Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 18:48:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Randy Howard Subject: Wanted / Incest / Chapter three Wanted By Randy Howard Chapter Three Previously in chapter two: When he reached for the other wrist, Gary whirled around, grabbed Chad's gun from its holster and fired it. Will's gun went off also, shattering his office window and blood sprayed from the wound that the shot had made. "Nooooo," screamed Mathew, who came running out of the room where he had been waiting, and seeing the blood on the wall and the lone figure lying on the floor. Tears rolled down his face as he ran toward Will's office, but another officer intercepted him, taking him down to the floor. "No... no, it can't end like this," Mathew cried out looking over at Will who was hurrying out of his office. *** James woke up and his head felt foggy, the results of the drugs that he had been given. His eyes looked around the room and he struggled against the restraints that kept him tethered to the bed. "Help!" he screamed out urgently. "Can anyone hear me," he yelled again. A door opened and a large dark figure stood silhouetted in the doorway. "Get the master," the figure said to someone that James couldn't see. "Tell him that the boy is awake. Also make sure that the master's instruments are prepared, you know what he has in store for the boy." "Yes sir," a voice said and then a light went on, revealing the torture chamber that James was being held in. The man walked further into the room, stopping at a cabinet against a far wall. He opened it and removed numerous devices, and James recognized some of them. "No... don't hurt me... please sir don't kill me," James cried as the man approached him holding a clamp in his hand. "Please sir... I'll do whatever you wish... just don't kill me master," James cried louder. "That is not my pleasure to give, but the masters," the man said. "Slave," a loud voice called out and the man beside James cowed to his knees, eyes cast down at the floor. "Master," he said in barely a whisper, James' eyes darted to the man now standing in the doorway. "No... not you... please don't hurt me sir," James begged as the man approached him, causing great fear in James. "Nooooo...please don't do...," James screamed as the knife pierced his skin. Now chapter three: In the aftermath of the shootings, pandemonium filled the station. Officers were running in different directions, guns drawn and looking for who had fired a weapon. In Will's office, Gary lay dead on the floor, blood flowing from the wound in his chest. In a chair not far from Gary, sat a wounded Chad, and he was frantically wrapping his belt around his left leg to stop the bleeding. Gary's shot had gotten Chad in his leg and now the blood was flowing like a river. "Chad are you alright," Mathew said, kneeling beside him. Mathew grabbed the belt and finished fastening it, tightly around Chad's thigh. The bleeding slowed and eventually stopped but Chad was getting weaker. "An ambulance is on the way," Larry said, hurrying into the office. "What the fuck happened?" he inquired, looking from Gary's dead body and then back to Chad, his grief for Gary apparent. "He was involved with a child pornography ring and Will, shot him when he grabbed my gun. It went off and that is how I got this," he said, motioning to his leg. "That is what he's been trying to get me to go," Larry said sitting down in another chair still looking at Gary's body. "He had come by one night with this boy and tried to tell me that the kid was eighteen. I knew better, because when the kid spoke, it was apparent that he was immature and no more than fourteen. But Gary needed a ride so I took him to his old hotel over on Riverdale Road. You might know the one, the Easy Inn, just behind Friendlys." "I've heard of it and been by it several times, but I have never been there," Chad said, as the paramedics rushed into the office. "Can we get you two to leave the room please, we'll need the space to work," one of the paramedics asked, looking at Mathew and Larry. They stepped out of the room and watched from the doorway as the medics worked on Chad's leg. While one of the men took Chad's vital statistics, the other worked on the wound, closing it with steri strips. "He needs to get to the hospital, there's not much else that we can do for him here," the one attending his wound said. "Larry, can you take me there please," Mathew asked, and then he began looking around, noticing that Will was no where to be seen. "Where is your captain, he was here when the shots were fired," Mathew asked, causing Larry to look around also. Larry walked over to the desk and asked the sergeant if he had seen Will. "He just ran out of the door along with a couple of officers following him and I haven't seen them since." He said. Mathew looked on as the paramedics rolled Chad out of the office. "Can you stop for a moment," Chad asked, looking up at the man that was pushing the gurney. "We really need to get you to the hospital officer, you've lost a lot of blood and need to have that wound treated by a surgeon," he said. "I know, but just one moment." The paramedic stopped. "Larry, on Will's desk is my keys, can you give them to Matt here," he asked and Larry hurried into the office. "Are you gonna be alright Chad," a worried Mathew asked. "Yes Matt, now take my keys and meet me at the hospital," Chad said, giving Mathew a warm smile. "We can't wait any longer officer, your blood pressure is falling," the paramedic said and pushed Chad away, leaving Mathew standing there, with a worried look on his face. "Here you go kid... Chad's keys," Larry said handing the keys to Mathew. "Are you alright to drive, because I can take you if you aren't?" "I'm fine sir...its just that I am worried about Chad." Larry looked around the station; it was beginning to return to normal. Taking Mathew by the arm, he led him into an empty office. "You're in love with Chad, aren't you?" Larry asked. "What... what you make you ask me that?" Mathew said. "Listen kid, I'm a cop, and one thing that we learn quickly is to read faces. Yours is telling me all kinds of things and the most important thing its saying is that you love Chad." "I... I really don't know Larry, but I think so. Chad and I just met last night but it seems like we've known each other for years." "Relax Mathew; I'm gay also like Chad. I don't know what you know about him, but that dead guy, Gary, he was responsible for breaking up Chad and Chris. Chris loved Chad very much, but when Gary goes after a man, he gets him by hook or by crook, he gets him. That is what he did with Chris, after he failed with Chad. Chad is the devoted type and once he falls in love, nothing on earth can take that love away. Nothing that is but cheating. Chad is a one man person and would never think of cheating on his mate. But Gary never relented; he pursued Chris like a blood hound pursues a scent, never stopping until he's gotten his man. That was until he got Chris into bed, then he dumped him once he ended Chad and Chris's relationship." "How could he be so mean, he was handsome and could have any man that he wanted?" "Any man but Chad that is, Chad rejected Gary's advances and nearly beat him senseless for his last one. That is why Gary went after Chris; he wanted to destroy Chad by taking his man away." "Now I see why he's so leery of getting into another relationship, the pain had to have been great." "It was, Chad took a two month leave of absence and disappeared. When he returned, he was that hard and business man that you see." Larry said, walking outside with Mathew. "Well I got a glimpse of his tender side, and like Gary, I am not gonna give up on him." "I wish you luck kid, but don't say I didn't warn you if you fail," Larry said, walking away to his own car. As soon as Mathew got into Chad's truck, the scent of Chad overpowered his emotions. He could smell Chad's aftershave, Old Spice, and it brought to his memory their kiss. On the seat beside him, was Chad's wallet that he must have forgotten. He opened it up, looking through Chad's pictures, and came across one of him with a blond hair man. They were both in suits with a single rose in the lapel and each had a smile on their face. "So this was Chris," Mathew said, looking at the happy couple. "I bet it was on their wedding day, God he looks so handsome." He closed the wallet and stuck it in his pocket, before inserting the keys into the ignition. "Please let him live God," Mathew prayed softly, with tears rolling down his face. He started the truck, threw it into drive and pulled out of the parking place, silently praying and crying, all the way to the hospital. *** When he arrived at the Emergency Room, the place was crowded with people. He had never been to the hospital, so he looked around before finding a nurse sitting at a desk. "I'm here for the police officer that was just brought in," Mathew told her. She looked down at her charts and then back up to Mathew. "He in surgery young man, so why don't you have a seat," she recommended, "a doctor will be out to speak to you, once he's in recovery." "Thank you ma'am," he said and walked over to a chair in the corner. Time passed and what was just a few hours, seemed like eternity to Mathew, and he was deep in thought, when a man walked over to him. "Do you mind if I sit here," a Hispanic man asked, rousing Mathew from his thoughts. "No... please sit sir," Mathew said. "I know that it's none of my business, but you look like you could use someone to talk to," he said to Mathew. "I'm Antonio Lopez," he said, holding out his hand to Mathew. "Mathew Williams," was all that he said and shook Antonio's hand. "A good friend of mine is in the operating room, having a bullet removed from his leg." "I am so sorry Matt," Antonio said, patting Mathew's hand. "Thank you and..." he was interrupted when a doctor entered the room. "Is there anyone here for Officer MacDaniels," the doctor said, and Mathew stood quickly. "I am sir," he said, walking over to the doctor. "How is he sir," he asked with a worried look on his face. "He is resting comfortably in recovery and should be transferred to a room within the hour. He did lose a lot of blood, and the bullet hit a main artery in his leg. But his quick thinking kept him alive until I could fix it. He should make a full recovery and once in his room you can see him." "Thank you doctor, will someone let me know when I can see him?" Mathew asked. "I'll have a nurse take you to his room as soon as he is settled in," the doctor said. Mathew returned to his seat, and his tears flowed. Antonio looked at Mathew and whispered. "Come with me Matt, don't cry in front of all these strangers," he told him, taking Matt to a private area outside. "I was so sure that he was not going to make it," Mathew said through his tears. "I don't know if I could have lived without him in my life." "Veo, usted dos son amantes," Antonio said in his native language. "I'm sorry Antonio, but I don't speak Spanish," Mathew said wiping his eyes with his shirt. "I said, you two are lovers," Antonio translated. "Is it that obvious that I am in love with him Antonio?" "Si, but not to worry, I too have a lover. We have been together for sixteen years and are very happy," he said. "Why are you hear, is he hurt?" "Si, my macho man, he fell from the ladder trying to repair the gutters and broke his arm," he said almost laughing. "He's so masculine and insists on being the man." "My friend is just like him, but he's got a wall around his heart that seems to be impenetrable," Mathew said. "Dele adora y mucho, el amor derribará esa pared. Como dicen, el amor conquista todo," Antonio said, then remembering that Mathew could not speak Spanish, translated his words. "I'm sorry; I forget you don't speak my language. Give him love and lots of it, love will tear down that wall. As they say, love conquers all." "That is exactly what I plan to do Antonio," Mathew said, giving the man a hug. "I must go, I see my novio or as you call it, sweetheart, looking for me," Antonio said. Mathew went back inside and sat again. Less that an hour later, a nurse cam over to him and she looked compassionately at him. "Mr. MacDaniels?" she said more as a question than a statement. "If you come with me, I'll take you to your father's room," she said. "Oh he's..." he paused, changing his mind, "in his room already ma'am?" "Yes and he's been asking for you," she said leading the way down the hall to the elevator. "Just take this elevator to the fifth floor, turn left when you exit and his room is through the double doors and down the hall on the right, room 571," she said. "Thank you so much ma'am," Mathew said and stepped onto the waiting elevator. *** When Mathew found Chad's room, he drew in a deep breath before entering. "Mathew," Chad said through his drug induced haze. "Ahhhhh dad?" he said more as a question also. "Are you alright?" "What is this dad stuff," Chad inquired. "Well the nurse assumed that I was your son, so I figured that was what you told her so I could visit with you," Mathew explained. "It doesn't matter Matt, I'm just glad that you are here. I want to talk to you about us, but this is neither the time nor place." Chad said, looking at the nurse that had just entered the room. "Well I want to also dad," Mathew said, emphasizing the word dad. The nurse checked Chad's IV and then added medicine via an IV needle in his hand. "This will help you rest," she said giving him a flirtatious smile. "I think she likes you Chad, did you see how she smiled at you?" Mathew said, resting his hand on Chad's hand. Chad looked down at his hand and quickly moved it away, putting it under his blanket. Mathew notice how Chad had pulled away from his affection and it bothered him. "Have you heard about James?" Chad asked and Mathew only shook his head no. "They will find him, just have faith Matt," he said, closing his eyes briefly. "I'm really tired Matt, how about coming back later? My keys have the house key, go back to my place for the night," he said. "I should be able to go home in a few days and I don't want you to go back to your house alone." "Why do you care Chad, you really don't want me?" Mathew said, he was hurt by Chad's lack of affection. "Don't be like that Matt, I care, its that I am not interested in you like you are with me," Chad said, turning away and looking out of the window beside his bed. "It's because of Chris, because he cheated on you with Gary," Mathew said, causing Chad to look back at him. "Where did you hear that... oh yeah, Larry," Chad said. "Well that is my business mister and none of yours. Now I'm tired so would you please go and let me rest," he coldly said, hurting Mathew's feelings. "Yeah whatever Chadwick, and here's your fucking keys, I'll take a taxi back to my own house," Mathew said bitterly, placing the keys on the bed stand. Mathew walked to the door, glanced back at Chad and exited the room. He was in tears because of Chad's coldness as he walked to the elevators. "Go fuck yourself Chad, I don't need you or your help," he said slamming the button of the elevator with his fist. *** "That was just to let you know that I have the power to end your pathetic life boy," the master said, looking down at the cut on James' leg. "Why master... what did I ever do to deserve this kind of abuse?" he asked. "You were born and abandoned to the state is what," he said. "Slave, unfasten his legs and prepare him to service me," he told his slave that was kneeling at his feet. The slave rose and grabbed a ball gag, turned toward James and fastened it in his mouth. James struggled against his restraints but it was futile, the restraints were secure. The slave went next to James' feet and fastened them one at time into the stirrups that were on each side of the boy. "Mmmmm," James' muffled voice cried out, as his eyes took in the master, who had just removed his robe. He stood there naked, his hard cock pointing upward as he fastened a cock ring on himself. "Now leave slave, I will handle the boy from here," Master ordered, and the slave bowed and exited the room. James looked at the master's cock, it was all of ten inches long and the girth was fat, he knew that it would hurt penetrating him. "Mmmmm," James muffled voice said again, shaking his head no. "Silence slut," Master said and slapped James hard across the face, James tears rolled down his face as the master placed his cock's head to James' rosebud. "Now take your master's weapon," he shouted and forcefully shoved his cock into James' ass, causing great pain to course through his body. Master pulled his cock fully out, before he thrust it back in. Repeatedly he did this to James, showing no mercy. For over an hour the master viciously fucked him, hitting him and piecing him each time he would thrust in. Finally James felt the master's cock start to swell, and he knew that the climax was near. What worried him more was that his young life's end might be as well. "Take your master's seed slut," he howled out, blasting his cum deep inside the tortured boy. "Forgive me God, forgive me my sins," James thought as the master forcefully fucked him. He was prepared to die, but yet he prayed to be saved. "Please don't allow me to die, save me if at all possible," he prayed silently as master's climax ended. The master pulled his wilting cock from the boy quickly and turned, a noise outside the room had roused him from his sexual euphoria. He recognized that voice, but where had he heard it. Knowing that James could incriminate him, Master grabbed the knife on table, lifted his hand high into the air, and quickly turned when the door to the room burst open. "I wouldn't do that Martin, now drop the knife," Will, said with the guns of the two officers trained directly on Martin. "Why William... I would never hurt the boy, I came in and found him here like this," Martin lied, moving closer toward Will, lowering his hand down. "Branson, arrest him and read him his rights," Will ordered and the young officer approached Martin, handcuffing him. "You were a trusted servant of the state Martin. Countless orphans went through the social service system that you headed, and you placed them in foster homes, only to be raped and tortured by the men that they were entrusted to." Will said, his anger was growing with each minute that passed. "They were the scum of our society Will, can't you see that I never once harmed a good boy," Martin said in his defense. "No Martin, no child should have to endure this kind of abuse," Will, said and struck him hard across the face. "Get him out of here," he said to the officers before turning to James. James was crying, his ordeal over but the pain wasn't. Will took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around James' leg, covering the wound that the knife had made. "Its all over son, no one is going to do you anymore harm," Will said, undoing the restraints and removing the gag from James' mouth. James cried hysterically, while Will held and comforted him. It only took several minutes until an ambulance arrived. "They are taking you to the hospital James to treat your wounds," Will assured him. "Mathew... Jeremy, are they alright?" "Mathew is fine James, but Jeremy didn't make it. We found his body at your house," Will, told him. "He was trying to protect me from a tattooed man. He came over looking for Andy, and kicked in the door. He chased us upstairs to my room and repeatedly stabbed Jeremy as Jeremy tried to save me," again he cried. "Well once you are taken care of, I'll see that Mathew gets to see you," Will, assured him, and it was then that the paramedics entered the room. "Its true what he said you know, we are nothing but sluts and trash sir." James said, and the paramedics looked up at Will. "NO! James you listen to me, you are not trash no more than I am. What happened to you is not your fault, it was Martin's fault. He was entrusted with your life to find a home where you could be loved and safe. Instead, he placed you and countless other boys into homes that he knew would exploit you and molest you." "But..." "There is no but, plain and simple he was the scum and trash of society," Will said. "Now you do as your told by these medics and I'll see you later at the hospital James. I'm going to find Mathew and make sure that he is there with you." Will left, he took personal charge of Martin. Once at the station, he also personally booked him. "Place him in with the general population; I don't want him held here. Also, make sure that everyone knows just what he is in for, that will keep him busy," he said, shooting a sadistic smile at Martin. "You can't do that to me, I have rights," Martin yelled. "You are obligated to protect me," he shouted. "So did the boys that trusted you with their lives, they had rights and trusted you to protect them, now take him away," he shouted and just before he was lead away, he grabbed Martin's arm. "May God have mercy on you, because where you are going I know they won't," he said, releasing Martin's arm from his grasp. "Excuse me sir, can I have a minute," Mathew asked, back at the station and hoping to hear about James. "How can I help to find James," he asked, not knowing that he had been found. "I have a very good way that you can help, come with me," Will, said leading the boy out of the office. "I'll call you later, when I know where I'll be," Will informed the desk sergeant. "Ok sir," he replied, watching Will and Mathew leaving the station. *** Will kept Mathew busy talking about what he knew concerning Martin. Mathew was just as shocked to hear that Martin was the leader of the ring. "Sir, why are we going to the hospital," Mathew asked looking over at Will. "I need to see someone first, it'll only take a minute," he told him, but Mathew didn't want to go. "I'll wait in the car sir, I prefer not to go in," he said. "Sorry son, but I can't leave you here," Will, said motioning for Mathew to join him. Reluctantly, Mathew followed the captain as he walked into the emergency room. He paused at the check-in desk and made his inquiries while Mathew waited in a chair. When he was told that he could go in, Will, took Mathew along with him. Again Mathew was reluctant, but he knew that he had no choice, so he followed obediently. Will followed the directions that the desk nurse had given him and when he got to the room he wanted, he motioned Mathew to go in first. "James!" Mathew shouted, running over to the boy's bedside. "Mathew... I thought that I would never see you again," James said, both boys crying. Will, silently slipped from the room, closing the door behind him. "You thought... I was the one that never thought that I would ever see you again James." Mathew said, hugging James softly. "I love you James," he whispered. "I love you more Mattie," James said, clinging tightly to Mathew. "What is going to happen to me now Mattie?" "Nothing sweetie, you were the victim just as I was," Mathew assured him. "I know that silly, but where am I going to live?" "With me James, I don't know how we are going to do it, but I am not ever letting social services place you in a foster home again," Mathew promised. "You won't have to Matt, you are both going to live with me," Chad said from his wheel chair, pushed by Will. "But you made it clear earlier Chad, just how you felt," Mathew said, being careful to chose his words, keeping their secret from Will. "I know what I said, can't a man have a change of heart," he asked, his eyes beckoning Mathew to accept. "Listen Mathew, do I strike you as the stupid type?" Will, asked and Mathew shook his head no. "I know that Chad is gay and I can see the love in your eyes for him and he for you. Now as for young James, my late wife and I always wanted children but she couldn't have them. So if it's agreeable with you James, I'd be honored if you would live with me as my son," he said, looking at James. "I don't know sir... my last foster father..." "I am not a pedophile," Will said, offended that he would even be considered one. "I assure you son that you will never have to worry about someone molesting you." "What do you think Mattie, should I," he asked, looking at Mathew. "Well you did always want a father and he looks trustable," Mathew told him. "Ok dad," James said, bringing tears to Will's eyes. "I'll make the necessary calls and get the ball rolling," an excited Will said, leaving Chad sitting there with the boys. "Chad, can we talk please?" Mathew asked, kneeling beside Chad. "Ok Matt, but where?" he asked looking over at an inquisitive James. "James and I have no secrets Chad, so we can talk right here," Mathew said. "I am not going to live with you as a kid. I turn eighteen next week and I will be a legal adult. If we live together, it is only because we are going to work towards being a couple," Mathew insisted. "Ok Matt," Chat said. "I mean it Chad... what... you agree with me?" a shocked Mathew asked. "I agree Matt, its time for me to live and love again. I can't judge all men like Chris or Gary," he said. "I'll try to be the kind of man that makes you happy Matt." "You have already Chad," Mathew said and leaned up and kissed Chad. "Oh God can't you wait until you get home to do that," Will said, re-entering the room. "You're just jealous Will, of what Matt and I found." Chad said, holding Mathew's hand. "Well from what I have been told, that kiss constituted child abuse Chad and I can arrest you. Until next Friday, Mathew is still a minor," he said giving his best serious look at Chad and Mathew. "Oh come on Will, you'd do that because of a fucking week?" Chad asked. "Hell no, I just wanted to see the look on your faces," he said, jabbing Chad in the arm. Now I have to go, you may be on medical leave, but I'm not. There is a ton of paper work waiting for me back at the station," he said. "James, the ball is rolling and when you go home, its going to be to my house," Will said to a smiling James. "Ok dad... and thank you," James said holding out his arms toward Will. "Imagine that, me a dad finally," Will, said. "What finally, you are just thirty six and have many years to raise that boy. Or should I say, for him to raise you Will?" They all laughed at Will's embarrassment. "James gave Will a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you dad for choosing me to love," James said crying freely. "No son, thank you for choosing me," Will said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. *** Days went by and finally both James and Chad got to go home. "Finally, I am getting out of this hospital," an excited Chad said. "Do we need anything at groceries or booze?" "I got groceries, but I can't get the booze Chad. Besides, you are still on meds for infection, I don't think that you should be drinking." Mathew scolded. "Already you are calling the shots huh?" "No, but I am just looking out for your well being. Now here are your clothes," Mathew told him, placing the clothes on the bed. "Would you mind waiting outside while I get dressed." Chad asked. "All of a sudden you're playing the modest one, no I won't wait outside. Face it buddy, sooner or later I am going to see that bad boy that you are hiding," he mused, sitting defiantly down in a chair. "Now get dressed," he ordered. Chad got up from the bed, shot a defeated look at Mathew and removed his johnny. Mathew's eyes bulged when he saw the weapon that Chad had been hiding. Chad's chest and abs were covered with a thick carpet of hair. Only his hard nubs protruded through the thick forest of hair. Mathew's eyes drifted down to Chad's cock, which hung flaccid over his fur covered balls a good eight inches. The man's cock was uncut and the foreskin hung completely over the head and gathered into a soft pucker. His pubic hair was thick and curly, and it matched the hair on his head. "Oh fuck... that bad boy is gonna hurt," Mathew thought, imagining Chad's cock hard and entering his ass. "Turn please... stop," he said when Chad's ass was facing him. Like the rest of him, Chad's ass was fur covered, but it was round and hard. "You still have time to reconsider Matt," Chad said facing the boy. "Ah... no... I am good," he stammered when Chad's cock hardened, its purple head emerging from the foreskin and adding two more inches to its length. "I'm fucked," he voiced and Chad laughed. "That was the first thing you said, when we first met at my house," he reminded Mathew. "Oh but I am now... that is going to be a chore to take," he said getting up and fondling Chad's cock. "Holy fuck Mattie...that thing is a weapon," James said, entering the room and catching Chad and Mathew by surprise. "You don't say James... that is the biggest cock that I have ever seen," Mathew said, ignoring the fact that Chad was standing there. "Hello boys, I am standing here in all my glory," he said, causing the two boys to look at him. "And you could have knocked James before coming in," he scolded. "Yeah right...knock, knock," James said still looking at Chad's cock. A knock on the door and it suddenly open to reveal Will standing there. "God man, will you cover that thing, there are minors in the room," Will said entering the room. "I give up, why not take a picture of my cock and put it on a billboard," Chad said, grabbing his boxers and pulling them on. "Can't a man get any privacy," he asked as he slipped on his jeans. "Are you ready to go son, we have an appointment with Judge Wilson in thirty minutes," Will said. "A judge, but you said that I was going to be living with you?" James said, panicking about going to court. "I did and you are, this is to legally adopt you James. That is if you still want me for a father," Will asked him. "Do I... I do dad want you," James rushed to Will and through his arms around the man, kissing him squarely on the mouth, pushing his tongue into Will's mouth. "Stop, you do not have to do that James, I promised you that you would never be molested again," Will told him, pushing away from the boy. "Old habits are hard to break... sorry dad," James said, his face turning red. *** Chad and Mathew arrived at home and Chad was shocked by how his home looked. The living room had been rearranged as well as was his bedroom. "What happened here," he asked, looking at the changes. "I gave it a personal touch and made it more functional... do you like Chad?" "I do...I really do," he said, smiling at Mathew. "I love you Matt and thank you for not giving up on me," Chad said, taking the boy into his arms and kissing him heatedly, shoving his tongue into Mathew's mouth. "Not now sweetie, I have dinner waiting," Mathew said, walking away into the kitchen and reappearing with a beer. "Here, sit and relax while I put the finishing touches on dinner," he said, handing Chad the beer. "Where the hell you get this?" Chad asked. "Will, he bought it for me and delivered it this morning. Now relax and let me finish cooking," Mathew ordered kissing the top of Chad's head. Mathew worked in the kitchen and was chopping the Romaine lettuce when he felt a set of arms surround him about the waist. Chad began nuzzling Mathew's neck while his hands roamed down to the boy's crotch. "Baby wait, I want you to eat," Mathew said, turning in Chad's arms to find him completely naked and hard. "I just want to eat you sweetheart," Chad said covering Mathew's mouth with his, while his hand reached back and turned the stove off. Chad took Mathew by the hand and led him to his bedroom. Mathew froze when he saw how Chad had lit some candles and turned the bedding down, with a bottle of champagne sitting on the nightstand. "When did you do this Chad?" Mathew asked. "I didn't, I had Will do it while you were at the hospital getting me." Mathew smiled and watched as Chad poured them each a glass of champagne. Sitting in bed together, Mathew raised a glass of champagne in a toast to their love. "To us Chad, and to our love," he said and they both took a sip. They put down their glasses and embraced each other, looking deep into each other's eyes. "I love you, Matt," Chad whispered to Mathew and he kissed him hard on the lips. Theirs lips parted as their tongues met and danced to their love, moaning with the pleasure they felt. They had waited for this moment for what seemed like forever, for this moment of bliss to arrive. "I did not think we would ever have this moment," Mathew said to Chad. "Each day that I visited you in that hospital, my heart would yearn for this very moment." Chad rolled him over; he got on top, and he slowly, passionately kissed him. Mathew's fingers roamed through Chad's hair, as their tongues did the dance of love. Chad slowly kissed his way down to Mathew's hard round nipples; he took them, possessed them and tenderly bit them. He sucked on them hard making Mathew moan, while Mathew's hands roamed through Chad's hair. Chad moved on down to Mathew's hard cock, and he took it in his hand, looking it over. Mathew's cock was cut and hard, it measured a fat eight inches. The pink head with its piss slit was leaking precum profusely and he licked it up with his tongue. The soft brown hair that surrounded his cock was curly and thick, still scented with the soap that Mathew had showered with. Chad couldn't take it any longer, he ran his tongue around the fat head, still savoring the taste before he swallowed it down. He took Mathew's cock all the way down his throat until he smelled his Mathew's sweet scent. Mathew lifted his hips to give Chad more, and moaned out in ecstasy as Chad sent waves of pleasure through Mathew's young body. Chad continued to move up and down on Mathew's cock, until he was almost ready to cum. "Not yet babe," he said, "I don't want to cum yet," so Chad pulled off his cock. He lifted Mathew's legs and he ran his tongue behind Mathew's balls and nibbled the sensitive area as he worked his way down to Mathew's hidden treasure. Mathew squirmed and moaned as Chad pleasured him more, before he plunged his tongue into his treasure. "Oh fuck babe, don't stop," Mathew cried out in lust, as Chad pleasured his ass with his tongue. "Please fuck me Chad, I can't take anymore, I need you deep inside me." Chad sat up, grabbed the lube, and he lubed up Mathew's rosebud. Squirting lube on his fingers, Chad slowly pushed one into Mathew's pucker, working it around until he had found his prostate. Mathew's ass danced around on the bed while Chad finger fucked him into a realm that Mathew never knew existed. "Oh God I need you in me baby," Mathew howled, his senses running wild. "I got to get you ready to take me, or else I could hurt you sweetheart." Chad said, adding a second finger into his lover's ass. After several minutes of working his fingers around and adding a third, Chad felt that Mathew was ready. "Are you sure about this Matt, because this still could hurt," Chad asked. "I have never been surer Chad... fuck me already," Mathew demanded. Chad positioned himself to the tender spot, drew in a deep breath and he gently but firmly pushed his cock's head in through the outer ring. "Fuck stop Chad," Mathew yelled out from the pain that he felt, and Chad stopped for several minutes, giving his lover a chance to relax. "I've taken so many cocks up my ass, but I was always drugged." "I knew that this was a mistake," Chad said, pulling his cock out. "No baby... I can take it...please put it back," Mathew begged and Chad looked down at the boy, and pushed his cock back in. Mathew drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Mentally, he willed his ass to relax. Once Chad felt Mathew start to relax, he slowly pushed more of his cock into him. He pushed and stopped until he was finally, all the way in and he waited as Mathew relaxed. "Are you ok love?" Chad asked and Mathew nodded. "Make love to me Chad... I so want this for us." He slowly pulled out and then pushed back in, and Mathew's eyes glowed from the pleasure that Chad was giving him. When Mathew began lifting up to meet Chad's thrusts, Chad found a rhythm and they were soon fucking together with Mathew meeting each push that Chad gave him. After a half hour of passionate fucking, Chad felt Mathew's cock start to swell. Chad quickly increased his pace until Mathew cried out in delight, his climax approaching. "I'm cumming Chad, keep fucking me...harder and deeper," he said to Chad. "Oh yeah babe just like that." Mathew shot his boy cream all over his stomach and Chad dropped down to kiss him. As Mathew shot his seed, his ass tightened around the base of Chad's cock, pushing him over the edge and soon Chad shot his sweet seed deep into Mathew's tight ass. Chad's rhythm took over and he kept pounding away at Mathew's ass, until he had given all he had to give. Their arms and legs had entangled themselves, while their mouths met in bliss and their tongues danced to the beat of their hearts. "I love you Chad MacDaniels, my man, my life," Mathew said. "I pledge my life, my virtues to you, now and forever." "You are my world and my love now, tomorrow and for eternity; to you I give my heart forever, Mathew Williams." Chad promised as they laid there holding each other, until they finally fell to sleep. *** Will was still riding high from the joy of being adopted, when Will turned the corner onto his street and pointed out his house. "That big Victorian is ours son," Will, said giving the boy a broad smile. As Will, pulled into his driveway, James leaned forward and gasped in awe at the beauty of the old Victorian house. It was painted cream, with its trim painted a soft green and accented with mauve. It had a large, front wrap around porch and was exquisitely landscaped all around it. "This is where I am going to be living," James asked. "Yes son, this is where we are going to live now." Will said with tears in his eyes. "I've never lived in a house that belonged to my family. We always rented and not in the best neighborhoods," he told Will. "Well now you have a home James and will be going to the best school that I can find," he assured him. "Are you rich dad?" he asked, and then thought better of it. "I'm sorry dad, I'll be happy just being with you," James said, unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the car. "James please listen to me son. I know that you have had a hard life, so don't apologize for being exited." "It's that I never had anything that was new or my own. We were poor and... well we were very poor," he said, walking beside Will, with Will's arm around him. If the outside of the house wowed James, then the inside completely blew him away. A pretty grey haired woman greeted them at the door. "James, this is Mrs. Murphy, my house keeper and your nanny," Will said and James made a screwed up face. " in a babysitter dad?" he asked. "No offense ma'am, but I really don't need a babysitter." "Well then James, how about we just be friends," she said, giving the boy a wink. "Friends I can do ma'am, but babysitter is out... so not cool," he said and the woman gave him a hug. "Welcome to the family young man," she whispered softly as she hugged. "Can I call you Nani, I always wanted a Nani," he asked. "Then Nani it is James and I like it better than ma'am. Shall I show him to his room sir," she asked. "I'd like to do that myself Bridget, but thank you," Will, said leading James into the main living room. After giving him a tour of the first floor, Will took James to the second floor. After showing James his own study, he took him to a guest room. "If you ever want friends to stay over son, this room is for guests," he said and James looked in the room. "Damn... you do have money don't you dad," looking at the richly appointed room, Will just laughed at James' wonder. "Now this is my room James and it has its own private bath. That is yours across the hall, and it too has its own private bath." James walked into his room and he stood in awe of the room, his eyes had no idea as to where to look first. Directly ahead of James, stood a queen size bed with a mahogany headboard and footboard and a stepstool to climb into bed. There were two matching mahogany nightstands with marble tops, one on either side of the bed. An armoire of matching wood was off to the right of the bed, with a large desk beside it. There was a window seat and pillows every where on it. The room itself was painted a dusty blue with framed art on the walls. "Ah dad does a king or someone staying in this room?" he asked. "No son you do, why?" Will, asked. "No offense dad, but this isn't a teenager's room," James said. "I guess I could get use to it, but I am never bringing friends over. I would be the laughing stock of the school," he told him. "To formal son?" he asked. "Yeah dad, totally," James said and turned to hug his dad. "Don't worry dad, we can go shopping tomorrow," James said, "and get some real furniture, fit for a teenager." "Ok James, if you would rather have something different. I have never had a teenager, much less a child in the house, so I have no idea what a boy's room should look like." "Did your wife decorate the house dad?" and Will nodded yes. "It has a woman's touch but we can fix that really quickly." "Like you said James, tomorrow, now lets go have lunch," Will told him and the two of then walked downstairs. "I got to make a call son, I'll meet you in the kitchen after I'm done," he said sending James on his way. *** When James got downstairs and into the kitchen, James froze, when he saw a man standing there. "Well hello Jimmy boy, is this where you live now," the man said gruffly. James looked over to the side and saw Mrs. Murphy lying on the floor in a pool of blood. "No..." James began to shout, but the man threw his hand over James' mouth, silencing the boy. "Now, now boy, there's no need to be calling for help," the man whispered, pulling the boy out the back door. "I know someone that is looking for you," he said and James' heart filled with fear as he saw his happiness fade away. To be continued... Sorry guys, but I just had to. I can just imagine your comments and I expect them at Randy