Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:44:57 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 18 Author: J. Gardham This story is fiction as are the characters, if you think you see yourself in this story that's cool as long as everyone remembers there's nothing in this story that isn't pure imagination. "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 18 Starting out in the early hours the small caravan made their way to Uliastay by nightfall, they made camp just southwest of town. Everyone was in high spirits as they set up tents and prepared for dinner. Benjamin had taken on the duties of chef and had become a master at making meals that not only tasted great, but looked inviting as well. No easy task when you`re cooking out of cans and bags of dried foods. There were two members from the hikers who agreed to act as guides. They reminded us that they had been blindfolded when they left the ancient city so no promises were made for finding their way back. Jerrod and Joshua said they thought they were north of the half point between Olgiy and Altay when they came across the city. They knew the city had to be close to the river since it wasn't a long walk before they were put on boats and taken down river before being released. They also weren't sure if they found the city again what kind of the reception we'd receive. Their group were treated well but considering they were blindfolded when they left, it was a sure sign the residents didn't want them finding their way back. Later that evening Thomas and Benjamin were out walking and stopped to rest on a hillside where they looked back at the campsite. With all their tents set up it looked like a scene from a movie with all the lanterns making the tents appear to glow. It was quiet and peaceful with nothing but countless stars overhead. "How could we be so fortunate to find this group of wonderful loving men Benjamin". "Thomas it's the love that you radiate that draws us to you". "You always say that Ben, I think you`re being way too kind, but that may be because you love me". "Laughing, Benjamin said, "Ya think! It also happens to be the truth Thomas". "Thomas there has to be a reason like minded men continue to join us, I'm sure when the time is right we find out why". Changing the subject Thomas said, "what do you think our next move should be Benjamin, we've pretty much run out of road, it's going to be rough driving from here to the river". "I was checking the map just before we started out for our walk and it looks like it's not far across the hills from Uliastay to the Dzavhan River, we can either ford the river on foot or if there's an area shallow enough we can try crossing with the vehicles". That'll put us about 350 km north of Altay". "Thomas what's your reading on Jerrod and Joshua?" "I feel comfortable with them Benjamin, they seem genuine and they were upfront about not being sure if they could retrace their tracks back to the lost city". "That was my feeling also, and I think they may be more than just friends, there was something about the ease with which they shared thoughts and ended each others sentences that gave me a feeling there was a stronger connection between them than just good friends". "I agree Ben, but let's not make any assumptions, they're here to help us and their sexuality is whatever it is, either way it`s not a problem for us". Morning came and the camp was packed and loaded back on the truck. Robin and Bill did a quick recon of the site to make sure it was clean. Leaving the road we followed a fairly well traveled path to the river. Brad and Gavin waded out to test the depth of the water, it appeared that they might be able to traverse it with the vehicles if they stayed in the areas where rocks covered the bottom. Their worry was the weight of the truck possibly causing it to sink through the rocky bottom into the muck beneath. The three Land Rovers made it across slipping and sliding, Thomas and Benjamin were in the truck with Thomas driving. Thomas was taking it slow and steady, it went pretty smooth until they reached the halfway point where the current caused the driver's side to slip off the stones and sink into the silt bottom. Several of the guys wadded out thinking they might be able to push it back onto the stones as Thomas accelerated. Afraid that spinning the tires might just dig the truck in deeper Thomas told Dave to get two of the heavy duty chains from the storage locker in the back of the truck and hook them to the undercarriage and then to the back of two of the Land Rovers. When everything was ready Thomas gave the signal for all of them to accelerate at the same time. With the Land Rovers pulling and six of the guys pushing as Thomas slowly accelerated they managed to make it across safely. With a lot of the guys wet from being in the river which was icy cold, they took a lunch break while the men changed into warm dry clothing. Everyone was back in their vehicles and ready to go shortly after eating. From the lead Land Rover Bill held up his hand giving a signal to stop. All the guys gathered around to find out what was holding things up. Bill said he saw two young people who looked to be teenagers standing in the foliage. "It looked like they were motioning for us to follow". Jarrod and Joshua asked what they looked like and how they were dressed. Bill said the boy had light hair and was wearing blue pants and boots, he had a bare chest and what looked like gold armbands on his upper arms, the girl had long dark hair and was also wearing blue pants with a brightly colored tunic garment on top. Jarrod said, "that's the style of dress the people from the lost city wore, and you think they were motioning for us to follow them?" "Yes Jarrod they motioned to follow and pointed in that direction to the northwest". Joshua said, "it seems strange they want you to follow them since they made it clear they didn't want us to find our way back once they led us away from the city". Thomas said, "it does appear strange but strange seems to be the norm for us so I think we should follow in the direction they indicated". The caravan only traveled about a hundred feet before they found a smooth grass covered path where they were able to gain some speed. By the end of the day they had reached what appeared to be a dead end at the Altay Mountains. There was a shear stone cliff rising about two-hundred feet with dense foliage on either side, they would have to clear away brush before they could even turn the vehicles around. As they were discussing their options Sam pointed to the rock cliff that seemed to be fading, everyone stepped back a few feet. Within seconds the path they had been traveling became a smooth surfaced road that lead into the mountainside through an opening where the cliff had been. The same two young people Bill had seen earlier were now on the inside of the cliff still motioning for them to follow. Returning to their vehicles, Thomas told the others to follow him and to be cautious but not threatening. The road through the opening was approximately two hundred feet long before it opened into a valley surrounded by snow covered peaks. The city ahead was majestic in appearance with green fields stretching as far as the eye could see. The young people motioned for them to a level plateau where they parked the vehicles. The Young man and woman came over and bowed before introducing themselves as Valen and Orsha. Valen was handsome almost beyond belief in his sky blue pants and matching boots that accentuated his blue eyes. His face and chest were tanned nearly to the color of his gold armbands, his platinum colored hair that was cut fairly short only added to his overall beauty. Orsha was nearly the same height with shiny dark hair that fell long and straight. Her skin was much darker and flawless, her eyes were almost black, she could have been an artists conception of a story book princess. Valen welcomed them to the land of Eden. "Eden?"....Thomas tilted his head in question at hearing Valen use the name Eden to describe the beautiful scene before them. "Yes Thomas, what you see before you is Eden". Looking startled at hearing Valen use his name Thomas asked, "how is it you know my name?" "Thomas we know who all of you are, we've been anxiously waiting for your arrival". "You've been waiting for us?" "Yes but let Orsha and I take you to the city so you can freshen up and rest from your long journey and then we'll explain why you are here and show you around Eden". Sam had been standing there with a huge smile on his face not saying a word, Luke and Ponso were standing on either side of him. Valen turned to him saying, "Sam there's much for you to experience and learn, the world you know, is not the world you were meant to experience, the world you were meant to know lies before you now". Valen turned to Orsha and smiled, Orsha moved her hands as if she were separating currents of air, or what we might think of as using the breast stroke while swimming. The air didn't separate, or at least we think it didn`t, but a long platform did appear, it was exquisite with thick Persian carpets, and sofas covered with rich fabrics. They were ushered on and seated before Valen stepped to the front where a clear screen appeared with controls Valen touched with his finger tips. The platform rose and moved silently, there didn't appear to be so much as a rustle of air or wind, and yet the scent changed as we moved through various fields with different crops. It was like the different scents of flowers and plants flowed through for our enjoyment without the wind that would be blowing if you were in a car with open windows. Benjamin turned to Thomas saying, "well for my first adventure since being mortal again, this has surpassed anything I could have imagined". Orsha speaking for the first time said, "Benjamin if Raphael hadn't returned you to mortal form none of this would be happening". Surprised Benjamin asked, "You know about Raphael?" "Yes of course, the archangel visits often, and we have been watching how you have progressed as you joined together, being linked by a love that we haven't seen since the beginning". What you will see and learn here is what the world can be and what it was meant to be Benjamin". "What do you mean, since the beginning?" "I mean just that, from the beginning, the way it was meant to be, mankind is reaching a point where they have a chance for a new beginning, an opportunity to take a higher path, you men have already started on that path". "There are others throughout the world who are on the same path". Soon all of you from the various areas will discover each other and will lead others to the path that you walk" "Many will join you as they recognize the truth that love is man's guiding force, love of Creator, love of one another". Once man realizes that the earth is a living entity and is as much a part of life as each of you are, than they will understand the need to keep the earth healthy". " Man's health of mind, spirit, and body depends on the health of the earth, everything is linked". Valen joined the conversation at this point, "man has abused the earth to a place where it has to heal itself, the earth was never meant to be, nor will the Creator allow it to be destroyed". Very shortly there will be great upheavals and changes as mother earth begins to restore herself". "These changes have already begun as the tectonic plates begin to shift". "These tectonic plates are responsible for large scale motions of earth's lithosphere". "It is vital for the existence of life on earth because of the role that it plays in the global cycle that maintains the balance of carbon between the biosphere and atmosphere". "Obviously there is a great deal more involved but that's a shortened version of an explanation for now". "You will learn the earth is unique in all the universe, there is nothing in creation that compares to the beauty and uniqueness of this special planet". They were taken to a building with the most beautiful exterior walls that seemed to change color tones as you walked by, Robin mentioned the lack of windows. Valen replied, "Actually Robin the exterior walls are all windows, you'll see once inside". When taken to our various apartments it was startling to be able to see through the walls as if there were none. Valen assured us even though we could see outside others could not see us. It would take a bit of getting used to, but we had to admit being able to see the beauty of the gardens that spread out for miles was worth it. All of us showered and rested before agreeing to meet in the courtyard in the center of this amazing complex. Valen met us with a new companion whom he introduced as Jaric. Glen asked if Orsha wasn't going to join us. Valen explained that it wasn't necessary since there weren't any female guests to be escorted. "Jaric is my mate and I'm afraid he was quite excited to meet all of you so I allowed him to come with us, I hope there is no objection". Thomas spoke for all of us when he said, "of course your mate is welcome, and we want to thank you for your wonderful hospitality. Joshua asked why they didn't mind that he and Jarrod returned with the others. "Joshua you and Jarrod have the same love that flows though all of these men, we knew you would return with them and you are welcome here". "The real challenge and adventure for all of your lies ahead". After an exciting but exhausting day of touring Eden everyone was happy to be back at their residences for a shower and rest before dinner. Larry mentioned to Darin that they hadn't met any leaders, everyone they saw were doing their daily tasks at whatever occupations they were trained in. Those they met were friendly and eager to answer questions, if appeared there wasn't any one person over the rest. Bill and Dave stopped in to see their dads and compare notes on the days activities. As they sat drinking one of the delicious drinks available to them Robin and Larry came in. As Robin sat down he said, "wow, what a day, I've seen marvels that must be hundreds or thousands of years ahead of where we are technology wise". "By the way have any of you seen Sparkle and Jonathan?" Looking somewhat concerned Bill said, "Thomas asked Dave and I earlier if we'd seen them". Dave added, "that makes eight of us who haven't seen them, we'd better check with the others". Pushing the auto-dial on his cell phone Bill discovered it was dead, the other's tried theirs to the same effect. Darin said, "this concerns me, mine was on the charger last night and showed fully charged when I removed it this morning". Heading out the door they ran into Thomas and Benjamin, both looking worried, Thomas said, "we can't seem to find Sparkle and Jonathan have any of you seen them?" Glen replied, "No Thomas we were just heading out to look for them". Larry said, "let's hook up with the others and find out if any of them know where they are". Luke, Ponso, Sam were walking towards them with Gavin, Brad, Joshua and Jarrod close behind. It seems everyone had reached the same conclusion, Jonathan and Sparkle were no where to be found. "There's only two of us left to check with and that's Mark and Kris". The two scientists were found in the courtyard enjoying the view when the others approached them. Mark quickly said, "this doesn't look like a happy social visit, what's happened?" Thomas answered, "no one has run across Sparkle and Jonathan, have either of you seen them?" "No we haven't Thomas and that is worrisome". Just then Valen and Jaric walked up smiling and waving. Thomas said, "we're glad you're here, we were just going to look for you, we're concerned with the whereabouts of our friends Jonathan and Sparkle". Both Valen and Jaric looked confused, Valen said, "Jonathan and Sparkle I don't recall either of those names, were they with you when you came through the entrance?" Dave spoke up sounding a bit more on edge than he meant to saying, "yes they were in our Land Rover with Bill and I and every bit as excited at seeing Eden as the rest of us". Thomas was feeling edgy and told Valen that they were all introduced at the same time, besides you said you knew we were coming". "I'm sorry Thomas, I just don't recall their names, what did they look like?" You couldn't miss them, Sparkle has the reddest hair possible with startling green eyes, he and Jonathan are never separated". "They're both very handsome men and I'm afraid we need to find them immediately, we're very fond of them and are concerned that something may have happen to them". Benjamin added, "perhaps you could notify your authorities and do a search for them". Glen noticed Bill looked pale and asked if he was okay? Looking first at Valen and Jaric and then his dad, Bill said, "I'm fine just a bit worried about the guys, I think I could use a glass of water". Thomas picked up on that fact that Bill had something urgent to say but didn't want Valen and Jaric to hear, turning to them he suggested they do a search for Jonathan and Sparkle while we looked after Bill". Smiling Valen and Jaric said they'd search immediately and report back to them as soon as they checked with others to see if anyone remembered seeing them. Once they were out of earshot Thomas asked Bill what had happened? "Sparkle contacted me telepathically and said he and Jonathan were being held captive in a dungeon inside a cave with others who had been tortured horribly, they need our help or they would be put to death shortly, he added that Jonathan was unconscious". Samuel asked if they couldn't become invisible and escape? Brad said, "trust us Sam, if they could have escaped they would have, this is obviously a very dangerous situation". Turning back to Bill Thomas asked if he could reach Sparkle telepathically? "I'll try Thomas, it's happened to me before but never with Sparkle". Bill closed his eyes and concentrated, suddenly he dropped to his knees white as a sheet. Looking up at the others Bill had tears in his eyes, "I was able to make contact with Sparkle, he's been badly beaten and I could see Jonathan laying in a pool of blood". "The last thought I received before Sparkle lost consciousness was that Jaric knew where they were". Gavin pointed to where Jaric and Valen approached them from the distance. Thomas turned to the others saying, "try not to show any emotion, this may be tricky since we don`t know if Jaric and Valen are involved". Valen said, "we've looked and asked those who would have seen them and no one remembers seeing anyone of your description". Looking right into Jaric's eyes Thomas said, "Jaric, you know where they are". Looking absolutely shocked Jaric said, "Thomas I have no idea, if I knew I would surely tell you where your friends are". Bill stepped next to Thomas and asked Jaric if he knew where the dungeons were. Valen laughing said, "we have no dungeons in Eden Bill". Jaric was looking down as he drew circles in the soil with his boot. "We do have dungeons here Valen, they're from hundreds of thousands of years ago, but they're still here and they're still used". "I stumbled upon them one day when I was hiking in the valley close to the snow capped mountains". Valen was visibly shaken by what Jaric was saying. "Jaric you never mentioned this to me in all the years we've been together". "Valen I was threatened that terrible things would happen to you if I ever said a word". Valen asked Jaric if he could still find the dungeons and he said yes, the experience was seared into his memory after hearing the horrible screams coming from the caves. "Jaric we've had telepathic communications with Sparkle before he collapsed from torture, we must hurry or they'll both die". Jaric said, " I'll move as quickly as I dare, try to appear as if we're still touring we don't want to draw attention to what we're really up to". "I don't think anyone here in Eden is aware of the dungeons but I also don't want to take any chances". Gavin, Brad and a few of the others had gathered in a circle and prayed for help before starting out with the others. Only a short distance had been covered before Thomas stopped walking and put his hands up to the sides of his head. "Thomas there is great danger, you must proceed with caution, help is coming, you can trust Valen and Jaric they are innocent of these terrible deeds". "They too are in danger, so guard them well". Shaken, Thomas told the others the voice he heard in his head was that of Gabriel and help was on it's way, but there also was great danger, looking at Valen and Jaric he said, "Gabriel said you both are innocent but you are also in danger, once you lead us to the caves you should leave to avoid any harm coming to you". Reaching the caves Thomas and the others hid behind boulders until they had a plan worked out. They decided to go in in pairs forty-five seconds apart. Thomas and Benjamin would go in first, Brad and Gavin would follow, Robin and Larry next with Mark and Kris, followed by Bill and Dave, with Luke and Ponso coming next followed by Glen and Darin who were chosen to go last with Glen bringing his medical bag, it was obviously going to be needed. Thomas turned to Jaric and Valen telling them to return to the city before they were missed. Valen said, "we'll wait until you have all entered the cave before we leave, good luck to all of you, we hope you find your friends still alive". Thomas and Ben entered the cave, the going was slow until their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. The further they went the more sounds they heard of men and women crying out for help. They entered a large room filled with equipment used for torture. Ben looked at Thomas and whispered, "how could this place exist in a land called Eden?" Thomas just shook his head in disgust as he continued moving slowly ahead. There were heavy wooden doors lined along a corridor off to the left. A small slit of a window had been cut in each door for observation. Thomas took one side and Benjamin the other as they moved slowed down the hallway. Brad and Gavin showed up next, Thomas motioned for them to remain in the large chamber hidden. Someone reached out and grabbed Thomas's arm, he started to take a swing before he realized it was Benjamin. Ben pointed to the small window he had been looking through, Thomas was horrified at what he saw, Sparkle was beaten almost beyond recognition and was kneeling over Jonathan's body. Fighting back tears and a lump in his throat Thomas whispered Sparkle's name. Sparkle turned and came to the door his left eye was swollen shut and the rest of his face didn't look much better. Trying to keep his voice from breaking he asked if Jonathan was alive. Sparkle shook his head yes, but whispered, "barely". Ben asked Thomas to step aside as he used an old skeleton key he always kept with him from when his house was originally built. Thomas always wondered why Benjamin kept it since the locks had been changed several times through the years. Ben whispered this was made to open any lock that used a key from the days when these types of keys were used, and these locks are about as ancient as they come. He turned the key and heard a click, the door opened and Thomas entered telling Benjamin to remain outside to make sure someone didn't come along and lock them all inside. Thomas picked Jonathan up and carried him out with Sparkle struggling to walk and hold onto Jonathan's hand. Benjamin continued opening doors and releasing captives. Seeing Sparkle's injuries Glen had to fight to keep from shaking with anger. His medical training took over as he moved to do what he could to ease Sparkle's pain. Sparkle said, "take care of Jonathan first Glen, he's close to death". Glen could barely feel a pulse, he gave Jonathan a shot to stimulate the heartbeat and increase the blood flow to the brain. He motioned for Robin, Larry, Brad, and Darin to take Sparkle and Jonathan directly to their supply truck where the rest of his medical equipment was. Reaching the cave entrance they found Jaric and Valen with Orsha waiting. Valen told them to lay Jonathan down so Orsha could heal him, Larry looked at Robin and Darin before deciding to do as Valen asked. Orsha immediately begin moving her hands over Jonathans body with something that looked almost like a remote control we use for TV's. Valen had Sparkle sit as he did the same to him. It seemed like forever, but in reality it was only minutes before Jonathan's chest begin to rise and lower normally and his color began to come back. It was amazing to watch as bruises faded and wounds healed before their eyes. Sparkle kneeled beside Jonathan as Valen continued to use the healing rod on him. Moments later Glen, Luke, and Ponso came out of the cave. Glen kneeled beside Jonathan and watched as Jonathan's wounds faded away and his eyes blinked open. Those beautiful sky blue eyes immediately went to Sparkle as Sparkle fought back tears as he leaned down and kissed his mate. There wasn't a dry eye as the others watched this scene. Benjamin emerged from the cave entrance followed by the others who were guiding, carrying, and half dragging people who had been tortured. Thomas ran to Sparkle when he saw he and Jonathan had been healed, kneeling he pulled Jonathan into his arms, tears fell from his face onto Jonathans. Jonathan quietly kissed Thomas's cheek as he thanked him for coming to their rescue. Thomas continued to praise God for their lives. Orsha looked shocked as she stood and ran to an older woman who was badly injured. Throwing her arms around the woman she cried, mother, mother, as the older woman hugged her daughter. Thomas looked at Valen and saw the color had drained from his face, there was an expression of shock and confusion replacing that usual smile of his. "Thomas I don't understand, that's Kala, Orsha's mother I had forgotten until seeing her now that she even existed, there was no memory of her, how could that be she was my own mother's best friend. Suddenly there were tears filling Valen's eyes as he stood and ran to a man who couldn't have been much older then himself. Helping him sit on the ground Valen immediately started using the healing device, running it over the man he called Grigori. Glen was trying to help comfort the man when Valen said, "Glen, this is my brother Grigori, I had completely forgotten about him, I'm so sorry Griggi, I don't understand what's happened, how could someone tamper with our memories in such a way to make us forget those we love?" Larry, Robin, Darin, Dave, Bill and the otheres were herding what must have been more than a hundred people out of the cave into the sunlight of Eden. That shimmering door appeared that Thomas's group had gotten almost used to as Goldermer stepped through. Several of the men yelled, "Goldermer". Without responding Goldermer begin to spin in such fast revolutions it was difficult to make him out to be anymore then a blur. A bluish glow started to emanate from him, it rapidly grew in intensity and spread to form a bubble over the entire area. Several wizards followed through the opening Goldermer had created and immediately formed a circle around him. From those wizards a second bubble of golden air appeared, it looked to be reinforcing the Bluish dome Goldermer had set above them. As Thomas and the others looked around they saw that Sparkle and Jonathan were standing and were busy forming individual auras around Thomas and each of those within the protective domes. The look on the wizards faces was so intense it was frightening as they went about their work. Overhead there was thundering noises as a clash of the angels of God fought against fallen angels and their offspring, Nephilim. Demons had surrounded the domes Goldermer and his wizards put in place, their attack was furious, blinding and unrelenting. Thomas, Benjamin and the others continued to help and comfort those they had released and guided from the dungeons. Valen and Orsha were able to use their medical devices to do what they could to heal and repair the injured. Valen found Thomas when he and Orsha were finished. "Thomas, I've heard from those you freed that whatever has been done here has cost countless thousands of lives through the centuries, I still don't understand how those of us left unharmed had our memories blocked so completely". I know angels have the ability to block memories Valen, and the fallen angels apparently have retained and used that ability on those of you living in Eden. Goldermer's blue shield was beginning to flicker and weaken against the vicious attack coming from the demons who had surrounded the protective domes. There seemed to be an endless number of demons involved in this attack and their lightening strikes and fireballs were having a weakening effect against the shields. Orsha was standing with her mother when she noticed Bill and David had joined hands with their eyes closed, this was the second time it appeared as if they were in a deep trance when their group was in danger. Thomas called for all of his group to join hands with them and create a large circle. When the last hands were joined as Mark and Kris reached out to each other the earth shook beneath their feet and a violet wave moving at the speed of light spread through the shield and destroyed demons as far as the eye could see. Nothing was left but ashes nearly a foot deep. Goldermer and his wizards took the opportunity to quickly reinforced the shields. A huge body of an nephilim hit the top of the outer shield and blood splattered everywhere scaring everyone half to death. Goldermer spoke his first words since arriving telling everyone to try and remain calm they were safe. Looking at Thomas he said, "Thomas your group has more power than any of us combined, when my shield was weakening it was the combined strength of the love all of you possess that send out that energy wave destroying tens of thousands of demons, I've never known anything like it". "I don't understand how Goldermer, but it's always led by Bill and David". "Yes, Thomas, there is great power in their love for each other and all of you which extents to all of humanity". "It is the power of that love that the forces of evil are fighting so hard against". "They know the love Bill, Dave, and the rest of you possess can lead people to a higher plan of existence and understanding, and that goes against their plans to lead mankind to the depths of hatred, war, and destruction". The ground shook again as another giant body hit the ground close to the dome. Goldermer those aren't angels, they look like giant humans with angelic powers. "You're exactly right Thomas, those are the offspring of the fallen angels, known as Nephilim". "I remember that word Goldermen, nephilim, I think I ran across it in the old testament in Genesis and the book of Numbers". "Yes, that's right and they are also mentioned in some of the Jewish non-canonical writings". Suddenly the skies cleared and the fighting stopped. The Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel appeared inside the dome. Michael, always good natured embraced Benjamin laughing as he asked, "well Benjamin how has this been for your first adventure as a mortal?" Smiling Benjamin who's never at a loss for words said, "I would have settled for a roller coaster ride". Laughing, Michael said, "now that would give me the willies". Kala, who was one of the elders in Eden approached Michael and bowed before asking, "how could this have happened here in Eden Michael?" "Kala, we should have been keeping a closer watch on Eden, the dark forces opened a door from the underworld into these ancient caves and have been kidnapping the elders and others who found out about them". "They were torturing those they captured in an attempt to get information on the groups such as Thomas's who are leading the way to a high plane of existence". "When they couldn't get the information they wanted the torture became more intense". "The problem was none of these people were aware of the groups such as Thomas's until just recently so there wasn't any way they could have revealed information, not that they would have anyway". "Thomas you were right in thinking that the fallen angels could wipe memories away, that's the reason none of the younger people missed those who had been kidnapped". "The opening into the caves from the underworld has been sealed permanently, Eden will continue to be Eden as it was meant to be". "Everything you have experienced in Eden that is good is what was designed by the Creator for mankind Thomas. "What you have seen in the caves from the dark side is what has been designed by the adversary and unfortunately that is the path multitudes will take". "There are groups who are steeped in dogma thinking their way is the only way. Those of that mindset are willing to kill millions through war to prove their way is the best way". "Many will never come to understand love is the only way to paradise". "Perhaps their next time through life will enlighten them to the joys of loving all of mankind without predigest". "You will soon come to know groups of men and women from peoples of all colors and beliefs from throughout the world who are gathering as love draws them together". "You will need to work as one group united in your love for all mankind". "This will be a difficult time for all". "The adversary will make one last effort to destroy what the Creator loves". "The battle you witnessed here is a mere skirmish compared to what is coming". "Truth and love is on your side and you will win". "Thomas the power of love is vastly stronger than the power of hate". "Never fear and never doubt that truth". "To Be Continued" Jason Gardham