Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 23:44:48 +0000 From: Clive Westwood Subject: Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 7 Relationships Please remember to donate to Nifty, it gives so much to all of us. Any amount, large or small, is welcome in order to keep this free site available. Thank you, donations to the address below. Life's Illusions The Next Generation - Chapter 7 Billy, Jay and Jolly had been nervously watching and listening to the latest development involving their son Jace, and his wife Abby, or rather his almost ex wife. Jolly was determined, she was going to Jace's aid. Billy and Jay were opposed to Jolly and she was furious, it would be wrong to say they never clashed, recently Jolly had become more and more unpredictable, this time she was incensed, so much so, she gave them both a clear warning, continue to oppose me and it will be the end of us, at that point Jolly had left the room, leaving Billy and Jay stunned. They were at Gregous, thousands of miles from their home. A lot had happened to bring about this stand off, to get them to this point, and right now Jolly was heading to their suite of rooms with only one aim in mind, to collect a gun. Jace or Jayson, was the youngest of their triplet boys, youngest by thirty five minutes behind his eldest brother Jo, or Jollyan, ten minutes behind his second eldest brother Will, or William. Jace was a sweet boy, never a trouble maker, always the peacekeeper, in truth he was his mothers favourite, Jolly couldn't help it, she would have done anything to protect him, to protect any of her boys, but right now it was Jace in danger. At eighteen whilst still in college he'd had an, on off relationship, with Abby or Abigail. Abby had been six months pregnant when Jace stunned his parents with the announcement he was getting married. Jolly was dead set against the marriage, she'd never liked Abby, the girl was everything any responsible parent would want to shield their child from, loud, foul mouthed, a drunk, and by Jace's own admission to his brothers, she'd cheated on him numerous times. Jace and Abby had split up over two months before she'd sought him out and shocked him with the news she was pregnant. Jace had questioned if he was the father, she hadn't been fazed, she'd agreed to a paternity test when the child was born, but assured Jace it was his. At six months she'd dropped out of school, they'd been married at City Hall, it was a quiet celebration, Abby's parents and brother David attended. Her parents declined an invitation back to the Thorn family home after the ceremony, but her brother David accepted the invitation, compared to Abby he was chalk and cheese, he got on well with Jace and his brothers. David would become a constant visitor to the house. None of the wider family had been invited, Jace had insisted, no family were to be invited, they wanted a quiet ceremony, but everyone new that wouldn't work for certain family members. Woody, Jacqueline, Pete, Jaque, Beth, Dave, Reece, Van, Josef, Cary, Juan, Pierre, Piers and Milo flew in for the ceremony. When they'd arrived, Jace's expression gave away his real annoyance, but Jacqueline simply took him aside into a hug and whispered. "Scowl all you want, young man, nothing would stop me from being here, you're part of a loving family, I remember feeding you when you were only a couple of weeks old, putting bandages on scrapes as you were growing up, holding you when you cried at Grama, Gramps and uncle Pauly's funerals, we love you Jace, accept it, we're always going to be here for you". Despite being six months pregnant, Abby had been drunk by early evening, she had to be helped to bed by a clearly embarrassed Jace, still mouthing slurred obscenities, They lived with the family, even Abby agreeing, it would be better to be supported through the pregnancy and childbirth, they were intending to buy their own home after the baby was born. Everything seemed to be going well, Abby drank less as she got nearer to her due date, and there were times when she was actually civil, where she sat and discussed her frustration at being so incapacitated as she put it. In the early morning on the first day of June, Abby went into labour, four hours later, Jace sent a text picture of him, with a beaming smile, holding his son. The family had thought everything was fine, until the following evening when Jace arrived home in tears, with the baby. Abby had been discharged, then she'd walked out of the hospital and disappeared. While Jace was collecting their son from the creche, Abby had left. He'd found a note on her bed when he returned, it said she was restless, she needed her freedom, being a parent wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to see life, she warned Jace not to follow her, to look after 'it', her way of referring to their child, she'd get in touch when she was ready, if she ever was. Her note said nothing about love, nothing about their newly born child, other than to look after it, there was only talk about what Abby wanted. David continued to be a regular visitor, spending time with his nephew, time with Jace, but in particular he got on really well with Jo. Nothing had been heard from her, Abby had disappeared, it was as if she'd never existed. Her parents finally accepted Jace's help to buy a condominium in Florida, and that would be the last Jace, or even David saw of them. At three years after Abby left, Jace sat down with the family and asked for advice. He wanted to find her, not contact her, just find her. He explained, he'd almost decided it was time to get a divorce, but first he had to know she was safe and well, he might be considering a divorce,but she was still the mother of his son, and despite everything, he still had a lingering love for her. Billy told Jace to leave it with him, he would ask Josef and Juan to try to find her, if it was at all possible they would do it. In Torremolinas Josef received Billy's request and, with his head in his hands, he'd sighed, Pierre had been right all along. When the family had heard about Abby's disappearance, it had been Pierre who had insisted, no, demanded of Josef, that they use the companies resources to track Abby, keep her whereabouts on file, and secret, they had, for three years, Josef could have given Billy her exact location right there and then, but he didn't dare, not with what they knew about her. Now Josef didn't know what to do. In Montclair Juan received a call from Josef. "I need you and Pierre on conference video, don't worry, it's not something critical, but it is something I don't know how to handle, I think Pierre might have to tell us what to do". When a clearly confused Juan told Pierre about Josef's call he knew immediately. "It can only be one thing, Abby, she's back on the scene, let's find out what it involves". Once they were connected, from Guardian's conference facility to Juan and Piers home office, Josef led off. "Okay Pierre, if you dare say I told you so, I'll fly over there just to slap you, and yes it's her, the she devil from Chicago, she's not back, but Uncle Billy called me, Jace is considering a divorce, but he needs to be sure she is safe and well before he goes for it, so how the fuck do we delicately tell him?". Pierre didn't need to think about it. "I'll go see him, don't ask me how I'm going to tell him, but if the roles were reversed, I'd expect him to come see me". Juan was totally opposed to Pierre's decision, but Pierre was adamant, he had to do this, it was a form of payback, for all those years ago when Jace and his brothers had looked after Piers whilst Pierre had his operation, the operation which gave him this normal life. Pierre had to explain to Juan what Jace and his brothers had done for him, without telling Juan what he and Josef knew about Abby. "It's hard to explain, when you have what people call a disability, if, like me, you've had it for as long as you can remember, it's not a disability, it's a way of life, you just cope with it, a bit like, you'd like to fly, but you know it's not going to happen, that's sort of how it was with me, I'd never been able to walk, I didn't expect I ever would, I went to Chicago, but I'd lied, I told my Poppas, Piers, everyone, even you and Josef, that I was confident, I wasn't, I was bloody terrified, and I had Piers, he'd made me promise, he had to be with me". Pierre stopped, his lips quivering, Juan just held him. "Those guys were amazing, they knew, straight away, they sussed me out the moment we met, saw my fear, understood immediately, they took Piers under their wing, told me to concentrate on recovery, because they wanted to see the impossible, wanted to watch me pull off this miracle". He stopped again. "They did that just to rile me, to make me prove them wrong, and it worked, I was determined I would". He was sobbing in Juan's arms as he continued. "When I came out of my coma, they told me they would be working with me, and they did, every day, they were amazing, Jo drew up a rolling rota for my exercises, Will and Jace just did what he told them to, they were there for me every single day, they put their lives, their friends, everything on hold for me, I don't know if I could have done it without them, they are the reason I'm here today, walking as I am, there is nothing I wouldn't do for each and every one of them, so I'm going to Chicago". Josef had tears in his eyes as he said. "I'm signing off, good luck Pierre, if you need anything, just ask". Pierre jetted out of Malaga alone on Juan's jet, much to Juan's disapproval, he'd wanted to accompany him, but Pierre had said no, it could only be done this way, he had to somehow get Jace to see what he was dealing with, and for that he needed to speak directly to Jace. It troubled Pierre slightly that he hadn't told Juan what he was dealing with, if he had, he wouldn't be traveling alone, Juan would never have allowed it. Pierre had contacted Billy, explaining he was coming to Chicago specifically to speak with Jace. Billy had been upset that Pierre wouldn't share the reason for his visit, or supply any details of Abby's whereabouts, but he resigned himself to Pierre's decision, telling Jay and Jolly that there had to be a good reason why Pierre was flying in, not discussing whatever it was over the phone. Pierre had asked Billy not to say anything to Jace about his visit. It seemed like a really long flight to Pierre, but he knew, it wasn't any longer than usual, it was the fact that he was constantly going over different ways to tell Jace what he knew, it wasn't going to be easy for Jace to hear. Pierre constantly returned to the file in front of him, it's content actually frightened him. Surprisingly, it was Jolly who met him when he landed in Chicago. She was sitting quietly in the FBO Operators lounge. As soon as he came through she jumped up and pulled him into a hug. "I'd like to say what a pleasure it is to see you Pierre, but I'm worried, I know you're here to speak with Jace, and I know you won't share what you have to discuss with me, you're too honourable to even contemplate doing that, but answer me just one question, will it hurt him?". Pierre looked at Jolly, seeing the obvious concern in her expression. "Yes, I think it almost certainly will, I'm sorry I can't say more, if Jace wants you to know what I tell him, then so be it, but that's not my decision to make". Jolly attempted a smile, not very effectively. "We trust you Pierre, you wouldn't be here if it weren't necessary, at least we can be ready to support Jace if he needs it, and I think that's certainly going to be the case, now you must be tired after that flight, let's get you home, Jace won't be home for a few hours, it should give you time to rest". After being greeted warmly by Billy and Jay, Pierre went up to the bedroom he'd be using, Jolly had been right, he was tired, no sooner had his head touched the pillow, he was sound asleep. A gentle tapping on the door woke him around three hours later, it was Jolly, telling him dinner would be in thirty minutes. When he came downstairs the first person he encountered was Jace, kneeling on the floor of the foyer, applying a sticking plaster to the grazed knee of a small boy. Looking up to see who was coming downstairs, Jace was completely surprised, his face didn't hide the surprise, but Pierre didn't miss the change in his expression either, when he realised why Pierre was there. "Pierre, what a fantastic surprise, why didn't anyone tell me you were here?". Standing up Jace pulled Pierre into a genuinely affectionate hug. "You've never met my son, this is Aarron Pierre Thorn, Ary this is Pierre, someone Daddy loves dearly, if you ever need help, this is the guy to go to, he can do miracles". Pierre laughed out loud. "You remembered". Jace grinned as he lifted his son up to carry him into the dining room. "I'll never forget the miracle maker, it's why Ary has your name, we weren't convinced you know, not initially, we were prepared for disappointment, but when you came out of the hospital, you could walk, not brilliantly, but you could walk, to say we were impressed would be the understatement of the century, I still have a copy of our rota, the one Jo wrote out for us to cover your exercises". In the dining room were Billy, Jay, Jolly, Jo, Will, and David, the later surprised Pierre, he hadn't realised David had maintained his association with the family. Over dinner, no one asked the inevitable question, why was Pierre here, what was he doing?, but it was there, no mistaking, it was the elephant in the room throughout the meal. As soon as dinner was over, Jolly took Ary from his highchair, nodding to Jace, who didn't speak until everyone had left the room. "I knew, as soon as I saw you coming downstairs, my mind told me, Pierre's come to tell you something in person, that means it's bad news, I know you Pierre, if it were good or simple, you would have done it over the phone, is she dead, is that what it is?". Pierre could see the sadness in his face, but they needed complete privacy for what he had to tell him. "Can we use the small lounge Jace, I'd rather we weren't disturbed". Jace led the way, closing the door behind them, they both settled on a sofa. Pierre realised this was it, he couldn't avoid it any longer. "She's not dead Jace, she's very much alive, I don't like saying something like this, but it would solve a lot of problems if she were dead". Jace looked hurt. "Please don't say that Pierre, she may have walked out on us, but I still love her, I could never wish any harm on her, I still hold out hope that one day she'll come back to us". Pierre continued. "Jace, I worried a lot about giving you the information I have, it's going to hurt you, and it's going to hurt you deeply, only two people know what I'm going to tell you, myself and Josef, even Juan doesn't know, and believe me, I'm going to pay heavily for that". Jace looked crestfallen, but he didn't interrupt Pierre. "As I said, she's very much alive, living in Washington under the name, Andrea Sinclair, it's only one of the names she uses, she's a high class prostitute, has been for most of the time since she walked away from you, don't be fooled Jace, she's not staying away because she's hard up, desperate for money, she's extremely wealthy, she's married three times in the last three years, bigamously of course, using one or another of her aliases, two of her husbands have died under what the authorities believed were suspicious circumstances, but every investigation has been shut down quickly, she has extremely powerful connections, her client list reads like a who's who of the rich, famous and powerful in Washington". Jace had his head buried in his hands, there was no sound, but Pierre could see the tears leaking out between his fingers. "I had to come to see you with this Jace, I couldn't do it over the phone, you're too important for me to do that, I'm worried, she seems to have forgotten about you and Ary, if you remind her you exist, let her know that you intend to start raking up the past, I think she'd have no problem arranging an accident for both of you". Jace finally looked up and spoke. "I can't believe that, she wouldn't hurt me, and I won't believe she would harm our son". Pierre knew he had to keep going. "She was bigamously married in Miami, four months after she left you, she had a child, a son, he was born six months after she married, the husband and child died in a house fire whilst she was out, the fire was definitely arson, started with gasoline, post mortem results show they'd both been drugged well before the fire started, she bought gasoline in a can the day before the fire, she was never charged because all the evidence went missing, the FBI were convinced she murdered the husband and child". The look of horror on Jace's face was clear, Pierre carried on. "The next husband she married within six weeks of the first one's funeral, which she didn't attend, the new husband was a multi millionaire, with a fourteen year old son and twelve year old daughter, he must have thought he was being clever, he had her sign a pre nup agreement, unless his children predeceased her she would only inherit a modest pension amount, in fact he wasn't as clever as he thought he was, what he did was to sign his children's deaths warrants, their fathers car went out of control and careered over a cliff edge, all three died instantly, she inherited his entire fortune". Jace was sat stunned as Pierre continued. "Husband number three, another millionaire, had a lucky escape, he barely survived being systematically poisoned, paid her off with roughly fifty percent of his fortune and divorced her, he now lives in South America, she's cold, unfeeling, I don't think she would hesitate to arrange your removal from this earth, you're worth is more than any of the people she's suspected of murdering so far, it's why I came, you can't remind her that you exist, it would be extremely dangerous". Jace looked horrified, and Pierre was about to find out why. "Pierre I think I've done something incredibly stupid, my lawyer said after several years without any contact she was most likely dead, it would probably be easier to apply for a fault divorce so I told him to go ahead, the notification would have been in all of the Nationals today, if she's that well connected she'll know about it". Pierre groaned before pulling his phone out and dialling. In Torremolinas, Josef saw Pierre's name on the caller ID and sighed as he answered. "Pierre, I take it this is not going to be good news?". Pierre didn't bother with any pleasantries. "We have a problem, and it's a really big problem, Jace's lawyer published a notification in all of the Nationals today, it's a notification to declare Jace's application for a fault divorce, there's no doubt she'll hear about it, I don't know what to suggest, other than we hide them, she'll realise he's worth over forty million, it's too tempting, he'll be a prime target, what can you suggest?". Josef was silent for a few minutes, then. "Gregous, do you think Jace would agree?, he might have to be there for quite some time before we can be sure she's not on the move, I'll talk to Juan, but I'm thinking now the process has been started, it's probably best to let it run, we'll know if she makes a move and we can alert the FBI to track her, there will quite likely be a point where she trips herself up, and Pierre, don't you dare leave Chicago before I have at least two stick on's with you, until your under Gregor and Drew's care you don't travel alone, it would be worth having an appraisal of the house security there as well, oh and one last thing, you realise I have to bring Juan up to speed, I'm definitely not looking forward to that discussion, I think I'd rather have root canal work, he is going to be so seriously pissed". Pierre thought about Josef's suggestions. "I'll talk to Jace about it, would you approach your Poppa and Van?". As they ended the call it was agreed Josef would call Reece and Van, whilst Pierre talked it over with Jace. "We have a possible temporary solution Jace, it's to put you somewhere no one can get to either of you, it means taking you and Ary away from your family, I don't know how you feel about that". Jace had composed himself by then, it was clear he was thinking rationally. "I need to protect Ary, whatever that means, I'll do it, but I also need to explain this to the family, would you help me out with that, explain it for me, I don't think I could do it without breaking down?". Pierre agreed, and as Ary had now gone to bed, they moved into the larger lounge where the family were relaxing. Pierre looked at Jace and nodded toward David who was sitting next to Jo, as if asking, were it okay to speak in front of David. Jace understood and nodded before he spoke. "I know you're all concerned about why Pierre believed it necessary to cross the Pond to speak with me, I thought exactly the same, until I heard what he had to say, how worried he is for mine and Ary's safety, now I'm frightened, really frightened, I'll let Pierre explain it, I don't think I could". When Pierre finished, Jolly was sobbing, Billy, Jay, and the boys could hardly believe what they'd heard but Billy wanted to know more. "How do you know all this Pierre, I only asked Josef to try and find her two days ago, you have a file going back three years, this isn't recently obtained information is it?" Pierre couldn't avoid the truth, and he wouldn't anyway, if he hadn't been asked, he wouldn't have volunteered the information, but it wasn't in his nature to lie. "I instigated a track and trace on Abby as soon as I heard she had gone missing, I had a bad feeling about something, I didn't know what, so I had her kept under surveillance for the first twelve months, by the end of that period she'd allegedly killed two bigamous husbands, one biological son and two step children, I had the file set with a red marker, if she'd made any move toward Chicago, we would have acted, how I don't know, that would have been a decision for Josef and Juan". Pierre now turned back to Jace. "Juan now has to know about this, until now he hasn't asked, and I haven't volunteered anything, he just knows you're facing a danger, but now we need him in the loop, Josef is probably briefing him as we speak, Juan is probably the most efficient field manager in the western world, absolute crap at diplomacy, but untouchable in the field, he'll also be undoubtedly red rag furious that I flew here alone once he knows the full details, but I'll deal with that when the time comes". Jay asked about the place Pierre wanted to send Jace and Ary to. "Where is this place, and how can you be sure they'll be safe there?". Pierre smiled. "Well you seemed to be safe when you were there, it's Gregous, about now, Josef is also asking Poppa and Van if they'll keep Jace and Ary safe for a while, we don't have an answer yet, but we all know what the answer will be, it doesn't stop you guy's visiting, but Jace and Ary don't leave Gregous until we can be certain she's not a threat, you can still work, Poppa had a top notch conferencing facility installed in his office there, plus, he's just finished a recording studio complex for Van, I seem to remember you being a pretty cool guitarist back in the day Jace". Jolly almost shouted through her tears. "Do it Jace, go, take Ary, keep him safe, I'll come with you if you want, please, you have to listen to Pierre on this". The advice was the same from everyone, and all eyes were now on Jace. "Okay, I'll do it, but yes Momma, I'd like you to come with us, Ary needs to feel like there's some normalcy, if you weren't around he'd know something was wrong". The rest of the family looked crestfallen at losing Jolly, but they still agreed, it was best to go ahead, safeguard Jace and Ary. As they were still talking, Pierre's phone rang, it was Josef, Pierre put the call on speaker, asking Josef if he had an answer from his Poppa and Van. "I'll let you work out the answer from Gregous, it was, and I quote, 'Why are you even asking, it's family, we'll look forward to welcoming them, let us know how many and when, we'll take care of the rest', so I guess you have your answer, a predictable answer I would have said, listen, it's only a thought, but you guy's might consider it, it's easy to work from Gregous, I'm guessing Pierre's already told you about Poppas state of the art conferencing facilities, you could all go, that way, if she does move on Chicago, she'll be frustrated, you'll be in the wind, she'll have to call in favours, that makes her vulnerable, only a thought but, I'll leave it out there, think about it". As Josef ended the call he reminded Pierre about not moving without stick on's. "Don't even think about it little Bro, Juan is already spitting feathers, he is bloody furious, you have some serious explaining to do when he catches up with you, I have already taken some hellish flack for not telling him how dangerous this woman is". Pierre agreed, he'd liaise with Josef about transport. Billy was the first to say it, but they all agreed. "I want us all to go, if we can make business decisions from there it won't matter where we are, Brad and Royce will manage alright if they can conference us". There was a collective agreement instantly, including David, which Pierre quite didn't understand, The following morning four agents arrived at the house around eleven o'clock. The lead agent introduced himself and his colleagues to Pierre and the family. "We have our directives, we stick until you are all safely inside Gregous, up to that point, none of you can be alone, we apologise for the intrusion, but believe me, we all fear Juan and Josef a whole lot more than we could ever fear any of you". Billy asked Pierre as they were heading for the airport. "What exactly is a stick on?" Pierre laughed before answering. "It's a security detail with instructions to be a second skin of the person or persons they are protecting, it's unacceptable to allow the principal or principals out of their sight, and believe me, Josef and Juan are unbending on that point, they take no prisoners, both would fire an agent on the spot for violating that single task". When they arrived in Rome, they found Reece, Van, Gregor, Drew and Juan waiting to greet them. Pierre's eyes met Juan's, Pierre was the first to speak. "It's good to see you my love, but be careful, your obvious annoyance is minimal compared to my double jet lag, I think maybe these nice people should be spared the shrapnel and fallout from our obviously imminent spat". Juan just moved in to kiss Pierre's cheek, saying. "We're in the third car". Once out of the FBO Offices they settled into three 4x4's and commenced the arduous drive out of Rome in the late afternoon traffic. In the third car conversation didn't happen for the first few minutes, each aware the other was ready to blow a fuse, until Juan spoke, but he did it softly, Pierre noticing his tone. "You think I'm angry, you think the right response is to be angry right back at me, I have to say, you don't do too well in the thinking department Pierre, I'm supposed to be the thick one in this relationship, the one who doesn't think things through, and yet, here you are, on a mission involving a woman who kills for financial gain without a second thought, and yet you have no protection, forgive me but I think I have reason to be concerned, and that's all I am, concerned that I could have lost you". He Payton pull Pierre close. "I can't be angry, I know why you did it, you told me why, you just didn't tell me the important bit, about the danger, that's something Josef will answer for, unlike you, he won't get a pass, but you I'm not angry with, I'm relieved, thankful I'm here with you now, and you're safe, so when we get to Gregous let's not forget, we actually love each other". At Gregous they passed unchecked through the electronic gates and as they came to the first curve in the drive where the house was visible, all three cars stopped and Reece invited them to join him. "I apologise, I know you're all tired, but this view of the house never gets old for me, I could stand here all afternoon just gazing at it". As they gazed at the house, arms around each other, Pierre said to Juan. "I was prepared to sulk until you forgave me, but I think I prefer it this way, don't be too hard on Josef, if he'd tried to stop me I would have ignored him". Juan spoke softly. "You were both foolish, Josef and I can handle ourselves in a combat situation, you can't, you should have a security detail in a situation like this, Josef should have told me the whole story when he knew you weren't going to, he's my brother, you're my husband, he has a duty to protect us both, he failed miserably, I just intend to make that point". Juan paused, putting a finger to Pierre's lips when he made to speak. "I'm not advocating a restriction of what you feel you need to do, or where you want to go, I didn't marry you to control you, I just want to know your chance of avoiding, or escaping, a dangerous situation, is greatly increased from nil, to good, don't be angry, that's all I want, I almost lost you once, I'll always be fearful it could happen again, and your unaccompanied gallivanting doesn't improve the odds, it worsens them". Pierre pulled him closer into the hug. "I'm sorry, I agree, when you put it like that, it was rather stupid of me, okay, I'll take your advice onboard". At the house, Jace, Will, Jo and David were completely bowled over, by it's beauty. Van led them into the house where Brenda was waiting with Myron who welcomed them. "Welcome to Gregous, for as long as you need, it will shield you, enjoy it, Jolly, I think you know Brenda, she'll work with you on meals and anything else you need, now let's get you all settled". In Washington, someone had a surprise, and not a good one, she'd been sipping her morning coffee, nibbling on a buttery croissant, and there it was, right in front of her, in the Washington Post, the divorce notification, her divorce notification, she dropped the croissant, read it again. By mid afternoon, she was fuming, how could he, she'd left him alone, let him have it, the brat, all she'd wanted was the surety, to know if she needed it, he would be there for her, her security blanket, he was no better than all the rest, well he could think again, if he intended to try casting her adrift, he would have to be helped to leave this world, his days were numbered, his, and the brat, they could both go to hell, and she'd happily help them on their way". By early evening she'd booked her flight to Chicago. TBC ARB Allan Comments are welcome to Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.