Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 22:51:46 CDT From: rob joliet Subject: Rob's Adventures Chapter 11 This story contains sex between preteen and adult male if you are under the age of 18 or your country or state does not allow this sort of literature to be read please leave now if you are offended by sex between a preteen and a man again please leave now if not enjoy the story and if you like send me an e mail and let me know what you think of it And remember these characters are purely fictional. If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to e-mail me at If you read this story please e-mail me and lt me know what you think: From Last Chapter: We reached the back of the coop and he told me to take hold of the fence and not to let go for any reason or I would get it worse. He gave me ten lashes across the butt and thighs. I was screaming when he finished, begging for mercy. There would be no mercy. -She- would always be right and I would always be wrong. We came out from behind the coop and I saw Matt at the trunk of his car. "Matt take him inside," Dad said. "I told Matt not to come out here. He acted like I was not even here," -she- said Dad just looked at her "Why don't you shut the fuck up?" he told her. "I make them respect you. Matt works for me. He is not one of the children and he will not ever listen to you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" he shouted at her. Matt took me into the bathroom for a quick shower and looked over my welts. Then off to bed we went. I still had no idea where Ollie was, but he was not at home. Matt and I slept together, and he promised to help me to control my mouth. ______________________________________________________ Chapter Eleven: The next morning we awakened late. I quickly woke Matt and said, "How could he place her above his own children? I think I will hate him forever." " Rob, you are going to have to learn that there are things in life that are not gonna be fair. This is just one of them. Your father chose this woman to be his wife and there's nothing you can do about. So I tell you to get over it," Matt said. I got up and proceeded to get dressed. Matt just lay in the bed staring off into space. Then I spotted the clock and it read 7:25 a.m. This was not a good thing. I knew it was later than usual, but I had not figured it was this late. "Matt, get up! We are very late and if we don't get the chores done, then I will not be allowed to go to school and I will have to work all day at home," I said. Matt jumped out of the bed and was getting dressed like the hounds of hell were on his tail. Within minutes we were on our way down the stairs and in the kitchen headed for the front door. -She- was sitting at the table. "You two will have to do all the chores this morning, because Ollie is visiting with friends and will go to school form there. I suggest the two of you get started, because you are late and you know the rules, Rob," -she- said. I was at the door, and when she finished I was out the door and off in the direction of the water hose. I knew that Matt would feed and that he would be fast about it. I was watering the hogs and I ran and fed the chickens. When I came running out of the chicken coop, there -she- was. It is like she wanted me to fail. I was never able to do right according to her, and I am just sick of it. Matt came around the corner and damn near knocked her down. "Excuse me, ma'am" he said. It took all I could muster not to laugh out loud right then and there. I would of loved to see him knock her on her ass and it be an accident. Matt had moved the water hose to the steer pen. He was getting feed for the hog lot and the chores were about finished. "Rob, you go on now. I will finish the chores while you get ready for school and make you some lunch," Matt said. "Where is the boss?" Matt asked, and -she- was pissed when he did. "He had to leave here early," she said. "Did he leave me a work assignment?" Matt asked. "You are to work for me today," she said. "Ma'am, did he leave me an assignment sheet for today?" Matt asked again. "No, he didn't," -she- stated rudely. "Then I will be working at the drainage ditch if he should come home and look for me, ma'am," Matt said. "I don't believe you heard me right young man. I told you that you are to work for me today," -she- said. "I don't believe you, ma'am, and I will not be working for you today, and if the boss gets mad, then he will get mad," Matt said. "My husband will fire you for your disrespect of me, young man," -she- said. "I don't think so, ma'am. I think you are a liar and that you can't handle it when anyone has the guts to stand up to you. You are an abusive woman who get here jollies off hurting Rob, and his dad has gone along with it. Well, I have not and neither has my father, and he has known your husband for many years. I strongly suggest that you not think you will take him and win, Ma'am,". Matt said. I ran out the front door with my lunch and school books in hand. I had not even opened the books the whole weekend. I never did homework, because I did not care about school. School is a place to go to get away from the farm. I headed off down the road about two minutes behind my sister Darlene. She never missed school, because it meant having to work all day in the house, and -she- would supervise. There is no way Darlene would go through that, not ever. The bus stop was located at Route 53 and Vernon Drive in Godley. We had to walk about two city blocks to get there, and I caught up to Darlene just before the bus stop. "What do you want, vermin?" she asked me. "Nothing," I said. "You better watch out. That boy is going to stick it in your butt," she said. "What? Who?" I asked. She gave me one of those looks that told me I was supposed to know, and that I did. I really didn't, and finally she said, "That guy Matt is going to stick it in your butt." "Darlene, what are you talking about?" I asked. She stopped right there in the middle of the road and grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to her. "You know what Harry did to you? Well, if you aren't careful, Matt will do it to you." I was very surprised by the way she talked to me. She was always the prim and proper one of the family. She was really worried for me, and I could not tell her that we were already doing it and that I liked it. It was not like when Harry did it to me. He hurt me. The day at school was uneventful as usual. I felt like a non- person, and the whole class helped me to feel that way. The teacher even treats me like I am nothing. I have trouble understanding why I am so disliked by everyone. I spend so much time crying, because no one loves me. But now I have Matt, and I plan to hold on to him for as long as I can. I know that he loves me, and I love him. Finally the school day was officially at an end, and now we waited for the bus to take the Godley kids home. Spring time is the time when the flowers grow and bloom, and the planting season begins. Being farmers, this was a hard- working time of the year. There would be no time for trips for me to the city. We only have a small farm, but Dad offers our help to all the growers in the community. We will not have a minute's rest from now till the end of May. The trip home on the bus was uneventful, since it is just the Godley kids on the bus. I got off the bus in town so I would be able to see if Matt was working at the ditch. We were allowed to use either the Route 53 stop or the School Street and Main Street stop. I was walking up Main Street, and I could see my dad's car parked at the ditch, so I knew that Matt was working there. I was glad that I got off the bus in town. When Dad saw me, he said, "You get up to the house and get out of those school clothes." I ran off in the direction of the house. I knew he was right. I would be punished for being out there in my school clothes, and I knew it. I am always doing stuff I know I will be punished for. When I rounded the corner to the house I saw Ollie. He hadn't gone to school that day, and he was not working. This was really not fair, I thought. "I didn't go to school today. Ha, ha, ha," Ollie said. Then Dad's car started up the drive. "What do you think Dad will say when I tell him you didn't go to school?" I asked. "Mom said I didn't have to go. He won't say anything and you know it," he said. He was right. -She- would always be right in his mind, and I knew it. I just wished he would see her for what -she- really is. But there is little chance of that. He will always make us call her "Mom," but I'll never see her as mom. "Rob, get in here," Dad called out the front door. I ran for the door, knowing I was in some kind of trouble. Maybe it is because I still hadn't changed my clothes and I'd been told to. So what ever happened, I deserved it. I got in the door and waited. "You will get the chores done, and then you and Matt are going to move into the apartment above the garage," Dad said. "No, that is for when my sons come for a visit," she said. "Rob, go and change and get to the chores. Matt will be here in a minute, and then you two are to move into the apartment," Dad said. I took off up the stairs. I won't have to share a room with Ollie, and I will be in a place with Matt. I hope -she- doesn't get her way. I quickly changed and hung up my clothes. Dad come up to the room and sat down on the bed. "I have to be hard on you, because I made a promise that she will have a free hand in raising you kids and that you are required to call her Mom, and you will call her Mom. I am giving you and Matt the apartment. You will still eat here, and I know you will have food up there, too. Rob, I love you; you are my son. But the day is coming when you children will move away. Then all I will have is your mom. I am telling you this so maybe you can understand why I am so hard on you and will continue to be in the future." "Yes dad, I understand, but it still doesn't make it easy to call someone who hates me `Mom,'" I said. "You will only see her at meals and to pick up your laundry. I doubt there will be much of a problem between the two of you anymore," Dad said. Dad started for the stairs and commented that I'd been keeping my clothes picked up since Matt got here. I just smiled, and he went down stairs. I was just seconds behind him. When I got out the front door, Matt was pulling up in the yard. I went on out to the feed shed and got the feed for the chickens. Matt walked in just as I was walking out. "Did your dad talk to you?" he asked. I smiled and walked on to the chicken coop. Matt went on and got the feed for the hog lot, and Ollie was doing the watering. The chores were done in record time, and Dad came out of the house just as we were finishing. He had the key for the apartment, and we all went up to have a look at it. "Who is moving in the apartment?" Ollie asked. "Your brother and Matt," Dad said. "No fair. I want to move there, too" Ollie said. "You will have your own room, in the house now," Dad said. The apartment opened into the kitchen. There was a stove and a refrigerator, a few cabinets, and counter space. The kitchen was not very big. The next room was the living room. There was a blue sofa bed and a yellow chair and a small television sitting on an end table. There was an ugly brown rug covering the floor and red curtains over the double windows. This is how -she- decorated. The bathroom had a sink and a toilet and a shower stall. All the fixtures were green. I love green. There was a door to the bedroom from the bathroom. The bedroom had a large bed and a dresser and a closet. In my mind I saw it as "Our Love Nest." "You two come inside the house and start moving your things out here," Dad said. Dad went back to the house while Matt and I wiped down the apartment before we would move out clothes and junk in. The bedding was clean, because -she- kept the apartment ready for when one of her sons came for a visit. This must be driving her crazy, and I love it. Just as we were finishing wiping the place down, Dad came out with a arm load of hang-up clothes. He laid them on the bed and set out to get more. He and Matt headed to the house while I hung up the things Dad brought out. Just as I finished hanging up the clothes and started for the kitchen, -she- appeared at the door with a box of dishes and cooking utensils. "Here, you boy, will be needing these things," -she- said. I was taken totally by surprise by here attitude. I also know that it will not last. -She- is only being nice because there must be something -she- wants, and I will never give in to her, so I hope -she- never asks. Dad and Matt arrived with two big arm loads of hang-up clothes. "Rob, are you going to hang all this up for us?" Matt asked? I went into the bedroom, and all the clothes were lying on the bed, and Matt and Dad were on there way out going for more stuff. I was busy hanging up the clothes when -she- came in the bedroom. "What are you doing with Matt?" -she- asked" "Nothing," I said. "Do you think I was born yesterday? I know there is something going on, and I will get to the bottom of this, I assure you," -she- said. "Like you did when Harry was messing with me. You called me a liar. Harry was telling the truth because he is your son." I said. Then Matt and Dad returned to the apartment. I went to the living room where they were setting boxes down. "Dad, -she wants to know what is going on between me and Matt, and when I said nothing, -she- told me -she- would get to the bottom of this, I could be sure. I wonder if it will be like the time Harry was messing with me, and -she- called me a liar," I said. Matt had a look on his face like I had just slapped his face. I never told him who it was that had been messing with me. -She- stormed out of the apartment. I hoped that she would never be back. "Harry messed with you?" Matt asked. While looking at Dad, who said nothing and then left the apartment, hanging his head. "Yes, he did. I never would of told you who it was," I said. "You mean that is where the box of stuff came from at that old barn--the stuff I used on you that time?" Matt asked. "Yes, and now I have turned that bad memory into something good with you," I said. Then Darlene came up and walked in without knocking. I just looked at her, and she smiled. "This is a nice place you have." Matt went down stairs, and Darlene looked at me. "He already did it, didn't he?" she asked. "What?" I said. "You are such a bad liar, Rob" she said. I just looked at her and didn't say a word. Then she turned and left. As she started out the door, she said, "I am jealous. I wish he had wanted me. Then I would be living here instead of you." As she walked away, I felt sorry for her, knowing that she was loved only by Dad and only when he had the time and when - she- was not in his eye. I called to her, and as she turned, I ran to her and hugged her and told her that I loved her. After all she is my older sister. It would not be long, and Gina would leave home, and then it would be just the four of us children. Then Matt came up and announced, "Your dad is taking everyone out for dinner to the Oasis." Darlene and I cheered. "Matt, can we take your car and my brother and sisters ride with us?" I asked. Matt looked at Darlene and then back at me. "Sure, if it is ok with your dad," Matt said. Darlene ran to ask permission, and Dad said yes. So we piled into Matt's car and were off to the Oasis. We all joked and played around in the car, something we were never allowed to do in Dad's car. We arrived at the Oasis just behind Dad. We were still playing around. We threw open the car doors and jumped out, laughing and playing. "You kids better settle down," -she- said. "They are fine; just having some fun," Matt said. -She- gave him a dirty look, and we all went into the Oasis Drive-In. We got to order whatever we wanted. We all had hamburgers and fries and a shake. Then we got an ice cream cone for dessert. Afterwards, we loaded into Matt's car and were off in the direction of home. Matt stopped at Hickory Creek to buy some groceries for the apartment. While he was in the store, Darlene. Ollie, and I finally got a chance to talk without being under the watchful eyes and ears -she- has all over the farm. We arrived at the house, and Matt and I went to our apartment. (That has a nice sound to it: "Our Apartment."). We put away the groceries. They were mostly breakfast food and chips and candy. Matt knows how I love candy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door (Matt had locked the door when we got inside). He answered the door and -she- was there with towels and soap and dish towels, etc. -She- did not ask to come in and left as soon as she gave the things to Matt. I was kind of surprised at that. "Do you want to get your journal and your toys form your special place?" Matt asked. "Yes, I do, but they have a key to the door. They might come in and read it," I said. "We can put it in my locked box," Mat said. With that Matt and I went off to the special place and gathered up my things and took them home .By the time we got back to the apartment, it was getting dark, and Matt and I went inside to get ready for bed and a night of love making. At least that is what I hoped. Matt helped me to do my homework. I had never done homework before, and I knew the teacher would be surprised. When we finished with the homework, I was told to take a shower and get ready for bed and that I was not to wear any clothes to bed. I headed for the bathroom. Matt was closing the drapes. I showered and came out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. "You will not cover yourself when we are in the apartment for the night, Rob. I want to be able to look at your nakedness any time I want," Matt said. I took the towel and handed it to him, and he went in to take a shower. He didn't close the door. I turned on the television and started to watch Little House on the Prairie. Matt finished his shower and come out of the bathroom and went over and shut off the television. "Come with me," he said, and went into the bathroom and from there into the bedroom. I was right behind him. He stopped and turned around and took me into his arms and began to hug and then kiss me. "This is our place, and here you are for me, Rob," he said. "I love you, Matt, and I will do anything for you," I said. Matt began kissing me again. Then he pushed his tongue at my mouth, and I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. He swabbed his tongue all around in my mouth. Then he slowly picked me up and laid me on the bed. And he crawled on top of me. Matt started kissing my neck and then my chest and nipples. He worked his way down my body to my dick and balls. He licked them and took them into his mouth. Then he moved his body around into a sixty-nine position. I took his dick into my mouth and he began to face fuck me. I love the feeling of his nuts slapping my chin. He sucked and rimmed me and rimmed me and sucked me. Finally, I shot my jizz into his mouth, and he swallowed it all. "Rob, I love you," Matt said. Matt rolled me onto my stomach and took some lube and put lube inside my butt hole and then on his dick. I wanted him to fuck me, and I wanted to belong to him. He slowly entered me and went all the way in without stopping. I moaned and groaned, then begged him to go in deeper. "Please, Matt, I need you in me more. I love it. I love you, and I want to make you happy, Matt," I said. He began to fuck me very hard, began to go into me harder and harder, and I liked it. I wanted him to do it hard and begged him to. Then all at once he began to groan and moan, and he pushed into me very hard. Then I felt his seed spill into me, and I wanted it to be in my mouth. I love the taste of Matt's seed. TO BE CONTINUED: ______________________________________________________ send your comments to