Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 19:19:09 EST From: Subject: UNCLE WADE & ME PART 9 T.W. Warren This story involves sex between an underage male and an adult male. If this type of story offends you or you are under the age of consent, or If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, please select another story to read. Lastly, while some of this series is true, some parts are fictionalized mainly because I couldn't remember every detail and obviously conversations that went on when I was not around I write what I imagined was said or happened. The names of people and places have been changed to protect those involved. Uncle Wade and Me Part 9 After going to the docs office Brian asked if he could take me to lunch since I didn't have anything to do today but paperwork. I agreed and we found a Mexican restaurant and asked to be seated in the back by ourselves. Brian sat silently for a few minutes looking at the menu then said "Maybe we should get to know each other , a bit better. I would like to know more about your childhood and stuff. Either way it would be nice to know." I shook my head in agreement as I sipped my water and said "What do you want to know?" Brian then shot out questions like "What were your favorite hobbies as a kid" and "Were you ever a scout?". Each question was followed by my answer then his telling of his experiences. It was a very informative hour, and I think I learned as much about Brian as he did about me. He told me about his father, and his family how he came from a long generation of peacekeepers. After lunch we went back to the academy and I began filling out mountains of paperwork. Brian left me to get it done saying that he would see me later. About 2100 my phone rang and it was Bill to let me know how Wade was and asking how I and Brian were. I brought him up to speed on the day's events. "I know you have a lot on your mind" he said, "But don't worry about Wade, he's a tough dog , and he will be alright, although I'm pretty sure he's not going to make it to your graduation." I told him I understood. The next few days were filled with Pictures being taken and final alterations to our uniforms. After the class photo on Wednesday we took individual photos and with a last name like Warren I was the last one on the list. I walked up to the photographer and gave him my information, then sat in my dress uniform for my first official picture. After the last shot Brian walked up and talked to the photographer, then moved so he was standing behind me. "Just one more picture" Brian said. He looked down at me and smiled at me. After a short briefing on recent law updates that had come out since we started, the class was dismissed for the day. I called Bill to see how things were going. "Wade is up and moving around" he told me. "He's giving the nurses hell." "I'm sure he is. He hates being waited on " I said. "Listen buddy, Wade wants to talk to you." He handed Wade the phone. "Hey sport!" I heard come through the receiver. "You getting excited? I know you are. I'm damn proud of you bud, and wish I could be there for you." He finished. "I know you do Wade, but you need to take care of yourself." I said. "I'm going to be fine. I love ya pal. Take care and I will see you soon." We ended the call and I became a little depressed. I knew that it wasn't his fault but was looking forward to him pinning me with my badge. It meant a great deal to me; besides being my lover he had been the closest thing I had to a father. I had dinner again with some of the guys and they all assumed my mood was because we were entering the final two days. We all talked about our first impressions of each other and one of the guys even voiced that he had thought for sure I was a plant in the class because of how much time Sarge and I had spent together. Cadet Everly piped up "It was either that or you were queer." We all laughed it off and I said "Everly, they only allow one queer per academy, and by the way you got your ass kicked in DT's we all assumed it was you." McDaniels fell on the floor laughing. Poor Everly had been knocked clear out cold the first time he fought. We all retired to our rooms to sleepily rush one more night as a Cadet away. Friday morning came with a telephone call from Wade. "Morning buddy", he said "I got to thinking last night about your pinning ceremony, and if you don't mind Bill would like to fill in for me." I knew Bill meant well but it wasn't the same still it was better than the Lt. doing it, everyone else had a family member doing it for them. I would feel weird. Friday we rehearsed the graduation ceremony several times until the lieutenant thought we had it down. After rehearsal I ran back to my room to see if there was any messages from the doctor's office, the results. There was no message so I went over to Brian's room. He opened the door and said "How can I help you Cadet?" I looked past him and saw Officer Clinton sitting at his table. "I was just wondering if you were coming to the class party tonight, Sir?" I said "Of course I am Cadet, see ya there." I went back to my room and got cleaned up for the party. We had rented a conference room at the local hotel to have our party in, and had a DJ and lots of food. Most of the guys had brought their spouses or family and we were all standing around talking. I was watching for Brian, hoping to hear news from him about our test. I didn't mean to be eaves dropping but from behind me I heard one of the Cadets talking to another "You hear we are Lacey's last class?" my mouth dropped "Yeah apparently he's going back to the streets in some po dunk town." Right about then Brian walked in. Trying not to rush I walked up to him and shook his hand to appear in order. "So have you heard anything?" I asked." Our test results were mailed out to us via Courier late this afternoon and the damn nurse couldn't tell us me over the phone." Damn I thought, one more night of this hell. "We will know soon enough pal." Brian stated. I then began to quiz him about what I had heard. He smiled and said "Either way partner, I need to be closer to you." He winked at me. "It's all good, and we are going to have a blast." I laughed and said "You think so, huh?" "Well since Wade is going to be out for a few months, the Chief thinks that it would be a good idea that I take his place as training officer." It took a minute to click in my head. This revelation meant that Brian would be my Street Training Officer. When it was obvious it had clicked he smiled and said "Criminals beware, Lacey and Warren on the street." Brian and I made the rounds talking to other Cadets and other officers that had been invited. Detective Wells even showed up. If there is a God, one day that man will be in my bed. The night dulled and well left to go to our respective rooms. Some guys stayed with their families at the hotel. Our last night as Cadets would be over soon. Saturday I awoke without the help of the alarm clock at 0700. Eight hours till graduation. I was nervous for some ungodly reason, and decided to take a run. As I ran I thought about what life would be like first with Brian as Dad, then as a lover. I envisioned each as being perfect. I even envisioned the four of us living together on the ranch and working together on the force. With each mile I ran I became more comfortable with the situation and was prepared for the outcome either way. I returned to the dorm, showered, shaved and readied my uniform. It was now 1200. I walked over to Brian's hoping to hear news but he was not there. As I returned to my room I ran into Bill. "Hey partner! You all ready for the big moment?" "I'm nervous as hell" I replied "I Would feel a lot better if I knew where Brian was and knew the results of the test." "He just called me said to make sure you got to the auditorium on time and he would see you there." Bill helped me finish getting my uniform ready, hell he even spit shined my boots for me. Wade called to give me some support. "Wayne", he said "no matter what the results of the test are do not let it affect your day. Remember it's a beginning, and nothing is going to change between us, or you and Brian except maybe you two might get a bit closer." With that we hung up. I got dressed and we left for the ceremony. At the auditorium I was looking everywhere for Brian. I knew that he had the results and I wanted to know. Bill was busy trying to convince one of the academy secretaries to use his camcorder and video tape the ceremony for him. He finally succeeded and walked over to me and patted me on the back saying "Now Wade won't miss a moment." I obviously looked bewildered and he asked what was wrong. I chose my words carefully as not to make Bill feel bad "I love ya Bill, but this is not how I pictured this moment. Everyone has their dad or wife pinning them, and it meant a lot to have my uncle doing it." He smiled and said "I know how you feel buddy, and your right, Wade was like a Dad to you when you were younger, and in a perfect world it is a Dads job." Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and hear Brian clear his throat and say " Then why not let his Dad do it?". I turned to face him. He smiled and said "I'd be really proud if you would allow me that, son." All my in trepidation was gone. I reached up and hugged him "Of course you can", I said. "Well I guess I will go get my camera and tape it myself" Bill said. I returned to the man that I now knew was my father. "The results say that you are my one and only son. I am sorry that I didn't tell you as soon as I knew, but I had to think about some things. I think that after this is all over with you and I need to talk, but let's take that one step at a time, it's time to get that badge on your chest." I lined up outside with the other cadets and we marched in. The chaplain began with an invocation and wishing us a safe tour of duty, then the lieutenant asked for the class president to speak. He proceeded to recount the last few months using the analogy that we had all been reborn. I thought as he spoke that in more way than one, it was true. I was now a rookie, a new wet behind the ears officer, as well as a new son. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the lieutenant say Cadet Warren please come forward. I marched up to the podium. He then led me through raising my right hand and swearing to the oath upholding the laws of the state of North Carolina and my city of jurisdiction. He then said "I understand you have asked your father to present you with your badge." "Yes Sir!" I replied. He then said "Sergeant Lacey would you please step forward to pin your son with his badge." Brian smiled and approached and accepted the badge from the lieutenant. I looked at my classmates who were all sitting with their mouths opened in shock. Brian then attached the badge to my chest as a camera flashed immortalizing the moment and Lieutenant Baker announced "Ladies and Gentlemen, Officer T.W. Warren." The ceremony ended and Brian and I stood together as every classmate and training officer came up to ask questions. Brian just told them that we had not wanted anyone to know, not even the other training officers because he didn't want me to have special treatment. Eventually the crowd disappeared and Bill said he was going to head home and asked "So what are you two going to do?" Brian spoke first "Well since I am done here and Wayne has a week off I thought we would take a road trip and get to know each other and work this thing out. " I agreed to that and Bill piped in "about that, Wade and I had talked about this and since you are coming back to the department, at least if you want , you can stay with us until you decide what you're going to do. It may help." Brian nodded and I hugged Bill and said "I will call you, give my love to Wade and we will see you in a week." It was a beginning for sure.