Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 21:13:36 +0100 From: Clive Westwood Subject: Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 30 Relationships Please remember to donate to Nifty, it gives so much to all of us. Any amount, large or small, is welcome in order to keep this free site available. Thank you, donations to the address below. Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 30 Milo and Piers were stood transfixed, there were all these family here, just because they were afraid, afraid Piers would make the wrong decision, afraid he and Milo would hurt each other again. Piers was the first to speak, his voice wobbly, but he felt Milo's arm around his waist tighten, telling him, he wasn't alone. "I've made a decision". Roslyn visible blanched, terrified at what Piers was about to say, but she relaxed as Piers went on, noting he was looking at Juan as he spoke. "I think it was Pierre who sent me here, and I know what he wanted me to do, what he was telling me, he wanted me to be with Milo, and I know he's right, I love Milo, I can't function without him, god knows, enough of you have told me, and the rest of you were thinking it, so I'm staying". As he paused, there was an audible, collective gasp of breaths. "I don't know what I'll do to fill my days, but I love you all so much, just the fact that you'd come all this way to make sure Milo and I didn't fuck it up again, that speaks volumes for the love we share as a family". And then they were mobbed by the elder family members, the younger ones were mostly asleep, generally in their parents arms, they'd succumbed to the travel period. That day was one of complete relaxation. Milo's housekeeper had allocated rooms for all of the family. On the ground floor of the house were five rooms, besides the master suite Milo and Piers were occupying. On the first floor were another six suites. By late afternoon everyone was getting back to a place where they were chilled and happy. The staff had set up a barbecue, dinner was a wonderfully relaxed affair, and Josef sought out Milo and Piers. "I'm really jealous, I so want to be out here, but I'm confident as well, you'll be the guiding force we were so desperately looking for to get established". Milo and a Piers were looking at him with confusion, until he went on. "Tomorrow morning, there will be a new company listed on the Australian stock exchange, Guardian ASX, we want you two running it". The expressions on both of their faces was a picture. Milo was first to break the mould, stuttering. "But, what, how, I've never, I couldn't". Piers snapped out of his fog as soon as he realised Milo was struggling. "Yes you can, and so can I, we accept Jo, and we'll do you proud". Milo just smiled, a big beaming smile, looking at Piers, and saying. "If you say we can do it, then okay, we can do it". Then he turned back to Josef. "But I'm asking a really big favour, would you spare us Gregor?, I don't know of anyone better to build a team than him". Josef smiled. "Already anticipated, it's a done deal, he and Bren arrive tomorrow with the little one, they'll be here for three months, Gregor will build your agent force, you Milo will be CEO, you'll run the business, Piers will do what Pierre trained him to do, oversee the financial side, You Piers will be Financial Director". Piers was still a little sceptical. "How can you be sure we'll succeed, from what Milo's told me, there are several sizeable security concerns here already, won't we be competing for business in a market of already well established companies?". Josef smiled before answering. "It's quite true, there are a fair few companies in Australia offering security, but none, not a single one comes even close to the standards which we offer, insist on, and that's the key, Guardian ASX will operate with exactly the same high standards and levels of protection that we offer everywhere else, I guarantee, the minute news gets out that Guardian is setting up here, you will have an immediate stampede of clients banging on your doors". He paused to get his thoughts in order, when he spoke again, he was looking directly at Piers. "Setting up here isn't a knee jerk reaction, it's not something we've done purely to cement yours and Milo's position, Juan, Pierre, Carry and I, we'd been talking about setting up in Australia for over two years, the worry was having a management we could trust, it's ironic really, having you guys here didn't happen how any of us would have wanted it too, but as they say, every cloud has a silver lining". Piers and Milo were hanging on his every word. "The company will be registered tomorrow, there will be a press announcement as well, Guardian Security Services Australia Division goes live in exactly three months, we have your office space arranged, it's a ten story building in the heart of the business district, as of yesterday we own it, we'll go see it tomorrow". He paused again. "There is one other thing, please don't let this faze you, you'll need a plane, because within two years, we want New Zealand set up, so have it in mind, you're also looking for a good management team, one which will allow you to move away to do another set up, I'll leave you now, I think I've just about fried your brains". As he walked away Piers and Milo were left open mouthed, looking at each other. Milo was flipping steaks on the grill, Piers was sitting alone, deep in thought, munching on a burger when Junior sat next to him, he had a full plate of food, but Piers noticed, Junior wasn't eating anything, he was just moving things around on his plate, and there was a definite look of worry in his expression. "Okay nephew, your Poppa Pierre would have seen it immediately, I'm not so quick on the uptake, but I see it now, so, spill". Junior just sat staring at Piers, then tears started rolling down his cheeks. Piers had him in a hug immediately, plates discarded. "Hey, come on now, nothing is so bad that we can't figure it out, come with me, let's have a walk around the garden, I want to show you something Milo did for your Poppa". Piers led him to the rose garden Milo had planted for Pierre, he'd expected Junior to be impressed, instead he was shocked when Junior started shaking, sobbing uncontrollably. Piers led him to a bench in the shade. "What is it Junior, tell me". As he calmed down a little, with Piers arms around him, he said, almost in a whisper. "Poppa would have known what to do, I'm scared". Piers was listening, but he still couldn't work out what the problem was, he decided there was only one thing he could do, this time he spoke, but not to Junior. "Pierre, I know you're listening, you guided him to me, I'm going to need your help". As if by magic, on a perfectly calm evening, there was a rustling of the roses as a breeze passed through them. Piers now turned to Junior. "He's here with us, that's all you have to do, speak to him, he'll always be with you, now do you want to tell me what this big scary thing is that's worrying you?". Junior nodded, but didn't speak, so Piers tried lightening the mood. "You have to actually use words, I already told you I'm a bit slow on the uptake, I'm even worse with mind reading". It worked, Junior smiled, then started speaking. "I think I'm gay, I like a boy at school, but I'm frightened, what will everyone say, Poppa would have known what to do, but I can't ask him now, that hurts so much. Piers was on the verge of crying but he held it back, pulling Junior into a tighter hug. "And that's it, you're upset because you think your friends won't approve of you being gay, seriously?". Junior nodded, as Piers went on. "Your Poppa would have told you, true friends accept you for who and what you are, okay you'll lose a few along the way, but those are the ones who were never true friends in the beginning, look around our family, there are plenty of examples of gay couples, we all have friends, gay and straight, I want you to talk to your Poppa Juan about this, he'll give you good advice, or you can come talk to me anytime, when you go home we can Skype if you need advice". Unbeknown to either Piers or Junior they were being watched. Juan had seen them sitting by the rose garden, watched as Piers wrapped Junior in a hug, saw his son's body shaking, and immediately felt relief. He'd known for a while there was something troubling Junior, but try as he might, he'd not been able to get his son to open up. As he stood watching, Milo joined him. "Is Junior alright, I think I saw him crying?". Juan's answer made Milo smile. "I'm hoping he is now, he's talking to one of the most accomplished problem solvers I've ever known, and he was taught by a master, the best there ever was, I'm not good at getting them to open up, Pierre would have had every last detail before they even knew they were telling him anything, then he'd find a solution, nothing ever fazed him". Juan paused but Milo didn't speak, he felt there was more. "The rose garden, it's beautiful Milo, Pierre would have loved it, he adored roses". This time Milo did reply. "I did it to help me really, it was something I really needed". Milo saw Juan's questioning look. "Piers told me what you said to him in Montclair, you were right, so many of us lost Pierre, he was so many things to so many people, but there's no denying, he was loved deeply by all, I miss him terribly, it sounds silly, me telling you that, after all, you suffered the biggest loss, but it's true, even now there are days when I can't help crying, when it completely overwhelms me, I can't stop it, he was my true friend and it hurts so much knowing he's gone". He paused to get his emotions in check. "It got worse for me after I left Montclair, I think up until then I'd been concentrating on helping Piers, I hadn't done anything about my own grief, then when we had problems it hit home really hard, I desperately needed Pierre, I realised what a hole I had in my heart, it was the first time I had to face reality, that he was actually gone, that's when I had to face my loss, I idolised Pierre, he was on a pedestal, he raised the boy I was in love with, and he'd died, I didn't do very well with that, I chose to run". Milo paused, more to get his emotions under control than anything. "When I first looked around this house, I was just so, so about it, it didn't grab me, I really don't think I would have bought it, but that flower bed irritated me, it was filled with drab, boring shrubs, I remember it wound me up, really irritated me, I was standing out here with a cigarette, looking at it, and I got really annoyed, I remember thinking, Pierre would have filled that with roses, made it beautiful, it was as if he were telling me to buy the place, so I did, the very first thing I did after closure was get the landscaping guys to empty the shrubs out and plant roses, now I go and talk to him there if I'm having a bad day, and I know he's listening". There were tears trickling down Milo's face when he finished speaking, Juan put his arms around him, pulling him into a hug as he replied. "It's not silly Milo, don't ever think that, there's no measure of who lost the most, we all, everyone of us, lost him, we all feel it, I think in a way I'm fortunate, I have my memories, and our children, but I know what you mean, he really was an amazing person". As they'd been talking Piers and Junior had been joined by Gabby and Berto, Piers had left them talking. As he neared them Milo asked what the problem was, Juan smiled at the answer Piers gave. "Something that is enough to worry him, but hopefully I've done what Pierre would have done, reassured him he was overthinking it, there wasn't really a problem". Milo laughed. "Very diplomatic my love". Piers laughed as well, answering. "If Junior wanted you to know he would have come to you, not me". Turning to Juan he said. "I've told him to talk to you, don't be worried, it's not anything to be concerned about". Juan put an arm around Piers. "Thanks, I'm going to have to get better at this, I can't seem to get them to open up". Piers smiled. "Take them to him, anywhere there are roses, tell them he'll be listening, and you'll find a solution between you, they'll feel more confident knowing Pierre's listening, it's nothing to do with you Juan, it's just that they always went to Pierre, eventually they'll come to you without thinking, just give them time to adjust". Meanwhile, across the lawn, Junior was explaining his problem to Berto and Gabby, their reactions were exactly what you'd expect. Berto just looked puzzled, Gabby answered him, explaining it for Berto at the same time. "It's simple Berto, Junior thinks he might be gay, that means he likes boys not girls, no big deal, whatever makes him happy I say, he's not changed, he's still our brother and we still love him just the same". Berto just nodded, in total agreement with Gabby. Their reaction, and that of his uncle Piers, gave him the confidence to seek out his Poppa. Juan was sitting alone in the shade, with a sheaf of papers which he was scrutinising. "Poppa, are you busy?, it doesn't matter if you are". Juan looked up smiling, though really he was concerned. "I'm never too busy for you or your brother and sister, come sit with me son". He could tell Junior was still nervous so he led off. "I've known for some time that you were struggling with something, am I such an ogre that you couldn't come to me with it?" Junior shook his head. "It's not that, it's embarrassing, well it's not really, uncle Piers explained it to me, but I need you to know, I want you to hear it from me not some village gossip, I already told Gabby and Berto, they weren't bothered". Juan was looking directly at Junior, when suddenly the light clicked on in his brain, he blurted out. "Are you trying to tell me you think you're gay?". Junior just nodded, his head bowed, not looking at his Poppa, but his head snapped up rapidly when he heard his Poppa's response. "Thank god, you have no idea what I've been imagining, oh son, don't ever do that to me again, if you'd come to me weeks ago I'd have told you it was okay, absolutely, bloody fantastically okay, your Poppa and I brought you up to be your own person". Junior's words made him laugh. "You're not mad at me, people will talk, some of my friends won't like it". Juan pulled him in closer. "Uncle Piers didn't tell me anything, but I'm going to take a guess here, he probably told you what your Poppa Pierre's answer would have been, true friends won't give it a second thought, the ones who do, well they were never true friends in the first place, you're free to love whomever your heart guides you too, and if they love you, then I'll love them too". Junior sighed loudly. "Thanks Poppa, I was really worried, now I feel stupid". Juan laughed again as he answered. "In future just come and talk to me, there's nothing we can't figure out, and if we have a problem we'll ask Poppa Pierre to guide us, now about this non problem, does this mean there's someone special?". Junior's face went bright red as he stuttered an answer. "S.....sort of........he's from England, his name's Gary, his parents own the supermarket in the village, but at school he gets bullied, he's a boxing champion but he won't throw the first punch, some of the lads call him the village queer, the first time I met him I'd been running laps, when I went to get changed I heard him crying in the changing rooms, they'd ripped his trousers and his kit to shreds, so that he'd have to walk home in his underwear, I couldn't believe anyone would be so nasty, anyway, I gave him my trousers, they fitted him, then I walked with him, I just kept my shorts on". Juan was shocked. "That's terrible, who are these boys, how many of them are there?". Junior was getting agitated now, maybe he'd divulged too much information, he didn't want his Poppa getting involved, it would get ugly. "Poppa you can't get involved, it would just make matters worse, the leader is the captain of the football team I'm on, I love playing on the team, besides if I'm around they leave him alone mostly, they just do a bit of name calling". Juan understood what his son was saying but he still asked more. "And this name calling, it extends to you as well?". Junior bowed his head again, as if in shame. "Yes". Juan put his hand under Juniors chin, lifting his sons head. "Head up son, there's no shame or embarrassment in what I'm hearing, remember that, if you need me to pay a visit to the school I will, but for now I promise I won't". Junior let out a sigh of relief, his Poppa wouldn't interfere. What he didn't realise was, his Poppa had been rather crafty, he'd only promised not to visit the school, he couldn't know, Juan had other plans. He found Gabby reading and listening to music in her room with the door open. She waved him in as soon as she saw him at the door, pulling out her earplugs as he sat next to her on the bed. "I need your help, but I need you to be discreet. He explained what he'd learned from Junior, Gabby was incensed, but she agreed, she'd shadow her brother for a while, see what was happening. The following day Josef, Juan, Milo, and Piers, along with a yawning Gregor who had only arrived a few hours earlier, went to view the new offices. The signage of the previous owners was being removed as they arrived, Josef announced that the new signage had been ordered and would read, 'Guardian Security Services Australia Division'. It was an impressive square building, sat on it's own with a beautifully landscaped garden plaza surrounding it. Parking was on three levels underground, with four banks of elevators and stairwells situated one on each elevation. It was in extremely good condition, requiring only a general paint refresh. On the top floor there were four corner executive offices, each had a private bathroom. From the point where they exited the Boulevard in front of the building, taking the private slip road which routed vehicles down into the underground parking, there was nothing to prevent entry by unwanted guests, a point which Gregor picked up on immediately. "We'll need to install the same hydraulic barriers we put in at Gregous and Torremolinas, I'll get that started right away. They met up with officials from an interior office fitting company, because of its shape, they already knew how it needed to be sectioned out, similar to Guardian's HQ Building in Torremolinas. Back at Milo's house they watched the early evening news, catching several 'Breaking News', reports, referring to the opening of Guardian's Australia Security Division, the reports all made mention of Guardian's success in Europe, being the number one choice for security in all fields". Over the next two weeks, Milo and Piers spent long hours with Josef and Juan, organising everything that needed to be done, but all too soon the day arrived when Josef and Juan were due to fly home. They'd be traveling on Josef's plane as most of the family had taken Juan's plane a week earlier, reluctantly returning to Europe. It was an emotional farewell for everyone, with Josef assuring them, if they needed help, either he, or Juan, would be on hand. In Montclair and Torremolinas they arrived home on Saturday morning, the inevitable jet lag threatening to wipe them out early in the day, but in both places, they persevered, collapsing into bed one by one around ten in the evening, waking refreshed on Sunday morning with their body clocks back in sync. Monday saw everyone back into a regular routine. Junior drove himself and Gabby to school, stopping along the way to pick up Gary. As soon as he got into the car Junior saw it, he had a black eye. "How did you get that, who did it?" Gary was quiet at first but finally admitted, he didn't know, someone threw a cloth over his head as he entered the toilets, whoever it was punched him several times, then ran away. He said it didn't matter, but Junior was incensed, the bullying was getting worse. Sitting in the back of the car, Gabby took note, with clenched fists. At every break during the day she shadowed her brother and Gary, hanging back, her cell phone at the ready, two of her most trusted friends were with her, briefed on what they were doing and why. As classes ended for the day, Junior exited his classroom talking excitedly to Gary about Australia, they came to a shocked standstill, face to face with a blockade of five boys. Their leader, who Junior recognised as the captain of the football team he played for, was hurling insults about Gary being a queer, and Junior being his queer boyfriend. Junior wanted to lash out, but his upbringing wouldn't let him, the other boy had to throw the first punch in Juniors book. What none of them had bargained for was Gabby, she didn't operate by the same code of conduct that her brother observed, she'd been taught a much stronger code in her time on the streets, before her Poppas had rescued her, and it came back to her easily now. Gabby shouldered her way through the four heavies standing behind the mouthpiece boy, knocking them bodily aside. The boy giving the verbal insults was visibly shocked as she grabbed him by the hair and swung him around to face her. Before he had any chance to object, Gabby grabbed his testicles, squeezing hard enough to elicit a scream from him, and slamming him backwards into a bank of lockers. Gabby's friends had followed her through the gap she had forged between the bully's backup. Now they were stood facing them, daring any one of them to try giving their friend aid. Each extended a hand out at crotch level, with one of them saying loudly. "Please, just try it, we'll squash those puny little grapes you're so proud of into mush before you can bat an eye. Meanwhile Gabby was addressing the whimpering bully, her hand still exerting its steely grip on his testicles. "I don't know why you're screaming, what I have in my hand is hardly big enough to be classed as a pair of bollocks, it feels more like a stubby pencil with a couple of tiny marbles". There were genuine tears of pain running down his face now as Gabby continued. "Unless I'm mistaken you just yelled the word queer at my brother and his friend, now, I know my brother, he won't retaliate unless you strike him first, but you know that don't you?, it's what you're relying on, well unfortunately for you, I'm a completely different kettle of fish, I'm probably your worst nightmare, I don't like bullies full stop, I go in for the kill from the get go". Gabby paused to stare into his eyes. "But I'm really puzzled, only a few months ago, your parents walked behind my Poppas casket with tears running down their faces, my Poppa was gay, and a finer man never walked this earth, your parents understood that, so why now do I find you shouting abuse at my brother, it's something I think we need to discuss with your parents, oh, and in case you are thinking of denying it, I have it recorded". Gabby held up her cell phone and pressed play. The gathered crowd of students were all treated to the shouted vile comments. Looking around at his four friends she said. "I have it on video as well, I'll be visiting your houses just as soon as I've spoken to his parents, you realise of course, The Comte Montclair is gay, that would be my brother and my uncle you've insulted, I'm pretty sure my uncle can still impose a mandatory prison sentence, you should enjoy prison, five tight little arses, should earn you no end of favours, though I'd advise you to stock up on Vaseline, anyway, if you'll excuse us, we have things to do, see you later". At that Gabby led the now docile, but crying boy down the hallway, still gripping his testicles. Outside the building, Junior jumped in front of his sister? "Gabby stop it, you're hurting him, let him go". He could see her eyes, her expression, they were pure anger, but she did as he asked, questioning him. "Why Junior, why would you defend him, he's a nasty piece of work, he needs controlling". Junior ignored the boy now gasping for breath and rubbing his severely crushed testicles. "Gabby he's an idiot and a bully, I can accept that, but doing what you did, that makes us just as bad, you can't hurt people except in self defence, if you want to go see their parents, okay, I can't stop you, but tell them from Gary and I, we'll meet their sons in the gym tomorrow, but they need to be warned, I'm a black belt in Judo, Gary's a champion boxer". Gabby smiled, in fact she outright laughed. "I love you so much bro, okay, we'll do it your way". She looked down at the thug she'd been forced to release. "Oi, pencil dick, better keep pace if you want to hear what I say to your parents". Off she marched, at a deliberately fast pace, the now clearly defeated bully trotting along behind her. Gabby received the same reaction, one of complete disbelief, disgust and shame from each family, though she only needed to explain why she was there at the first house, by the time she got to the others, they'd already received a phone call announcing her impending visit, along with the reason why, she was asked only one thing at each house, to play the tape, in front of the whole family, nothing more needed to be done. All of the parents agreed, their sons would meet Junior and Gary in the Gym the following day after school. At school the following morning, Junior and Gary were summoned to the Principals Office. When they were shown in, their Headmaster waved them to the seats in front of his desk. "Boys, I'm hearing some rather alarming stories about bullying, and some sort of a grudge match in our own Gym after school today, I'm not happy, mainly because if what I'm hearing is true, I want to know why I wasn't aware of it, and the thought of a grudge match actually frightens me, so would you like to enlighten me". Gary looked terrified, but Junior didn't, he'd discussed this exact possible meeting with his Poppa last evening. "Yes, and no, if you want a hypothetical discussion on what might, or might not, have happened, we can give you that, if you want specifics, names, then the answer is no, if it had happened, it would surely have been nipped in the bud, it would be over, it wouldn't help to have punishment handed out after the fact, hypothetically speaking". Their Headmaster was struggling to contain his laughter, he knew exactly where this was coming from, Junior's Poppa, it may have been Juan who'd coached him, but as clear as day, he could hear Pierre speaking. "Mmmm, that's an interesting response, quite interesting, but it doesn't address the matter of a grudge match in my Gym after school today, perhaps you would like to give me your interpretation of that alleged upcoming event, hypothetically, of course". Junior could see the Headmaster struggling not to laugh, just as he was. "There's nothing hypothetical about this evenings activities, though I do apologise, we forgot, in our enthusiasm, to ask your permission, we're setting up a self defence class, we want every student to know basic self defence, and I stress, self defence, the main message would be, defend, don't strike, I hope you won't block us because we didn't ask permission". The headmaster was now dangerously close to being unable to control his laughter. "I'm actually impressed, preceding members of your family did exactly what you're proposing, your own cousins, the Vicomte's, JJ and Marcel were the last family members to operate a similar class, it was extremely successful, I would certainly approve it, but be aware, I will be watching, and listening, stick religiously to what you've told me, the message has to be exactly as you described it, 'Defend, Don't Strike', thank you for explaining everything to me, hypothetically of course, you can now rejoin your classes". When they came out of the Principals Office Gary was in total awe of Junior. "You were a master in there, I don't know how you did it, I was terrified, you were fantastic". Junior would never know how he summoned up the nerve to say it, but he did. "So basically you owe me, and I claim a date as payment". Gary was silent, stunned, Junior saw it as rejection, starting to back peddle. "It's okay, if you don't want to, I just thought, well, no forget it". Gary actually giggled. "Bloody hell Junior, I'll need to get a spurt on if I'm going to keep up with you, it seems you just asked me out, then cancelled the date before I could even draw breath, well I accept, I'd be so bloody proud to be your boyfriend, if, of course that's what you're asking, hypothetically, of course". And then they both dissolved into laughter. They sort of had sex that night, it was no more than a fumbling, mutual blow job, but it didn't matter, Junior was in love, Gary was officially his boyfriend. TBC ARB Allan Comments are welcome to Allan at : Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.