Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 21:39:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 20 This story is fiction as are the characters, if you think you see yourself in this story that's cool as long as everyone remembers there's nothing in this story that isn't pure imagination. "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 20 Benjamin was up early fixing a huge breakfast out in the courtyard so everyone could gather there could have a leisurely breakfast and get to know one another. Ken and Alan were up and out of their rooms before their dad and Jeremy were even awake. Those two young men took their duties to help Benjamin seriously and were busy transporting needed supplies out to the courtyard for Benjamin. Benjamin had to smile at their happiness, so much had happened to these two handsome boys in such a short period of time. He stopped what he was doing momentarily to thanks God for the happiness that filled this home. What a wonderful collection of loving men to have gathered here, there has to be a purpose and Benjamin was sure they'd know what the purpose was when the time came. Dave and Bill came out followed by Thomas, Glen, Robin, Larry, Darin, with Gavin and Brad covering yawns as they stepped out into the morning sunshine. Ponso, Sam, and Luke must still be in bed. All of these handsome men and none wearing a stitch of clothing to cover their muscular bodies, all except Benjamin that is who was wearing a full length apron, if you can call that clothing. He'd learned the hard way that being mortal you didn't cook without covering those vital parts of the body you didn't want damaged while working around a stove. Ken and Alan had places set for everyone at the various tables around the fountain, orange juice had been poured and coffee was ready and waiting. Jeremy and Gordon came out wearing the same clothing they flew in from Mexico with. They looked around at all the handsome men and Jeremy looked at Gordi and said, "it appears we're a bit over dressed". Gordon laughed as he said, "and that's hard to do since we only have the clothes on our backs to wear, I think you and I need to do some serious shopping". Thomas said, "why don't you guys slip out of your clothes and we'll toss them in the wash, they'll be clean and ready for you by the time we've had breakfast". "We don't stand on formality here, so you'll have to get used to seeing us running around naked". Alan walked over and through his arms around his dad planting a big kiss on his waiting lips, before turning to Jeremy and repeating the scene. Ken wasn't about to be left out and followed his brothers lead. Alan suggested they all head down to the Haberdashery for some new clothes later. Ken said, "Dave and Bill have shown us a great place to buy clothes although they both gave us most of the clothes we wear, they're really wonderful friends to us". Bill said, "you know there isn't one of us here that didn't arrive in pretty tattered shape, the root of all this love and kindness rests totally on Thomas's shoulders". "The man has the most loving heart of anyone on the face of the earth". Feeling a bit embarrassed Thomas said, "enough of that blarney let's eat, I need to get out to the pool and start my exercise". Everyone without exception turned to Thomas and blew him a kiss which embarrassed him even more. Jeremy said, "you have a pool?" Alan spoke up with, "yeah and it's great, it's Olympic size with two diving boards one is special for high diving and Dave's dad Darin is fantastic". "Oh and best of all we all swim naked". "Also the wizards Jonathan and Sparkle are wonderful divers they even dive together doing cartwheels". Jeremy and Gordon both said, "Sparkle".... "What?" "What what?" Sparkle said, "you said Sparkle, and I said, what?" At this point Thomas got up and headed for the pool, "I'll be swimming if anyone wants to join me after you guys get done with your Sparkle routine". Bill interrupted by asking, "anyone want to do a BBQ Saturday?" Jonathan asked if it would be like the last one where everyone went up to the gazebo naked and found all the cool sex toys and things?" Dave said, "is there other kind?" With that comment everyone readily agreed and several of the guys offered to help set things up. Gordi, Jeremy, Ken, and Alan looked at each other questioningly. Benjamin started laughing at their expressions, "don't ask just be prepared for some great fun and wild sex". Gordi looked at Jeremy and his sons as he said, "I have a feeling this is going to be a great place to live". With a big silly grin on his face Alan said, "dad this house isn't just filled with heartfelt love that flows from every man here, these guys really know how to fill their lives with excitement". "The sexual energy alone is enough to keep a guy in a state of arousal twenty-four seven". Ken chimed in saying, "and if half the stories we've heard are true, the adventures run from daring to the supernatural including angels, demons, wizards, and they tell us Benjamin used to be a ghost until the archangel Michael made him mortal so he and Thomas could grow old together". With his arm around Jeremy's waist Gordon said, "well they sure did a daring rescue of not only me but all those who the Mexican cartel were using for slave labor". "Thomas also told me that the love of my life here, Jeremy, wasn't about to leave without me either". "We owe these mean a lot and they will always have my loyalty and my love". "Jeremy you're my first and only love, to be here with you and my sons is more than I could have imagined only a week ago". Jeremy drew Gordon into an embrace and deep passionate kiss as Alan and Ken joined them in a group hug. Before Saturdays festivities Bill, Dave, Robin, and Larry had been giving Gordi, Jeremy, and the boys riding lessons. Early on Friday morning they headed out to show them the trails and gazebo where Saturdays, food, fun, and orgy will take place. Jonathan and Sparkle went along to enjoy the morning ride through the countryside. As the riders were nearly past of the meadow and about to enter the woods a shimmering door opened and a black haired man ran through before turning and quickly closing the portal. Jonathan and Sparkle were at his side within seconds followed by Bill, Dave, Robin and Larry. Gordon, Jeremy and the boys stayed on horseback realizing they shouldn't interfere, not knowing or understanding what was happening. Sparkle introduced Manilon before asking where Goldermer was. Manilon was obviously shaken and took a moment to pull himself together before telling them that Goldermer's headquarters was under a vicious attack by dark wizards from China working with wizards from Iran, Libya, Jordan, Egypt and Syria. Bill asked why they would attack Goldermer and his wizards. Manilon explained that Goldermer had been notified by white wizards from Israel that with the help of Zereal, a powerful dark wizard from the middle eastern regions; a portal had been opened in Iraq near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers allowing demons to rise from the pit where Apollyon has been kept chained for centuries. "They are now attacking Goldermer and other white wizard camps around the world in an effort to crush them before they can mount a resistance". Goldermer is holding out in his stronghold, but he can't break free long enough to send reinforcements to the other less fortified white wizard encampments". "I've been sent here to enlist your help, the dark wizards have put a heavy shield around Goldermer's encampment blocking his efforts to contact the archangel Michael". Bill said, "lets get back to the house Thomas can contact Michael". Jonathan and Sparkle immediately set up a protective shield around their property. Dave asked them to stay with Gordon, Jeremy, and the boys to make sure they were safe. Bill contacted Thomas by cell phone and appraised him of the emergency. By the time they reached the house Thomas had already asked Darin, Glen, Brad and Gavin to gather in their join efforts at reaching the angels. Benjamin asked Robin and Larry to bring the new members of their group into the prayer circle. Joining hands as Thomas knelt and concentrated on contacting Michael, Raphael, Magellan, or Muriel. Within seconds a light appeared in the circle and quickly formed into the archangel Michael. Without preamble Michael announced that the angels were aware of the battle raging around the world against the white wizards. "Muriel is sending in reinforcements to help push back the demons that are attacking Goldermer". "Jonathan and Sparkle you're needed to help out but that choice will be left entirely up to you and your friends here as to whether or not to return". "Angels are dealing with the demons and I'll personally be on my way to close the portal that Zereal managed to open, he'll need to be dealt with he's grown too powerful". Thomas immediately said, "Michael I can't allow Jonathan and Sparkle to go alone, we'll need to go with them, we nearly lost them once I won't let them face danger again without us to fight with them". Smiling Michael said, "way ahead of you Thomas, I knew you wouldn't let them go alone so I've arranged for two angels to open a portal large enough for all of you to go through as far as Goldermer's stronghold". "We'll do our best to protect all of you but you need to be aware that these battles are gaining in intensity and there is great danger for all of you". "We'll be careful Michael and thank you for allowing us to help". "Thomas we need your help, you need not thank me it is a join effort against the forces of evil we're all involved in this battle together". "When you go through the portal you and the others will go through a shift in realities when you reach Goldermer. It'll be minor shift but it'll allow you to move and act freely in the wizards realm". With that said, Michael was gone and two huge angels appeared. They gave their names as Augustine and Daniel, "Thomas when you and your men are ready we'll open the portal for you, we'll follow you through and seal it closed". Thomas asked if they weren't needed to help Michael. The two angels looked at one another before Augustine spoke, "are you kidding if we let anything happen to any of you Michael will have our hides, you aren't getting out of our sight". Everyone was gathered together and informed on what was happening and the need for their help. Tuning to Jeremy and Gordon Thomas said, "this is all new to you and there is no need for you to join us in this fight, you've hardly had a chance to get to know us". Gordon spoke up first, "Thomas there's no way we're not going with you, we're hardened fighters with military experience, Jeremy and I will be a valuable asset in any fight". Gordon turned to his sons telling them to remain at the house and they'd be back as soon as the battle was over". Alan and Ken looked at each other before Alan said, "not going to happen dad, you and Jeremy aren't getting out our sight, we're not little kids, we'll do whatever is necessary to help". "Where you and Jeremy go we go so don't bother to argue with us about it please". Pulling his sons into his arms Gordon said he understand how they felt, but when he or Jeremy, or anyone else gave them an order it was to be followed immediately without question. Alan and Ken agreed and everyone was ready. The angels opened the portal and everyone went through without a second thought of how this portal thing worked. Augustine said to Daniel, "they're quite remarkable aren't they, they face danger without fear". "That is such a unique spirit that is growing in many groups throughout the world, if people only knew what little time is left for them to come to terms with good and evil, choices have to be made". The portal in Goldermer's stronghold opened and Thomas and his group came streaming in followed by two protective angels. Goldermer through his arms around Thomas, "thank God you came, I take it from your appearance here that you were able to reach Michael". Yes we were and it's also good to see you Goldermer, I'm sorry it's under such awful circumstances, we're here to offer our help". Michael and his legends are challenging the demons and Michael will close the portal to the underworld himself before he settles a score with a dark wizard by the name of Zereal". Goldermer's face took on a determined look before he said, "Michael will have to get in line behind me when it comes to settling a score with Zereal". "I'm taking that evil wizard out if it's the last thing I do Thomas". Augustine and Daniel looked at one another silently questioning Goldermer's comments about the archangel Michael having to wait behind him to get to Zereal. Bad choice of words by Goldermer, words that should never have been thought let alone spoken. The angels thoughts remained unspoken. Thomas was surprised by Goldermer's determination to over step the archangel Michael's authority to take on Zereal himself. Perhaps it was the fatigue of the battle talking rather than the level headed Goldermer that they had come to know. His thoughts too remained unspoken. Suddenly there was a violet wave emanating from Dave and Bill, traveling at the speed of light it reached the exterior of Goldermer's shield. Demons and wizards alike vanished from sight as they turned to ash. With the way cleared Goldermer immediately sent his strongest wizards through portals to the other white wizards camps. Turning to Jonathan and Sparkle Goldermer gave orders for them to open a portal to Iran and go into battle against the dark wizards who have a stronghold in Tehran. Thomas countered that order with one of his own. "I'm sorry Goldermer but that's not going to happen". "Jonathan and Sparkle are not to be out of my sight at anytime". Appearing angry Goldermer shouted, "Thomas I've given Jonathan and Sparkle a direct order they will follow that order without interference from you or anyone else". Augustine and Daniel had remained quiet up to this point. "GOLDERMER! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? Augustine was speaking with a power that shook the ground beneath them. He continued speaking to Goldermer as Goldermer's feet left the ground and he found himself eyeball to eyeball with Augustine. "These men came without hesitation, with a courage rarely witnessed, without knowing what dangers they faced, willing to die to defend you and the other wizards throughout the world. You so much as raise your voice in disrespect again and I'll strip you of your powers and toss you to the demons. Leaning in so he was nose to nose with Goldermer, Augustine softly said, "are you getting the message Goldermer?" Goldermer drifted back to the ground with tears in his eyes. Speaking forcefully, but with love in his voice Thomas said, "Goldermer, we came here to help you, Bill and Dave just removed a few thousands demons and dark wizards from attacking your camp, Jonathan and Sparkle are under my protection you nor anyone else has authority over them". Turning to Daniel and Augustine, Thomas told them to open a portal for us to return home. Jonathan and Sparkle looked horrified at the turn of events to see the angels, Thomas and Goldermer at odds because of them, not knowing what to do they remained quiet. Augustine opened a portal and Goldermer took Thomas's arm, "Thomas I'm sorry, I should have asked before ordering anyone from your home into danger, and believe me sending Jonathan and Sparkle into Iran would have placed them in great peril, please accept my apologies". "Goldermer our strength lies in our love for one another and Jonathan and Sparkle are greatly beloved by all of us". "We travel together as a team and we make sure we all return home as a team". "I too am sorry if I stepped on your toes, wizards or not they are a part of our family and they belong to no one but God". Jonathan and Sparkle hugged Thomas with tears in their eyes, "we love you too Thomas, you honor us with your unconditional love". "We're here to help and Goldermer knows where that help is most needed, let's work together to do what is necessary". Turning to Goldermer Thomas said, "we'll do whatever is necessary but we'll do it as a team, if we're needed in Iran to do battle with the dark wizards then we'll go together". "Dear God Thomas, I'm so ashamed of my behavior, you are all so honorable and I spoke harshly to you without cause". With tears falling Goldermer said, "please forgive me". "Of course you are forgiven", Thomas held Goldermer in a loving embrace as he said, "consider it forgotten, tell us what we need to do to stop the wizards in Iran from continuing their release of the demons". "Thomas I should be going with you but I dare not leave my encampment during this battle". "Zereal will most likely be there controlling his wizards with a strong shield to block anyone from interfering with their actions". "Jonathan and Sparkle are the two most powerful wizards I know and I'm not sure if they can break through Zereal's shield". Bill and Dave stepped beside Thomas as Bill said, "Goldermer, Dave and I will be able to break through Zereal's shield, it's the fight once we break that barrier that will put us in danger, it will be at that time that we'll need Jonathan and Sparkle's protective shields around us, and we must remain gathered together as a group to maintain our maximum strength". Turning to Jonathan and Sparkle Thomas asked if they knew what Zereal looked like. "Yes Thomas, he's stocky and about five foot five inches tall with mousey brown hair with grey streaks through it". "You can't miss him, he has the meanest eyes I've ever seen on man or wizard". Addressing Goldermer Thomas wanted to know the best way to take him out if they came into direct contact with him. "I want you to know we will not look for him, Michael made it clear that he would deal with Zereal personally, but if it`s necessary to go up against him we need to know if there`s a way he can be destroyed". "Yes there is Thomas, he'll have a shield around him that is nearly impenetrable if you can get past that, a direct energy hit to his forth chakra, which is the yellow chakra over his heart will destroy him". "Thomas try to avoid a confrontation with him, he's powerful beyond any wizard I have ever known and he has obviously increased his powers even more to be able to open a portal allowing demons to escape into the realm of mankind". "If you can free Iran of the dark wizards that'll allow the white wizards in to help counter the demons that will reek havoc on mankind as they spread across the world". The few white wizards who are fighting there now are being killed at an alarming rate so we should move quickly". Thomas asked if everyone was ready for the fight ahead and the guys all gave the okay to open a portal. Before Goldermer could react Daniel had opened a portal and stepped through first, Augustine motioned for the others to follow with him coming through last and quickly closing it. Upon arriving Dave and Bill asked everyone to kneel, take hands and form a circle, within seconds the violet wave spread out destroying demons and dark wizards alike leaving only the white wizards untouched. Remaining in their circle each man turn facing outward creating an energy field stronger than anything Goldermer could have created. Jonathan and Sparkle put up an incredibly strong protective force field around the men before adding individual shields around each of them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only remaining dark wizards were within Zereal's protective shield in the heart of Tehran. Zereal was infuriated sending lighting bolts through his shield in every direction as he screamed obscenities. He intended to kill whoever has interfered with his plans. White wizards streamed in from everywhere on earth to fight the demons along side the angels. Muriel was barking orders as angels beheaded demons by the hundreds as they forced their retreat. Suddenly a huge black shape appeared out of the chasm, Thomas heard both Augustine and Daniel say, "it's Apollyon he isn`t to be released until 2012". At that moment there a great shout in the Heavens as the archangels Michael and Raphael came charging down with swords blazing with fire. Augustine noticed that Apollyon was still chained but was reinforcing he hordes of demons against Thomas and his group. Augustine and Daniel immediately drew their swords and drew a circle of flame around the outer shield put in place by Jonathan and Sparkle. This angelic shield would in impenetrable by anything other than the most powerful demons. The entire sky became black with the hordes of demons released by Apollyon as they came screaming toward Thomas's group of defenders. White wizards rushed to their defense but were being overwhelmed by the demons who out numbered them a hundred to one. Not one white wizard turned tail but fought with all the strength at their disposal. Jonathan and Sparkle asked Thomas for permission to join the other wizards, Thomas replied that he needed them there, we'll make our last stand right here and we need every man present and that includes you two. Sparkle pleaded with Thomas to have Augustine open a portal and get his men back to safety. Thomas put his arms around both Jonathan and Sparkle and he said, "I love you both with all my heart, but it's here we'll stay until this battle is won". "Then we'll stand with you and the others Thomas your bravery inspires us". Bill shouted above all the racket of the war being waged around them to kneel and turn so they were all facing each other. Glen looked at his son just in time to see Bill and Dave levitate off the ground, one by one the others begin to lift up when that last man was levitating another wave left their circle. This time it was purple and burned like fire as it shot across the land and into the firmament. The ground shook like a great earthquake before the men settled back to the ground. As they opened their eyes it appeared to be snowing as ash begin to cover the top of the shield and the ground below. Michael and Raphael appeared in the middle of their circle with a brilliant light surrounding them. Michael reached down and picked Bill up as Raphael did the same to Dave. "Do you have any idea what you have just done?" Appearing somewhat confused Bill said, "nothing bad I hope". With a hearty laugh Michael said, "you and these remarkable men have just wiped out every demon within eighty light years of here". "Apollyon has been forced back into the abyss he was chained in centuries ago and the chasm is sealed once again". Still looking a bit confused Bill said, "and that's a good thing, right?" Michael and Raphael were both laughing now, "yes that's a good thing Bill", and with that Bill and Dave were both put back on the ground where the others stood with their mouths hanging open. It was one thing to see Michael and Raphael as archangels but to see them standing twenty feet tall holding their friends in their arms was a bit much. Thomas asked what happened to Zereal and Raphael told him to look around at the ashes, Zereal was whipped out by that powerful energy wave along with every other dark wizard in this hemisphere. Addressing the archangel Michael Thomas said, "I heard Augustine and Daniel say Apollyon when they saw the dark shape rise from the abyss, and now you said Apollyon has been forced back into the abyss, who or what is Apollyon?" "Thomas in the book of Revelation St. John speaks of Apollyon, or Aboddon depending on what language you're translating from, in Greek it is Apollyon, in Hebrew it is Aboddon". "Apollyon is known as the destroyer and God had him locked in the bottomless pit centuries ago". "He will soon be released to fulfill prophecy, there are some who believe he will be released in 2012. "The time of his release is unknown even to us, but we do know the time is nearing". Raphael added, "Thomas hold to your faith, love God with all your heart and trust in Him, you and your friends have a love that is strong and unconditional, hold on to that love and continue to look after one another". Michael turned to Goldermer and knelt in front of him, taking his hands in his he said, "Goldermer you let your anger cloud your wisdom and your words". "I know your heart and it is pure, guard that purity and know that you are loved, be slow to anger and never let it overtake your sense of reason and love". "Thomas and his men love and trust you, your lack of judgment caused them to pull away from that trust, that is something you must guard against, they are your valued allies". "Even Augustine and Daniel were offended at the way you spoke to Thomas, that is a dangerous place to put yourself in". Goldermer wept openly in his shame, "Thomas has said he's forgiven me Michael". "Thomas has forgiven you Goldermer, completely he will never mention it again". "What Thomas said about Jonathan and Sparkle not belonging to you is correct, they belong to God as do you and all of His creation, you must keep that in mind at all times". With that said Michael gave Goldermer a loving hug, "you are greatly loved Goldermer, you must keep that in your heart also". Goldermer's wizards returned from around the world from where they had gone to help and things were pretty much back to normal, if you can call any of this normal. Jeremy, Gordi, and their sons couldn't stop talking about what had taken place and how glad they were to be a part of this. Thomas wrapped Goldermer in his arms and hugged him tightly, "I love you Goldermer, come and see us when you can". Looking up at Thomas, Goldermer replied that Thomas and the others can depend on it and thanked him for coming to their aide, "and Thomas thank you for forgiving me". With a wink Thomas said, "forgive you for what". He than asked the angels to open a portal back to their home and within seconds they were all safe within the boundary of their ranch under blue skies and warm temperatures. Augustine and Daniel bid them farewell and were gone in a blink of an eye. Laughing Benjamin asked Gordon, Jeremy and the boys if they were still with them. Jeremy said, "YIKES, that was the most exciting event to ever happen in our lifetimes". "I can only speak for myself but I'm with you all the way". Gordon and the boys echoed that sentiment". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bill and Dave looked and Jonathan and Sparkle as he said, "we were in the midst of planning a BBQ for Saturday weren't we guys". Thomas stood between Gordon and Jeremy with his arms around their shoulders kissing them each on the cheek, "and life goes on, you'll get used to it guys". For Jeremy and Gordon Thursday and Friday were getting acquainted days, not only with the other men in the house, but with the ranch itself, there was a lot to see. Both Gordon and Jeremy were concerned about finding work. Thomas asked them what type of work they were in and Gordon said he was in financial planning before the down turn in the economy. Thomas said he was looking for a financial expert to run the ranches finances. He explained that Glen our resident physician used to take care of it but his medical practice was taking up most of his time now. "Would you mind going over the books with Glen to see if the job is anything you might be interested in?" "Of course, if it's something I could do successfully for you I'll be happy to take the job. "Jeremy and I want to start paying our way here Thomas, we are honored by your kind hospitality but we're not freeloaders". "Gordon, the rent is paid by the love you give to all of us". "By looking out for each other and reaching out to others who need help is the way each person's dues are paid". "Taking care of the ranches financial concerns pays a thousand a week and the benefits include getting shot at on some of our adventures". Laughing Gordon said, "how can a guy pass a deal like that up, I'll take the job Thomas and I promise I'll always do my best for you and everyone here". "It's a done deal, you're hired, when Glen has a free day have him show you the books and he'll give you any help you might need". Looking over at Jeremy who seemed a bit uncomfortable Thomas asked what type of work he did. Blushing a little Jeremy said, he'd been painting for the Navy while living in San Diego, I'm sorry but I'm not really trained in any specific field or trade Thomas. "You said you painted for the navy, what did you paint?" Starting to really blush now, Jeremy said, "I painted ships, battleship grey mostly, it's all I could find to do when I got out of the Navy and they offered me the job and the pay was decent so I took it". With a huge smile on his face Thomas said, "Jeremy you have no idea how happy Brad's going to be". "He's been taking care of the upkeep of this ranch almost single handed since Bill and Dave started teaching at the university". "If you don't mind sharing that position with him the job's yours and it also pays a thousand a week". Just then Brad and Gavin walked in and Thomas told him that Jeremy might accept a job working with him on the upkeep of the ranch if he could talk him into it. Brad immediately dropped to his knees in front of Jeremy with his hands together as if praying. "Please, please Jeremy, I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed HELP so bad". Laughing Jeremy said, you know you guys are all a little crazy, of course I'll take the job if you'll have me". Thomas said the jobs yours kiddo you can start anytime that suits you. Brad pulled Jeremy out of his chair and started dancing around the room with him, singing "Gavin I have some help Thomas can't work me to death anymore, yahoo, yahoo, yahoo". Cracking up Gavin said, "yeah like Thomas works any of us to death". "Jeremy thanks for helping my poor over worked Brad, and all kidding aside Jeremy we're all happy that you and Gordon are with us now, you guys are a wonderful addition to our family". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday morning came and everyone met in the courtyard naked as Jay-birds. Ken, Alan, and their dads waited to see what was going to happen next. There were several horses lined up with blankets but no saddles. The guys were mounting up double to make room for the four new members of the family. Thomas motioned for Jeremy and pulled him up behind him as Benjamin pulled Gordon up with him. Bill and Dave had Ken and Alan ride with them. As they followed single file through the meadow, Jeremy was holding tight with his arms around Thomas. With his cock and balls rubbing against Thomas's back he had gotten hard as a rock, he apologized to Thomas, "sorry Thomas being this close to you has caused me to become aroused, please do be upset with me". Thomas reached up and pulled one of Jeremy's hands down and wrapped it around his own erection. "Nothing to be embarrassed about Jeremy as you can see the feeling is mutual". Relaxing a bit Jeremy let out a breath of air. Laughing Thomas said, "yes do keep breathing Jeremy, I'd hate to deliver you to Gordon passed out from lack of oxygen". "Yeah, well I'm still getting used to the familiarity you all have, I love it but it's going to take some getting used to". "I have a feeling by the time this day is over you'll be used to it Jeremy". Reaching the gazebo everyone dismounted and Jonathan and Sparkle headed straight for the Ben Wa Balls and lube. Glen, Robin, Larry, and Darin headed for one of the slings. Brad and Gavin headed for the stockade and the paddles. Dave and Bill started out by handing out ice cold beers to anyone who wanted it and after that horseback ride in the sun they all wanted it. Thomas and Benjamin were looking over the selection of dildos and butt plugs. Luke had Ponso in the oval shaped galvanized tub and was pissing on him as Ponso tried to catch as much as he could in his mouth. Gordon, Jeremy, Alan, and Ken stood for a few moments with their mouths open looking at all the sex paraphernalia strewn about. Alan pointed at Larry who was now wearing a pony's tail that Robin and stuck up his ass and Robin was bent over receiving his as Larry lube it up and pushed it in. Jeremy looked at his lover and asked if he saw anything that tuned him on. Gordon's reply was, "everything turns me on where do you want to start?" Alan said, "I want one of those pony tails, let's go Ken". "Yeah those look hot I want to try one too". Off they went leaving their dads to ponder their next move. Bill and Dave took charge of the new arrivals before they had time to think about what they wanted to do first. They were lead over to where there were leather cuffs hanging over a tree branch, Bill attached them to Gordon's wrist as Jeremy watched with a silly grin on his face. Bill and Dave pulled the rope up until Gordon's feet were about six inches off the ground. Dave grabbed Gordon's balls and attached a ball stretcher and then a leather cock ring was fastened in place. Gordon's seven inch cock was hard and leaking, Jeremy's was hard and leaking just watching what was happening to his lover. Bill took Jeremy's hands and tied them behind his back, Dave bend him over and Bill lubed up a butt plug and pushed it in before the pulled Gordon a couple of feet high so his cock was level with Jeremy's mouth. They walked Jeremy up to Gordon and pulled Gordon's legs through Jeremy's arms and put ankle bracelets on Gordon so his feet were held behind Jeremy's back keeping them pulled tightly together leaving nothing to Jeremy' imagination but Gordon`s cock that was pointing at his mouth with pre-cum dripping down his shaft. Jeremy got the idea and started licking Gordon's balls causing him to squirm in delight before his took his cock deep into his throat. Bill knelt down and started sucking Jeremy's beautiful cock and Dave walked behind Gordon and run his tongue up Gordon's ass crack. Gordon's eyes nearly popped out of his head with sexual pleasure. When Dave spread his ass cheeks apart and tongued his hole Gordon shot his load down Jeremy's throat. Jeremy then shot his load down Bill's throat...Laughing both Bill and Dave unfastened Gordon and lowered him to the ground as he went weak kneed from his experience and fell into Jeremy's arms. Dave and Bill gave them their second beer and said, "are you two getting the idea this is an orgy, just enjoy yourselves". Jeremy "said you guys are fantastic, and yes I think Gordi and I have the idea, do you mind if I replace this butt plug with a pony tail?" Dave said, "Jeremy you guys do whatever turns you on, the day belongs to you". Gordon look at Jeremy, "you really want to wear one of those pony tails?" "Yeah I think they look hot, and that butt plug felt fantastic you want to try it?" Giggling Gordon said, "yes as a matter of fact I do". Jeremy got his pony tail and Gordon received the butt plug with Jeremy's help, they walked over to watch the action taking place in the sling. Glen had his hands cuffed about his head, Larry was straddling the sling face fucking him as Robin had Glen's legs pulled high and fastened with ankle cuffs and was fucking his bubble butt fast and furious. Darin was behind Robin tongue fucking him as he pulled down on Robin's nuts. Ponso was bent over a barrel and was being spanked by Luke as Sam sat between Luke's legs with Luke's cock stuffed down his throat. Thomas was fucking Benjamin with his legs up on Thomas's shoulders, Bill was between Thomas's legs sucking Thomas's balls as Dave straddled Benjamin and face fucked him. The scent of sex was overpowering as Gavin yelled "I have a load of piss for anyone that wants it". Robin, Larry, Bill, and Dave said we'll meet you at the tub. Bill and Dave jumped in one end as Robin and Land Larry snuggled at the other end. Everyone had a full bladder by this time and gathered around the tub. Everyone let loose with torrents of beer piss covering the guys as they tried to drink as much as they could. Alan and Ken couldn't wait to jump in the tub with them and squatted in the middle. Jeremy and Gordon made sure they got a full blast of beer piss aimed right at the handsome faces. The boys open their mouths and several of the guys hit them square in their mouth filling them faster than Alan and Ken could swallow. By the time everyone had emptied their bladders the tub was nearly half filled with piss. Gordon dipped his empty beer bottle in the tub and filled it with everyone's piss and started drinking. "Wow! That actually tastes great". With that comment everyone there started filling their bottles, some cupped their hands and others just leaned over and drink from the tub. By the time the orgy was coming to a close Gordon and Jeremy had fucked nearly everyone there and had been fucked by nearly everyone there. They even managed a fantastic fuck fest with their sons. Jeremy had Gordon in the sling and was fucking him when Alan climbed up and straddled his dad and face fucked him. Ken got behind Jeremy and tongue fucked his hole, when Jeremy shot his load into Gordi's ass Alan shot his down his dad's throat and they all switched places. Alan got in the sling and Ken cuffed his hands above his head, his dad cuffed his ankles high and Alan looked his dad in the eye and said, "dad fuck me, and fuck me hard and fast". Gordon lubed his cock and obliged his son with one mean fucking while Jeremy leaned Ken over a barrel and fucked his sweet ass with a vengeance. Both Alan and Ken shot their loads without touching themselves, the thrill of have their dads fucking them was all it took. Jeremy unloaded another load into Ken when he saw Ken shoot his load down his own legs, and Alan shot all over his chest as well as his dads causing Gordi to shoot his load deep into his sons ass before leaning over and kissing him. Everyone was totally exhausted. All the men was spent and ready for a good nights sleep as they cleaned everything up and put all the sex paraphernalia away where it was kept. They road the horses back to the stables, brushed and fed them before heading to the pool where everyone dove in to wash the scent of cum and piss away before going to their rooms. Holding Jeremy in his arms Gordon said, "I can't believe what we just did, I've never in my life done anything so exciting". "That makes two of us Gordi and I enjoyed it to the hilt as he reached back and run his finger up Gordi's ass crack before falling into bed. Just as they snuggled together Ken and Alan came in and slipped into bed with them Alan wrapped his arm over his dad as Ken did the same to Jeremy. Together the boys said, "we love you dads". Jeremy and Gordon kissed the boys goodnight and said "we love you guys with all our hearts". With that they all drifted off for a well deserved and needed rest. To be Continued: