Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 23:54:58 +0100 From: Clive Westwood Subject: Life's Illusions - Book Four, Chapter 22 Relationships Please remember to donate to Nifty, it gives so much to all of us. Any amount, large or small, is welcome in order to keep this free site available. Thank you, donations to the address below. Life's Illusions - Book Four - Chapter 22 Roslyn, Cecile, Paul and Danny, along with Petre, had spent nearly three hours with their Uncles Pete, and Jaque, on the morning after the incident. They'd reported the matter to the local police, who had declined to be involved, saying it was an insurance matter which had taken place on private property with no injuries sustained, but Roslyn was incensed, and Paul had been in agreement, JJ and Marcel had to be barred from entering Chateau Montclair. Initially, Pete and Jaque had been unwilling to believe it was possible, saying, surely it couldn't have been intentional, even Danny and Petre had admitted, they just didn't believe, or understand, why Daniel would do something like this, and Pete had been completely unconvinced, until he'd spoken with JJ. "I'm hearing what amounts to be a totally insane account of events unfolding from last evening, where you, Marcel and Daniel deliberately rammed your cousins vehicle, tell me this didn't happen". JJ's shamefaced nod of admission sent Pete into a spiral. "Child, I don't know what led you to this, you could have killed not just your cousins, but half of the managing ownership of Montclair Wines, this is extremely serious, you cannot be admitted to Chateau Montclair from this day until we find a way of settling the matter. JJ had been full of remorse. "Poppa, it wasn't what you think, it was supposed to be a tiny tap, a joke, just enough so that we had an excuse to talk, to invite Paul to have dinner with us, but Daniels foot slipped, and we cannoned into them, please you have to believe me, it wasn't intentional". Pete surprised JJ. "The real irony is that you already knew Paul was actively seeking out you guys earlier in the day, he was already receptive to working with you again, now you've managed to blow that chance completely, and in the process, you've caused Junior serious problems, your Poppa Jaque and I have had to agree to Montclair Wines cancelling all contracts with Guardian Securities because of the conflict of interest between Daniel and Junior". JJ was completely devastated, his Poppa had told him to call his brother and arrange the removal of anything they needed for day to day use, before the end of the day, after that they would only be allowed onto the property by pre-arranged agreement. At Maison de Dieu, Junior was ready to scream at Daniel, but conscious of maintaining appearances, he'd said, rather tersely. "I'd like to speak with you in private, at the cottage, not here". Daniel couldn't understand why Junior was acting so angrily, it had been an accident, surely once everyone had calmed down they could apologise and move on. The moment Daniel walked into the cottage Junior let loose. "What the fuck happened, Montclair Wines have cancelled all security contracts with Guardian, and I'm hearing of Civil Law Suits being prepared against you, JJ, and Marcel. Junior had been in his office in London when a furious Josef rang him after learning of the cancelled contracts from Montclair Wines, Junior had arrived back in Montclair a little over four hours later. Daniel was shocked, he'd honestly thought Paul would have calmed down following a nights sleep. "It was an accident Junior, you can't think I would deliberately harm anyone, let alone family, I'd intended to just nudge them, as a joke, to give us an excuse to invite Paul for dinner, we wanted him onboard at Maison de Dieu, but my foot slipped, it really was an accident, I'm really sorry". Daniel was being genuine, he was shaking, on the verge of tears, Junior wrapped him in a hug. "Okay, don't get upset, let's see what we can do to put this right". But, as he was talking, JJ and Marcel arrived, and their news was certainly not good, as JJ explained. "We've been barred from entering Chateau Montclair, I explained to our Poppas it was an accident, but Paul, Roslyn and the others have instructed their solicitors to issue Civil Lawsuits against all three of us, how the hell did we get into this position, no one will even listen to us". Junior pulled out his cell phone and dialled. "Uncle Jo, I need to speak with Aunt Carry, you might want to put it on speaker so I don't have to explain twice". He waited for Carry to answer. "Junior, the call is on speaker, your Uncle Josef is listening, what's the problem sweetie?". "Hi Aunt, sorry to have to bother you, but I think we need your help, I'll set the problem out for you but I'm stuck in the middle, and I suspect you might have your hands tied as well but it's worth a shot". Carry could hear his frustration. "Just explain the problem Junior". He sighed. "Daniel, JJ and Marcel were sat in Daniels car at The Inn in Montclair, when Paul, Roslyn, Cecile, Danny and Petre pulled into the car park in Pauls car, Daniel wanted to invite Paul to dinner, ostensibly to pitch a work offer to him, and he thought it would be a joke to nudge Pauls car as it passed them, except his foot slipped and instead of a nudge, they cannonballed into Pauls car, it's debatable apparently whether the damage is bad enough to render the vehicle a write off". Carry sounded confused, and equally amused at the same time. "I assume Daniel is listening, you idiot Daniel, have you never heard of an old fashioned dinner invitation, it works a lot better, but anyway, has Daniel apologised?, I would expect his word wouldn't be questioned, why do you need me?". Junior was dreading this part. "Paul, Roslyn and the others have issued Civil Lawsuits against Daniel, JJ and Marcel, Uncle Pete has barred JJ and Marcel from entering Chateau Montclair, none of them will listen, they think Daniel deliberately tried to wipe out half of the Montclair Wines ownership team, we need someone to talk to them, to make them understand, what started out as a silly joke, became an accident, it certainly wasn't intentional". Carry's reply was not what they wanted to hear. "Jeez guys, that's some predicament you've placed at my door, I suspect I'm going to face the same prejudiced position argument you're facing Junior, seeing as I'm a part owner of Guardian, but I'll give it my best shot, in the meantime, don't try to make any contact, stay away from Chateau Montclair". After disconnecting the call, Carry called Jolly. "It seems as if Woody was right to oppose me, because the first problem I encounter means I have to come running to you, I feel like a failure before I've even got started". Jolly actually laughed, before becoming serious. "It's a wise person who recognises when to ask for help, which is what you're doing, by the sound of it, this is something of an anomaly, you're all so intricately involved, it needs someone without involvement to put your views across, and I'd urge you to remember, I'm not the one in control here, I'm purely a conduit for whatever you need to get across, and whoa betide anyone who tries to deny me a voice, so, I get that an incident occurred between the two vehicles, now tell me exactly what happened and what you want me to do". They'd spoken, throwing in suggestions, rejecting, then reforming, until they were in agreement, at which point, Jolly said. "I'll call Pete and Jaque, announce our arrival, you will be by my side, don't argue Carry, I was partly responsible for installing you as Matriarch, I refuse to accept anyone challenging that office, and I'm prepared to threaten an all out family war if anyone does". Jolly's call to Pete and Jaque had not gone as planned, mainly because Roslyn took the call, which started off amicable, but soon enough it devolved into frosty. "I'm calling you because of this incident with Daniel, JJ, and Marcel, normally it would be Carry calling you, but as she has a conflicting interest with Guardian, she quite sensibly asked me to engage with you, I'd like to visit, along with Carry, to talk about the matter face to face with all parties, would it be convenient if I arrived in two days time?". Jolly had been certain the reply would be positive, so she was completely surprised, and taken aback by Roslyn's aggressively negative response. "This is not a matter for you or Carry to get involved in, it's a matter for the courts to decide therefore, the answer is no, it's not convenient for you to visit". Jolly, although taken aback, responded with a well worded statement. "Roslyn, this involves family members, Carry and I are trying to bring about a resolution without the hurt that Civil Lawsuits could bring, don't you realise you could be heading toward family members being found guilty and having jail sentences imposed on them, it should never have been allowed to get to this point, these are your cousins, what were you even thinking when you insisted on barring them from their home, and condoning the issue of Civil Law Suits?, only a short time ago you were vilifying your own father for throwing you, his children out of Chateau Montclair, surely you don't believe that Daniel and your cousins would deliberately try to inflict harm on you, it clearly needs someone who's unbiased and objective to bring the parties together, before the matter threatens the family as a whole". Roslyn's reply did nothing to give Jolly confidence the matter would be settled amicably. "Thank you for your advice however, I'd respectfully ask you to mind your own business, none of us need your guidance, or your direction, this is a legal matter, and I'm not inclined to have either of you meddling". This last response caused Jolly to see red. "Meddling are we?, well get this Roslyn, I will arrive at Chateau Montclair in two days, Carry will be with me, refuse us entry if you dare, and you will be responsible for destroying the family unity, thereafter all family trusts and properties, and including the jewellery collection, the very fabric which binds the wider family together will need to be dissolved, because they are based entirely on the family being in a state of unity, that situation will sit firmly on your shoulders, further more, Chateau Montclair, and it's associated companies will become the social pariahs in this family, I will make it my personal mission to destroy your markets, so, at the risk of being accused of meddling, I would actually advise you to round up whomever is leading this stupid charge against family and put a stop to it, before you get yourselves in so deep there becomes no way out, I'll leave you to dwell on how you will respond". Jolly cut the call, leaving Roslyn stunned, finally, she realised how serious this situation was. Roslyn and Paul were still refusing to see sense, Pete and Jaque had called a meeting the morning after Roslyn spoke with Jolly. Pete could see the majority were understanding his arguments, in essence, that Daniel, JJ, and Marcel would not deliberately do anything to harm their cousins, but it was not going well. Roslyn and Paul were insisting, with Roslyn being the one to voice their objections. "We were very nearly killed, the restrictions and Civil Lawsuits will remain, and we should bar entry to family who want to meddle". Jolly and Carry arrived at the gates of Chateau Montclair exactly as Jolly had said they would, except, she hadn't known who would be insisting on supporting them. Standing beside Jolly and Carry were, Billy, Beth, Juan, Jo and Reece, five senior family members who clearly saw the absolute folly in this situation. Daniel, JJ, and Marcel had also been summoned to attend, and were waiting with the others outside Chateau Montclair. Initially, access had been denied, rather rudely, because the gate staff were an odd mixture of personnel hastily hired when Guardian's trained operatives had been withdrawn, clearly they weren't up to the job. Billy had been the one to resolve the entry situation with a call to Pete. "Bro, I'm sitting outside your gates, if you deny me entry you will be severing all ties with me and my family, is that what you want?". Pete had reacted instinctively. "No, it's certainly not what I, or Jaque want, give me a couple of minutes, I'll come to the gates and escort you through, I'm praying we can find a solution Bro, because I think Roslyn and Paul are dragging us down a road that Jaque and I don't want to travel". Thirty minutes later they were all seated in the large lounge at Chateau Montclair, waiting for Roslyn, Cecile, and Paul, to join them, Danny and Petre had departed, refusing to believe that Daniel, JJ, or Marcel had intended them any harm, accepting it was a silly prank that had gone wrong, and after arguing with Roslyn and Paul, they'd withdrawn their Lawsuits. Roslyn led their group into the room, her face showing everyone present she was not impressed with being summoned, her opening statement, without even greeting anyone, set everyone's expectations for the outcome of the meeting. "I don't appreciate being summoned like a naughty child when I'm the injured party, and I refuse to have Carry involved, she has a most definite conflict of interest which I'm not prepared to ignore in my own house". Carry looked particularly deflated, until Jaque spoke. "Roslyn, you seem to be labouring under something of a misconception, Chateau Montclair is not your house, it belongs to Pete and I, you are a guest here nothing more, kindly remember that, and I'll thank you to treat our other guests with the courtesy they deserve, unless you want to find yourself looking for alternative accommodation". Jolly was next to speak. "Roslyn, I, along with your dear late mother, installed Carry into the position of Matriarch to this family, though why she is still trying valiantly to fulfil the role is a complete mystery to me, because so far she has done nothing but shovel shit and put up with arrogant, mouthy little bitches like you, for which I can only admire her". Roslyn made to reply, but Jolly's hand slamming the table made everyone jump, and stopped her dead in her tracks. "I'm not finished, and I know my dear sister, your late mother didn't bring you up to behave in this manner, so let me explain". This time when Jolly paused, Roslyn looked completely embarrassed, and she kept quiet. "Carry is Matriarch, you will afford her the courtesy and dignity her position deserves, if you fail in that simple task, I will do exactly as your late mother would have done, I will come around this table and slap you for being the errant young brat I have so far seen, do I make myself clear?". Roslyn's reply was so quiet, it was hardly heard. "Yes". Jolly's response made her jump. "What was that?, speak up child". Roslyn now had to repeat her reply, admitting to everyone present that she'd been put firmly in her place. "Yes Aunt, I understand, and I'm sorry for being rude". Jolly showed no emotion, though beneath the surface she wanted to hug Roslyn, who she suspected was struggling with the joint loss of both her parents in so short a space of time. Jolly simply turned to Carry. "Please Carry, the floor is yours". Carry surprised them all, by not talking about the real problem. "I understand, because I'm aligned to Guardian, as is Junior, Daniels partner, it could be perceived that there is a conflict of interest, but first I'm going to ask for a show of hands, who around this table believes Junior would condone, and support Daniel, if he believed the charges you are making were true?". No one made any show, leading Carry onwards. "Again, and I'm asking for complete honesty, guaranteeing absolutely no retribution, who around this table believes I would not treat this matter with total impartiality?". Again no one made any show. "So, I now want your agreement by a show of hands, do you agree that whatever I decide will be accepted and administered?". This time every hand rose clearly into the air, even Roslyn's, with Cecile, and Paul following suit. Carry had noticed refreshments being assembled in the room next door. "Then I think we should break for refreshments, I'd suggest twenty minutes, then we will reconvene". As they left the table, Roslyn found herself walking next to her Aunt Jolly, who, much to Roslyn's surprise, put an arm around her, saying. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to be so stern with you, but you were being both unfair, and rude to Carry, I couldn't allow that, I hope you can forgive me". Roslyn was struggling to reply, but when Jolly saw the tears, she steered Roslyn off into a small side lounge, closing the door behind them, she pulled Roslyn into a hug. "Come here child, don't be upset, today is only about getting to the truth, seeing if we can settle this matter without legal recourse, if we can't, if you feel your cousins really meant to cause you physical harm, it's your prerogative to continue on the path you have chosen, but you have to be clear why you are doing it". Roslyn's voice at first was quiet, but Jolly heard her, and hugged her closer. "I believe them, I think Paul does as well, Cecile never wanted to issue the Lawsuits, she only agreed with it to appease me, but I get so angry right now, I know I'm lashing out, but I can't help myself". Jolly was almost crying. "It's understandable, right now you're blaming yourself for your Poppas death, and that's wrong, I believe your Poppa would have found any reason possible to join your Momma, he just couldn't function without her, he loved all of you, but she was the centre of his universe, it's why he was lashing out at you, in the same way you and Paul are, now let's get some tea and let Aunt Carry do her best to settle this thing". When they resumed their places, Carry asked a question of Daniel. "Did you deliberately set out to harm your cousins?". Daniel was taken aback, it was plain to everyone, and his response was genuine. "No, never, I was an idiot, I accept that, I don't even know why I did it, I thought at the time it would be a giggle, to nudge them, but my foot slipped, and I panicked, I'm so sorry, I'm entirely to blame, JJ and Marcel had no part in this, please Paul, Roslyn, leave them out of it, I'm the only one you should be issuing against". Carry let him finish before saying. "Don't get upset Daniel, I think everyone believes what you're saying". Turning to Paul and Roslyn she asked. "Do you believe Daniel, that this was a genuine accident, however stupid, that, just as Daniel is telling us, his foot slipped?". Roslyn looked at Paul, who nodded, before she replied. "Yes, we believe him, we'll drop the Lawsuits". There was a collective sigh of relief around the table, Daniels being the loudest, but that was short lived, because Carry hadn't finished. "Not quite so fast please, you agreed, anything I decided would be accepted, and administered, well I'm about to tell you what I feel is a suitable settlement of this matter". They all held their breaths while Carry paused. "Daniel, you will replace Pauls vehicle with a brand new model, you will also settle the legal costs for each Lawsuit issued against you, JJ, and Marcel, and you will make a charitable donation in the sum of one million euros, to a charity, or charities, of Paul, Roslyn, and Cecile's choice". They thought Carry had finished, but Carry surprised them, and shocked Daniel. "Daniel, there is one final matter, you will agree to take a refresher driving course, I will appoint the driving instructor and examiner, until you gain approval from them, you will not drive on the public highway". Daniel started to object, until he realised Carry was staring, stone faced toward him, almost daring him to challenge her, and he relented. "I accept, all of your terms, and again, I apologise, this was all my fault, I'm truly sorry". Carry now turned to Pete and Jaque. "I believe there is something you should be saying to your sons". Pete looked at JJ and Marcel. "I'm sorry, come home boys". And it was over. Jolly later took Paul and Roslyn aside. "I want you to promise me something, if I set it up, you'll go to Philadelphia, for a few weeks, you'll work with a councillor, she's the best there is, I think you need to examine why you reacted like you did, I want to know that you understand you're not responsible for what happened to your Poppa, because I don't think you will ever accept you were blameless without professional help, will you do that for me?". They both agreed. When Jolly spoke to Dillon about it, he was as committed as he'd been for Piers. "Send them to me Grama, I'll look after them. A week or so after the meeting at Chateau Montclair, Daniel had been in Montclair, having coffee at a pavement cafe, when Paul sat down opposite him. "I believe you wanted to pitch an offer to me before things went completely pear shaped, so, do you still want to make that pitch, or should I leave you alone?". Daniel smiled. "I am sorry Paul, I still want you to work with us at Maison de Dieu, you, JJ, and Marcel have a working relationship my guys just don't understand, but I do, if you agreed, yours would be a totally separate division, completely autonomous, I know what you want to do, you enjoy the build, the set up, pulling in the investors, I'm in agreement, except, I don't want you as employees, I want all three of you as junior partners". The last part had surprised Paul, and he'd agreed he would think it over, they'd shook hands before Paul started to walk away, then he stopped, turning back he opened his arms. "That was wrong, it wasn't how we greet each other as family, or say goodbye, give me a hug, and my answer is yes, I don't need to think it over, if JJ and Marcel are in agreement, then I'm in". When they'd left Chateau Montclair, Beth headed home, but not before hugging Carry and saying. "I hope you understand now, what you did, that's why you're Matriarch, well done love, I seriously doubt anyone else could have achieved what you just did". Jolly took Carry, along with Billy, Beth, Juan, and Reece, to The Inn, for a drink to celebrate settling the matter. And Jolly raised a toast to Carry, in front of the others. "This is to you Carry, you have just vindicated what Jacqueline and I did, what we saw in you, it's certainly no easy task where family are concerned, but I for one am convinced, you are the one person best placed to guide this family". In Sydney, things were not as hunky dorey, Piers was aware that Milo disappeared every Friday afternoon for around two or three hours, and there was no denying, it was bugging him. He'd tried unsuccessfully to follow Milo once, only to lose him in traffic as they'd headed into the city. He'd even toyed with the idea of having a professional investigator shadow him. All manner of scenarios were manifesting themselves in Piers head, but it was just one, that scenario alone, the worst possible one, that he kept coming back to, Milo was having an affair, he was going to lose him. Milo arrived home a little before six in the evening to find Piers sitting out, in the shade, by the rose garden, and his anxiety level rocketed, Piers knew, he was convinced of that, and he was going to have to explain himself, tell Piers he'd fallen in love. TBC Allan Comments are welcome to Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.