Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:23:48 -0400 From: Mike Yonge Subject: Wilf and the Cowboy DISCLAIMER: This is a story out the fantasy that is my mind. It is a story that deals with homosexual material. If you live in a jurisdiction that by some law or reason prohibits you from reading this material then please do not read any further. If homosexual material like this offends you then you should stop reading as well...Though frankly if homosexual material offends you I can't understand why you would be here in the first place. The copyright of this material is mine, subject to the agreement under this website. I trust that you will enjoy reading the stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them. To see other stories I have written check the Author's List for Mike Yonge If you have any comments to pass on, I would very much like to have them. You can write me at: One other thing. The good folks at work hard to bring you these stories. Without a site like Nifty none of our stories would ever reach you. So if you have enjoyed reading at this site, please, if you can, send in a donation to to help out. Thank you Standing at the grave that spring afternoon, Wilf was transported back in his minds eye to when he first met Dwayne... It was some fifty-two years earlier, also in the spring of the year... Wilf looked sadly at the man behind the counter. He had just asked him for a job, anything, washing dishes, sweeping floors, just to make a few bucks so he could get a room, or at least enough to get something to eat. "Sorry Son, no job for you" the man had said. He bowed his head and walked out of the café. Wilf was 16. He had been kicked out of his home three days earlier and was now at the end of his funds and rope. Slinging his packsack over his back he headed up the street toward the highway. "Hey kid!" He heard a voice behind him. Looking back he saw a large man (not fat but big, probably 6"6' or more)walking toward him. "I heard in there that you was looking fer work. I could use an extra hand for a couple weeks on the ranch if yer interested. Can't pay much but give yah a roof over yer head and food in yer belly" Wilf looked the man over. He looked to be an older man, about his Dad's age. He looked honest and friendly. So he nodded and thanked the man. "Good" the man said. "I'm John bye the way." He said holding out his hand to Wilf "Let's get yer things" "I'm Wilf, Well this is it" he replied, taking the man's hand and shrugging his packsack. "Well now that ain't a whole lot is it?" John said. He looked the boy over maybe this was a mistake. He shrugged his shoulders and led the way to the half ton parked on the other side of the street. It was about a half hour later north of Kamloops they pulled off the highway down a long drive to the ranch as it were. Wilf didn't exactly know what to expect and was a little nervous but the man driving the truck was friendly enough , and had kept up a steady stream of chatter the entire time. "Y'll be workin with Dwayne" he said as we drove, "He from up Shushwap way, a two-spirit they tell me" Wilf just nodded he didn't know what "two-spirit" meant, but chose not to ask. Shortly after that they arrived at the ranch. As they got out of the truck John let out a whistle and hollered "Hey Dwayne over here." A youngish man about Wilf's height but more muscular sauntered over. Wilf saw immediately the man was a Native. He had a dark complexion, black hair under the cowboy hat he was wearing and the general features of a Native American. "This here's Wilf and he's going to give you a hand for a couple weeks." Wilf stuck out his hand but Dwayne just looked him over "Ain't much to him" he said "No, I guess not" Replied John "but I think he should be able to help out, at least till Moe and Pete show up." "I guess" Dwayne replied "Well c'mon then, let's see what you can do" With that he turned back to the barn where he had been called from. Wilf looked at John, not sure what to do. "Better go after him. He'll teach you what you need to know." Wilf grabbed his pack and ran after the cowboy. As he caught up to him Dwayne said over his shoulder. "Can you ride?" "Ride?" "A horse" "Uh ... no" "Great" that was not said with any enthusiasm, more in a disparaging tone. "Well let's get you a horse, you gotta learn today `cause we're going out for two days riding tomorrow." Dwayne looked down at Wilf's feet "don't you even have boots?" With a look of exasperation Dwayne did a 90 degree turn away from the corral toward what Wilf soon found out was the bunk house where he and Dwayne would be staying. Inside Dwayne pointed to a cot in the corner. "That'll be yours fer now" then he added "What size are yer feet?" Wilf put his packsack on it. "for now?" he thought "Uh size 11" Dwayne was over at his bed rummaging through a huge trunk. He pulled out an old boot which was followed by another. "Here these will do till you can buy a pair. Ya can't ride a horse in sneakers" he added "Not sure you'll be able to ride a horse at all" You'll have to borrow on yer pay for a pair of jeans but I guess for now those'll have to do. He said gesturing at Wilf's polyester pants. In all this Wilf had not said a word other than to tell Dwayne his shoe size. He sat on his cot and put the boots on. They were old alright, pretty worn out but they felt so very comfortable. "Uh thanks for the boots Dwayne, they feel real comfortable" "They do that, so don't get too close to them I'm gonna want them back "'K let's go teach you how to ride." The rest of the day was spent learning how to get on a horse, to sit on a horse to feel the rhythm of the horse as he rode it and how to actually ride. At the end of the day when John's wife ran the dinner bell Wilf was exhausted but feeling good. He loved the horse he had been given immediately. She seemed to take to him as well, something that Dwayne noticed. Wilf's riding skills also came faster than either he or Dwayne had anticipated. "Well looks like you two have hit it off" Said John as they walked into the kitchen "Well for a wetback he might do for a couple days" Dwayne said as he sat down at the table. "Annabel took right too him" (Annabel was the horse Wilf had been riding). In the same breath he added "John, the kid got no clothes. You'll have to give him an advance get him some jeans and skivvies, and maybe a shirt or two. He's usin' my old boots for now." John looked at Dwayne then over to Wilf and then his wife. He sighed. "I guess you'll be on for a couple weeks fer sure then to pay that all off. We'll go into Kamloops after supper, see if Hank won't open up fer me." The rest of the meal was eaten more or less in silence. It was good plain fare and Wilf who had not eaten in two days fought hard to keep himself in check so as not to wolf down his food. It did not go unnoticed however. John's wife Ellie asked him when he had eaten last. "A couple days ago Ma'am ... this is so good" he replied Ellie sighed and smiled at John. Her husband had such a "nose" for poor lost puppies. That was how Dwayne had come to them ten years earlier. Lost, destitute, hungry and just in need of help. It had been good though; Dwayne practically ran the small ranch, was a hard worker and had never given them any trouble. Now this boy... she watched as the lad asked if he could have some more. There was something lost and sad about this lad as well. She filled the boy's plate again. After supper John called `Hank' and soon Wilf was in the truck again with John heading back into town. They ended up buying a couple pairs of jeans, shirts and about a dozen underwear and pairs of socks. John considered a pair of boots but thought against it "for now" "We'll see how you make out, no sense in buyin' stuff you don't need if yer not gonna stay" When they got back to the ranch Wilf was told to stow his stuff and get to bed as they would be leaving early the next morning. Dwayne was in the shower when they got back. Wilf almost gasped as the man came back into the bunkroom, drying his hair, totally naked. If Dwayne was embarrassed or even mildly disturbed by Wilf's sudden presence he didn't let on. "Oh your back are you? Well you should take a shower and we'll get packed up for tomorrow. We leave at sun up." "Uh Oh ok..." The man was gorgeous. Wilf had trouble not looking. He quickly grabbed a clean/ new pair of underwear and scurried to the shower room. There he found some towels. He had a nice long shower. It felt so good. All his aching muscles were soothed. When he came out again dried and dressed, Dwayne showed him what he needed for the next two days that they would be out on the range. A couple blankets, and an extra shirt, underwear and socks in a saddle bag. They went to bed with no talk and Wilf was asleep within minutes. What he wasn't prepared for was what Dwayne meant by sunup. The sun wasn't even considering coming up when Wilf was shaken awake by Dwayne. "C'mon breakfast is on we gotta get goin' if we're to be gone by sunup." He said gruffly. Wilf was surprised to see Ellie with a full breakfast ready for them. She smiled at the young lad. He was clearly not used to getting up before the sun. "He'll get used to it" she thought "Or die tryin'" she laughed to herself. She watched Dwayne's reaction to the boy. It wasn't obvious but he seemed to be watching the lad, more like a father his son or something more personal like that, not like a foreman another nuisance employee. Well it was probably nothing but she smiled to herself none the less The purpose of these two days was to check on the fencing and see how it fared the winter. It was still cool at night but the snow was gone and pretty soon John would be getting some new cattle which would be driven out onto the range. The fencing had to be intact. John didn't have a huge ranch and he often had other ranchers use his land to take on smaller herds that they didn't want mixing with their main herd. John filled a sort of "niche market" if you will and it worked for him. Gave him a decent living and allowed him to hire Dwayne and usually four or five temps during the summer and fall. The property was big enough though that to ride the perimeter and check the land out as they were doing would take two and half days riding. Dwayne was not much of a talker. Neither was Wilf so they rode most of the day in silence. Dwayne showed him what to look for. They found several places that needed some work. These they repaired and moved on. Wilf found the whole experience quite interesting and exhilarating...other than the increasing pain in his ass and lower back from being unaccustomed to riding a horse When they finally stopped for the night the sun was getting low in the sky. They gathered some brush from a coulee for a fire. They fed the horses and heated up a couple cans of beans and cut up some bread for themselves and ate pretty much in silence. By the time supper was done it was almost dark. They wiped down the plates as best as they could. They settled and secured the horses. Dwayne rolled out his bedroll wrapped a blanket around himself and settled down for the night. Wilf following his lead did the same. It was a clear night and the temperature was dropping fast. Wilf was amazed how quickly it got cold. He found himself not only uncomfortable from the hard ground but from the fact that the blanket was not quite enough to keep out the cold. About midnight he was still awake and shivering. "You still awake Wilf?" he heard as for the millionth time that night he tried to get comfortable. "Yeah, cold..." "Bring yer stuff over here. It is cold tonight, if we put our stuff together we'll both be warm." There was just enough light from the quarter moon to see what he was doing. A few minutes later they had combined all the blankets and Wilf's bedroll over them and they were lying together on Dwayne's bedroll. As he was finally getting warm and drifting off Dwayne's arm came over his waist and pulled him closer. "That feels better don't it?" "Yeah" the next thing Wilf knew was waking up ... it was still dark. He was on his side and he felt Dwayne spooned up behind him, his arm still over Wilf's waist. It felt very comfortable he thought. He drifted off to sleep again being wakened some time later by Dwayne. The second day Dwayne was much more talkative. It was as if he felt freer to talk to Wilf. They talked about all manner of things... family, likes and dislikes, girlfriends... Wilf discovered that Dwayne like himself was a bit of a loner and really not into as the older man put it "that kind of thing" At one point in conversation Wilf asked. "Dwayne? John said something about you being a two spirit man... I thought that was maybe an Indian tribe but you say you're a Shushwap Indian... so what is Two Spirit?" It was the only time in the day that Wilf saw the man's features grow dark. "Maybe I'll tell you sometime" was all Dwayne said at the time. Wilf thought it better to let the subject drop He found other than that, that the man was really quite friendly sort and the day went a lot faster and easier than the previous day. As the sun went down that night Dwayne got the bedrolls ready as the night before. "I think it might be almost a cold as last night..." He paused "... I think I'll take my shirt and dungarees (jeans) off though. I found it a little warm. You know? Too cold alone but maybe a little too warm together" "Uh yeah" replied Wilf not sure about this turn of events. It was too cold last night even with all his clothes on but... he would be half naked under the covers it this man... well actually more than half..." At any rate he followed Dwayne's lead. Soon feeling the coolness of the night air on his bare legs and torso he joined the man under the covers. Dwayne smiled at him as he got in.. "That's better" Dwayne said softly as he spooned in behind the young man. Wilf felt the softness of the man's chest against his back. In his mind he pictured the man's whole body as he had seen it the first night, and he felt himself getting aroused. That arousal got almost immediately complete when he felt Dwayne's arm coming over his waist again the man's hand on his belly. "you warm enough boy?" the man whispered in his ear "Yeah this is good" It was actually better than the night before in one sense in that they had wrapped their boots in their jackets serving as a pillow. Much better than laying on his arm all night. Wilf dozed off in this arrangement fairly quickly. It had been a long day. The hard ground didn't seem to be as hard this night. It was pitch dark the next time he woke up. He had been dreaming that ... well it was like a wet dream he had had way back when he first started to cum. Only this time it was Dwayne he was dreaming abou.... Fuck! He wasn't dreaming! The hand that was slowly, erotically massaging his cock was as real hand and it wasn't his! He started to move. "That's ok my Wilf... just let it happen ... it's ok" He froze as he felt himself building to a massive orgasm in his underwear. "Ohhhhhnnnnnn fuck...!!!" "That's it boy. That's so nice." As he started to come down from the orgasmic high he could feel other movement behind him,,, A grunt and the spurting of hot fluid on his back. "Oh yeah that's good. Real good... real good.." Dwayne whispered in his ear. Wilf felt the man move down his back and then felt his back being licked clean. He didn't dare move or say anything. Moments later Dwayne was once again spooned into him with his arm over his waist pulling him in close. "That is what a two spirit man is ..." there was a pause. "I think you might be one too?" Wilf lifted his arm and laid it on top of Dwayne's. Taking hold of the man's hand brought it up holding it to his chest. Both men sighed deeply within themselves There was silence and Wilf realized that Dwayne had gone to sleep. The next morning both men wakened about the same time, still in the same position, Wilf still holding on to Dwayne's hand. They got up in silence. Wilf peeled his crusted still somewhat sticky underwear from himself. It didn't occur to him to turn away from Dwayne as he did that. The older man pretended not to look. They ate breakfast is silence, packed up and prepared to get onto the day's work. As Dwayne fixed his bedroll behind the saddle, Wilf walked up to him. "Dwayne?" he say softly and shyly. As Dwayne looked his way. Wilf hugged the man. "Thank you for last night" They held each other tightly for several moments, each man revelling in the peace and happiness the coursed through them. Neither man realized at the time the other's joy, but between them the beginning of a love they would share for many years sparked into a flame That day they finished up the repairs and checked what was left of the fencing and headed back. It had been a quiet day, both men finding themselves deep in thought enveloped in a sense of total well being. John came out to greet them as they rode into the ranch yard. Wilf saw to the horses while Dwayne reviewed the last three days with John. At one point John asked. "So how did the boy work out?" Dwayne thought for a moment and then said "Very well John, I'd like to keep him on if we could" "Really!?" John said with some surprise. "Ok, I'll see what we can do" Dwayne bowed his head and John hardly heard him say. "I found my other spirit John, I don't want to lose him" John nodded. This wouldn't have come easy to Dwayne. He put a hand on Dwayne's shoulder. "Ok son, we'll keep him." As he walked away he called over his shoulder. "Supper will be in about a half hour. Give you time to get cleaned up" Moments later both men were in the shower together. Wilf reached up taking Dwayne's neck with his hand and kissed the man. Dwayne wrapped his arms around the boy pulling to him. Their erections crossed together as they kissed deeply for the first time. "I don't ever want to leave you Dwayne." "I won't ever let you go" It was with difficulty they pulled apart. "Ellie is waiting supper for us, but later..." Dwayne said as he forced himself to turn off the shower. Minutes later Ellie and John looking out the kitchen window saw the two men walking toward the house. John smiled to himself as he watched the boy no longer looking lost and forlorn and his ranch foreman no longer looking lonely. He glanced at his wife and she at him. "There is something different about them John. The boy certainly doesn't look so lost anymore." "No, I think Dwayne just might make a cowboy out of him yet"