Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 04:04:21 -0500 From: Subject: Alpha's Mate, Chapter 5 The Alpha's Mate Chapter 5 By: Elohim Masami Editing By: Art M. Holding Jamie in his arms as he ran through the woods, Adam looked down on the sleeping young man destined to be his mate. `Forgive me Jamie, I had no choice but to take you by force.' he though to himself. Running in his half wolf, half human form he was faster and stronger, easily out running the pack and leaving them behind, making it to the mansion before any of them. He walked to his room and opened the two wooden doors that lead to another room with no visible door. Even without a door, the room looked very ordinary. It had two large windows where you could see the garden and the back of the estate, a large king sized bed and furniture. Everything in the room was white, Walking into the room with Jamie in his arms he carefully laid him down. "Sleep my mate, no one can harm you here." Adam said as he bent down and kissed Jamie's head. Leaving the room he walked back out to the back of the estate where the pack began to gather. "My Brothers and Sisters, I thank you. For tonight, with your help, I have captured my mate. Tomorrow night we celebrate!" Adam yelled. Everyone in the pack began to howl and cheer. Smiling, he walked down to them and thanked them for their help. As the pack began to break up he walked back into his room. The scent of Jamie filled his nose and the beast within him wanted to break free and clam what was his. "No...Not yet, but soon. Soon I will claim you Jamie and you can never break free of me." Adam said with an evil smile. *** Darkness surrounded me, nothing but black was seen through my eyes. "Where am I?" Jamie said to the black void but no answer came. Then, like a star in the sky, a small light shone through, growing bigger and bigger with each second. Opening his eyes, Jamie saw that this wasn't his room or the medical room back at John Goodwin's home. He winced at the sudden jolt of pain that went through is whole body. Slowly getting out of bed, he walked to the window and looked out. `This sure as hell ain't home.' He though to himself, sitting down by the window as he continued to look out. His thoughts were of the fight they had been in and how the wolf had made the deal with him. A tear fell from his eyes as he continued to look out. `I hope they're all alright.' Jamie thought to himself. The pain of not knowing what happened to his friends and family was pulling at his heart. The view outside looked like the sun was about to come up, so there he stood looking at the horizon, waiting for the light of the sun. He watched as it came up yet it didn't bring him any comfort. The doors of the room unlocked and three men came in. "Good morning sir. Your breakfast is ready." Said one of them as three carts were pushed in. They had all sorts of fruits on one, bacon, eggs, sausage and ham on another and the last had toast, bagels, and jams and jellies. "Umm, thank you." Was all Jamie could say. As they left another man came in. He was much older than the three who came in with the food. "Good Morning Jamie, My name's Ian. I am the head of house services." He said to him. "How do you know my name?" Jamie asked. "Well I'll let my master explain that part to you, but for now I am to see to your every need. Clothes, food, or anything you wish to have, I can get for you." Ian said. Jamie looked at him dead in the eyes and said, "I would like to speak to the man who brought me here." Ian smiled. `You truly are the masters Mate.' he thought to himself. "As you wish." was all he said. Jamie watched Ian walk out of the room and turned to look at the food. He walked over and got a piece of melon and nibbled on it. Who could know so much about him and why did they want him? Jamie sat down and waited for the man to answer all his questions. A few minutes passed and a knock was heard. Jamie looked at the door, and not really knowing what else to do he said, "Come in." The doors opened and in walked someone he never though he would see again. *** Back at the Orders base, Koda was pacing back and forth. Nothing seemed to matter to him right now, except for a way to get Jamie back. He thought that with the four of them who had powers and two experienced hunters they would be OK, but look at what had happened. Jamie was kidnapped and taken to who knows where, and no one knew what to do. His grandfather and Jamie's parents were formulating plans. John, and the rest of the order were looking for solutions to find the Alpha of the pack. "Koda, don't worry. We'll find him, and I know Jamie's okay. He's a strong person." said Amber. "I hope you're right. If they do anything to hurt him, I'll kill them all." Said Koda in a dark voice. "Don't worry, my little bro' won't let some smelly shaggy wolf beat him down." Chris said. "Besides Jamie's the most stubborn guy I know. He'll kick their asses before they can touch him. They all nodded their heads and hoped that Chris was right about Jamie. `Please be safe Jamie...Please, I'll come get you. I PROMISE!' Koda thought to himself. *** Adam was in his study deep in thought, wondering if Jamie would be happy or angry with him. "Shit, he'll be more than angry with me for doing what I did." Adam said to himself. He just hoped Jamie would understand why he did it. A knock came from the wooden doors and Ian walked in. "Your guest has awakened and would like a word with you." Ian said to him. "He's awake? So soon, but I hit him with a strong knock out energy ball. He should be out for at least four more hours." Adam said back. "Your future mate seems to be very strong my lord." Ian said. Adam nodded and walked passed Ian into the hallway heading for Jamie's room. As he reached the room he wondered how Jamie would respond to him. Unlocking the door and pushing it in, Adam stepped into the room. Jamie sat by the window seat looking out onto the large grounds of the estate. When he looked at Adam his eyes grew big and his mouth hung open. "You!...What...what are you doing here?" Jamie said to him, his face still in shock. "Hello Jamie, please calm down." Adam began, and as soon as those words came out of his mouth Jamie threw an air ball at him. Dodging it, the ball hit the table in the hallway, blasting it to a pile of sticks. "How DARE you!!! I demand you let me go NOW!" Jamie yelled out. Adam was expecting an outburst but not an attack. "Jamie calm down, listen to me." Adam went on, but Jamie wouldn't let him finish. He sent another air ball at him, Adam dogged it again and this time it hit a mirror. Guards came running down the hall heading for Jamie's room. "How could you? You BASTARD!!! DAMN WOLF!!!!" Jamie sent another and another. He was sending air balls all over the place hitting anything and everything. Adam dogged all of them but some of his guards weren't so lucky, they were sent through the walls and some out of windows by Jaime's attacks. Seeing his chance to make a run for it, Jamie dashed out the open door and headed down the halls. Throwing up his shield he rammed the rest of the guards out of his way, making a break for it. He turned left and right not knowing were the exit was and finally came to the stairway. Below was a door. Jamie ran for it but just as he was about to reach it Adam landed in front of him. He formed the same green balls of energy he used to break his shield and hurled them at Jamie. The impact was hard, sending Jamie back and breaking the shield. He hit the wall hard. "Don't even think you can escape from here Jamie. I won't let that happen." Adam growled. Getting up and bracing himself against the wall, Jamie glared at Adam. "You can't keep me here, I'll bust this place apart till I get out." Jamie said back with his own growl. Adam smiled and said, "You do that and your friends and Family will die." Jamie gasped, his whole body froze, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open unable to say anything. How could this man he had just met one day ago be like this. He seemed so sweet and kind, but now this was something else. Jamie fell to his knees, his eyes filled with tears and his head hung low. "Alright, I won't try to escape." He said with a shaky voice. Soon the room filled with guards. Adam told them to escort Jaime back to his room. Watching Jaime walk away, Adam could smell the sorrow and sadness coming from his mate. The wolf in him wanted to run after him and comfort his mate, but how could he. He was the reason his mate suffered. " I'll be in my room. Tell Jaime dinner will be ready soon and I'll join him at the table." Adam said with a stern voice. He walked away to his own room. He knew what he did was cruel and unfair to his mate but he couldn't let him go back to his home, his family and especially back to that boy. *** As the guards left Jaime in his room, Ian walked in. Master Jaime, dinner will be ready in an hour. Here are some clothes for you to wear, and your bathroom is through that door over there. "How could he be the same man I met?" Jamie asked. Ian looked at the boy. His beauty was indeed breathtaking and even though Ian was straight and married with two kids, he could see why the master was completely taken by this young man. He looked into the boy's eyes seeing the sadness and sorrow in them, and he knew it wasn't easy for him to sacrifice his freedom for his friends and family. His masters mate was loyal and truly an amazing young man. "Please Master Jaime, don't be to cross with Lord Adam. He means well and all will soon be revealed." Ian said to him. "I've lost everything. How can he do this?" Jaime's voice cracked and soon he was sobbing. Ian looked down and walked out of the room, `My Lord, there has to be another way.' He thought as he made his way out and locked the door. Shaking his head, Ian walked down the hall as the maids were cleaning up the hallways. *** Walking to the window seat he sat down, hot tears rolling down from his eyes. He hoped that his family and friends were really ok. Jamie looked at the clothes Ian brought in for him to wear and shook his head. He won't be some doll for Adam to play with. He refused to go to dinner. Walking over to the bed, Jamie lay down and closed his eyes, falling back into a deep sleep and letting his body rest from all of the day's events. An hour later Jaime's door was opened and Adam walked in. "Get up." Was all Adam said. When Jamie didn't do as he was told Adam growled and yelled, "I SAID GET UP!!!" Startled, Jamie jumped out of his bed, his hands in a fist ready to fight. Calming down Jaime said, "What the hell do you want?" "Dinner is ready, I've been waiting for almost 15 minutes." Adam said. "Sorry, eat on your own, I don't want anything from you." Jamie said back with hate burning in his eyes. `Damn, why does he have to be so stubborn.' Adam thought to himself. Calming down he said, "Jamie please, you need to eat. You haven't had anything to eat for almost a day now." Jaime looked away. The way Adam spoke was sincere and kind, just like when they had first met. "No thank you, I don't feel like eating." Jamie said not looking back at him, He heard Adam growl and say, "Fine, starve." With that said, he walked out of the room leaving Jamie alone once more. Walking back to the window, Jamie looked out onto the grounds of the estate. `Where am I?' he thought to himself. Sighing, he walked into the bathroom and took a nice hot shower and combed his hair. He came back and put on the clothes Ian had left for him. A nice long-sleeved white shirt and a pair of black jeans. He changed his socks and pulled on his black boots. He walked over to the bookshelf and took out a copy of Romeo and Juliet, one of his favorite books. *** In a mansion not to far from the Blackheart estate, a shadowy figure was looking out the window. "Master Will, I have news about the wolf and the boy." A servant said. "Then by all means tell me." Will said to the young man. "It seems that the wolf is Adam Blackheart. It's the same wolf you grandfather fought long ago. The boy is Jamie Lockhart who is a descendent of James Lockhart. Our intelligence tells us that the wolf plans to make the boy his mate." Said the servant. "I see, well things are turning out to be more interesting then I thought." Will said with a toothy smile. Walking over to a young man taped to a chair he bared his fangs and bit his neck sucking out his life's blood. Relishing his meal after sucking every ounce of blood from his body, Will walked over to his bed. "What else do we know?" He asked. The wolf will present the boy as his mate tomorrow night at a gathering." The servant said. "Good, I think we should greet the happy couple. Make the arrangements for an attack on the wolves." Will said. "I want to know more about this boy. What would a strong wolf want with a human?" The servant bowed and left to get things ready. *** Waking up from a long nap, Jamie looked out the window into the night sky. He glanced at the clock on the shelf noticing that it was midnight. Walking to the door he peeked through, noticing no one was there. Walking the halls, he finally found the stairs and went down them in search of something to eat. Going from room to room, not really knowing where anything was in this damned house, Jamie grew frustrated and soon sat down on the steps. "Looking for something?" A voice said behind him. Jumping up, Jamie looked to see Jay standing on the top step. "Ummm...I was looking for the kitchen, and something to eat." Jay looked at him and said, "Follow me, and we'll get something to eat." Walking behind Jay, they came to the kitchen and Jay opened the fridge to look at what he could find for the masters mate. "Hmmm. There's some left over pasta, would you like that?" Jay asked. Jamie nodded his head and said "Sure, why don't you join me?" Jay looked at him and smiled. "Sure, I haven't had dinner yet." Pulling out a saucepan, Jay warmed up the pasta and served it for them to eat. "So what's your name anyways?" Jamie asked. "It's Jay." Jay said simply and Jamie said, "Just Jay, no last name or anything?" Jay just nodded. They talked about their likes and dislikes, and Jamie learned a little more about this man until the clock on the kitchen wall chimed. Looking at the time Jay said, "I think it's time we head to bed. You have a busy night tomorrow." "What's going on tomorrow night?" Jaime asked. Jay smiled and said, "Lord Adam has plans for the both of you. Now please, let's get you to bed." Jamie looked at him funny and didn't say anything else. Walking out of the kitchen they made their way to Jaime's room, "Good night master Jamie." Jamie smiled and said, "Please just call me Jamie. And good night Jay." Both smiled and Jaime walked into the room and went over to the bed. Laying down he let himself be taken in by the night and his dreams. *** Walking back and forth in his room, Adam was in deep thought, not knowing how Jamie would take the news of him being his mate. `I bet by now he hates me more than anything.' he thought to himself. A knock on his door distracted him. "Come in." He said. Jay walked in and bowed. "My Lord, your mate is in bed." was all Jay said. Adam nodded and sighed, "Do you think I'm going about this the wrong way Jay? He must hate me by now." Adam said to the young man. "My lord, I would not disappear so easily, He will come to know why you chose to do what you did and he will look past it." Jay said to Adam. Adam smile and nodded. "Thank you my friend. Make sure everything is ready for tomorrow. Good night Jay." "Yes my lord, Good night." With that, Jay bowed and left the room. Adam looked out his window and smiled, tomorrow he would let the pack and all the wolves know of his future mate. *** Waking up Jamie looked around. He dropped his head back down and sighed. "So it wasn't a dream." He said to himself. Getting up he saw a small cart with food on it and some clothes. He got a plate and ate some eggs, sausage and toast. Finishing, he went to the bathroom and took a shower and changed into a brown long-sleeved shirt and white jeans. He walked back into the room. He was surprised to see Jay was waiting for him. "Good Morning Master Jamie." Jay said to him, "Oh, good morning Jay and please don't use the Master thing, kind of freaks me out a little." Jay smiled and nodded. "Lord Adam said you can go out and walk around the grounds if you like." "Jeez that's so nice of him. Should I have a leash on or something?" Jaime said sarcastically. Jay only smiled and bowed. "Have a good day sir, oh, and please be ready to leave by 6." With that Jay walked out. Jamie sighed and walked out of the room and down the hall. Coming out of the house into the back yard he looked around. He saw trees, flowers, fountains, and even a small pond in the back yard. Walking around he heard someone yelling, "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRATS!!!" Looking for the sound of the voice he came to what looked like an herb garden. A big man had cornered three small kids, two boys and a girl. "Now I got you." "This time I'm going to knock the hell right out of you!" The man said raising his hand. The two boys stepped in to protect the girl. Jamie formed a wind ball and sent it straight at the man sending him through the kitchen wall. `Oops, I hope he's not dead.' Jamie thought to himself. Running to the kids he asked, "Are you alright?" The kids looked at him. "WOW!!! That was so COOL!" Said the boy with blond hair, "Yeah that was so awesome!" Said the boy with the black hair. He looked at them and smiled, "Um thanks, are you three alright?" He asked again. "Oh yea we're alright, this happens all of the time." The little girl said. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Yelled the man who was sent through the kitchen wall. `Guess he's not dead.' Jamie thought. The man shook his head and looked pissed, but as soon as he saw Jamie he bowed and said, "Forgive me sir, I didn't know it was you." Jamie nodded and said, "What happened?" "Sir these little brats have been stealing food from the kitchen again." The man said looking at the kids and sneered. "Sir, please make some food and bring it by the large tree in the yard. Come on, let's go and wait for your meal." Jaime said to the kids. The kids followed Jaime and they sat by the big tree. The man soon came with two more people with trays of food. "Go on and eat, don't be shy." The kids didn't hesitate and began to eat. Jay came out into the backyard. Walking to them he asked, "Master Jamie, may I please talk to you." Jamie nodded and walked over to him. "What is it Jay?" "Sir I don't think it's wise for you to be with those orphans. Lord Adam would not be pleased." Jay said. "Well I'm sorry to hear that, but I could care less if Adam approves or not. Jay, I need to look after them since you said they're orphans. Look at them. They're starving. I can't sit back and let that happen." Jamie said. "Jay, please get some clothes for them too, since we're going out tonight." Jaime said to him. Jay nodded and walked away. "How would you three like to go out to a little party tonight?" Jamie asked. All three of them looked at each other and then back at Jamie. They all nodded and Jaime smiled. They spent the rest of the day playing in the back yard laughing and having fun. *** Adam came home a little after 3 o'clock. Getting out of the black SUV he walked into the house and came across Jay holding some boxes. "Jay, who are those boxes for?" He asked. "They're for Jamie. He asked I bring some clothes for the kids." Jay said walking away as quickly as he could. It took sometime for the information Jay gave Adam to sink in, "JAY!" Yelled Adam and the young man stopped dead in his tracks. "What kids? And who's kids are they?" Adam asked with some anger in his voice. "Forgive me my Lord, there are three orphans, two boys and a girl. They are siblings and both their parents are dead." Answered Jay. Adam growled, "Where are they?" Was all Adam said. "They're in the backyard with your mate My Lord." Jay barely finished talking and Adam ran for the back door leading into the backyard. `(Oh boy Jaime, you're in for it now.' Jay thought to himself and ran after Adam. *** Jamie and the kids were under the large Oak tree when the doors blew open. The kids, sleeping, didn't hear it but Jaime was up and looking at what broke threw. Adam came out looking left then right. Catching sight of Jamie, he walked quickly to him. `Oh boy, here we go' Jamie thought to himself. Raising little Michelle's head up and laying it back down he walked to meet Adam half way. "What do you want?" Jamie asked, not really caring what pissed Adam off this time. Adam growled. `Okay, he never really did that before, guess he's really pissed off now.' Jaime thought to himself. "Who said you could bring these cubs to the gathering?" Adam said to Jamie. His eyes glowed a little, which made Jaime a little uneasy. Adam smelled Jaime's uneasiness but brushed it off. "No one did, but I want to bring them. Is that a problem?" Jaime asked gathering every bit of his courage. Adam pointed and yelled, THEY'RE NOT OF MY BLOOD!!! I WILL NOT HAVE SOMEONE ELSES LITTER OF PUPS!" "Will you keep your voice down?!! They're kids for god sakes. They didn't choose to become orphans or have their parents taken away." Jamie said back with a firm voice. "They are not coming with us. Is that understood?!" Adam said back firmly. "Then I'll stay with them. You can go and have a good time at your little party." Jaime turned and began to walk back to the kids. Adam grabbed Jaime's wrist and pulled him back, "We aren't finished here and you'll go, even if I have to drag you out of this house." Jamie formed a wind pressure and thrust his hand forward hitting Adam in the chest, "DO NOT ORDER ME AROUND! I AM NOT ONE OF YOUR SERVENTS OR YOUR PET. I CAN DO WHATEVER I PLEASE, SO GO TO HELL!!!" Adam was pushed back a few feet. Shocked at the sudden attack, he was taken aback with his mate's reaction. He pulled himself together and took small breaths, "Fine, bring them if you want. Be ready by 6 do you understand?" He said. "Crystal, now if that's all, leave. Jaime said back. Adam shook his head and turned to the house. Leaving Jamie, Jay, Rocky, Sam and Michelle outside. Jay walked over and said "Here are the clothes for the kids." Jaime smiled and said, "Thanks Jay. Sorry for all the trouble." "It's nothing, don't worry about it. Oh, and your clothes are in your room. Please be ready soon, its already 5. Jay said walking back into the house. Jamie smiled and turned to see that the kids were already up. "Jaime, we don't want you to get in trouble with Lord Adam." Rocky who was 8 and the oldest of the three said. "Don't you guys worry about it, we'll have fun and all you have to do is stick with me. Okay?" Jaime smiled at them. Though only knowing them a short time, Jaime felt he had a connection with these kids and he wasn't going to let anything happen to them. Picking little Michelle who was 4, up and carrying her, they made they're way into the house to get ready for the party. *** Back at the Orders base... Koda was waiting for the news of the gathering. Amy and Scott were there too. `Hang on Jaime. I'll come rescue you soon. I promise.' Koda thought to himself. The doors opened and their parents came out along with Chris and Ella. "We're going to attack the gathering and bring back Jaime. You guys coming along or what?" Said Chris walking along side his father. Koda, Scott and Amber ran to catch up with them. Along with other members of the Order they made their way to the garage and got into the cars. `Hang on Jaime, were coming for you baby.' Koda thought to himself. Driving out, a total of 10 cars left the base and headed for the Gatherings meeting place. *** Going in to the house, Jamie told two of the maids to get the kids ready for the party. Walking to his room, he went to his bathroom to find the tub had been filled and the sweet scent of bubble bath filled the air along with the smell of scented candles. Removing his clothes, he got into the tub and let his body relax, `Oh boy, here I am kidnapped by werewolves and I'm relaxing in a tub.' Jaime thought to himself as he dunked his head under the water. Getting out of the tub he wrapped a towel around his body and walked into the room. On the bed were clothes for tonight's party. Putting them on, he blew dried his hair and let it fall over his shoulders. He took the cross choker Koda gave him and put it on. Walking back into the room, he looked himself over in the full-length mirror. The white shirt and white jeans felt good and he liked the way he looked. The jeans hugged his bubble butt and every curve of his lower half. With the sleeveless white shirt with a hood he felt like a street kid again but with a bit of class. He also found a pair of white boots to go with his new outfit. Putting them on, he walked out of his room and made his way to meet the kids and the big bad wolf. Walking into the room, Adam was on the couch looking at the three kids and Jay was by his side smiling. None of them had seen him come in so he cleared his throat. Everyone turned to look at him. "Wow, you look beautiful Jamie." Sam said with a big smile. Jamie blushed a little and smiled back. He was dressed up in a nice little black tux with a red tie. Rock was in a white tux with a black tie and little Michelle was in a red dress with a black silk ribbon around her waist. "You all look very handsome." He said with a smile. Michelle said "Hey!" Jamie laughed and said "And you look very beautiful." She smiled looking up at Jamie. He looked up and Adam was just staring at him. His eyes seemed to burn with both awe and lust. Jay smiled and said, "My Lord it's time for us to go." Adam seemed to snap out of his trance and nodded his head. Walking out, Jamie and the kids followed him. The cars came and all hopped in and were on their way to the party. *** Arriving at Marcus's home they made their way to the back yard. As they made their entrance, everyone looked at them or more, they looked at Jamie. Everyone bowed as they passed, "My lord everything is ready." Marcus said to Adam. "Thank you my friend, I don't know how to repay you for this." Adam said, "My lord, please, it was my pleasure." Marcus stated. Jamie felt a little uncomfortable being surrounded by all these werewolves. Adam could feel how uneasy his mate felt. He walked over to his side and said "Don't worry, no one will harm you here." Adams arm came around Jamie and pulled him into his body. Jaime blushed a little and laid his head on Adams chest. Jay looked at them and smiled. `Looks like they're starting to like each other.' he thought to himself. "Well look's like they're coming along well enough" Serenity said. Jay looked back at her and smiled. "Yes, they seem to be." Jay said back. "My lord, forgive me, but its time to begin." Marcus said to Adam. Adam looked at him and nodded. "Come with me." Adam said to Jaime and held his hand pulling him along. They made it to the small stage and the music stopped. "Good evening and thank you all for coming. Tonight is a special night, for this night I bring you my chosen mate." Adam said. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands. Jamie was not only shocked, but completely surprised. "In two weeks our bond ceremony will take place. I hope you all can join us for that special day." Adam said to everyone. Holding Jaime's hand he lead them back to a small bench. Adam looked at Jamie, who's head was bowed down. "Jamie are you alright?" Adam asked not sure why his mate wouldn't look him in the eye. "I'm your mate? That's why you did all this?" Jamie asked. His body began to shake and tremble, "Jamie please, I had no choice. You're my mate, I had to make you mine" Adam said taking hold of Jamie trying to calm him down. Pushing Adam away, he got up and walked away. *** `DAMN THAT MUTT, HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO ME.' Jamie was furious walking into the woods. "How could he do this to me? Can't he say something to me before he dose something like this?" Jamie said frustrated. "Master Jamie." Jay said coming up behind him. "Don't try and calm me down Jay. That...That man is so...Ug.Ugh!" Jaime threw his hands up. "Please don't be mad at Lord Adam. He doesn't know how to express how he feels." Jay said. "Fine, but why doesn't he just talk to me instead of doing something so impulsive." Jamie said back. "Please let's get back." Jay asked. Jamie nodded and they both started to walk back to the party. "Well, well. What have we here? A little lost boy and his pet wolf." A voice came from the shadows. "Who's there?" Jamie asked. Jay sniffed the air and gasped "Jamie run! Get back to the Gathering, hurry!" Jay said. "Why? What's going on?" Jamie asked "Vampires!" Was all Jay said. Three vampires came out and headed straight for Jamie. Jay pushed him out of the way and was hit by their attack. "Jay!" Jamie yelled. The three Vampires came back to attack Jay again. Jaime stepped in front of Jay and threw up his shield. The three hit it and bounced right off. "What the hell was that?!" One of the vamps asked. Jamie blew one of them up and then formed a strong wind sending the two back, "Come on Jay, let's go! Hurry." Helping Jay up, they made their way back to the party. They came out of the woods and saw everyone. "Everyone take cover we're under attack!" Jamie yelled out. As soon as he did vampires flew out of the forest and began to attack. But instead of running everyone took a fighting stance and fought back. Soon the party became a battlefield. "Aahhh!" Jamie heard a scream and turned to see a vamp going after the kids "NO!" Putting Jay down he walked to the pool. Pulling his power together he walked over the water and into the middle of the pool. His eyes began to glow blue. "Keep away from my sister!" Yelled Rocky, protecting his younger siblings. "Poor little doggy, you're going to make a nice little snack." The vamp said with a toothy grin. He was about to attack "Good-bye little wolves." As he was about to attack a water bubble formed around him and froze into a solid ball. "STAY AWAY FROM MY KIDS!" yelled Jamie. Forming water whips he began to attack the vamps, sending them flying. Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing. As soon as the last vampire was dealt with Jamie walked back to solid ground. "Jamie!" The three kids ran to his side. Falling to his knees he felt drained. "Jamie, you okay?" Little Michelle asked. "I'm fine, really I just need to rest." Jamie did his best to smile. "DIE!" a voice said. One vamp was flying straight at him. Jamie tried to throw up a shield but nothing came up, "Shit!" Jamie used his own body to shield the kids. He was waiting for the blow but nothing. He opened his eyes and saw someone's back. It was Adam, the vamp soon turned to dust. Adam turned around and said, "Are you alright?" He had sweat falling from his face. Jamie looked down and saw that Adam had a large wound on his chest. "Adam you're hurt." Jamie said. "What?... This,.. This is nothing." Soon Adam fell down... "ADAM!" Jamie yelled. To Be Continued... Authors Note: Hello Everyone. First I would like to thank you for reading this and my other stories. And thank you for sticking with it. I'm sorry for the delay on this chapter but I just got done moving and I finally got my internet hooked up so here we go. I would like to ask you guys if you want me to shorten the stories so I can post them faster or do you guys like it the way it is. I would like to hear from you. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Just Email me at Editors Note: Well I guess we know who the shadowy person was that was watching the last battle now. Another cliffhanger. I hope Adam makes a full recovery soon. Is Jaime warming up to Adam? What about Jay, is there something brewing between Jaime and him? So far only one attack has happened. Where is Jaime's family and friends? Elo, you left us with a lot of unanswered questions here. I look forward to the next chapter. My vote is for the longer chapters. Just speed them up a little... Art M. Authors List: My Stories -The Snow Prince (Fantasy) -Code Name: Shadow Cat (Interracial, Adult-Youth) -Sweets (Beginnings) -The Alpha's Mate (Fantasy) Writer M's Story -Luke's Awakening Mouudy's Stories -Alexander The Newest X-Men (Celebrity) -Charmed Sons (Celebrity) -Heir Of The Amazon (Celebrity) -The Batman (Celebrity) Blake's Story -The Next Charmed Line (Celebrity) Joey's Story -Charmed Once Again (Celebrity) P. G.'s Story -Mutation=2 0(Celebrity) Teague Story -Werewolf and Son (Fantasy) Silvenfox's Story -The Chosen (Fantasy) These are some of the authors that I love on Nifty. If you want check their stories out for yourselves.