Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 05:50:07 +0000 (UTC) From: WILLIAM CARROLL Subject: Zach and Danny Pt 2 Zach and Danny, Part 2 (Deep Down) Author's note: Episode 1 of Zach and Danny sets the context for this continuing story, both the physical and the personal. Whilst each episode is to a degree independent of the others, much context and background knowledge will be assumed moving forward. I very much encourage reading the story in sequence. * * * * * Zach woke first the next morning. Far from being disoriented by waking up in the arms of his young lover, it seemed the most natural thing in the world. Still nestled in the crook of Danny's shoulder it seemed as if neither of them had moved at all since they fell asleep exhausted in the early hours of the morning. Danny was still quietly sleeping and Zach took full advantage of this time for his eyes to drink in his friend. Turning his head slowly so as not to wake him, Zach felt he could happily spend the entire day just like this enfolded in his lover's arms, feeling his young chest rise and fall, and watching his usually animated face now totally relaxed and peaceful. Zach knew that one of Danny's most wonderful assets was his face. It was not conventionally handsome he realised, but it was always so alive. Danny's dark hair was consistent with his olive complexion and he had dark, dark eyes which flashed and twinkled constantly and a huge smile which split his face and endeared him to everyone. So it was a rare chance for Zach to observe those features quite relaxed. He looked at the long dark lashes closed against his cheek, his lips which so recently had been locked together with his own. It did happen didn't it? And with his eyes he traced the line of his strong, quite masculine jaw and prominent cheek bones. "He is beautiful," thought Zach, ".....and he's mine." Up close Zach could see that indeed Danny did have the first ever so slight hint of facial hair. Certainly not enough to warrant shaving for a good while to come, but in Danny's sideboard area there was just the start of some fine dark hairs to show what would be the future man. Zach did not understand why, but he knew instinctively that these early signs of manhood, this facial hair and the fine wisps under Danny's arms, these 'man in waiting' characteristics, attracted him and also comforted him. In a strange way, although Danny was only a year older, Zach felt secure and safe cuddled up in his strong arms feeling the rise and fall of his chest. Perhaps it was because he himself showed no similar indications at all; he did not know. His own fair colouring could not have been a more direct contrast to Danny's, and Zach felt certain that other than his small patch of pubic hair it would be ages before any other hints of manhood were visited upon him. Zach was aware that he had a hardon, whether just his usual morning glory or sexual arousal, or a bit of both, was unclear. His urgent flesh brought the previous night into sharper focus and his hand gently crept across Danny's hip to seek out his cock. Sure enough it was hard as ever, lying across Danny's firm stomach. Zach traced its length with his finger tips, stunned again by the size of Danny's boy meat. "Mmmmmmm......" mumbled Danny as he came to. Reaching up with both arms he stretched every muscle in his well toned body. His cock arced up away from his stomach, bigger than ever, and Zach automatically took it fully in his hand, finding that velvety knob again and loving every bit of it. "Shit Zach, you sure know how to wake a guy up." Danny laughed and flashed him that wonderful grin. Zach returned the grin and gave his cock an extra squeeze. "Well, it was just standing there, sort of begging for" At that moment they heard the sound of the caravan door and then Danny's Mum called out to them. "Are you boys up yet?" Barely concealing his mirth, Danny called back, "Yeah Mum, sort of......" "That's one way of putting it," giggled Zach under his breath. Pulling on their boxers and T-shirts the boys staggered out into the morning light and up to the caravan for breakfast. "You boys look very tired this morning. I hope you got plenty of sleep last night. You didn't talk too long did you?" asked Zach's Mum. Zach cursed his fair colouring as he blushed deeply. "No...we talked for a while, but not too long. I guess you never sleep all that well first night away......" he tapered off. Danny's knee rubbed up against his own as he came to the rescue. "Oh you know what Zach's like. Yackety yacekty yack. We'll be fine when we've had a surf. And anyway, we can always have an early night tonight if we feel tired." Danny's knee bumped him again to emphasise the point, as if Zach hadn't caught on, and under cover of the table his hand briefly caressed the inside of Zach's thigh. Immediately he felt his cock start to grow inside his boxers as he remembered Danny's comment before they went to sleep the night before. What had he said? Something about Zach going to be the "main feature". Knowing Danny, it could be anything, but he sure felt hot even thinking about it. "Well you may not have slept very well, but you are certainly hungry," noticed Danny's Mum. "Oh well, growing boys...I guess you just burn off all that energy with so much activity..." "Yep Mum, you got it," chipped in Danny before the conversation went any further. And then as they were already out the door, "well, we gotta get going if we're going to catch the morning swell." "I think I already did that," sniggered Zach as they tumbled into a heap inside the tent and out of earshot. Pulling on wetsuits Danny again remarked on how Zach had grown since last year, except this time his words were accompanied by actions. His big hands cupped Zach's divine arse. "Shit you feel good Zacho. I can hardly wait to get my hands on you tonight. I am telling you Zachy boy, tonight, you are gonna be one quivering heap...." Zach's cock was at instant attention. Danny smiled, grabbed his own sword which had also hardened and quickly stuffed it into his wetsuit. Zach smiled appreciatively as Danny zipped up. His wetsuit was a light blue colour and the contour of his generous hardon was very clear to see. "Seems like we're both looking forward to it then," he grinned. And with that, the two boys raced across the sand for their first surf of the day. It was a great day by any measure. The weather was glorious, not a cloud in the sky, a warm wind, good waves and, of course, good company. After lunch a beach cricket match developed with some kids from further down the beach. Several times Zach found himself standing just watching Danny with the bat, clowning around as always, grinning, cracking jokes - everybody's favourite, and a surge of pride would go through him, that this....prince could have chosen him, Zach, as his partner and lover. Again and again he found himself admiring Danny's youthful grace and poise. His long legs seemed to be just made for running. Then an image would come to mind of Danny's legs wrapped around his own arse, urging him on to fuck him, and he would feel that all too familiar blush sweep up his face, not to mention a bulge in his groin, and he would have to force himself to concentrate on the cricket. Many times too, to his joy, Danny flashed him that hallmark grin, and Zach knew it was more than just a smile, it was a confirmation of all that had happened between them - and a reminder of tonight. After dinner that night the boys excused themselves early, as foreshadowed, and headed for their tent. The boys parents were going to the local hotel for a meal and a few drinks but given the boys so sensibly decided to go early to bed Danny's mum had given them a meal early. Grabs of conversation followed behind the boys as they dived into the sanctuary of the tent.... ".....what sensible boys they are.........really growing up.........get along so well........" Out came the bourbon again and the boys chatted furtively as they waited for their parents to drive off. Shortly they heard voices and the van door shut. Danny's mum peered into the tent. "Now you know where we are...and we've all got our phones with us if you need anything." "Mum....we're absolutely fine," sighed Danny. "We're not babies anymore remember..." "I know I know...and you're both very sensible really. Although...." Danny's mother glanced around the tent "...although really Danny I popped in here earlier in the day with some clothes for you and....honestly look at your bed it's such a mess!!! You should take a lesson from Zach....look at Zach's'd think it hadn't even slept lovely and neat." It was all Danny and Zach could do not to explode. "Yeah yeah Mum....whatever. Just go and enjoy your night," said Danny "...Mr Perfect Zach will be sure to look after me I'm sure." he laughed and pulled the tent flap shut by way of concluding the conversation. As they heard the sound of car tyres on gravel Danny turned to Zach with a look of sheer lust and anticipation. For the hundredth time that day Zach's young cock gave a jump in his boxers. Both boys had changed out of their wetsuits which were hanging over a branch to dry for tomorrow. They were now wearing their teen surfer uniform of boxers, baggy boardshorts and T-shirts. Danny thought that Zach looked especially lovely, and told him so, in his soft blue shirt which matched so well his clear eyes. His blond hair, bleached even further by the day's sun and salt, fell below his chin and framed his perfect face like an angel. "Ok Zacharoni, the time has to speak," Danny laughed at his own unintended pun, "for you to be the main attraction - my main attraction that is." Danny smiled, but it was a sort of shy smile this time and, though Danny's complexion was too dark to permit a blush, Zach thought he detected a slight deepening of his colour too as Danny looked at him from beneath those luscious long dark lashes. "Hhmmm....I do not know what the fuck you have in mind Danny....but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like it" muttered Zach. "You see ..... you know how ...last night..." Danny paused, uncommonly lost for words. "How....." then he rushed into it, " I said that I had always loved you?" Zach watched him intently....those big brown eyes... "...well, that was partly right.....the fact is that......well, when we were just little kids I guess I just took you for granted, you were always there, part of my life, part of me I guess. Then when we moved away I was so lonely without you, I thought.....I thought...." Danny's head sank forward. For a moment Zach thought he was going to cry. He reached out and took Danny's hands in his. Danny looked up, eyes brimming and he went on. "Fuck Zach I though my heart would break! I used to get these terrible pains in my chest whenever I thought about you, sort of like being homesick, and that was when I realised that I really loved you. And then, last year when you came down for the holiday, I couldn't take my eyes off you. You had grown, I knew I had too, somehow everything was different. I still wanted to just hang out like always with you, but there was something else too..... after you had gone and I realised that I would not see you again for a year I thought I would die, and I guess that is when I owned up to myself....that I was in love with best cousin for God's sake.... Before you got here yesterday, I thought I would die with waiting....and wondering if ........ maybe..... well, anyway, when you arrived and got out of the car..... I just thought my heart would burst. You were like a ray of sunshine come to light up my day, all golden and everything..." he smiled shyly, ".....bit poetic hey?" Zach's heart was fit to burst, and he opened his mouth to speak. "No...wait. There's more...." interrupted Danny. Having said so much, he had to finish it. "I've gotta say this. That stuff last year about jerking off together...... you don't know how sorry I was about that........I thought I had really blown it.." The tension was broken as both boys laughed at another unintended pun. "Anyway, I guess that was just my clumsy way of ...... oh I don't know..... of doing something..... and I'm real sorry....." Danny looked up. Zach could see that those dark eyes were indeed brimming with tears and the thick lashes were moist. He held Danny's hands in his. They felt big and strong. He realised that he loved the way Danny still seemed a bit bigger, a bit older, a bit stronger. Yet here was the soft and vulnerable side of the class clown, exposed and raw.... just for him. "Danny.... it wasn't your wasn't my just wasn't the right time, I guess. I wasn't ready for it. Shit, eh?.....what a difference a year can make," he smiled. And this time it was his turn to take his friend by the neck and pull him forward. His beautiful face, those fine manly features he had studied so intimately only this very morning, brought into sharper clarity by their emotion. Just whispering now, Danny said "I know, but Zachie, I know I clown around a lot, but this is important, you gotta know that ..... I really love you. I don't ever want to be apart from you." "I know," said Zach quietly. "And I love you Danny .... always have, always will. Aren't we the lucky ones, hey?" Zach kissed Danny's eyes, the lashes wet with teardrops, and they held each other tight. Kissing necks, kissing ears, cheeks, chins - lips locked in the tenderest of embraces. Eyes open, they drank in each other's love as tongues gently probed and explored. Then suddenly Danny pulled away. "Shit, I almost are the main attraction tonight Zachie.....well only if you want to be, I guess?" Zach watched him quizzically. "You see, for ages I have had this, well fantasy about you. It started out as one of my jerkoff fantasies.... only it sort of grew. Basically.....well...." Zach noticed that colour in Danny's cheeks again. Oh fuck, how divine was this boy? "....well, I sort of ummm....well...strip you....real slow like......and know....ummm..." "Danny....." Zach interrupted grinning, "you have always been a man of action, not of words. I reckon you have said more tonight than in the 15 years I've known you! Shut the fuck up and....get on with it!" "God Zach, you're awesome!" Danny stood up and motioned to Zach to do likewise. There was not a much room in the tent, but fortunately just enough head room for the two of them. "Now, you have to stand facing away from me. That's part of the fun," explained Danny. Zach stood, legs astride, arms at his side. Every nerve ending was on edge. He could sense as much as feel Danny's breathing. Then suddenly without a word Danny's hands were reaching up beneath his surf shirt and he felt as if his skin was on fire. Danny's long fingers spread wide as he explored up Zach's smooth back, feeling the knobbles of his spine, the well developed muscles of his shoulder blades and the broadness of his shoulders. Under the shirt, he caressed Zach's shoulders, neck, and then down the upper parts of his arms. The only sound to be heard was the boys' steady breathing, the crashing of the surf in the distance...and the beating of two young hearts. Sweeping down his back, Danny felt the boyish smallness of Zach's waist. Zach lifted his arms slightly as Danny's hands moved around to his stomach, small, flat, tight....smooooth. Involuntarily, Zach gasped as his friend circled his navel and the fine hairless skin above the waistband of his boardshorts. Zach had an outie and Danny wriggled his fingers over its small bump. It felt a bit like a little pea. Then, with fingers spread, Danny's hands swooped up Zach's torso, scooping around his pecs but carefully avoiding his nipples. Down again to Zach's stomach - half caress, half massage and this time his finger tips tracing a line along the top of his shorts. Danny knew without a doubt that the throbbing in his own boardshorts was surely matched by that in Zach's. Holding Zach's surf shirt at the bottom Danny pulled it up and over his head. Zach went to turn around. "Uh uh Zacho...not so fast." Zach stood before him, wearing just his shorts, his blond hair and the fair skin of his back aglow in the lamplight. Danny felt short of breath as he took in this sight from his dreams. "God Zach, you're fuckin' amazing. Your body is just to die for." "Danny, this is so hot. If you're not careful I'll cum without you even touching my cock." "Yeah Zacho? Well I've hardly started.... so don't get your hopes up." Placing his hands on Zach's waist, Danny slowly slid up the sides of his chest and under his arms lifting them up so that they were stretched up above Zach's head. Then starting right at Zach's finger tips he caressed his palms, his wrists, the soft underside of his forearms, and down slowly to his armpits. Zach had not a sign of a hair in his pits and Danny knew it, and was really turned on by it. He stroked Zach's smooth pits with the palm of his hand and then with the back of his hand. "Mmmmmm..." sighed Zach. "I love that you are so smooth Zach. I can't tell you what a turn on it is for me. I mean, I know that you will change, and when you do, I'm sure I'll love that too," he added quickly, "but.... I don't know, your skin is silk.... I just want to stroke it, hold it, .... lick it.." "Well shit Danny.... be my guest. Like you said, I am the main attraction, and I sure am enjoying the attention," said Zach with a glance down at his shorts which were bulging out in front with his hardon. He reached down to adjust his cock, stuck as it was in the folds of his boxers but Danny quickly grasped his hand. "Uh uh," he said, "noooo touching." Then taking the hand in his, he licked and gently sucked on each finger in turn, finally returning to Zach's index finger, long slender and perfectly formed (like every part of him, thought Danny). Slowly but deliberately Danny went down on Zach's finger, swirling his tongue around the tip, then loosening his wet lips and tongue he sucked it a bit further and a bit further into his hot mouth until he had swallowed its whole length and the knuckles of Zach's hand were hard against his lips. Using his tongue, lips and cheek muscles he massaged the length while keeping it fully within; intuitively both boys knew this was as much a promise of what was to come as it was pleasurable in itself. "Ooohhhh............ ooohhh fuuuck......... mmmmmm.." moaned Zach, his free hand stretched up and behind his head. Danny finally eased off Zach's finger his tongue dancing over Zach's palm before moving up his arm, pausing here and there, circling in the crook of his elbow and then with just the tip, trickling up to that coveted armpit. Holding Zach's arm up, Danny breathed in the sweet perfume of his young partner. He smelled of boy and the ocean. "Daaanneeee," moaned Zach, "Daneee........ooohhhh god, that feels soooo goood. You are soooo hot. I feel like ..... like I might ... burst!" Danny licked with the flat of his tongue, bathing Zach's smooth pit, not leaving any part uncovered. He found he especially loved the ridge of pectoral muscle created by Zach's upraised arm and, having licked it, he took the edge fully into his mouth as if to bite it, gently running it through his mouth and teeth. Letting Zach's arm drop back to his side, Danny's fingers made their way back to Zach's chest. With just his finger tips he circled around each little nipple, then he cupped Zach's pectorals the way another teen might cup a girl's breasts before circling back to the nipples and ever so lightly brushing over them with the palm of his hands. A little sort of squeak escaped Zach's throat as Danny gently increased pressure on those little buds and alternately caressed and gently squeezed them. Bending his head to Zach's back Danny licked his shoulder blades and traced a line down his back, simultaneously caressing his chest and, as he slowly knelt behind Zach, his tongue licked the small of his back while his hands found their way back to the flat of his stomach and that pert little tummy button. Briefly he wrapped his arms right around Zach's tiny waist, hugging him to him, Danny's cheek to the small of Zach's back. "Oooh Zach..........." he hissed.... In answer, Zach arched back his head and, reaching back his hands found Danny's hair, all he could reach of him, and he gently entwined his long fingers in Danny's wild mess of dark curls. His face buried in the small of Zach's back, Danny reached up with his arms to again stoke Zach's broad smooth chest holding him in a sort of elongated embrace. Bent back as he was Zach's washboard stomach and well developed chest were even more starkly defined. Every muscle stood out, his nerve endings jangled, his little nipples were alert with anticipation. Finally, Danny's fingers began a slow and deliberate course back to that divine boyish waist. This time though, his fingers found the cord at the front of Zach boardshorts. He did not need to see the bow to know exactly how Zach tied his shorts. Had he not studied every inch of this boy a thousand times? Careful not to touch Zach's straining cock he tugged the cord to release it, then he slid his thumbs below the waistband and pulled to expand it fully before easing the shorts down over that tight arse. He knew that the front of Zach's shorts would press down on his hot meat as he pulled them to the floor and, sure enough, was rewarded by a sharp intake of breath from Zach as his cock was squeezed by the waistband and then released again. Lifting Zach's feet out of his shorts he tossed them to one side and settled his feet back on the floor, ensuring that they were placed well apart. Reaching forward to Zach's toes Danny drew the fingers of each hand up Zach's feet, around his fine boned ankles and up the front of his lower leg. Unlike Danny who had a bit more than a sprinkling of dark hair below his knees, Zach had not the slightest hint of a hair. His fair skin was totally smooth. Danny relished it, his own cock straining against the confines of his clothes as he knelt on the ground behind Zach. Ever so slowly his hands trickled up over Zach's knees to his well muscled thighs where they spread wide as if measuring their girth. In slow arcs he caressed higher and higher until his fingers slid under the satiny hem of Zach's boxers. Zach exhaled slowly in a long sigh and his knees buckled ever so slightly. Danny, of course, could not see the front of Zach but he knew absolutely that his lovely meat would be hopelessly engorged and sticking out in front of him, desperate for the attention it was not getting. He wondered if, indeed, it may have found the fly in Zach's boxers and was even now protruding naked from its satin folds. Whatever the case, he knew there was no chance of finding it close to his legs where his fingers now explored - but Zach's balls, now that was another thing altogether! Moving his attention to Zach's left leg, Danny used both hands to encircle his calf and his fingers raked up and up an up until again he reached the hem of his boxers. He felt the strong muscles of his thighs, strong and mature from years of surfing and school sport. Kneeling as he was behind Zach, Danny was suddenly struck by his position of almost worship, and considered just how appropriate this was, because in fact, he had worshipped his younger cousin always. "God Zach..... I know I keep saying it, but ............. your skin........ it just blows me away. Fuck you're so smooth........ I never want to stop touching cock is aching ......... and I bet yours is pretty hot too," he added with a grin. "Danny............. shit Danny......... I think...fuck I'm aching..." and Zach's hands instinctively moved to his cock. "No, no, no Zachee" said Danny as quick as a flash, "but don't worry we will get there, and when we do............ mmmmmm.." and he licked his lips. "Danny pleeeease.....I think I'm gonna explode." "That is the general idea Zach...........but not just yet." Danny's hands continued their exploration of Zach's left thigh moving inexorably higher until, as he knew he must, the back of his right hand brushed the side of Zach's silken balls which hung low in his boxers. "Oooooohhhh ........... ooohh yess," groaned Zach instantly. "Oh fuck!" Danny continued to explore Zach's inner thigh, fingering the hot cleft of his groin, the back of his hand rubbing constantly against the side of Zach's hot balls, but he never once directly touched or stroked them. Withdrawing from the left leg of his boxers, Danny repeated the exercise exactly with Zach's right leg. Again he moved his hands slowly up his calf, his thigh, under the boxers and then brushing past the right side of Zach's balls as he fingered the smooth skin of his right inside thigh. "Oh Danny............. please ......." Danny himself was so hot, so stimulated that he wondered how much longer he could go on. He had been acting out his 'Zach fantasy' almost exactly and, except for the fact that the real Zach was a thousand times more wonderful than he had even imagined, so far he had kept to his internal script..... but could he last the distance......and could Zach. "Zach....I love you......I want you........I want you so bad!" Danny ran both his hands up the back of Zach's cute little boxers over his perfect arse. How could it be cool to touch? It was the most magical of things, pert, firm and soft all at once. Danny sighed and his hands slipped beneath that most divine of butts, searching the warm cleft of his groin. Quickly he came to the back of Zach's ball sack and while one hand continued stroking the inside of his thighs his other pushed forward and took both nuts in the palm of his hand. "Oh Danny ..... oh fuck.....oh Dannneee," Zach gasped. "God Zach, you feeel soooooo goood. Oh Goddd." Danny's long fingers gently stroked and massaged the front of Zach's heavy balls as he rolled them about in their hot moist pouch. Even Zach's balls were entirely hairless. His balls were quite big - as big as his own thought Danny, but they were smooth and nude like the rest of him - all save just that tiny patch of curls at the base of his gorgeous cock. A quiet constant moan was coming from Zach as he wriggled his arse and stretched his arms up again in that wonderful stretch of boyhood, clasping his hands behind his head. Stroking and cupping, caressing and stretching, Danny felt Zach's balls move beneath that silky bag and gradually lift and tighten. He sensed the boy juice gathering...urgent to be released. As they were pulled up tight into his crutch Danny raked his finger nails across the wrinkled surface of Zach's balls before moving on to the next stage of his fantasy come true. Standing up again Danny reached around Zach's hips and found the buttons on his boxers. Without touching Zach's aching boy meat he flicked undone the buttons and Zach's satin boxers dropped neatly to the floor where he stepped out of them. Still standing with his hands behind his head Zach looked for all the world like some Greek god. Totally naked, he stood before his friend like a gift for the taking. In the warm night and the light of the lamp his fair skin had a slight sheen to it. His long blond hair almost reached his tanned neck where it faded to the fairness of marble or maybe alabaster Danny thought. His lower arms and legs, where his limbs protruded from his wetsuit were, again, a golden tan while his torso was a softer gold - and smooth as the day he was born. Danny sighed. "Shit Zach, you're so fuckin hot. You are a prince.... a god. I could eat you ..... and maybe that's just what I will have to do....what do you reckon?" "Oh yesss Danny......pleease!" he cried. Zach was aware that while Danny had been speaking there had been a rustling sound, and he realised with a rush that Danny was removing his own clothes. Suddenly he knew he was right as he could actually feel the heat from his young lover's body just behind his own. Both boys stood naked, one behind the other, just a few inches separating them, but not touching. Danny's big cock was hot and hard. It curved straight up almost to his navel. Danny's hands again encircled Zach's boy waist and his hands ran up the sides of his chest, through those divine armpits, up his arms and, stretching them right out above his head as before, but this time he entwined his fingers in Zach's, his slightly bigger hands over the top of Zach's and his long fingers spread between Zach's. Moving them together he pulled their arms down until they were by Zach's side. And then, fingers still entwined, he brought Zach's hands back behind him. Zach's breath left him in a quick gasp and at that moment Danny moved a little closer so that Zach's hands, guided by his own, found Danny's throbbing young meat. Zach's fingers closed around his hot pole. "Oh Danny! Oh God! Oohh that feels so're so hot. Oh fuck. You're so fuckin big!" The two of them, fingers entwined, pumped Danny's cock. It was hard. It was the kind of hard that only a teenager gets. It was hot, and it was eager for more but Danny certainly was not intending to cum. Fingers still entwined, Danny very much in control, he clasped their hand across Zach's chest in an embrace and as he did so he pressed himself against his younger cousin's smooth body. Danny's fully engorged meat, standing to attention as it was, pressed perfectly along Zach's crack. "Oooaahhh," moaned Zach as he pushed back to meet Danny's sword, "mmmmmm....aahhhh.....awwww fuck Danny!!" Pressing the full length of his body against Zach and thrusting gently against Zach's heavenly pert butt, Danny moved their hands to caress Zach's chest and nipples. The simultaneous seduction and masturbation implicit in their entwined fingers was a turn on for both of them and they breathed together, Danny's chin on Zach's shoulder and his warm breath across his ear. Slowly he moved Zach's hands further down over his own chest and taut stomach. Danny looked down over Zach's shoulder gasped aloud at the sight of Zach's cock. Zach's head was thrown back on Danny's shoulder, his chest was heaving, the nipples firm and erect, his washboard stomach was tensed tight as it led to that little patch of blond curls - and there was a sight to be seen. Zach's young teen cock stuck out in front of him. It had a grace and proportion to it which reminded Danny of his earlier thought of Greek statues. Everything about it was perfect. The shaft was smooth and even all the way along; it curved slightly towards the tip which was fleshy and rounded, and wet....very wet with precum. Whispering in Zach's ear, Danny said, "I want to feel you feel yourself Zach..." "Oh ..... Danneee......" "But I'll be there too...." Zach would have done anything his friend said. He was entirely entranced....under Danny's spell and at his bidding. Slowly the boys' hands slid down over Zach's tight little tummy. "Feel how smooth you are Zach. Don't you feel gooooood?" "Oh. Ohhh....Danneee...." Bending the two of them forward Danny reached their entwined fingers between Zach's legs. Suddenly Zach gasped and his legs went weak. He literally felt he might the sensory overload was so great that he might actually faint. But he was Danny's puppet and the two boys together were suddenly cupping Zach's charged balls in their hands, Danny's hard meat pressing against Zach's crack. "See Zach ......... see how gooood you feel." "Ohhh....Danneee......Danny Danny Danny....faarkkk..." Totally in control of his delicious younger cousin, Danny slowly and gently brought their hands up to the base of Zach's straining cock. "Ffff....oohhaahh....oh...ohhhh..." Slowly....slowly....together....four hands....20 fingers and thumbs...they traced the proud length of Zach's cock. Danny felt the slick wetness of so much precum. He thought for a split second that Zach had actually cum!! But no he was hard as a rock and throbbing, the precum trickling all the way down his shaft to his urgent balls. Danny loved it. With their fingers he circled Zach's fat cock head wet and slick and then with thumbs and index fingers just jerked the head gently. "Whoah Zach......I've dreamed this countless times but....nothing..." he was lost for words "...nothing could prepare me for this. For how....fuck you're just...delicious..." "Of fuck Danny...oh my god..." Zach was almost whimpering "...please Danny.....let me cum!" He turned his head back to Danny's. "Suck me" he whispered "..please suck my cock....." "Well Zacky Boy............... since you asked so nicely...." Danny slumped to his knees behind Zach. He was at eye level with Zach's wondrous butt and he licked and nipped the firm cheeks. Finally releasing Zach's hands, he took him by the hips and slowly turned him around so that he was face to face with Zach's cock. All that delicious precum. Danny had certainly never seen anything like it from his own cock. "Christ Zach, you sure a ready for it, eh? Do you usually make all this precum?" "No way...hardly any when I jerk off. But God Danny....I don't think I will last long. Shit I feel as if I might cum any moment...." Danny grinned up at him. "Well, I guess this is the moment we have all been waiting for...." Cupping Zach's balls in one hand, with two fingers of the other he traced the length of his cock, from balls to head. "Mmmmm.....yum," said Danny, putting his fingers to his mouth. Zach's breath hissed between his clenched teeth. Opening his mouth wide but keeping his lips good and soft, Danny extended his wet tongue, and like a landing platform he slid it gently under the head of Zach's cock. "Ooooaaaaahhhh," Zach moaned. Moving further up his shaft, Danny closed his mouth loosely around Zach so that he was completely enveloped, and ever so slowly he moved back and forward. Zach moaned and moaned, and precum continued to ooze from his slit. Pulling back and off, Danny looked up at his lover's face. Zach's head was thrown back, he looked to be almost in a trance, his blond tresses, damp with sweat, fell about his face - he was lost in his ecstasy. If a bomb had gone off in the tent Zach would not have noticed. "Mmmmmmmm Zach, you taste sooooo gooood. God your cock is divine." Returning to his task, Danny gently licked the head of Zach's cock, feeling the velvety texture of the skin, sensing the blood throbbing away below the surface. Danny's hands stroked up the back of Zach's legs to his butt. He held those beautiful smooth cheeks in his hands and gently pulled Zach towards him. Zach's shaft slid over his tongue and into his mouth. Danny pushed him back and then pulled him forwards again, this time taking about half of his length fully into his waiting mouth. Back and forward, again and again and each time Danny took him a little further. All the while Zach was moaning and sighing, his hands now in Danny's black curls holding him tight. Danny was pulling him almost fully into his mouth. Danny knew it would not take long for Zach to cum....he was certainly fully primed. He pulled Zach hard into his mouth and felt Zach's head against the back of his throat. He gagged briefly and opened his mouth. "Stop.....Danny stop." Danny looked up. Zach looked down at his friend. Danny was on his knees in front of him, his own huge meat hot and hard between his knees, his eyes looked glazed, and his mouth was slack, trickles of spit and precum down his chin. "Danny, are you ok? Are you...sure about this....... about doing it like this. don't have to....." "Zach..................I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I have wanted this for years. I have dreamed it, I have fantasised it....I have jerked off a thousand times thinking about your cock in my my throat!! I want you Zach.....and I want you just like this. I can take it.........I know I can." He flashed that famous smile. "Really? You're sure........?" In answer Danny pulled Zach's cock back into his mouth, the knob, this time almost all the way in. "This is it," thought Danny, and he tried to consciously relax his throat as he pulled Zach fully in. "Woooaaaaah," grunted Zach as the head of his cock slid into Danny's smooth throat, ".... oh fucking fuck..." Danny pushed him back and pulled him forward again full length. His own cock throbbed as he felt those divine curls of Zach's pubes right up against his lips. He was hot, he was ..... proud. He had done it, just as he knew he could. He could hear Zach moaning and moaning, his skin was burning and his cock still seemed to be getting bigger. Danny, confident now, upped the tempo slightly, thrusting Zach in and out of his mouth and throat in a steady rhythm. Zach's legs started to shake and finally, accepting of Danny's ability to take his deepthroat his cock, his hips started to thrust into Danny's mouth. Happy to be face fucked Danny released Zach's butt and caressed his tight balls. "Aaaahhhh....." cried Zach. "Ahhh...oh...mmmmm...." Danny knew it would not be long. He felt a wave of heat sweep through Zach's meat, he held onto the boy's balls and felt the first clenching of cum start its urgent journey. Zach's hands suddenly grabbed Danny's hair and pulled him to him. It was like a he was possessed. "Danny I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum....gonna cum......oohhh fuuck....Danneeee....fuuuck......ooohh......fuuuckkk......cumming........oooooooohhhhhhhhhh. ............oohh.......oohhh..." Zach's young meat exploded with cum. His shaft throbbed again and again as hot lava shot out of him and into the throat and mouth of his mate. Danny gulped and swallowed, he gasped for air, but he held on. More and more cum erupted. Danny wondered if it would ever stop. Zach was pumping his face, moaning and grunting with his exertions. "Ohhh fuck Danny ...... oh fuck...ohhh....farck..." Finally, Zach started to ease off but as he did so Danny held him again around the butt digging his fingers into those twin mounds and pulled him hard into his mouth. He massaged Zach's softening cock with his tongue and was rewarded with a last few trickles of cum. "Mmmmmm...." said both boys in unison. Zach's grip of Danny's hair relaxed. Still with Zach's cock in his mouth Danny looked up at Zach's face. "Danny... Danny...... that was soooo good," his voice choked. Danny looked more closely. Zach was crying. Not blubbering, just gently crying. "Zach...are you ok?? What's wrong?" "Nothing." "But ... you're crying. Oh shit Zachee, what did I do...?" Falling to his knees, Zach held Danny's face in his hands. His fingers traced his forehead, his cheekbones, slid into Danny's punished mouth warm and slippery with his own cum. "I love you. That's all .....I just love you Danny. And it's just....kind of....overwhelming I guess.." Their lips locked and tongues gently probed, the taste of spit and cum shared between the two boys. Zach sighed deeply...then grinned, "... and I love this," he said, reaching between them and taking hold of Danny's whopper. A sort of low growl escaped his throat as he felt its length in his hand. "Oooh God how I love it!" Gently pushing Danny onto his back, Zach sat astride his outstretched legs so that they were ball to ball, so to speak. Grasping his friend's cock with both hands he started to slowly jack him. Danny took his weight on his elbows with his head up so he could watch the action. His young friend smiled at him from under that blond thatch and they both looked down at Danny's organ, red in the light of the lamp and hard as it could get. Stroking its magnificent length with one hand and caressing Danny's balls with the other he felt the power of this boy cock. It moved beneath his fingers with a purpose of its own. It throbbed and pulsed with life. Each time Zach's hand slid up the shaft and over the ridge of the head Danny would let out a little moan. Zach rewarded him with an extra swirl around that hot knob. "Oooh yessssss," hissed Danny, "Mmmmmm yeeesss." Slowly picking up pace Zach's hand, fully encasing Danny's swollen shaft, stretched up and over the head, and then down to his balls. Suddenly changing his approach, Zach held Danny's shaft around the base and pulled it back slightly so that it stood up and away from his stomach. Keeping his right hand clenched just loosely around the shaft so that he just touched the ridge of Danny's knob, Zach started to jerk him off fast. "Ooohhhhhh," moaned Danny, "ooohhhhhh mmmmmmm..........oooohhhh yeesssss. Oh fuuck ...... my balls ............. they're gonna explode! Ooaaaaahhh Zach..." Zach could feel Danny's balls hard up tight against the base of his huge meat. His big shaft was throbbing and hot. Zach was watching his friend's face. Danny leant back on his elbows, his chest wet with perspiration was heaving, his lovely face was looking down at his own cock, hot and hard, and being pumped furiously by his young lover. He could see Zach's small hands flying over his shaft, he could see the slit of his cockhead gaping open ready to burst. "Oh Zach...... fuckin' hell....." Zach looked up into Danny's eyes and smiled knowingly. "You feel soooo hot, Danny. God I love your cock. It's fuckin massive." "Oh, oh, ooooh," moaned Danny. His head arched back again as he thrust his hips and chest up. "I'm gonna cum......I'm gonna cuuuuuuum...." Zach felt Danny's cock thicken and pulse beneath his hand. "I'm gonna cum Zach!! Ahh fuck....fuck fuck...." Danny panted and moaned. His breath came in short gasps. Zach saw the blood rush to Danny's face. He saw his chest heave in a sudden intake of breath. "Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh yeeeeesssssssss," hissed Danny. And then he felt the first pulse as a jet of cum erupted from Danny's engorged cock. The first spurt flew through the air and landed on Danny's chin. "Oh yes," exclaimed Zach too, as he pumped Danny's cock, faster and faster. More and more cum spurted from Danny's monster, covering his chest and pooling in his navel. Zach's hand was slippery and he finally slowed his pumping, massaging around and around the cock and head, lovingly - as if it was his favourite toy, and indeed it was. "Mmmmmmm..........ooooohhh Zachie ......oh shit .......oooaaaaahhh. Oh fuck that was good!" Zach leaned forward, lying on top of Danny. Brushing back dark hair from his forehead, Zach kissed him deeply, strongly. Danny's mouth still tasted of his own cum, and Zach instantly remembered how his cock had punished this mouth. "Shit Danny, we're sure making up for lost time," smiled Zach, and planted angel kisses on Danny's thick eyelashes. "Yup - and just think - we got a whole lifetime ahead of us." "I love you Danny." "I love you too, Zachie." After cuddling for a while, the boys again ran down to the night surf, frolicking in the dark water, their strong, lithe boy bodies leaping in and out of the waves like some sort of water nymphs. Back in the tent, their skin tingling with cold and salt, the boys snuggled up together on Danny's bed, Zach curled in the crook of Danny's shoulder, their sex sated, their souls content. Again they breathed in the fresh scent of boy and surf, listened to the sound of each other's measured breathing, and fell asleep to the steady beat of strong young hearts bound together for life. * * * The sound of gravel under tyres did not wake the boys as their parents returned from a night at the pub. The four adults had enjoyed their evening as always. It was Zach and Danny's mothers who were sisters. Less than two years apart the women had always been close as sisters, had married local guys and as a foursome had socialised as friends really more than siblings. The recent separation caused by Danny's father's change of work had been the first time they had spent not in each other's pockets and this holiday they were making up for lost time. Inevitably they had talked about the boys. They genuinely were good boys. The media was full every day of bad behaviour....of poor upbringing...of literally boys behaving badly and all the parents were proud...and relieved that Zach and Danny both seemed to reflect the good values of their parents and were indeed developing into find young men. The car headlights lit up the van and the tree in front of the boys' tent. "I'll just go and check in on the boys" said Zach's mum. "I'm sure they're just fine" responded her partner. "I'll come with you" said Danny's mum as if in solidarity. The men headed to the caravan as the mothers walked the few extra steps to the tent. All was quiet and dark. Zach's mum quietly lifted the tent flap. "Boys?" she whispered "Boys...we're back...just letting you know..."Silence. "I can't even see them" she said to her sister. "Here...." Danny's mum replied, and held up here iPhone with the torch on. It was enough to dimly light up the tent. The women peered into the darkness. Zach's bed was empty....and in fact as neat as before they had left that evening. The light swung across to the other side of the tent. Both boys were in Danny's bed. "Oh..." a slightly surprised query from Danny's mum. "They must have been cold....." Zach's mum's voice trailed off as both women looked at each other, a flicker of recognition in their silent gaze. Mothers know their boys and like a movie reel playing before their eyes both women saw numerous moments from the last couple of days like pieces of a jigsaw falling into place. Simultaneously they turned back to the boys who were sound asleep, naked arms outside of their cotton blanket. Danny was lying on his back, head framed by his dark wavy hair and Zach was.....well....snuggled into the crook of his arm. They looked back at the rest of the tent....Zach's made bed....clothes littered around...hhmmmm... "Well they've always been close," muttered Danny's mum somewhat superfluously as she let the tent flap drop quietly back. "Indeed they have," replied her sister as they exchanged knowing glances "....and frankly...who knows what it means. What we do know is they are beautiful boys....growing into beautiful young men. That's all that matters." And they headed to the caravan, their brains in overdrive with wonderment and a degree of uncertainty. One thing they both knew without any need to articulate it; they all loved their boys and whatever their life choices....that was fine with them.