Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 09:32:06 -0800 (PST) From: ED Subject: tanned Boy ch 8 This is a work of fiction about gay boys if you are offended by boys who love each other and have sex than leave. This work is copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved. I have one other story on Nifty called Beyond Brothers in the highschool section. This chapter is dedicated to my friends Jake and Jon his boyfriend. And to Joey a gay 13 boy who I had a small part in saving his life 10 days ago. It is my one wish to protect all you boys who are being hurt for any reason. It is my dream someday to build a ranch for gay boy who have been abused and abandoned by their families, a friend of mine shares in my dream and has a name for the ranch the "open hand ranch" a place of welcome and acceptance. Ok, enough preaching it is just Joey's story has deeply affected me. Hope you enjoy the new chapter. After Billy and I took a warm shower then we went into our bedroom with Joey. "Why did you come back?" asked Billy. "Look I don't care who you love, I know you are a great friend to me and why should the fact that you are queer make a difference. But now I am scared what is going to happen when Peter and his gang find out I squealed."answered Joey. "You heard what the officer said those boys are all in big trouble. They aren't going to be making any trouble for you or any ono else."said Eddie. The boys went down stairs to find Joey's parents sitting in the livingroom with Billy's parents and Officer Fisher. Officer Fisher had me and Billy tell the whole story of what had happened. Then he left Billy's parents thanked Joey for helping un and told them if they needed anything to let them know. Officer Fisher had assured Joey's parents that there would be extra patrols near their home until this matter was settled. Dr Bill examined both Eddie and Billy and found only scratches and bruised lips where the boys had forced both of them to suck all the dicks. We went to bed cuddled tight together, in the middle of night I (note I am going to be writing this story from a 1st person perspective from now on, I the writer am Eddie, no these things didn't happen to me) I woke up screaming from a nightmare that the boys were all raping me and Billy. I screamed so loud that both of Billy's parents came running into the room. Mary, Billy's mom held me and lay down on the bed with us Billy starting crying when he heard my nightmare so Daddy Billy lay down on his side of the bed and held him. When we woke up in the morning they were gone, Billy and I cuddled for a while then went downstairs to have breakfast. Milly gave us both hugs that almost suffocated us. While we were eating Officer Fisher came, we were still eating and had no clothes on. When he saw how we looked he told us he was so sorry for all we had been through. He told us all the boys had been picked up and we all had to appear before a judge tomorrow morning. The prosecutor want to interview us this afternoon. "Eddie, Billy I want you to know I am doing everything to put a stop to boy hurting other boys just because they are different. My little brother stuttered real bad and when he got nervous it got worse. The other kids always picked on him, one day they began to chase him to beat him up again, he was running away and not looking and ran right in front of a truck. He has been little more than a vegetable ever since then. He lives in a special school some times I think he knows me but most of the time he seems lost in his head." I looked at Officer Fisher and realized how much he loved his brother. That afternoon a lady named Barbra Foster came to see us she was from the prosecutors office. We told her I story and she said it jived with what Joey had told her. We had to be in the court at ten the next morning. The next morning we went to court with Dr Bill, Mary and Officer Fisher. As we walked into the courtroom, Peter looked over at us and drew his finger across his throat and pointed at me and Billy. I started shaking, no one else had seen what he did. The judge came it, he looked real mean and was quite old. First Billy was called to the stand and then I was. The boys lawyer asked us a lot of questions about loving each other. We had sworn to tell the truth so we did. "Now Eddie, is it true that you and Billy were in the back yard kissing and sucking each other penis'"asked the lawyer. "Yes, Sir we were doing that, we love each other and there is a fence all around the yard so Peter had to climb it to see us." I answered. "Do you think it is ok for two boy to do such perverted things" asked the lawyer. "Objection" yelled the Prosecutor. "What are you objecting to now?" asked the Judge. "Mr Phillips referred to the said sex acts as being perverted , that is both inflammatory, and prejudicial."said Barber Foster. "Overruled, the boy has admitted to doing those acts which to the whole of society know as perverted and a abomination according to the bible." said the Judge. I could see Mrs. Foster shaking her head I could tell the judge didn't like us at all. "Now Eddie would you please answer my question do you think what you and Billy do is perverted.?asked Mr. Phillips. "No sir I don't Billy and I have both lost our balls we will never grow up our penis's are as big as they will ever be. If we liked girls instead of Boys what woman would marry a man who dick was this small." I stood up and pulled down my pants and underwear and made my dick hard before anyone could stop me. " If you were a woman Judge would you marry a man with a little dick like mine.? I asked. I pulled my pants back up. "Young man I should throw you in jail for that stunt. But you made your point I guess the two of you are meant to be together." said the Judge. "No more questions." said Mr Phillips Next Joey told what had happened, then all the other boys tried to lie but the Mrs Foster got them to tell the truth. "I have heard all the evidence and although their methods were overboard I believe that the boys acted in good faith to the biblical teaching they have been taught. Even though you boys may be not perfect to do those things is an abomination. Therefore I find all of the boys guilty and sentence them to helping clean the park on next Monday. Case dismissed." said the Judge. Billy and I were crying, Peter walked by and stopped in front of us and did the throat slitting thing so everyone could see. "Next time you both will die."said Peter. Officer Fisher grabbed Peter and said, " if so much a one hair on Eddies or Billies head gets mussed I will hunt you down and not judge save you this time." I started crying and shaking, first my brother, and now Peter wanted to kill us. As we drove home I continued to cry, by the time we got home I was almost hysterical and Billy was not far from there. Dr Bill gave me a shot, and Billy some pills to help us calm down and sleep. We both sleep until the next morning. When we woke up in the morning it was already 8am, we brushed our teeth and took a shower together. We put on matching light blue briefs and went down stairs to the kitchen, where Milly almost smothered us in her big bosom. As we were eating breakfast daddy Bill and Mary came into the kitchen, and sat down at the table with me and Billy. "Well Billy and Eddie I have been busy making some calls I have talked with your parents Eddie and we have decided that the two of you are going to go to school in a place called Stonehurst Preparatory School it is located in Stoneglenhurst VA. That is about five hours from here, it is a special school for boys who have special needs. There are other homosexual boys there as well as boys who have been injured or maimed in some way. Dave Fasten a man who I went to medical school with is on their board of directors. He went there as a boy himself. You will be safe there, no one will care if you are homosexuals or not." "Can I call my parents?" I asked. "Sure Eddie no problem." "Hi Daddy, this is Eddie." "Hi my little Eddie, I hear you are having a hard time there, we talked with Dr Bill and have it all arranged for you and Billy to go to school at Stonehurst. Eddie do you want to come home, I will try and make Sonny leave you alone if you do.?" said my dad. Just then in the back round I heard my brother yell "I hear they hate fagots there, to bad those boys didn't kill the two of you. But if you come back fagot I will make sure you die." "SHUT YOU BASTARD" daddy shouted at my brother Sonny "Daddy isn't it bad enough Billy and I lost our balls why do people hate us and want to kill us too?" I cried into the phone. "My little Eddie, I just don't know why idiots like your brother have to be so cruel. This school where you, and Billy are going is a safe place there are other boys like you who go there and are boyfriends and there is no problem." "FUCKING QUEERS KILL THEM ALL" screamed my brother, than the phone dropped and I heard a couple of umps. "Eddie, this is mom how are you babe?" I talked with my mom for a while and then to all my sisters. I was still crying. I had been standing by the phone in the livingroom with Dr Bill sitting in his big chair. When I started crying he picked me up and held me in his arms. I hung up the phone and buried my face in his chest. He held me and ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me. At last I stopped crying and look up at Dr Bill he had tears in his eyes too. We walked back into the kitchen where Billy was sitting with his mom, Billy rushed to me and wrapped my in his arms. We went upstairs to get dressed, and found Milly packing all of our clothes. Mary came and helped Milly we got to take some books and pictures of our families. At ten that morning we got in Dr Bill's big Buick station wagon, and began the five hour drive to Stonehurst. We stopped for lunch so we didn't get to Stonehurst until almost 4pm that afternoon. We had been driving on a road with nothing but trees for quite a while the last town had been left behind miles ago. "We are almost there, it should be just a few more miles up this road."said Daddy Bill. "Are you sure there is a school out here dad, all I see are trees."said Billy. "Ha, ha, yes Billy there is a school out here." answered Daddy Bill. Just then we saw a sign for the school and as we came around a bend in the road we saw the entrance to the school. Dr. Bill pulled into the school and stopped at the gate. A man in a uniform came out of the gatehouse and asked, "are you bringing in a new student, if so please give me his name so I can check on my list?" asked the guard. "Yes, I have William Sherman, and Edward Ashtree, they are both fourteen and going into ninth grade."answered Dr Bill. "Ok, Mr, is it Sherman or Ashtree?"asked the guard. "I am Dr. William Sherman and this is my wife Mary."answered Dr Bill. "Well, it you drive straight and take the first right hand turn, you will be at the administration building where you can check the boys in."said the guard. We drove up to the admin building and got out, just inside the building were several large tables set up. Dr Bill started talking with the people, he signed some papers and picked up others. Billy and I just stood with Mary watching all the other people. There were three other sets of parents with their sons. We had been assigned to Pinehurst lodge as our dorm. There were three dorms, one for the boys who were 10,11,12, which was called Oakhurst. Our dorm for boys 13,14,15 called Pinehurst, and the dorm for the boys 16,17,18 was called Maplehurst. Each dorm had places for 200 boys. Since we were 14 we were on the second floor of Pinehurst in the A wing. We carried our suitcases up the stairs and walked into the A wing. There was a older boy there. "Hi my name is Eric Chambers, I am a senior here and I will be the prefect for you on this wing. My room is number five and if you need anything let me know. Just give me your names and I will show you to your room." "I'm Eddie Ashtree, and this is Billy Sherman" I said. "Ok you are in room three right across from the bathroom." said Eric. "There are four rooms all alike an my room, and of course the day room." said Eric as he pointed out the day room to us. We followed Eric into the room, there were four twin beds in the room, two at each end. In between were four desks and dressers. Between the two beds was a door that had a closet for us to hang up clothes and store things. Billy and I looked at each other, both wondering which bed we were going to sleep in because there was no way we were sleeping alone. We had just begun to unpack when another boy walked in. It looked like he had artificial legs. "Hi I am Billy and this is Eddie, what is your name?" asked Billy. "I am Jon Yorke, I am from Iowa, where are you two from" asked Jon? "I am from Vermont but I live with Billy's family in Philadelphia Pennsylvania now." I answered. We shook hands and then we all unpacked with the help of our parents. Just before we got done the door opened and a boy walked into the room. "Hi, I am Jake Card, who are you guys?" said Jake. ( author note Jon is 5'6" tall he has brown hair and blue green eyes. Jake is 5' 5" inches tall he has sandy blond hair with blues.) We all introduced ourselves. Jake shook Billy and my hand first and then Jon's I was watching them and noticed that their shake lasted a little longer than was normal. They were still holding hands and began talking about where they Shortly after that all the parents said their goodbys and left. We were chatting and putting away our stuff. Billy and I decided to sleep in the bed by the widow so we used the other bed like a table. Billy had brought his record player with him and put on a Beatles album. Pretty soon all four of us were in the middle of the floor pretending to be the beatles. Eric poked his head into the room and said, "every one in the day room in five minutes for introduction and we are off to supper." We finished up and went out into the day room. There were 12 other boys on A wing they all seemed nice. We started following Eric to the cafeteria, I noticed that two boy who's name were James and David were holding hands. I poked Billy and we took each others hand, and walked to the cafeteria. Jake was walking with Jon and noticed that Eddie and Billy were holding hands. Oh my god that is so cool he thought, I wonder if Jon like boys too. He sure is cute but when he sees me he, even if he likes boy he may not like me. Jon saw Eddie and Billy start holding hands, oh wow that is so cool he thought. I wonder if Jake likes boys like I do? But when he sees my stumps he won't want me. But he is so cute. The boys eat supper and then attended a whole school assembly. Afterwards they went back to their room. "Jon and Jake Billy and I need to tell you something, we are boyfriends and since we will be changing together you will see we don't have any balls. We both had cancer of the testicles and had to have them removed. We don't have any hair and our dicks are pretty small."I said. Jake stared at the two of us and tears rolled down his face, oh my god they are almost like me. "Ok time for me to speak, two years ago I was climbing over a gate and slipped and my balls scrotum and most of my penis was cut off. I only have a short stub left, and by the way I like boys too not girls." said Jake. "Sometime before I was 4 my legs were cut off just above the knees, And giggle, giggle I like boys too," said Jon. It was as if there was an instant bond between the four of us. We all hugged together. Then I had a idea. "I bet you are just a uptight about how you look naked as we are, how about all of us get naked and show how we look, if you agree we can touch each other not like sex but as a best friend would do." I said. Everyone agreed and we all got undressed and sat on our bed. I sat at the end then Jon, then Jake, then Billy. I reached over and touched Jon's left stump it was smooth and kind of cool. I just keep rubbing it he started to make small soft sounds. ( author note Jon is the only one of us with all his stuff, he has brown pubes and is his dick is about 3" soft and 5.5 hard). Jake started rubbing his other stump. Billy reached over and began to gently rub what was left of Jake's penis. Jon began to rub my penis and then replaced Billy's hand on Jake's penis. It wasn't long before the two of them were lost to us as they stared into each others eyes, and gently touched each other. Billy and I got up quietly and went to their side of the room, we sat and hugged and watched as two boys fell in love. Slowly Jake leaned in and kissed Jon. It was so beautiful. They kissed for a long time and Jon was leaking precum like crazy. All of a sudden we heard light out in fifteen minutes, through the door. We all put on underwear and went and brushed out teeth. Back in the room Billy and I stripped and got in the bed by the window. Jake and Jon looked at us and then they did the same. Jake turned out the light just before getting into bed with his new boyfriend Jon. There was a lot of kissing sounds coming from both sides of the room before it got quiet that night. This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Jake and Jon real life boyfriends. If you read my Beyond Brother story you know Jake is in a fight for his life with leukemia he is undergoing bone marrow transport on 2/4/05 we pray it will work. There bodies are pretty much as I described them Jake did slip and loose most everything and Jon has no legs from just above the knees. As to Jon's dick size that is pure fiction I have no idea.