Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:39:46 -0200 From: Subject: You Dad The following story is a complete work of fiction. It contains detailed descriptions of a homosexual nature and is not meant for viewing by persons under the age of eighteen. If such material is illegal in your area and you are not allowed to view such content, or if you find such content offensive, do not proceed. Any descriptions of people dead or alive and any description of events that may resemble non-fiction stories or people is by complete coincidence. This story is dedicated to my one and only life companion and Soul-Mate. To my readers, as you would know, this is my first father-son story. The sex scene in this one was a difficult one to write. It comes toward the end, and I'll mark that part off with a line across the page so if you get bored, you can skip ahead to that part. Hope you enjoy! You Dad Part 1, Happy Fathers Day. My son Nigel is my favorite. He is smack in the middle of his four brothers. For some reason, he's always been closest to me. his brothers would be out playing a game of soccer or hide-and-seek when they were younger, or building a fort somewhere in the garden, and he'd be sitting right next to me as I read a news paper, or fiddled around with the cars in the garage. He's the only one who has decided to remain with his mother and I while the rest of them have married or gone off to college. He's a great student, getting his honours this year in mechanical engineering. Nigel is by no means a nerdy kid, he played on his school soccer team, loves to go rock climbing, with his dad of course, we do camping a lot, and he insists that I relax while he makes the fire, catches the biggest fish, he's a guy I'm completely proud of. At twenty one, he is a little of an indoor guy, he barely goes out, unless one of his girl friends pounds on our door and demand he go out with them. He's never been serious with any of them, and I was worried a while back . . . like ages ago . . . his brothers were beasts. The amount of girl's hearts they have broken makes even me feel sad for them! I remember last father's day, it was awesome. All my boys were home and my two daughter-in-laws. I was glad that they were the ones my sons chose. We had dinner in the evening, my boys made us a BBQ and then we had a couple beers. The gifts were great too, but none were better than Nigel's . . . no one's ever is these days! When Nigel was seventeen, I got worried about him and gave him a sex talk, which he was a really not interested in, I figured it was because his brothers had already shown him everything he would need to know. I was right about that, but my son just said that he was not really into casual relationships, in his own words. I asked him if he was gay, and he said that he was not, with a straight face. He was not lying, and I was glad for that . . . I thought that maybe my boys play time together when ever they did as teens and kids may have messed up things for Nigel, but it turns out that it was all okay. But, Nigel did say that he may be bisexual after our conversation. That was no surprise, my brothers and I fooled around too as kids, and I turned out okay. I did want to know what made Nigel curious though, and he was a bit shy on that, and tried to avoid the subject for several weeks. As I said, he was always close to me, and I expected he would come around when he was ready, and that he did. It was on father's day last year. Nigel and I were out back alone with his brothers. They were playing around in the lake, making a huge noise. The ladies were indoors, gossiping about something or the other. "So, son," I spoke to him, sipping my beer, "you ready to tell your dad about the stuff we are not talking about?" He was quiet for a while, and I was watching him, taking in his expression, it changed, and I assume he got red, the lights were dim. Then he looked at me for a second, and muttered an `I don't know dad . . .' I smacked his leg playfully and laid down my beer, "come on Nigel!" I had an annoyed smile on my face, I wondered what had gotten him so shy all of a sudden, "you tell me everything, and I share everything that you have ever wanted to know." He seemed to be thinking and then agreed to my statement. "okay dad," he stood up, and paced for a bit. "well," he sipped his beer, "I'm kind of curious about . . ." he wouldn't go on, "dad, please don't make me tell you this," he pleaded. "Come on son, you know I could never judge you for anything," I took his beer away, "you're my boy." I said that with a smile. I loved Nigel so much, that if he was gay, I would love him no less. My love for him was with out limitation or expectation. "Older guys." That was all he said. I was surprised by that, which he noted, but by no means perturbed or disgusted. "Well, Nigel," I forced him to take a seat and placed my arm on his shoulder, "You know that you're my favorite, every one knows that, and that will never change, ever." He smiled happily, and then my eldest came to pull him away. His brothers stripped him to his under pants and dunked him into the icy cold water. They were teasing him, he apparently had a boner when his pants came off, but then, with our conversation . . . if they only knew . . . If I only knew!! The good thing is that I did eventually come to know. We began to have discussions that grew deeper and more detailed. "So, how much older do you mean?" I asked him one day in the garage. "oh," he fiddled with some tools on the wall, "I don't know dad," there we go again . . . that reticent look on his face. I knew him well, I was his dad after all, he wanted me to make him comfortable. He wanted me to encourage him, and I did. "I'm kind of into guys around," he hesitated for a bit, "your age?" It sounded like he was asking me if that was okay. "Son," I joked at him, again, placing my arm on his shoulder, so he knew that I was okay with his feelings, as I usually did, "you want a forty-some-odd guy?" "Yeah," he looked up at me, "Dad, do you realize how hot you are?" I thought it was going to be uncomfortable, but it wasn't. I have often told him that he looked handsome, dashing, teased him by calling him a stud, babe-magnet . . . whatever. He was my boy, and he was hot, but did he think the same of me? All these years he was with me, I grew to notice how cute, handsome, and yes, in his words, hot, my son was. I shared those thoughts with him, as any father would with his son. Had I done something wrong? "Thanks son," but I know that you can do so much better than some old guy . . . no pun intended of course." "Of course dad," he passed me a socket-wrench, "well, I don't think that there is anything better." He was watching me and I looked at his face when I though he was not looking. "Okay son," I said to him, and hugged him over a bench, "you know that you can at all times come to me with anything," I kissed his forehead, "is there anything else you want to share?" "Baby steps dad," he smiled at me, "baby steps." We completed our work and the next few days were normal, we did not get into deep discussions but we grew closer, if that were even possible . . . About a week later, when his mother was out with her friends, Nigel and I were alone again, it was a great Thursday morning, the sun was up, and there was an awesome breeze about. "So Nigel," I started up, "is there any one that you are seeing?" I casually worked in the garden. Nigel was right beside me, uprooting weeds and helping me ground a few new plants we picked up earlier. "Erm, not really," he said. He sounded normal, not shy all over again. That was a good sign. "Great," I tilled some soil, "any one you are interested in?" "Yeah dad," he blushed this time, "there is, but I would rather not speak about it . . ." As before, I knew he needed encouragement, and some reassurance, and then, he would tell me. "I do not think that he is interested," Nigel said, and I noted a deep disappointment in his voice. "Ah, son," I was hurt, I could feel my sons hurt . . . "you must be careful," he looked up at me, and I could see that he we were on a sensitive topic, "Do I know him?" Nigel as I said spend most of his time with me, and I knew almost every one of his friends, and he did say `older guys' so it could be a lecturer at his campus, whom I would not know. "Actually, dad," he looked at me very nervously, "you know him better than any one, except perhaps me, and mom, and Steve." That got me worried, again. Steve is my eldest son. My mind was racing, the profiles of all the men that my wife, Steve and I as well as Nigel knew extremely well were popping up in my head. Older guy fit all of them, but they were all married, with kids, and some of them were not handsome . . . not by Nigel's standards anyway. "Nigel," you have to tell me who it is!" I laid down my tools and looked at him intently, keeping the air light and comfortable around us. "Dad," he looked away, "I'd rather not . . ." His eyes were moist, something that was rare in Nigel . . . he has gotten hurt many times, with four brothers, its still bound to happen what with all the horsing around those guys get up to and drag him in to . . . but through all of that he has never shed a tear, even when he was re-painting the walls and staining his mothers rugs and towels with his blood. . . he was a tough kid. I let it go. The front lawn was mowed, the garden was bright and happy, the paving was clean and free of nuisance weeds. We were back by the lake, sipping some ice tea and relaxing, our shirts off and the sun warm on our skin. "Alright," I turned to him with my serious tone, "You are a young handsome man Nigel," "Thanks dad" his eyes were closed. "Seriously Nigel," you have a great body, and hell, you keep your old man entertained all day, so that speaks volumes on your personality." He opened his eyes and fiddled with the strings of his shorts. "Nigel," all the men I know who are around my age are married," I treaded lightly, "and I do not want you to get hurt," I touched his shoulder to get his attention, "if ever you are going make a move, you will come to me first, so that I can have your back?" "Sure dad, I will come to you . . ." Nigel and I had had this conversation, about homosexual relationships, almost all guys fool around in their younger years, some even through married life, and nothing bad happens, so to me, as an open minded educated man, I do not believe that there is anything wrong with it. Men will be men. Nigel has asked me if I had fooled around with guys, and I told him the truth, my brothers and I fooled around, just like my sons, and there were two great friends of mine as well, Nigel knows them, they are great friends of the family. I shared our secret with my son, and he promised never to tell another. I almost Hoped it was one of them, maybe he could get over it, and they would be okay with satiating is curiosities, what ever they were about . . . I never asked him that . . . I had a towel wrapped around my waist, stood on the balcony and clipped my nails after a hot shower. Nigel was in his room, doing some studying I presumed. I was wrong . . . he was pacing his room as he much later shared with me . . . thinking, and then he came to my room. "Dad?" He called. "Yeah?" I responded and walked inside when he did not say anything. He was sitting on an arm chair at the foot of my bed. He was calm, but that was his `nervous calm'. God, I do not think that any one knows him as well as I do . . . "Something on your mind?" "Yeah dad," he looked up to me, and he was being brave, I always loved when he was like this, he accomplished amazing things this little guy . . . I sat opposite him and waited patiently, this time, I knew that he would need that, not me pushing him with encouragement and reassurance. "The guy that I am interested in," he spoke slowly, turning redder by the second, "Well, I've known him my whole life," he looked away from me and I respected that he was looking out that the sky, "He's married, with kids, and he's so handsome!" He immediately looked at me when he had said that. I smiled at him, nodded, and let him know that I was listening, that it was okay with me. "Well," he is also the bravest man I know, intelligent, a great dad . . . fuck, dad, he is such an awesome dad!" I got a little jealous at that comment, he rarely used such words with me, but when he did, I knew that it was only because the English dictionary had no word to comprehend the extent of his emotion. "I think that the great dad thing is a big thing for me . . . I like a man who is great with his kids . . . its kind of reassuring, that he is a good man . . . his wife is madly in love with him, his sons worship him . . . he's got a great body, awesome grey eyes, all his hair, great skin . . ." Nigel was going on. I was getting a bit sad, wishing that I was that dad with a kid admiring me this much . . . and since my kid was admiring him, it was a low blow for me. "Ah," I took in a breath, "I see . . ." Nigel knew that I was disappointed. I tried not to show it, but it was only because I felt that I was not a good father. I mean, my favorite son was interested in some dad, and he had all these characteristics that were enviable, even if admired by another man, so what, they were great traits. "Son," I said to him, catching his eyes, "I love you so much, you know that, and I love that you have opened up to me in the past weeks, because I feel really close to you . . . just promise me that you will never allow yourself to get hurt?" "Yes dad," he smiled an awesome smile at me, "as long as you never hurt me, I will never get hurt." I was confused for a while, I know that not many men out there were as open minded as I, and they would probably beat Nigel up if they got wind of the thoughts he was having of them . . . "Wait," I called as he was getting up to leave, "what does any of this have to do with me?" I asked him, sitting forward. He was nervous again, the kind where he needed reassurance, and encouragement. I smiled and gave a little chuckle. God he was so cute . . . I worked my magic and he was good. "Dad," he looked at me, "I am sorry, I know that I am probably going to fuck things up by telling you this," he said. I shook my head, he knows that there is nothing that could ever fuck things up between us . . . he was my boy, and that was never going to change no matter what. "Dad . . . it all started out so innocently, just admiration, and then it grew deeper, and then scary . . ." "Go ahead son." "You," he said. I was waiting for him to go on . . . but then he was stuck. I began to tell him for the millionth time that I loved him no matter what, and I was okay and comfortable with him no matter what. He made me promise. I promised. I loved him so much, my little boy, that I would never go back on that. As his dad, I would move heaven and earth to fill my promise, even rearrange my mindset for him. I never want to lose his trust and love. Ever. There was that amazing smile of his, "I tried to hint, but you never caught on . . ." I was so confused, and then, like a bucket of ice cold water being poured all over me, I realized it. "Nigel!" I said in a loud whisper. I was astounded. A little upset . . . in complete shock . . . but it all changed. He sat there, strong and brave. I promised, never to hurt him, and to always love him, no matter what, and I had to fulfill that promise. "I had no idea," I looked at him. Honestly, I felt my groin area get hot and swell a little . . . those were new feelings . . . ones that I was not comfortable with. "Well son," I said to him, I walked over to where he was standing, placed my hand on his shoulder, and kissed his forehead, "You are the bravest man I know," he gave a weak smile, "and I am proud of you for sharing this with me," I hugged him so tightly, I wondered if he felt my growing hardon under my towel. "Sure dad," he said, "I'll let you get dressed and then we can get some lunch," "Okay, I'll be down in a bit." He walked away quickly and I stood for a few seconds in the same spot, my mind racing, my heart rate at top speed, and my towel tenting. Fuck. Just like Nigel, the English language failed to produce a word to comprehend what I was feeling! I was down in about ten minutes. Nigel had heated up a pizza in the micro-wave, and was waiting for me at in the T.V. lounge. He didn't say anything when I walked in, and neither did I. I did continue as normal, I sat right next to him on our favorite couch, drank from his glass when my was empty, placed my arm behind his head as we relaxed. I eventually realized that I had no idea what we were watching, I was totally away of Nigel, sitting right next to me, feeling his short hair on my arm, his firm, strong shoulder in my hand . . . the feelings were stirring in me, and I knew that he was feeling it too, he was just nervous. "Dad," he spoke up, looking at me, I looked back at him, "I shared with you what I was feeling, without expectation, so there is nothing that you could do to hurt me . . . except if you take away what we already have," "I would never do that son," I said was forlorn because he was sad now . . . and afraid about the future, our future . . . "I have always been happy with our connection, aside from my curiosities, there is nothing that I want that you have not already given me." His curiosities! I was so interested in knowing what those were! "Well son," I was putting my head on the block, but what the heck, we came this far . . . "you know that I would do anything for you . . ." "Sure," he looked back at the T.V. "but I don't want anything that you have to do simply because I want it . . ." I knew what he was getting at. "Well," I was the one to get red this time . . . "trust me when I tell you that there are things that I would like to," I was looking for the right words . . . do? No, sounds like I want to use him . . . "Share, experience, with you, if they are what you want too, of course." He had a naughty smile on his face, on that I have only seen when he was with Steve, planning a prank on the other boys. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "How about you tell about your curiosities, and then I will share mine too." He was hesitant, but the air was unnaturally calm for such a situation. We had a great bond, and we have only ever grown stronger since he has come out to me. "You go first," he said to me . . . I was unsure about that. "Well, son, I have told you that I have fooled around with guys when I was younger, and I did ask first . . ." "Okay," he said, and sat up, fiddling with the remote in his hands, "I do love your stubble . . . and sometimes I wonder what it would be like . . . to . . . feel your lips . . . and the hard hair on your face . . . pressed against mine . . ." "But you feel that all the time son, when I kiss you?" "When you kiss my forehead!" he said, louder than normal. Haha, he was so cute . . . all red and nervous . . . okay, so, my son wanted to lip lock with him. I have kissed his lips before, but now he is older, and that usually never happens. Actually, I cannot remember the last time I kissed his lips . . . I turned toward him, lifting my one leg onto the seat. my hand that was on his shoulder pulled him closer to me. "So," I cocked my eyebrow, "you want to know what this feels like?" I had the stupidest smile on my face, but he almost melted! He came in closer to me, and our noses were almost touching. We were like that for a while, looking into each others eyes . . . and then his eyes closed for a second, he blinked, I held him close, and then tilted my head a bit . . . he closed his eyes, and I closed mine . . . and our lips touched . . . He was frozen, but moved in closer to me, so I realized that I would have to lead this . . . I moved my lips on his, and kissed him. His smooth pink lips were locked with mine, and he felt weak in my arms. Soon I had both my hands on his head, and his hands were on my forearm and shoulder. I felt his tongue, once or twice, and then he got brave when I did not object, and then they were wrestling within his mouth. This I had never done. Kissing a man is different from kissing a woman . . . he was being submissive to me, as my son he has always been, but behind this submission, as always, I knew and felt that he was an independent fully capable man, and the power he had . . . In my mind I saw myself over him on the couch, allowing me to place my entire weight on him, but I felt him push against me, and in a minute I was with my back on the couch, and my seventeen year old son all over me, feeling my chest, holding me in ways that he has before, but the touch was different this time, as it has never been. Loving, always, intimate and strong, but now however, it felt also charged and exotic! I was intoxicated, and there opened a new chapter in the life of Nigel and I . . . He was all over me, his hand in my shirt, which somehow got unbuttoned, and he was touching my neck . . . ahhh . . . my weiner was as hard as a rock, harder than it has ever been in a long time . . . I think he noticed, I'm sure he did, because I felt his too . . . fuck, I was going crazy! He has of course seen me naked countless times, I used to bathe with him when he was younger, and I have five sons, so we don't shy around each other when we are unclothed. But I have not really seen him hard . . . that was exciting . . . I felt as if I was the teenager. Nigel was pressing himself against me hard, his smoother and although muscular but smaller chest, was rubbing hard against my much more hairier, bigger and harder chest. My entire body was on fore, my ears were hot and my fingers felt as if they were touching electricity . . . Soon Nigel had himself right against me, every part of out fronts touching the other. Our wieners were touching. They were hard, and I do not know about him, but I knew that my pubic hairs were drenched in pre-cum, my balls felt heavy and hurt . . . I needed a release. Nigel was rubbing himself over me, and I could not take it any more. I pushed him away, only to get on top of him, and he automatically spread his legs apart to give me the best access, best access? What the fuck . . . for a second I almost pulled away and wanted to run away in shame . . . but then I remembered that this was Nigel, my boy . . . and my lust for him washed over me anew . . . my hard weiner was pressing against him, I had my hands all over him, feeling his legs, moving up, closer to his jewels . . . my hands were under his back, feeling his muscles, charging us both, going crazy out of our minds, the seat making suck a noise! We were sweating, and he smelled so delicious . . . I kissed his neck, his chest, licked over his light brown nipples . . . down the middle of his pectoral muscles . . . down to his milk white abs . . . he was breathing so heavily, his eyes puffy and his face red . . . I was going to devour him . . . Nigel had his hands on my shoulders. I had reached the zipper of his shorts. I could see my sons hardness under the constraining fabric, just looking, paused for a minute, not thinking, not doing anything but breathing him in . . . and then, I got a whiff of it . . . I think I scared him when I growled, but then I laughed a little and went up to kiss him again . . . the scent of his pre-cum and his hot, moist crotch drove me crazy! My son was definitely a go getter, I always knew that. He aimed high, and sometimes not where you expected, but he always achieved his goals . . . and right then, his hands were on my pants, he was touching them lightly, as if he was asking for permission to explore further. He was looking at my face, and I smiled at him before kissing him again. We had been consumed with each other for about twenty minutes, it was a miracle that I had not already cum in my pants, my son was such a tease! As I kissed him, he took that as a sign of approval, and began to slowly unzip me, after opening the button on my pants. I stopped kissing him and watched his hands. They were trembling, and sent vibrations all along my shaft. I kissed his fore head, and gave him a wink. I sat in a position to give him better access, and soon he found his way between my legs, and his face was so close . . . I was going to shoot, I just knew it . . . My pants were open, and he was feeling me up, touching my shaft with his hands, rubbing me gently . . . "Fuck Nigel . . ." I tilted my head back, "that feels amazing . . ." He could feel that my boxers were wet, and he did something that I did not expect. Nigel touched the large wet spot, and then licked his finger. He looked so hot . . . I bit my lip, and he put his hand inside my underpants . . . fuck . . . I could have died and gone to heaven. I helped him out a bit, and took off my pants, I was just in my boxers with my hard weiner barely covered. Nigel reached in through the fly and pulled my hardness out. "Fuck," he ground his teeth and growled, "you are so thick!" he said, pulling my foreskin back . . . and then he reached back in and got out the baby making factories. He seemed to be thinking as he stared at my nakedness . . . "What's on your mind son?" I asked him, thinking that he had changed his mind . . . "I was once here," he looked up at me . . . his lips were so close to them . . . "can i?" he asked me. I bent down and kissed him hard and full. "Like you said," I smiled at him, "You were there before." Nigel first kissed my scrotum, and then he licked them, and then began to really tongue them . . . he was really in to it . . . my shaft was begging for attention . . . I felt my cum churning in my balls as Nigel played with them, but I did not force him. In time, he began to climb up my weiner with his lips and his tongue, soon he reached my foreskin and he put the tip into his mouth and sucked . . . all the precum that was inside was now in his mouth! I couldn't believe what we were doing, but I was so in to it . . . He pulled the fore skin back, and looked up at me. "Dad!," he exclaimed, "I didn't realize you were this big!" I was sure that he was bigger if not equal in size . . . Nigel wrapped his lips around his dad's weiner and began sucking at the opening, taking in all my protein . . . and then he started taking in as much as would fit, and then he was blowing his old man. This was crazy . . . he was not good at giving head, but it felt good. He was my boy, and I was happy with anything he did for me . . . "Son," I called to him, pulling him away from my pulsating erection, "you're going to make me shoot," I warned as he looked up at me. His face brightened up, and he was back at work, his teeth scraping the helmet of my wood and his tongue was all over my sensitive spots. I could not take it any longer . . . I wanted it to last long, so I controlled the necessary muscles but he had already taken me beyond the point of no return . . . rope after rope of hot and thick cum shot up into his mouth, and some oozed out down my shaft and messed my boxers and his chin . . . I was reeling in the most intense orgasm in my life, ever, most intense, and most intimate. "Nigel . . ." I was trying to tell him . . . but my attention was caught by what he was getting up to. Nigel had licked up all of my stray cum, and with what ever he had not swallowed, he stood up, let it dribble from his lips onto his impressive weiner, I was amazed and entranced that I did not even notice the dimensions of his manhood. Soon his entire erection was covered in my cum and was wanking off. I pulled him closer to me, so that he stood above me, and pulled my sons hardness into my mouth . . . man was he in for it! He fit into my mouth well, I of course could not tale all of him, he was think like me, and long, perhaps as long as I or any of his brothers, and I could taste my own cum . . . fuck, this kid has awoken a beast in me . . . I had my hands on his butt and his waist, and I bobbed my head up and down my sons weiner, skillfully working my lips and tongue on his younger, more sensitive hardness, his foreskin was pulled right back, and he had the pure pleasure of his dad's mouth making love to his weiner . . . I realized that that was what I was doing with him, I was making love to him, because loved him completely . . . soon he was calling to me, and I could feel him pushing me away . . . "Dad," he said, "I'm gonna-" There was no way I was going to let him waste this . . . after all, he did take mine . . . I took Nigel in as deep as I could and that was almost all of him, and then all the way out so that the head of his weiner was at my lips. I wanted to taste him. After doing this about five times, he grew slightly harder, his scrotum tightened into his body, and he shot into his dads mouth, it was weaker than mine, perhaps because he got off more often then I did these days, but he had volume! I had to swallow quickly, but as soon as I felt the last drops, I savored them ,and continued to blow my boy until he forced me off, squirming, barely able to catch his breath barely able to stand . . . "Fuck, Dad!" he exclaimed, sitting down next to me, his erection still pointing up, "that was insane!" he pressed himself against me and kissed me hard and deeply, I kissed him back and wrapped my hands around his still rock hard erection. I felt his hands get back onto my semi, and felt him tug a few times. He got me hard again . . . "You ready to go again dad?" he asked me, his voice all husky and engrossed in me . . . "You definitely are," I said to him. Crap . . . I seemed to have strayed off the topic . . . that was the first time that we had done anything sexual. I was going tell you about last Fathers Day, when we both went all the way . . . * * * Authors Note: Well Guys, and Ladies, hope that that was satisfying. I have plans for a part two. This story just kind of worked itself out of me today after work. Let me know what you guys think. I'm also going to get back to my other stories, round them off . . . tell me what you think, emails welcome at This may have been my longest story ever. Let me know all your thoughts if any. Cheers!!