Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:29:18 -0800 From: Lael Stalnaker Subject: Elemental Fantasies: The Elements Combined This is the final piece in the set. It took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to combine it all into one story. Hope it makes sense. Obviously, it will make even more sense if you read the first 4 parts prior to this one. Sure this can stand on its own, but it really is the end result of the others. Also, keep in mind it is intentionally short. That is part of the style of this writing. Enjoy! "The Elements Combined" The book closed with a snap. Tossing it to the side on a stack of three others, the magician's brow furrowed. The four accounts he had read all pointed to the flaws inherent in trying to bring the unreal into being. Using single elemental forces clearly did not work beyond a certain point. After all, why bother to construct your perfect partner if he would not survive beyond the first touch. A elemental master performed each of the prior castings. Surely, if it could be done, they would have succeeded. His eyes grew unfocused as he chased down a random thought. Hands idly played with the books before him, spreading them out and rearranging. The elusive though came to heel and the magician's eyes widened and snapped back to the books before him. Earth, water, air and fire lay in a row before him. His mind raced through complicated calculations and spells. The magician shot to his feet in exaltation. It could work! If he used all of the elements, he might just have his wish: the perfect partner. He raced from his library down to his storeroom. The supplies he needed were all there, miraculously. His arms waved and pouches, vials, bundles and pots flew from the shelves as he ran outside. The various containers followed him, a beelike swarm. His eyes darted about, seeking the exact place to perform his spell. The rose garden would do nicely. The noon sun was gentle and welcoming. There was just enough open space at the center for his needs. Stripping off his ornate robes, the magician was now clad in only a short loincloth. He expected that his efforts would work up quite a sweat and the robes would only hinder. The spell components came to rest around him and he smiled. Raising his arms over his head, he began to sing. The pure, clear tones rang through the garden and beyond. The trees of his nearby orchard swayed and dipped. Bits of living wood, donated willingly at his asking began to fly to him, gifted by the trees. The limbs arranged themselves before him, quickly taking on the outline of a human form, skeletal. To his singing, the magician now added the steady clapping of his hands. Now the earth heaved slightly and from its depths came the offering of clay and stone. The fresh materials cleaved to the wooden skeleton, giving flesh to the bare form. Musculature quickly coalesced and lastly flawless skin, the body complete. With a final clap of his hands, thunder-like in its sudden loudness, the body tilted upright and then floated into the air. It began to rotate, showing all of its surface to the magician, an inspection for this stage of completion. His eyes roved over the revolving form, seeking any flaw that might be corrected. Peering closely, he even looked within, making sure that all the inner organs were represented though in clay. His singing voice rang with joy as the caution proved not needed. All was as it should be, ready for the next stage. The element of Earth was now complete. Next the magician beckoned to some sealed jars and they flew open. Dust filled them, though bright colors gleamed. Singing strongly still, the magician now reached out to the well. A shimmering mist arose from it and glided swiftly forward. Upon reaching the jars, Water beaded and condensed within. Another gesture and the contents began to swirl, mixing into paints. Hands weaving now, the paints flew to the form and adhered. The color of life now clothed the form, from sole to crown. Golden blond hair, sun-tanned skin with yet a rosy tint to lips and cheek. Emerald green eyes, framed by the golden lashes. The faintest gold trail from navel to groin. The shining white of nails at finger and toes. A deeper brown at the nipples, highlighting their quality of form. And the crowning glory of his manhood, the tiniest of upward tilts along its perfect length. All was definitely ready for the next stage. Eyes hungrily consume every inch of the airborne construct. Satisfied at last that no overt flaw remained, the magician grinned approval. The song trailed away and for a moment silenced reigned. Then, piercing whistle after whistle came. Nothing happened at first, yet there was a stirring in the air. Soon, a wind blew in, but seeming to come from all directions. It coiled around the floating form and caressed it utterly. Soon, both clay and paint were entirely dry. Thus came Air. His hair whipped about by the winds, the magician nodded and set them free, to return whence they came. His arms lifted and the form rose higher. His feet began to tap and then to outright pound upon the ground. Soon, he danced around and around the form of his partner to be. Braziers floated into place beneath the form. A flick of fingertips and the coals ignited. Pouches and vials rained down their contents into the flames. And finally Fire to seal the magic. Heat shimmered upward. The form cured and took on the hue of life. The flames danced as the magician danced. With a final spin, the magician stopped near a brazier. He then plucked a hair from his head. Down into the brazier it went. The flames changed to a near transparent white. He pricked his finger and flicked a drop of blood into the brazier. The flames turned red, matching their fuel. With careful fingers of the uninjured hand, he wiped the sweat from his torso and flicked it into the flames. The fire then turned green. Lastly, the magician bent forward and blew softly into the fire. The flames turned blue, deep as a sapphire. Then he raised his eyes upward. The form was no long still and unbreathing. It moved and twisted, looking all about itself, marveling. The magician nearly wept. His arms waved but once and the form lowered to the ground at his side. He waited to see what his perfect partner would now do. Fear crawled along his spine and set his skin into raised goose bumps. The partner concluded his self-examination and looked up into eyes near to brimming with tears. Wonder and awe lit the new made features. A single tear found escape and trickled down the magician's cheek. The partner's hand came up and caught the tear on fingertip. The magician's eyes widened. A smile like unto perfection graced the partner's lips and he took the magician's hand into his own. A gentle squeeze of greeting, then the gentle pull to bring the magician into his partner's arms. The magician gasped and waited. He cried out in joy when lips met his own and held there. The moment came and went. Yet, his partner was still there. The magician led his partner inside and to his bedchamber. At last, true success. A fantasy embodied, an ideal taken form, a desire made material, a dream given life, all leading to perfection.