Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:27:57 +0000 From: Clive Westwood Subject: Life's Illusions - 10 years on - My heartfelt thanks Please remember to donate to Nifty, it gives so much to all of us. Any amount, large or small, is welcome in order to keep this free site available. Thank you, donations to the address below. Life's Illusions - 10 years on - My heartfelt thanks. On November 14th 2015 my wonderful partner of 37 years Clive, lost his fight for life. We'd had only 3 weeks since he was diagnosed with cancer, I was not yet at the stage where I accepted the seriousness of the situation, and he was gone. At the time I was broken, there's no other description for how I felt. Today it's December 26th 2015, six weeks since that day. The funeral was on November 25th 2015 at Lytham Gardens in Lancashire UK. On reflection, I shouldn't have been surprised at the vast number of family and friends who attended, he touched so many lives in a good way over the years. Last week I brought his ashes home and that helped me, he's home, I can talk to him and laugh when I imagine his answers. I know there will be a lot of, 'firsts', events we shared for the past 37 years, events I now face alone, yesterday was one of those, my first Christmas Day without him. I make no claims to have coped well, I didn't, I was a mess from morning till night, the blinds stayed closed, I didn't answer calls, I didn't speak to anyone. Today I feel I can cope again, I've accepted an invitation to join friends and their family for afternoon tea, I feel as though I've cleared the first hurdle. To all of you who sent me messages, I send back my heartfelt thanks. Kind regards and love Allan