Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 17:38:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 19 Author: J. Gardham This story is fiction as are the characters, if you think you see yourself in this story that's cool as long as everyone remembers there's nothing in this story that isn't pure imagination. "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 19 With many of the elders having been returned to Eden they immediately went to work restoring Eden to it's rightful place as God's garden. Kala, Orsha, Valen, Jaric and Grigori stood together. Valen said, "we thought you were coming here so we could show you what God intended for all of His Creation as a way of life, it appears your coming was to save us from what the dark forces wished to destroy". Thomas said, "I believe we have learned what the earth was meant to be as well as coming here as an instrument to help stop what the forces of evil were planning". "All things happen for a reason, we all play or part in the Creator's plan for mankind". With their goodbyes said, Thomas's group made their way back to the airport and soon had their gear loaded and were on their way back to the states and home. After a stop in Japan for refueling they were several hundred miles from land over the Pacific when the plane took a nose dive, swooped back up and then another nose dive before making a sharp climb and leveling out again. Everyone's stomach's were doing flip-flops as Thomas made his way to the cockpit asking what in the world was going on. Luke and Sam looked as stunned as everyone else. "Thomas it was as if the plane had a mind of it's own, the whole incident scared us half to death, I nearly tossed my cookies". Suddenly there was laughter heard throughout the plane before they heard the archangel Michael say, "how's that for a roller coaster ride Benjamin?" Just then Raphael stuck his head through the side of the plane saying, "he's an archangel with a rather weird sense of humor, sorry guys". With that Raphael was gone as they listened to Michael's fading laughter. Looking at Benjamin everyone noticed the front of Benjamin's pants were soaked. Looking white as a sheet Benjamin said, "I think I wet my pants". This time the plane was filled with laughter from the inside, Benjamin even joined in as embarrassed as he was. The ranch was a welcome beacon to a travel weary group of gay adventures and everyone was glad to be back home. Fall was here and the leaves had turned the area into a spectacular scene of colors. The evening chill was back in the air and the fireplace in the living room was comforting as men gathered there for cards, reading, and other activities. Surprisingly Jonathan and Sparkle were excellent chest players and there was always a challenge game going on. As for the economic climate for the country things had only gotten worse. Jobs were few and far between, homes were being lost at an alarming rate as interest rates started to climb. Each day it seems there were more people out on street corners begging for a handouts, most were willing to do anything to earn money to feed their families. By spring crime was almost out of control with people stealing food and clothing that they no longer could pay for. Bill and Dave who were both teaching at the university now became involved in a small program the university started for sharing plots of land for garden space for people to grow their own food. Thomas thought it was a great idea and set ten acres aside dividing it into plots large enough for good sized gardens. The first people to ask for a plot to plant a garden on was a boy of eighteen with his younger brother going on seventeen. They said their names were Ken and Alan. Brad and Gavin took the boys out to where the plots had been laid out and told them they were the first people to show up so they could pick out whichever plot they wanted. Gavin asked what they thought they'd plant and the kids said they weren't sure, they'd never had a garden before. They said they wanted to plant things they could eat and from the looks of them they really needed some decent food. They both were terribly thin with the eighteen year old Alan being much the thinner. Brad noticed that the younger brother Ken stayed close enough to Alan to hang onto his back pocket. Gavin asked the boys if they had seeds for planting and they shook their heads no, Alan said he'd try and get some. Gavin said there was a lot of seed packets in storage and told them to come back the next day and pick out what they wanted. It was the first time there appeared to be even a glimmer of hope in Ken's eyes. Brad asked if they lived close by and both boys looked embarrassed and stared at the ground as Alan stammered before admitting they lived kind of here and there. Brad swallowed hard realizing they were living on the street doing the best they could. "Guys I don't want to be nosy but where's your mother and dad if you don't mind me asking". Ken's eyes filled with tears which he fought back as Alan took his hand into his. Alan explained that their dad went out west hoping to find work and when our mom stopped hearing from him she thought something awful must have happened and took a handful of sleeping pills and never woke up. Gavin suggested they come into the house with them, they were just about to have a late breakfast and would like Alan and Ken to have a bite to eat with them. Both kids looked up at Gavin as they shook their heads yes and followed Brad and Gavin inside. Once inside they found Benjamin working in the kitchen cleaning up after already serving everyone breakfast. Brad gave Benjamin a wink as he said, "we're starved Benjamin is there anything left to eat?" Catching on to the act, Benjamin said, "you bet guys I was just about to make scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon to have with some coffee and orange juice". "Who's our guests by the way?" "This is Alan and his brother Ken, they've decided to take one of our plots for a garden". With a big smile Benjamin turned to the boys and said, "wow, our first gardeners, this calls for a celebration, I'd better toss on some waffles for this special occasion". Alan and Ken looked at each other almost giddy at the thought of eating a good meal. Brad and Gavin were having a hard time hiding the sadness they were feeling as they wondered how many others were out there across the country going without enough food. Our present government was a dismal failure and had managed to turn the country into what we once called third world nations. There seemed to be little hope of turning the situation around with presidential elections still two years away. Benjamin gave each of the boys a glass of milk and orange juice while he worked on the rest of the meal. The boys bowed their heads to give thanks they obviously had been brought up well. When Benjamin looked back their glasses were empty and Gavin was refilling them, they kids were nearly starved. Having tossed bread into the toaster which had thankfully popped up, Ben buttered it and then added jelly before putting it in front of the boys. They noticed Alan cut his in half and put half on his brother's plate. Ken looked up at his brother and said, "no, you need to eat more you always share with me, you're too thin". Having said that he put the piece of toast back on his older brother's plate. The rest of the meal was done and none to soon, the boys didn't leave a scrap of food. Thomas walked in and saw the boys eating, introduced himself and asked if they had enough to eat. Alan and Ken both said yes, and thanked everyone for the food. Alan stood and asked if they could do the dishes and help clean up before they left. Looking directly at Thomas, Benjamin immediately said, "yes I sure could use the help if you guys don't mind". Thomas looked at Brad and Gavin as he whispered, "they don't have a place to live do they?" Brad and Gavin shook their heads no as they fought back their own tears. Thomas said, "well I think we can fix that don't you guys". Brad and Gavin both hugged Thomas, "dear God, we love you so much Thomas, yes we think we can fix the homeless situation, and thanks Thomas". "Guys you don't have to thank me or consult me on situations like this just do what needs to be done, this home is as much yours as it is mine, you need to remember that". "Okay Thomas, stop already before you have Gavin and I blubbering like a couple of babies, what room to you want them in?" Laughing Thomas said, "Hello, earth to Brad and Gavin, don't ask me, you know which rooms are empty just take care of it, it's your house too remember". "Oh yeah, okay Thomas we'll get them settled in with the suggestion that Benjamin needs help in the kitchen taking care of meals for all the rest of us". With a big smile Thomas said, "see you guys already have it figured out". "I'm headed out to the pool for a few morning laps, have to keep myself in shape so Benjamin's eye doesn't go wandering yeah know". Laughing Gavin said, "yeah like that's every going to happen". When Alan and Ken finished helping Benjamin in the kitchen Brad and Gavin asked them to come and look at something. Taking them to the suite of rooms on the west facing wing Brad and Gavin showed the boys in and asked if they'd mind staying here and helping Benjamin with the house chores. Alan said, "I don't understand, you mean we could live here in these beautiful rooms if we continue to help Benjamin in the kitchen?" Gavin said, "yes there's a lot of us who live here and Benjamin needs help preparing meals for everyone, if you guys are willing to help out, these rooms are yours and of course there'd be weekly pay, would four hundred a week each be enough?" Alan slapped himself on the forehead as he said, "are you kidding me, we could live in this fantastic house and you would pay us besides just for helping Benjamin". Laughing Brad added, "hey guys there's a lot more work here then you can imagine, but the jobs yours if you want it". Together Alan and Ken looked at each other as they said, "we want it". Brad said, "great let's go pack up your things and get you settled in your apartment". Looking embarrassed Alan said, "Brad all we have to our names is packed in two shopping carts we keep hidden under the bridge west of town". Brad and Gavin said, "lets hop in the truck and go get it then, you guys can get settled in and go for a swim with us before lunch and we'll introduce you to everyone who lives here, well most of them anyway there's a few who won't be back until dinner time". Piling into the truck they headed off for the bridge with the kids guiding them. It didn't take long for them to put everything in the back of the truck and they were on their way back to the house. Looking at Gavin, Ken asked, "do you really have a swimming pool, I didn`t see one?" "It's enclosed for year around swimming we'll show you after you get your things put away". Giggling Ken said, "Alan and I can't go swimming". Brad said, "why's that Ken?" Blushing Ken said, "we don't have swimming suits Brad". Gavin looked at Brad knowing they were thinking the same thing, there was something in their excitement they'd forgotten to mention to Alan and Ken, the fact that they would be living in a house filled with gay men who were lovers. Gees Thomas didn't say anything about how they should handle this situation. Brad rolled his eyes at Gavin. Alan caught the eye roll and asked what was wrong? Gavin turned to the back seat and said, "well in our excitement of making sure the two of you had a safe place to live there's something rather important that we failed to tell you". Laughing Alan said, "you're not cannibals are you?" Gavin looked horrified before he noticed a twinkle in Alan's eyes, "you had me going for a second Alan". "No, we're not cannibals, but you should know we're gay, in fact everyone living at the ranch is gay". "We apologize for not mentioning it before we'd gotten you this interested, it was wrong of us not to tell you, it just hadn't entered our minds until just now when Ken said you don't have bathing suits". Ken asked, "what has our not having bathing suits have to do with you're being gay?" Laughing at the innocence of Ken's question Gavin said, "we all swim naked, but we'll put on swim suits and we'll find some for you guys so you won't be embarrassed, but knowing this have you changed your minds about wanting live with us?" "We'll understand if you have". Alan and Ken looked at each other before starting to laugh. Brad said, "really this isn't a laughing matter guys, you need to give this serious thought before you make a decision". Alan said, "you don't understand Brad, we're laughing because we hadn't thought to tell you we're gay". Ken and I may be brothers but we're also lovers, I've taken care of Ken since we were little and in time we fell in love, as in lovers". "Now you're the ones who need to decide if you want gay brothers who are lovers living with you". Brad pulled into the drive and stopped the truck turning around and looking at the brothers. "You're not shitting me are you?" "Nope". "Well guys we have two fathers who are gay with sons who are gay so I think you two will fit in nicely". Ken spoke up with, "there's no need for swimsuits if there's anything Alan and aren't, it's shy". Gavin's reply was, "wow, wait until the guys hear this, they're all going to be so excited having you two living with us". Alan said, "not nearly as excited as we are Gavin, living beneath that bridge without much to keep us warm or enough to eat nearly killed us during the cold months". "Having a nice house to live in is more than we dared dream of". "Not many people would be willing to take in two gay brothers under any circumstances". "Well kiddos your more than welcome at our home and there's always an adventure taking place so we'll keep you busy, your can trust us when we say there's never a dull moment". "There's a few other unusual things about the people at the ranch but we don't want to spill the beans all at once, and it's all good so don't worry about it. Brad and Gavin helped the kids carry their belongings to their new rooms and the looks on their faces were all the thanks anyone needed. Alan sat on his bed, put his face in his hands and started to cry. Ken sat next to him and put his arm around his brother comforting him, "it's okay Alan, we're safe now so please stop worrying so much". Gavin knelt in front of them and pulled both boys into his arms. "Alan what you have done to keep your brother safe is more than remarkable, to be able to do what you've done comes from a pure heart". "What Ken just said about being safe is a fact, you'll never have to worry again, you and Ken will always have a warm, safe place to live and Plenty of food". You're barely a year and a half older then Ken and yet you've taken on the role of older brother, lover, best friend, and father". "That's one heck of a lot to have on an eighteen year olds plate". Alan hugged Gavin hard and stopped crying, he apologized for his outbreak. "No apology needed, you were just letting go of a mighty big monkey you were carrying on your back". "I was thinking about dad, wondering if he's still alive and if he is why he didn't come back for us". "I don't even know if he knows mother died". "Dad loved us all so much I know he'd have come back if he could, I'm afraid he's dead too". With that revelation both boys eyes filled with tears again. Brad asked Alan if he knew where his dad was headed when he left to look for work. "Dad received a message from a friend of his that he knew in the navy saying there was some work in San Diego around the navy base there, he'd try to get dad a job there if dad could make it out within a week". "Dad packed a few things and started out hitchhiking on I-40 the next day, that`s the last we saw or heard from him". Brad said, "give us time to do some checking we do have ways of locating people, give us your dad's name and description, better yet if you happen to have a photo of him". Alan pulled a tattered wallet out of his torn jeans and pulled out a small photo of their dad handing it to Brad. Brad and Gavin took one look at it and new where the boys got their good looks. Alan said, "dad's name is Gordon, but everyone always called him Gordi, he`s about six feet three, and weighted around a hundred and seventy pounds." "He has sky blue eyes and black hair and he used to smile all the time, but that was before hard times hit". Brad Asked if he could keep the photo long enough to have an enlargement made and then they'd ask Thomas about what process they needed to through in trying to locate Gordon. Changing the subject Gavin asked the boys if they were ready for a swim and everyone headed out to the pool. Once at the pool the boys stripped out of their rather dirty clothes and yelled hi to Thomas as they dove in. There was a visible cloud of dirt that washed from their thin bodies as they hit the water. Gavin said I'll take their clothes in and toss them in the washer and round up some of Bill and Dave's clothes for them, they're about the same size. "Good thinking Gavin, Bill and Dave won't mind and I'll go fill Thomas in on what the boys have told us about their father". Later at dinner when everyone was there Alan and Ken were introduced to everyone and welcomed into the family with loving hugs all around. Ken was taken with Sparkles bright red hair and green eyes even more than the fact they he and Jonathan were wizards. Bill and Dave took the boys under their wing and let them pick out clothing that they'd never taken from the packages they came in. By the time all the excitement had died down Bill and Dave went back to their room helping to carry their new clothes. With a big smile on their handsome faces Bill and Dave tucked the guys in and kissed them goodnight. Both boys yelled thanks for everything and goodnight as Bill and Dave walked out. Ken rolled over so he was looking into Alan's eyes as he said, "I'd better not wake up in the morning and find this has all been a dream". "Yeah I know just what you mean Ken, this has all happened so fast, but I believe it's real and I think we've found ourselves a wonderful family". He kiss Ken goodnight as Ken laid his head on Alan's shoulder and they drifted off to sleep. Bill and Dave found the others in the large living room discussing what Thomas had found out about the kid's dad. It seems he had made it to Flagstaff and was seen by a waitress after leaving her café getting into an eighteen wheeler with plates from Sonora Mexico. It was seen by the Arizona Highway Patrol leaving I-10 and heading south where it more than likely crossed the border into Tecate and south from there. Thomas had managed to get hold of the border patrol and asked for information on the truck that Gordon had hitched a ride with. The news wasn't good, according to the border patrol the driver and his sidekick were known to be running drugs from Mexico into the states under the guise of bring farm workers across the border to work in the vegetable fields in southern California. They were known to kidnap guys who were hitchhiking around the country looking for work and turning them over to the Mexican drug cartel who used them as slave labor. The photo of the Gordon had been passed around so everyone was aware of what he looked like before Robin suggested a rescue mission was in order. Glen, Larry, and the others readily agreed. Thomas said he had already asked Luke fuel the private jet he had purchased after their last adventure. Luke was aware of a dirt landing strip in the southern part of the state of Sonora. It's dangerous but I'm sure I can land there with enough room for a safe takeoff when we leave. There's no way everyone can go on this mission so I'm asking for volunteers, it's probably the most dangerous mission we've ever been on the cartel is armed to the teeth with better weapons that the Mexican military have. Of course everyone volunteered, Luke was a given since he flew the plane, Ponso and Sam because they were all partners, Glen came because he's a doctor and may be needed, Larry is coming because he won't let Glen out of his sight, Bill and Dave made up the rest crew along with Thomas and Benjamin. The others were to keep Alan and Ken busy teaching them to cook and do other duties while they were gone. Orders were given that Alan and Ken were not to be made aware of what was taking place since there was no certainty of the outcome of this adventure. Before they left Gavin gathered them together for a prayer for protection and guidance. Once in the air Thomas said, "okay Jonathan and Sparkle you can show yourselves now". Laughing Sparkle said you always know we'll sneak aboard don't you?" Smiling Thomas replied, "guys I count on it, I don't know what we'd do without you to slip in and out of places unseen". Jonathan said, "why don't you just ask us to go?" "Are you kidding, and miss the fun of knowing you'll sneak aboard anyway". Jonathan said, "you know Thomas, you have a very mischievous streak". "Ya think?" Sitting close enough to the pilot's cabin so they could all hear, Thomas mentioned it was a shame the boys didn't know the name of the man their dad was meeting in San Diego. It might be helpful to talk to him and if he was expecting Gordon he must have wondered why he didn't show up and was probably worried. Luke said he had an idea the might work, there's a internet site where you can post photos of military men who's gone missing. Why don't we post Gordon's photo in the navy's section with Thomas's e-mail address and see if we hear from anyone in San Diego. That's a great idea Luke, I hadn't realized there was such a site, I'll post it right now and see if we get any results, thank God for these laptops that are satellite linked. Two and a half ours later they were just entering Texas air space when an e-mail came in from a man named Jeremy saying that he was a friend of the man they were looking for and was supposed to meet him in San Diego about six months ago but Gordon never showed up and the last communication with him was via cell phone as Gordon crossed the California border riding in an eighteen wheeler. Jeremy included a phone number where he could be reached. Using the plane's phone satellite connection Thomas called the number hoping Jeremy was there since the e-mail had just arrived. Jeremy picked up on the third ring. "Hello this is Jeremy". "Jeremy my name is Thomas, this is going to sound a bit strange but I'm with a group of friends on a private jet over Texas as I'm making this call. I believe Gordon has been kidnapped and taken to Mexico to a forced labor camp operated by the drug cartel. "Oh God, I was afraid that might have happened, I warned Gordi not to ride with any Mexican truckers, it was too dangerous". "Jeremy we're going to attempt a rescue is there anything special we need to know about Gordon should he need medical help when and if we find him". "No, not that I can think of Thomas, he was always very healthy, but who knows what condition he may be in after six months in a forced labor camp". I have some retired navy buddies here in San Diego, we'll leave as soon as I can round everyone up and cut across Baja and try to connect with you in Sonora, you're going to need all the help you can get if you're thinking of tangling with the cartel". "Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but I hate to have anyone else get in harms way". "Thomas, I love that man, and I'm going in, we know how to cross the border undetected and travel without raising suspicion. We'll go in armed and meet you there, stay low until you hear from me it'll be safer if we sneak in under darkness from two different directions" "If Gordi's there than there's no way I'm going to leave without him". "Understood Jeremy, we'll follow your lead, it sounds like you're more familiar with the area`. "We're landing on a dirt landing strip with the jet, we'll connect with you and hopefully come out with Gordon. If you follow us to the plane we'll want to get our tails back across the border quickly, and Jeremy.... "yes Thomas", when you find Gordon tell him Alan and Ken are safe but really miss him". "Will do Thomas, and thanks". Thomas filled the others in on the conversation with Jeremy before he and the others made plans of their own. The deserted airstrip was south of San Felipe not far from the Gulf of California. According to the U. S. Border Patrol the Mexican drug cartel was located about five miles due west of San Felipe. Jeremy and his group would be coming east from the area of Punta Colnett using ATV's until they got within three miles of the cartel's encampment, from there it would be on foot in the cover of darkness. Since Luke had to land on a dirt runway without knowing what condition it might be in he'd have to land in daylight to avoid a possible disaster. He made a low fly over with Sam checking for runway damage. It appeared the runway was long enough for their small jet to land, but it also looked pretty rough. Luke told Thomas he thought a landing was possible but everyone needed to be belted in tightly, it was definitely going to be a hard landing. Luke flew in low of the Gulf waters before moving over land at the last minute to avoid the hills that surrounded the runway. He brought the plane down smooth and easy breaking evenly hoping to keep the jet from skidding to one side or the other. Dirt and debris was thrown against the bottom of the plane creating a terrible racket before Luke managed to bring it in for a safe stop. Luke immediately turned the plane facing north prepared for a quick take off if necessary. Everyone joined in as they walked the runway and filled in holes and cleared rocks and other debris making sure they could take off as safely as possible. Jeremy and his group of retired military buddies were working their way across some rough terrain on ATV's as the sun was beginning to set. Reaching the coordinates on the GPS, they covered the ATV's in sage brush before starting on foot across to the cartels camp. Turning to his closest friend Brandon, Jeremy said the Mexican Military is aware of this place and they're afraid to raid it because of how well armed the cartel is we'd better be darn careful to not get caught. I don't want to join the others who've been kidnapped and forced to do the dirty work for the cartel. Jeremy used a military cell phone that operated off satellites to reach Thomas on the east side of the encampment. "This is Thomas". "Thomas how close are you to the cartels camp?" "We're close enough to see what's going on without being seen" "Jeremy this place has better protection the Fort Knox, where is your team?" "We've looking down into the camp from a hilltop using night vision ....we've been able to locate what looks like the building where the prisoners are kept, it looks like they have three men staked outside, probably someone trying to escape". "Can't tell if they're alive or not from here". "Jeremy I've set my team around the perimeter on the east side ready to light brush fires, we'll set enough of them to attract the guards attention". "The wind is coming in off the Gulf which should fan the blazes toward their encampment forcing a lot of the guards to leave their post in order to fight the fires". "Great Thomas, that's good thinking, when we see the guards moving to fight the fires we'll try to slip into the camp and free the prisoners". "Jeremy try and swing around to the southeast so we can fly out of here before they realize what's happened, and Jeremy, be careful". "Yeah, you too Thomas". Sam lit the first of the fires which caught and spread quickly, Bill, Dave, Ponso, Jonathan, Sparkle and the others followed. Within seconds there was an inferno moving toward the cartels camp. Shouts were heard and men moved quickly to protect the camp, they obviously had prepared for such an event in this hot, dry environment. Jeremy and his men quietly moved in from the west crouching low, they knocked out the two guards by the prisoners shack and went inside. It was pitch black, Jeremy spoke in Spanish, "we're here to set you free, remain quiet". He repeated his order in English before hearing a whispered, "Jeremy, my God, is that you"? Jeremy's heart raced at hearing Gordon's voice, "Gordon, thank God you're alive, can you stand?" "Yes but we all are chained together we have to move as a group". "Gordon get everyone up and ready to move, we have to act quickly". Luckily the winds had increased fanning the flames even closer to the camp creating a situation that took everyone's attention away from where the prisoners were filing out into the darkness. No shots were heard which was good news, the bad news was that the winds had pushed the fires south making the walk to where the plane was even longer and more dangerous. Brandon had removed keys from the guard he silenced and was removing chains as they moved, there must have been fifteen men of various nationalities. Once their chains had been removed they moved much faster following Jeremy's men. Jeremy took time to grab Gordon and pull him into a hug before kissing him. Gordon said, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again how`d you manage to rescue us?" "That's a rather long story and we don't have time to chat, let's get moving". "Besides there's a group of men from the east who set this rescue up and believe it when I say I want to kiss their feet when we meet". "When you meet?" "You mean you managed to rescue us with the help of people you don't even know". "Yeah, weird isn't it?" "By the way this guy named Thomas said to be sure and tell you Alan and Ken are safe and well". Hearing that was more than Gordon could take as tears overflowed washing streaks down his dirty face. Another hug from Jeremy. "With any luck we'll have you back in the states soon". Rounding a large hill Jeremy and his group ran into a group of guards from the camp who leveled their automatic weapons and were about to fire when gun fire broke out from several areas taking out the guards in one volley. Unfortunately that alerted the other guards to their location. Thomas ran up to Gordon and Jeremy and said, "we need to make a run for it, this is going to get dicey real fast". The plane was insight with Luke, Samuel, Dave and Bill kneeling with rocket launchers that will make a large dent in any charge that the cartel might make to take out the plane. Jonathan and Sparkle had set up a protective force field around the plane and men before adding a shield around the prisoners who were running like lightening for the plane. A rocket attack came from the cartels men bursting as they hit the protective shield. Jeremy looked questionably at Thomas at what was happening. "I'll explain later Jeremy, get everyone in the plane". Luke and Sam had the plane ready to fly as men were being packed in like sardines. "Thomas this plane was made to carry twelve there's more than double that number". "Go Luke there's armored vehicles moving in fast". Luke and Sam hit full throttle doubting they'd ever make it off the ground not to mention over the hill that was facing them. They bounced down the runway barely making liftoff with the hill coming at them like the black death. Luke and Sam were pulling hard trying to make the jet climb when suddenly it shot up and over the hill before leveling out at about ten thousand feet. Muriel stuck his head through the side of the plane, smiling as he said, "hi guys I'm Muriel, it looked like you needed some lift power, hope everyone is okay". Thomas said, "nice to make you acquaintance Muriel, we've heard about you but it's always nice to meet the angel in charge of keeping us safe, and yes, thanks to you we're all fine, although it's going to take some explaining to the fifteen or twenty guys who passed out when you stuck your head through the side of the plane". "Oops, sorry about that Thomas". "Please don't be, I'd much rather be explaining the unexplainable then eating dirt off the side of that hill we just missed". "Yeah got to better huh, tally ho and all that, have a safe trip we'll be watching over you". Looking at Benjamin, Thomas laughed as he said, "you know Benjamin angels can be real characters can't they". "Yes personality wise they're as different as People are". Interestingly enough neither Jeremy or Gordon had fainted when Muriel made his presence known. Although they had lost their color and it appeared their voices as well. "Jeremy I'm Thomas and this is Benjamin, sorry about the scare Muriel gave you, but we're safely on our way". We'll make a stop in Texas and let everyone who wants to go back to Mexico to their families off before returning to our home in Pennsylvania". "I know there's a lot to explain but if you'll be patient we can do that after we back in Berlin". "Gordon you have two wonderful sons who are going to be the happiest kids alive when they see you". "I don't know how to thank all of you for rescuing us, I'm more than a bit confused at everything that happened". "How do you know my sons, and why haven`t you mentioned my wife?" "I'm afraid that part of the bad news Gordon, when your wife didn't hear from you for such a long time, she took and handful of sleeping pills and never woke up". "There's no way of knowing whether or not she meant to take her own life, she may have meant to just sleep and put her troubles out of her mind for a long as possible". Gordon put his face in his hands as he cried. Jeremy put his arm around Gordon's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "It's not your fault Gordon, Alice knew you were gay before she begged you to marry her so she could have your children". "She also knew you and I had been lovers and were still in love, you stayed loyal to her so you have nothing to blame yourself for". Kneeling before Gordon Thomas took his hands in his own as he said, "Gordon your sons came to our home looking for a plot of land to grow food on, they'd been living under a bridge and were nearly starved". "We took them in just recently and their doing well, their big worry was about you, you apparently are the love of their lives". "They don't know we've rescued you, they weren't told of our attempt since we had no way of knowing we'd find you". "You're welcome to call ahead if you like, that might be better than just walking in on them". "Jeremy I never want to be without you again, will you go with me to meet my sons, this is going to be a double shock to them finding I'm alive and gay". "I want you with me when I see them and I want you with me for the rest of my life". "Gordon you couldn't pry me loose with a crowbar, I'm never letting you out of my sight again". "You are the love of my life and you need to know I haven't been with anyone since you married Alice". Benjamin spoke up at this point, "Gordon there's something that you need to know that might make this all much easier on you, your sons are both gay and for some reason I don't think they're going to be the slightest upset that you are". "Alan and Ken are gay?" "I had never even given that a thought, those two handsome boys will some make some lucky men happy". Dave and Bill had overheard the conversation and joined in as Bill said, "I think they already have made some men happy Gordon". "You mean they already have partners, but they're so young". "This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but they are partners Gordon, they fell in love with each other, and it's not that unusual". Dave and I both have fathers who are gay and we often make love with them and their partners, it's all a matter of love Gordon, we fall in love with who we fall in love with". "Someone better pinch me, this has all got to be a dream". "OUCH!" Laughing Jonathan and Sparkly appeared beside Bill and Dave. Jeremy and Gordon's eyes nearly popped out of their heads, what they didn't need was another shock. "How many times have I asked you two NOT to do that without warning?" "We're sorry Thomas, sometimes we slip, we'll try hard not to let it happen again". "I know you guys don't mean any harm, just try and be more careful in the future". "Gordon, Jeremy this is Jonathan and Sparkle, they're members of our group and are at times a bit spontaneous, I'm really sorry if they scared you". Gordon half laughing said, "it's okay Thomas, what's one more unbelievable incident on this remarkable day". "I'm so grateful to be free and to have found Jeremy and to know my kids are safe, there's no way I'll ever be able to repay you for your kindness". "Gordon seeing the look on your kids faces when they see you will be payment enough for all of us, it was our pleasure to help". There was a quick stop in San Antonio to drop off anyone wanting to return to Mexico or San Diego. Thanks were given to Jeremy's buddies who helped out on the rescue mission and they were back in the air headed for Berlin. There was quite a story to Gordon and Jeremy's love story. They had met in the military, became buddies while training to join the elite Delta Force and they relationship developed into love. When they left the military Jeremy went back to his home in San Diego planning to meet Gordon at his home outside of Berlin. Gordon went to his home planning on settling in and get ready for Jeremy to join him when members of his church introduced him to the boys Mother, Ellen. Ellen was smitten with Gordon and determined to marry. Gordon told her he was gay and had a lover he'd met in the military, but she and the church leaders managed to convenience Gordon homosexuality was evil and if he'd marry Ellen he life would be filled with happiness and all would be right with the world. Two sons and nineteen years later Gordon's heart still longed for Jeremy, his true love. Turning to Jeremy with tears in his eyes Gordon said, "Jeremy I can't believe you still love me after what I did to you". "Twenty years have passed and you never took a lover and in those twenty years I did nothing but long for you, can you ever forgive me for my foolishness". "Gordon in those twenty years I wasn't celibate, there just wasn't anyone who could take your place in my heart". "As forgiving you there's nothing to forgive, you made decisions that at the time made sense to you, we all do our best at any give time in our lives to do what we think is best". "Jeremy it didn't make sense, I was a coward and caught up in what I thought society and the church dictated as the right way to live". "I wasn't fair to you or Ellen, I never once made love to Ellen that I wasn't thinking of you, you were always my first thought in the morning and my last thought before falling asleep, Jeremy you were never out of my mind and heart". "I'm so sorry for all those wasted years". Taking Gordon in his arms Jeremy said, "don't you dare call those wasted years, you have two wonderful sons who love you with all their heart and their very existence honors you". "You need to know my life has been good, it was lacking the man that I love, but still it was good". "We have an opportunity now to be together for the rest of our lives if you'll accept me into your life Gordon". "Jeremy you've never been out of my life, you know I'll spend the rest of my life with you, there's no question of it". "Then let's let go of the past and move forward with our lives, we can fill our lives with happiness and enjoy your sons as they continue to mature into men". I hope they'll accept me as part of their lives, but let's take it one step at a time". "Right now just having you in my arms is the greatest joy I can think of". Landing near Berlin, everyone hustled into the two trucks and headed for the ranch. Gordon was more nervous about seeing his sons than Jeremy was. He had called from the plane so the boys knew he was safe and on his way to them. The excitement at the house was unbelievable with Alan and Ken just about bouncing off the walls. They went from thinking they had lost both their parents to discovering the father they loved so much was alive and on his way home. Stopping in the driveway by the front of house to unload baggage, the front door flew open with Alan and Ken rushing out, Gordon literally leaped from the truck and ran for them. Jeremy stood back with the rest of us as father and sons collided in laughter, tears, yells, smiles, and hugs. Finally getting everyone inside and settled down for some refreshments Gordon had a chance to introduce Jeremy to the boys. Ken and Alan took to him as naturally as fish to water. They wanted to know when and where they first met and fell in love and all the details. Ken looked at Jeremy and asked he it would alright if they called him dad too, Jeremy pulled him into a hug with tears in his eyes and said that he would be honored. Looking around the house Gordon said to Thomas, "this has to be the most beautiful house I've even been in". Alan jumped in with, "yeah isn't it great and we get to live here and they even pay Ken and I for helping fix meals and doing other chores". Gordon turned to Thomas, "Thomas your generosity is too much there's no way I every repay you for taking care of my sons and letting them live in this beautiful home". "Jeremy and I will look for a place as soon as we can.... "Whoa there Gordon, there's no need for you and Jeremy to look for another place to live Ken and Alan have a large suite of rooms in the west wing of the house". "You and Jeremy just move in there with your sons and consider yourselves part of our family". "You and Jeremy just relax and get reacquainted with each other and your sons, you look like you need some rest and some good food. You're just about a skinny and your sons were when then first arrived on our doorstep". Jeremy and Gordon sat looking at Thomas with their mouths open, "are you serious?" "You'd let us live here with out sons". Ken was about to come unglued with excitement, "dad you won't believe it but there's even horses to ride and an indoor swimming pool, and Alan and I are becoming really good cooks and helping Benjamin fix meals fore everyone who lives here". Benjamin introduced himself by adding that Ken and Alan were a tremendous help and he wasn't about to let them go now so you and Jeremy are just going to have to move in, no question about it, and I believe I'm speaking for everyone here. Thomas, Bill, Dave, Luke, Ponso, Jonathan, Sparkle, Glen, Robin, Sam, and of course Alan and Ken yelled "YES". Thomas suggested that the boys show their dads to their suite of rooms and help the get cleaned before showing them around the ranch. Ken and Alan took Jeremy and Gordon by their hands and let them off, they both were looking awe struck as they following the boys down the hall. Once in their rooms Jeremy, Gordon, Ken, and Alan had a major group huge. Alan showed Jeremy and their dad the extra bedroom and told they they'd get the shower ready. Ken said, "you won't believe the showers we have their like magic, Alan and I will have to show you how to operate them. Gordon and Jeremy stripped down and walked into the bathroom not prepared for their two handsome sons to be standing beneath what looked like a rain shower. Swinging the door open Ken come in guys we'll show you how all this works. Jeremy and Gordon looked at each other and stepped in with their two very handsome and well hung sons. By the time the kids had all the magic sprays working their dads were almost weak legged from their exhausting trip from Mexico. Ken started by washing his dads hair and Alan did the same with Jeremy. Alan said, "You two just relax and let Ken and I do the work you've been through enough to last for two life times". "We'll do the work you guys just enjoy". Alan finished shampooing Jeremy's hair and started using a coconut scented body wash rotating his fingers tips on Jeremy's forehead working his way down the sides of his face across the bridge of his nose and back to include his ears. Alan took his time massaging the body wash through Jeremy's go-T and around his strong neck. Turning Jeremy to face the spray washing the suds away, he then started on Jeremy's beautiful chest which was covered in silky blond hair over well tanned satiny skin. Turning Jeremy to face the wall Alan started soaping his back and massaging sore muscles as he worked his way down to the small of his back and narrow waist. Reaching that gorgeous bubble butt Alan continued washing and massaging his ass cheeks. Running his fingers down the crease and over Jeremy's rose bud drew a shutter and low moan but Jeremy didn't attempt to stop Alan's relaxing and stimulating manipulations. Alan spread Jeremy's legs apart so he could reach between them to soap and massage his balls as he continued cleaning his pucker. Alan's cock had reached full mast and was leaking pre-cum as his face rubbed against Jeremy's bubble butt. As the water washed soap off Jeremy's beautiful ass Alan run his wet tongue up Jeremy's crack as his hands continued washing those muscled thighs and calves. Jeremy bend over leaning his upper body against the shower wall giving Alan better access to his hole, Alan took the initiative running his talented tongue over Jeremy's pucker. Jeremy pushed back delighting Alan knowing he was having an exciting sexual effect on his dad's lover. Alan reached up taking Jeremy's hips turned him around so he was now facing him. Alan reached down and lifted Jeremy's right foot and lathered it with body wash working his fingers between each toe before moving to the left foot for a repeat performance. Jeremy's eight inch cock was laying on top of Alan's head, Alan leaned back and let it slip into his eager and waiting mouth. One quick plunge forward and Alan had Jeremy's cock sliding down his throat, the fit was perfect, everything about Jeremy was perfect. Jeremy felt a hand on his neck pulling him, turning he met Gordon's handsome, smiling face as they drew one another into a passionate kiss. Continuing to suck long and hard on Jeremy's cock Alan glance over to see Ken deep throating his dad's beautiful cock, Ken gave him a quick wink before getting back to business pleasuring his dad. On his knees Alan sucked Jeremy as deep as he could using his throat muscles to massage that glorious cock as he reached down and stroked his own seven inches. Ken was doing a number on his dad that was equal to anything Gordon had ever experienced. Ken was deep throating his dad's beautiful cock as he continued stroking his own six and half inches while he fondled his dads balls with his other hand. Gordon and Jeremy were locked in their passionate kiss when they both lost their seed down the boys throats. The taste of Jeremy and Gordon's cum was all it took for Alan and Ken to shoot rope after rope all over their own chests, both boys had cum dripping from their chins as Jeremy and Gordon pulled them up and licked their bodies clean savoring the taste and sharing it as they kissed once again. All four sank to the floor of the shower letting the warm water rinse over them as the all hugged and laughed in their happiness at being together again as a family. To be continued: