for now. Danny would you be interested in forming a totally committed and closed three-way relationship with Scott and me?" Chris put up his hand to stop Danny from speaking. "Danny this is a long term commitment we're after, and it is with the pair of us. Not just me, there is Scott too." "Oh my God!" Danny said. "Yes Chris, yes Scott. Nothing would make me happier than to share my life with the pair of you." "I think this calls for a kiss." Chris said. Scott cupped Danny's face in his hands. "Ready lover?" Danny could only nod, his voice wasn't working. Scott slowly moved his lips closer to Danny. As soon as flesh touched flesh, Danny's world changed forever. Although he'd been on a few dates, they'd always been rather unsatisfactory affairs, ending in a quick grope and a peck on the cheek. Danny, because of previous experiences, didn't think he could face having sex with someone he'd only just met, so he always felt totally unfulfilled by the end of each encounter. However, Scott's kiss made his heart sing, and his dick harden. Danny had read stories of fireworks going off in one's head when you were kissed, but this was the first time he'd experienced the phenomenon. Chris watched on bemusedly. He knew a little of what Danny was going through. He could still recall his own feelings when he and Scott had kissed on the lips for the first time. Chris was glad to note that he didn't feel any pangs of jealousy as he watched the pair. "There, did you like that Danny?" Scott asked once they'd disengaged. Danny still couldn't speak. However his wide silly grin gave the other two a pretty accurate indication of his feelings. "I think you ought to wait a minute before you kiss him Lion. I don't think he could cope with you just yet." Chris chuckled as he remembered Scott's fainting fit. "I had no idea!" Danny eventually breathed out. Scott giggled. "Thank you lover. Now brace yourself. If you thought I was hot, well just wait." Danny turned to face a grinning Chris. Chris wrapped his arms around Danny and he moved his face to Danny's already upturned one. As soon as contact was made, Danny's lips automatically opened to receive Chris's tongue. Danny would later swear that someone had switched on a recording of loud classical music. He was sure he heard a large symphony orchestra and chorus in full cry, and it sounded wonderful. Which was strange given that Danny didn't like classical music. Unlike Scott, Danny remained conscious, and was able to fully savour every second of the experience. Scott, like his brother before him, felt no negative feelings as he watched the scene. He knew that Danny needed to be loved, and he was delighted that he and Chris had been given the privilege of providing it to Danny. Chris finally pulled away and smiled at Danny's totally awestruck expression. No one said anything for at least 30 seconds. "Jesus Christ!" Danny eventually whispered. "Good kisser isn't he?" Scott giggled. "Bloody is. Scott, can I have another one from you, just to compare you understand?" Scott complied with Danny's wishes. In fact Danny received several kisses from his new boyfriends. "God, you can take me now. I don't think I can stand anymore of this happiness." They all laughed. "Danny, you've told us something of the hell that you've had to face. Please just know that Scott and I love you, and we want to help you move on from those terrible times. Basically what I'm saying to you is that we are both here for you." "Thanks Chris, I went through a load of counselling, it helped me a lot, but having you two as my boyfriends will take some getting used to. Don't misunderstand, it's a lovely thing that I'm getting used to." "Look guys, it's getting a bit late, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry, how's about going out for Pizza?" Chris asked. The other two were agreeable, so they dressed and made their way downstairs. "Mum, the three of us are going out to grab something to eat. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?" "No thanks Chris, I'm off to bed soon. I've got to get up early for work don't forget." "Okay mum." Chris bent down and gave his mother a peck on the cheek. Scott did the same. Then a slightly blushing Danny bent down, and gave Penny a light peck as well. "Thank you for letting me stay Mrs Blake." "Danny, please call me Penny. In fact if you're comfortable with it, would you please consider calling me 'mum'?" Danny broke down in tears then. "Oh thank you. I've wanted a mum for, well I've always wanted a mum." Penny wrapped her arms around a softly crying Danny. "Oh there there then. You've got a mum now, and I suspect a big brother, and a little brother too." All Danny could do was nod. Chris and Scott had advised Danny about not telling Penny about their new relationship just yet. They'd have to do a hell of a lot of groundwork to prepare her for such news. * * * * * Scott decided to sit in the backseat with Danny. As they drove to the Pizza parlour Danny began to muse out loud about the last couple of days. "If anyone had told me on Tuesday night that I'd lose my job, but gain two brother's who wanted to be my lovers too, and that I'd get a mother, and go and live in a lovely home, I'd have told them that they needed to go and have their bumps felt." "Yeah I guess it has been a bit of a roller coaster for you Danny." Scott said giving his hand a squeeze. "Yeah it certainly has." "Actually Danny, you could also have two dads as well if you wanted." Chris said from the driver's seat. "I don't understand?" Scott filled Danny in about Chris and he being accepted into the lives of Eric and Larry. "Oh heck, are there any more relatives that are likely to pop up out of the woodwork?" He asked. Chris and Scott's minds instantly turned back to their Uncle Jim. He'd come round again a few days after his first visit, as Penny had predicted. He still couldn't accept the fact that his nephews were gay. He told Penny that she ought to take them to the doctor's. "Maybe he can give them something to cure them." Penny told her brother-in-law that "There is nothing wrong with my boys." and if he couldn't accept the situation, then she didn't want him coming round to the house any more causing trouble. Jim left saying that he would forgive her once she'd come to her senses. Although it was a struggle, Chris managed to keep a hold on his temper during Jim's visit. "No Danny there are no more relatives. We have an uncle, but he isn't accepting of the gay lifestyle, so you probably won't see anything of him." Chris said sadly. "Well I still find it hard to believe that I've got a readymade family around me now. You don't know how many times I asked God for one." "And they all love you very much." Scott said squeezing Danny's hand again. "Okay, we're here." Chris said as he drove into a parking space. The three of them got out of the car, and Chris lead the way into the Pizza parlour. "Oh hello Chris." A woman in her late teens dressed in a tight fitting Pizza Hut uniform greeted Chris warmly. "I haven't seen you in ages." "Erm no." Chris said uncomfortably. "We'll have to go out for a drink again sometime, though it'd have to be the middle of next week as I'm working here most of the time these days." Scott immediately tensed up. Carol was one of the girls whom Chris had dated. She was very pretty, About 5 feet 9 inches tall, long straight black hair, a round pleasant face, and rather ample bosoms. "I'm sorry Carol." Scott drew some comfort from the fact that Chris had to read her nametag in order to remember who she was. "I'll be busy then I'm afraid." Then changing the subject completely he asked, "Do you have a table near the back for three in non-smoking?" Carol's face showed momentary disappointment, but she quickly recovered and showed the three to a table at the back of the restaurant. Chris sat next to Scott, with Danny sitting opposite. "It's alright little one." Chris said quietly to Scott. "You and Danny are my life now. I'm not going to pretend to the outside world anymore. I'm yours and only yours." At that moment Scott wanted nothing more than to lay a big wet kiss on his lover's lips. However he made do with a squeeze to Chris's hand under the table. Meanwhile Danny had been mildly disturbed at the thought of one of his lover's being interested in a girl, but he too grew comfort from the fact that Chris had declared his love to his brothers. "Okay fellas, what are we going to eat? Of course the meal will be on me." Chris said with a broad grin. In truth Danny had been a little concerned when Chris had suggested going out for Pizza, because despite the fact that he had a month's wages in his pocket, Danny didn't know how long that would have to last him. He knew he'd be entitled to state benefits, but they wouldn't give him much in the way of spending money. So Chris's generous offer made Danny's heart swell even more with love for the man facing him across the table. Chris spotted Danny's adoring look and winked at him. "It's alright Danny, I know you aren't flushed with money at the moment, but we won't let that fact spoil our evenings out will we." This was said as a statement rather than a question. "No Chris thanks." "Good." The three decided on what they wanted to eat. When the cute guy who had taken their order walked away from them, he had three pairs of eyes firmly fixed on his retreating rear end. The three of them burst out laughing at their antics. Although Danny ate his fair share of the Pizza, he couldn't wipe the silly grin off his face. Scott and Chris lost count of the number of times Danny said, "I just can't believe this is happening to me." They always smiled back at him and told him to 'believe it'. Once the bill had been settled, Danny was first out of the restaurant. Chris and Scott found him eagerly waiting to be admitted into the car. "Want to go home now lover?" Chris said quietly. "You bet!" Danny beamed. "We've created a monster Lion." "Certainly have little Cub." Chris said starting the engine. * * * * * The guys came home, performed the necessary duties in the bathroom, separately, to save time. Then sleeping arrangements were discussed. Danny hoped that he would be able to share the bed with Scott and Chris, but was a bit shy about bringing up the subject. "Of course you're bloody well sleeping in the same bed as us you daft sod." Chris said to a relieved Danny. "Where on earth did you think you would sleep?" "Well I hoped with you, but I wasn't sure. I thought that you and Scott might want to erm you know." "Danny." Chris said holding him in his arms. "The word is 'make love'. To tell you the truth Scott and I don't have anal sex yet." "Oh right." Danny went a bit red. "Erm I didn't like to ask." "You are part of us now. We share everything. If at any time you're uncertain about something please speak up. We've got to work at this rather unorthodox relationship in order to make it grow and prosper." Chris said. "Thanks. Look I'm glad you mentioned about anal sex. I want to do it with you two, but, well because of my past, I've always felt the need to get to know someone before I'd let them fuck me." "We understand completely. And Scott or I will never 'fuck' you. We'll always make love with you. Do you understand the difference?" "Oh Chris, I love you two guys." "And we love you Danny." Scott put in. "Can I ask another question?" "Of course." Chris said. "Right, I've heard you and Scott call each other lion and cub. What's all that about?" "Well Scott and I have differing personalities. I'm more the leader of our little pack, and Scott feels more comfortable about following. Now I'm also quite a protective kind of guy, so Scott and I decided that when we were by ourselves, we'd call each other those names." "Oh right. Can I be a cub too?" "If you want to." Chris smiled. "Look it really is getting late now. We'll go into all this in much more detail tomorrow night if you want?" "Please." "Good. There's a rugby match on the telly tomorrow night, Scott and I usually watch it in here as this room is wired up for cable TV. So we'll grab something to eat from downstairs, bring it up here, have a chat, then watch the game together. How's that sound?" "Oh lovely. Just like a real family." A tear ran down Danny's cheek then. "You don't know how long I've wanted to be part of a family. I didn't think in a million years that I'd be part of a threesome, but I'm honestly really comfortable with it. Having two people to love, and be loved back is, is, oh heck." Danny couldn't talk for his tears. "It's alright Cub." Scott said wrapping his arms around Danny. We know what you mean. Now you get into the middle of the bed. I'm sure Lion won't mind cuddling you tonight, and I'll spoon in behind you. How does that sound?" "Heavenly." Danny said. Scott turned out the bedroom light then. The guys arranged themselves in the bed as Scott suggested. Danny gave out a long sigh of satisfaction. "Happy?" Chris asked softly. "You've no idea Lion. I know you might think that you do, but to have the two people I love more than any one else in the world, be willing to share their bed and their lives with me just fills me up with happiness." "Good, because it's about time you had some happiness in your life." "Thank you guys for loving me." Danny said as he drifted off into the best nights sleep that he'd ever had. * * * * * To be continued. Author's note: Well gentle reader, you have now read through four chapters of this little tale. The fact that you have got so far must at least indicate that you like the story? If so, would you please consider dropping a line to a rather frustrated author? This may not be the best thing you've ever read here, but is it the worst? The only way we authors know that we are hitting the mark is if people tell us so. If few people write to us, we can only assume that few people are reading and enjoying our work. Please address your kind comments to