Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 21:20:26 -0400 From: Jon Bennett Subject: Nick and Jonathan Part 15 Hehehe... OK.. To all of you with no sense of humor(just kidding), thanks for ALL of the E-mail. You have all made me very aware of how much this series has touched each of you in some way. I am gratified beyond words at the praise and compliements that have come from you all about the series. Here is part 15. Has Jonathan been killed? Read on. As always... Nick... thanks for being there. Especially last week when I really needed you. NICK AND JONATHAN PART 15. Nick could hear what sounded like the engines warming up. He noticed a slight vibration in the plane. Before he could wonder about it, there was a knock on the door and Chris came in. "He's gotta leave and we gotta go" said Chris. "Jon's been shot"............................. The words were like an icicle being thrust though Nick's chest. For what seemed like minutes, Nick could not feel anything in his body, unable to breathe. Finally words came out of his mouth only as a whisper. "Shot?" he croaked out. "What... how..Where did it happen?" "I don't know all the details yet dude" said Chris in reply. " All I know is that Brandon called. They are still in Boston. One of the other security guys-Jason took a really bad hit, he jumped in front of Jon. Get it together we are moving in less then 3 minutes" Nick could not even move. Everything he had suddenly known over the past two weeks seem to dissolve in a single instant. He could not think. Chris had gone back out to make last minute who knows what. Out of a haze, Nick could feel Paul shaking him. "Hey NICK" said Paul. "Snap out of it man. Talk to me." "I can't man" said Nick, almost on the verge of collapse. "I can't even think.. You had better get off I guess while you can; we're gonna be flying out in a minute." "No way dude." said Paul. "I'm not going anywhere except to Boston with you. I'll call Mark later and he can take care of shit. You're not in any condition to be alone." Nick turned and had a look of a thousand miles away on his face."I can't ask you to do that man." "I don't recall being asked asshole" said Paul, slapping Nick gently in the face." Now come on, tell me what we gotta do here" "Uhm.. sit down somewhere I guess."said Nick. The two left the bedroom and walked out to the stairs leading to the upstairs lounge. There they met Chris who appeared in a fouler mood then earlier. Nick noted that his jacket was off and the weapons he carried were in full evidence. "Thought I told you he had to leave" said Chris, not at all politely. "I'm going for the ride man" said Paul, looking Chris in the eyes."He is in no shape to be alone right now. Deal with it." Chris looked over at Nick and nodded. "OK, get him upstairs and settled in. We are rolling." Looking out, Paul noted that the plane was moving. In fact it was moving fairly quickly toward the departure runways. He guided Nick upstairs who was obviously in a deep state of shock. He led him to a chair and put him down into it, and sat down in a swivel chair next to him. "Hey Bud" said Paul, shaking Nick. "You in there?" "Yeah man, I'm here, my mind is blown that's all" said Nick, slowly coming around. "I can't believe that Jon's been shot." "Hey, it can't be too bad" said Paul, "Chris or whoever he is, didn't say he was dead, just shot" "Don't even go there man" said Nick. "I'll fucking lose it if he is dead." Over the intercom came the voice of Captain Hendrickson. "Everyone settled down? We're ready to roll" "Kick it Don" said Nick. "Firewall this bitch." "We're on a straight and direct flight line to Boston" replied the Captain as they started their takeoff roll. "Flight time is 2.5 hours. Hang in there Nick" "Just get me there Don" said Nick, again his voice barely above a whisper. Chapter Two: About an hour or so into the flight, Chris came upstairs to the lounge where Nick and Paul were talking quietly. Actually Paul was doing most of the talking with Nick answering in monosylables. He noted that Nick still looked pretty rocky. He walked over to the bar, found a bottle of Bacardi 151 and poured about two inches into a glass. He brought it over to Nick and gave it to him. Nick downed the shot without even looking at it. About 10 seconds later he looked up at Chris and barely managed to ask "What the fuck was that". "Bacardi 151." said Chris sitting down on the couch. "Best thing I know to knock you back into your senses." "Or knock you out senseless" said Nick. "What else do you know about what happened?" "Only what Brandon had said earlier." said Chris. "I can't get through to his cell phone or Danny's. I mean last I heard Jon was alive, but that's it. I have no idea where he was shot or how. I've made some arrangements for when we land. There will be a vehicle waiting to take us to the hospital. There will be a small group meeting us to make sure you stay safe. Brandon did say that Jon said that you re to be covered hard" "How long til we get there?" said Nick, getting up and pacing a little unsteadily. "About an hour or so." Said Chris. "Listen, I'll keep trying to get some more information for you. In the meantime, just try to relax dude. If I know Danny, no one out side of the medical staff is getting within 20 feet of Jonathan." "I know, I just can't deal with this" said Nick. He could not believe that he could feel so many emotions going through him. Not all that long ago, he had finally managed to shut himself away from feelings. Now they threatened to overwhelm him. Jonathan meant more then just love to him. He had given him comfort, love, and a sense of being alive again. "Come on Nick" said Paul, standing next to him. "You can't do yourself or anyone else, especially Jonathan any good pacing and threatening to pass out here man. Come on, lets go downstairs. I think you need to crash out for the rest of the trip. A little sleep will help you" "How can I sleep man?" said Nick. " Jonathan is lying somewhere in a hospital or on a operating table or something with a piece of metal in his body that could be killing him." "Come on" said Paul guiding Nick downstairs and towards the forward lounge. Once they got in there, he pushed Nick down on the couch. Pulling off his hiking boots he made Nick lie down on the couch and covered him with a throw blanket that was on the back of the couch. Looking around he found a dimmer switch on the wall and turned down the cabin lights to a dull glow. "You relax as much as you can man" said Paul. "I'm gonna go see if Chris knows anything else" Chapter Three: "Damn this thing is huge" said Paul to himself. He had been walking around the 747 trying to find Chris. "How the hell do you get lost in a fucking plane? This is nuts." Finally after a little more searching he found Chris in the conference room. Chris had one cell phone in his hand, another on the table, set up to a speaker, and was using the other hand on a laptop computer typing one handed. As he finished the call, and put down the phone, Paul walked over to him and took a seat opposite him on the table. Chris looked up at him. The look on his face was one to melt ice with a single glance. "I know you don't know me from shit" said Paul, "But Nick is a very special friend. We have been friends for ages. There's not much we haven't done together. He finally got the balls yesterday to tell me he is gay and I was the first one he told. That means a lot to me, and he does too. I didn't have the guts last night to tell him I already knew he was gay, or at least I thought bi. I hate to see him like this." "I know." said Chris. He got up and walked over to the bar in the conference room. He pulled a bottled water out for himself and got a beer out for Paul. He brought them both back to the table. "Hope you are legal" he said with a small amount of humor. "Got a great fake ID" said Paul. The two sat in silence for a few minutes, Chris keeping an eye on the computer screen. Neither knowing what to say. As Chris watched, after a few minutes a connection was made and it beeped at him. "About fucking time" said Chris. "What?" said Paul. "Its Danny" said Chris. "My boss, the one who was with Jonathan when whatever happened" "What's going on" asked Paul. "Give me a couple of minutes" he replied. He was tapping keys on the computer at a furious pace. "Go back and stay with Nick. I'll let you know something as soon as possible. We also have to talk before this plane lands. You are my responsibility for the next day or so until I can get you back to Denver." "Whatever man" said Paul. "I'm hanging around until Nick is OK. You don't need to babysit me. I can always get back to Denver on my own." "Easier said then done dude" said Chris. "You are here, that makes you part of this group. So, consider yourself baby sat" Paul walked back to the front of the plane to find Nick still on the couch. He appeared to be sleeping or at least lying still. Then he rememebered the shot of 151 Chris had given him. It had looked to be pretty heavy duty. He finished his beer and sat down on the couch on the opposite bulkhead and stared at his best friend in the world. Funny he thought. Nick had always been quiet and reserved. He was a very special friend. He had found some gay magazines in Nick's closet one time about a year ago but never said anything. It didn't matter to him he was gay. Looking back, he realized he should have said something when Nick told him yesterday; but there would be time for that later. In his mind, looking back to yesterday, he still couldn't believe his eyes watching Nick walk out of the plane and walk down the stairs. He seemed so different, of course he thought smiling to himself, walking down a stairset from a 747 would do that, but overall full of confidence, and happiness. The bullshit he put up with from his father seemed miles away. It was an incredible change in him. Now he was like a formal shell of himself, having curled up inside of himself. It was hard to even get him to talk since Chris had told him Jonathan had been shotl. He didn't know who Jonathan was, but it was evident that he was someone who was special to Nick. Chris came into the room, saw Nick on the couch apparently asleep. As he started to back out of the room, Nick rolled over and saw him. He rolled over into a sitting position. "What's going on man?" asked Nick a little groggy. He had managed to fall asleep briefly although he had no doubt it was from the Bacardi. No way could he have slept with the feelings of pain, hurt and anxity from not knowing about Jonathan coursing through him. Now maybe he would get some answers. "I talked to Danny via IM" started Chris. "Yeah and?" said Nick more harshly then he had intended. He realized just how close to losing it he really was. Part of him was there and it was like part of him was outside his body watching his every move. Chris sighed. He walked over to one of the chairs and sat in it as if carrying the weight of the world. "Danny didn't have a whole lot of time. According to him they had left the hotel earlier this morning. Jonathan had stayed an extra night in Boston. Something about lobster or clams or something. This brought a brief smile to Nick's face as he remembered Jonathan talking about Legal Seafood. They were leaving the hotel to go someplace Jon knew for breakfast. Some little deli in Kenmore Square called the Deli Haus. As they left the T station in Kenmore Square, some asshole jumped out 15 feet front of them and yelled something at Jonathan and fired. The first bullet struck Jonathan. Jason jumped in front of Jonathan pulling him down to the ground and took two more bullets meant for Jonathan. Danny and Shawn brought the gunman down with a couple of single shots." "What about Jon dammit!" yelled Nick, finally losing any sembleance of control. Danny paused briefly, as if debating with himself how much to tell Nick. Finally he spoke. "He was shot in the upper left chest" said Chris. "Danny doesn't know how bad it is yet, other then the fact there was a lot of blood. He was concious going into the emergency room. All he kept saying was to make sure you were safe. They have been working on Jonathan for about 3 hours now. The doctors won't say anything yet. Danny is also a little busy convincing the hosptial security that 4 armed guys are not leaving the emergency room and that anyone who goes into the trauma room has to go through them first." "Oh man, I can't deal with this" said Nick, slowly sinking to his knees on the floor. Paul walked over to Nick and sat down beside him, holding him. Nick wrapped his arms around his shoulders and began to cry. Chris wanted to say more, but knew that there was nothing else he could say. Silently he left the room. Nick continued to cry and shake in Paul's arms for a long while until he finally quieted down and became limp in Paul's arms. Paul continued to hold him not saying a word, holding and supporting him. Finally Nick moved a little and Paul let him go, watching him go into the bedroom and bathroom. Nick emerged about 10 minutes later, looking a little worse for wear, but more calm and composed. "Thanks man"said Nick quietly. "Guess you really must think I'm a queer little faggot boy now. Can't even manage not to cry at bad news." "Not really" said Paul. "Little maybe." This got him a well deserved scowl. "I've known you were in to guys at least in someway for a while. I could never think of you as a limp wristed pouf" "You've known?" Nick looked over, shock in his face. "Yeah. for a while"said Paul, "I was looking for a sweatshirt in your closet at your house last year and found a magzine with guys dickin each other in it." "Oh man, how come you never said anything" asked Nick. "I just figured you were bisexual or something, maybe thinking about a guy." said Paul. "I think every dude gay, straight or whatever checks other dudes in the shower or something out to see how they stack up. I've even done it." "Yeah I guess" said Nick. "I knew I was into dudes, but never had the balls to try anything. Maybe it was a way of denying myself that I was gay. It all changed when I met Jonathan. He was like no one else I had met. I knew some gay dudes, but couldn't even think about doin anything with them." "Its kewl dude, relax" said Paul, sitting down next to Nick on the couch "Its who you are, not what you are or what you are doing. We've been friends for too many fucking years to have anything tear us apart." Nick smiled and reached over to hug Paul again. Then Paul did something that Nick wasn't expecting. As Nick reached over, Paul stopped him, looked him in the eye and planted a kiss square on the surprised lips of Nick. Pulling back he looked at Nick. "That proves I love you and care about you as a friend, and it's the first and last time you get kissed by me. I'll deny it if you tell anyone, but I hope you realize I don't care or I am worried if you are gay" said Paul. "Just don't plan on gettin any of my ass" The two broke up laughing. It was exactly what Nick had needed. Paul walked over to the bar and looked around for some soda or something. Not finding any he looked over at Nick who had managed to at least get up on his own and sit in the chair. "Hey, is all you got on this plane booze?" asked Paul, a smirk on his face. "I mean under other circumstances we could be having a hell of a party here dude, but I don't think either of us need anymore beer or shit". Nick got up and walked to the phone on the bar. Picking it up he punched four on the phone. Almost instantly the phone was picked up in the galley. It was as if everyone on the plane was on pins and needles waiting to find out what was going on. "Yes sir" asked the steward. "How can I help you?" "Can we get some soda and coffee up here in the foward lounge?" asked Nick. "Of course sir" replied the steward. "Do you require any sort of food?" Nick wondered if Jonathan only hired people with Brittish accents. "Do you have any Doritos?" he asked. "Yes of course. Jonathan said you were quite fond of them. There happens to be a case down here" said the steward. "Nacho, Ranch, or Salsa Verde?" "Surprise me" said Nick. "I am not up to decisions here at the moment" "Very good sir" said the steward, "We'll be along directly." Nick put down the phone and walked back to the sofa. Paul walked over and sat next to his best friend. He noted that Nick seemed to be calming down to some measure of stability, but still a little shaky. "So, dude" started Paul, not too sure how much to bring up. "Tell me something about this dude who has swept you off your feet and into this flying palace" " I don't know what to say man" said Nick. "Jonathan is not what I first thought he was. He had never mentioned the whole first year we talked and chatted that he was worth this ungodly amount of money. Hell, when he flew out to meet me for the first time a couple of weeks ago, he flew commercial." "Wow" said Paul. "If I had this thing I'd fly everywhere in it" Before Nick could continue, there was a knock on the door and the chief steward walked in with a rolling cart. On the cart was a silver bowl. Looking into it Nick saw that he had combined all three doritos. He smiled. "Thanks." said Nick."Uhm.. I hate to sound like a fool but I don't even know your name" "You are entirely welcome sir" said the steward. "The name is Kevin sir" "Please don't call me sir" said Nick, cringing. "It makes me feel old. I don't think you are that much older then me man" "Ok, I'll try" said Kevin. "You know, Jonathan hates it too when I call him sir. Keeps threatening to fire me if I don't stop, but it was the way I was trained." "How old are you anyway?" asked Nick. "26" said Kevin. "Jonathan showed up one day at the school where I was going to in London. He hired six of us before we had graduated. Paid for the last year of our schooling and brought us on board his company. Never regretted it for a minute" "Kewl" said Nick. He tried to reach for the carafe of soda, but Kevin beat him to it, lifting it up and at the same time reaching down ot hte lower level of the cart and pulling out two crystal glasses out. He poured the soda and handed a glass to each of the guys. "I hate to be forward" said Kevin." Have you heard anything about Jonathan yet? All we know is that he was shot and we rolled out of Denver on incredibly fast notice. Barely got the galley locked down before we flew" "Not really Kevin" said Nick, muching on Doritos. Hell of a breakfast he thought. "Chris said they were sill in the emergency room as of about a half hour ago." Kevin nodded and turned to walk out the door, closing it softly. Chapter Four: Nick and Paul were talking about basically nothing and eating when the intercom chimed softly. "This is the flight deck" began the voice. Nick recognized it as that of the flight engineer."We are 10 minutes out. We have clearance for a direct landing. We should be locking down in general aviation within 10 minutes after landing. On the bright side, Boston is a lot friendlier towards this plane then Denver is." Nick could feel the plane start its descent. He got up and started to pace around the room. "I thought you were supposed to be sitting down with your seatbacks and trays in the full upright position" asked Paul with a smile. "Hell dude" said Nick, "I was in bed getting my ass fucked one time when it landed. This plane is as gentle as a baby coming in" " I really don't need the visuals of a cock going in and out of your ass" said Paul grimicing. "You should try it" said Nick, looking out the window seeing the Boston harbour again. "Who are you kidding?" said Paul. "Just cuz I don't mind you being gay and I kissed you doesn't mean you can stick that cock of yours in me" "Just kidding man" said Nick with a smile. The plane cleared the runway and set down. As it began to slow and turn off the runway for the taxiways, Chris came into the lounge. He tossed a down jacket at Nick. "OK, When we stop here is the drill. This isn't exactly an easy plane to hide. If someone wants to know you are coming, it's a pretty safe bet, they know" said Chris. "We are going to do this by the numbers." "OK OK" said Nick. "Just get me into the city and the hospital." "Micheal and I will be with you close in" said Chris. "You will also have two other guys with you. Paul has to stay here at least for now. That is not negotiable. I want to make sure you get into the hospital with no one around you but us. I can send for him later." Chris shot a look over at Paul. "You understand that man? You don't leave this plane. I got a whole bunch of guys here who are going to be watching the plane. You will be safe here." "Why should I not feel safe man?" asked Paul. "Nobody knows me here or cares who I am. They aren't after me" "Think about it for a minute" said Chris looking out the window as the plane stopped, then cursing under his breath, forgetting that the plane windows were 40 feet up over the tarmac. "You are a friend of Nick's. Someone might use Nick to get to Jonathan. If they want to do that, they would pull your ass in a New York minute and get rid of you like garbage when they were finished." Paul turned a few shades of green underneath his snow tan. The realities of what was going on sunk into his head. "No sweat man. You are in charge." Chris turned back to Nick."You ready?" Nick was already halfway to the front doors. "Fuck yes man. Let's get moving." Chris walked over to the doors where Micheal was standing. He looked out the door portal and saw three people he knew as other agents. Opening the door they nodded that it was all clear. Together the five of them surrounded Nick in a diamond patten. They went down the stairs and into a waiting limo. As Nick looked back he could see 10 guys surrounding the plane, all with weapons out. He felt sorry for the first person who tried to get near the plane. As the car sped into the city, Nick started to wonder about things. What would happen if Jonathan died? He didn't think he could go on without him, but knew that even if he did, he couldn't go home. Bleak and black thoughts filled his mind. He was lost in thoughts and wasn't even aware that they had arrived in the hospital. The limo stopped and Nick started to get out but was stopped by Chris. "Hold on dude" said Chris. "This thing is armored. Another 30 seconds isn't gonna make or break shit. You stay here for a minute." Chris got out and surveyed the area. It looked OK. He saw Danny coming out of the emergency room entrance. He and Danny talked for a minute before looking back at the limo. Danny had a look on his face that was part tired and part angry. He walked over and opened the door for the other guys to get out. They formed a semi circle around the limo door, all with guns out. Danny motioned for Nick to get out. "How's Jonathan?" asked Nick as he was surrounded by the 6 people and walked into the emergency room waiting room area. It was obvious that Danny had been scowling and pacing the waiting room as most of the people were all on one side of the room. "We don't know" said Danny. "They are in trauma room working on him still. All I know is that I have pissed off half the administration in this hospital and they can kiss my ass for it, but he is safe here and that is all that matters. I got 3 guys outside the room and 1 inside the room. Brandon is around here somewhere trying to line up hotel rooms. The only thing I do know is that Jason-the agent who threw Jonathan to the ground and took two bullets died 30 mintues ago." Nick felt emotions he had never known before and didn't know how to react to them. Here was Danny telling him that someone had died saving Jonathan's life. Someone gave up his life to protect the person he loved. He was filled with silence and emptiness, not knowing what to say. As they stood standing in the waiting room, A doctor came out of the emergency room. He was tailed by one of the bodyguards. He looked and saw the cluster of people with guns and figured this had to be the people he had to talk to. Inside the cluster of people with guns he saw a young man, a look of concern on his face. Nick pushed thru the crowd of bodyguards to approach the doctor. "Are you the one working on Jonathan" he asked. "Yes I am." the doctor replied. "I am Dr. Silverman." "What's going on? He is all right? Can I see him?" asked Nick, the questions pouring out of him. "No, not yet, you can't see him."said Dr. Silverman. "In fact, I need to talk to you alone" "No way Doc" said Danny. "He goes nowhere alone. One of us at least goes with you, if not two." "Come this way" said the doctor going towards an office door. "See here? It is a closed office. You can wait outside the door, but what I have to say is to him only." Danny checked the office and decided it would be all right. "Don't be too long" Nick and the doctor went into the room and closed the door. Immediately all 6 security agents surrounded the door, like a pride of lions defending their young. "What's going on Doc?" said Nick, sitting in the chair the doctor pointed to. "Why can't I see him? What's wrong?" "I don't know how to tell you this son" began the doctor, gently. "Its not good news, either for Mr. Castleton... or you" Nick could feel his world start to crumble.