This work fully protected under The United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a). All Rights Reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the Author's consent. (See full statement at the beginning of Chapter One.)


Author's Note:  Thanks to all of you who have written to tell how much you're enjoying the story, I hope you stay tuned.  For all the readers enjoying the stories here at Nifty, remember that Nifty needs your donations to help them to provide these wonderful stories.  How about sending them $5 Bucks, just think of it as buying a hot magazine!



A Single Soul


Chapter 50


Part 1 – Turmoil



Tuesday August 11, 2009


It had been a rough few weeks at the compound following Sue's murder, as it hit Barry harder than he or his lovers had expected. He did however pull it together for Ryan's sake; the worst part was dealing with his parents and hers. He really hadn't explained his living arrangements to his parents. When they arrived at the funeral Matt rented Finn's condo for them. They were very gracious until the end of the visit. Barry's father started to ask questions that Barry wasn't ready to answer. They left for home not on the best of terms.


Then there were Sue's parents. Before they left the cemetery, they informed Barry that they were filing for custody of Ryan. Finn luckily was standing with Barry, Matt, and Jim and heard her father's threat. He quickly informed the man that he was welcome to do so. Finn also reminded them that there was not a court in the state that would find grounds to remove Ryan from his father's care. Furthermore, Finn would drag them through the courts until they were bankrupt! Then, smiling, he asked if they really wanted to go down that road. They would not only end up broke, but with the real possibility of never seeing their grandchild again. Barry didn't hear from them for more than two weeks. Sue's mother called to apologize and ask if he would be kind enough to bring Ryan for a visit. He said he was happy to, but told Jim and Matt he would never leave the boy alone.


Seamus and Jake really hit it off with Tim and Derrick. They begged Brandon to let them stay the rest of the week, and even offered to babysit for the boys while Barry was busy with the funeral. When Brandon mentioned that they had only packed for the weekend the boys laughed at him. Not only did they spend most of the time naked but, if they had to, they could wear some of Tim's things. He relented and they ended staying until now.


Early on Jim had suspected that the four boys were playing around. So he and Matt sat them down for a talk. Handing them a box of condoms, he said they were old enough to make their own decisions, but if they were going to play around they need to cover up. All four boys blushed scarlet, and Derrick exclaimed, "Dad!"


Matt added that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, that he and Jim were teenagers once themselves and were at each other night and day. Then adding if the four of them weren't around, they still would be! That seemed to ease the embarrassment and they had been a pleasure every day since. The clothes issue never came up of course because they barely ever wore any. Brandon and the rest of his family were coming down for the boys' birthday and they would go home with them.



Over the last few weeks, Keith had been working hard to convince Finn that he had changed. He gave glowing reports of his sessions with Doc Marks and was being nice, almost sincerely so to his brother and Derrick. However today he was really nervous about this session. The Doc had really been putting the pressure on him during recent visits and he was starting to get a little uncomfortable and feared the gig was up.


"Keith, I have been presenting you with a few different challenges over the past few weeks. Do you have anything you would like to tell me?" The Doc asked when the day's session began. He remained silent and she waited for him to speak. The longer she waited the more agitated he became. Finally the silence got to him and the trademark smirk appeared on his face. But this time there was something different, something almost evil in its place. Then he leaned forward and pointed at the Doc.


"Listen, no dumb bitch is going to tell me how to think and who I can hang with. You want to know how I feel, how I feel about fags? How I feel that I have a faggot father and a faggot brother? I feel the same way any straight guy would feel. I fucking hate them! I don't think they should be allowed to live in society. And if AIDS would kill all of them, the world would be a better place. So Doc, that's how I fucking feel. Are you happy now?"


Dr. Marks said nothing. She just maintained eye contact with Keith for an extremely long minute, with an impassive face. This was a trick she learned long ago. A minute can be an interminable amount of time. Then she stood, never breaking eye contact, with the same impassive face. Then she spoke, "Keith that will be all."


"What do you mean; I've only been here fifteen minutes?"


"I'm sorry I wasn't clearer, this is not going to work. There is nothing I can do to help you. There will be no further sessions. I took you as a patient as a favor to your gay father, who by the way is one of my straight retired Army Colonel husband's best friends, the other being the other "fag" in your life, Jim. Good luck in the future."


"Fuck you," Keith spat and walked out the door. He had to sit in the car for a few minutes to compose himself—he couldn't lose it. He had to hold it together and figure out a way to keep this from his dad for just a couple of weeks before he had to go back to school.


Dr. Marks sat at her desk and picked up the phone to call her husband Dave. She had never done something like this before. For as well trained and experienced as she was she had never come across someone whom she was so certain she could not help. She gave Dave a condensed version of what happened, to give him a heads up if Finn should happen to call. He reassured her that she had done the right thing. He also thought it would be unlikely that Keith would even tell his father if he stayed true to form.

Tim had just finished bringing in the last suitcase at his dad's. Finn had been working on him for weeks to move back in with him and Keith. He had explained how well Keith was doing and how he had changed for the better. Finn made a point of mentioning how well Keith had been treating him and Derrick over the last few weeks. So Tim relented and started to move his things back in that afternoon, thinking he would surprise his dad. Barry had dropped him off and helped him carry in the cases before heading back to the compound. Derrick was going to drive his car over after he was done with work. He was in his father's study using his computer to update his iPad. He was reading his email when he heard Keith's voice out in the family room.


"Fuck you cunt lips," he must be talking to Dougie, Tim thought. "I've got it all under control. I've got the two fags totally snowed man. Especially my father, I have him fucking eating out of my hand." Tim thought, I knew I shouldn't have believed my father, this guy is a fucking psycho. "Just a few more weeks and I'll be done with them and back hanging with you and the boy's, with a steady stream of guilt cash to party with," Keith said and then laughed hard at something said by his buddy. Tim kept quiet and did his best to remain unnoticed. It was quiet for a few minutes so he looked out into the room from behind the door and didn't see Keith anywhere. He grabbed his iPad and snuck out of the house. He was so angry he was shaking, so he headed over to the beach to walk it off. As he walked he replayed the conversation over and over in his head and then he decided what he was going to do.


When Tim got back to the house, his father and Keith were in the kitchen drinking a beer. When Finn saw him, he put his beer down and went to hug him.


"Where have you been?" Finn exclaimed, "I saw your things upstairs. I didn't know you were moving in today. I mean, I'm glad, I'm just surprised," Finn was gushing and Tim was looking over his shoulder at Keith who had an evil glare on his face.


"Sorry Dad, I wanted to surprise you. When you weren't here I went for a walk on the beach."


"Well this is great," Finn said, "Frank will be thrilled to see you! Hey where is your car?"


"It's still at the compound. Barry brought me over in his car so I could do it in one trip. Derrick is bringing it later after work," Tim said.


"Great, let's get going. Frank's waiting."


Keith was a little quiet but Tim paid him no mind and spent the time talking to his father and Frank. When Derrick arrived he went over and gave him a hug and a kiss, something he had never done in front of his brother but tonight was a special occasion. When Tim turned to go into the kitchen to get a beer for Derrick, Keith gave him a hateful look and he just gave a smirk in return.


They were just finished with dinner and Keith decided it was time to confront his brother. "Hey Keith, so have you talked to Dougie lately?" A look of panic flashed across Keith's face, but he recovered quickly.


"Yeah, in fact I talked to him today," he said smoothly.


"I'll bet he pissed himself laughing when you said, "I've got the two fags totally snowed man. Especially my father, I have him fucking eating out of my hand." Tim said staring right at his brother. Keith's face turned red with anger. He jumped to his feet, "What the fuck are you talking about?"


"I was sitting in Dad's office and heard you talking," Tim replied. Keith just stood there fuming.


"Tim, I don't think eavesdropping is something you should do to your own brother," Finn said sternly. Tim, Derrick, and Frank all turned and looked at Finn with disbelief.


"Finn, I think Tim deserves an answer. I'm sure he didn't plan to overhear the conversation," Frank offered. Finn shot him an angry glance, "Thank you Frank, but I think I can handle my sons." Frank kept his face impassive, although he was seething inside, and hurt. He stood and placed his napkin next to his plate.


"Of course; I'm sorry I shouldn't have interfered. I just thought we were partners," he said evenly as he left the table. As Finn watched Frank walk away not knowing what to say or do, Tim stood and started to move from the table. "Tim," Finn almost shouted, "where do you think you're going?"


"Going to pack, I was an idiot for listening to you," he said trying his best to keep control.


"No, you are not! You are not going to continue like this. One little thing and you're moving out. You haven't even given him a chance to answer," Finn said.


"Really Dad, my word isn't good enough for you? Just one more reason to leave and this time for good. You may enjoy being called a fag and, let's see, what did else did he call you? Oh yeah that's right it was "a steady stream of guilt cash to party with," Tim said, watching Finn process what he just said and then he turned and left the room with Derrick following. Finn turned to Keith who was sitting, as cool as a cucumber.


"Alright Keith, would you like to explain what Tim was talking about?"


"Dad, I don't what his problem is, or Frank's. I didn't say anything like that. I just think both of them want me gone. That's why Tim is playing games. He wants all this for himself," Keith lied with the ease of a true sociopath.


Finn looked at his son; he wanted so to believe him. But there was still a seed of doubt that Finn pushed down. "Just take a drive and let him leave. I don't want you two fighting," Finn said as he went off to find Frank. He found him in his study working at the computer.


"Frank, I'm sorry I..."


"There's nothing to sorry for Finn," Frank said calmly, his face looking sad. "I shouldn't have interfered. But I will tell you this, I believe every word Timmy said even if you don't."


"It's always the same with you; you take Timmy's side and never give Keith the benefit of the doubt," Finn said, grasping at straws. That angered Frank who stood, starring at his lover. He wanted to take him into his arms and kiss him but he wasn't giving in.


"Finn I really don't understand you. Why would you doubt him? When has Tim ever lied to you? What would he gain by hurting you like this?" Frank asked.


"Tim never gives his brother a chance. Somebody has to try and help him," Finn said lamely.


"I'm sorry you think that way Finn, and I'm sorry to say I can't agree. I love you more than anything and as much as I hate to say this, I can't allow Keith in this house any longer. I don't trust him especially after the incident with the police, and I don't trust him around Tim and Derrick."


"Frank!" Finn shouted, "I really can't believe you would say something like that. Keith would never intentionally hurt anyone, especially his brother."


"Are you so sure Finn—I'm not? Do you not recall Derrick's birthday and Tim's head going through a glass cabinet do? Well I do and I'm not willing to risk repeat performance or worse, even if you are."


"Frank, I can't believe you could say such a thing, I thought you loved me," Finn said clearly upset by what Frank was saying.


"I do, I've already told you, with all my heart. That's why I'm saying this, I don't want to see you being taken advantage of," Frank said quietly.


Finn was furious. There was a part of him that knew Frank was right and that made him even angrier. "Well if he's not welcome here, than I'm not either. I'll be out of your way shortly," Finn said secretly hoping Frank would stop him.


"I'm very sorry to hear that Finn. Do what you have to do. But remember that I love you more than anything," Frank said with wet eyes, "and I'll always be here for you—I just won't allow that boy to hurt anyone I love including you and Timmy."


Finn froze for a minute, the choice between his lover and his son was agonizing. What made it worse is that he left one son feeling abandoned yet again. Frustrated, he turned and went off to his room to pack what he could for the next few days. Frank sighed, then picked up the phone and called Matt.


When Finn arrived at his own house he found Tim and Derrick once again packing Tim's things. Finn started to speak and before he could even get the words out, Derrick interrupted him.


"Excuse me sir, but I really don't think this is a good time," he said both surprising and angering Finn.


"Derrick, I think this is a family matter that doesn't concern you."


"With all due respect Mr. O'Brien, neither Tim nor I consider you our family any longer. Anyone who would allow Keith to treat him this way doesn't deserve that honor," Derrick said defiantly. Now Finn was really angry, he was being assaulted on all sides, by those who loved him.


"All I'm asking is for you to give him a chance..."


"Enough Finn," Tim shouted at his father, "you may blinded by his charm and lies but I'm not. I refuse to be verbally or physically abused by anyone let alone my brother. And I definitely do not want anything to do with a father who doesn't believe me, especially since I have already been proven right once before. You have broken my heart for the last time, I hope Keith's worth it," Tim said and he turned his back on Finn to hide his tears and continued to pack.


Finn was gutted. Once again he lost a son, the son that sought him out and now his lover because of Keith. He couldn't understand why no one could see what he saw in the boy and it angered him that they wouldn't try. He had been going to see the Doc and making progress. He had seen the difference and couldn't understand why no one else could.




Matt had just hung up with his father when Barry and Jim came back into the office. When Matt began the conversation they went out to the kitchen for beer.


"What's up with dad?" Jim asked. Matt told them both the whole story, and then told him that his father wanted to move the boy's birthday party to the compound. He didn't feel comfortable being so close to Keith, and he doesn't want either of them at the party.


"The boys are going to be disappointed. Don't you think dad is over reacting? I'm sure this will be all settled by the time the party rolls around. I really think it's a shame to exclude Finn because of his son," Jim said.


"Would you like to re-think that last statement dog face," Matt said not trying to hide his annoyance.


"I just think that it's a shame that Finn has to be excluded," Jim said almost pouting.


"Did you not understand the part of the story where he fought with dad, then packed up and left?"


"Yeah, but..." Jim started to say when Barry let out a piercing whistle getting both men's attention.


"What is wrong with the both of you," Barry said quite forcefully surprising both Jim and Matt and getting their attention.


"You both know that Keith is trouble. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Why are you arguing over Finn? He made his choice and left dad (he had been calling Frank dad since the funeral) and his gay son for a sociopathic homophobe. The only people whom "we" should be concerned with are dad, Tim, and Derrick. I will not have you two fighting over something that is out of our control. Now apologize to each other!" Barry said.


Jim and Matt just looked at each other a little stunned by the forcefulness of Barry's words. They both said "I'm sorry" and then kissed. Then they held out their arms for Barry to join them and the three kissed again.


Finally Barry pulled away, "Okay enough of this. We have to put the boys to bed," then he gave Matt one more peck on the cheek, "and you have to pack for your trip to Cali."




Chapter 50

Part 2



Wednesday August 12, 2009


Declan and Dave met Matt at the airport in Cali. He was staying the first day with them, partly business, and partly social. When they got back to Declan's house—well Declan's and Dave's, they introduced him to a young man named Scott Burns. He was a Marine who joined up at eighteen after spending nine years of his young life in foster care. He decided that the Marines would be a good place to toughen up and possibly make a career of it. He had completed two tours in Iraq and when his enlistment was up just after turning twenty-two he decided he needed to re-enter civilian life. Since then, he was having trouble holding a job and was almost homeless when he wandered into the outreach center they had opened. He was incredibly handsome—no, he was adorable—he looked like a scared rabbit. According to what Dave had explained, he thought that the young man was struggling with PTS and it manifested itself in anger management issues.


He was about to be evicted from his apartment so Dave and Dec moved him in with them. There was nothing sexual about the relationship, but there was surely a parental element to it. It turns out that Scott actually had an impressive IQ. Sadly however, the system had failed him. If someone had paid the slightest bit of attention to him, things may have been so much better for the boy. They had him seeing a doctor, and they were both working on remedial studies with him.


On Thursday, Dave drove Matt down to San Diego to Denise and Tina's. While they were driving, Matt filled him in on the whole Keith situation. Dave listened without interruption to the entire story before commenting.


"I'm sorry to have to say this, but this Keith sounds like a sociopath. I would be willing to bet that counseling is having little effect on him. There was one phrase that came to my mind while you were talking—Invincible Ignorance. It's a term coined in moral theology that describes how one could be so mired in hatred and evil that no amount of counseling would help," Dave said. During his time in the priesthood, both in and out of the Navy, Dave had done a lot of counseling and he was very familiar with it. While he never treated a true sociopath, he did know what to look for.


"Do you think it really could be as bad as that?" Matt asked, shocked at the implication.


"Based on what you told me, it would be very possible, even worse."


"Well whatever it is, I don't see it ending well," Matt said sadly.


When they got to Denise's house the door flew open and two excited boys flew out of the house and almost knocked Matt over. After the hugs and kisses Matt stood back and looked at the two boys. He was shocked at how much they had grown. They had been gone less than three months and looked like they grew three inches.


Matt looked over the boys' shoulder and noticed another boy standing next to Denise. That must be Buddy. The boy couldn't be any cuter if he tried, with bright blue eyes and dark blonde hair. He was about the same height as Jimmer but just a little slight in size. MJ took Matt's hand and dragged him over. "Dad, this is Buddy," he said and Matt reached out and took boys hand.


"It's good to meet you Buddy, I've heard all about you from the boys. I'm so glad you boys met," Matt said to the smiling boy. "Jim and I have met your dads, in fact they will be coming and staying with us for the weekend for a big barbeque," Matt said with a smile that was returned brightly by Buddy. Then he went to greet Denise and Tina. Dave stayed long enough to enjoy dinner with everyone and then headed up north. Tina was looking lovely, but large and Denise just beamed when she looked at her. The boys talked nonstop about camp, the music, baseball, and the friends they met. Matt noticed that Buddy fit between the two boys as if he had been with the boys since the day they met.


Friday August 14, 2009


Friday morning the boys were bouncing off the wall at the chance to fly on the private jet. When Denise dropped them off at the FBO there was a tearful goodbye and then they were off. Matt watched the three boys huddled together in the back of the plane. He knew they were up to something. About an hour into the flight, Jimmer came up and sat next to his dad.


"What's up sport?" Matt asked.


"Nothing...well there is something we wanted to ask Dad. See Buddy hates his school. He gets teased a lot about having two dads and he doesn't have any friends. And he has to go to this stupid after school thing because his dads work so many hours and well we, me and MJ thought he could come live with us during the week and go to IOP." The boy got out breathlessly, as if he was afraid his father would stop him.


"Well that's an interesting idea sport, but we'll have to talk to Jim and then to Buddy's dads. But it's nice that you guys want to help your friend," Matt said. He could see the boy's point. His boys had a huge support system to help deflect the issues that arise from being raised by two gay men. He would have to talk to Jim and Barry first and ultimately Mack and John.


Barry was waiting for them at the FBO. The boys flew to him and hugged and kissed him until Matt had to rescue him, "Okay guys, let Uncle Baz go, we want to get home in time for the picnic."


"Baz?" Both boys said in unison.


"No worries guys, I'll explain on the way."


Mack and John came up from Wilmington for dinner and to collect Buddy. After dinner, they let the boys play in the pool until almost midnight. They were still on Cali time, so they needed to tire themselves out. Buddy fit right in, running and playing naked with the boys, his un-cut cock hard most of the time just like the other boys. Mack commented on how happy he was that the boys met, noting how difficult it was for the boy to have friends. Matt saw this as the perfect opening to bring up the plan the boys had proposed. He had already spoken with Barry and Jim, who had no problems with it. As he explained the plan to Mack and John, he watched their faces closely.


"Look guys, we appreciate the offer, but we really couldn't impose on you like this," Mack said.


"What imposition? We already have four hoodlums running around, what would one more matter?" Jim said with a laugh.


"Well I'm sure Buddy would enjoy it," John added, "it would be less time in the after school program."


"Can't wait to unload him, can you?" Mack said icily.


"Mack!" John said, "What the hell are you talking about? You know I love that boy as if he was my own."


"Hold on guys," Matt said trying to prevent an all-out fight, "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have brought this up. I didn't mean to cause any problems."


"No, it's fine Matt," John said. "This has nothing to do with you. We have been arguing about this all summer and I'm done arguing," John said as he stood, shaking everyone's hand except John's saying, "thank you for bringing Buddy home. I felt much better having him fly with you than alone; and thanks for a lovely dinner." John went over to the pool and said goodbye to the boys. When Buddy asked what was going on, he lied and told him he was tired and needed to be in work early. When he walked past, Mack went to grab his hand and John shook him off.


"Where are you going?" Mack asked.


"Home to pack," John said quietly, so the boys couldn't hear. "I'm done; I'm done fighting with you and having you question my commitment to Buddy." He then walked away. Mack just dropped into his seat looking tired and defeated. No one knew quite what to say, so everyone remained quiet and uncomfortable.


Sunday August 15, 2009


Everyone was gathered outside of the church for 1200 mass. Today Drew and Nadine were christening their baby boy Andrew James Matthew Conway, whom they called AJ. The entire Flannery/Leo clan had been invited and all were there except for Tim. He had become increasing withdrawn since the latest incident. The other reason was that Tim refused to be anywhere his father was going to be and everyone was surprised to hear that Finn was going to attend, so he stayed home. Derrick wanted to stay with him, but he was a good friend and colleague of Drew's and was also singing.


When Finn approached Matt and Jim to ask why Tim wasn't attending, Derrick, who happened to be standing there just stared at him for a moment and then said, "One would think it would be obvious, Mr. O'Brien. Tim has no desire to be in your presence." That earned him a dirty look from Jim, but Matt just put a hand on his shoulder and guided him away. Jim looked at Finn, who just looked sad.


"Don't worry Finn, he'll come around. He's just hurt and confused right now," Jim offered trying to cheer him up. But he knew that was not likely. In fact he, Matt and Barry were just talking about getting Finn some help. Finn just nodded and went into the church alone, not even saying hello to Frank, who was talking with the Conway's.


After the christening, everyone went back to Drew and Nadine's. It was the first time back for the boys and Jim since they moved. Matt had been back a few times to deal with people renting his house. He and Jim were standing in the driveway alone. They both knew what the other was thinking. That fateful day just over a year ago, when the two old friends met for the first time in twenty years.


Matt took Jim's hand and started walking toward the house. "Let's go say hello first and then I have a surprise for you," he said. Walking into the house affected Jim a little more than he thought it would. The ghosts of the past seem to float all about. Standing in the living room, it was if he was watching a movie of himself sitting on the couch, crying when he realized what he had done to Matt all those years ago. Then, it was Linda telling him she wanted a divorce and finally the day he brought Kelly home. Matt sensed what was happening and just quietly put a hand on Jim's shoulder. Then he felt Jim shake a bit, as he turned to Matt, after collecting himself, and with a big smile said, "Let's get a beer."


The guys circulated among the guests, posed for pictures with Drew and Nadine and talked with guests. After having a bite to eat, Matt found Jim talking with Drew's grandfather and joined in the conversation. After about ten minutes Matt headed off, with Jim following, asking what he was up to. They were heading over to Matt's house across the street.


"What are you up too Captain," Jim asked.


"Tell you in a minute," he said as he unlocked the door. He had pre-arranged this with his tenants, who happened to be across the street at the party. Once they were behind closed doors, Matt grabbed Jim and kissed him deeply. Again Jim was transported back in time, back to the day Matt closed the door in his face; to Frank sending him away to think about what he had done; but the best memory was the first time they made love in this house after the divorce was final. Matt reached inside his jacket and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Jim.


"What's this Captain?"


"Just open and see, dog face," Matt replied with a grin. When he did, Jim saw that the first paper was the deed to the house, now in both their names. Jim looked at Matt, who was smiling. Then he opened the other. It was the deed to the house across the street; the one Jim had been renting, again with both their names on the deed.


"What did you do Matty?"

"Well, if you remember, your landlord wanted to sell and was having a hard time. So I decided the last time I was here that we should own the two properties where our new life began and I bought it," Matt said tearing up. Then he grabbed Jim and kissed him deeply.


They had rejoined the party, and after about a half an hour Jewell found them and asked to speak to them alone. She seemed agitated and hustled them into one of the bedrooms.

"We don't have much time. I have been receiving many troublesome messages about Finn's son Keith. You two must be very careful of him. He is very dangerous. I would even say evil, and I worry about your family."


"But for now you must get home quickly. I keep seeing Tim. He's crying and keeps slipping away from me." Matt started to ask her a question and she stopped him. "I said you must hurry! Don't worry about the boys. I'll explain it to Barry.


Matt and Jim left the house quickly without stopping. Jim paid little attention to the speed limit and even ran a red light. When they got home they found Tim lying face down on his bed in a puddle of vomit. Matt flipped him over and cleared his mouth and shouted at Jim to call 911.


The paramedics had just finished loading a revived Tim onto a gurney. Matt and Jim were standing by, watching as Tim just cried his eyes out, and begging their forgiveness. Just then Derrick arrived and rushed to his side. He knelt next to Tim and grabbed his hand.


"Don't worry Timmy, everything will be alright," he said with tears streaming down his face. Tim was looking over Derrick's shoulder when his eyes got wide and he began to hyperventilate and squeeze Derrick's hand and said "tell him to get the fuck away from me". Derrick turned to see Finn heading towards them. He stood and faced the approaching Finn.


"Sorry Mr. O'Brien, Tim doesn't want to see you." Finn stopped and stared in shock.


"Derrick, I suggest you step aside," Finn said in a very threatening tone.


"I'm not going anywhere. You'll have to go through me first," Derrick said standing firm.


"I said move," Finn almost screamed and pulled his arm back as if to punch him. Matt had just walked up and grabbed his arm. Finn spun around with fire in his eyes.


"What the fuck are you doing?" He screamed at Matt.


"I think I could ask you the same thing."


"I'm trying to see my son, if it's okay with you," Finn hissed.


"Finn, I'm sorry but this is what Tim wants. Considering the situation, I think that would be the best thing," Matt said trying to calm things down, just as Frank arrived. He put his arm around Finn and began to lead him away as the EMT's wheeled Tim to the ambulance.


Just over two hours later, Derrick returned home quite shaken. Tim was recovering, they had pumped his stomach. He had little to say except that under no circumstances was his father to be admitted to his room. After he finished his report he fell into Jim's arms and sobbed.


It had been quite a day. Even with all the drama, there was one more thing for Matt and Jim to do. The boys were in bed, and Barry was grabbing a quick shower while Jim and Matt got settled in. About fifteen minutes later a freshly showered and naked Barry entered the room. The guys moved apart and left room for him in the center of the bed and he quickly moved in between his lovers. Jim reached behind his pillow and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Barry. He opened it and read it.


"What the hell is this?" He asked.


"That is the fifty grand we were going to give to Sue. It's now in trust for Ryan with you as trustee. The other is the paper work making you a trustee of the Family trust," Matt said.


"You...I mean I can't..." Barry was stumbling.


"You can and you will," Jim said and then kissed Barry while reaching under his pillow once again. "And one more thing, Matt and I love you very much and we want you to be our partner," Jim said and opened the box revealing a Claddagh ring that matched theirs. Matt reached over, taking the ring and held up to Barry, "We want it to be the three of us standing together. Would you like to go through life with us?" Matt asked.


"More than anything in the world," Barry replied.


Matt slipped the ring on his finger and kissed him, and then Jim joined in as they wrapped him in their arms. As he drifted off to sleep, Matt couldn't help but to think back over all that had happened since that day in May last year. He actually had to chuckle.


"What are you laughing at captain?" Jim asked over Barry's shoulder.


"Just thinking back to the first day you moved in and what has happened since. It's like bad gay porn," Matt said with another chuckle.


"Yeah I can see that. I just can't wait to see what happens next," Jim said as he spooned tighter against Barry's back and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The End...Well maybe just the beginning!


I would like to thank of you for reading my story, and especially all of those who have taken the time to write over the last year. I never thought it would reach 50 chapters, let alone second book. Since its vacation time, there will be week in between books. Sorry for the delay, but it will be worth it. And of course I cannot forget my hard working editor Jim who works so hard to make the story readable. And let's not forget Steve from the Land of Oz. We always love to hear from readers, so email us at

See you in two weeks,
