Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 22:34:53 +0100 From: Clive Westwood Subject: Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 11 Relationships Please remember to donate to Nifty, it gives so much to all of us. Any amount, large or small, is welcome in order to keep this free site available. Thank you, donations to the address below. Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 11 When Billy and Woody had left Gregous they'd tentatively agreed to meet at the mansion on Shell Beach, Florida within a few weeks. It quickly became apparent, that had been an optimistic pipe dream, for all of them. They'd arrived, in small groups, exhausted, some twelve weeks, or three months later, but on the upside, instead of a group of five, their numbers had swelled to nine, as Jaque, Pete, Beth and Dave joined them. The topic of conversation for the first two days was inevitable, 'How did it go, what was the transition like', and the replies varied greatly. Woody outlined their initial problems related to when Roslyn had announced she was leaving for California, of how her girlfriend Cecile had at first thought it was a case of nepotism, creating a job so they could keep Roslyn at Montclair. It had taken all of Jacqueline's expertise to convince Cecile that she could be an asset to Montclair, only in the final days had she seen sense, and on the day they'd been leaving for Shell Beach, she'd admitted to Jacqueline, she had almost made the worst decision of her life, or as Cecile put it. "I don't quite know how to thank you, I'm still learning about this family, you're so unconventional it's just not easy, I know now, I really can, and will be an asset to Montclair, but previously, I wasn't prepared to see that, I had stupidly made up my mind with my parents help that, to stand any chance of survival, Roslyn and I needed to get away from here, I was so, so wrong, I see the whole picture now, if we'd gone to California, it would have been a death sentence on our relationship, we could not have survived, she loves Montclair, she would have always resented me for dragging her away, you changed my mind, my perception, in convincing me I'd like to think you did more than you know, but I'm coming to think you knew exactly what would happen, and you love your daughter enough to fight to the bitter end to make sure she gets the best out of life, what you did actually gave us a life, guaranteed us a life, thank you, I will always be eternally grateful to you". Pete had suffered too, his were problems he hadn't seen coming, he blamed the fact he was so basking in the glory of putting three unique individuals together and watching them excell, he didn't see the other signs, the sparks which should have told him there was trouble ahead, or as he put it. "My ego took one bloody hell of a battering, I've always prided myself on being easily able to read people, and this I never saw coming". They all saw how he was struggling but no one spoke, and he went on. "I suddenly realised, I'd done it again, just like I did with Pauly, I'd hurt someone I loved, three people I loved, because of my stupid ego, and it hit me hard". He'd decided he wanted to do only consultancy work, allowing him to pick and choose when, or even if he worked, he was independently wealthy enough to do it. The problem came when he'd decided to split his financial business into four equal parts, giving a quarter share each to JJ, Marcel and Paul, whilst retaining one quarter share himself. Unexpectedly there was an objection about splitting the business equally when JJ and Marcel were his sons but Paul wasn't. Pete had been prepared to defend his decision, if his son's had objected, but, to everyone's shock, the objection didn't come from his son's, it came from Paul himself. Despite all of his efforts to get Paul to see sense he had failed, Paul had been adamant, he announced he would not accept the shares, and was leaving the business. JJ and Marcel were distraught, JJ completely devastated. It had taken Jacqueline's intervention to bring JJ out of his fog and spur him to do something about the situation. She'd sought him out in his room, her language and posture told him she meant business. "When exactly are you going to man up JJ, don't you think it's about time you did what you long to do?". JJ had been shocked. "You know, how?". Jacqueline wasn't smiling, this wasn't something she wanted to be proud of working out, she just wanted him to realise they both wanted the same thing, and for that to happen, one of them had to make a move. I'm his mother, I could be your mother, after all we've lived in the same house for a long time, I see you both, I see your misery, I see the looks, if you don't pursue it you'll lose it, be warned JJ, it's time to act". He'd been torn, but he took Jacqueline's advice. Following Paul to a Bar late one evening, he'd been completely torn, terrified he might do something to drive Paul further away, but in the end he'd brought about the result they'd all wanted, needed. JJ saw him disappear through the door into the Bar, he was surprised, he hadn't thought Paul even knew this Bar existed, it was tucked away in a little used back street, the sign above the door described it well, 'Man on Man', and there was Paul walking in so confidently. Entering the dimly lit room he saw Paul sat at the far end of the bar, alone on a stool, slowly sipping a drink, he'd stood behind him and said. "I may not be good enough to be your partner, but I'll put that aside for now if you buy me a drink". Paul hadn't moved, didn't even look round, but he responded. "You're good with figures, but don't ever think about becoming a PI, I spotted you following me about a hundred yards after you turned out of the Chateau, and I smelled your aftershave the minute you walked in the door, Victor & Rolf is pretty intense you know, so what's your poison?". As soon as they were served the Barman became noticeable in his absence, not venturing anywhere near them. They'd sat and drank in silence for nearly half an hour before Paul cracked. "For fuck sake JJ, if you followed me for a reason say something, this is just unbearable". It was exactly what JJ wanted to hear. "Oh so you think it's unbearable because you don't hear anything from me right now, isn't that exactly what you've engineered, to never have anything to do with me, never have to interact with me, or listen to me ever again". Paul was quick to respond. "No it's not, I only said the split wasn't fair, I'm not your family". Inside JJ was seething but he tried not to show it. "How are you not my family, our fathers are brothers, does that not make us cousins?, cousins who have always been more like brothers, or is it because I'm not related by blood, an interloper, an outsider, someone who doesn't belong?". Paul immediately stiffened, his head jerking around to face JJ, his reply much more severe than he'd intended. "Never !!, you take that back, it's not what I meant and you know it, I could never think that of you, I love you, if you don't see that then you're a bloody fool". Paul turned back to face the bar, back to sipping his drink, as JJ sighed. "And that's it, that's your explanation, you leave me still guessing, tell me Paul, what is it, for me this is about three people who work well together, gel together, excel together, I can't envision a life where we're not together, I admit it, I'm stupid, I don't understand what this is all about, but I'm worried, worried you'll just leave, I have to know, whatever the reason, I'll make you a solemn promise, if you explain it to me, I won't tell a soul, not unless you give me permission". He could see Paul thinking about it, he went on. "I've said I'll make you a solemn promise, what more can you.............". He didn't get any further as the air was blocked from leaving his lips, blocked by Pauls lips searching out JJ's, and finding a willing response. The barman almost clapped a round of applause, thinking, 'Yes, there is a god, at last', then he just marvelled, standing transfixed as the lip lock continued, and their arms drew them in closer. When they finally parted, tears were pouring down Paul's cheeks. The barman watched as JJ gently held Paul's face in his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumbs, neither said anything, they just stared into each other's eyes. It was JJ who broke the spell. "Now, that was a surprise, a welcome one, but a surprise none the less, so how's about you tell me what's really going on in that pretty little head of yours". Paul went to speak, but JJ's finger on his lips stopped him. "Not yet, I think I need a little re run first". JJ closed in and found no resistance, only this time there was an urgency, with a moaning from Paul, that told JJ what a fool he'd been, such a stupid fool, he'd yearned for this, prayed for this, but been to much of a coward to do anything about it. This time when they parted, the barman was leaning close to them over the bar, holding out a key. "I'd say get a room, but I don't think either of you ever thought getting a room would be a possibility, so here's the deal, my flat above here is free, I'm away for two days when I finish this shift, no one will disturb you, the sheets are clean, freshly changed this morning, leave it clean, and you owe me". JJ leaned over the bar, kissed the barman on the lips, snatching the key and saying. "I love you Baz, not that way, but I do love you". Then he was dragging Paul behind him as they headed out of the bar and up the stairs. As they stood, in the small foyer of the flat, once again lip locked, Paul was in a sort of euphoria, he could hardly believe it was happening. "JJ, do you really want to do this, you don't have to, I'll be okay, I know I shocked you, I err, I, I don't know what, I...........". And he broke into sobs, sliding down the wall into a crouch. JJ was quick to sink down beside him, whispering. "Bit of a shock was it, to find out you weren't the only one who didn't have the ball's to say what you felt, that was me Paul, I've loved you for so long, wanted you, but I was too afraid to make a move, Marcel knew, he asked me once why I was so jittery around you, I said it was because I loved you, I remember it as if it were yesterday, he said we all love Paul, but his expression when I replied, no Marcel, I really love Paul, he bloody beamed at me, told me to do something about it, but I couldn't, I was shit scared". Paul was looking into his eyes. "Same here, Roslyn told me to stop mooning around you, I said I couldn't, I loved you, she said, yes Paul we all do, she burst out laughing when I said No Roslyn, I actually love him, then when she realised I was serious she bloody screamed, I nearly pissed myself, I thought she would let the cat out of the bag". Crouched down on the floor of the hallway JJ said. "So you knew, I knew, Marcel knew, and Roslyn knew, why the fuck didn't we know, I love you Paul, I want you to know that, I want you to understand something, I'm going to proclaim my love for you to everyone, I don't care anymore, you know now, that was my greatest fear, that you would know and you would reject me, well now the world can know, I don't care, I love you, and you are going nowhere without me, do you understand?". Paul was just staring, completely overawed, so JJ repeated. "I said, do you understand?". Paul just nodded, and JJ smiled. They didn't have sex that night, nor the next night, well, there was some very intimate cuddling, more intense than you'd get into with a very good friend, but it wasn't sex in the sense of, well you know, park my missile in your bunker type sex". They talked, they cuddled, talked some more, cuddled some more. When JJ asked him why he'd refused a share of the company, Paul's reply made sense. "I couldn't accept, it would have left us working together, not knowing if I'd ever have the nerve to tell you how I felt, what if someone else had come along, it would have killed me inside, I would have had to break away then to protect my sanity, possibly damaging the business badly, I didn't want that to happen, so in my mind, it was better to do it now". It was two days after they'd left Montclair when they strolled back in, holding hands they went out onto the patio where Woody, Jacqueline, Pete and Jaque were having coffee, Marcel, Fleur, Roslyn, Daniel and Cecile were with them. Everyone just stared, first at their hands, then at their faces, then back to their hands. JJ was smiling fit to burst when he said. "Well you've obviously noticed something, if nobody is going to ask the question I'll enlighten you, at long, long last, we're a couple, he's mine, I'm his, and that's never going to change, we've both waited too long". Roslyn was first to break the silence, jumping up screaming as she dived toward them, followed by Fleur, Marcel and Daniel. In turn their parents managed a hug to congratulate them, but it was quietly to Jacqueline that JJ whispered. "I love you so much, it's only because of you I'll be happy for the rest of my life, I don't know how you do it, how you always seem to know what to do to fix a problem, but I'll be forever grateful that you do". Pete had asked the question. "At the risk of putting the dampers on this wonderful celebration, I have to ask, will you stay with the company Paul?, and will you accept the shares I offered you?". Before Paul could answer Marcel spoke up. "Yes, he will, because alternatively none of us will accept, JJ and I have discussed it, it's the three musketeers or nothing, there is no compromise, so think on before you answer Paul". Pete, in fact everyone, was watching Paul, waiting for an answer, finally he smiled and said. "Yes Uncle Pete, yes to both of your questions". Beth had been next to recount their bumpy journey through the transition to retirement. "It sounds as though we all got a shock, we thought it would be so easy, Dave and I were convinced they would jump at the chance to be in charge, instead it almost became a battle ground with Pauly threatening to buy us out and throw his brother and sister out on their backsides". Beth's initial summing up had everyone riveted as she continued. Rob and Elly were completely anti, right from the moment we told them about our plans, they were completely and utterly negative, as if they were refusing to believe the possibility that there could be anything good about it". Woody was shocked and he showed it when he said. "But Rob and Elly were the first of any of our children to take on roles in the family business, I'll always believe they were the catalyst for all of our offspring to see the possibilities, did Pauly really threaten them, I always saw him as being quiet, sure of himself, but quiet all the same". Dave laughed out loud at Woody's statement before Beth continued. "Dave's laughing because you couldn't be more wrong Woody, ever since Pauly could walk and talk he's ruled Rob and Elly, and to be honest, they need it, don't get me wrong, they're not bad, and Pauly's no tyrant, he sees right and wrong and chooses right every time, but woe be tide whoever chooses wrong, he will not rest until he knows they're back on the side of right, Dave and I have often said it's like watching and listening to Poppa, but with one major difference, Pauly can sometimes use pretty colourful language to explain his point". They all laughed at the thought of sweet innocent Pauly using obscenities. Beth carried on. There was one point where he asked us to leave them alone because, as he put it, 'I don't think you should be privy to what comes next, it might enlighten you as to my not so savoury qualities, you see, my brother, sister and I, are about to have a discussion which will possibly be very heavily peppered with extremely obscene language', we left them alone, they were on the balcony off the dining room, but we listened anyway from the dining room, and although we were almost cracking up with laughter, I have to admit, we were both shocked by his language at times". By now everyone was in stitches with laughter as Beth went on. "Rob and Elly are good kids, and don't get me wrong they love Pauly, but sometimes they just can't see how silly they are being, like Elly, because Pauly was giving them hell about upsetting us, telling them if we decided to sell up they'd be out on their arses, traveling miles each day to find work, she decided to try and irritate him with a silly jibe, saying he'd be out of a job too, that's when he really went to town on them, told them if we wanted to sell up he'd buy the business and toss them out, and they believed him, that's how stupid they can be sometimes, if they'd just thought about it, they'd realise, he would never do that, but it brought them back to their senses, they apologised to us and begged us to put Pauly in charge if we did retire". Finally, Billy spoke about their experience and he was a little sheepish, because as he put it. "It was easy, the boys were straining at the leash to take on the responsibility, it was a struggle at times to hold them back, get them to slow down so we could do a warm handover, introducing them to trusted contacts, preferred partner companies, business referrers, to be honest it couldn't have gone better, now I'm worried you guys have had your hassles and got over them, I seriously hope ours aren't lurking, waiting to happen". The days after they all got together were like a blessing for them, they lazed on the beach, had leisurely late breakfasts, drank copious amounts of alcohol, generally did nothing but relax, until collectively they got bored. It was Jolly who started it, at dinner on about the eighth night. "I'm bored, this doing nothing was a dream, but now I've done it, and I say again, I'm bored, so either someone comes up with a plan, or I'm for flying home". The general agreement ran around the table like a Mexican wave, she'd summed up exactly how everyone was feeling. But they couldn't move on to anywhere, because Cecile's parents were arriving the next day to meet Woody and Jacqueline. Jacqueline had a premonition about this meeting, it was not going to be good, certainly not a meeting one would remember fondly. Cecile was an awfully, awfully, correct type of person, her parents were apparently quite wealthy, though nothing near the scale of the Montclair-Thorn family wealth, Roslyn had hinted they were quite severe, and cold, no hugs, no kisses, merely faux kisses in greeting. They'd arrived around three in the afternoon, Jacqueline arranged afternoon tea, thinking they must be hungry, but they didn't touch anything, when Jacqueline enquired if they were hungry she received a rather curt reply. "This practice of using any excuse to eat and drink, it's ridiculous, you could all do with dropping a few pounds not putting more on". Woody replied rather frostily. "It was a friendly welcoming gesture on my wife's part, if you don't want to participate that's fine, but please, rudeness is not acceptable, I trust you have no objection to eating dinner, I'll see you then". At that Woody strode away, leaving them with their mouths open. During the afternoon Woody had several beers, the first couple to stop him from ranting about Cecile's parents, later ones he just enjoyed. He wasn't drunk when they met for dinner, but it wouldn't take more than a couple of glasses of wine to put him over the top, and it didn't. The family thought it hilarious that Woody was three sheets to the wind, but Cecile's parents didn't, when her mother called Woody on it his reply was similar to that of Winston Churchill to Lady Astor. "I may be drunk madam, and you're ugly, but I'll be sober tomorrow". Whilst everyone else around the table laughed uproariously, Cecile's parents just stood, then left the room. Finally leaving the dining room, they were just in time to see a cab departing the driveway, Woody had a sudden bad feeling, perhaps he'd gone a little over the top, he'd only been playing, having fun with them because of their stiff upper lip attitude. The following morning as they were having breakfast Woody's phone rang. Looking at the display he groaned, it was Roslyn. "What the hell did you do?, Cecile's parents told her that you insulted them almost from the moment they arrived, called her mother ugly, is that true?". Woody hadn't managed to get a word into the conversation so far but he tried to explain. "Roslyn, it wasn't like that..................". He didn't get any further as she cut him off. "Did you call her ugly?". Woody grimaced. "Well yes, I suppose I did, but you have to understand....................". Roslyn cut him off again. "Oh I understand, you went out of your way to upset and insult them, Cecile is questioning whether she can live with a family who would do that, her parents are demanding she go back to California with them and if I want to be with her I have to go too, I hate you Poppa, you've ruined everything". Woody was left just staring at the phone after Roslyn cut the call. When he looked at Jacqueline he had tears in his eyes. "She said she hates me, said I've ruined everything, she and Cecile have to go back to California with Cecile's parents". Jacqueline was angry, and a few minutes later she was venting that anger on Roslyn. "How dare you speak to your Poppa in that way, I watched tears running down his face, you did that, and in hurting your Poppa you hurt me, I'll deal with you later, right now I want to know where those stuck up pricks are staying because if they thought they'd been insulted before, they're about to be shredded". Roslyn realised her Momma was in a really foul mood, realised she'd caused it and tried to calm her Momma down. "Momma they're at the 1 Hotel on South Beach Miami, we're supposed to be joining them in two days before flying back to California with them, but please don't make it worse, Cecile is really upset". But Jacqueline was in no mood to listen to her daughter. "I'll speak to you later". Heading back to the Grand Lounge where everyone was enjoying after dinner drinks Jacqueline got their attention. "Well you wanted adventure, up early in the morning, we're going to Miami, I've booked us all in at the 1 Hotel on South Beach, I'm going head hunting, I intend to have two mounted on poles before dinner tomorrow". Quite a few heads turned to one another with a nervous look, they all knew what this meant, just like their late Momma Lenny, when Jacqueline was riled, you were wise to get out of her way, and Jacqueline was most definitely riled. The following morning they piled into three limousines for the drive to Miami, it only took them a little over two hours before they were checking in at the hotel. As the girls made their way to the dining room for afternoon tea, Beth and Jolly watched as Jacqueline stopped dead, staring pointedly at Cecile's parents, who it seemed did have afternoon tea when there was no one around worth insulting. Jacqueline made a beeline for their table, Jolly and Beth were on her tail hoping to minimise any damage, as a precaution, knowing how slippery these two were Jolly flicked record on her cell phone which was sitting in the top of her shoulder bag. Jacqueline launched into a tirade as soon as she was close. "Well what a surprise, it seems you do take afternoon tea, what's the matter, no one to insult so you thought you may as well have tea, you engineered it didn't you?, from the afternoon tea remarks to the assumed insult at dinner, you knew the Churchill to Lady Astor quote was a joke, it was your plan all along wasn't it?, to cause our daughter to choose between us and Cecile?". They smiled up at her almost simultaneously, before Cecile's mother replied. "Yes, we engineered it, but I have to admit, I hadn't thought it would be so easy, but whatever, our daughter is coming home with us". Jacqueline was fuming as she responded. "I notice you make no mention of Roslyn, you're intending to split them up aren't you?". This time when Cecile's mother replied it was with venom. "Yes, I just hope your daughter is as gullible and easily managed as you and your husband were, but yes, that so called relationship is dead in the water, now if you'll excuse us, we'll leave you to have your tea". Jacqueline was ready to strike them until Jolly and Beth blocked her path, Beth had seen what Jolly did and she'd followed suit, they now had two recordings of the whole conversation, but Jacqueline was fuming. "Why did you block me, I wanted to smack the bitch". Jolly and Beth both smiled, holding up their phones as Jolly said. "Let's go see what we got shall we, it seems they're not a clever as they think they are, between us Beth and I should have the whole conversation". Jacqueline beamed. "Sorry girls, I shouldn't have attacked you, that was a clever move, it should teach me a lesson, be angry, but be objective, okay let's have tea and see what we've got". The conversation was perfectly recorded on both phones. "They were only half way through tea when Woody came into the dining room, making a beeline for their table. "What happened?, I've just taken another ear bashing from Roslyn, Cecile's parents told her you attacked them again in here, they arrive around lunchtime tomorrow, they're booked on a flight the following morning for California, we're going to lose Roslyn aren't we?, and it's all my fault". Jacqueline could see the anguish in his face. "Sit down my love, nothing is your fault, thanks to my very dear but devious sisters, we have the perfect weapon to use, though I must admit, it's only thanks to these two I didn't smack that bitch around the room". Woody listened whilst Jacqueline called Roslyn, speaking quite calmly. "I understand you've just given your Poppa another ear bashing, keep it up young lady and you might get to the point where he won't forgive you, especially when you realise how wrong you are, believe me when I say those pair of pricks engineered this whole charade to get Cecile back to California, I've never had the need before to ask that you believe me, I'm not comfortable knowing you would think your Poppa and I capable of what they allege, in fact I take it as a slap in the face, we'll see you tomorrow, I expect that you will afford us the courtesy of allowing us to explain this charade, until tomorrow child". After finishing the call to Roslyn, Jacqueline and the girls played him one of the recordings, he was ecstatic, asking what Jacqueline intended to do with it. "I'm going to play it for Roslyn tomorrow, I'd love to play it to Cecile in front of those pompous pricks, but that would put me at their level, if Cecile wishes to hear it she will need to ask me to play it, I don't want to be the one to destroy the love she has for her parents, whatever they are like, it's not my place to do that". When Roslyn and Cecile arrived the following day, after meeting Cecile's parents they both went to Woody and Jacqueline's suite. Jacqueline was still of the opinion that she shouldn't play the recording to Cecile but when asked to give them a few minutes privacy with their daughter, it was Roslyn who refused. "Anything that needs to be said involves Cecile so please Momma, explain how this situation came about". Jacqueline explained the insult thrown at them as soon as Cecile's parents arrived, and the quote from Churchill to Lady Astor that Woody had used as a joke over dinner. Cecile spoke directly to Jacqueline. "My mother said you would try to twist it around to put them in the wrong, she said you would lie to protect yourselves". Jacqueline was about to speak when Roslyn jumped in surprising them. "My parents don't lie Cecile, I actually believe them". Cecile now turned on Roslyn. "That's easy to say when there's no proof, my parents had no reason to make this up". Both girls were surprised when Jacqueline spoke again. "Actually Cecile there is proof, two recordings of meeting your parents in the tea room yesterday, I actually accused your mother of engineering the whole thing and she admits it, I'd much prefer not to play the recording because there's more than just that on there". Cecile called Jacqueline's bluff, but she did it in a sneering way. "Play it, I want to hear this damming evidence, no doubt it's a matter of interpretation, which you are choosing to do in your favour, so go ahead". Cecile's face could be seen to drop as she listened, realising there was no misunderstanding, no misinterpretation, when they got to the part where her mother told Jacqueline she intended to split the girls up, They all saw a tear sliding down Cecile's face. She didn't say anything as she walked toward the door, she did turn and raise a hand stopping Roslyn from following her, then she was gone. Roslyn was sobbing as Woody and Jacqueline pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I doubted you, that's never happened before, I hope you can forgive me". Jacqueline couldn't help asking. "If you doubted us, why did you change tack earlier, you stated categorically that we don't lie?". Roslyn didn't need to think about it. "Because she was being rude, and I suddenly knew, you wouldn't make this up, it's not how we live, if I'd stopped to think about it before instead of just being carried along, I'm certain I would have come to the right conclusion sooner". The girls met later that evening after Cecile had confronted her parents, when they were alone she said. "I'm leaving with them tomorrow as planned, if you'll follow me we can have the life we planned, please Roslyn". No Cecile, we can't have a future together when you're so heavily ruled by those awful parents of yours, I know you love them but it doesn't excuse what they did, I have to ask this, it's not the first time this has happened is it?, you would have been happy living close to my family, you'll never be that until you break away from them, I'll always be fond of you, you'll always be my first love, but it's time for us to move on". Woody and Jacqueline didn't see Cecile again, she left with her parents the following morning, Jacqueline didn't disclose the note she'd received to anyone other than Woody, it was a heartbreaking apology. 'My dearest Woody and Jacqueline, it pains me terribly to be writing this note, even more so because I ought to be saying it in person after how badly you have been wronged I confronted them, they denied it, unaware I had irrefutable proof of their actions, I can't hate them, they are my parents, I love them. I wanted to ask two things, firstly, your forgiveness for myself, I should have believed you, you were only ever an encouraging force for Roslyn and I. Secondly, I know I don't need to ask this but take care of Roslyn, I've never loved anyone the way I love Roslyn, and yes, although she has made it plain we have no future, I know I will always love her. I wish you all health and happiness. Cecile '. Roslyn stayed two days with them in Miami before flying home to Montclair, in her mind she was determined, work was all she wanted, it would sadly be a long, long time before Roslyn would ever again entertain any ideas of a love life. TBC ARB Allan Comments are welcome to Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.