Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 12:00:08 +0200 (CEST) From: MICHAEL SOROS Subject: Breda's Little Helper Part 9 The morning after the uneventful night before. Disclaimer: This story is the fruit of my imagination. It never happened. The characters never existed and the town will be found on no map. "So I'll take the lad up to the farm so, if that's ok with you Ms McGovern" said Brendan, taking the photography magazine from Breda rather sheepishly. "It won't do him any harm being exposed to a broader world than the one he's known up to now" he continued, hoping for a response fairly quickly. "No indeed" replied Breda not taking her eyes off the racing pages of her favourite newspaper which exposed scandals one day and lined birds' cages the next - at least serving some useful function. She was an avid gambler, horse racing being her favourite means of hoping to make that big win to secure her pension. She rarely ever won her money back. Simply waving a pen around in a circle and slamming it down onto the page saying in hallowed tones 'Mother of God send me a winner' was never going to be a successful strategy. The Mother of the Almighty was as bad as Breda at picking winners. "Well Brendan, no doubt he'll be exposed to a much broader world up there on the farm than he will be behind the counter here" she responded. He wasn't sure how to take that. He didn't say anything. Even the clock could be heard ticking softly in the background. "Bring him back by 3 to work the afternoon shift. And don't expose him to anything too frightening up there. I don't want my staff exhausted before they've even started to work. If they're going to be worn out that's my duty!" Brendan turned on his heels rather abruptly. He felt like he was on trial for stealing ice cream from the fridge. He could feel her eyes piercing his back. When he closed the door he looked through the window and saw her looking back at him. He waved rather weakly. She didn't respond. Out in the courtyard however all was sunshine and the strongest beam of light was of course from the boy in the plastic chair. He hadn't looked round when the bell went on the door but remained in deep concentration on his comic convinced he'd seen a bulge on Batman where it shouldn't have been and it was worthy of closer inspection. Brendan walking directly to his car, stood at the door and called over. "Redser! Come on! We've to be back at 3 or you're out of a job and I'm out of luck." The boy rolled up his comic and raced over to the passenger door. He was familiar with it from last night's performance - or lack of it - and hoped he was in for better luck this time. He was scrubbed up this morning. His mother went to bed as the birds were getting up so she wouldn't be up for all hours. He wouldn't be missed. He didn't hear any giggling or headboards banging against the bedroom wall last night so he suspected she'd been as unlucky in love as he had been. People with consciences could be real nuisances. Paddy settled into the large seat and, once again, stretched himself and opened his legs as wide as he could. These were the pre Health and Safety days before seatbelts were compulsory and it was believed a small statue of Jesus on the dashboard of the car supplied ample insurance against injury. Unless you crashed that is. Then it was just God's will that you ended up in a wooden overcoat. On the positive side it left a lot more room for fun and frolics. It was daytime now of course. All could be seen. Starting the engine the man placed a hand on Paddy's smooth thigh and was moving up to the crotch when he heard the shop door open. He quickly removed it and went into reverse. He felt he'd been caught for the second time this morning with his hand in the sweet jar - which he had in a way really. On the road up to the farm Brendan put his hand straight back on Paddy's crotch where it was obviously wanted judging by hard stick he was able to feel. "I'm going to show you round the farm and maybe you can do a few jobs for me. I'll slip you some money. It'll keep you busy. Breda said it was fine. Mornings are slack for her anyway. Also" he said, lowering his eyes somewhat and looking at that fine smooth skin on the boy's thigh "there are some jobs that only you can do for me. Have you ever had your photo taken sweetheart?" To the best of his recollection - and that was poor at the best of times - he couldn't really remember any sort of formal photographs and not too many informal ones either. He was looking forward to being the object of the man's camera but thought that he may not be dressed in the right clothes for it. He was only in a cheap ill-fitting tee shirt and tight little shorts which invited all to gaze down at his bulge. Brendan on the other hand thought the boy was over dressed for the poses he was anticipating. Brendan had taken an interest in photography at school where he was a leading light in the photography club. Even as a 14 year old boy himself he saw the potential of securing the permanent images of some of his fellow schoolmates for private viewing. Also, if it meant he had a legitimate reason for attending sports events it was worth the effort. His family had the resources to supply him with developing chemicals - a rarity at the time. His father believed it to be character building, 'get the lad out and about, mix with other boys' and his mother felt it wasn't as dangerous as actively hitting the ball and would keep him in her sight. Paddy had never been on a farm before - his experiences being confined to old black and white films of Indians being hacked to death on the television or if he was lucky, a nice cowboy film with lots of men getting off and on horses or washing in the river. He was presently glued to old re-runs of Bonanza - largely oblivious to the plot but following the smiling blue eyes of the actors and watching them get off and on horses too. That was one of the problems with Batman - that damned cloak always got in the way of the interesting bits. The scene in front of him now bore little reality to the cardboard sets of Hollywood. The smell was pretty strong for a start. In front of him was the farmyard where the cattle were gathered to be brought in for milking in the parlour to the left. Immediately in front were a series of stables on two floors and to the right some more outbuildings - a barn possibly. Following Brendan, Little Paddy McGinty entered the barn and exited the other side. In front he was startled by a completely contrasting scene. A very neat, brightly painted three story farmhouse with a wide well-tended garden. It looked like a film set for the boy. He had never seen such a large house. How many people lived in there? Paddy looked round and bumped into Brendan's backside as he stopped abruptly. As far as his pale blue eyes could see were soft undulating fields divided by hedgerows. He suddenly felt very underdressed and possibly out of place too. He had no erection now. The front door opened and a tall rather distinguished woman stood stiffly in its frame. "Hello Brendan. You've brought your friend I see." Paddy assumed it was his grandmother because she looked ancient. How did they live so long? She certainly looked as old as Breda and she had come off the Ark. As they approached the front door Brendan grabbed the lady's hand and kissed her gently on the cheek. "Hi Mam. Sorry I missed you this morning. Errands." he said holding his magazines in the air. She ignored him and looked directly at the young man. "He's as you described him anyway. You wouldn't lose him in the dark." she said to him with a broad smile. He had never realised that old people laughed as well. He'd had quite a few 'friends' visiting over the years so she'd become accustomed, but this one seemed not the usual type. A bit young really. "Quite underdressed for farm work dear, isn't he?" she said holding her hand out to Paddy but looking at Brendan. "He's one of the McGinty's in the town". The hand was immediately withdrawn and put into her cardigan pocket in case he tried to kiss it. McGinty's! Enough said. She knew the family by reputation only and had never hired any of them when the seasonal need arose. You'd have to nail the cows to the ground to stop them walking off with one. The boy however looked like none of them. And where did that hair come from? Must be quite a disadvantage if you're in the burglary game. Talk about instantly spotted. "He's working for Breda McGovern over the summer. Thought I'd show him round the farm. He's to be back by 3." 'Poor lad! ' she said out loud without knowing. "I knew her when she was a girl laddie. She's never changed. Better watch your neck. I've had a few domestics who started with her and left as quickly as they could. Don't plan on making a career of it." Paddy was a bit surprised. He liked his position at the petrol pump. He had free food. Not much of it but regular. A job behind the bar and surrounded by men all day. Couldn't ask for a better position than that. And he had as many super hero comics as he could read. All out of date but still worth ogling. He didn't say anything as the woman was obviously a lady too and he didn't know how to address a lady. Best to say nothing. "I promised to take some formal photos for his mother and then drop him back to the shop by three. We'll play it by ear and take lunch in the studio." Brendan said. "I'll get him to do some soft jobs around the place. He seems willing." This was said while he was putting his arm on Paddy's shoulder and directing him in the direction of the outhouses. As they walked he heard the front door close with a loud click. They walked silently up to the door of the large two story building which had many uses over time. The ground floor served as the farm manager's office with the upper floor entirely at Brendan's disposal. The two of them went up the stone steps with Brendan behind admiring the view and starting his erection. Actually, as soon as he entered the building he started to get hard with the association of place and sexual pleasure. As the boy lifted his leg going up the steps the man could see the elastic of the little white briefs underneath. He was glad they were the white ones for the photos. The room was the length of the building with smaller rooms to the side. One contained the dark room and the other served as a store room for his costumes and other paraphernalia gathered over 25 years of taking photographs. He had the only key to the room - or at least he thought he did - having had the lock changed years ago 'for security purposes'. He never did learn that his mother had some strange locksmith make a duplicate years ago. She always knew that her son was 'special' but didn't care as long as he was around. It was Breda who had given her the locksmith's phone number 'in case of a fire.' The dark room contained boxes and boxes of photos of men and teenagers that had taken his fancy. Some of the young men he just pitied. They were going abroad and wanted to leave their girl a reminder of what she was missing. Alternatively many of the men who came to him wanted a set of photos to send abroad to a sister or former girlfriend. Brendan's photographs had ended up in England, Australia and the US. He had also taken sets of photos of men whose girlfriends - if they existed at all - were a lot more broadminded than the run of the mill girls he knew in the town. They wanted to have their cocks exposed in various uniforms, some just naked. They gave him what they could afford - more a contribution really. He managed to get more than money out of quite a few of them. But he never pushed them. The younger teens were a lot more compliant and over awed by the studio set up and the costumes available to them. But the deal with them was always the same; one set for public showing, one set of his private viewing. Most of the teenagers were long gone from the district and those who stayed were fathers of teenagers themselves now. He used to gather unclaimed uniforms from the old pawn shop in the town from young Michael McGovern who retired last year at age 83. He retired in a wooden box actually and the pawn shop sold but he had fond memories of bargaining Breda's cousin down from his ridiculous prices. Who was wearing sailor suits these days? Boy's military uniforms had gone out with brylcream. He still had them stored in the other room. Four walls full. Locking the door behind him, the man walked the boy to the end of the room pointing him in the direction of the back wall where the various backdrops hung on the wall. Without leaving the confines of the room his models could be photographed on a tank, the Great Wall of China and in a tropical garden to name but a few. The boy had stopped sharply. Surprising Brendan he turned and looked at the man. He looked into that lovely freckled face and felt desire like he hadn't felt in years. Desire like he'd never had for anyone of this age. Ever. Why did he want him so? What was special about him? Apart from the obvious of course. His eyes left the boy's face and went to his second favourite place - the throbbing mound in the boy's crotch. It was hard. It was bulging outwardly and would appear to be distressing the lad. Without speaking Paddy lowered his shorts to the ground and took them off where he stood up. It looked really appealing. His own fair sized member was standing up in solidarity too. "That's more comfortable" said Paddy, flicking the football shorts onto the floor with his foot. Without thinking he stretched the front of his little undies and popped his hard penis back in. pulling them up tight. What a sight! The briefs were strictly too small for the boy's bottom and cock so any movement was going to result in his bum being exposed or his cock falling out. If it worried him it didn't show on his face. Having a mother like his tended to do away with any undue sense of personal space or modesty. Seeing your mother at the sink in her underwear washing the crotch of her tights doesn't tend to give a sense of romance. Brendan was a bit struck at the sight in front of him and wasn't exactly sure how to approach things. Should he begin with the photographs? But he'd been waiting what seemed like an age to get his hands on the teenager even though it had only been a few days. He reached out and turned the boy around so he could get a good look at that fantastic little arse. Paddy turned without resistance, hitching up his briefs at the same time. Instinctively he knew what the man wanted to see. He parted his stocky legs and put his hands on his head raising the tee shirt half way up his tummy. The bikini briefs only covered half his round bottom. The boy liked the way the elastic pressed against his flesh, pressed against the nerves running down the centre of those two smooth pink globes. He didn't know he had nerves running down his bum of course. He'd been otherwise engaged the day they did biology at his school so it had passed him by. It was one lesson he could have profited from. The soft elastic pressing into the meat of his fleshy bottom stimulated those two nerves and kept him hard and horny. Brendan was also hard and horny looking at the sight. He approached the teenager and ran his two index fingers from side to side over the part of the boy's bum that was showing above the briefs. It was surprisingly firm. But warm. He could smell nothing particular from the boy's body - neither soap nor sweat. Just nothing, but his hair had obviously been washed. He liked what was on view. With some effort he pushed his two fingers down on the elastic waist of the briefs and they followed the course of his bottom and almost slapped into place below the two curvy mound snow exposed. It would seem even the elastic needed a rest. The view was mesmerising. The room disappeared. The date. The situation. All he could see was the boy's most beautiful bum on display. He pressed his palms against the cheeks and rubbed them. They were firm and elastic. When he jiggled them they wobbled slightly. He liked seeing them move of their own accord. He ran his finger down between the two cheeks and parted them, just to see them slap firmly closed again. He had no idea what it looked like between those welcoming buttocks but he was determined to find out. He stood behind the boy pressing against his back and looked down to the boy's crotch. It was possible to see half his still cock, the other half encased by the material of the boy's undies. The hair that was there was light orange like a sun rise. He could see two nice balls as well, two quite productive balls at that, pushing out the pouch of his little briefs. Brendan leaned over and kissed the lobe of the boy's ear, then took it in his mouth fully. He started sucking on it while rubbing Paddy's lovely bottom. It was seriously affecting the boy because he was pressing back against the man's hand and breathing rather quickly, moaning slightly. Obviously one of the boy's erogenous zones which he'd make a note of mentally. He often thought I would be so much better if men could just give a map of their erogenous zones before they had sex as it would cut out a lot of trial and error. The harder Brendan sucked on the boy's ear lobe the less control he had over himself. Suddenly the young teen pulled away to the right to dislodge Brendan's vacuum of a mouth. "Oh My God! Oh that was too much!!" He looked straight into the man's eyes. He was as red as a slapped arse and , from a quick feel, was dripping boy honey at a great rate. "Enjoy that did you?" he enquired. "I've never had anyone do that to be before" Paddy replied. "It was super. Breda hit me a few times on the ear and I got a little hard." "Oh really?" Brendan was getting a bit more interested in Paddy's ears now, the manipulation of which could lead them to some interesting places. "Well pleasure and pain are closely related son. I'll teach you a few more places you might like to have played with" With that, he spanked the boy's right bum cheek, squeezed it and wobbled it up and down. Without saying anything the man lead Paddy to the black plastic armchair set against the wall. He could see one white and one rosy coloured cheek from behind. He positioned the boy to the side and bent him over the wide comfortable arm. There was something he wanted to try for ages. The boy made no protest, bent over quickly pressing his undies covered cock into the soft foam stuffing. He put his head onto the seat with both elbows to the side. He had no idea what to expect but he really liked what the man was doing and he was ever so horny, unconsciously pressing into the armchair. Whatever lava was flowing under the smooth surface of the boy was now in full flow mode pressing up for eruption. Brendan stood beside the boy looking down at those two beautiful mounds of pleasure. He really wanted those cheeks to be another of the boy's erogenous zones. He really wanted to spend a lot of time playing with them and trying more ways of stimulating the boy's sexual passions which were obviously quite well developed already. They just needed to be released and channelled. He bent over and kissed both cheeks. He could get the faint smell of soap. Carbolic soap? Seemed to be. Imagine not having normal soap and resorting to soap used for disinfecting! At least he had used soap but it wasn't very erotic smelling lie a doctor's waiting room. He'd sort that out and get Breda to give him some lavender soap. She had some quite expensive ones for her more discerning customers still above ground and Brendan wanted to breathe in that smell from the boy's skin. The boy's little briefs were still tucked under his bum, pushing it out. That was fine. It framed them nicely. Rubbing the right cheek firmly he raised his hand, bringing it down hard. Spank! Spank! He chose to land his spankings just on the nerve running through the boy's cheek. Paddy pushed out a little as he pressed harder into the arm of the chair. Brendan continued to spank the other cheek. Slap! Pause. Slap! Followed by a soft caress. Then back to the other cheek. Spank! Spank! Caress and kiss. The man waited a minute and ran his finger softly down the gap between the boy's bum cheeks. Then back up to the base of his spine. Paddy was opening his legs a bit wider and pushing out. In response to the invitation Brendan brought his fingers back down. They were able to enter the space between the cheeks a lot easier now. It would seem it was an erogenous play space after all. Brendan was getting ready to explore between the two delicious mounds the boy was presenting him with when he heard a quiet grunt and exhalation from the lad spread eagled over the arm of the chair. He had a feeling he knew what had happened. Sure enough the lad pushed himself back up exposing the mound in the front of his little briefs to the man. As expected they were soaking wet - with cum. The liquid was seeping through the white cotton briefs and dripping down onto the floor. His boy cock was still rock hard tenting his briefs and exposing his productive balls. "Sorry about that Mr McIllhatten. Sort of ......just happened" he said rather sheepishly. "Not to worry boy. Come here" Brendan sat down on the armchair and pulled the boy round so he was looking directly at the boy's soaked underwear. It was still dribbling out. The entire crotch was full. It looked delicious and very inviting. With no resistance Brendan pulled the front of the briefs over the erect cock and pushed the cooling damp material down to the boy's knees. The penis shot up and released the last of the trapped cum. It looked fantastic to the man who promptly placed his mouth over the still flowing tool and sucked it in using his experienced tongue to lick all around it and get it clean. It was his favourite activity and few of his former 'models' had ever refused his offer. He didn't want to cause distress to Paddy knowing that he had just had his orgasm so he sucked on the boy's cock very gently. It showed no sign of going down either. Paddy had his eyes closed and was obviously experiencing some sort of post orgasmic slumber. He man ran his fingers over the boy's lovely smooth balls and under them to where the entrance to the young teen's entrance would be. With one finger he found it and ran it gently over it. The lad responded by pushing his bottom out to allow entrance. Knowing this was possible Brendan felt it better to stop and give the boy a rest. Sucking his mouth firmly around the hard boy tube he sucked along it to the tip drawing out any of the cream left within it. Then he swallowed. He prompted the lad to step out of the cum saturated little white briefs and he threw them on the table. He was going to keep those. There were lots in the prop room anyway. "We'd best get started then sweetheart" said Brendan giving the boy a slap on his arse. "Go into that room and put on whatever takes your fancy and I'll take your unofficial photographs. The ones for your mother I can shoot later on" The problem was that he hadn't had his own orgasm yet and that was likely to cause him to really annoy the boy for sex until he could shoot the cream his own generous balls had been producing since last night. He'd have to get rid of this load while the boy was in the prop room. "Are you going to let me see yours Mr Brendan?" enquired the boy. He was standing there in just his tee shirt, bum sticking out, boy cock hard as a nail. "I'll tell you what. Change into a costume and you can see it when you come out. After I take the photos you can do what you like with it. Deal?" "Deal" came the toothy response. He ran for the prop room allowing Brendan to unbuckle himself and take his trousers off, unfolding them and leaving them hanging on the peg in the wall. He'd done this before but never with so much enthusiasm. Before he had time to get his equipment ready - both the photographic and his own, Paddy had bounced back out of the prop room. He stopped by the arm chair and put his hands on his hips, chest out. "What do you think of these? Aren't they just mad?" They were an old pair of pants from a sailor suit he'd picked up when McGovern's pawn shop had closed down. He couldn't remember having ever used them before today - most of his clientele preferred army gear. "And just look at this!" Paddy turned round slowly and faced the armchair. The back of the white cotton sailor suit had a flap - and that flap was now open wide filled to the brim with those two firm pink mounds of boy flesh. In fact they surrounded the boy's butt like a picture frame, squeezing in the sides and lifting them up. It was such a super view. He had never seen anything like it. He was hard anyway and dribbling pre cum from spanking such beautiful cheeks but now he had returned instantly to a solid bar of lust. He really should empty his balls. He was too full and the testosterone must be making his blood as thick as soup. It was difficult for him to concentrate or act rationally but looking at the sight in front of him he instantly decided that he could jerk off anytime but he wasn't going to have this meal presented to him every night. Wanking he could do anytime. He lunged at the boy. There was no other word to describe it. Lunged! Like a politician and a promise his reason deserted him. What Paddy lacked in brains he made up for in ignorance. "Dull as a 10 watt bulb that one" said Breda to anyone who would listen, throwing him out a few more comics she'd discovered in the back shed. But he knew he had assets and it wasn't his witty conversation although he could hold his own provided it stretched no further than footballers (the attractive ones) and superhero comics (males only). He had much admired Batman's bottom on the few occasions the artist bothered to include the interesting bits so he fancied he could try a few poses himself. He never got the opportunity or invitation before. But now he did. He'd only just reached around to widen out the flap at the back of the sailor boy trousers pointing in the man's direction when he felt too strong hand placed firmly on his shoulders pushing him in the direction of the armchair again. But this time he wasn't to be put over the arm for a spanking. The strong dark man grabbed both sides of the thin trousers and yanked them down to the boy's ankles. Paddy knew what to do and hopped out of them. "Kneel on the chair" urged Brendan firmly "and face the wall." Paddy did as instructed and quite liked not having to think about doing something. He got tired thinking for his mother as well as himself. One of the benefits of having Breda for a boss was that not being able to think much was considered an asset. She could think for all her staff. Brendan was thus relieving him of that burden too. "Right. Climb up on the chair. Put one knee on each of the arms, bend over the back and push that beautiful little bum of yours out. I think an early lunch has just arrived." Without hesitation the young teen did as instructed. It seemed such a strange position to be in - legs stretched apart, bum sticking out. He wondered what he looked like to Brendan. For a short moment there was silence as the young teenager settled into his position. It was comfortable enough. He placed his arms over the back of the chair and relaxed. The position alone was keeping him hard. Then he felt the man's hands explore his bum cheeks. They were gentle explorers. After a minute or so Paddy felt the two thumbs go up and down his crevice, slowly moving in and parting the two cheeks, closing them, and parting them further again. He could feel a rush of air each time they were opened. He wondered what his movie star was looking at. What is in there? What was worth exploring between his two plump buttocks? Unsurprisingly enough the boy had never seen a sailor's uniform before. He assumed the flap was meant to go at the back largely based on vague memories from old afternoon movies. He had them the wrong way round of course but it seemed so natural to him to have his bum sticking out like that and Brendan was hardly going to call his attention to his mistake. Brendan hardly knew his own name at this stage anyway. It was a part of the body the man had always taken an erotic liking for but rarely had any opportunity to explore or develop. Irish labourers had an aversion to excessive washing at that time if it didn't involve some sort of church activity, a wedding or a court appearance. The absence of central heating in the old farm houses, and most of his partners had been connected to farms, was a disincentive to be naked under any circumstances and many farmers had never seen their wives naked - nor expressed the least desire to either. The smell of the carbolic soap meant that the young teenager had at least anticipated sex and made an effort to be clean - even if he did smell like a doctor's waiting room, not likely to evoke deeply hidden lust. But the sight of such a splendid bottom just waiting there to be explored was too much. It was an alignment of favourable conditions. He liked that phrase. His mother found it in her daily horoscope quite often but it usually referred to a good day for buying a cashmere cardigan rather than exploring between the two perfect cheeks of a sexually precocious teenager. He pushed the two soft mounds apart with his thumbs and fell down on both knees to have a closer look at what was on offer. It had never disappointed him. The pink shading of the recently spanked bottom lead to a no man's land of white smooth skin. It was without one red hair. Totally smooth. He had never been with a red head before. Maybe they were all like this. He didn't know. His mouth was filling with saliva already in anticipation of a good feast. The rosebud in front to him was just that - a rosebud before opening. He had a flashback to when he was young and visiting an aquarium. There were sea anemones in the tanks - lovely pink circles of swaying and flowing softness with tentacles reaching out. In this case reaching out to pull in his tongue. It was rounder than he thought it should have been and a beautiful shade of bright pink. It was throbbing, getting tighter then looser. Tighter then looser. He suspected it was because the boy's cock on the other side was just so firm and throbbing that it had a knock on effect on this side. Putting out his tongue and curling it Brendan approached the object of his desire. Without warning the lad he put it right in the centre of his opening, let the saliva rush out of his mouth and started to swirl his tongue around the button of flesh. Contact! "Yikes!" he heard as the boy's bum suddenly disappeared and the man found he was holding fresh air. Bump! "Ouch!" Paddy hadn't been expecting anything. He thought he was just showing off his beautiful firm bottom for the man to play with when the most thrilling orgasmic feeling raced along his arse, connected to the tip of his dribbling cock and drew his sizeable balls into their sac. He was sure he felt some tingling in his nipples too. He'd bumped his head on the wall by withdrawing too quickly. "Sorry about that. You're not hurt are you? "said Brendan. "I couldn't resist. Will I stop?" "Are you for real? Keep going. I felt you were inside my cock there for a minute. That's a good feeling. Never felt that before. No wonder me mam has a mattress on her back if she can feel like this any time". 'Oh the romance' thought the man. "Have you ever been touched in that special place before?" "Never. Well not by anyone else, but I do put a finger up there when I'm washing myself. Maybe two. I like pushing the soap in" he said perfectly without embarrassment. "Well I think I can smell the soap anyway. We'll get you better soap than you're used to - believe me. Shall I continue?" You'd swear he was pouring wine. "What do you think?" Paddy replied as he put his chin on the back of the chair, pushed his bottom back out and, bracing himself better this time, waited for the feeling again. Responding to the positive invitation the man once again parted those gorgeous smooth cheeks and put his tongue directly on the boy's opening. There was a similar attempt at withdrawal but this time the boy restrained himself more. Brendan continued licking around and around the soft pink flesh, pushing the saliva into the entrance, then back out for more. He then used just the tip of his tongue to tickle the smooth orifice. It was obviously having the desired effect on the teenager. He was moaning as though he was in pain but of course he was in ecstasy. This was a new experience for him and his head was obviously trying to deal with it. But it was clear he wanted it to continue. Brendan wanted to give him a short break and flattening his tongue he licked from the bottom of the boy's wonderful exposed arse. Up and down. Stopping to press in a little on the pink button, then up and down again, pressing in harder and harder until he found he wasn't able to breathe fully - but the boy was pressing out in no obvious discomfort. He stopped, removed his mouth, wiped it, took a deep breath and tore back in for more. It was freely offered, why not enjoy it? He would go on as long as the boy could hold out. Putting the boy's dangling smooth productive balls in his hand he could feel the precum which was obviously pouring out of the unnaturally rigid cock. Brendan puckered up his lips, placed them over the pink entrance and sucked. That had the desired effect instantly. Paddy pushed back out, encouraging the man to suck the lad's ring with more gusto. He loved this part. He loved getting his partner beyond the erotically charged limit to the side that was almost painful from a desperate need for sexual release - or at least the overly stimulated nerves needed a break. If Brendan had a dark side, that was it; and he knew, in just a millisecond that he was going to derive an awful lot of erotic pleasure from over stimulating the teenager in front of him - over stimulating him to the point that he would be crying for Brendan to stop the licking, sucking , blowing, spanking. How far could he go really? He wanted a break now himself. Paddy was shifting from one knee to the other, trying to find some way of controlling the excessive anal stimulation he was experiencing. The boy's balls were swaying from side to side in sympathy adding to the lad's lust. Also, the copious amounts of spit was beginning to smell just that bit stale to his quite sensitive nose - that and industrial soap didn't quite do it for him. But he had a solution to that. Withdrawing from the boy's arse, and as hard as a rock himself, the well-built man walked over to the table and took out his own personal sexual stimulant. A toffee. A special toffee which he purchased from Breda and had done so since he was a boy Paddy's age. It was an Emerald toffee. He wasn't exactly sure what was in it, some coconut he suspected but it started hard and slowly dissolved into a creamy caramel softness. A bit like sex really. Taking off the wrapper he looked over at the two mounds of beautiful peachy flesh. Paddy hadn't moved an inch, except to stretch his legs open a bit wider while still balancing on the armchair. There was one long train of silk falling from the tip of his prick to the cushion of the chair. Those balls must be on overtime. "Now I want you to brace yourself a minute" said Brendan to the back of the boy's head. "Believe me, you really won't regret this. Trust me" Taking the toffee, the man placed it directly at the centre of the boy's ring. He moved it around a bit and gently milked the boy's smooth balls as if he were calming a cow down. With his thumb, he gently pushed the sweet in and out against the lad's opening. He was not unreactive and the resistance wasn't great. The toffee was no wider than the width of his finger anyway. Suddenly, and without warning, he gave the boy a hard spank on his exposed bum cheek and at the same time pushed the toffee in while he was distracted. Worked like a charm. He wasn't even sure if the boy had noticed. "Now for the fun part son" Brendan said. "Relax and enjoy. The more you relax the better it will be for both of us." Immediately Brendan bent over and with the tip of his tongue started, once again, doing circles of the boy's entrance but his time he had the added sweetness from the toffee to encourage him to lick harder and deeper. He knew his sweet wasn't far on the other side so he pressed in a little further, grabbing the boy's hips and encouraging him to press back so he could get full access with his tongue. He knew from his experience that the toffee was slowly melting from the heat inside the boy's body. Pushing harder he struck gold. "Yikes" came the shocked response of the boy as he retreated a little. Brendan had obviously hit a pleasure nerve. "Relax son and just push yourself out. We're going to great places together." And he did. The man's tongue was now licking round and round the boy's ring, going in just a little bit more with each rotation. Then he hit the payload. He could feel the toffee on the other side. What was it about sweet toffees that turned on all his lights? He could work it out but for now it was of no consequence. He wanted to be between those beautiful cheeks; wanted to lick around and around the entrance; wanted to taste the sweetness slowly dribbling out of the boy's cute little entrance. He flattened his tongue to get better access and used his two free thumbs to open him up. Paddy wasn't complaining. He was breathing very heavily and making some very high pitched sounds but he was going nowhere. Then Brendan felt the caramel touch the tip of his tongue and he knew he had arrived at the feast! Pursing his lips he pressed against the boy's pleasure hole and made a vacuum, almost using his teeth to eat away at the ring of sweetness. He was like a starving man a banquet. In many ways she was really. Starved of unfettered sexual gratification for years - always having to be polite and be the nice guy. Here, now, it was only his desire, lust and tongue at play. No concern for proprieties. He was happy in between the boy's cheeks, squeezing them, licking round and round, in and out, enjoying the delicious toffee melting onto his tongue. He had no intention of calling a halt to it, except to get more toffees, but he had become unaware that Paddy had been brought to ecstatic heights that the lad had never experienced or imagined before and couldn't control. He had been trying to move his arse from left to right to give himself some relief from the sexual excavation in his arse as Brendan's tongue ravished his hole but it was no good. "Ahh Bollox!!" he roared and clamped his arse cheeks on Brendan's tongue as he orgasmed again for the second time in less than an hour. Suddenly the man came to his senses. He'd momentarily forgotten there was a boy attached to the sweet toffee filled arse he was sucking dry until he heard a yelp and two beautiful plump cheeks trapped his tongue while the front part shot five or six spurts of thick boy cream into the armchair. Still a lot for a boy though. And what a waste! Down the back of the chair and not his throat! He stopped licking and waited for the boy to relax. He felt Paddy's cheeks softening again and ever so gently licked around the boy's arsehole, sucking up any spare treacle that may still be coming out. He thought he'd got all of the now melted toffee. It was time for a change of scenery and a break. He stood up and gently helped the boy to stand on his two feet. He'd been stretched wide for quite some time so he had to hold the boy up for a short time so he could get his balance back but he recovered quickly. And still hard! How could that be? His face was now as red as his hair. It was obvious to Brendan that he was coming down from a high of some sort. Could you get addicted to caramel toffees up your butt? He hoped so. "Ok son. Go and get cleaned up. Take a little rest in the costume room and then come on back out to me. You said you wanted to see what I have to offer and play with it. I'll be waiting for you in the armchair when you're ready." Spanking him gently on the butt the boy went into the little toilet to wash himself and cool down. Sticky bottoms were one of the hazards of toffee sex it would seem. The man lowered himself onto the chair feeling the residue of the boy's cream underneath his bum. It was cool but nice. It didn't bother him. He didn't think anything coming from his red headed boy would be anything but nice. With his tee shirt still on but the lower half naked he lay back and let his large balls drop over the side of the cushion. And they were large even on a big man. Paddy was going to have his hands full playing with them. He didn't want him to play with his engorged cock for the moment as it was ready to explode. No. He could play with his balls for the moment and feel his bum if he wanted to. It was open territory and free for the boy's exploration. He hoped the lad wouldn't be too long though. And then the heard the familiar sound of a muffled cough coming from the farm manager's office below. Matty had been in his office all the time. If he had known he would have given him the running commentary he usually did. Pity. Meanwhile, downstairs, Matthew Corrigan, a nephew of our Breda was sitting with his legs spread wide on an old armchair - a pair of the one upstairs. He had his jeans and underwear around his ankles and was recovering from a very strong orgasm. He always had powerful orgasms and sometimes passed out after them depending on how long he had been stroking it and who was stimulating him. But this time he seemed borderline. From what he could hear through the floorboards he was certain that Brendan had found his match - the match that he could never have been when he was first brought to the farm from Breda's shop when he was just 16 years old. He got on well with Brendan but realised, once he got started sexually, that one man was never going to be enough and gentle loving encounters bored him rigid. However, he made himself available and worked the land but he continued supplying his large full hurlers butt to anyone with a cock big enough to penetrate him the way he needed it. He could barely feel anyone under six inches and learned to weed them out rapidly. That was one of the good sides of hurling - apart from the ready availability of lots of fit men in their prime. A firm round butt. He started to think of his own first times with the man above.....but fell asleep.